Date: 12/3/2025 16:7

Page 3 - Gamo Whisper with Reviews

Gamo Whisper with Crosman Nitro Piston

Average Customer Review

Rating 4.54.5 (66 reviews)
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  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    Wow. That's as succinct and poignant as this little air rifle deserves. I was originally interested in the Whisper 22 because of its claimed quiet report. However, I was ultimately convinced to buy by so many positive reviews regarding its power and accuracy. After a quick delivery (ever with the Venturi Air conversion), I’m glad I made the purchase, especially now that I finally got a chance to hear how quiet this gun really is. My first experience with it was initially mixed. I was impressed with its smooth, easy cocking power and accuracy. But I thought, "This is NOT a whisper." The pneumatic spring makes quite a pop when it fires (think nail gun), enough to make me worry about what the neighbors would think. However, this all changed yesterday when a friend came over. I tend to use this gun from an upstairs bedroom for the gopher problems in my backyard (10+ bagged already in just 2-3 weeks of occasional shooting). He was spotting for me downstairs under the patio. After I fired, he poked his head out, amazed, "Damn that's QUIET!" He described only hearing the whizzing by of the pellet and the distant click of the impact. Skeptical, we switched. He fired first with the muzzle a few inches outside the window, and it issued a soft pop. I wavered, "oh, it's ok..." But when he retreated just 2-3 feet inside, all I heard was *whiff* *click*. I was floored. This air rifle IS REALLY “whisper" quiet. Did I mention the power and accuracy?

    Things I would have changed:

    Only 2 things: scope and trigger. The scope, though marginally useable, really is a piece of junk compared to the quality of this air rifle. I agree with the other reviewers that Gamo should simply offer the rifle by itself. As it is, I prefer to shot with the plain sights. The trigger is fair. I can get by with it, but sounds like the Charlie the Tuna conversion might make it that much better.

    What others should know:

    My Whisper 22 seems to like the RWS Super H Points and the Crosman Premiers. Although I seem to reach for the RWS more simply to avoid having to wash my hands after handling the dark oil coated Crosmans. With either of these two, I can hit a 6 inch round rock on the other side of my yard (1 acre lot). Short range though, the Crow Magnums do have great knock down power.

  • Rating 3.03.0 3.0

    Rating 3.03.0 3.0

    Rating 3.03.0 3.0

    Things I liked:

    Lite weight, comes to the shoulder nicely, looks good, not to loud. The 10 for 10 test showed all 10 shots above 1000 FPS

    Things I would have changed:

    Better quality control from both Gamo and Pyramid. My rifle arrived with a broken rear sight which should have been found during the 10 for 10 test. There was no hole for the rear pin on the sight to through, it was very obvious.They should have caught it. A nice young lady from Pyramyd customer service contacted Gamo and had them send me out another. Pyramyd gunsmiths should have cleaned off a lot of the grease on the piston and chamber since they had the gun opened to install the gas spring. With all the dieseling and detonation this rifle has done, I would not be surprized that the piston seal was damaged.

    What others should know:

    This rifle is a scope killer. I've only had it a few short weeks and it has killed 3 scopes due to the recoil. I have fired over 1000 shots through this rifle and its still not broken in. Everytime I start to get a decent grouping, the pellets start to hit all over the target. There is no pattern to it. It still diesels even after all these weeks. It hits hard though, You just can't hit what your aiming at. I hope it gets better. The best grouping so far is from Crosman Preimer Hollow Points. It seems that anything less than 7.9 grains will fly all over the place and anything below 7.5 grains will go supersonic.
    I almost threw this rifle in the trash, but it did start to get better, hopefully with time it will get even better. If not I'll send it away to get a tune done on it. If I have to do that, then I should have bought a Beeman R-9 and have had a fine rifle to start with.
    So in my own opinion this rifle is not worth the money and added upgrade.
    I do like the looks and the feel of the rifle and it's lite weight, but Gamo and Pyramyd could have made a even better rifle with just a little more care and quality control. Maybe it's just the luck of the draw. Sometimes you get a bad rifle. I think I did.
    So, if you want a Whisper, get one with a spring and send it off to a tuner that is on one of the airgun forums. You'll have a much better rifle and will have spent a lot less money.

