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Education / Training The American Boy Scout Remington rifle

The American Boy Scout Remington rifle

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

American Boy Scout rifle
American Boy Scout rifle.

This report covers:

• History of the American Boy Scouts
• Remington rifle chosen
• Why a bayonet?
• Features of the rifle
• How it shoots
• How was the rifle used?
• Pyramyd AIR Cup

And now for something entirely different, yet surprisingly similar.

History of the American Boy Scouts
In 1907, Lieutenant General Baden-Powell held the Brownsea Island scout camp, which is considered the start of the Boy Scouts. In February 8, 1910, American publisher W.D. Boyce founded the Boy Scouts of America, inspired by and based on the British Boy Scouts and with the blessing of Baden-Powell. The organization has grown to be a large and successful one that has touched the lives of many men in the United States.

But this report isn’t about the Boy Scouts of America. It’s about a Remington rifle that was made especially for the American Boy Scouts (officially American Boy Scout and later United States Boy Scout) — a different and very much rival organization that was founded in June 1910, partly by the publisher William Randolph Hearst. Two publishers founding two different boys’ organizations within months of one another. One grows into a large, successful organization that’s strong a century later — the other dies out within about 10 years. It makes you wonder whether the second organization was real or just done in spite.

This organization was more of a paramilitary group; and as time passed, it moved ever more in that direction. In 1916, they were involved in a fracas with the law in which it was alleged they were armed and had orders to “shoot to kill.” At who, and for what reason was not fully explained in the newspaper article. This was probably just a rumor that got out of control; but in 1912 an American Boy Scout in uniform had shot and killed a fellow scout at an official function.

Remington rifle chosen
Remington was contracted in 1912 to make a specially marked version of their No. 4 musket, a .22-caliber rolling block single-shot chambered for the short cartridge for the American Boy Scout, and that’s the rifle you see here. Besides being made in the musket-style, which meant a long stock that had a separate upper handguard like the military rifles of the time, this rifle was fitted with a bayonet! The rifle was sold in 1912 and 1913.

American Boy Scout rifle markings
American Boy Scout rifle markings. This has to be rare!

Collectors’ know that the Remington 4S musket is not a common rifle today, but one marked for the American Boy Scout, with a lug for a bayonet, is quite uncommon. There was a bayonet for this rifle listed on Ebay at $2,200 as this report was written! It was listed as being 1 of only 1,000 made. While I can’t substantiate that number, it seems very reasonable. Presumably, parents separated the bayonets from the rifles and put them aside “for safekeeping.” That means more may have survived than rifles, and also that they’ll be extremely hard to recognize and find today. There’s a similar situation with the Daisy Model 40 air rifle that also had a bayonet that was similarly separated from the gun.

American Boy Scout rifle bayonet
American Boy Scout rifle bayonet. Try to find another!

Why a bayonet?
We may wonder why a rifle that was built for target practice (.22 short cartridge and adjustable sights in 1912 suggest nothing else) would come with a bayonet. The short answer is parents were concerned that their sons would grow up to be “manly.” I’m not making this up — it’s in the history that the public school education system no longer permits to be disseminated. But a quick read of period literature will confirm it.

Features of the rifle
The rifle is a rolling block action, which means the breechblock is rolled back by the thumb to expose the chamber for loading. The hammer must first be cocked before the breech is rolled back, so this design is a very safe one. The shooter must deliberately open the breech to load and unload the rifle.

American Boy Scout rifle action open
Rear sight leaf flips up for elevation adjustments.

The rifle is 42-1/4 inches long, with a 28-1/4 inch barrel. The pull measures 13 inches on the dot. The rifle weighs 5 lbs., 4 oz., which seems light for such a long gun, but the walnut stock is very thin all around. The result is a rifle that feels wonderful in the hands and brings a smile to any rifleman’s face.

The specimen I’m examining also has a web sling that has to be fairly rare. It appears to be original to the rifle and in pretty good shape. If you look closely at the stock, you’ll see that the sling has a second keeper on the stock, so it was probably for both shooting and carrying. I say that because it would be easy to make a hasty sling with this arrangement, and that was the accepted method of the day.

