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Education / Training Crosman Challenger PCP 10-meter target rifle: Part 3

Crosman Challenger PCP 10-meter target rifle: Part 3

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Crosman Challenger PCP
Crosman Challenger PCP.

Edge Part 1
Edge Part 2
Edge Part 3
Edge Part 4
Edge Part 5
AirForce Edge 10-meter target rifle: Part 1
AirForce Edge 10-meter target rifle: Part 2
AirForce Edge 10-meter target rifle: Part 3
AirForce Edge 10-meter target rifle: Part 4
AirForce Edge 10-meter target rifle: Part 5
AirForce Edge 10-meter target rifle: Part 6
Challenger PCP: Part 1
Challenger PCP: Part 2

This report covers:

  • The test
  • Qiang Yuan Training pellets — I’m back!
  • JSB Blue Match
  • The trigger is great!
  • Gamo Match
  • RWS R10 Pistol pellets
  • RWS Meisterkugeln Rifle
  • Discussion
  • Summary

Today we shoot the Crosman Challenger PCP 10-meter youth target rifle for accuracy. Some of you were impressed by how long it held a charge. That’s common for a good PCP, and this one obviously is. I have a lot to tell you so let’s get started.

I filled the rifle and started shooting at 6 a.m. That’s a good start for me because it gives me plenty of time to do what I have to, plus take pix and also write the report. I had a sneaking suspicion that this was gonna be a good day!

The test

I shot the Challenger off a sandbag rest from 10 meters. I shot 5-shot groups so I would stay fresh and still get to shoot many different pellets.

The rifle is so quiet that my cat, Dale Evans, didn’t even raise an objection — a rare thing for her. I guess the 24-inch barrel really uses up all the compressed air — especially the way I now have the powerplant adjusted.

Qiang Yuan Training pellets — I’m back!

First to be tested was Qiang Yuan Training pellets. I fired a shot to see where the sights needed to be adjusted but when I looked through the spotting scope it was almost a pinwheel (a perfectly centered shot). And, after the other 4 pellets were fired, I knew this was going to be my day. Five pellets went into 0.097-inches, center-to-center at 10 meters!

Crosman Challenger PCP Chinese Training pellets
Five Qiang Yuan Training pellets went into 0.097-inches at 10 meters — a gold dollar group!

Then I reflected that the last time I shot the Challenger in 2009 I had sighted it in. It is still on!

JSB Blue Match

This is the first time I have tried this JSB Blue Match target pellet. The Challenger put five of them in 0.217-inches at 10 meters, which is not too bad.

Crosman Challenger PCP JSB Blue pellets
The Challenger PCP put 5 JSB Blue Match pellets into a 0.217-inch group at 10 meters.

The trigger is great!

I have to comment on the Challenger’s trigger. I noticed that I didn’t address it in Part 2 like I usually do.

Of course it is a Benjamin Marauder trigger and I have it set up exactly the way I like it — a long first stage and a crisp second stage that breaks cleanly at 1 lb. 13 oz. I reported that it was set at 1 lb. 12 oz in 2009, so it’s holding up very well.

Stock Up on Shooting Gear

Gamo Match

I tried Gamo Match pellets next. Would they be even more accurate in the Challenger PCP? Not a chance! Five of them spread out to a 0.377-inch group. But in a way I was glad to see that, because it verified that I had been shooting well with the first two pellets — especially the first one!

Crosman Challenger PCP Gamo Match pellets
Five Gamo Match pellets ripped a 0.377-inch group at 10 meters. Not the pellet for the Challenger PCP!

RWS R10 Match Pistol pellets

The next pellet I tried was the old standby RWS R10 Match Pistol pellet. I expected great things and they delivered! Five went into a 0.134-inch group at 10 meters — another gold dollar!

Crosman Challenger PCP R10 Pistol pellets

The Challenger PCP put five RWS R10 Match Pistol pellets into a 0.134-inch group at 10 meters. That’s good for the gold dollar.