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    Out of the box it was accurate. using the 10.6 gr.Beeman Kodiak match pointed and Crosman Ultra match 10.5 grrond nose. IT was easy to install scope and fun to shoot over my RWS 48!

    Things I would have changed:

    Nothing i would change on this . But the trigger to a DE TUNA GRT-111 ! SO SMOOTH!

    What others should know:

    Makes shooting with air gas venturi much smoother. you do not feel the spring unwin.

  • Rating 2.02.0 2.0

    Rating 2.02.0 2.0

    Rating 2.02.0 2.0

    Things I liked:

    Well, it does look pretty cool...but....

    Things I would have changed:

    Better sights would be a plus. And for those with no intention of using this gun without telescopic sights, it would be nice if they could be removed altogether. The fiber optics were completely useless in the low light conditions that I was shooting in.

    What others should know:

    My low rating is due to the excessive barrel droop on this gun. Given the otherwise high ratings for this gun, I suspect I simply got a Monday or Friday model ;-) I attempted to sight in at 15 ft, but the POI was already 4" low. At the maximum scope adjustment, the best I could do was 3 1/4" low POI at 30 ft. I will say that the groupings weren't too shabby, though! I punted on the scope and decided to see what I could do with the open sights. I had to crank that baby out to the limit of travel, too, but I finally got impacts that were just about right. The groupings suffered--possibly because the sight was unstable cranked all the way up?? But I suspect that my eyesight (>50), shooting skill, and fatigue probably all contributed a bit, too.

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Things I liked:

    Its a sturdy gun, seems well made. Shoots hard and relatively accurate depending on what ammo you use.

    Things I would have changed:

    Make is so that it could have a sling and maybe some other option parts underneath but I know thats difficult with the break barrel cocking system.

    What others should know:

    Cool gun. Buy it!

  • Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Things I liked:

    Good power,light weight,decent accuracy.Quite when not using pba ammo.Looks cool with silencer.

    Things I would have changed:

    Trigger,the adjustment screw had little or no affect.

    What others should know:

    Excellent light weight & good power,can only fault the trigger but still worth the money.I got mine with air spring conversion & dont know how it compares to oe metal spring.Nice that they sent metal spring & piston in box with gun so i have emergency spare if gas spring ever fails.

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    It's super quiet compared to all my other air rifles, just a small pop vs the banging sound of a compressed spring being released. Air Venturi Ram is a must and a astounding improvement over the standard spring. Very lightweight with pleanty of power. Dialed in the stock scope at 25 yds and shot consistant 1/2" goups with Crossman Premier .22 cal hollow points.

    Things I would have changed:

    The trigger, of course. First thing I did was drop in a GRT III and the difference was amazing. It does take a little getting used to but knowing exactly when the second stage will engage greatly improves accuracy. The stack scope is not up to par. There's no focus adjustment (the instructions show a lock ring behind the zoom to release the focus function but not so). The scope also rides too low on the stck so the rear fixed sight produces a blur in the reticle at the 6 o-clock position. A decent scope is a must.

    What others should know:

    Toss the Raptor ammo they incude in the box, it's junk. I did chrono it at 985 FPS fairly consistantly but the shots were all over the place. Stick with standard lead and you'll produce nice, tight groups. The lead avarages 745 FPS. If you're using this rifle for hunting small game you can't go wrong. Very accurate and very heavy hitting with excellent knocdown power. I live on an acre and have a wild rooster problem and my .177 cal Gammo would need a head shot to take them down. This gun takes them out no matter where you hit them and they're good, clean kills.

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Things I liked:

    Light weight

    Things I would have changed:

    The trigger.

    What others should know:

    Not as quiet as I though it would be.
    Also cocking is a bit harder, must be the gass spring!

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    Solid feel, accurate, powerful.

    Things I would have changed:

    Scope and trigger have to go. Pyramyd and Gamo should work together to fix these two travesties. It would make this a much better value.

    What others should know:


  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    Light weight, low noise, nice looking. Accuracy is pretty good but it can be better with mod trigger. Chronograph is pretty good with ram air: range from 942 to 968 with 7.7gr pellet.

    Things I would have changed:

    Better trigger would be nice.