American Boy Scout rifle sling
The sling has an extra keeper at the front to stiffen it for shooting.

The sights are a tapered post in front and an adjustable leaf in the rear. The rear sight sits in a cutout in the upper handguard that precludes any adjustment to the side. There isn’t any windage adjustment, other than drifting the front post sideways in its dovetail (opposite the direction you want the bullet to move). The rear leaf lifts up to provide a small but useful amount of elevation adjustment. That makes this one of the guns that was supposed to be “regulated” at the factory for left and right, which we’ve discovered almost never are.

American Boy Scout rifle rear sight
Rear sight leaf.

American Boy Scout rifle rear sight up
Rear sight leaf flips up for elevation adjustments.

The single-stage trigger breaks very crisply at exactly 4 lbs. Single-stage triggers were in vogue at this time, and 4 lbs. is a light one for a rifle. The trigger is so crisp that it would feel fine on an airgun today.

How it shoots
The owner said I could shoot his rifle for this report, so of course I did. I started out at 50 yards with both .22 short CB caps and .22 high-velocity shorts. The best I could do was about a 3-inch group for 5 shots with the high-velocity rounds. The CB caps didn’t do very well at all, and the group was centered about 12 inches low and 6 inches to the right.

I moved to the 15-yard (45-foot) range that most probably was about the distance the rifle was intended to shoot. At that distance, I got some results. Five Winchester Gallery shorts with frangible bullets (wax and lead powder pressed together into a bullet) went into 0.755 inches, and 5 Remington High-Velocity shorts made a 0.883-inch group that consists of 2 smaller groups. The Gallery ammo is 53 years old, and yet there were no misfires. That’s pretty good for rimfire ammo!

American Boy Scout rifle gallery rounds
Old Winchester Gallery rounds did well at 45 feet.

American Boy Scout rifle high velocity
Remington High-Velocity rounds grouped tight, but in 2 different places.

How was the rifle used?
In my opinion, this rifle was used for marksmanship training and for drill. The bayonet would have been used in the drills, but I think marksmanship training was the primary purpose. The .22 short caliber is what leads me to think that.

An air rifle would have been perfect for this application; but in 1912, there weren’t that many that were high enough quality to do the job. The BSA was the only one I can think of, and two things worked against it. Because it was a pellet rifle, there would have been a lot of opposition from Americans, whose only experience with airguns was at the toy level. Second, and most important, I’m pretty sure the BSA would have cost more than this Remington — and pellets were not commonly available…certainly not quality ones.

Unfortunately for this rifle, it came at a time when Lesmoke cartridges were popular. These were loaded with a mixture of black powder and smokeless powder, which by wasn’t that bad. Yes, black power residue does cause rifle barrels to rust, but not if they’re properly cleaned right away. But the priming in these cartridges was corrosive, and the gun had to be cleaned repeatedly over the period of many days to remove the corrosive salts. Shooters weren’t used to that, and most of them didn’t do it. Most smallbore barrels of that time rusted and were destroyed.

So, from an original run of possibly around 1,000 rifles, perhaps 200 survive today in shootable condition. The one in this report is in very good condition with a bright shiny bore that has lots of sharp rifling. It’s a survivor and a top-quality one, at that.

The owner of this rifle wanted me to share it with you. I was hesitant because of the potential value of the gun, but he insisted. So, today, I’ve met my obligation.

Why show a firearm in this blog instead of an airgun? Because this kind of firearm is more tied to the history of airguns in America than many people realize. The story of this gun is closely associated with the time of the birth of adult airguns, and it’s instructive to learn its history. It would be easy to replace this rifle today with a fine spring rifle that would be more accurate and cost relatively less to buy and shoot. That’s what airguns have going for them!

Pyramyd AIR Cup
A week from today, I’ll be in Ohio to participate in the first annual Pyramyd AIR Cup. Although the last day to sign up for the matches has passed, you can still come to observe the matches, shoot some of the guns Pyramyd AIR will have for anyone who wants to take some shots at the practice range, and chat with other airgunners and Pyramyd AIR employees.

