If you're looking for the best crossbow and other archery products, you can't go wrong with Barnett. Founded in the United Kingdom in 1962 by Bernard Barnett, it was first a hobby he pursued working on crossbows out of his garage. Initially, he worked for acquaintances who were impressed with his archery craftsmanship and attention to detail.
Eventually it became a business, and a few manufacturing operations started cropping up throughout Europe. Eventually, the market for Barnett crossbows made its way across the Atlantic here to the U.S. More products were developed, processes were streamlined, costs were reduced, and by 2003, all manufacturing was in the U.S. Now, Barnett Outdoors, LLC is one of the leading brands in crossbow design and construction. No conversation about the world's best crossbow can be had without mentioning Barnett Crossbows.Buy your Barnett crossbow and accessories at Pyramyd AIR.
Barnett Crossbows are well-known for being "the first" at a lot of different innovations that are now common or patented by Barnett, such as a multi-tool rope cocking device, adjustable stock and cheek pieces, and a quick-detach front end. And, perhaps the most exciting "first" is that Barnett Crossbows were the first to shoot bolts over 300 feet per second. Their rich tradition of innovation continues today in the high performance of their products, not to mention their outstanding customer service.
And speaking of feet per second, a high-power crossbow doesn't get much better than the Barnett TS 380 Crossbow. With 380 fps of power, you'll be amazed at the lack of vibration from the TS 380. It features a CNC machined flight track and string dampeners for more accuracy. It's about 6.9 lbs and just over 32" in length and comes with a 3-arrow quiver.
The TS380 crossbow is versatile too. It features an adjustable buttstock so you can set it for any length of pull. The passable foregrip is lightweight so it's comfortable for just about any size shooter. It's one of the safest crossbows you can find with the Soft-Lok floating bristle arrow retainer, anti-dry firing system, and Trigger Tech Frictionless Release technology.
The TS380 is available in two packages - the Rope Package and the CCD Package, depending on the type of cocking device you prefer. Both packages include a 4x32mm multi-reticle scope, side-mount quiver, 2 arrows and lubrication wax, along with the cocking device you prefer.
Another great choice at a lower price point is the Barnett Blackcat Recurve Crossbow. This crossbow is all about simplicity and affordability. It's lightweight at 4.8 pounds but still generates a respectable 260 fps. It has a pass-through foregrip and an anti-vibration food stirrup. There are several safety features including an anti-dry fire trigger system and Soft-Lok floating bristle arrow retainer, which is especially helpful for new shooters.
While the Blackcat is minimalist in design, it comes with three picatinny rails for accessories. It's easy to assemble and is range ready with a side mount quiver and two carbon arrows.
Get your Barnett Crossbow and accessories at Pyramyd Air!
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Get the most out of your equipment when you work with the expert technicians at Pyramyd AIR. With over 25 years of combined experience, we offer a range of comprehensive in-house services tailored to kickstart your next adventure.
If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.
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