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Education / Training How the Price-Point PCP (PPP) has changed the face of the airgun world

How the Price-Point PCP (PPP) has changed the face of the airgun world

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Umarex’s Gauntlet was the first PPP to be announced, but several others beat it to the marketplace.

This report covers:

  • Gauntlet dropped!
  • For Hank
  • For the manufacturers
  • What is a PPP?
  • Cost
  • Required features
  • Nice features to have
  • Caliber
  • Compressors
  • Other PCPs
  • Sig
  • AirForce Airguns
  • On and on
  • Summary

Gauntlet dropped!

When Umarex announced the new Gauntlet air rifle the savvy airgunning world was stunned. A precharged pneumatic (PCP) that was a repeater, was shrouded with an active silencer, had an adjustable trigger and stock, was accurate and came with a regulator — all for less than $300. They named it appropriately, because it was a huge gauntlet to drop on the airgun community. I’m sure this is exactly what Umarex had in mind, though the particulars of how it has and still is unfolding I’m sure have been as much of a surprise to them as they have been to others.

For Hank

This report is written for reader Vana2 (Hank) who asked me some time ago to report on the impact the price point PCP (PPP) has had on the airgun market. He was wise to ask for such a report, because the impact on the market has been even greater than I think those who started it even imagined it would be. It has literally kick-started PCP sales — taking them to a point that was never before thought possible. The rising tide that floats all boats is impacting airgun sales everywhere, and not just the guns.

For the manufacturers

Every so often I address the airgun manufacturers, and I believe today’s topic is one that applies. As you shall soon see, this trend goes way beyond just a type of airgun!

I coined the phrase price-point-PCP at this year’s SHOT Show, where I saw several new offerings from different companies. It was like the industry had a meeting and everyone decided to go in the same direction — only no meeting was held and these guys would never reveal their plans to each other. But the Gauntlet was announced in 2017, and that announcement green-lighted the drag race that ensued. Umarex ended up being just one of many to come to a party they had created.

What is a PPP?

Let’s get this out right now, because there are companies out there that are off the airgun grid — so to speak. They are selling airguns without having a clue about the business they are in. And ironically, those same airguns are capable of bringing them much greater profit than the firearms many are also selling, but they haven’t clicked to that yet. So, for those who are riding in the back of the bus, or just standing on the side of the road with their thumbs out — here are the rules.


A PPP is priced at less than $300. Go even one dollar over that number and there will be talk that you won’t care to hear. Will that ever change? Of course it will. But, when chef is serving filet mignon, it’s not the time to ask for a hamburger. Get with the program or start wearing bib overalls without a shirt, so we can tell who you are.

Required features

Sound moderation
Repeater with a single-shot capability getting extra credit

Nice features to have

Many shots
Good adjustable trigger
Fill no higher than 3,000 with 2,000 scoring extra credit
Adjustable stock

Filling above 3,000 psi is a big negative.

Anything else a designer can think of will be nice. Sling swivel anchors, M1913 rails and so on are always a plus. As long as you are spending $40,000 for the special synthetic stock mold, just add the rail — or at least design the mold with inserts so it can be added later.


Okay, this is for those who really have no clue about the airgun market. Airguns come in 4 smallbore calibers — .177, .20. .22 and .25. Today the .20 caliber is not that popular — build them and die. BUT — if you make an airgun that supports caliber swapping, by all means offer a .20. Just don’t build a gun dedicated to that caliber.

The other three calibers are a must. In the world of airguns the .177 caliber is the most popular, by far, but in the PPP line, where power is greater, the .22 and .25 are just as important. Don’t fail to offer a .177, but offer the other two as well.


Okay, set the PPP aside for now. Let’s talk the rest of the airgun industry. And, where better to begin than with the compressor? PPPs need compressed air, and the age of going to the dive shop has ended.


Ten years ago only rich kids had high pressure air compressors — the same kids who owned ponies in their youth. Back then compressors were more than $3,000, and less than reliable. The rest of us schlepped our tanks to the dive shop or paintball store and cursed the dark side. Not no more!

