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Air Guns Introducing the Leapers/UTG Goliath bipod

Introducing the Leapers/UTG Goliath bipod

Today reader Ian McKee, whose blog handle is 45Bravo, tells us about the Leapers/UTG Goliath bipod.

If you’d like to write a guest post for this blog, please email me at blogger@pyramydair.com.

Take it away, Ian

Introducing the Leapers/UTG Goliath bipod
by Ian McKee

Goliath bipod
Goliath bipod.

Bipods yes or no
Bipods on airguns

This report covers:

  • General overview
  • Stability
  • Spring-loaded
  • Four-point lockup
  • A short personal review
  • Attaches quickly and easily

I first saw a prototype of the Goliath bipod mounted on the Karma Red Panda air rifle Margaret Ding was shooting in the benchrest event at the 2024 Pyramyd AIR Cup. I handled it briefly and was very impressed with what I saw. 

Now that I have one in hand, every time I use it I find another nugget of information of exactly how different the Goliath bipod is, compared to other bipods in the same price range. 

General overview

The Goliath is a new bipod from Leapers/UTG in the mid-priced range ($359). It is all 6061-T6 aluminum and steel and incorporates many features not found in bipods costing quite a bit more. 

The business end that connects to the gun allows 28 degrees of panning left to right, and 40 degrees of tilting to compensate for uneven terrain. The pan and tilt can be easily adjusted on the fly by separate levers for how firm or loose you want the tension to be. 

There are two versions and the higher one is adjustable in height from 8 inches to 12 inches, with positive locking legs that are also spring loaded to retract them quickly. The lower one adjusts from 6 to 8 inches.

The legs are capped off with large soft rubber feet that are very grippy.  The feet are compatible with most aftermarket foot pads, meaning they can be easily changed from the rubber feet to spikes, metal pads, or any other aftermarket feet you prefer. 

The head has an adjustable Picatinny mount that can adjust to non-standard rails or Weaver rails. The adjustment is very secure, with locking detents that do not slip accidentally when the bipod is not on the gun. Most bipods have an exposed thumb screw that can be adjusted to compensate for non-standard rails. 

rail difference
That star wheel is locked securely by a detent and will not accidentally turn.
The latch is on the other side of the mount.

Where most bipod Picatinny rail attachments have only one recoil lug (the cross bar that stops the mount from sliding under recoil) the Goliath uses three recoil lugs in its Picatinny mount to mesh with the Picatinny rail on the rifle. 

Once it’s locked in place, this thing is not going to move. The locking clamp mechanism can be seen in this photo as well.

It also has a spring-loaded side of the Picatinny rail clamp, so when it is not on the gun the clamp is held in the open position. This makes mounting the bipod a one-handed operation. 

The opposite side of the rail clamp has a positive locking lever to securely keep the clamp locked in the closed position. You have to intentionally unlock this lever to remove the bipod; there’s no accidentally knocking it off.

The first of the Goliath bipods will use a Picatinny mount system, then an Arca Rail mount will be introduced for those shooters that prefer that interface. It will be offered in both an 8-inch and 12-inch version.


Many bipods have the attachment rail located at the highest point. That does give you an increase in height above the ground, but it comes at a cost–stability of the gun. The Goliath has a center frame that is contoured in such a way as to lower the connection point until it is between the pivot points of the bipod. This puts the center of gravity lower within the triangle thats made by the two points of contact on the ground and the single point where the rifle is attached. 


When you extend the legs you are putting them under spring pressure. Once extended, you can lock the legs at that height with a simple quarter turn of the locking knob if needed. When changing positions and you want to retract the legs, a simple press of the lock tab automatically retracts that leg to the shortest position. You have to press the release on each leg of the bipod. 

Four-point lockup

Most of the bipods on the market use a single locking point to secure the legs in each position. The Goliath is the only one in this price range I have seen that uses 4 steel locking pins that drop into holes that actually surround the pivot point. 

The Goliath uses 4 steel rods surrounding the pivot point to lock the legs in place.

Ok, I am stopping the review right here. I could go on and on about the features. The Goliath I received is apparently one they had used in house for testing. It was not in retail packaging so it didn’t have an instruction sheet included with it. 

I took it out of the shipping box, fiddled with it for a minute or two, then mounted it on the first gun I could put my hands on. 

Goliath on AR
The Goliath mounted on an AR-15 for indoor accuracy testing. This can be a future blog if there’s interest. 

