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Air Guns A smooth-shooting springer

A smooth-shooting springer

TX200 Mark III
The TX200 Mark III with the tuning kit from Tony Leach is the smoothest-shooting spring-piston air rifle I know of.

Link to the previous 8 parts of the TX200 report

This report covers:

  • Here you go
  • It’s not cheap!

Before we begin I want you to know something. Last week I was jammed with things that took my time away from the blog. I won’t go into what they all were but each one was important and had to be attended to by me. So I asked 45Bravo for some extra guest blogs. Here is why. His guest blogs only take me about three hours to edit and schedule for publication.

Other guest bloggers can take three to five times as long, making it harder for me to use them than to write a report of my own. I needed to save time last week, so I went with 45Bravo.

Yes, I do have some medical issues and I am scheduled soon for an operation to remove my 26mm kidney stone. I will be in the hospital at least one night and probably two, because the operation is a serious procedure. So there will be more guest blogs coming as required. That is what is happening, and I wanted you to know.

Today I address reader Honest Bob’s request for a report on a smooth-shooting spring-piston rifle. Let’s see what he said.

Here you go

Bob, Ten years ago I would have said the Whiscombe series of recoilless air rifles were what you need, and they still are. But John Whiscombe passed away and the 475 rifles he made are as close to untouchable as air rifles get. If you can find one and if you can afford it, it’s is still the very best, but there is another springer that’s available now, new on the market — the TX200 Mark III.

You wanted power between 10 and 12 foot pounds. How does 11 foot pounds sound? That’s an 8.44-grain pellet going out at 767 f.p.s. 

Reader Siraniko said, “The Tx200MkIII with a Tony Leach tune as documented by Tom in https://www.pyramydair.com/blog/2022/02/tx200-mark-iii-part-5-2/ fits the bill. Best of all it’s still available. Now for a direct from factory rifle I think I’ll wait for Tom’s article on Monday.”

Siraniko got it exactly right. What he said is my choice for Bob. But Bob didn’t ask for a “direct from factory” rifle. Even if he had I will say that the Tony Leach tuning kit for the TX200 is very easy to install. Read Part 5 of this report (click on the link above) to see what I say about installing the kit.

It’s not cheap!

No, it’s not cheap. A gold wedding ring costs a certain amount, too. You can have a fake one that is not what you want for a lot less money than a real one. It’s the same for this question — you can have what you asked for — “the smoothest shooting springer (spring piston or gas piston)”. That would be a TX 200 Mark III, plus the Tony Leach kit. Or you can buy something less and hope that it turns out to be what you really want. If that works please tell me because my magic wand isn’t working anymore.

If you don’t already own a TX, and you must not if you are searching for a smooth-shooting springer, then I would either buy a used one or a refurb from Pyramyd AIR. Since you are replacing the powerplant guts with the Leach parts, who needs new?

Guys — I can’t give you cheap when you ask for the very best. I have to be honest with you. And by the way, I will say something else right now. I have been running lots of reports on the AirVenturi Avenge-X lately. Some are written by me and others are written by 45Bravo. I’m doing that for a reason — because it is the very best. Not the cheapest, though for what it can do it probably is about as inexpensive as is possible to go. But of all that are on the market, this one is the very best.

If some folks don’t want to buy an Avenge-X because of where it is made, that is their business. I’m not trying to convince anyone to go against their principles. I’m just trying to show you what I consider to be the very best for certain things. In the case of the Avenge-X those things are accuracy, power, owner-adjustability, the ability to change calibers and shot count in a precharged pneumatic (PCP). 

That is also what I am doing in today’s report for Honest Bob. He asked for the smoothest-shooting springer and I am giving him the rifle that I consider fits the bill. To get the power level he wants and also to be the smoothest-shooting, the TX needs the Tony Leach tuning kit — PERIOD. End of report!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

51 thoughts on “A smooth-shooting springer”

  1. Honest Bob: “I am looking for the smoothest shooting springer…with minimal to no recoil in the 10-12fpe power range.”

    BB: “That would be a TX 200 Mark III, plus the Tony Leach kit.”