You plan to get a PCP, figure that at some point you will also get a way to keep it filled. You may start with a hand pump, which is where the guns that take a 2,000 psi fill come in. But if you go with 3,000 psi, you’ll probably be interested in a compressor.

Like June, cheap compressors are busting out all over! The Air Venturi Nomad II is capable of filling a rifle to 4,500 psi (not a tank) and it’s under $650. I have one — just haven’t tested it yet. The Benjamin Traveler compressor now appears to be coming out at under $700, too. I am also eagerly awaiting the chance to test the new AirForce E-Pump that has already started shipping. This one is pre-sold to many buyers, probably because it has been tested for the past 5 years and everyone knows how robust it must be. And it’s under $850!

I use my Air Venturi Compressor all the time. You may remember that I bought the one Pyramyd had been using in-house, so it had some time on it when I got it. It’s still strong and fast, and it’s just $1,300. The days of paying over $3,000 for a compressor that was not that reliable are over.

Other PCPs

Nova Vista is an airgun company based in Macau, China. They are the ones who invented the Air Venturi Seneca Aspen that I’m testing for you. I’m also testing a straight PCP called the Liberty that they make for a firearms company. This will be a feature article in Firearms News, but won’t be in this blog. That rifle is priced just $30 above the PPP limit, yet it has most of the features and quality of a Benjamin Marauder! The firearms company doesn’t seem to know what a good thing they have. Crosman should be pleased, because if Pyramyd were to carry it, the Marauder would have a serious competitor.

My point is — here is a Chinese manufacturer striking out on their own. No buyers to steer them to what people “want” means they get to play with the big boys and reap the benefits of making their own good decisions. That hasn’t happened before, but I see the era of the PPP is making it possible today.


And then there is Sig Sauer — a 500 lb. gorilla in the firearms world that decided to play the airgun game the right way — by hiring people from the industry who actually know something about airguns. The ASP20 is their first clean sheet of paper, and I know the other companies are wondering if they will play in the PPP game. When I was up touring their factory in July they said they were exploring PCPs. I sort of doubt they will play in the PPP side, because they want room to innovate and the PPP market doesn’t have a lot of room. But, boy howdy, after seeing the ASP20, is there anything they can’t do?

AirForce Airguns

Whaaaat? BB — AirForce doesn’t make a PPP.

I know they don’t, but remember that rising tide? AirForce is working overtime to build and ship their lines of sporting airguns just as fast as they can. June really is busting out all over!

On top of that, they are like a python who has swallowed a telephone pole, with regards to the RAW rifle line! By that I mean they have been going full bore all year to get the RAW rifles ready for production (they were made in batches previously) while keeping the quality at the same high level. I have been watching from the sidelines, which they generously let me do — sometimes.

On and on

I could go on and on at this point, talking about this and that. Because the whole market has awoken. You’ve got new scopes, new lookalike airguns, new big bores, new pellets, ad nauseum. And I think it was the PPP that made a lot of it happen.


The point is, the PPP has been like a spark that has kindled a fire that was just waiting to start. The airgun market is hot and it’s getting hotter all the time. And this time it isn’t politics that’s pulling the carriage — it’s new toys. That can’t be bad for anyone — I don’t care who you are. I’m glad you asked this question, Hank!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

77 thoughts on “How the Price-Point PCP (PPP) has changed the face of the airgun world”

  1. Mr. Gaylord:
    With all due respect to your wisdom, expérience and knowledge of all things air guns, I’ll believe that the whole market has not yet awoken. When can my juniors expect to be able to purchase a 3P rules complient PPP entry level competition rifle with optics? As a rifle instructor and coach, I’m still hoping that some far sighted manufacturer will see the value in developing such a PPP rifle for the juniors of today that will become the brand loyal adult shooters, compétitors, instructors and coaches of tomorrow.
    Wm. Schooley
    Rifle coach
    Venture Crew 357
    Chelsea, MI

  2. B.B.,

    The ripple started by your $100 PCP has started a tsunami engulfing everyone in the industry. They built the airguns and have also lowered the price of feeding them with air. I can’t fail to notice that the pellet makers are also getting into the game by introducing heavier pellet weights. Innovations such as the Air Venturi Seneca Aspen are laudable. Sig will probably be finalizing the tooling and production of their ASP20 before turning their sights on the PPP market. I wonder what other areas of innovation are still to come into our horizon?


