Air Venturi HPA Compressor, 4500 PSI/310 Bar, 110V
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Long gone are the days of relying on someone else to get the air you need for your airgun fun.
The Air Venturi 4500 psi compressor is all that you need to become your own air fill source. Whether filling a PCP air gun directly, carbon fiber tank, or even a SCUBA tank, the Air Venturi Compressor can do it all. Plug the compressor into an 110V outlet and you're ready to fill airguns, paintball guns, and airsoft guns for years to come! With a built-in automatic shut-off feature that allows for adjustment of the output pressure up to 4500 psi, you can fill anything and everything air gun.
Each Compressor comes with a hose with a female quick disconnect fitting, a replacement output air filter, male to male fitting, male quick disconnect test plug, and extra seals and O-rings.
Approximate fill times:
- 90 cu-in. bottle from 0 to 3000 psi in 10 minutes
- 90 cu-in. bottle from 0 to 4500 psi in 15 minutes
- 74 cu-ft. tank from 0 to 3000 psi in 35 minutes
- 74 cu-ft. tank from 3000 to 4500 psi in 17 minutes
- 74 cu-ft. tank from 0 to 4500 psi in 52 minutes
- 88 cu-ft. scba tank from 3000 to 4500 psi in 20 minutes
Please Note: Our recommended oil for this compressor is the Air Venturi 4500 Compressor Oil, 16 oz.
Helpful resources:
- Tips for buying a pcp compressor
Air Venturi 4500 psi Electric Air Compressor
- Max fill pressure 4500 psi
- Adjustable output pressure, up to 4500 psi
- Automatic shut-off feature
- Internally water-cooled
- Digital Temperature gauge (reads in Celsius)
- Uses 110V electrical outlet
- Noise level while running is 90 dB. This is similar to a food blender in terms of real world noise.
- Weight: 76 lbs (without water and oil)
- Dimensions: 18”L x 17”W x 17”H
- For PCP airguns, Airsoft and Paintball tanks
When filling air bottles, do not leave the compressor unattended! Do not use for breathing air!
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10 of 139 Air Venturi HPA Compressor, 4500 Reviews
This is a great value!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing, it works great!
What Others Should KnowI bought one of these to replace the Benjamin Recharge (3rd one) and for the past 18 months it has been trouble free! I fill 4500 psi tanks and me 300 bar guns in short order and a lot less noise than the benjamin. This is a compressor you will be happy you got!
Excellent compressor that doesn't break the budget too much. Filled a tank from 3100psi to 4100psi in 10 minutes, Never overheated. I love it, now I have air in demand.
Things I Would Have ChangedNone
I like the fact that it will in fact fill up to 4500 psi or 300 bar and if the auto shut off is set correctly it will do so,
Things I Would Have Changedbetter packaging , meaning the shipping container nearly came apart when I placed the compressor on my hand truck to transport it to my basement.
What Others Should Knowtake your time and follow the instructions according to the manual, also I would suggest waiting 10 minutes to run the compressor after filling the oil. this gives the oil time to settle in the compressor.
I was nervous the 1st time I filled a bottle but I got real comfortable real quick. This makes my life so simple it's worth every penny.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowNever haul your bottle to get it filled again.
Easy setup. Fairly quiet. Easy to maintain
Things I Would Have ChangedWould be nice if optional casters were available. Compressor is rather heavy.
What Others Should KnowI also own the smaller portable AirVenturi compressor. Both units are of excellent quality!!
Great compressor , quiter than expected
Things I Would Have ChangedDoesnt
What Others Should KnowDoesnt come with oil, have to remove side panels to fill oil and water tanks, not a big deal , no owners -operating manual with mine.
I looked at a bunch of reviews before buying the went with Py to purchasing this compressor as they are great about their warranty & when buying anything air gun related Ill Always go with Py as they stand behind their sales of all you buy from them & so far this has been a good compressor for me it did have a minor problem the first day I got it as it just quit running but as per instructions I called Air Venture & got a nice young lady who told me she would alert Py to this & then told me to try replacing the fuse which I did & its run Perfect ever since going on a month of almost daily use. I do suggest you get an extra bottle of oil for from Py & change it 1 hour into its running it & if you can as a special maintenance I change my oil & filter every 50 hours which is just cheap maintenance for me & peace of mind but you do not have to. I keep my Air Venture 74 cu bottle filled till I need to recharge it. I think its A great compressor my self & would buy it again.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowChange your oil regularly & just have fun shooting your PCPs as you will run out of pellets before you run out of air great compressor.
This is a great compressor that works great with all my bottles. It is easy to use and works great. The oil keeps it cool along with the water in the tank. It is self contained which is great.
Things I Would Have ChangedPut a filter on the air hose.
Great compressor
Things I Would Have ChangedAdd a pmv valve
What Others Should KnowWould definitely buy again
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Sep 20, 2024
By Daniel
It will fill up a air gun
Things I Would Have ChangedRedesign in the high and low pressure valve. As if you don't use it the get dirty and I will not work on a large tank. Poor design
What Others Should KnowFor the price this is not a great air compressor. As I'm looking to replace the one I own.