I am a guy; I don’t need instructions! It’s a bipod, 2 metal sticks and a clamp… 

While browsing the Leapers website to get more details about the Goliath I found a link to the online manual you can view or download. Here is a link to the Goliath User Manual. It has detailed photos, and is written clearly and in concise terms. The three minutes it takes you to read the manual will give you more information than I was able to glean from 2 range sessions with the bipod (before I read the manual.)

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo

A short personal review

The Goliath is over-engineered for most airgun use, but it will last you and your grandchildren’s lifetime. (Hmm, does the Lifetime Warranty extend to those that inherit it from you? I will get back to you on that.)

It’s rated for recoil up to .50 BMG. Having used it these last few weeks on both airguns and firearms I believe that to be true.  If I get the chance I will test that rating. 

I have shot the shorter version of the Goliath on a Barret MRAD in 6.5 Creedmoor out to 960 yds. While the 6.5 round does not generate much recoil, the Goliath bipod provided a steady platform. Coupled with the Leapers Integrix scope I was able to spot the hits at distance with ease. 

I have used it with firearms weighing up to 18 lbs. (8.16 kg.) from a bench rest. It is steady and shows no sign of flexing under recoil. It only weighs 27 oz. (765 grams) Your optic probably weighs more than it does. You will hardly notice the weight of it on your gun especially if shooting from a bench.

Attaches quickly and easily

It has features that bipods costing more do not have. The engineers at Leapers have looked at their competition and have gone well beyond what’s being offered at a similar price point.

What features does it have, you ask? The Goliath has independent tension adjustments for both pan and tilt. Now let’s look at two big names in bipods that I have access to at the moment. The similarly-priced Atlas bipod has both pan and tilt but less travel than the Goliath, both axes are controlled and tensioned by only one knob that tensions on a ball joint.

The Accu-Tac bipod does have a quick adjustment lever similar to the Goliath for the tilt axis, but it does not offer the pan left and right feature on their similarly-priced bipod. Coupling this with the fact mentioned above about the Accu-Tac and Atlas only using one locking point for their leg deployment at zero degrees, 45 degrees and 90 degrees, the Goliath just moved into first place.

The Accu-Tac has only one locking point for each leg.

The Atlas also uses just one locking point for the leg deployment. 

Is this something everyone will make full use of? Probably not. Firearm shooters, benchrest shooters, long range high power rifle shooters, hunters and police/military will probably use it to its fullest extent. But for less than the price of some bipods that only have some of the features found on the Goliath, you can’t go wrong. Leapers/UTG are always the innovators!

Shoot safe, have FUN!


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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

43 thoughts on “Introducing the Leapers/UTG Goliath bipod”

  1. 45Bravo,

    Seems like UTG did it’s homework and it’s out to eat everybody’s lunch. I can’t see any nits to pick. This is built for the field but good enough to press into benchrest use. Probably lifetime of the original owner though (unless the heir possessed and presented the original receipt).


    • Here’s a way to extend the “lifetime” warranty.
      A co-worker ordered an S&W500 when they were first released. He put the warranty in the name of his 5 year old grandson. Assuming the youngster will be a gun enthusiast, that warranty will be in force for a long time!

      • I had a friend that bought a New gun, his wife asked why he got another gun.

        He explained it was for his son, his wife reminded him that is son was only 3 years old (at that time).

        He answered with “Just like the clothes you buy him, he will grow into it…”

        Greatest answer I ever heard


      • Even if not a gun enthusiast, he will likely love his GrandPa and do him a favor when needed. I don’t know any kids that doesn’t love his or her grandparents. Now parents are another story….

  2. Ian-

    I would be interested in a further review of this bipod in use. A particular interest would be loading the bipod (forward push from the shoulder) and how the gun settles in.

    • I have not had the opportunity to try that with this bipod yet, but I intend to do other reports on it in the future as I test it on other guns.

      I will incorporate that into a test.


  3. Thanks for the well-done report Ian & BB. The Goliath bipod is definitely on my wish list.

    Just a heads-up for folks ordering things. I ordered some pellets directly from PA’s website. For the first time, they inexplicably shipped them via Amazon Shipping. I received the “order has shipped” notice on 1/13/25. As of this morning, 1/24/25, I still do not have the pellets or even an expected delivery date. It turns out that the teamsters union has organized some Amazon delivery drivers, etc and there are strikes happening in various areas throughout the country, including Atlanta. This is unacceptable to me. I know it’s not PA’s fault (except that I think they should have known about the strikes and not shipped via Amazon Shipping). Anyway, when you are ordering things try to insure that some other shipping service is used besides Amazon Shipping.

    • Elmer,

      In a way it is PAIR’s fault. They are constantly looking for the cheapest way to do things. Well, the cheapest way is not always the best way.