    PS. Section Compressors Last sentence: Not no more! (Now no more! or Not any more!)?

  3. BB-
    It’s 10:45 Wed. nite here in Denver(post time for tomorrow hits at 10pm here) and I’m laying in bed in the hospital.Just had my second total knee replacement today and have a little time to respond early tonight.I started in airguns just about 3 1/2 years ago with a Benjamin Discovery and became hooked right away and am having the time of my life! There is so much info out there, on U Tube and in blogs like here and forums on the web, it keeps me busy with keeping up with what is coming out almost every week.For a 69 year old man it really gives a new purpose to life! It is really a great time to be an airgunner!
    Thanks for all that you share with us each day, Tom.

    • Bruce,

      I hope you will get up out of that bed today. I know the physical therapy will hurt for awhile, but grit your teeth and do more than they ask. Soon you won’t remember the pain but will walk again like you should.

      And stay nice to the nurses. Think of them as waiters who haven’t brought your food yet. 😉


      • BB- yes, I am sitting up in chair for breakfast and have been up and walking several times.When I went thru the first knee I put in the effort to work it right away and the therapists were impressed with my rapid recovery. Planning on a repeat this time.
        The light weight of some of these new PPP’S are very attractive for us “older ” shooters who still like to get out to hunt sometimes.

    • Bruce
      Important to pay attention to and stick to doing the deep knee bending and stretching I’m sure they are doing with you now.
      My ex failed to do so and can no longer squat. Noticed some people in the doc’s office that required follow up surgery for loss of ability to bend their knees much.

  4. B.B.,

    It (IS) an exciting time to be in the air gun world for sure. Even in the 4 or so short-ish years I have been here,… it is amazing. I will have to look up the Liberty. I find it odd that you have ruled it out for review here as you seem to have quite a lot of latitude in what you choose to review. At least keep us posted as to when it will review in Firearm’s News.

    Good Day to one and all,….. Chris

  5. BB
    I’m not sure if it’s the fact that I already owned an FX Indy that I immediately recognized the exceptionally price brake through with the onboard air pump PCP rifle from Nova Vista. Shal we call them multi pump MP/PCP’s or what?
    It had to be too good to be true and I wanted one before someone woke up to that fact but reviews including yours put that line of thought to rest and it is entirely possible to make it at that price. At least in China anyway and it may represent a break through in manufacturing quality for them too.

    I can’t understand how P/A let others have first lick at this one and why it took so long to get their hands on it. I thought it had to be some exclusivity contract but obviously not.

    Up till now I held back using some regular PCP’s because of the hand pump fill ups but that will soon change with these new lower priced reliable and parts supported compressors.
    It just keeps getting better.
    Bob M

  6. BB
    Boy you aren’t kidding about the Liberty PCP. A side lever operation and removable adjustable sights for $30. more. Looks like the same set up as the Nova Freedom only with a nice looking wood stock and tank without the hand pump. Looks like an ambi stock comb but not adjustable. Probably shoots the same too.

  7. B.B.

    Be careful what you wish for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The way Corporate America works, soon we will have a rash of takeovers and Private Equity absorbing ALL the profitable airgun makers. Eventually there will be only 3 left standing. This will lead to further cost cutting and inferior products. Look how “wonderful” the Chinese Beeman break barrels are, LOL.
    Then will come further regulation from ATF and others. Just the beginning of the end.

    Say it ain’t so, Joe.


  8. BB,

    We can hope that Pyramyd AIR will take a look at the Liberty and bring it on board. Of course they may not just because it is direct competition with the Marauder and I am sure they sell a lot of those. They seem to have a pretty good thing going there with Crosman and that would most definitely rock the boat not only with the Marauder, but with the Fortitude, Maximus and Discovery.