    What others should know:

    if you could, change to mod trigger as soon as you can. it makes a great different in accuracy.

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    Light weight, good looks, quieter than other guns with the same power but this is not always noticed by the shooter. You still hear a lot of noise from the gas spring's action and some of this is just transmitted through your cheek and arms to your brain. This makes it seem louder to the shooter and I think its why many don't think the ND52 stuff does much. From inside the house through a glass door you don't even really hear it when its fired outside so the neighbors won't care much. I really hate the twangy spring action of normal springers and the gas spring conversion takes all of that away and you just get a solid pop with no twang and odd vibration so I highly recommend the gas spring conversion.

    Things I would have changed:

    The scope that comes with the gun is pretty much a waste of time IMHO. It does not have and adjustable objective (parralax adjustment) and I believe the parallax is set to 100 yards (I can't confirm this b/c the manual is so generic to all Gamo scopes it doesn't really say). The net effect of this is that you can't shoot well b/c the target and the crosshairs are never focused together and the slightest movement of your eye moves the aiming point of the reticle. I would recommend that the scope be left out of the bundle and that the price go down a few dollars to adjust. I mean if you are buying a Whisper with ram air gas spring conversion you are pretty serious and the scope is pretty much a throwaway item. I also don't care for the trigger and its heavy pull. Gamo should either change this or Pyramydair should work out a deal with to also allow pre-installed GRT-III triggers.

    What others should know:

    I also found that the scope that came with the gun and the included mounts the fiber optic sights were in the way of the scope and clouded the lower part of the view. Also, the fiber optic sights are a bit on the small side but this is not really an issue. The one issue that I had with the "iron" (really the blade is plastic in the rear with "fiber optic" inserts), is that the blade needed to be filed a bit to remove some of the plastic that wasn't quite cut out of the way from the factory which made the sight picture appear fuzzy until I got rid of the overhanging plastic. Not a big deal but Gamo should take a bit more care in this area.

  • Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Things I liked:

    I have a .22 cal version. By all indications it's one of best buys. I think it is pretty accurate, but of course the choice of pellets matters here. It's not too loud, so it can be used practically anywhere without disturbing other people. Plinking with this rifle tears cans to shreds, and it can be used to take small game at distances of 30-40 yards. At a larger distance a light pellet may drift too far from the target due to wind and other factors, and you need a better scope regardless. The Ram Air Gas Spring is excellent, this alone is a solid reason to buy the rifle.

    Things I would have changed:

    The scope that comes with the rifle is not good at all. It's variable zoom, but if you change the zoom to anything but minimum then the image gets fuzzy. The scope requires a screwdriver for adjustments, and it has no divisions on the crosshairs to adjust the aim point. I also read that the trigger could be better, but it works well enough for me. I will get a GRT-III regardless, because so many people recommend it.

    What others should know:

    The rifle does not have an automatic safety. The open sights can not be used with the scope mounted. The front sight is visible in the scope as a fuzzy shadow (this is not a serious issue.) The scope has 1" tube, if you need something better. If you accidentally drop a .177 cal pellet into the .22 barrel then it may be caught up in the silencer (shake well until it falls out.)

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    This is a very good little air rifle. I have been plinking with my son and really likes it. I get very consistent grouping (about a 2" @ 40 yards). I have been using the Diabolo Exact 15.8 grain pellets. The scope allows shooting at 40 yards with reliable accuracy.

    Things I would have changed:

    Very little, maybe the trigger.

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    The rifle in general. It's nice looking, well balanced, easy to cock and mostly, it's extremely accurate. The scope is average but works fine. The rifle is much quieter than others in it's class.

    Things I would have changed:

    I changed the trigger the day I received the rifle. Installed a GRT III in about five minutes start to finish. Why Gamo rifles don't come with this trigger is beyond me.

    What others should know:

    I would highly recommend this rifle to anyone from a first timer to a seasoned shooter.

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    Solid construction, looks and carries like a high caliber rifle. It is as quiet as advertised with the lead pellets. The ones that come with it make a loud crack as they are going a lot faster. The lead rounds have done the job protecting the garden and the neighbors could care less. The boys plink away all afternoon with no complaints.

    Things I would have changed:

    I switched out the trigger and I got the Gamo Varmint scope with the laser and the flashlight.

