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Air Guns BB’s Goldie: Part Two

BB’s Goldie: Part Two

BBs Goldie
BB’s Goldie is a golden Cerakoted Avenger. The reservoir, receiver, muzzle cap, forward Picatinney rail and cocking handle were colored differently to set off the gold.

Part 1
Labradar chronograph

This report covers:

  • Labradar
  • Everything is new again
  • The test
  • How fast?
  • Air Arms 16-grain dome
  • String number two of AA 16-grain domes
  • BB’s accident
  • JSB Exact Jumbo Heavy
  • Baracuda Hunter Extreme
  • The Avenger trigger
  • The Meopta scope
  • Summary

Today we look at the velocity of BB’s Goldie, but we also look at a whole lot more! Let’s get started


This was the first time I used the Labradar chronograph as I intended. I mentioned in Part One of that report that I would shoot for accuracy and chronograph at the same time. I figured the test would take me many hours because I wasn’t familiar with the Labradar software, but in fact setup and testing of both velocity and accuracy (really more of a sight-in at 10 meters) took just one hour. The Labradar software is incredibly clear and the user’s manual is well-written. And BB used to write operator manuals for the Army, so he knows a good one when he sees it!

Everything is new again

So BB is shooting for accuracy at 10 meters; he is shooting his new Avenger precharged pneumatic (PCP) and he has mounted a Meopta MeoSport R 3-15X50RD second focal plane scope that — well — read on and I will tell you. Actually since today is velocity day I will mostly tell you next Monday, when I report the accuracy. This is like time-traveling! When are we?

I mounted the scope using rings with 11mm airgun bases instead of Picatinny bases. The scope base on the Avenger allows for that, which is just one more perq that comes with the rifle.

The test

I shot 10-shot strings (well, strings today and groups next Monday) of three different pellets. When I ordered BB’s Goldie I asked for a Pro tune, which I believe is supposed to be in the 20-22 foot-pound range. It’s the midrange tune that Pyramyd AIR offers. We shall see today.

I shot from the 10-shot circular magazine today. It was very easy to load and shoot, but I did have one accident that I will relate in a bit.

How fast?

Well, the Labradar doesn’t just give me velocity. It gives me velocity for each shot at five different distances from the muzzle. This chronograph is GREAT! And, since I input the pellet’s weight for each string, it can also give me energies for each shot — at each distance! You can calculate the ballistic coefficient from the downrange velocities if you want.

For this report I will give velocities the way I always do — at the muzzle. Believe me, it is very easy to be overwhelmed by the mountain of data this chronograph provides and stores. And another thing should be mentioned. I didn’t have to download an app to read the data. I could have reviewed it right on the chronograph screen as I went or later or on my computer. I chose the computer and all I had to do was insert the SD card from the chronograph. Everything was there in a file in a nice neat report! 

See what I mean about today being a big report? And there is more to come. But for now let’s get back to BB’s Goldie and the velocity test, shall we?

Hunting Guide

Air Arms 16-grain dome

When I last tested a .22-caliber Avenger I found the Air Arms 16-grain dome to be the most accurate. So I started there.

The first 12 shots (remember, I’m recording velocity and sighting in together) with the Air Arms 16-grain dome averaged 930 f.p.s. The low was 922 and the high was 941 f.p.s., so a 19 f.p.s. spread. At the average velocity this pellet generated 30.74 foot-pounds. That was higher than I expected. I see that the regulator is set to 2,800 psi, so I will probably adjust it down, but not today.

The first group that you will see next Monday looked a bit large to me but I was doing so many things, or watching the Labradar do them that I became distracted. And this pellet was the most accurate from my previous 8-part test of the .22-caliber Avenger. So I shot a second string with the same pellet.

String number two of AA 16-grain domes

The average for string two was 899 f.p.s. The high was 920 and the low was 896 f.p.s. That’s a difference of 24 f.p.s. At this velocity this pellet generates 28.72 foot-pounds at the muzzle. It looks like it has dropped off the power curve, or the first string of shots went out too fast. I think the regulator is set too high. I will correct that, but not today. I definitely don’t want so much power.

One shot failed to register on the chronograph and I discovered that I had placed the muzzle of the rifle about 4 inches ahead of the airgun microphone trigger. I backed up and every other shot was captured. What I’m telling you is –as before, this Avenger is quiet. I forgot to record the noise with everything that was happening, but I’m guessing it’s a 90-93 dB. I will record it for you later.

BB’s accident

On string two I loaded the barrel before I was ready. I think it happened right after I fired the shot that didn’t record and I had to back the muzzle up. I wanted to replace that lost pellet in the magazine. I did but I forgot that I had already loaded the next shot into the breech so after I loaded the magazine and put it back into the rifle I loaded another pellet into the breech. And that’s when I caught my mistake.