    • From what I heard through the grapevine, Air Venturi discussed bringing the Liberty in like they are doing with the Aspen but chose not to. They have something else in the works that should be just as good if not better. I believe PA is waiting on that.

      I did test a Liberty, and was very impressed with the results. Seems like a winner, but sounds like the PPP market will be expanding further soon….might be worth waiting until the dust settles.

  9. Thank you for the blog B.B.!!

    I am sure that us airgunners are in for a treat – its is going to be very interesting to see what new products will be available in the next couple of years!


  10. First time post!!! At one time in my six month experience with air guns (lifetime of firearms), I believed my next step from spring guns would be PCP…and the PPP category was the logical first step. Not any more. After long consideration regarding all the expensive peripherals, and the general hassle involved with airing up a PCP, I decided to stay with spring guns. I followed Tom’s and others’ lead to progress to what I consider the best in the world, an Air Arms TX200…a good decision for me.

    It may be that I’ll change my mind up the road, and the PPP range would probably be practical for me, but I tellya what…I’m having a heckuva good time with spring guns, they suit my need for just plain fun with minimal monkey motion!!!

    That said, I’m glad that the PPP market is expanding, and I hope that air guns keep getting made by folks with passion and pride!!!

  11. Off topic but I thought people might be interested…

    We had an old friend drop by yesterday. Bucky is a 2 1/2 year old, 200 plus pound whitetail that I have known since he was a fawn.

    Like people, individual deer can be recognized by their features, blood-line traits (physical features, markings, color, etc) and their personalities are distinctive.

    I know this buck well, he still trusts me enough to approach to within 10 yards (used to be 10 feet) but he is very cautious of anybody else – a jogger passed on the road 150 feet away and he warned me of the danger with a snort and dashed off into the bush.

    I went in and grabbed my camera and called Bucky back, at my “all clear and safe” signal he replied in same and came over. I talked to him while I took a couple of pictures, one of which is attached. He is about 35 feet from me and you can see that while he is listening to me he is totally relaxed.

    When you live in a swamp you get to know lots of critters 🙂 Thought I would share a picture…


    • Hank,

      He is a gorgeous buck. Do you put any feed out for the deer? I started early this fall putting some corn out in the back yard. It sure didn’t take the deer long to find it 🙂 At first I put out the whole 40# – 50# bag but then realized they would eat the whole bag in two days! I will skip a day or two and then put out a bit more and they always come in for it. Somehow they know it’s there. I have been rationing it now so I only put a 1/2 of a small bucket out at a time. We had a doe and her twin fawns here in the early summer. They are still coming and the fawns have now gotten almost as large as she. We have had as many as six deer in the back yard eating. It’s great fun to watch them. We also have two bucks that have come, but only a few times. They seem to be a lot more cautious. One is a four-point and the other is a big guy, maybe 10-point.
      Here is a picture my grand-daughter took with her phone through the screen room. The resolution is not very good and it was dark so it’s not the best picture. He is comparable to your Bucky I believe.


      • Geo,

        Bucky is a 10-point with a nice rack and there is a fork-horn (fawn from last year) that hangs around all the time as well. There are a couple of real bruisers here but they only come out at night – one has 4″ tracks and a rack that well beyond his ears rump in width, I have one of his last-years’ sheds in the garage.

        We usually have a resident doe, her fawns and often an “aunt” – one of the doe fawns from the previous year that stays around all summer. In late summer when the fawns are old enough it is quite common to have other family groups show up. Many are does that we have known from previous years and they are comfortable being close by. Early fall brings has more deer travelling together so 9-12 at a time is fairly normal for us. Extreme weather brings larger groups looking for food, shelter and safety – sometimes there will be 15 to 20 in a group.

        When I find “extra” deer bedded down on my front lawn I know something is bothering them and keep a slingshot and the .25 FX by the door – dogs get a rude welcome from the slingshot and the FX turns coyotes into fly tying material 🙂

        Extreme weather aside, I don’t feed the deer. I give each one a cup or two of corn a day when they visit showing special favoritism for “our” doe when she is nursing or for late-born fawns who need all the help they can get to build body-mass to survive the winter.