    What others should know:

    I am impressed with the Ram Air gas spring. Worth the extra money. Very smooth and no big clunk and recoil

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    Accuracy,Lightweight,and Gas spring

    Things I would have changed:

    Would love just a little more FPS so i can use heavier Pellets like 11 to 12 grain. The trigger is a problem, just because it does take some pull to squezz that trigger,because of that some of my shots went to the right and down. I just have to get used to it.

    What others should know:

    The gun kicks like a 22 magnum. Whisper does hit hard and accurate. Seen a tree rat in neighbors back yard,almost 40 yrds and about 45ft high in the tree nailed him behind the left shoulder,he tenced up like he was hit by lighting for about 5 sec and fell to ground dead.

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    Light-duty construction, can be carried around all day. Decent scope and mount (included). I will install a GRT-III trigger when I get a chance. Excellent quality, and my first GAMO, and I am impressed. Quiet shots, with some felt recoil in shoulder. No muzzle flip. Also the fiber-optics on this rifle are top-notch if you use without the scope. Break-barrel charging is not for anyone with arm or shoulder injuries as it does take some technique to use.

    Things I would have changed:

    Adjustable cheek rest.

    What others should know:

    If you ever own a Theoben-powered rifle at some point, this would be an excellent start. I own the .22 version.

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Things I liked:

    Looks cool. Solid construction. Shorter recoil cycle than spring power. No buzzing from the spring. Light weight. Quiet enough that I questioned whether my son broke it on his first shot while I was standing about 3 feet away. Just did not sound full powered.

    Things I would have changed:

    I would put a higher comb on the stock to help with proper eye alignment with the scope. I did change to GRT-III trigger. Original trigger was light enough but inconsistent.

    What others should know:

    PBA pellets are definitely NOT a whisper. Lead pellets much quieter. Regardless of sound, it is as full powered as .177 can provide. I like it.

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Things I liked:

    Light weight, no spring "thunk"

    Things I would have changed:

    The trigger, the scope

    What others should know:

    The GRT III is a must-do, and I got to upgrade the scope almost immediately- the factory scope shot to pieces in 50 rounds. I like the factory one piece base/ring, and I removed the second rail when I mounted a Tasco. All is well so far. The moderator surprisingly effective; with 10.5gr Premiers, the pellet impact on a can of soda is louder than the muzzle signature. This is easily the quietest rifle of this power I've been around. I suspect the springer version is considerably louder due to spring vibration- my Viper certainly is. The gas ram is well worth the money. My new favorite airgun-can't wait for a .22 version!

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    Light weight compared to almost any other rifle of comparable power. This is my first Gamo and is a solidly built rifle with a nice scope base pre-mounted to the grooved receiver for use with a scope stop pin which is a nice feature. As far as accuracy, I am shooting 3/4" groups offhand at a measured 25 yards, which will make this an excellent hunting rifle. Heavier pellets work best. I have also been hitting a spraypaint can at 75 yards with a little holdover. The gas ram shoots very smooth with no twang or twist and I like the fact that you can leave it cocked for a while when hunting. I can't compare this to a non-silenced Gamo, but at about 50 yards downrange with heavy pellets you can only hear the lead slicing through the air. The gas ram eliminates much noise. Raptors still crack, but as I do more research I am finding that these light pellets are not recommended anyway. This rifle definitely suits a scope, but the fiber optic sights are excellent if you prefer open sights.

    Things I would have changed:

    I never even mounted the included scope after the reviews I have seen. It's not parallax adjustable and is set at about 50 yards. Should be offered without the cheap scope. The safety is a bit awkward for me but does the job. Big fingers will have trouble disengaging it. Last but not least, the trigger; This is easily remedied with the GRT which is a 5 minute install. A definite necessity and a no-brainer for any serious shooter.

    What others should know:

    I mounted a CenterPoint 3-9x40 red/green illuminated scope instead of the one included. A small piece of the bottom of the breech seal seems to get worn away within the first few shots, but Gamo's site claims this is normal. Don't try to push a patch through the barrel, it will get stuck in the baffles. There are ways around this, though. Heavier, high quality pellets are the key to accuracy, I have had excellent results with Baracuda Match, extra heavy.

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