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Ammo R.A.I. Adjustable AR Adapter for Crosman 2240 pistols: Part 2

R.A.I. Adjustable AR Adapter for Crosman 2240 pistols: Part 2

by Tom Gaylord, a.k.a. B.B. Pelletier

Part 1

stock extended
The UTG stock is attached to the Crosman 2240 with the adapter and extended as far as it will go.

This report addresses:

• Crosman 2240 pistol is accurate!
• Sight-in reveals a tip!
• Accuracy testing
• Summary

Today, I get to shoot the Crosman 2240 air pistol as a carbine. Thanks to the adapter from R. Arms Innovations and the adjustable UTG 6-position Mil Spec AR stock, my 2240 is now a handy carbine. Allow me to explain why that’s such a good thing.

2240 is accurate!
Many years ago, when I knew much more than I do now, I wrote an article for Shotgun News about some vintage air pistols — specifically the Crosman Mark I Target pistol and the Smith & Wesson 78G. Both vintage air pistols have superb handling and light, crisp triggers, not to mention their fine adjustable sights. I was writing about how the golden age of target air pistols had ended 30 years earlier, and I included a Crosman 2240 pistol in the article, just for comparison. You know — so people could see how far things had slipped over time. Imagine my chagrin to see the 2240 turn in the best results of the test, despite having a much cruder trigger and sights that were as simple as a door latch. I wrote the article that way, admitting my surprise that the current gun bested the two golden oldies, despite lacking all of their sophistication.

Sometimes, I think of myself as the Charlie Chaplin of writers. I’m always doing things my readers know will explode in my face, and I guess it’s funny to watch — or, in this case, read. Anyhow, the Crosman 2240 rubbed my nose in it real good that time!

We now have a chance to let the 2240 sprint like the thoroughbred that it is. The peep sight that comes on the pistol could not be used when it was a pistol; but with this adjustable stock attached, it can now come into play.

One more thing I learned in today’s test. I thought I had the stock adjusted perfectly when we began. It was set up for the Benjamin Marauder pistol that has a scope mounted on it, and what I didn’t consider when switching over to the 2240 was how far my eye would be from the peep hole. Fortunately, the UTG stock adjusted one more click in, and then the peep sight was in the right place. That’s why an adjustable shoulder stock is better than a stock of fixed length when you’re trying different air pistols like I am.

One reason you read this blog is the occasional tip you get. Well, today’s the day! The 2240 uses a standard rear sight that has a peephole on the same plate as the notch. Simply flip the plate over (you have to take it off the sight to do this), and the peep is available. It isn’t a precision target aperture, but neither is the peep sight on a Garand, M1 Carbine or M16, for that matter.

crosman 2240 rear sight
The rear sight has both a notch and a peep hole. They adjust in both directions, but the adjustments are somewhat crude. Loosen the screw and slide the plate up and down for elevation. For windage, the entire sight slides a little side-to-side.

You adjust elevation by sliding the peephole up and down — always moving in the direction you want the shot to move. There is also some sideways adjustment by sliding the whole rear sight side-to-side, but it’s not much. On my gun, it didn’t go far enough. This is where the tip comes in!

If you can’t move the rear sight, maybe you can move the front, but on the 2240 the front sight is fixed. Ahh…but the barrel isn’t fixed! So, you move the barrel instead of the front sight. Two Allen screws on the forward barrel band (one on top, the other on the bottom) are loosened, and the barrel is pushed from side to side. But there’s a catch.

Crosman 2240  barrel band
Allen screws at the top and bottom of the barrel band are loosened, and the barrel’s pushed in the direction you want the pellet to move.

While you always move a front sight in the opposite direction you want the pellet to go, when it’s the entire barrel that’s moving, that gets reversed. Move the muzzle in the direction you want the pellet to move.

It took me 6 shots to get in the bull at 12 feet, then the sights (and the barrel band) were locked down. I moved back to 10 meters and started shooting. A confirmation shot was close to the center of the bull, so the sight-in went perfectly.

Accuracy testing
The first pellet I tried was the 14.3-grain Crosman Premier. As I was shooting the group, I could see that all the pellets were hitting inside the small bullseye. But after shot 6, the hole they were making became large enough to see from 10 meters. I know that 0.84 inches for 10 shots at 10 meters doesn’t sound very good, but it looks better when you see the hole!