Joining me at the event will be airgun hunter and writer Jim Chapman and Airgun Reporter Paul Capello. I’m shooting in the hunter field target class with an Air Arms TX200 and scope provided by Pyramyd AIR. I’m not expecting to win, but I am planning to have a lot of fun! If you haven’t made your motel reservations, get to it! All the info is on the Pyramyd AIR Cup website.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

107 thoughts on “The American Boy Scout Remington rifle”

      • B.B. Enjoyed your article in the October 20, ShotGun News, “Velocity VS Mass,which is better in Airgun Hunting” The mention of the 22-250 as an effective varmint round is interesting. Here in California it is my deer round out to 200 yards.An email pal in the south is a retired State Trooper, the SWAT team snipper, and he uses it at far distant ranges..he only takes heads shots and never misses. Missed by One (1 ) point a national championship.

        • My Dad has 2 22-250’s one with a bull barrel and the other standard. He really likes ’em although the recoil on the standard barrel version has noticeably more recoil and was the source of many complaints during sight-in.We sighted in at 100 yds and it took him 5 rounds, the first shot blew it’s knee completely off @400 yds(it was marked in the blind).I was fishing about 1000 yds away and started running before he took the first shot. I felt bad for the thing!Only 2 rounds hit. When we got to it the reason for it not running was clear but the final shot was perfectly placed,and it was business as usual. We lifted it onto the tailgate and headed for a tree to string it up on.”Where’s my Deer?” after backtracking and re lifting it I told him he’d better take it easy on the bumps or he’d be lifting it by himself next time.Field dressing went smoothly and 1 hour later we were finally at the processor with a 8 point 180# buck(big for around here)

      • Good eye! Very nice of the owner to let us see and experience(by proxy) this nostalgic piece of our country’s boyhood training and guidance programs!
        No CB low velocity rounds available? I really liked ’em in my Remington 550-1! The report was less than a high velocity springer and were accurate enough to take game @ 40+ yards.
        Thanks for sharing it!

  1. I was hoping to get to the NC show but the money was spent elsewhere and the wife has to have some testing on Monday so it not an option for this year, but hopefully next year.

    That is most definitely one fine example of our history you had the pleasure to get to review and even better shoot.


  2. BB: I enjoyed the your blog on the American Boy Scout Rifle today. At one tome I collected SS “Boy’s Rifles”, and have a Remington #4 in takedown frame ,chambered for the .22 short and long. The sights are plain open ones.I shot mine about a year ago with CCI HP .22 shorts ,and it will shoot inch groups at 25 yards. A few squirrels have fallen to HP shorts from this gun .I haven’t shot a .22 long in .22 RF in decades, in any of my .22’s . I might have a scant handful of them left here somewhere. Funny what you say about air rifles replacing these older .22’s today. Right now. mine sits right next to my open sighted 1980’s vintage Sheridan blue streak . The streak will do the same things just as well as the old Remington, and since shorts are as scarce as hen’s teeth here now,( as is any.22 RF, here behind the wall) , that is a good thing

  3. The rear leaf lifts up to provide a small but useful amount of elevation adjustment.


    To me it looks like the large screw head adjusts the basic sight (ie, the V seen with the sight down into the stock cut-out), by controlling how far down it can settle.

    Flipping the sight up appears to give one a second, long range, ladder sight (though the V is practically non-existent) which is adjusted using the smaller screw head to loosen the clamping surfaces and then sliding the cross piece up or down.

    Given the caliber, they must have been lobbing the rounds if the ladder sight were used…

    • Wulfraed,
      I’m glad you said something, I had forgotten all about that! I noticed it too, it doesn’t look very precise with that big ole wide V but it should get ya out there farther than is the usable range for .22 shorts.

      • Reb, have you ever had a rifle with Kentucky sights? I got a Whitworth .375H&H for darn near nothing a long while back. My first impression of the wide shallow V was those sights look about as accurate as a shotgun bead. That first impression was very wrong. Now that style sight is one of my favorite for hunting, the other two being peep sights or a VariXIII.

