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Air Guns Beeman QB Chief precharged pneumatic rifle: Part 3

Beeman QB Chief precharged pneumatic rifle: Part 3

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Beeman PCP
Beeman QB Chief precharged pneumatic air rifle.

Part 1
Part 2

This report covers:

  • Accuracy day
  • The test
  • Fill
  • H&N Baracuda Match with 4.50mm heads
  • Time for the trime!
  • JSB Exact Heavy
  • Crosman Premier heavies
  • Discussion
  • Oh, no!
  • Summary

Wow! How’s that for a blog opener? Are you curious?

Ever make a huge mistake in judgement? I think I made one in Part 2, when I said this air rifle is probably not for the first-time PCP user. Read on to discover why I say that.

Accuracy day

Today is accuracy day and I want to shoot the Beeman QB Chief precharged pneumatic air rifle with both the open sight it comes with and also with a scope. Since this is the first test I decided to go with open sights at 10 meters.

The test

I shot off a sandbag rest at 10 meters. The rifle was rested directly on the bag, which you can do with precharged pneumatics (PCP), because they don’t recoil. I decided to go with 5-shot groups and to just look for that special pellet or pellets that would be worthy of a 25 yard test. Boy — what I didn’t know and was about to find out! I also went with just 5 shots because we know from Part 2 that the Chief is short on breath. Ten shots are about all you get before the velocities drop way off the power curve.


The QB Chief fills to 2,000 psi, which is good for the users of a hand pump. Because the rifle needs to be filled so often I kept my air tank next to the shooting bench and topped off after each 10 shots.

H&N Baracuda Match with 4.50mm heads

The first pellet to be tested was the H&N Baracuda Match with a 4.50mm head. I shot the first shot and was surprised to see it hit more than 2-1/2 inches above the aim point, which was a 6 o’clock hold on the bullseye below where it hit. Fortunately it landed on a different bullseye, so I just finished that group before adjusting the sights.

Time for the trime!

Yes, dear readers, the Beeman QB Chief I am testing is so accurate at 10 meters that it was time for me to drag out the trime — a silver three-cent piece from 1853. The American dime that I normally use for group size comparison is nominally 17.9mm in diameter. The trime that I am using today is 14mm in diameter.

At 10 meters five shots from the Chief with the H&N Baracuda Match pellet landed in a tight group measuring 0.274-inches between centers. That is phenomenal!

Beeman PCP Baracuda group
At 10 meters the Chief put 5 H&N Baracuda Match pellets into this group that measures 0.274-inches between centers.

What a beginning! I had to adjust the sights of course, but I hoped that I would get similar results from at least one more pellet. If I had only known!

I ran the sights down a lot and fired the first shot with the next pellet, which was the JSB Exact Beast. When it hit the target above the bull and I had used a 6 o’clock hold, I knew I had to run the sight down all the way. I also had to dial in a little right adjustment. The next 5 pellets landed in 0.269-inches. That’s right, they were tighter than the first pellets! To heck with the dime — I used just the trime from this point on.

Beeman PCP JSB Beast group
Five JSB Exact Beasts went into 0.269-inches at 10 meters.

I was starting to suspect that I had a winner on my hands and that every group would be this good. That would make this Beeman QB Chief a first-rate choice for the first-time PCP buyer. Let’s just hope!

JSB Exact Heavy

The next pellet to be tried was the 10.34-grain JSB Exact Heavy. We know this premium pellet is often the most accurate, or at least is among them, and today was no different. Five pellets went into 0.189-inches at 10 meters. That is the smallest group of the test and also constitutes a true screamer! I couldn’t believe I was shooting this well — with post-and-bead open sights

Beeman PCP JSB Heavy group
Five JSB Exact Heavy pellets are in 0.189-inches at 10 meters. This constitutes a screamer! The fact that it is also centered in the bull with no sight adjustment is nothing but a good omen.

Crosman Premier heavies

The last pellet I shot was the 10.5-grain Crosman Premier Heavy. Would they do as well as the rest? Well, five went into 0.303-inches, which is the largest group of this test. But yes — I would say they did as well as the others, or almost.