        I always make sure that I spread the food around – small piles 15 feet apart to avoid any “arguments”

        Always like seeing the deer around.


  12. BB,
    I heard a similar comment last weekend from an automotive expert. He said that a manufacturer will sell twice as many cars of a specific model if it can be priced at $35,000 instead of $40,000. I guess we build these artificial barriers in our minds that we do not like to cross.

    Something you did not address is the affect that PPPs and cheaper compressors are having on the prices of CO2 guns and springers. I have seen the prices of used quality springers drop by about 25% in the last couple of years. CO2 guns are hard to sell these days at all, except maybe in your action pistol market. I talked with a gentleman a day or two ago that was wanting help selling off an airgun collection. The gentleman has not kept current with prices of used guns and expected his guns to be worth a lot more than they are.

    David Enoch

    • Mr. Enoch:
      I’m the first to admit that I don’t know much about CO2 rifles. But I thought I’d heard there’s a growing trend of using high pressure air conversions for CO2 rifles. If this is correct, and I’m not asserting that it is, would this effect the secondary market price of CO2 guns that could be converted to HPA?
      Wm. Schooley

      • Wm,
        More CO2 rifles were converted just a few years ago than are now. The conversion itself will cost as much, or close to as much as some of the PPPs. A regulated bottle is usually over $100 and add in some fittings and you are 2/3s of the way to a PPP and you still don’t have a regulator. I have a friend that had a business converting RWS 850s to PCP but the demand has fallen to the point where he has quit doing it.
        David Enoch

  13. I’m very favourably impressed with the Nova Vista LIberty so far. They have concentrated their efforts and materials on the key things. While it’s marginaly outside the $3 bill range retail the feature set cannot be touched till 2x to 3x depending on what features you like. Is it perfect? No, stock is Marauder like swollen, feel of trigger isn’t Marauder clean. Side lever is more Hatsan feel than Evanix/FX in car door slam solid. Here’s the thing, it crushes the Maruader’s tube with light weight alloy and 300 bar fill. 300 Bar fill as a No-Go is taken right off the table with the regulator. With the advent of under $300 compressors, over 200 Bar fills are far more accesible than ever.

  14. “The point is, the PPP has been like a spark that has kindled a fire that was just waiting to start. The airgun market is hot and it’s getting hotter all the time. And this time it isn’t politics that’s pulling the carriage — it’s new toys. That can’t be bad for anyone — I don’t care who you are.”

    Hate to be a wet blanket but…..short term we benefit from these price point introductions. The Walmart syndrome is repeating itself in the airgun industry. China has entered the USA market for airguns/compressors. Long term we’re embracing the reverse engineering if not the outright theft of American technology by China.

    THE HUNDRED YEAR MARATHON by Michael Pillsbury is a must read by all Americans.

    On the brighter side of my take on today’s blog post……….I would add the following to the short list of must haves for a successful introduction of a PPP PCP:

    1-Accuracy. Hit and miss barrel design will kill everything else that is right

    2-Proprietary Fill Probes. The additional cost doesn’t make sense and no one likes them. Leave it out of your design.

    3-Owners Manual. Include one with every gun that is thorough and is written so that the USA consumers can comprehend it.

    4-Product Support. Don’t roll out your new product before you also have replacement parts available to your distributors and/or end users.

    Please forgive me. Rant over. Carry on.

    • Kevin,

      These are all good points but in truth are more applicable to higher end products than the lower end, no matter what the product. Now, in the PPP realm most actually do not meet this criteria, at least to my satisfaction. Part of that problem comes from my growing up as a long range shooter. When you are trying to hit a groundhog in the head at 500 yards, accuracy is tantamount. Without tinkering the PPP is just not going to give me what I want. Fortunately, I like to tinker.

      • RR
        That’s irrelevant.