  4. Hi BB,
    I enjoyed the blog. It’s too bad that rifle wasn’t a tack driver.

    Good luck this weekend in Ohio. I am going to shoot FT in Dallas this weekend. I am not very good but it’s fun anyway.

    David Enoch

  5. What a fine and interesting piece of history. This is the type of gun that really trips my trigger. I look at pictures of these fine instruments and something deep inside of me comes alive.

    Quite a thrill to be allowed to hold a gun like this and a great honor to be granted permission to shoot it!

    Guess I’m a nut job. Maybe I need to see a shrink.


  6. My buddy in NC has a Remington #4 Rolling Block but I believe it’s not the Boy Scout rifle. When I visited him this past year, we shot this at targets at 50 yards using .22 shorts and at times, I would look at him and ask if the round had actually gone off, it was so quiet and recoil was non-existent. For several rounds, he wasn’t sure either! A neat rifle! Not anywhere in the shape the rifle pictured here is.

    Fred DPRoNJ

  7. I know this guns a piece of history but I always liked the youth type .22 rimfire guns.

    That would be a cool article to get my hands on if I could find it. Like a list of .22 rimfire guns that are single shot with a small discription by it. Kind of yesterday’s blog with the air gun Christmas list.

    I have that semi-auto Winchester 190 I got for Christmas when I was a kid. I take that gun out every once and a while in the backyard and single shot hand load the CB rounds in it. I got a red dot sight on it right now. I even shoot it in the garage with those at times.

    But there is one distinct thing that reminds me of when I was kid shooting the Winchester 190 when I shoot it now verses a air gun.

    The smell of the gun powder. I luv that smell.

    • Gunfun1 , A couple of books that will have the information you desire reading would be “Rifles a Modern Encyclopedia” by Henry Stebbins. In it there is a whole chapter devoted to kid ‘s rifles from the 50’s ,60’s .. Another is “Single Shot Rifles and Actions” by Frank de Haas. That one will explain the differences , weaknesses, and strengths of the various SS actions of the past. Both are invaluable references if you are interested in SS rifles of any kind. Both books are very available used, and inexpensive on Amazon.Many SS rifles like the remington and Stevens Favorite can still be had for reasonable money. Beat -up roached,,non -collector grade .22 RF and.32 RF Remingtons can be converted to centerfire .32 short and long ,or made into ,22 RF by use of a liner . Some with horrible barrels can be re-lined as well with materials from Brownells. As a machinist I’m confident you would have no problem doing that. Regards ,Robert

      • BTW: I used to have a Winchester 190 too. Never knew why they used that horrible bolt handle that looked like a old style lamb switch. other than that ,it was a very reliable .22 for me ,I traded mine off for something that I can’t remember now.

        • Robert
          Thanks for the info. And yes that’s funny you say that about the 190 bolt handle. But definitely a distinct feature.

          And that was my first powder burner I got for Christmas when I was a kid. Can’t never get rid of that gun. And mine is still in real good shape.

      • Reb
        I like the smell also when somebody lights a cigarette with those lighters.

        And I know you got to luv this smell. I do.

        There ain’t nothing like smelling tire smoke and nitromethane with hint of burning oil on a warm summer day at the dragstrip

        • I try not to think about that too much. I don’ know if I’ll ever have the money to build another motor. I do have an old Suzuki DR370 out back with a blown head gasket.
          I’ve been hanging on to it for 2 years Gasketman will make a copper gasket for half the price of the stock replacement which has always been an issue for Suzuki.
          But the thing’s huge and I’m a 30″ inseam so I don’t see me riding it much.
          I’d like to trade down for a KE 100 or so when I do get it breathing fire.

          • Reb
            I had a Suzuki RM 125 and a TM 400 when I was a kid. My buddy had Kawasaki’s and a KE 100 at that.

            We would trade off riding each others bikes and when you would get back on his 100 after riding my 400 it was like nothing to throw that 100 around.