Beeman PCP Premier Heavy group
At 10 meters five Crosman Premier Heavy pellets went into this vertical group that measures 0.303-inches between centers.


Wow! I can’t remember another time an air rifle that wasn’t a 10 meter rifle got 4 groups this good. And I was so pleased that the trigger is as nice and light as it is. Of course it would be nice if it stopped moving after the release…

Oh, no!

I had promised to adjust the trigger in this report, and I completely forgot to do that. Well, here is what I will do. I will dedicate the next section of this report to just adjusting the trigger. It will be a tutorial for everyone.


I guess I now have to eat my words from the close of Part 2 where I said it wasn’t as well set-up for the general first time shooter. As long as they can live with just 10 shots per fill and the loud discharge, this is stacking up to be a brilliant starter PCP!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

98 thoughts on “Beeman QB Chief precharged pneumatic rifle: Part 3”

  1. B.B.
    At 10 shots per fill it might not be the choice for entry-level Field Target,
    but with this level of power and accuracy it looks like it would make a fine hunting rifle.
    After the trigger adjustment, it would be interesting to see the 25-yard potential.
    She looks pretty sweet so far.
    take care, thanks for another informative blog,

  2. B.B.,

    Wow on the accuracy! So they didn’t scrape the bottom of the barrel in getting parts, especially the barrel, for this rifle. The other explanation is that there is a Chinese barrel maker that has finally “gotten it” and is now producing consistently accurate barrels.


    • Siraniko,

      Wonder if the barrel maker is copying the Crosman process of pre-polishing the bore before rifling.

      Think that if they are making barrels that are CONSISTENTLY accurate it would be a major benefit to their airgun industry and great for the consumers as well.

      Like you said, maybe the have finally “gotten it” – here is hoping!


  3. All groups were at least very good. I don’t think any of my air rifles shoot such great groups with such a wide bunch of pellets. But, I have read reviews, and watched accuracy tests on Youtube videos, and they quite good on this airgun. So, I’m not too surprised that Tom is getting these fantastic results, and with open sights at that!

    • Birdmove,

      I haven’t been following the Chief on youtube so it is good to hear that they are (generally) accurate. Was thinking that B.B. might have been luck and gotten an exceptional barrel.

      Hope all is good with you! Stay safe!


  4. ” Well, here is what I will do. I will dedicate the next section of this report to just adjusting the trigger.”

    You are just teasing us. You know we are dying to see the 25 results 😉

  5. B.B.,

    Very nice. I am with Sean,… trigger adjust (and) 25 yard. Then again, you may think that there is enough to the adjusting that it warrants it’s own report. I can’t imagine that there is too much there with the rifles price point.

    I am with you on the over travel. To me, (over travel) and (pull weight) are the first 2 adjustments that should be on (all) air guns. First and/or second stage adjustments would be an next/upgraded option.

    Looking forwards the next part.

    Good Day to you and to all,….. Chris

    • Chris USA,

      Since this is a QB rifle I think it will have 1st stage travel, 2 stage weight/sear engagement and something that you don’t get on most guns, overtravel limiting. Unless I have my guns confused.


  6. BB,

    So, what does Punky think of the QB Chief?

    It sounds like Wang Po Industries just about “got it right”. It is most definitely a shooter. There is still some tinkering to be done with this to bring out it’s best, but by using the tried and true QB line they are off to a good start and there are many who are experienced with how to tune these for optimum performance. That coupled with the simplicity of this platform should indeed make for a great newbie PCP.

      • BB
        Ok see your giving us a base line on gun noise with Punky and his buddy’s.

        I knew there was a better way than all them fancy sound measuring devices. 😉

        And by no means do I mean that your kitty cats ain’t fancy. 🙂

  7. BB
    I’m kind of going with what RidgeRunner said about the QB line. My regulated HPA QB79 is a good shooter. And my Gauntlet is a very good shooter. Now the Chief.