Crosman 2240  Premier group
Ten Premiers went into this 0.84-inch group at 10 meters. The number is large, but the group looks good.

Next, I tried some RWS Hobbys. They usually do well in guns like the 2240; and on this day, they didn’t disappoint. The first 8 went into a group that measures 0.462 inches between centers, but then the gas pressure started to drop. I could hear it happening, but I continued shooting. Shots 9 and 10 dropped below the main group, opening it to 1.043 inches. If only I’d stopped when my gut instincts told me!

Crosman 2240 Hobby group
Eight Hobbys went into the main group that measures 0.462 inches. The final 2 pellets dropped below and opened the group to 1.043 inches.

This group made me mad because I knew that my 2240 uses CO2 pretty fast. In fact, I debated shooting the second 10-shot group because sight-in and confirmation had already used up 7 shots. I knew my gun had 25 shots on full power. I guess I just tried to scrape by, and this is what happened.

So, I changed the CO2 cartridge and started again. This time, I shot JSB Exact RS pellets, that I expected to do the best of all. And I think they did. Nine of 10 shots went into 0.497 inches, and one shot strayed to the left, opening the group to 0.698 inches. I don’t actually know which of the 10 shots is off to the left because I never called it.

Crosman 2240 JSB RS group
Nine JSB Exact RS pellets went into 0.497 inches, and that one on the left opened it to 0.698 inches. It’s still the best group of this test!

The R.A.I. adapter and UTG 6-position adjustable stock were made for the Crosman 2240. I love this little air pistol, and these accessories turn it into a handy carbine. The sights are crude; but as these groups demonstrate, you don’t need target sights to do a good job.

No, I’m not going to shoot this gun at 25 yards. Sure it can do it; and yes, the groups will all be larger. With a gun like this, 10 meters seems like a comfortable distance to me.

If you enjoy the 2240, and I know there are many who do, perhaps this adapter and stock are something you should consider. If you own several Crosman air pistols and have other family members who like to shoot, I think this adapter and stock are almost required.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

37 thoughts on “R.A.I. Adjustable AR Adapter for Crosman 2240 pistols: Part 2”

  1. Hi Tom. I have recently come across the 2014 Norica catalog and noted that Norica has 3 new air rifles in .177 and .22 (Thor GRS supreme, Thor GRS and the Hawk GRS (this one has an adjustable trigger)). All are gas rams but also have a recoil absorption system (RAS). I was wondering if you are planning on doing an article on how well the RAS performs.
    Enjoy your articles.

  2. When I pulled up the blog tonight I got super excited about seeing this setup based on the 2240! I do think it looks a little lopsided though. B.B.You need some barrel out there! That’s some really good grouping for a 7″ barrelled handgun,I do realize it is considered a carbine,due to the stock attached, but think about how little work it takes to turn this gun from handgun into all but a full fledged hunting rifle with this kit,& that’s what I’m talkin’ bout!I had a 1377 back in the day which has this same sighting system and I agree that the aperture is not a viable option at arm’s length. Unfortunately it’s the gun I sold for $20 when I learned how valuable a couple of drops of Pellgun oil was. So now I’m a step behind anyone considering purchasing the RAI product showcased here. I don’t have a pistol to put it on! I assume it will also adapt to the 1377/1322/2289 and just about any other pistol that takes an end plug in the rear of the receiver, so long as the correct size initial adapter is available, or as some lucky readers, have access to equipment with which to build their own. And it’s fully adjustable! The check is in the mail! But mine’s gotta 18″ barrel in .22 and as much as I’d love to have this option to go on it, it’s have to wait for the airgun fund to come back up outta the red.Thank You B.B. for being the inspiration for this project, I’ll remember that!


    • Oouch… thought the marauder was next best to sliced this whole last year, the way you said that makes it sound that of course its much better with it, but nothing without it? Just looking for a little interpretation, your word on the stockless mrod, whether I am better off looking at the talonp as I am. I just get this feeling that the p-rod isn’t really a “woods walking” gun.