            But yep them are some cool bikes.

            • Yeah, That’s what I like so much about them! Plus the fact that you could ride ‘en through town and 20 miles out to the lake or so all the way to the water’s edge.
              Mine was punched(he didn’t say how much,just fitted a piston to the jug)and was ready for a rejet, also had the biggest back tire he could fit. It topped out at 68mph but it was $400 just to get the jug sleeved. I’m gonna have to get another one! but in good shape they’re over $1000.I gave $1100 for mine and put about 6000 miles the first season.

              • Reb
                A nice enduro would be good to have now days with gas prices how they are. You could ride the thing around town and still get it out in the dirt if you need to. Sounds to me like it would be a good idea.

                • I almost got a KLR 650 which was stretchin’ it but the Sherpa fit nicely for a 250 but I really want a 2 stroke. They have a much lower center of gravity without the cam, chain & valves. Just don’t let the oil get low!

                • Austin was ranked 7th in the nation for traffic jams while I was living there. If it got unbearable I’d hit the shoulder out away from any possible jealous jerks opening their doors and reestablish myself near the front of the line.

            • I know I had a lotta fun with mine! I bought it while I was on probation with the money I saved on beer. When I was bored I’d hop on it and 1 kick later- Zoom off to wherever.

  8. Great article and very interesting rifle. I went through the Boy Scout program and so did my son. We both made it to Eagle and it is one of my most prized accomplishments. I worked at scout camp at the rifle range as a marksmanship merit badge counselor. Many young boys shoot for their first time at Boy Scout camp.

    I am curious of the approximate value of a fine old rifle like this one. Any idea?

    • Jerry, you are a man with many accomplishments, I still enjoy the video you sent me and it actually got me started collecting old big buck movies. The local library had almost a dozen on the free rake so that helped, but I find myself grabbing any I come across now. Hope all the medical stuff is healed up behind you, and if you still have my email feel free to message me. Thanks again.

  9. You know that’s the whole beauty of the single shot .22 rimfires.

    Like what I talked about with my 190. When I single shot it I can sit back and relax and pop the shots of. First its relaxing. Second you conserve ammo because of load time. And they are not to bad on cost. Kind of like air guns.

    But don’t get me wrong. I like loading that tube magazine up with 16 long rifles and let’m rip in semi-auto. What a nice versatile little round that .22 rimfire is.

    Then like the gun here BB is reviewing. History.

    And there is so many different .22 cal. rimfire guns that came about.

  10. My troop (of Scouts Canada) owned a pair of .22’s too. Ours were just run of the mill Cooey single shot bolt action rifles though! One of them must have been the company’s version of a “target” rifle as it had a stock with deeper forearm and aperture sights. No one else wanted to use it as the other rifle looked “cooler” – blade and notch sights, more conventional looking stock. Result: on our first trip to the range I shot more accurately than anyone but my Dad who, shooting for the firs time in over fifteen years used his Ithaca Lightning X-15 to put ten rounds at a time through one ragged hole repeatedly.

  11. StevenG,
    Thanks for pointing me at those CAD programs! Do you have experience with any of them? I have done a lot of 2D, but have no experience with 3D. Which 3D would be the easiest to pick up and learn?

  12. Buldawg,

    The Leige is named after Leige, Germany where many of this design were made. It is a very old action that pushes the valve open instead of knocking it open. Internally it operates very much like the Giarodoni.

    Like the firearms of the time, they were muzzle loaders, typically 9mm. One of these could have the power, range and accuracy to hunt with and have all kinds of cool factor also. Here is a little blurb that BB did a while back about a modern version of one.


    I live in a log house in the woods. Now would that look good hanging on the wall?

    • Thanks for sharing this link, I almost shared an image or 2 I found when I did a search but found nowhere near that much information. It really shouldn’t be too hard to copy and with everything mounted outside it gives you a little wiggle room.Not too sure about carrying it through briars and such with all that stuff to get caught up though.