    It’s making me wonder if someone in the ranks got smart and contracted out the barrels to a American maker like say Crosman with their new barrel making process they use on the Maximus.

    And I know it’s important to you to tell about the trigger adjusting. But I say don’t change any variables and do the 25 yard test before you adjust the trigger. Then adjust the trigger and do another 25 yard test with it scoped and the trigger adjusted.

    That way we can see what the gun does out of the box at 25 yards too. I hope you think about that more before you adjust the trigger.

  8. Oh and BB
    How about this. At 25 yards with the best pellet shoot a full shot string at 2 targets. Break it up into two 10 shot group’s.

    Let’s see if the group size is affected by the velocity change. Well not see if it’s affected but how much and can it be lived with for a plinking gun or casual shooter.

    I’m thinking there is at least 18 or so usable shots from 2000 psi down to 1000 psi. That’s what I want to see.

  9. BB,

    Another test you can perform if you have the time to play with it is to shoot some groups with the barrel clamp all the way forward and all the way back to see how it affects the groups.

    • RR,

      The set screws will mar the barrel. I did it on the Maximus and have the mar marks to show for it. No regrets,.. it did improve the already great accuracy. In hind sight, I would have put a thin barrier (cut pop can) as a buffer/barrier.

  10. Hey B.B.

    Don’t you love when we come up with tests that make more work for you? I am guilty of that – but its your fault that we are this curious 🙂

    Now, as an arm-chair airgun engineer, I can help but speculate on a new and improved “Super Chief” with 3000 psi capability and fitted with a regulator.


      • GF1,

        A shroud would be nice.

        Think that adding a regulator would be the icing on this cake. The valve is setup for 2000 psi so setting the regulator accordingly could allow higher reservoir pressures (if desired) for a higher shot count. Pump a bit to shoot a couple of shots; pump a lot, shoot more-just keep it in the “green” part of the gauge and you are good to go. No worries about varying pressures.


        • RR
          What I was getting at is if you want the super duper Chief model. The Gauntlet is basically it.

          The Gauntlet is based off the QB79. Has a regulated HPA bottle, a shrouded barrel, a repeating magazine and the same trigger. Oh and a nice synthetic stock that has a adjustable comb.

          And then on the other hand. The Chief does resemble the Fortitude because of the air tube.

          But the Gauntlet is related to the QB guns and not the Fortitude or Maximus or Discovery. And they all have a different trigger than the Chief.

          • GF1,

            I am well aware of the ancestry of the Gauntlet. I personally do not care for the looks or how much it weighs. The Fortitude is almost as light as the Maximus on which it is based. I am leaning more that way.

            • RR
              Right so what does it matter anyway. I know you. You won’t never get either one.

              But at least you said what (you) like and don’t like.

              If you get one let us know what you think about it.

              • GF1,

                I was and still am very seriously contemplating the Maximus. It is small and light enough for my grandson to learn to use and powerful and accurate enough to hold my attention.

                With the Fortitude I have the addition of the shroud, regulator and magazine. The one drawback is there are no open sights on it, however I do have my Edge which could be his first step into pellets. I do believe the Fortitude is going to be a serious contender for the Marauder market share. Being lighter and less bulky, I think the Gauntlet is going to have difficulty hanging on to it’s accolades.

                  • GF1,

                    That is where I am leaning toward myself most especially since the price is not that much more, but there is another air rifle that has my attention and it is likely going to win out, the FX Dreamline. It has all of the features of their top of the line air rifles, but is in a much more “affordable” package. It is also a tinker’s dream come true, hence the name. I can see me evicting some of the residences of RidgeRunner’s Home For Wayward Airguns to make room for it. When it hits the market this year I can see it being FX’s number one seller for quite some time to come.

                    By the way, have you received your peep sights yet? I am really curious about how the Gehrman rear aperture is working out for you. If you end up not liking it, let me know as it will fit my Edge.

                    • RR
                      I’ll have to check out that FX gun.

                      And I like the adjustable peep so much on my HW30s that I took the scope off of the FWB 300 and put the factory front sight back on it and a rear Daisy/Gamo peep.