I removed the magazine and then shot those two pellets at the mulch box, not the target. The Labradar dutifully recorded the velocity of both pellets as a single shot. They went out at 611 f.p.s. and they struck the box one-half-inch apart. I then loaded the magazine with three more pellets and get the string back on track. Could I edit the string to remove that double shot? Certainly, but for the sake of time (because I didn’t know how to do it and I didn’t want to stop and learn how) I didn’t. I determined the average velocity offline.

JSB Exact Jumbo Heavy

Next to be tested were 10 JSB Exact Jumbo Heavy pellets. Now that I had the chronograph figured out it was easier to set up for the next pellet. All I had to do was start a new string and change the pellet weight.

Ten of these pellets averaged 874 f.p.s. The low was 866 and the high was 889 f.p.s.– a difference of 23 f.p.s. This string made me wonder whether the first string was a fluke, because the Avenger seemed to be happy here.

At the average velocity this pellet generated 30.71 foot pounds of energy. Yep — this rifle is set for high power. Fortunately it’s quite easy to reduce it to where I want it to be.

Baracuda Hunter Extreme

The last pellet I tested was the Baracuda Hunter Extreme from H&N. In recent accuracy tests I’ve found this pellet quite accurate and I wanted to try it in BB’s Goldie.

The average for this pellet was 862 f.p.s. The low was 855 f.p.s. That’s a spread of 7 f.p.s. — the tightest we have seen. At the average velocity this pellet generated 30.53 foot pounds at the muzzle.

The Avenger trigger

The Avenger trigger is light but mushy. I need to learn it so I know where the rifle fires. I forgot to measure the trigger pull, too, so there is more work to do. But since I need to tune the rifle to my preference, I’m adding in the muzzle report and the trigger weight in that report. It will be Part 4 because Part 3 is sight in and accuracy at 10 meters.

The Meopta scope

I can’t wait to report this because between now and when I write the accuracy report I will probably forget it. This Meopta scope is as clear as pure water! I was COMPLAINING about the lousy groups I was shooting until I walked down and saw them up close. This scope is incredible! Just wait until you see what I saw. And — this scope is a cheapie — for Meopta. I hope Pyramyd AIR continues to stock it, because this is one I can afford to buy several of.


The rifle is great; the chronograph is great and the scope is great. How’s that for brevity?

The rifle is smooth, it chambers smoothly and shoots quietly. It’s much quieter than the power indicated. The trigger is light but not crisp. For accuracy, wait until Monday, but if you need to make a purchase decision — it’s accurate!

The chronograph is simple to operate, reliable and my new best friend. I lamented the end of the Shooting Chrony company. Not no more! And, by the way, I started with the rechargeable battery at 97 percent and after 42 shots and 45 minutes of operating time the battery power was at 93 percent. I think it will do.

The Meopta scope is to die for! It may be a cheapy in the Meopta line but it will kick some serious butt among the higher end scopes!

BB is happy!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

34 thoughts on “BB’s Goldie: Part Two”

  1. Hello, great looking rifle there, and like you, I am not normally a painted or unusual colored gun guy…

    Many of the avenger owner have found it is happiest in the 860ish fps range, and the reg struggles to drop 4300 psi down to its useable pressure.

    It seems it stabilizes well between 3200ish and down…until you fall off the reg.

    Sorry for being absent lately, I have started a new job, and the learning curve is high, and involves a lot of my free time to get up to speed.

    And with the field I am now in, there is NO ONLINE training content..

    Since the week after the texas airgun show i haven’t had a chance to do hardly ANYTHING airgun related..

    No shooting, nothing..

    It’s killing me…….

    Shoot safe, have fun…


  2. Tom,

    I can tell you are excited with the Labradar. It definitely will save you time and effort in making your blog giving you more time to consume as you please.


    PS: Section How fast? 2nd paragraph 6th sentence: “I chose the computer and all I had to do was insert the SD card from the (Labradar).
    PPS: Section Summary 3rd paragraph 3rd sentence: “Not no (anymore) more!”

  3. Looking very much forward to learning the “…velocity for each shot at five different distances…”. In particular, I’m hoping to learn the knock down power of airguns and pellets where it matters, ie at the target. 🙂

      • >>> it’s way too much data for these reports. <<<


        A picture could do that easily. It's quick to copy/paste data from several strings into a new spreadsheet and create a graph.

        I'm very comfortable "visualizing numbers" but often make a graph when I want to compare different sets of data. An unexpected kink in a curve shows up real quick.

        Glad that the Labradar is working out for you. Yeah, the first couple of times it's distracting but that passes quickly as you get comfortable with the unit. Nice to have an orange "stenographer" taking notes while you are busy eh?


