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5.0 5.0
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The design and feel match that of my Glock 17. The rear sight is not driftable, but the gun shot point of aim into a ragged hole. The magazine does hold 21 shots. I was able to get 5 ten shot strings out of a 12g CO2 cartridge before the velocity dropped too low to be usable. I used Crosman 7.4gr pointed pellets and they had plenty of room in the magazines belt. Over my chronograph, the average velocity for the 5 shot strings were: 330, 322, 347, 330 and 283. The highest velocity shot was 374fps at the beginning of the 3rd shot string, the lowest velocity shot was 248, the last shot taken before calling it quits. All shooting was steady paced with no extra time taken between shots to let the gun warm up. Bottom line, this gun is a lot of fun and mimics the Glock 17 quite well. It's a keeper!
Things I would have changed:Obviously, the cost of the magazine at $45 is a bit high, but then again, it is the heart and soul of the whole gun with the valve and all. It is what it is.
What others should know:The safety under the barrel was really stiff to operate on my gun. So much so, that I broke the edge off of a thumbnail trying to slide it into the fire position out of the box. It was just as hard to move back into the safe position. The gun has the safe action trigger just like the real firearm, so I personally won't be using the other safety any time soon. The trigger pull out of the box was so extreme, that I almost couldn't hold point of aim when the gun fired. After about 5 shots or so it lightened up nicely and wasn't a problem anymore. I didn't have a trigger pull gauge to measure the pull with but will say that it is not exactly like my Glock 9mm. It can't be. The striker in the firearm takes a lot less pull weight to release, whereas the CO2 pistol, has to rotate the belt inside the magazine, then strike the valve stem to fire the gun. It works just like a double action revolver, hence the heavier trigger pull. As always, your milage may vary.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
Excellent balance, good power, feel is spot on. Mag feels very balanced and loads/drops realistically. 21 shot!
Things I would have changed:Awkward to load the pellets in the belt fed mag. A bit sticky in an IMI defense holster, but does fit. You have to return to the holster pushing the slide rather than the grip,which is a bit irritating.
What others should know:Buy a spare mag! Definitely you will want this as soon as you have shot your first magazine full.
Doesn't have the feel of the T4E which I also own.... So buy both. They both have a value. Oh and the T4E slides in and out of the IMI holster like a dream!
By Tony from USA on 2023-01-19 |
By Emil from USA on 2022-08-17 |
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By Dick
Good replica. Reasonably accurate. Weight and balance are good. Accuracy was pretty good at 12 feet on my home range. My standard is how many shots I can put into a 2" ring target shooting hand-held. First round put 17 of 21 inside the ring. Second round put 16 of 21 inside the 2" ring. Excellent white-dot front and rear sights. Performance Testing: Using Crossman Premier 7.4 gr Wadcutter pellets: Max Velocity=332 fps, Lo Velocity=305 fps, Average Velocity=317.6 fps, SD=9.8 fps, fpe=1.81. Using H&N Field Target Trophy Domed 8.64 gr Pellets: Max Velocity=322 fps, Lo Velocity=285 fps, Average=298.8 fps, SD=12.2 fps, fpe=1.99. Using H&N Baraccuda Hunter 10.49 Pellets: Max Velocity=302 fps, Lo Velocity=210 fps, Average=244.1 fps, SD=29.2 fps, fpe=2.12. Factory Spec=350 fps. The Gen 5 fell short but probably would have made spec with lighter, non-lead pellets.
Things I would have changed:The Safety slide switch is VERY difficult to change positions. Probably will get better with use. It is very hard to load the pellet belt with pellets using human fingers. You need a tool. Pellet belt is hard to move for loading pellets until you get used to it. Trigger is 'gritty' and hard to pull. I measured an average trigger pull of 7.7 pounds in testing. Trigger pull feels heavier. Blowback would have been nice but is generally not cost-effective to produce in a pellet-shooter at this price point.
What others should know:Don't fight it. You will need either a tweezer, or a fine needle-nose pliers to load the pellet belt, unless you have very small fingers. Tweezers work for me to grab pellets with. Having several belt-driven pellet pistols I was surprised at how much harder this one was to load and shoot compared to my P320. Heavy trigger pull will very likely affect your shooting accuracy. I'm not a fan of the Glock split-trigger. Overall, though, the Gen 5 feels mechanically sound, although the plastic belt's life span may be short. Time will tell. I had absolutely no mis-fires after firing several hundred rounds.The pistol is a great replica, works well, but falls a little short without blowback. Even without blowback you can 'feel' the shot (it does have a loud report). This Gen 5 is a great performer, though, and will join my 17 Gen 3, 19X, and 19 Gen 3 in my collection. It is definitely worth adding to your Glock collection.