      • The reality is I will very likely never own either as I already am building a high power PCP. I have a Talon SS frame that I am building into a .25 Talon SS Carbine. I and others suggested this model to AirForce and then they brought out the Escape line. I did recommend the 22 cubic inch tank though. Maybe they will add that on for the 2015 Shot Show.

        • Glad to hear it, I do feel the talonp will really make me happy in the field and on the paper, but the rods are a good option, they’re affordable, adjustable and do look cool. The talonp is just over the top with features I look for for small gaming, .25 bangin hard, compact, and Im sure the LW barrel will satisfy in the accuracy department….. Its making me impatient dreaming about a new gun…. not uncommon I hope.

          • If you are seriously thinking of the Talon P, you might want to keep something in mind. Almost everyone who gets one, also gets the shoulder stock. Also, almost everyone gets a shroud extension with baffles because that thing is loud. Why do you think AF came out with the Escape SS? You could get it and later replace that dinky tank with a 17, 20 or 22 cubic inch tank and get more shots.

            Now if you don’t care about the noise and just want something real compact, then the Talon P is for you. You can always have a removable shroud extension for when you want to give your ears a break.

  3. If they were to make this in a PCP so I would not have to drive 30 miles to town to buy refills,I’d but this little pistol today because it is a real tack driver for the money!

    • Do you ever order? The 40 pack of powerlets is a deal for 19.99 when 5 is 5$, and pyramyd carries the 40 pack and only rarely do I see them at wallys, if I do order The 2240 at some point Im sure I’ll order a couple 40 packs too. 80 cartridges would last me about the whole summer, that’d be nice, but I know where your coming from as that is why I rarely go co2, springer by choice, save money too. That also why when I go pcp you can rest assured I’ll be pumping! Lol

      • RifledDNA,No I’m not to crazy about co2.I do have a Diana p5 magnum that’s rated for 700fps in the 177 cal.and its is a tack driver and a lot of fun more so in the summer when those nasty freaky orange spiders sting there web ever were in the woods and around the cabin.They make a nice spat sound when hit.I was more so just thinking it would up the fps.and I don’t mind pumping something as small as a pistol of this size because it couldn’t hold that much air.I am very impressed with the pattern BB got with this inexpensive pistol so I just think a PCP version in the 22 cal. would be a great little pistol for me to carry on my ATV.Buy the way,you said your next gun will be the TalonP.Try this recipe,but only if ya get a 24′ barrel.The psi at only 1900,the power wheel at 6.Shoot H-N Baracudas 31.02 grn.These will ‘in my gun’ shoot raged holes at 130 feet! they are out preforming JSB’s by just a tad bit and lots more of foot pounds. they ‘in my gun’ do not like any higher pressure then what I have told you.And the power is impressive! As i said they will shot plum threw the finder of a old 8N ford tracker at over 60 feet and that a med.power setting. the H-Ns in the 12″ barrel would only put a big dent in it but the long 24″ barrel sends um strait threw! So thought you might druel over this a bit seance you will be getting one.Ya got power and nearly hole in hole ability here.I’m going to get the 22 cal. 24″ barrel next year if BBs review goes good in the escape version.

    • Steve,
      There is at least one kit on the market which adapts this pistol to HPA.That’s what clenched the deal for me! My pistol will not remain dependent on co2 as it’s sole power source.But I’ll start there & have fun while I turn it into my go to gun.


  4. BB: I remember your article in Shotgun News about the 2240 and it reminds me of how this blog has infuenced my curoisty about airguns I passed over. Because of the blog and those articles over the past few years,I’ve bought a used Crosman Mk 11, and not one, but two 2240’s, and most recently a 2300T. The 2300T is as accurate if not more so, than my Mk2. The trigger is good as well. One of my 2240’s became a carbine with a 20″ barrel and steel breech. Will PA carry this adapter?

    • Robert,

      Now THAT is what I need someone to tell me in the “How the blog changed my life!”

      I wish PA would carry this adapter and I have told them about it several times, but I guess they don’t see the need yet. Maybe this will change their mind?


  5. Hi B.B.,
    Just to be clear, the adaptor you are referring to is the RAI002?

    I ask because there are actually two kits available for the 22xx series available at the R. Arms innovations site.

    I don’t have a 2240 yet, but it’s my birthday in a week. I think my wife plans on buying me some nice shirts. Yep. So…maybe you could talk to her.

