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5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Solid feel and grip. More comfortable for me to pump without pinching my fingers than the Daisy 880. Easy for me to hold with the full width forearm. Accurate and powerful.
Things I would have changed:As almost all BB/Pellet rifles, it is difficult to get my fingers to single load pellets, and I wish there were some sort of ramp to drop the pellets in to help feed the chamber. But again, this is no harder for me than any other combo BB/Pellet gun. Other than that, nothing.
What others should know:Note: The maximum BB and Pellet velocities given for this rifle and the Daisy 880 are given as the same in the owners' manuals, I see they are advertized as slightly different in favor of the 880 on the packaging and Daisy's website. I do believe they are the same as the manuals indicate. I think the mechanisms are exactly the same between the two, and can not find any difference in power or penetration when comparing them side by side (both new guns). I may chronograph them for fun when I get my Chrony back from my buddy who borrowed it.
By David from USA on 2017-01-23 |
By Caracara from USA on 2015-10-24 |
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
Feels solid. Quality is great.
Things I would have changed:One pellet at the time is kinda boring. A clip to load pellets would nice
What others should know:Very nice gun. It was recomended by pyramid custumer service. Very nice gun.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
I liked every bit and every little thing of this rifle, it was my very first pellet/bb gun I've owned, regret giving it away, powerful, accurate, good for the price.
Things I would have changed:The rear sight used to shift a little after some times even if I tighten the screw and would have to set the sights again, wished it was a fixed sight with no windage.
What others should know:You will enjoy this gun, I'd recommend this daisy 901 than any Crosman 700 pump series, much stronger than my Crosman 760 pumpmaster and my Crosman 764sb in my experience,
By David from USA on 2017-01-23 |
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Light weight,easy to pump,accurate.
Things I would have changed:Nothing
What others should know:Maybe all the air rifle you need for backyard plinking.
By Edwin from USA on 2011-06-03 |
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
this gun is amazing. ive had it for a while and it still works great. what i realy like is its rifled barrel so it is extremely accurate. i suggest getting a scope with this gun so you wont miss a single shot.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Accuracy, feel, weight, and Everything.
Things I would have changed:Front sight could be mounted a bit more snugly but it doesn't effect accuracy that much.
What others should know:I got this gun a year ago and it was my first airgun, I got it for my 14th birthday and it is the best gift i have ever received in my life, the accuracy and weight are my two favorite features, you almost have to try to miss with it and anyone can pick the gun up and hit a target first try. Its that easy! It takes almost no technique to shoot. Its so light and durable that you forget its in your hands. Now that I've had mine for a year I feel like I can give a few accurate tips: keep the seals oiled with pellgun oil (the owner's manual tells you what to oil) and also don"t worry if the accuracy and trigger feel are terrible at first because it will settle down after 50-100 shots and it only gets better from there. About every 200-300 shots I'll put some pellgun oil on the seal and shoot a cleaning pellet through it and that's all you have to do. Mine has not lost any accuracy or deteriorated in any way after 5000+ shots.
By Steve from USA on 2017-11-07 |
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Probably the best rifle of its size, weight and price! Its very easy to load and shoot. Very accurate, at least in the short distances that i´ve tried it. Trigger is excellent, ergonomics are very good and what else can we ask about it? To be silent, and it is way silent. You can shoot this thing 24-7 all day long in an apartment without disturbing any neighbors, and with lots of power in the shot, altough power is not always necesary. Its just amazing. Very well designed and executed, i can´t detect nothing in this rifle that doesn´t have engineering and a performance orientation behind it. Don´t get confused by the fact that it has a polymer reciever, this polymer is probably sturdier than necessary, heavy duty polymer for guns.
Things I would have changed:The alignment of the rod that pushes the pellet into the chamber, although not a problem once you figure out how to load the pellet without damaging it. Only requires patience in this step. Cock twice to assure an optimum pellet seating in the chamber. Also the iron sights are a little awkward to adjust but they do their work fine.
What others should know:You must have this rifle, dont get tricked with lots of marketing from other brands and models, they dont hold what they claim about their rifles, as the Crosman 2100. The Crosman would like to be as the Daisy 901, but it is not. The 901 has beautiful accuracy, and its a breeze to the hands, has excellent handling, doesnt hurt you while you hold it hard or loose. The grip in the forearm is excellent, just what you expect from a rifle which you want to hold widely from the forearm, as it should be on all rifles of general purpouse. The sound and feel of the shooting is like a single "tac", and your pellet is in the way of exactly where you asked it to go, and im talking about this with medium quality pointed pellets, and with the iron sights, I haven´t tried high performance pellets yet. Also i like the fact that this rifle´s scope rails doesnt appear to be asking "put me a scope please" all the time. The rifle does´t need them. The gun does not vibrate in any perceptible way while making a shot, it is very light in weight and very well balanced. We can´t ask nothing more from this rifle, masterpiece!
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
On this gun I really liked the fact that you can use pellets and bb s, but the bb s have horrible accuracy so you are better off using pellets. Also it is really easy to pump up ten times with little to no change in the amount of force you need to put on the pump mechanism. Also I like the fact that it is amazingly light weight and good for backyard pest control.
Things I would have changed:I would change the safety so that you don't have to cock it every time to put the safety on.
What others should know:I know i stated this previously above but bb s in this are so inaccurate in this gun I can see that they curve a couple of feet right out the barrel. and this is an amazing starter gun for kids and adults alike. and it is an amazing deal for the money.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Everything this gun is by far the best air gun I've ever shot
Things I would have changed:Nothing
What others should know:I would recommend tHis gun to anybody
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
I like the looks and feel. Fairly quiet. Good value.