      I tracked a package from PAIR that ended up going back and forth between two locations in NC for almost a week before it finally broke out of that loop and came to me.

      PAIR very likely has grown too big and is expanding so much they very likely have forgotten where they came from. How many at PAIR are shooters? I can remember a time when everyone was.

      • Thanks BB, that’s informative. Here is a response from the thread you linked to. It appears that PA has at least given us a choice now. This came a few days too late for me. But I was not aware of the labor disputes at Amazon before last night anyway. And that is the main reason I posted this; so that others might become aware and be able to avoid similar frustrations. I suggest that PA might want to consider removing Amazon Shipping from the mix until the labor disputes are resolved and things return to more normal.

        “ Hello, my name is Val Gamerman, and I am President of Pyramyd AIR. Sorry it was not apparent that when you placed the order it will be transported by an Amazon truck. That was my mistake in pushing for a silent test – we have been testing their network and allowed less than 6% of small packages be transported in the past few weeks. They did an OK job, although they themselves hand over the packages to USPS sometimes (much like UPS or FedEx do). Long story short – starting sometime next week you will be able to make an informed decision when placing an order on our website: ship via UPS, USPS, Fedex or now Amazon. Thank you for being a customer and I am sure no matter what happens with your particular package, we will always take care of you, just like we always take care of our customers.”

        • Thanks for sharing your response, Elmer Fudd. Since Val wrote this, we’ve adjusted the display and you’ll now see Amazon Logistics as a specific option with other methods still available. We’re trying to find a balance of reliable & affordable options. If you do give it a try, sometimes they’re the cheapest, please share your experience. Thanks!

          • Thanks for the information. I suggest full disclosure if you keep Amazon Logistics as an option and include the fact that the labor disputes are affecting delivery times at this time. Cheapest isn’t worth it when it takes too long to get the merchandise.

          • Hello, I commend you and Val on monitoring complaints in this blog and other forums like Airgun Nation. So far I have nothing but good experiences with PAIR (even when part of an order gets delayed), but it is nice to see a non A.I.-generated response to a customer venting his or her frustrations. That’s the personal touch that keeps me coming back. Plus, it helps that I live close to you and I get in-stock items the next day…. Keep up the good work.

            Two suggestions for your website would be adding a way to sort ammo by cost per shot (some pellets come in smaller or larger tins so it’s hard to comparison shop without a calculator or a spread sheet), and listing the country of origin for each product.

  4. Ian,

    I like bipods. I have used them for well over fifty years now. I started out with a spring legged Harris that mounted onto the front sling bolt. It is only in more recent years that bipods have begun to change and branch into their present families.

    When I was shooting the Armada, I had a two-piece bipod that mounted on the M-Lock rails of the air rifle. This lowered the barrel to between the attachment points of the legs and greatly widened the stance. I was hooked.

    I had recently purchased the AirForce bipod for my Texan LSS to mount on my top rail and have the barrel below the attachment points of the legs, but the mount is having trouble dealing with the rather large suppressor tube on this air rifle. I am presently looking for a suitable bipod to use with my Texan, where upon the AirForce bipod will be mounted on my Condor or my Talon SS.

    Although I do very much like many of the features you have pointed out that this bipod has, and would very much like to have this bipod, the price is a bit high for most of us mortals. The price of this bipod is more than double what I have paid for most of my airguns.

    Please be aware that I am not criticizing you. You are showing us what is indeed a very impressive bipod that has features that are equal to or better than most available today. My issue is with Leapers/UTG. They have apparently forgotten those who started them on this road and are chasing the “big bucks” that are spent by a few select rich boys and girls who have the money to throw after such a hobby and travel around the world to punch holes in paper.

    I guess I will just have to look for another up and coming brand of airgun accessories that I can afford.

    • It is a very impressive accessory; Ian’s “drive” report is appreciated. This bipod is a good example of the “you get what you pay for” axiom. The cost reflects the design, engineering, and the salaries of all those who made/make it possible to place this bipod in the market. Unfortunately for those of us who grew up in and remember the Sane Days, it is hard to adjust one’s price frame-of-reference to the stunning numbers quoted for products in these times. FM still can’t get himself to pay house-prices for most of the half-decent cars and trucks available today, for example. House prices 40+ years ago, that is. Sometimes the prices for the wheeled stuff are the same or higher than TODAY’S bloated ones for housing!

      FM feels your pain, RR. He inherited genes originating out of the good people in NW Spain. Those folks possess quite a few Scottish-like characteristics, including but not limited to the virtue of thrift. They even play bagpipes.