                      But read the comments again for Part 2 of the peep sight blog. I even posted a 50 yard target from the FWB 300 with the peep sight.

                  • LOL! You are hooked now! Peep sights are awesome! Have you tried out the glowy thingy front sight yet? That should work good for hunting if it is not too large. Since you have put the front globe back on the FWB300, you may want to get you some 18mm clear front irises. A floating circle makes for a great front sight.

                    • RR
                      You should read the part 2 peep report. I had pretty much to say there. Mostly good. But something’s I don’t like about peeps verses other types of sights. Well I shouldn’t say don’t like. It’s that they good for certain types of shooting. Just like other types of sights are good for certain kind of shooting also.

                      But I will say here that the glowy sight was to big. It might be good for bigger things like ground hogs or raccoons. But not for birds. And maybe squirrel or rabbit. But that would be pushing it. It just covers up to much of what your trying to see.

                      And I will have to say I would like to try some of the clear inserts.

                      But when you get a chance read the part 2 peep report. Alot if good comments from everybody.

                • RR,

                  I saw a Streamline,… but not a Dreamline. Are you sure you got the model name right or did I overlook it? It looks a lot like an M-rod,… well mostly anyways.

                    • RR,

                      Wow,… very nice! Sort of like a Crosman Custom Shop,… only higher end,.. ehh? I like the tactical version. My M-rod is set up that way and I find it very conforming to me. I have a FAB Defense butt with adjustable comb and oversized UTG grips front and rear.

                      I am sorry, but I have forgotten what your other high end gun is. You have not shot it much as I recall,… but you said it will do 1″ @ 100 easily. How does this one fit in with that one? Why both?

                      I find myself in a bit of a funk now and looking for something new,.. casually. I am thinking of something high end and just be done with it. I like fancy, but I think that function and light weight would win out.

                      I did watch the entire 6 min. video. I was impressed. Keep us posted as you look/consider further. On the Fortitude/Maximus debate,.. I would go for the Fortitude. That is assuming that it is all the Maximus is, plus the more that it is supposed to be. One gripe on the Maximus,… the bolt is sloppy. Not crazy so,.. but more than it should be. I did a fix on it and it is just fine now. I do hope they address that on the Fortitude. There is (no excuse) for that. My 2240 bolt fits way better.

                    • Chris,

                      Well, you were saying you wanted a top shelf air rifle. With this you can set it up as a field target rifle for a match and then change it out to a bullpup to go hunting. I will likely get the “basic” and then put a short AR stock on it and make a new trigger housing to move the trigger and grip just ahead of the lever and have a semi-bullpup similar to the Brocock Compatto. I can also see putting a little shorter barrel and shroud on it to make it the same length as the air reservoir.

                      This thing is going to be awesome! I can see me seriously considering selling my HM1000X. The FX line of air rifles are second to none in accuracy. With the ability to change out calibers, this could be the only air rifle I may own besides my antiques.

                  • Chris,

                    You are thinking of my RAW HM1000X in .357. I am off until Wed. morn and plan on playing with it some. Maybe even pull out my chrony and try adjusting the regulator. I most definitely need to get a lot more trigger time in.

                    As you saw in that video for the FX Dreamline, you can swap it around for different configurations. It has three transfer port settings, an adjustable hammer spring and an adjustable regulator. You can swap out barrels, magazines and pellet probes for .177, .22, .25 and .30. You can tinker with it almost as much as an AirForce air rifle. The base model is going to hit the market at $1000. I am already thinking of a couple of additional modifications that can be done with it.

                    • RR,

                      My thinking on all of that is,… great! My thinking is also that all of those added options would not be cheap, given the FX’s prices to begin with. My thinking it is an order what you want and have it customized for you the (first) time around. Now that,.. I can (really) appreciate in a product. I do like the adjustments you listed.

                      Like I said before,… kind of like a (way) higher end Crosman Custom Shop.