    BB, now that’s what I call a nice concise answer! 🙂

    P.S. I’ve got you on my prayer list; I’ve suffered with kidney stones myself and they are no joke.

    • Dave you got that right, but after you pass it, other than feeling like you have been beat with a stick, you feel great!

      26mm That’s a chunk.

      Something the size of a grain of sand had me in the Emergency room…

      Prayers for a pain free and speedy recovery!


      • Ian, the last time I had a kidney stone (but didn’t know it yet) I was boarding a plane; I was hit by such pain and nausea that I had to stand up against the bulkhead at the rear of the aircraft. When the flight attendant told me I had to sit, I said, “I can’t; I really need to stand; it hurts too much to sit.”
        She radioed the pilot, who said he was OK with me standing for the takeoff…cool guy! 🙂

    • dave,

      Thanks for keeping me in your prayers. I have no pain from this stone, but if it ever shifts I could been in serious trouble in hours. The doctor doing the operation is one of only two in the Dallas area who will do it through the back. When she saw the size of the stone she advanced my on her calendar by over a month.


      • FM will keep you on the prayer list…glad you’re getting it done and the good doctor moved things along; when it comes to one’s health, the sooner, the better.

        Besides it’s shooting qualities, the TX200 is a handsome-looking piece; maybe FM will have to allow himself to be enabled into one someday.

      • Well, Tom, you should seek the help of the patron saint of kidney stones, one Rev. Dr. Martin Luther!

        The story goes that in his older days, Dr. Luther was about doing his professorial and pastoral work and developed a serious kidney stone. In the middle ages, folks knew what a kidney stone was in terms of effect but probably NOT of physiology. Luther got so bad that he wanted to be taken home to die – and soon!

        So, the good Doctor of Biblical Languages and Texts was loaded up on one of those medieval ox carts that had a suspension system of solid oak everything bolted together stoutly. He was given what they thought would help him, which was a gallon or two of apple cider – because everyone knows that cider makes one urinate….

        Luther and his attendants started off for his home where he hoped to bid his family farewell before meeting Jesus in person. They went POUNDING over medieval roads taking an huge beating in the bed of the two-wheel ox cart. His moaning and cries were likely barely audible over the pounding of the wheels of the cart and its squeaking noises.

        It was remembered that after a number of miles of this, Luther shouted out to the teamsters to stop the cart and help him down, he had to urinate. There was probably a great deal of skepticism at this point as all the cider he drank, up to this point was ineffective. He was helped to the side of the road by his attendant.

        Luther fetched out his man member and, to the surprise of everyone began to urinate and urinate and urinate. Likely well over a gallon of urine. There was no stopping the flow until it was over. Luther felt huge relief and climbed back up on the ox cart for the ride on homeward.

        I thought of this medieval account and pondered it in light of modern medicine. While not a medical doctor but a Lutheran pastor who has made many an hospital call, I began to consider that perhaps what Luther experienced on the stone-hard bed of that medieval ox cart was a very primitive version of what would today be a sonic impulse treatment wherein a shockwave was introduced into the lower back that then broke apart a blockading urinary stone. No pain drugs were present, of course, just the pounding of a solid wheeled conveyance with considerable mass crossing a most uneven medieval roadway with a “patient” bereft of any cushioning against a full load of solid punches to his back.

        The reported instantaneous release of his urine suggests that what we do in a water bath with sonic impulse and medication Luther got with a horse or mule-drawn ox cart and no suspension or cushioning. The huge impulse from the cart, I suspect, transferred into Luther’s body and did what is clinically induced into patients in our better times – and he was wake for the whole process borne of luck and really bad vehicle engineering.

        There’s no proof of this medically, but it just seems that the parts were all there quite by accident of facts and options. Yep! Dr. Luther was the likely first known patient to have impulse reduction of kidney stones – for sure the first one, in medieval literature, known to have survived the lucky collision of his condition and events that day!

        Something tells me that he probably quaffed a few of Katie’s great biers when he got home…..

  2. Funny you should mention the Whiscombe.

    Serial number 50 in .177 is up for sale on the American Airguns classifieds.