    • RR
      Thanks for the explanation and the link, I have never heard of the Leige lock design and it looks very cool and yet complex to some extent also. It is amazing some of the inventions and craftsmanship that was developed and performed so many years ago.

      One of those in 9mm would be very high on the cool factor list for sure and I would almost be afraid to even shoot it since it would be more of a collectors item.

      Thank you indeed for sharing that piece of history.


      • Here is another pretty cool sight to check out if you want to learn a bit more about the early days of airguns.


        I doubt I would own one of the originals very long as I would have to shoot it. I am not much into dust collectors. This is why I would like to build a new one. With modern materials and technology, this thing would be awesome.

        • RR
          I am like you if you are going to own it then it has to be able to be shot even if it is only now and then.
          I am not a dust collector either, but I agree it would be cool to make a modern version of one with new materials and technology for sure.

          It very likely would out shoot some of the new guns made today

          I am going to check out the link toy sent for sure. Thanks


  13. This rifle is like so awesome! Single shots are my absolute favorites. I used to own a Perdasoli (I guess that’s how you spell it) Remington Rolling Block in 45-70. That was a fun rifle to shoot.

    I also had an Australian Martini-Henry Cadet that was rechambered in 32-20. I kick myself in the buttocks for letting it get away every time I think about it.

    Occasionally I consider picking me up a Stevens Favorite and a ’59 Sharps Berdan. Maybe mount one of those Williams scopes on top of them for some extra cool factor.

  14. Buldawg,

    Here is the version that DQ built.


    The reason that you do not ask him about them is it took over two years for him to sell them. That was way before I discovered the world of modern airguns or I would have been more than happy to have helped him with one of them.

    I have actually held this air rifle and had the opportunity to buy it at a reasonable price.


    It was not functioning at the time, but I think I could manage to fix it up and get it working. It would most definitely be a great plinker. If I am not mistaken, it may still be available.

    • Thanks Ed.

      I misspelled it and moved the city to Germany likely because BB’s story is centered in Germany and my feeble mind told me that is where “Leige” is. Also, it just so happens that all of the examples I have seen of this air rifle came out of Germany. I noticed the spelling error after I had posted and started digging up the articles, but we do not have an edit option here.

  15. They both got through his bot-ware and said they had been successfully sent and I double- checked the e-mail address.So it may take a while or could be blocked by your filters& may be in spam.

    • Reb
      I have checked spam and other mail locations what were they titled as and they were from your email address right?

      I will keep waiting and see, but have not seen anything as of 1:00 am central time


    • It seems the Caselman build is the only one with much information so far with more yet to come. If you like the idea of building a HPA or Co2 machine gun or tuning the one you have, then keep an eye on this page.

  16. I know I haven’t been droping by as much as I used to but there’s only that many hours in a day so I have to play catch-up during the week-ends.
    I tried to look thru the comments and couldn’t find it so I’m posting it here.
    It’s a page from the 2015 Umarex catalog that a Canadian retailer posted on Facebook (see not only bad things come from FB) and it includes… are you sitting down… a COLT PEACEMAKER!!!

    Here is the link to the picture they posted: https://www.facebook.com/149080501816018/photos/a.149683508422384.30365.149080501816018/782368661820529/?type=1&theater

    Hope in works…

    I don’t know how they’re fitting everything inside or if it’s made of metal or plastic but it sure looks nice.


  17. Interesting about the rifle and the Boy Scouts, a group that I have been very curious about but not had much experience with. I made an attempt to join a local chapter but it was a disastrous. The group met in a cafeteria and we sang campfire songs around a faux campfire set up on the floor. We learned to tie a bowline knot which I remember to this day. The rabbit goes out of the hole, around the tree, and back into the hole. But then, the leaders left, and the group dissolved into chaos with some of the Scouts scuffling and needing to be separated. That meeting was it for me. They do look sort of para-military with their olive drab outfits. And once I was flipping through a book called Summer of My German Soldier about an American woman who falls in love with a German prisoner of war held in the U.S. during WWII. Not my kind of book. But in the one part I read, the trainload of German prisoners was being received by a troop of Boy Scouts armed with hatchets! If these soldiers were from the Afrika Korps who were sent to America for imprisonment they would have laughed. Maybe the role of Boy Scouts was different before than it is today.

