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Education / Training Air Arms Galahad: Part 4

Air Arms Galahad: Part 4

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Air Arms Galahad PCP in walnut is a striking looking air rifle!

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

This report covers:

  • It’s a wrap
  • Constraining the possibilities
  • Filling the rifle
  • Test 1 — JSB Exact Jumbo Heavy 18.13 grains
  • Test 2 — H&N Baracuda Match pellets 21.14 grains at medium power
  • Test 3 — H&N Baracuda Match pellets 21.14 grains at high power
  • Test 4 — Dae Sung pellets 28.6 grains
  • Test 5 — JSB Exact Jumbo Heavy on power setting 3
  • Conclusion

It’s a wrap

I’ll wrap up the velocity testing of the Air Arms Galahad PCP today. This is when we find out how well it handles longer pellets. That’s always a concern when a rotary magazine is involved.

Heavier pellets are usually longer pellets, and weight is what generates energy in a pneumatic. PCPs are most effective with heavy pellets. To get the most power from this airgun you’ll want to shoot the heaviest pellet you can — as long as it is also accurate.

Tyler Patner from Pyramyd AIR also told me that the Galahad does well with JSB pellets. I wanted to try them anyway because I felt they would be very accurate, but Tyler added that the 18.13-grain JSB Exact Jumbo Heavy dome is also very consistent. He said his testing revealed a maximum spread of 15 f.p.s. over 60 shots for this pellet when the rifle was set on power level 3 — if he remembered correctly.

Constraining the possibilities

Like other highly adjustable airgun, the regulated Galahad offers more possible combinations of pellet choice, power setting and shot count than I can possibly test. So, here’s what I will do today. I will first shoot a string of the 18.13-grain JSB pellets I just mentioned on power setting 3 and record the numbers. Then I will test the other things I want to look at today (longer pellets, heavier pellets, etc.). I will finish with a final string of the first JSB pellet on the same power setting (3) and we can compare the two strings. While that may not be as controlled as my tests in Parts 2 and 3, it should be realistic. That’s the way most of you are going to use the rifle in the field. Let’s get started.

Filling the rifle

I filled the rifle to 250 bar, as indicated on the gauge of of the rifle, to start the test. I did this to illustrate a point I am about to make. I want you to take this to heart — the rifle’s gauge does not agree with the gauge on my carbon fiber air tank. The rifle’s gauge reads lower. So, I had to fill the gun to 3,800 psi (according to the gauge on my tank) to get the Galahad gauge to read 250 bar. When I did, the first 6 shots were off the power curve. They were too slow. The rifle was overfilled. But from shot number 7 on, the rifle was on the curve.

Two points to learn from this — First, even a regulated gun can be filled too high. The regulator operates inside a specific pressure envelope and if you over-fill the gun the performance will suffer. Second, gauges that are built into airguns are seldom as accurate as larger tank gauges. I happen to know from years of experience that my tank gauge is very accurate. I knew this was probably going to happen and I wanted to demonstrate it to the new readers.

Test 1 — JSB Exact Jumbo Heavy 18.13 grains

Shot……….Velocity (f.p.s.)

This string averages 680 f.p.s. The low was 674 and the high was 684 f.p.s., so a 10 f.p.s. spread. At the average velocity this pellet generated 18.62 foot-pounds of energy at the muzzle. Bear in mind the rifle is on power setting 3, which is the middle of the range.

Test 2 — H&N Baracuda Match pellets 21.14 grains at medium power

Next I tried some H&N Baracuda Match pellets. These are heavy .22 caliber pellets, and they fit into the rotary magazine fine. Since we know this rifle is extremely stable, I only tested 5 pellets at power setting 3. Let’s see how they did.

Shot……….Velocity (f.p.s.)

The average was 636 f.p.s. The low was 629 f.p.s. and the high was 642 f.p.s., so a spread of 13 f.p.s. At the average velocity this pellet generated 18.99 foot-pounds at the muzzle. Again, this is on power setting 3. Now let’s go up to the highest power setting of 5 and see what this same pellet will do.

Test 3 — H&N Baracuda Match pellets 21.14 grains at high power

I dialed the rifle to power setting 5. We know from earlier testing that the Galahad changes power instantly. There is no lag. When you change the power setting the first shot comes out right on the money for that setting. Many other adjustable PCPs lag for one or two shots after adjustment, but not the Galahad.