                  • Chris,

                    Well, you were saying you wanted a top shelf air rifle. With this you can set it up as a field target rifle for a match and then change it out to a bullpup to go hunting. I will likely get the “basic” and then put a short AR stock on it and make a new trigger housing to move the trigger and grip just ahead of the lever and have a semi-bullpup similar to the Brocock Compatto. I can also see putting a little shorter barrel and shroud on it to make it the same length as the air reservoir. This thing is going to be awesome! I can see me seriously considering selling my HM1000X. The FX line of air rifles are second to none in accuracy. With the ability to change out calibers, this could be the only air rifle I may own besides my antiques

                    • RR,

                      True. My main point was getting a 1500$’ish rifle and then having another 1000$ in optional accessories to turn it into a Lego set. Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea, but a quality (high$) gun with options is also going to mean that those options are going to be going for a high price too. It will be interesting to see how it goes forward,.. and like I said too,… keep us posted as you proceed with your consideration’s. I am interested in going high(er) end.

                    • RR,
                      “Danger Will Robinson”!!!! You are standing on the ledge of a bottomless pit! No worries though Mate,…. I am looking over your shoulder and got your back.

                      Question is,…. do I save you?,.. or,… fall over the cliff into the abys with you?


  11. B.B.,

    Now that you have your testing menu filled by us curious readers…

    Onliest request I have is: do Punky and Dale Evans think the rifle needs a factory included moderator to make this a truly 1st time PCP owners dream? PA/QB may be listening to your blog and Punky and Da!e Evens for or future upgrade winners!


  12. B.B.,

    “0.303-inches . . . is the largest group of this test.” Heh, heh, heh. That says quite a lot right there.

    It’s too early to be sure, but might this be the most pellet-insensitive air gun you’ve tested? I would be interested in seeing a 10 shot group with the JSB Heavies and a 10 shot group with the Crosman Premium Heavies.

    Hmmm. I can picture it now: “The Premier Heavies formed a ten-shot group that measured 0.506-inches between centers, clearly not the pellet for this rifle.” ;^)


  13. Can’t wait for the scoped 25 yard results. Too bad about how loud the Chief is. I think TKO makes a unit for the Beeman QB line. That would fix it right up.

  14. BB

    Nice looking rifle and accurate at a very popular price. Hand pump friendly and just the gun to persuade me over to the dark side except for one major hurdle. A loud air rifle makes no sense at all in my location. Would a permanent muzzle silencer option be cost prohibitive for shooters wanting to keep the cats and neighbors happy?


  15. B.B.,

    That is the most pellet happy barrel I have seen. I doubt they are all like that. If it holds up at 25 yards the barrel by itself is worth the price of the air rifle.

    You may be keeping this one, but so many pellet guns so little time.


  16. I’m going to play Devil’s Advocate for a minute here. It may be a bit premature to use terms like “most pellet friendly” and even “accurate” at this stage. BB has shot 5 shot groups with a few pellets at 10 yards. He has cautioned me, when asked, to expect a 40% increase in group size just by shooting an additional 5 shots into each group and not to expect the group to expand linearly as distance increases. I have been shooting my Coyote recently to see if changing the hammer spring preload will improve accuracy. I fired 10 shot groups with 50 pellets and 33 of them grouped under .500″ at 12 yards. Many of those were well under .500″. I then shot those 33 at 27 yards, the second easiest range for me to set up on, and only 18 of those stayed under 1″ for 10 shots. Some domed pellets that shot .250″ at 12yds opened to 1.250″ at 27 yds.

    Crosman Premiers went from .270″ to .936″ to barely beat my cutoff for the next round of shooting at 50 yards. JSB Beasts went from .153″ to 1.067″ . I shot the Air Arms version of the JSB heavy and it went from .208″ to .550″ so it holds out real promise in the 50 yard test.

    My jump up and down standard for accuracy in a rifle is 1″ at 50 yards, so my cynicism is based on that figure. Everyone has his or her own ideal so this may prove to be an accurate gun to others and maybe even to me, but I’m gonna wait and see.