        Don’t compare to a firearm shooting at 3000+ fps and costing much more ammo wise and gun wise. Any price point firearms out there?

        Think of a dad or mom and his daughter or son shooting in the backyard in town. The dad has all kinds of bills and kids getting sick with doctor appointment’s and needing new tires on the vehicles they drive back and forth to work. And many other scenarios you can think of.

        The ppp’s well and the cheapy compressor’s allow that dad or mom to get something for the family at a nice price and save a little more needed money for the other bills and such. And they get to exsperiance shooting a gun that shoots and feels like that higher priced gun with the same features.

        I’m not saying your wrong about growing up with the firearms. I did too. But ppp’s are kind of like back in our days of shooting with .22 rimfire. You had a gun and ammo you could afford and you had fun shooting. That’s what a ppp is.

        Am I wrong?

    • Kevin,

      No 100 years for the Middle Kingdom is in the cards
      The seeds of the End of HISTORY for that entity’s Glory Days were sown on infertile ground: towit, the One Child Program! Even if every fecund female in that sorry eMPIRE were kept permanently pregnant the demographics call for only collapse. The only possible solution open for them is CLONING or worse!
      Maybe some of the reverse engineering learned from Airguns?

      shootski’s theory.

  15. OK guys, here is the scoop.

    Hulkbery here has talked a little about his Liberty. Well, I have been given the distinct honor of having a sneak peek at BB’s review of the Nova Vista Liberty.

    Let me begin by saying, WOW! The Liberty is now at the very top of my next air rifle list! One way or another I am going to be buying one of these to reside at RidgeRunner’s Home For Wayward Airguns! No, it is not the perfect PCP air rifle as Hulkbery has pointed out, but with a little polishing here and there and a little wear in, this air rifle will be able to take on the big boys. Also, the synthetic stock version IS a PPP!

    This air rifle is about to make the PCP world stand up and take notice! If Pyramyd AIR does not start carrying the Liberty in the very near future, they are going to be missing out, big time!

  16. Price point pcp’s are here to stay.

    Once people realize how well they shoot and how easy it is to pop off 60 or so powerful regulated shots with one fill session. And how accurate and not hold sensitive they are. Then the cost compared to features you get. It would be silly if a person didn’t try them.

    The darkside/pcp’s ain’t that dark anymore. Especially with the pcp compressors jumping in with pumps that are a 1/3 of the cost of the brand name models. And they fill just as well as the higher priced (Ilk) or like kind. Easy Peasy as they say.

    Think of it this way. It’s like buying a base Camero and getting the go fast goodies a Z/28 has. So maybe that buyer could then get a hopped up base Mustang for their wife. Now hubby and wife are both happy.

    Yep Price Point Pcp’s are a good thing. There will be more.

  17. B.B.
    I like PA’s CEO, Val Gamerman’s answer when asked which is the most popular cal between 177, 22 & 25. Val Gamerman: In big box stores, it’s still .177 caliber. Their buyers (the employees responsible for buying airguns) in those categories are really behind the trends.

    Online, it’s .22 – partially due to our efforts, as .22 has more applications and we promote that on our side.


  18. “Get with the program or start wearing bib overalls without a shirt, so we can tell who you are.”

    Oh my gosh, B.B.! I really needed a good laugh today; thank you!

    But man, did that line conjure up an image…something like this. =>

  19. BB
    Noticed Pyramyd AIR started using vintage looking comic book characters in their e mail and such and for some reason it immediately reminded me of Sgt. Connie Rodd. Perhaps they should revive her or someone similar once a month with tips on maintaining and using Airguns.

    Come to think of it … a more respectable wise problem solver and all round airgun maintenance instructor on this blog named ‘ Lizzie Pelletier ‘ might turn out to be a popular character for helping Airgunners with specific problems and preventive maintenance techniques May even turn out to be a legend based on a very talented person who played a big part in promoting Airguns with her partner, BB.
    Bob M

      • BB
        I see the relevance. You are sharper then ever, or perhaps you have given the idea some thought already. I see a name contest. I was trying to keep the name more relevant to the person.
        She may even play a part in bringing more women into the sport.
        Bob M

        • Or how about Molly D Pelletier

          Perhaps I’ll submit a picture of my daughter and her paint ball team ( Stealth Possums ) in their kilts as a possible caricature 🙂 She was the only girl on the team and she has a blue belt in ninjutsu.
          I try not to get her angry !