RWS Meisterkugeln Rifle

The last pellet I tried was the RWS Meisterkugeln Rifle wadcutter. Five went into 0.278-inches at 10 meters. In light of what’s gone before it’s a non-starter for the Challenger.

Crosman Challenger PCP Meisterkugeln Rifle pellets
Five Meisterkugeln Rifle pellets went into 0.278-inches at 10 meters.


It was sure nice to have a good day again! At least I know I can still shoot sometimes. After the first group I kept hoping for something even better, but that’s getting into territory where even 10-meter rifles don’t often go.

The trigger is adjusted so well that I was able to watch every shot fire with no movement of the rifle. The 3.8mm front sight aperture is perfectly sized for the 10-meter bulls!

The Challenger PCP gets lots of shots on a low-pressure fill and is the dream rifle of those with a hand pump!


This concludes our look at the Crosman Challenger PCP target rifle. We have now looked at both the AirForce Edge and the Crosman Challenger PCP. You should have enough information to make a good decision about which one meets your youth target rifle needs.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

61 thoughts on “Crosman Challenger PCP 10-meter target rifle: Part 3”

  1. B.B.,

    So was it the right or the left hole that more of the R10 pellets went through! I would guess the left; you need to video your shots!
    I can see your smile in my minds eye and it probably lasted all day long. BZ!


  2. I’ve just realized Crosman Challenger is single shot. They should make a single shot version of Marauder too, where you can insert the pellet right into the barrel.

  3. B.B.,

    You have reviewed among 10 meter rifles a spring power plant, an SSP, and a PCP. Were CO2 rifles ever used as a power plant? Obviously in pistols which you have reported before. But in the development of the 10 meter rifles did they skip over the use of CO2?

    Thank you for your prayers. My Father is getting better daily the hospital says. Unfortunately hospital policy forbid visitors or companions due to the infectious nature of this disease. I just hope my own test comes back as negative.


    • Siraniko
      Glad your father is doing better. And hope your test comes back negative too.

      And I think if I remember right with out searching that the Daisy Avanti was a 10 m Co2 gun. But I might be thinking of something else.

        • Sirinako,

          If you look at Brad Troyers page American Airguns under product reviews, you’ll see a review on the FWB C60 Or C62, which was a C02 10M rifle. Scott Pilkington’s webpage, Target Talk, also has some discussions of Various CO2 target rifles.


    • Siraniko,

      I am glad to hear of your Father. I have not been able to visit my Mother in the nursing home for months now. I will be glad when this made in China flu is finally in hand.

      I am certain the Godfather can tell us more, but I seem to recall there being a couple of CO2 10 meter rifles. Due to the nature of the beast, they did not hang around very long.

      • RidgeRunner,

        I hope you can get to visit your Mother soon. The only good news I am hearing is that the more infectious version that is spreading is getting less virulent. No herd immunity but the virus is hopefully weakening.


            • Chris USA,

              As I told Gunfun1 Decide for yourself.
              I would never TRUST information from one source. I always look for other ways to verify the facts. I find that looking at images, especially background unintentional exposed facts are way more reliable then the subject of the image. For instance a photographer caught an image of a new E bike in China…almost No one was wearing face masks. The puzzle of the Truth is found in hundreds if not thousands of puzzle pieces. That is how Naval Intelligence used to work…now it is all about breaking news coverage.
              BGR doesn’t seem to pander to sides of issues all too often.

              Every Decision is a Risk
              Every Risk is a Decision


              • Shootski,

                Thank you. That is all I was asking for. Many good points you made. I tend to view many things and fully realize that the truth is most likely somewhere in the middle, sometimes. Other times,… it is all too obvious.

                I will check it out further (and decide for myself)! 😉


              • Shootski,

                I will add,… you seem to be a step or two,.. or ten? ahead of the average citizen Joe Smith on many topics,…thus the question. “not all too often” seems to be about as good as it gets.