    • Halfstep
      That’s why I want to see that full shot string from 2000 psi down to 1000 psi on two targets at 25 yards. That will tell a big story there.

      • GF1,

        I see that the Dust Devil bb’s are in stock now. Perhaps we shall see a report soon? I am not sure what would be the best platform for testing though. B.B. will have to use what is on hand at the time.

        • Chris
          Maybe so. I don’t remember how many reports BB has done on them yet. But I’m sure he will be getting one together since they are now available.

    • half,

      1″ @ 50 yards is a good baseline in my book too. Considering I do not shoot a ton like GF1,… I have to be realistic and allow for (me) being part of the “less than ideal accuracy” equation.

      I got 5 days off and want to try the M-rod at 100 again and see if I can come close to my latest 1 1/4″ and 1 5/8″ groups. I am not holding my breath as the average has been 3″ ish. I may have just been lucky. I had thought the 33.95’s were the best, but I did that with the 25.39’s. (JSB’s) I am betting on “lucky” as past efforts have shown repeatability to be difficult and elusive.

      • Chris
        I agree, don’t hold your breath. It will cause your groups to get larger. I sugest you pause in mid exhale just long enough to squeeze the shot off.

        • Participant,

          🙂 Good advice. It is amazing what once we have learned,.. we have now forgot. Or,.. tend to forget! 😉 I will take all the advice (and reminders) that I can get. 🙂

          Just an FYI,.. I have an RAI stock, bi-pod, 6 position, front pistol grip and find that a push stance works best. Rested. For long range, I shim up the rear under the pistol grip. I use a bit of firm foam and whatever else and try to get to the point that a bit of down push on the pistol grip puts me where I need to be on cross hair/hold over.

          Very steady. Good for long range testing.

      • Chris
        One inch at 50 yards is fine by me. That’s what kill zone I choose for most of my pesting guns.

        But if a gun does better, which I do have guns that do. Well even better yet then. 🙂

  17. BB
    And while I’m thinking about it. Will the 50 yard Gauntlet test be coming soon?

    Also I got my Williams peep and Gehmann adjustable peep and adapter and the Truglo front sight for my HW30s today. So saying that. Are you going to have the 2nd report on the peeps sights coming soon? Reason is I haven’t even got the sights on the gun yet and there is some things I see. Nothing wrong just some things to report and figured I would wait till you get the next report out. Right now I got to try out some different front inserts after I get the rear peep mounted and then some sighting in and shooting.

    I know you got alot on your plate. Not trying to rush you. But was wondering what your schedule will be on the 50 yard Gauntlet test and the peep report.

      • BB
        No rush on the Gauntlet test.

        And I thought maybe you was writing the next report on the peep sights. Since it was a hot topic and still fresh on the table.

        And a question. Are you going to go deeper into the peeps with all the adjustable stuff on them.

        • GF1,

          …… “fresh on the table”,…. now there is a phrase! 😉 I agree by the way,… but I am not sure of the mass appeal of peeps. It all seems a bit “retro”. That said,.. I am (very) interested in them. There may have been huge improvements over the years that we are not aware of,… even those that used to shoot them.

          I think that we here are a discerning crowd. Of course they are of interest. Can they make a come back and give scopes a run for their money? Who knows? A re-visit may just be in order?

          • Chris
            I think you might just be surprised about peep sights with a accurate gun and out at some longer distance. From me shooting the HW30s out to 50 yards today it’s making me want to try the peeps out at a 100 yards with my Condor SS.

            And I can tell you right now the Gehmann adjustable peep is the stuff. Amazing for focus and light on the target. And I just got the basic one that only adjusts the opening. I can only imagine what can be done with the ones with light filters and color filters and that can be adjusted to your eye sight. Kind of like the ocular lens adjustment on a scope.

            And talking about this right now. Have you shot your Daisy outside with the perp sight on it?

            • Gf1,

              I do not believe that I have. I have done 41′ indoors with 499 with the Red Ryder spring and things improved drastically at that range. I should at least try a 20 or 25. (60-75 ft.)

