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Archery Hasenpfeffer! It’s Real? Is It Good?

Hasenpfeffer! It’s Real? Is It Good?

rabbit hunched in the grass, looking toward the camera
Walking Hasenpfeffer (Photo by Ray Bicliff)

Seasonal Game Offerings

I’ve said it in the past, “Wild game is my reward”. Not just big game but small game too. If your hunts change to the seasons, you might be one that enjoys many flavors crossing your pallet. In my opinion there’s nothing better than the seasonal game offerings we get to partake of all with the use of an Easton Axis Arrow pulled from your Allen Titan Hip Quiver

I just finished a strong small game season, squirrel, rabbit, fox, raccoon, etc. One of my favorite small game dishes is wild rabbit. I’ve enjoyed it fried, stewed, in gravy over rice but I’ve never tried Hasenpfeffer. Have you and did you know it was something you eat? 

Hasenpfeffer? A Joke?

I was under the impression it was a name of a certain breed of rabbit or a joke for most of my life. Are you sitting there with your glasses sliding down your nose, asking yourself if The Bow Bully is serious? The answer is yes, yes I am and no need to ask questions, I’ll fill you in on the history behind my belief. 

Hunting Guide

As a child, we’d mosey through the rabbit displays at the county fair. I would hear the common, “Mommy, it’s so cute, can I pet it?” and was followed by dad laughing and saying, “Hasenpfeffer!” Which is then followed by a scowl from mom and that being my first impression that it was a joke. 

Next encounter, roadkill! Yes, it was a rabbit, I could hardly tell but it was confirmed again when two of the others in the car simultaneously shouted “Hasenpfeffer!” and finished it off with a loud, almost annoying laugh. 

I never understood what was so funny. As a child, I was blessed to partake of plenty of rabbit; baked, fried, stewed, and in gravy but, hasenpfeffer was never once set before me. Another reason I chose not to take it seriously, until now. 

Until Now

a dish of roasted rabbit leg and veggies next to a serving tray with the remainder of the roasted rabbit.
The best reward ever! (Photo by Engin Akyurt)

Small game season is over and I’ve got a bounty to enjoy! I’ve done my research and have found that Hasenpfeffer is not a joke or a species of rabbit at all! Have I been missing out all my life? Have any of you had the opportunity to swallow down some of this mystery to The Bow Bully dishes? 

Is It Worth It?

I haven’t decided if I’m even going to attempt the sacrifice of my harvest to try this new dish, or if I should stick to traditional family recipes that I know will satisfy both my pallet and my tummy? I need your help! If I love it, it’ll only create an impatience within me for the next small game season to arrive. 

I’ll be at the range perfecting my form and aim using the Real Wild Raccoon Target and testing all the small game broadheads (like the Allen Company Titan Thrasher) to find the best and most effective one. If you, the reader, tell me I shouldn’t sacrifice my bounty to try hasenpfeffer, I will ask a friend to sacrifice theirs, (Yes I have at least one friend). 

One last request from yours truly…Do you have a recipe you’re willing to share with my friend?

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The Bow Bully
The Bow Bully discusses a variety of archery topics and offers tips, advice and the occasional nudge to make you a better bowhunter. With years of experience, and an attitude to match, you'll find the Bully has something to offer both beginners and seasoned hunters.

3 thoughts on “Hasenpfeffer! It’s Real? Is It Good?”

  1. TBB,

    Going to have to save you again TBB!

    ”While English speakers tend to mistakenly use the word “rabbit” for hares, the German tendency is the reverse: Hase is sometimes mistakenly used instead of Kaninchen, and it tends to be the preferred word whenever the distinction is irrelevant or impossible to tell (for example, a bunny girl is a Häschen in German and the Easter Bunny is called Der Osterhase”).

    OBTW German Hares are HUGH!

    Hares are much tastier in Hasenpfeffer.
    Leave the rabbits for your family recipes.

    English is my second language.


  2. TBB,

    I typically prepare Snowshoe rabbits (they tend to be a tougher more gamey meat) as Hasenpfeffer or in a tomato based recipe and Cottontail rabbits per your family recipes.


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