  6. Keep meaning to ask…does anyone know a tool or method for measuring precisely the bore of a rifle?

    I saw a youtube demonstration the other day of the power of separating out pellets by diameter. Big differences within the same tin, and big differences in performance at the .001 diameter change. I think knowing my precise bore size might help me choose my next tin of pellets, so anyone know how to do this?


    • The way I’ve heard guys getting the exact measure is by making a lap, pouring lead around a grooved push stick, undersized, so it holds and pulls out, then you’ve got a 3d rep of your bore.

    • Rob,

      It’s called slugging your barrel. You can use a thick skirted pellet and manually push it through the bore with a cleaning rod. Then measure the skirt diameter with a mike or caliper. You should actually use a solid lead slug, but if you’re careful and gentle with the mike you should be able to make a flared skirt work. If you have trouble with the skirt deforming under the pressure of the mike or caliper, you might try filling the skirt with solder first.


      • What will complicate matters is having a choked barrel. If you push all the way through from the breach end you’ll be measuring the choked diameter. If the main bore is the measurement wanted, it may (with care to avoid damaging the crown) do to push a heavy pellet part-way down from the breach, fit another rod from the muzzle end, tap the rod ends to “crush” the pellet between them, then use the muzzle rod to push the “swelled” pellet back out the breach.

        Then play with micrometers/calipers (and hope for a non-odd number of grooves, as on odd grooved barrels you’d be measuring smaller than the actual groove depth)

  7. BB
    You taught me a new one today. And I can’t believe I over looked it after all these years of having these types of pistols. The peep sight option if you flip it around.

    I have a little box full of these sights and plastic breeches with the brass probes from when I change them to steel breech and put a scope on the gun. I had to go out and flip one around and look through it. All I can say is I like it!

    And BB your giving away another one of those top secret tuning tips. Rotating the band clamp side to side and tightening down. But I use it for a different purpose and that’s only if it is this type of barrel and like the Discovery’s have. Not a floating barrel like the Marauder rifle and pistol have.

    But I will use the band clamp to shift the barrel side to side to get the scope shooting correct with the barrel so the poi is correct side to side with the poa at different distances. Easier than shimming a scope ring side to side to me anyway.

  8. I have been amazed for many years by the triggers and accuracy and prices for both Crosman’s 2240 and 357-SIX. I don’t believe you can find a better deal in a new pistol than these two, all things considered. My 2250 carries a scope and Crosman’s plastic buttstock and is a joy to carry, although I have to use a slit piece of pipe insulation to bring my eye up to the scope correctly.

    When I taught my children to shoot back in the ’80s, I had three 357s, one in each barrel length, plus a 1377.

  9. I don’t have a 2240, but I do have a 357-six, and it’s a great shooter with good sights. I find I can’t use the open sights or peep sights on my 1377 and 1322 very well at all. The peep is the worst for me. And, when I attach a Crosman butt stock to the 1377, it makes the peep even worse. So, a scope is rhe only answer. But, with the plastic breeches on these guns, the Crosman mounts will allow the barrel to rotate with the weight of the scope and mounts, so you have to buy a steel breech and replace it.

    It’s time for Crosman to either sell the 1377/1322/2240 WITH the steel breech, OR, let’s make it so you can order a 1377/1322 through the very reasonable Crosman Custom Shop setup with the steel breech, barrel of your choice, some decent sights or just set up for a scope. A lot of people are modding the 1377/1322/2240, and I bet every one of them are throwing the plastic breech in the trash and installing the steel breech. I do have a CO2 Crosman carbine I ordered through the Custom Shop, but many of us like the multi-pump air guns.

    BB, sir, you are someone Crosman would listen to. Maybe you could pass this on…..?

  10. Sorry, completed off subject. I just learned about the Diana 340 N-Tec. Does any one knows if this gas ram from Diana will be available in the US? I am very interested in this rifle, since normally, this would be a much better quality than the Benji NP2. Thanks.

    • Rob,

      I talked to Herr Mayer, one of Diana’s owners, about this at this year’s SHOT Show. Naturally he wanted to export to the U.S., but he said he didn’t know at that time.

      My guess is it will come here, since we are one of the only countries where unlimited airgun power is permitted.


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