              Good to hear that you are getting good impressions from your set up. And,… low end at that! 😉

              • Chris
                I don’t know if you can unscrew the part you look through on your peep sight. But if you had one of those adjustable ones to put on it you could try it on that gun and change it over to another gun later.

                The opening and closing adjustment makes all the difference in the world. I could focus everything up nice and sharp by just turning that adjustment. And how bright the target is. And fine tune the sharpness at different distances. Cool stuff is all I can say.

                • GF1,

                  Ok, I would like to put a globe sight on my Crosman 101 with the maximus barrel. I will remove the post sight on the barrel band. And I want to be able to have multiple inserts with different diameter circles. I already have a williams I can mount on the rear sight.

                  Have you or anyone come across a front sight that will fit the Maximus barrel O.D.?


                  • Don
                    I have not looked into that. But have thought about it with my Maximus and a peep sight now that I tryed the peep on my HW30s.

                    If I find something I will let you know.

                    • GF1,

                      I think this would work:



                      Or the muzzle end from the Crosman Challenger.


                  • Don
                    The Maximus barrel is around .435″. So that Air Venturi muzzle break wouldn’t work. It was a bigger diameter.

                    But yep if you could find something like that with the right diameter for the barrel or make sleeve that would work.

    • Shootski,

      Thank you. Saved to favorites. I only scanned it.

      Bottom line. What do you think of all of that and how do you see it pertaining to air gunning?

      I (DO) believe in it and have dabbled in it with various methods. With some success.

    • Shootski

      Thanks for posting the UK site. I just saved it to favorites. I remember when Browning brought out the “Boss”. Caused a stir for awhile but I have not kept up with it. In your opinion, are barrel tuners best suited for squeezing a slight improvement from an already accurate barrel? I’m theorizing that a barrel spraying 10 pellets into too large 2 inch groups at 25 yards may at best get a 1/4 inch improvement with optimum harmonics.


      • Decksniper,

        I would only be guessing since we are talking about a hypothetical!
        I will say this, one of the rimfire graphs shown indicated the group size was halved… So our hpothetical 2″ becomes 1″ at 25 yards???
        I’ll bet some airgunners would be happy with that improvement…if only to be able to sell it and buy a sub MOA gun!

        Some folks have made some Barrel Tuners pretty cheaply once they comprehend the concept’s finer details. Some have also built some really beautifully machined barrel enders!


  18. That was supposed to be BROWNING’S BOSS System.

    I have been working with a closet queen of mine. A unique and quite early .25 Cal. PCP/CO 2. A 9 shot repeater that B.B. actually tried to talk me out of buying! It is probably a collectors item and it has a terrible trigger…belongs on a spear gun, Lol. As a matter of fact it comes as a spear gun in one version! Now that there are resonbly priced and more reliable regulator bottles I think I have found a solution to the excessive trigger pull weight and perhaps found a way to make it a much more accurate shooter. A real TWOFER!

    Can you guess what it is?


    • Shootski,

      Come on!,…. at least give the first letter of the maker. I have a Blue Book. If no one guesses correct,… and if you do not reveal it,… I will have a go at it in the AM.

  19. Chris,
    I think it depends on the barrel thickness, weight of the round and rapidity of the acceleration of the slug. Mind you I’m not talking about the.MV only the KICK into the groove that torques the barrel enough to whip the barrel around before the round departs..
    I believe there are airguns which this applies to, just as it does to rimfire and come lately centerfire. But, I also believe there are many that don’t show any improvement because the are defective in some way that is beyond the realm of a Barrel Tuner. Other airguns jut don’t whip thr barrels because they don’t have the KICK.

    Remember this is just my informed opinion…I have done no scientific testing of my own. Not in my area of expertise so I let others show me the way. I just like to shoot interesting things!


  20. /blog/2006/01/barrel-harmonics-and-airgun-accuracy/

    B.B. has also covered the topic in other blogs for those of you that just can’t get enough!

    Just use the search function and “barrel vibration” and more!


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