    Unless it’s a scam, but we work to keep scammers off that site, but it’s like playing whack a mole…


    • Ian,

      The latest info is that has been classified as a scam by Scam Busters. That’s just too low a price for a Whiscombe. I’ve seen similar J50’s sell for around $5000. If that was a legit offer, it would mean that something is wrong with the gun and it needs repair.


  3. Honest Bob,

    You asked and the teacher answered. The relatively cheapest route would be to accept the Tx200MkIII as it is but if you want the very best there you have it.


  4. Bob
    I wonder if you consider a, slightly detuned, Diana 54 as a candidate for your quest. I have a T01 with a Vortek kit which can be adjusted to the power level you want. As for recoil, just zero. And I believe the cost is not as high as a TX.

    • I would also recommend a Diana 54 with the caveat that you can adjust the trigger down to a very nice pull but not match grade as you can with a TX200. I really like my Diana 54 and you might be able to get a used one for a lower price than a used TX200. They are both heavy guns at around 9 lbs unscoped. If that’s too heavy for you, then you might want to consider a HW 50. A new one is about the same price to $100-$200 cheaper than a used D54 or TX200.

      Finally, the Diana 54 is a known scope breaker although it hasn’t managed to break any of my less expensive Leaper/UTG scopes,


  5. Hello Tom,
    All the best for your surgery and quick recovery from the other side of the pond.
    Don’t worry for the blog, Ian’s posts are top notch, thanks a lot to you, as well. Always enjoying the read.
    All the best!
    Jens (pops )

  6. Thank you BB for the report and answer to my question. I intentionally left it a bit vague to procure as many different suggestions to research as possible while still fitting the premise of the need/want. No one can be a regular reader here and not know about the TX200 series, and I have read every single blog, many of them far more than once. I am generally not a fan of underlevers but I may have to just ‘get over it already’. You are correct of course, the TX200 checks every other box possible and I would have had one long ago if they offered it in a break barrel.

    I want to thank you all for all of your suggestions! They are all guns that I am familiar with and have considered at one point in time or another but will revisit again! A TX200 or Diana 54 etc is out of my price range right now, health issues leading to 5 months out of work will do that to you sometimes, but by the time the Oklahoma heat dies down enough to shoot regularly outside again, like October, I should be in a better financial position.

    I hope you and your families had a great Father’s Day weekend and wishing you a successful operation and a speedy recovery BB!


  7. Too many airguns, not enough time and money.

    It is my dream that one day a walnut TX200 HC shows up here at RRHFWA. A walnut TX200 MK 3 would not be turned away either. Many years ago I shot a walnut MK 3. Very pretty. Very nice shooting. A bit on the heavy side as has been pointed out previously, but if you are not lugging it around on a hunt, very nice.

    My dream is not likely to come true, but I will continue to dream. Heh, one of my other airgun dreams came true.


    I also pray that your health issues will be satisfactorily resolved. We await your safe return.

  8. By the way, if one of you folks has a tremendous amount of liquid assets that you wish to dispose of, there is a Whiscombe for sale at a certain airgun store located in the SW USA.

  9. GunFun1,

    I know you are out there. I too have retired this year. I too have been quite busy, but still manage to find a little fun time on the range. It is my hope to read some more of your postings.

  10. To BB,, Another fine blog with just the right touch of enabling. A one inch boulder in the kidney is not something one laughs off. I am glad your doctor was able to move your surgery up.

    And to GunFun1,, should you be watching,, come on back, we miss you and some of the new guys haven’t met you yet.

    Ian,, do right by the boss, OK??


    • edlee
      Thanks. And I’ll post at the bottom about some springers I got a little while back. Was going to comment before about them when I go them but since we are on the subject of smooth shooting springers I will below.

  11. BB,
    My heartfelt wishes for a quick recovery. Good thing that the doctor found an earlier time for the procedure. Delaying this things is never a good idea.
    Hope to hear good news soon.

  12. BB,
    We are wishing you the best process flow while the pros tend to your medical issues. A speedy recovery afterwards and please take all the time you need.

