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4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
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As already noted, it is very accurate and reasonably quiet. It has a very good adjustable trigger. It adjusts using an allen wrench - much better choice than any screw driver adjustment. The hand pump is a little awkward in that the handle is long and opens to greater than 90 degrees. However, the length of the handle is the reason that it is easy to close even at 3000 psi.
Things I would have changed:Nothing.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Very nice! Well balanced and good ergonomics. Trigger is light and crisp. This unit is so accurate I'm going to upgrade the scope to take better advantage of the accuracy. Operation is very quiet. Side lever is very smooth operating. The stock is large front and rear so it is not for small stature people or small hands.
Things I would have changed:The only thing I would change would be to add accommodations for a removable set of open sights. Better still have enough mounting to put a set of Magpul fold down sights on it.
What others should know:It it easiest to give this unit 6-8 pumps about every 3 shots or so. This way you dont have to pump a lot at once and you also don't generate excessive heat that can damage o-rings and seals.
By ahmonde from USA on 2019-02-25 |
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Excellent rifle, very accurate, at 10 yards in my basement on low power setting with Benjamin 14.3 grain pellets. I fired a 8 shot 0.13 in group. Have not run it over the chrony yet. I added a Hawke 3-12x 44 scope. The 4x is going on a Springer I have laying around.
Things I would have changed:I agree with others the stock is bulky and could use less slick texture.
What others should know:I highly recommend this gun. In my experience with mine it is a very good deal.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
The built in pump! It has the advantages of any pcp, but don't have to carry a cylinder or hand pump when away from the bench or vehicle.
Things I would have changed:The scope could be better, but is certainly satisfactory and can always be upgraded later. Maybe offer a model sans scope and knock of a few bucks or include a second magazine.
What others should know:The rifle is surprisingly heavy but well balanced. Havn't really used it enough to give a good opinion on accuracy, e.g. different pellets, pressures, but it is certainly adequate for hunting small varmints, plinking, and casual target shooting.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
I love this Rifle. After the intimal pumping up at the range, I ca fire a magazine and do an additional 20 strokes and be back on track. I changed out the scope for a Bugbuster, which was an improvement for these old eyes.
Things I would have changed:The Scope!
What others should know:If you mind a little workout this is a great piece to own! Hell I am 74 years old am go out in the field about 3 times a week and either plink or target and pest shoot.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
I'm a loooonnnngggg time airgunner and know a thing or three about airguns. This "PCP pumper" or "pumper PCP" considering price in the assessment and with the differences/details in how things were done from gauge location, pump lever, etc. vs the FX Independence I say Mr. Zhu scored a big knock down in round 1. Hopefully he's working on the bullpup and the possible knock out win with a "pumper PCP" pistol!
Things I would have changed:There's always room for improvement, refinement. It's a pumper PCP not an anchor so I understand the slender compact reservoir - maybe a few more ccs like say 30 would help tighten up a 10 shots (full mag) at the near to max end of power. The guys that really want just a PCP will never be satisfied with it because they desire lots and lots of shots at 50 FPE without them having to do that pumping thing very often. LOL Not a problem for me because I see this as a "Super Pumper" and dreams of Sharp, Titan, etc. fade away....sorry collectors!
What others should know:Make sure to keep the gun properly lubed. Check and secure all fasteners. You don't have to baby but don't be using the side lever bolt as a bodybuilding device or anger management toy. Smooth, steady, full pumps but not like when we were kids acting like a chimp on steroids and
cowboy coffee I found 15 shots in the 16-17.5 FPE range average high 16s FPE. 40-/+ a couple pumps and its ready to deliver another 15.
Have fun exploring and discovering!
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
The trigger is very nice right out of the box. Side lever is smooth and solid. Pump handle is long and smooth. This is one of the most accurate rifles I have owned. 1/2 hole 10 pellets. 17 yards it's all I got in the basement. I am impressed, it's a keeper. I will stretch it out when it warms up 5 degrees today.
Things I would have changed:Stocks a little bulky. Maybe some rubberized texture for grip. Swap out scope with a veriable power. ( old eyes 4 power is not enough) It is a mill dot though with Adjustable parallax nice touch.
What others should know:If you are on the fence about this gun ,don't be just pull the trigger. :)
For a entry level pcp it pretty nice. I bought the 22 cal.
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
I just got my new Aspen today. First impression - Nice!!! The pump, just the fact that it has a pump yet can also fill via HPA or Scuba is awesome. I dropped the scope onto the gun and it took only 3 shots to sight-in at 10 meters. I left the gun on high power and cranked off the rest of the magazine. Shots 4,5, 6 and 7 dropped right into a ragged little group, then 7 through 10 posted a one hole group, not even a ragged hole. This was all with some old RWS Meisterkugeln pellets. I cannot wait to see what this gun will do with Baracuda or JSB Diablo pellets. The bolt on this gun is nice too, an easy pull back, it looks a lot like a biathlon rifle bolt.
Things I would have changed:The air reservoir. It is tiny. The trigger is also a bit loose and rattles around. The trigger feels good to shoot, but when you are moving the gun around it rattles and moves around a lot. The fill port is a bit of a pain to get to. There appears to be a port at the muzzle end of the air reservoir under the screw in cap, but the fill probe does not fit it at all. The only way to charge using a air source is to lift out the pump handle all the way and to pull a rubber cover out of the fill port. then the probe drops in and fills. It would be very nice if the port was at the muzzle end of the reservoir. Be careful when using a compressor as the reservoir is small, it fills very quickly.
What others should know:I took 11 shots to start on a 3500 psi fill. After the 11 shots it took 40 pumps to fill back up to approx. 3500 psi. That's a bit over 3.5 pumps per shot. The gun is reasonably quiet at high power, not quite as quiet as a couple of my other pcps, but sufficient. The plastic stock is definitely not as nice as some of my others, but it is comfortable and very presentable at this price point. The pumping gets a little harder as the reservoir gets up in pressure, but still very manageable. The magazine is almost identical to a Marauder.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Love the side level, the trigger is awesome! Havent had much time to shoot it yet But its much lighter than my Hatsan 130s. The pump handle is so easy and smooth. Ill update when I check the power.
Things I would have changed:A little bigger air reservoir
What others should know:Not yet Ill update after I test it out more
By Paul from USA on 2019-01-27 |
By Paul from USA on 2019-01-26 |
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By Larry
I love this rifle, it's accurate, quiet and a very good entry into pcp guns.
Things I would have changed:Nothing
What others should know:You might need a more powerful scope.