Shot……….Velocity (f.p.s.)

The average velocity was 811 f.p.s. The low was 810 and the high was 813 f.p.s. That’s a 3 f.p.s. spread, but remember this is only 5 shots. At the average velocity this pellet generated 30.88 foot-pounds of energy at the muzzle.

est 4 — Dae Sung pellets 28.6 grains

Next I tried some Dae Sung pellets that Pyramyd AIR no longer carries. These are so long that they barely fit in the magazine, but they did go in. However, when shooting them  the third shot jammed, and, while trying to clear it with the cocking lever, I double-loaded and shot two pellets. I cannot recommend this pellet for the Galahad.

My recommendation is to stop with the Baracuda pellets. They produce 31 foot-pounds on high power, which is good enough.

After the testing you have seen, I was going to shoot a string of 10 JSB pellets next, but I flubbed the test. I started on the high power (setting 5). So I shot up that mag without recording it. At this point the rifle has fired 42 shots since being filled. Twelve of those were at high power and 30 were at medium power, which is setting 3. Now, I loaded 10 more JSB Exact Jumbo Heavys to see where the rifle is.

Test 5 — JSB Exact Jumbo Heavy on power setting 3

Shot……….Velocity (f.p.s.)

The average for shots 43 through 52 was 687 f.p.s. The spread was 14 f.p.s. If we combine the first string and this string the average for those 20 shots is 683 f.p.s. The low was 674 and the high was 691, so the spread was 17 f.p.s.


What you have just seen in Parts 2, 3 and 4 is an example of the most consistent and stable precharged air rifle I have ever tested. Air Arms has combined a regulator and a power adjuster to give perfect control over the power band across a huge useful fill. This rifle performs the way a lot of people think all regulated PCPs perform, but I’m telling you they usually don’t. I’ve never seen consistency like this.

It’s quiet, it has a good trigger, the power is more stable and instantly adjustable than any PCP I’ve ever tested and it gets a huge number of useful shots from a fill. Next comes accuracy. If the Galahad is accurate, and you all know my standards are very high, then it will have it all. And that will earn it the world-beater title.The Galahad is not cheap, but performance like this costs money.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

39 thoughts on “Air Arms Galahad: Part 4”

      • Derrick,

        LOL! At this stage in the game it would be most unpleasant for me to do such, but I could if I had to. I have in the past been forced to divest myself of almost every possession I had. I discovered it is just stuff. I could reduce my airgun collection to just my 1906 BSA and I would be content. Hopefully though, I will not have to do such as I do enjoy having more than one toy in my toy box.

  1. B.B.,

    Nice testing. You are certainly making the argument for regulators and power adjuster combos. Though you did say that “they usually don’t” perform as nice as this one. Still, it is nice to see what is possible with the higher end stuff. Looking forwards to the accuracy testing.


    • Chris,

      This is why I do not have a large collection, just a few really nice ones. There is also a really good chance that I will reduce the number I have down a couple more. Like every boy, when I see a new toy I desire it, but I have learned that I can only play with one toy at a time. If I have an air rifle that will do everything I want from an air rifle, why have forty-six?

      Now, I have learned that one air rifle will not do all that I want, however it does not take many to cover it all. The only “gaps” that I “need” to fill are for a small game hunting PCP and a nice sproinger. I have a couple of sproingers that could fill that slot, but the jury is still out on that. I need a bunch more trigger time with them. Come on warm weather!

      This could be THE PCP. It is certainly in the running, although I am not so certain I want a bullpup. Some of the other contenders are from Daystate, FX and RAW. Hopefully I will fill that slot this coming year. Who knows, it might be at this year’s SHOT Show.

      • RR,

        Is there anything in that high dollar line up of brands that would compare to the Maximus on weight? I am thinking of your empty “gap” for a “small game hunting PCP”. Light, easy carry, plenty of power and accuracy to get the job done at 15-40 yards.

        • Chris,

          I don’t recall the weight of the Galahad but it would be a contender for the optimum small game rifle. Bullpups are not legal in Canada so it wouldn’t be on my personal list.