Things I would have changed:The trigger is fairly heavy and lots of creep. When loading pellets, it is easy to get them in wrong. With practice, you can roll them in.
What others should know:I ran it on a chronograph. Using a Beeman 7.2 grain hollowpoint; 5 pumps got 550 fps, 8 pumps got 630fps, 10 got 650 fps. With the BBs i used, I got close to the same velocities. I think the bbs were so much smaller, that they were letting air by. I tried some of the Crosman Siver Eagle HPs, they are about 5.2 grain. At 10 pumps I got 730 fps. I tried going up to 12 pumps a couple of times, and the velocity was the same as ten pumps. To me, it isn't worth going over 8 pumps, most of the time. There is nothing to be gained going past 10 pumps.
By Mr Funnyman from USA on 2013-04-12 |
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
The gun is very light, powerful, and pretty accurate...good 7-8 pumps will get any job done.
Things I would have changed:Nothing, great gun all around
What others should know:Dont load BBs in the loader and pellets at the same time, it may cause jamming!!
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
i like the gun it self, it is very nice and easy to use, comfortable grip, easy pump and load.
Things I would have changed:the front site is the tinyest bit wobbly but it doesn't effect the aiming at all.
What others should know:it's a great gun, also that when i bought it it said it would come with a scope, clay targets and stands for them, bb's, and pellets, but it did not.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
This gun is awsome! It has a nice solid feel that I personally think feels better than me RWS mod. 54. The accuracy is great for a pump-style air rifle. This gun is also light weigh so when I am walking through the woods I can pull up for the shot and get it every time.
Things I would have changed:The only thing I would change is when you pull the bolt back to stick your pellet in the pellet can get stuck or jammed resulting in having to kinda hit the gun to force in out which could change the way the scope is mounted.
What others should know:One thing I like about this air rifle is that most style of pellets shoot consistently. I have noticed that you have to shop around for pellets. Which is nice for a child or first time shooter.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
everything except the scope mount
Things I would have changed:have the bolt on the actual rifle
What others should know:buy this gun,super acurate,powerfuland is good for beginers and veterans
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Pump action is very easy to operate. Bright orange front sight a wonderful assist to my cataracts (that are now removed - and sight even more visible). Light weight, accurate power that is conditioned for application (8 pumps in the country, 2 pumps in the house, 3 pumps in the back yard). It is not critical to pellets from 2 to 5 pumps. [Note: 2 pump zero is 10 meters or less, 5 pump = 20 meters, with 8 pumps or more (including quality pellets) 30 meters for zero. [This system works quite well.]
Things I would have changed:Eliminate BBs. High velocity with BBs through riffled barrel is crude. The Model 840 is a much better BB gun.
What others should know:Air rifles are great trainers for handling firearms, with more area's to enjoy shooting. I invariably carry one to all my family get togethers, road trips, fishing and camping adventures. Most of the pop cans on an outing become religious (holy), before they become trash!
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
New composite stock is solid,fit & finish, accuracy,light weight,variable power,sights,bolt is better,power,price and dove tail. This is a great bargain and if you like to keep a multi-pump around as I do (like to pump) shoot pellets and print 3/4" (or better) groups at 33' get this!
Things I would have changed:Make the 22SG in this configuration and add more power.
What others should know:Scope it if your eyes are tired! Leapers 4 X 32 is an economical solution. Use pell gun oil and only scope if you need to. This is not a toy but a great rifle for economical shooting and small pest control. Shoots beeman wadcutters and crossman pointed well. I now need a 953 and just ordered the 22SG. Daisy has the accuracy and fun factor we all seek, enjoy!
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
the accuracy is outstanding. trash the scope that comes with it and get a powerline 3-9x40. after sighting in, you will make pinpoint shots, although the open sights on the rifle are quite good. if you can't afford a good scope, just use the open sights.
Things I would have changed:nothing really
What others should know:First off, get the high rise scope rings, makes loading so much easier. Read the instruction book before you ever shoot the thing, there are some helpful hints in there. This is a MEDIUM powered gun, don't expect 1000fps, ain't going to happen. 750fps max on a good day is the best it'll do. For a target shooter under $50 you can not beat it. Also try those Gamo Raptor pellets in it. They boost velocity, give a flat trajectory, and hit hard enough to do some real damage. It is worth every penny.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
power, accuracy, can go far with heavy pellets, cost, can hit a penny or a dime from 20 yards away with a gamo 4x32 scope without loosing its power or accuracy, and is a great hunting rifle!
Things I would have changed:less pumps and thats it
What others should know:buy a gamo 4x32 scope if you are using it for plinking or hunting and also buy the gamo magnums pellets, squirells go flipping whrn you hit them.
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
3.0 3.0
I like the power. the loud cracking sound when i shoot, the fact that it's not plastic it's Advanced Composite, i dont know what that is but they use it on one of the glock's so it must be strong, The Design is sleek. I also like high velocity.
Things I would have changed:I would have wanted the loading chamber to be bigger or added a five round clip because pellets are a pain to get in.
What others should know:Great for small game hunting and pest control i hit a pigeon at 20 yards with a Gamo Hunter pellet entry wound and exit wound were both very large.
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By fredrik
it is nice looking and pretty accurate 1" grouping at 50 yards with crosman premium and scoped.
Things I would have changed:the shoulderstock feels a little wobbli while pumping
What others should know:easy to pump, accurate, all in all a great little pumper.