  4. Trying to change my email address for the blog. PA confirmation email has a link
    which you are supposed to click on however this does not work. Tried the copy
    and paste of the link but also no luck .

  5. In part 1 of this report (July 20), B.B. details the CO2 predecessors of this very rifle- Challenger 2000 and CH 2000. Nice to know I’m not the only one with trouble retaining information. 😉

    • B.B.,

      Yeah, I’ve encountered that problem during a silhouette match. It was near high noon and to my chagrin the hammer couldn’t budge the valve. Had to cool down the rifle before I could get it to shoot. Fortunately I was not the only one and the range officers gave us all 15 minutes to get our rifles into firing condition.


      • Siraniko,

        That happened to us while filming “American Airgunner”. We were in the Catskill mountains on southern New York and the outside temperature was only 85 degreed F or so. But the guns were laid on a table in the sun and all locked up until we put them in trhe shade.


        • And imagine what can happen to a pcp also.

          Well and a spring gun or a pump gun or a nitro piston gun for that fact if left out in the direct sun light.

          And you better have your scope shaded too.

          All kinds of crazy things can happen when things are left in direct sun light. Try and see. You just may be surprised as to what happens.

          • Gunfun1,

            Charles Law. Bur CO2 is a SPECIAL case gas at human bearable temperatures. This article is a good one in Scientific American. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/expansion-of-gases/

            So the air expands about 1 cu in per degree right around freezing…but the metal tube or bottle expands too! So Einstein was right! It is all relative.

            I agree with you that hot (or way cold) scopes are a bigger problem especially since it is usually asymmetrical heating to boot!


  6. BB,

    Great shooting!

    Just a clarifying comment on the trigger, for anyone that is thinking of doing anythings parts-based off this: it is a Marauder trigger, but it specifically is a Gen I Marauder trigger. True to this day – so the Gen I trigger is still in production, and that is good news for all of us Gen I Marauder shooters (I have three).


  7. B.B.,

    I’m going to try harder to make my comments air gun related, but I must express how wonderful I think it is that you have a cat (or the cat has you) named Dale Evans. :^)


    • Michael
      Hey BB was the one that brought up his cat.

      So I guess if BB brings up off subject stuff then it’s open season for the rest of us.

      And you know Ole Gunfun1.If I got something to say I’m probably go’n to. 🙂

      • Gunfun1,

        I feel folks should feel they can name their pets playfully, not just the usual Spot, Butch, Buster, Patches, etc. My wife and I named our first cat Godzilla. Even as a kitten he was big, and he was constantly terrorizing (just playing and roughhousing) his littermates. It just seemed right.


  8. BB,

    Always nice when you can lay tiny coins next to your groups! 🙂 Like you,… I am an early bird and will often be out before 6 am. As you know,.. the heat and humidity can get rather torrid by mid day in Ohio, if not by first thing in the mornings.


  9. I think that the Challenger is a pretty popular club gun. When I went to a shooting match at an upper crust boys school in Nashville,all of the Sporting Class rifles were Challengers and all of the Precision class were Anschutz.


  10. B.B.,

    The Challenger looks like a good buy and a fun gun. Your reports made me want to try a 10 meter rifle so I decided to stick my feet in the water with a Daisy 753s.

    The fit and finish have a Daisy feel they have a long history of sheet metal parts. The guns quality was about what I would expect for a gun just over $200. The Lothar Walther barrel is what makes the gun and accounts for most of the price. I like my single stroke pneumatic pistol so the 753 was an easy choice for me. Let me say it is a very fun gun and easy to pump. The receiver is metal and has a dovetail for rear sight or a scope. The sights that come with the gun are adequate. The trigger is bad out of the box. I followed some instructions on the web and polished the sear trimmed some of the plastic parts and drilled and tapped a hole in the trigger guard to adjust the sear engagement. That made a big difference and the trigger is now adequate. I would not be fun trying to shoot the gun the way the trigger was out of the box. My only complaint is trying to load pellets in the 753 with my meat hooks for some reason most end up backwards and I have to flip them around.