    • 3hi,

      The Labradar is VERY good for that, if you can afford one. They are right pricey, but once you learn it, it is a most powerful tool. I hope someone decides to send one to stay for a vacation at RRHFWA. 😉

  4. BB
    I believe you wear many hats for Pyramyd AIR and this is a wonderful way of showing their appreciation. The Godfathers Golden Gun.
    My first thought on seeing the Avenger was that it is a restocked Senica Aspen with the hand pump swapped for an air tank, with additional mods. Makes good business sense.
    A while back I posted a picture of a silver Semi-Bullpup PCP rifle, I believe was made in Russia and mentioned we need to think out of the box. I wonder if someone in the industry agreed with me because this Avenger certainly is.
    Using words of my dearly departed mother, “It looks ‘peachy’ keen!” 😉

  5. B.B.,
    Told you so! Told you so! Told you so!

    …and more than thee years ago about how much time a LabRadar would save you!
    With a properly set up spread sheet it will compute and write standardized sections of your report for you! As Hank pointed out it will allow graphs for folks who learn/understand more better that way too!
    END of scolding
    I’m SO glad you FINALLY got one.

    OKAY! One more SCOLD for everyone:
    The LabRadar may seem pricey but with the current and future cost of ammo (firearm & airgun) those of you that do just a little more than unbox and shoot it (NOT the LabRadar) will quickly save enough to pay off your Loan to Self!
    Don’t be like B.B., Hank and me!
    Too soon old, too late schmart!

    Enable, Enable, Enable
    The LabRadar really is better than pre sliced bread!


    PS in: JSB Exact Jumbo Heavy
    “Next to be tested were 10 JSB Exact Jumbo Heavy pellets. Now that I had the chronograph figured out it was easier to set up for the nest (next) pellet.”

    • B.B.,

      You know as well as I that we who served KNOW better than most how LITTLE we truly “know” the more we learn!
      I do KEN what little I have been fortunate to learn.
      Good friends like Denny are what we all need most!


  6. B.B. and Readership,

    I’m back East to the Flatland (rain AND NO POWDER Freshies!) I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for your good wishes and above all prayers for my grandson. He is improving at a fantastic pace (at seven soon to be eight years young) that seems to be how it goes most often. He wants back onto the snow and was unhappy to not get to ski on Monday with his Opa and hear the Thundersnow along with experiencing the two inch (5cm) per hour snowfall among the gorgeous tall Spruces of Big Cottonwood Canyon.

    Thank you again!


      • Decksniper,

        Big Cottonwood Canyon along with Guardsman Pass are among some of my favorite places on God’s Earth. I have been skiing in the Wasatch, Lasalle and the High Uintas since the middle of the last century; just a different vibe compared to so many other ski places I have had the pleasure to leave tracks in the snow..
        Thank you for your additional prayers for my grandson.


  7. The tool I would like even more than a labradar chronograph would be a “Zero”.

    That’s what I would call the gadget that one would throw one’s airgun into, dial a distance into it’s keypad, press GO and a couple of minutes later, with the ring of a little bell, it would announce that the airgun is ready.
    And the airgun is now perfectly zeroed for the chosen distance! 🙂

      • Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier), my idea of the “Zero” is to maximise my fun, by letting someone/something else do the frustratingly difficult bit of setting up an airgun to be as accurate as possible.

        Or, in other words, none of my airguns is properly zeroed. Not one! I have tried with all long arms and many handguns too, but can say with confidence that I have no confidence where they shoot. 🙂

    • hihihi,
      Built and Programed by humans…
      I hope you have played on a Pinball machine.
      Engineer’s ideas of “Elegant” has never set well with me.
      The LabRadar and things like it can give you the D.O.P.E. to do that yourself; so much more rewarding and airgunner SMILE inducing.


      • No shootski, I have never been tempted to try to “play” a pinball machine in my life, but my girlfriend has just explained what “TILT!…” means.
        Similarly I haven’t a clue about “D.O.P.E.”.

        But as far as the labradar chronograph goes, I can see that it has an interesting variety of information to offer. However, for me it’s not the high price but the sophistication that is off-putting. If it’s not doubly idiot proofed, user friendly and simple to use, then it’ll never last the warranty period! 🙂

        • hihihi,

          D.O.P.E. = Data On Previous Engagement

          As B.B. pointed out the LabRadar comes with a very well done Owner’s Manual.
          I do understand that a great many people who buy one are overwhelmed by what seems a complex device at first glance…it actually isn’t.
          I think it is the fact that it doesn’t reveal how it does it that bamboozles all too many owners.
          This is coming from someone who fervently subscribes to the K.I.S.S. Principal.


