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Archery Introducing Our New Archery Writer

Introducing Our New Archery Writer

Today’s post is going to be a little different, but also kinda the same. As you may have seen by now, Pyramyd AIR has added a large selection of crossbows to their website. As they enter this new category, I want to introduce to you a new writer who uses the pseudonym, The Bow Bully.

He will start frequently covering crossbow and archery topics on this blog, but he won’t replace our daily airgun blogs. I don’t know exactly how this will all work but we should be able to conduct business as usual, plus there will be a crossbow blog to read. In the beginning, that blog will publish in the afternoon a few days a week.

I hope you enjoy the little Q&A section where The Bow Bully and I answer some questions about ourselves and what we like in our respective shooting disciplines.

Stock up on Broadheads

How did you get started in shooting sports?

  • BB: My dad died when I was 9 and my mom forbid me to own a BB gun. That started my interest in shooting like a Roman candle! By the time I was 20 I was a stunt fighter in Frontier Village, a western amusement park in California. I was in college at the time but I spent all my money and free time shooting. Then I went into the Army where I was an armor (tank) officer. There I shot main battle tanks and all kinds of full-auto stuff. But I liked the single shots the best. While in Germany in the 1970s I bought a world-class 10-meter target air pistol which started a long-term love affair with target pistol shooting.
  • The Bow Bully: Like many avid sportsmen, I got my start tagging along with my dad as a kid. Range days, hunting trips, and fishing outings were just a regular part of our family’s life. Getting started at a young age certainly gave me an advantage, and now I have an even greater appreciation for the way I grew up and what I was able to experience as a child.

What’s your favorite shooting memory?

  • BB: My favorite shooting memory was when I shot a perfect 10 in a match and only scored a 6 because my CO2 target pistol ran out of gas. I learned then and there to never trust a target gun that can fail without warning.
  • The Bow Bully: A few years back, a family friend hosted a 3D shoot on their property, complete with ultra-realistic hunting scenarios across water, from a treestand, at challenging angles, and from tough terrain. It was a valuable learning exercise and fun – yet sometimes humbling – experience with loved ones.

If you were going on a hunt today, what would you bring?

  • BB: Hands-down I’d take a .457 Texan from AirForce Airguns. That rifle can take deer-sized game beyond 200 yards, though I would limit my shots to a lot closer than that.
  • The Bow Bully: That all depends on where and what I’m hunting. For spring gobbler from a ground blind, I’m reaching for the Ravin R500E. If I’m chasing whitetails from a treestand, I’m picking up a dialed-in compound.

What’s something that would convince a hunter to pick your favorite tool?

  • BB: A .457 Texan can put five 300-grain bullets into a 1.5-inch group at 100 yards! You get three good shots on a fill to 3,000 psi which should be sufficient for a hunt, though I would take extra air, just in case.
  • The Bow Bully: Maneuverability. Crossbows can feel awkward and unwieldy, especially for new shooters. A rig like the Ravin R500E with a super compact axle-to-axle footprint will be easier to manage, fit into tight spaces, and tote through the woods when running and gunning.

What’s your best tip for becoming a better shooter?

  • BB: Practice, practice, practice! When I competed in 10-meter target pistol at the national level I shot 5 dry-fire shots for every pellet I shot and I shot a 60-shot practice match with pellets every day. I was just breaking into the Expert class (545 points out of 600) when I quit competing.
  • The Bow Bully: I agree, practice. Even if you’re limited on time, a dozen shots a day will help you become a better shooter and a more ethical hunter. Keep practicing until you’re completely confident in your abilities before you head out into the field.

Well, that’s all we have today. You’ll be hearing from The Bow Bully more in the future and I’ll keep writing daily airgun blogs.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

11 thoughts on “Introducing Our New Archery Writer”

  1. Is this a leap year, did Congress undo Day Light Savings? April 8th started early today. What are 4/9 lottery numbers?
    My range has a archery range. Maybe I should check it out? They have a knife throwing range too….


  2. Welcome aboard Bow Bully!

    Like you I got into archery at a young age. In my mid-teens I started making arrows, wood self bows and crossbows.

    I went through the common progression of bows to rifles to compound bows but came back to home made wood bows. Don’t hunt much anymore but still do a lot of target shooting and use my bows for pesting.

    I always have a dozen or so staves available and make a couple of bows every year – mostly Meare Heath and Holmegaard style. …Find that there’s something alive in the power of a self bow that makes me smile every time I draw one.

    Looking forward to reading your blogs!


  3. Welcome Bow Bully!
    It will be interesting to read about archery, I have never sought information on the discipline, but you may be our new enabler! We’re listening…

  4. Never practiced archery or shot a crossbow but the bow and arrow has always been an interesting subject for FM, especially in relation to his interest in military history and weapons. The more to learn on the subject, the better!

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