      • Ah, the sweet sound of the pipes floating across the moors and meadows in the light of the moon.

        Mrs. RR and I have been raised as those of the WWII generation instead of Boomers. The newer generations use something until they are bored with it and just throw it away.

        • RR & FM,
          While the Goliath is the flagship of their bipod line, they have not discontinued their other bipods.

          I have used Leapers/UTG products of all price ranges for about 20 years or more.

          I have seen them advance their technology over time to stay at the forefront of the industry.

          In business if you don’t advance with the demands of your customers, you don’t stay in business.

          They haven’t forgotten their roots.

          I visited them a few weeks ago, and have seen first hand how there is a trickle down effect.

          As their technology in optics and production facilities advances, what once was the best and most expensive available, has been replaced with newer and better .

          And the “older” high end models technology, is now the middle tier, and what was the middle tier has tricked down and is now being incorporated into the budget friendly line.

          So the quality of the budget optics has been quietly upgraded over time.

          One of the instances of that happening was seen in their Bug Buster line of optics.

          When first introduced they had relatively large, thick crosshairs and mil dots.
          Over time that was upgraded to a finer, more precise reticle.

          Did they announce the change with flags and fireworks?

          No, it was simply put in place and the next time you bought a Bug Buster, you realized it had an upgraded reticle.

          You can’t sell the newest and greatest things to everyone, but there is probably something in their inventory that meets your criteria of quality and budget.

          Hope everyone has a great weekend.!


    • Roamin Greco,

      Just gave you a quick reply earlier; had to run to get in my HIIT Session ;^)

      500 hundred meter Erg Row warmup 2.00 pace

      3 Rounds
      Renegade Rows 25lb dumbbells with Push up on 12
      Kneeling deck to sky cross body (45°) 35lb kettlebell lifts 10/side
      Birddog Bench Rows 12/side 35lb dumbbell.

      Easy 500 hundred Erg Row cool down and lactic acid clear 2.30/500 Pace.
      45 minutes
      SAUNA to Ice water dip.

      There is the clamp on type of bipod available: https://www.pyramydair.com/product/utg-new-generation-reinforced-clamp-on-bipod?a=5145
      But i would not recommend it for firearms and strongly oppose use on airguns because their barrels are made with metals far less stiff than even firearms. POA to POI variability would be very likely greater than the stability a bipod might provide.


    • Doc,

      Either you didn’t read yesterday’s report or your remember forgets real fast. Nobody in the Benjamin, Crosman Daisy Gamo booth would talk to me.


      • BB,
        I did read yesterday’s report and hence why I asked. Jesse reached out and you even said you guys made contact. He offered to meet with you. I have no idea if that happened or what was discussed when you made contact. So again that is why I asked.


        • Doc,

          When I read Jesse’s email I was already home in Texas. So we never actually talked. And you read what I asked him that I’m still waiting to hear the answer to.


  5. 45Bravo,

    Excellent report.
    I certainly agree with this: “The Goliath is over-engineered for most airgun use…”
    Leapers/UTG does have other Bipods that go for far less and still look to be quality products.

    IF i was to get a bipod as long as i had the clearance for the sight system i might choose their over bore bipod with a number of QD docks:
    for mounting on other rifles. The Over Bore bipod:
    Probably gives near the same level of stability as the Goliath given the wide stance of the legs.

    Thank you,


    • Shootski, if you look, the second overbore bipod you linked to uses the same 4 pin steel lockup as the Goliath.

      I have not owned an over bore model yet, I may need to look into that.


      • 45Bravo,

        The Over Bore bipod comes with one mounting pad (obviously) in the kit.
        The spare mounting pad in the first link also as 3 locking lugs for the PICATINNY rail as well as the 44°of Tilt and 22° of Pan. I wonder if other rail styles, say ARCA, could be offered by Leapers?

        The Bipod’s weight as well as MSRP is less weighty as well.


        • Do you mean an Arca mount for the over bore mounting system?

          So the over bore model can be used in a conventional Arca mounted bipod way.

          Or do you mean an Arca mount for the Goliath?
          An Arca mount for the Goliath is in the pipeline.


          • 45Bravo,

            Whatever works from an engineering standpoint and also makes sense from a market size improvement.
            Ian, i am at least somethat rational in my wants after years of working in a field that was rich with OPM ;^)


  6. Ian,
    Thank you for the nice writeup. Do you think this bipod would work with say an FWB 300s or A Dianawerk 75 Match Spring Airgun?

    I was thinking about how well it would do for field shooting with match rifles where one does not normally have access to a bench.


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