    • Bob,

      I said it several years ago,… but it would be great if we had a talented artist/cartoonist that do a 3-4 frame “comic” like you have in the newspapers,… only have it geared to air gunning. That would be a real treat. I suppose it could be interjected within the comments,… or some other way. Just an idea.


      • I imported the Nova freedom before it was available on pyramyd air, I couldn’t wait. I like it but it had a slow leak that sounds pretty common, it seems to have stopped after a lot of silicone grease and shooting it and pumping it.
        The liberty looks similar, just without the pump so I suspect it would function the same, perhaps it’s cheaper because it’s the same rifle just without the multi pump capability.

        Also for those curious drucocu is gaulish for sinister wolf, I just read the translation for one of my favorite songs, so knew favorite word.

        • Drucocu
          Don’t know if you read my earlier entry but my Nova leaked from a loose rupture disk housing under the pump handle. Check it out with some soapy water and look for bubbles. Just tightened it a little.

  20. It is great to see a good amount of new people posting for the first time. That is awesome! 🙂 Welcome to ALL and ((please stick around)). We all have something to offer, even if it is only a new perspective on something old.

    In retrospect,… I look at old blog’s/blog comments and see names I do not recognize from 4 years ago (when I first came here),.. and wonder,.. where did they go?

    Me? I have visited other sites and have found nothing that compares. For me,… the daily blog entry is just the appetizer. The comments and the people who make them are the real meat and potatoes of what makes this blog the go-to site for me on a daily basis.


    • I’ll be around for awhile, I’ve been reading this blog since I got my Benjamin bulldog, and this is where I first learned about pcps, also I’ve yet to find another person that knows what a PCP is.
      I never get tired of explaining it to them, it’ll just be nice to talk to other people that know what I’m saying. Most of them think they’re airsoft guns, and I cannot emphasize enough to them that you don’t shoot a PCP at something you want to stay intact… or continue breathing.

      • Drucocu
        I have stated this a while back. My 49 year old daughter tells her friends that her dad “Still plays with airguns”. They have no idea what airguns have evolved into.

        At close range they can just about do anything any firearm can do. With that in mind you really don’t want someone getting their hands on a powerful one without some knowledge of what it’s capable of doing. PCPs are not toys and users need to be educated on them and required to seek them out, at least in a lot of locations.

        It’s somewhat of a secret kept from the general public to keep the spotlight and restrictive legislation from limiting our ability to use them. Times are hard for gun owners.
        You are considered to have “Moved over to the dark side ” when you graduate to a powerful PCP and there is an unwritten law that you will never use it recklessly and be responsible for initiating restrictive legislation. Especially when you know it will come right back on you.

        When you find someone interested in one you are absolutely right to educate them first and keep things safe.

  21. B.B.
    for the PPP market to really explode there needs to be a PPC (price point compressor) to be available to go with it. I have the Marauder that I fill with a hand pump and I feel that it should cost less than the gun for fill equipment. The China compressor meets the price but I want it to come with a waranty. I have had waranty work done in the past so my concern is not unfounded.

  22. Hello to everyone. I hope everyone and thier families are doing well!
    I am about to start my journey into pcps, and am purchasing an Evanix Blizzard from the administrator of Junk Yard Air-LOBOWHITEFANG. He has extensive experience with air rifles, and has replaced the original hardwood stock with a tactical stock ( but is including the original hardwood stock, 5 spare magazines, replaced the baffles, and it’s. 22 caliber.
    He’s chronyed it, and it’s doing 985fps with 18 grain pellets. I have already made a deal with him, and a payment plan-like layaway. He’s only asking $500 plus shipping ( includes a nice scope too).
    Is this a good pcp to start with-then on to big bores?

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