    Today I shot my TX200 that I bought as a refurb from PAIR in 2014, just to see how much I still like it. I had to settle my coffee nerves with two shots, but the third Exact Jumbo went through the aim point at ten meters, and I stopped, satisfied that I do like it just the way it is. I have not taken this gun apart, which is crazy for me, I tend to take everything that misbehaves or doesn’t, apart. This rifle says, “Just shoot, enjoy and keep me clean with that Ballistol rag.” I have oiled it and passed a boresnake through the barrel a few times, but that’s all. The high quality and superb accuracy is something you experience every time you use the rifle.
    The way the hand fits around the pistol grip, with wood to hand contact all around, and the trigger is placed in just the right location for the finger, is great design.
    Add a Tony Leach kit and BB says the TX200 becomes a springer that shoots as smoothly as a PCP. Wow.

  13. Well here are some of the smooth shooting springers I have had for a while.
    Tx 200 with factory tune, FWB 300 tuned up, and a detuned Diana 54, a detuned new style stock hw50.

    Now for some others I got a month or so ago. Two Walther LG55’s one tuned up and one tuned down. A Diana 75 that was rebiult by Dave Slade.

    I have other springers also that I didn’t list but these here are the smooth shooter’s.

    So yes I’m still shooting every day since I retired. I try to put a different airgun in the lineup every day including my pcps and pump guns.

    • GF1,

      Glad to see some more posts by you.

      So, FM has your Max also. He bought mine the last NC Airgun Show and I have been trying to get it back ever since. Yes, it is the same one you pointed out to me a while back. Maybe I will be able to pick up another this coming NC Airgun Show Nov. 1-2.

      • GF1 generously donated his .177 Max to FM several years ago because he wanted to bring yours truly to the Good Dark Side and he succeeded. For that FM thanks him again – in the process GF1 made FM a mad Max aficionado. 😉 As for your .22 Max RR, it is a fine shooting one and one-of-a-kind since you did some nice customization to it so, not to hurt your feelings, but it seems right at home here in Casa FM.

        As previously promised, if another one comes in sight you’ll be the first to know.

    • Gunfun,

      You must’ve bought the Diana 75 that I didn’t buy from Dave Slade. I live only about two hours away from Dave shop and shoot field target with him, so naturally, I went to him when I wanted a vintage 10 M rifle to finish my collection. I had a choice between a FWB 300, the Diana 75, and an Anschutz LG 380. I bought the LG 380 because it felt the best and it had the highest FPS (650-I forget the pellet). Sometime I’m gonna try shooting it in a field target match. It can be crazy accurate at 50 yards with 8.44 4.52mm JSB or FX pellets on no/low wind day.


      • Brent
        I bought the Diana 75 from a place in the SW USA. It was rebiult by David. It has a receipt of over $400 of parts and labor that came with the gun.

        So I didn’t buy directly from David.
        But I can say this. It shoots very smooth and makes good power. For sure so far I’m glad I got it.

  14. RR
    I have been seriously thinking about getting one of the 3622’s and have the steel breech installed by PA. They have a deal that you can have it installed when you purchase the gun. And heck from what I remember you get it installed cheaper by them then buying it separately and installing it yourself.

    I bet the 3622 shoots just as well as the Maximus. Probably same barrels used on each.

  15. ScottJ
    You will have to respond back with more of your shooting exsperiance with your 3622.

    But I’m thinking you will like it.

    Oh and you said 3632 at the end of your comment. Did you mean 3622 or is the 3632 the combo number?

  16. BB,

    Done the kidney stones – twice – not fun at all!

    Seems that most kidney stones are self-inflicted. Drinking coffee (a diuretic) and not enough water will do it. They say that you should drink 1 once of water per two pounds of body weight per day – more if it’s hot.

    Hope all goes smoothly for you Tom!

    The TX200 is a very nice airgun to shoot, had it out a couple of days ago. Very stable for offhand plinking.

    A note to Honest Bob – keep your eyes open for a TX200! I lucked in to a deal where the guy wanted a PCP and was willing to trade. The original owner was into Field Target shooting, in addition to the rifle in an unused beech stock there were several spring-kits, a couple of accessories and a beautiful GinB FT stock, included in the trade.

    My .177 is at factory full power right now, plans are to install one of the sub-12 kits.


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