  8. All this Tec Talk
    I am not a dedicated shootist by a ‘long shot’. 😉 Even if I do have a Chrony. It’s just a tool I call upon to help with any mod I may be doing or obtaining basic information about a new airgun. I am just not seriously into target shooting perfection. At least the ones without fur on them.
    An afternoon of casual competition shooting fun with a neighbor once every couple of months is about it. Plinking fills the time between. Besides, BB and all do the work for me. I could just pull up info on the blog.
    I also think a chart of some sort would be easier to form a mental picture and save on words. We could even save it for a particular airgun. Boring? perhaps a little, but I don’t recall BB being at a loss for words.
    A little off subject but I remember talking about technological advances in airgun, and perhaps real firearm shooting, that may one day lead to someone taking first place in a shooting championship by simply pushing a button to shoot at the target.
    At what point does the shooters skill become irrelevant and the amount of money spent on equipment does?
    Obviously the Labradar is not involved in shooting the airgun just providing information. Most of this Hi-Tec stuff seems to be interaction between the gun, scope and i phone. Download the app and never miss again type stuff. Hopefully it will remain in the hands of our military and not turn talented Air Gunners into phone tappers. Unless of course, you want to be one.

    • Bob M,

      Just like automobiles where the steering wheel isn’t really mechanically connected to the wheels on the road. Most Power Steering gear was bad enough but the artificial road feedback just doesn’t cut it for me.
      I hope to never need to use those types of shooting aides. I can understand their place when that first shot (or every last shot) must count with NO chance to shoot another time; i’m hopefully done with that type of operation.
      I have never taken any joy in that kind of shooting.


      • shootski, I am reminded of cruise control, which has a calming effect on me when I’m behind the wheel. So that is good.
        The kind that uses radar to keep a set distance from the slower vehicle in front is even better. 🙂

        Before that, I used to be an agressive driver, always very competitive in the public road races (regular traffic) and almost always angry.
        Now I get in the car, get in the queue and get lost (following the onboard guidance system) until I arrive. In the meantime I’ll drop the soft top for fresh air or tune in some beautiful classics to accompany the scenery. Yes, I’ve found a way to enjoy driving. 🙂
        And now a rant:
        I am beyond furious (!) that Mercedes have built microphones into the cabin, over which the owner has no control (they say something like, they need to know what’s going in case of an accident), ie constantly spying, you know, like all smart phones, tablets etc do, grrr… !

        No, it’s not my car, and she doesn’t mind (“I don’t have anything to hide”), Aaargh! 🙁

        Back to airguns:
        To me, a similar situation exists with the badabang target because it requires the internet. Worse still, I had to download and install their application program.
        Harvesting information while shooting my airguns? Hmm…

        • hihihi,

          Good luck on finding any privacy from now on; short of an EMP event or massive Solar Storm privacy is a thing we most of us lost sometime in the mid 1980’s and all of us conected in some way to the Internet at the start of this Millennium. B.B. calls me a Know-it-All but on this he is unfortunately correct for once, Lol! Even those who have gone OFF GRID really have no privacy if they are of interest to anyone.
          I have a soft top on my SAAB 9-3 Viggen Convertible and know that special feeling.that only a soft top in the down position provides at least on the ground. hihihi you need to get at least one ride in an open cocpit aircraft on your Bucket List!
          After I started flying i lost all my competitiveness on the roadways since it is far TOO DANGEROUS. I will, however, drive aggressively on a closed roadrace circuit and fly über agressively in the air!
          Hank has some good advice for you to try on your airgun shooting and don’t forget to breathe more to help those eyes.

          • Thanks shootski for your Bucket List suggestion.

            Would a Tiger Moth biplane qualify?
            I felt off-colour beforehand which was not flight related, but wasn’t going to miss my opportunity.
            So I presented myself for my allotted time slot and the flight proved an unforgettable fun experience, not least of which, due to a very entertaining Brendan O’Brien (flight instructor).

            Annoyingly, due to my fragile bowels, I had to work hard at keeping my body under control. Finally, and to Brendan’s surprise, I declined looping the loop.
            But it was Great ! 🙂


            Have you experienced traveling in an open top car that does not have a windscreen, or at least nothing larger than those semi circular aero screens (to at least keep the flies out of your teeth!)? Without the regular convertible screen turbulence that tends to blow one’s hair forward, I think, feeling the wind blow straight into my face is uniquely refreshing and fun! I learnt that the sensation of speed is quite different, eg the velocity at which rain stings is surprisingly low. 🙂

  9. >>> I have no confidence where they shoot. <<<


    Might I suggest that you start close (like 3 meters close) and move the target back as you get more confident.

    I wrote a guest blog on finding your effective range, Here is a link if you're curious:


    • Thank you Vana2. I read your guest report and will (try to remember to) have a go at shooting over increasing distances, starting from right up close. Should be a rather different experience for me… 🙂

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