The Barrage is Hatsan's answer to airgunners who want semi-automatic PCP airguns that combine fast shots, with high maneuverability and penetrating power.
Hatsan Barrage PCP Air Rifle Video Transcript
Try this guy. Now that my friends is an airgun. Gee willikers, thanks mister.
The Hatsan Barrage will in fact turn you from a boy into a man. This thing has it all. First of all, comes in .177 and .22. It literally is built to be accessorized. Let's take a look at it.
You can adjust everything, just every single thing on this gun. You can adjust the butt pad back here. We've got a rubber butt pad, you can adjust it not only in and out, but also you can adjust it out this way if you've got longer arms. The raised cheekpiece right there can go up and down. As you can see right here, this one my favorite things about Hatsans and that has on both sides where that holds your extra pellet magazine. This thing comes with three magazines. Three magazines. In the .22 they hold 12 shots, in the .177 they hold 14 shots, so once you’re locked and loaded, boom that's 36 shots without even blinking an eye. These guys are getting so smart, what looks like kind of a Picatinny Weaver rail is both. It's 11 millimeter and a weaver rail all in one so no matter what mount you have for your scope they work. I actually tried a weaver it was too short to go over the magazine. I grabbed another scope that happened to have 11 millimeters on it and bam now I've got a scope. Now it doesn't come with a scope, but it does come with a couple attachments so this would be your, your rear sights which are adjustable for windage and elevation. And then the front side here, which just kinda locks right on like so. Slides on, screw right there, you tighten on and then you're good to go. So it's got a two-stage just books trigger, the safety’s right here. I'm not gonna lie to you, I don't love the safety, it's in the place where I like it the most but it's very thin, and it's metal so when you try to flip it like that it kind of hurts your finger now. Yeah I'm kind of a sissy I guess but I don't love it. Other than that, this gun has everything. Shrouded barrel, super quiet. It also has this new technology that keeps the extra air from leaking so you get maximum amount of shots with the air you have in your cylinder. 500 cc tank right here, up front the bottles, bottle shape, and it's a semi-auto. Let's take a look, we'll check some accuracy at 25, 50, and I'm gonna go ahead and reach out to 75 and see what I can do.
All right so real quick, I'm going to show you how to load these magazines. They're a little tricky so I just want to make sure you get it. When you have your magazine and it's empty, you rotate it down and the wheel will move with you. If you go up, the wheel won't move and you can go up, see in the wheel doesn't move, so that's not good, you want the wheel to move with you. It goes all the way until it stops. I could be wrong here, but this is how I figured it out. Then you drop a pellet in the bottom, you can't drop on the top, if you drop on the bottom skirt first, and then when you move to the next space it now holds the wheel from moving anymore and then you just drop them in normal. For some reason you've got to do that first one backwards to stop the wheel from turning so you put the rest under there. if I'm wrong somebody let me know, that's what we figured out, that's what worked for me, and I've tried everything under the sun.
So 856, I'm using a 15-grain pellet.
What's amazing to me is all you can hear is the mechanical noise of the gun. Like the barrel literally gets rid of all of the psh that comes out of a lot of PCPs. Let's take another five shots, maybe a little quicker. Now the cool thing right there. I know I'm empty. When I'm empty, the breech opens up and it stays back. Just like that, pop it out. Pull one of my other rotary magazines out like so, pop it in, and away we go. Let's try some, let's try out a 50-yard shall we, see what it does. Obviously at 25 yards very accurate.
So there's a pretty, your five-shot group of 50 yards I mean, not bad, my some of my pellets, it's windy out there. Clearly some of them moving around. You know I'm consistently getting right around 850 and change feet per second and a .22. Let me take a couple more shots of that target and see what if we put a whole magazine there what happens. I mean that is that's fun. There are not many semi-auto PCPs with this kind of accuracy. All right got it refilled, she takes 250 bar max which is about 3,600, a little bit more than 3600 psi. 75 yards and let's roll. 75 yards with a .22 or using a 15 grain pellet and there's some flyers out there, I'm not gonna lie, that may be shooter error. I've shot enough paper, you've seen what the gun can do, you know about it. Let's totally see what you can do with the semi-auto intended. I don't know, all blacked out, super tactical, sweet looking sexy rifle, and an all blacked out, tactical looking, sweet sexy truck. You thinking what I'm thinking?
Oh Roger! That my friends is the Hatsan Barrage semi-auto .22 and .177. Comes with three mag clips, comes with a carrying case, comes with every opportunity to make this gun be and look exactly how you wanted to. It's awesome, it's fun. Do me a favor, keep shooting safe, go to Pyramyd Air, get this gun. This has been the Pyramyd Outsyder. I'm Rossi Morreale from American Airgunner, we'll see you next time.
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