    So far my best pellet is the JSB Match 7.72 gr wadcutters. They gave a 10 shot group at 10 meters of 0.23 inches with the sights that come with the gun. That is shooting from a rest.

    I decided then to test the gun with a scope so I put my UTG 2-16 scope on it. I should have updated my pellet trap backer. The wadcutter pellets did not leave a neat hole like they shouldbut here is a picture of the target. bull 1 is ten shots I measured .03 inches but I think it is larger than that. I then shot bulls 2 and 3 one shot each. Had a short break helping my wife and then shot bulls 4, 5, and 6 one shot each. I also adjusted the scope after bull number 1.

    Just for ducks I shot five shots at 25 yards with the same JSB wadcutters and got a 0.44 inch group.

    This gun will be going to my grandson unless I decide to get him one of his own.


      • Don
        I should post some pictures of targets at 10 meters shot with my Gauntlet and modded Maximus and my 2260 I have a peep sight on.

        You would swear I wasn’t loading another pellet each time I shoot.

        Back out to 25 yards and lets see what happens.

        • GF1,

          Read the 5th paragraph. I did not try other pellets at 25 yds it may do better. I am sure I have other guns that can do just as good but I wanted a ssp rifle and try a 10 meter gun. I think it will be better than most folks can shoot at 10 meters without a rest. Once I am finished testing I will put the target sights back on and leave it that way.

          I did not know you had a 2260, is that new. I have one with a regulated bottle that I like a lot.


          • Don
            I was talking in general. What I’m getting at is there are guns that are not 10 meter guns that shoot good at 25 and 50 yards that will put a 10 meter gun to shame at 10 meters.

            And the 2260 is pretty new. Maybe a month or so old.

            And I put a smaller orifice in it and the gun got way accurate. It probably slowed it up a 100 fps or so and increased the shot count by a little more than 20 shots per cartridge. I get about 70 good shots per 12 gram cartridge. I shoot it at about 10 to 25 yards plinking. I really don’t shoot it at 10 meters much bench rested. I just did a couple times so I new what it would do. Its actually pretty boring shooting it at 10 meters.

            • I agree that there are many guns that put 10 meter guns to shame at 25 and 50 yards. I disagree at 10 meters especially in competition, think about it they are designed to be the best at 10 meters.

              The gun I bought may be the least expensive gun out there for competitions. It is not really a true 10 meter gun but can still do well.

              I have wondered if Crosman is using their new barrel processes on the 2260. Does it seem as good as the Maximus barrels?


              • Don
                You still don’t get what I mean.

                Many non 10 meter guns will out perform some (I’m changing it to most) 10 meter guns at 10 meters. If a non competion 10 meter gun can shoot a .500″ group at 50 yards what do you think it will shoot at 10 meters?

                So what I mean is i can take most airguns and shoot great groups at 10 meters. Ten meters is just too close to tell the true performance of gun.

                And once i tuned my Maximus and 2260 they both shoot equally good. Both guns needed to be slowed down in fps. But here is the difference. The Maximus barrel will shoot at a higher fps good than the 2260 barrel.

                And what I thought was funny was the 2260 had a bigger inside diameter orafice than the Discovery or Maximus transfer port orifice.

                All said and done I think the accuracy came from hitting the right velocity for the barrel combined with the extra wasted air pushing behind the pellet being eliminated when it leaves the barrel. In other words the turbulance upsetting the pellets flight was gone or minimised.

                All I know is they are accurate now.

                • I understood what you said about 10 meter guns. I don’t have a high end or even mid end 10 meter gun so I just have an opinion. Why don’t 10 meter competitors use a gauntlet tuned to meet the 10 meter rules?

                  As best I could measure I got a 10 meter 5 shot group of .03 inches. That is hard to beat with any gun.

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