    Derrick, has solved the problem with my Leapers scope. The problem is not the nitrogen gas in the tube. It is the lack of nitrogen. He thinks the gas has leaked away and allowed some kind substance in that is coating the inside of the lens. Makes sense to me. Apparently the Leapers warranty requires proof of purchase which is long gone after eight years, but I have the rest of the packaging and we will see what their customer service is made of.

    Some of you may recall the novel I reported about chasing the reptile-human hybrid creature in the New York Museum. My solution was a Tommy gun and a sack of grenades. Now, I’m reading the sequel, and my ideas have been far surpassed. It turns out that the hybrid creature spawned another crossed species. While not as formidable as the original, there is a large mass of them. They inhabit secret tunnels and chambers beneath New York City originally built as a private subway station for the super-elite rich families like the Waldorfs but left to decay and now flooded with sewage. It is from this picturesque lair that the creatures sally out to murder and to despoil the city. Now a team with the aid of the Navy Seals has gone in to clean them out. They are using flamethrowers, grenade launchers, double-barreled shotguns, and a Glock. A real armorer’s dream which makes my Tommy gun look puny by comparison. This is my kind of novel. Things aren’t looking good with the creatures set to overwhelm the teams through sheer numbers despite taking heavy losses. I’m still banking on a bag of magnesium flares held by one individual and bottles of dissolved Vitamin D kept by another. The creatures hate light and Vitamin D as part of their underground existence. I’ll be sure to tell you how it all turns out… The fact is that the creatures look to be doomed thanks to a set of C4 charges strategically placed that will bring their hideout down on top of them, but whether the heroes will escape is unknown.


  18. Gunfun1 and Fred DPRoNJ
    I am sorry to report that the local version of Loctite available that I have found so far is the clear Krazy Glue variety which is entirely different from the blue threadlocking Loctite 243 that you both recommended. I will attempt in the meantime to fix the aperture sight using PTFE threadtape as suggested by Pete in the Caribbean. Will keep you posted regarding results.
    In the meantime I have rediscovered our old CO2 rifles and pistols and sealing their leaks with non-detergent 20W oil.

    • Siraniko
      In the event that the 243 Loctite is unavailable to you as you have stated may I suggest use if it is available women’s fingernail polish/paint as it will dry and provide almost as good of a thread locker as Loctite does and it is available in any number of colors to suit you taste. It is what a lot of screws in electrical products are held in place with as it does not have any corrosive additives that some of the thread locking compounds may have and if that is not available either then some plain enamel type of paint will do just as good on smaller screws as well just make sure it is allowed to fully dry for at least 24 hours before put into use.


  19. Siranko
    Yes just make sure the threads are clean and free of all oils and contaminates by cleaning with either alcohol or lacquer thinner and use just one or two drops on the threads only and it should work just as good, just let the paint cure for 24 hours.


  20. Just read this after finding a bayonet in with my Dad’s old tools and was told it was for Remington 4s. Looks exactly the same as picture above except the point is more rounded and dull rather than curved and pointed like one shown above? No visible markings. Any thoughts?

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  • Shipping Restrictions

    It's important to know that due to state and local laws, there are certain restrictions for various products. It's up to you to research and comply with the laws in your state, county, and city. If you live in a state or city where air guns are treated as firearms you may be able to take advantage of our FFL special program.

    U.S. federal law requires that all airsoft guns are sold with a 1/4-inch blaze orange muzzle or an orange flash hider to avoid the guns being mistaken for firearms.

    View Shipping Restrictions

  • Expert Service and Repair

    Get the most out of your equipment when you work with the expert technicians at Pyramyd AIR. With over 25 years of combined experience, we offer a range of comprehensive in-house services tailored to kickstart your next adventure.

    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

    View Service Info

  • Warranty Info

    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our products (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

    View Warranty Details

  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

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