          If I didn’t have my .22 HW100 a regulated FX400 would be my top choice for a small game PCP – 6 1/2 pounds, variable power/good energy, side-lever repeater, and very accurate. Ideal for squirrels/rabbits out to 50-60 yards without problem.

          I was seriously considering the 400 but decided that the .25 caliber 500 was better for my “large pests” needs. The 500 is well balanced and points beautifully – I understand that it’s little brother, the 400 is very nice as well. Was not keen on “bottle” guns but got over that very quickly 🙂


      • Why have 46? Because of the distinct shooting experience of the different rifle. During my trip, I fondly replayed my offhand shooting with my Savage 10FP. With that huge Leapers scope finding my Redfield sighting target, that big bolt zinging away, and the crisp Accutrigger it was like no other rifle. I could say the same about most of my collection, but you’re right that there are physical limits to the size.


          • They are indeed. Does the mini-sniping you told me about involve lighting up the target with rapid fire? The bolt on my Savage 10FP has a big knob for speed, and I can appreciate it now. It is directly above the trigger so your hand goes right into it. And the bolt is so smooth that it is only a touch slower than the Lee-Enfield. In the most recent models, Savage seems to have gotten a bit carried away with a bolt handle that looks like a stack of quarters, and is so big that it won’t fit into a normal sized gun case. I think I got the best of it.


            • Matt61
              The 93r’s that I have are very ergonomic.

              Haven’t done no fast action sniping in a while. That’s what I liked about the 1077 and Daisy 74’s. Nothing like opening up on some small targets as fast as you can. That is what you mean right?

      • RR,
        When you decide to reduce down let me know. I am looking at the entry level PCP’s (under $500 retail) or an upgrade springer from my diana 34.
        I would really prefer to by used, and knowing the previous owner is always a plus.

  2. The testing is showing this to be a great gun that is more than I can afford. I will have to put in trigger time with what I have when it is warmer. Hopefully soon. There is one nit to pick in the design and that is having to point it at yourself to read the pressure gauge. It goes against the rules of safe handling.

    • Gopher,

      That is an issue with so many of the European air rifles with tube reservoirs. Yes, it is very convenient to have the pressure gauge and fill port in one small assembly, but it does make some people a bit “nervous in the service”.

      The truth is you can read the gauges of these type assemblies without actually looking down the barrel, most especially when most of the gauges used in this type assembly is marked with large colored zones rather than small intricate markings. It does not take long before you figure out how to safely fill such.

      • RR,

        Still, I do not care for it. Granted, it would take a pretty big idiot to charge a rifle, look at the gauge (while) having it loaded, cocked and safety off. I would imagine just the air blast alone would be enough to do damage.

        Test,….. I just did it with the muzzle tight to a corrugated box and there was no effect,…. so maybe not.

        And, if you are using a tank or a hand pump with a gauge, that is bigger and easier to read. The only purpose of the gun gauge at that point would be to check for low fill limit. I do agree with Gopher,… it does go against gun safety. No other way to look at it.

    • Yogi,

      You are talking about some VERY nice air rifles in that price range. I just bought a RAW HM1000X in .357 that will put five shots in a one inch CTC group at one hundred yards. I know, because I did such. It also looks real nice while doing it. 🙂

      Perhaps there could be three groups: under $1,000, $1,000 – $2,000 and over $2,000. There are some very nice PCPs to be found in all three groups. Also, it would be quite unfair to compare something in the low priced group with something in the middle or high end group. Let us face facts, quality costs, high quality has high costs.

  3. I like the three groups idea for price range. I would need a great incentive to spend over $999 on one item for my hoby. Mainly I would need to justify the expense to my spouse.

    • Gopher,

      If you would shoot and compare a $2K to the $1K rifle you will immediately see the difference. IMHO the >$2K rifles are very nice but I wouldn’t be able to justify the extra cost to myself. Each to their own eh.

      Compared to other hobbies and sports (check the cost of golf equipment, club membership and green fees!) airguns are quite cheap to buy and shoot and they last a very long time. The rifle is a one-time cost and a quality one will pay you back every time you pull the trigger… can’t put a value on the “smile factor”.

      I am very fortunate that my spouse supports my habit… but then she knows that for the cost of a can of pellets I am kept busy all morning 🙂

      Just my nickel.


  4. Siraniko
    The economics of forgiveness is what keeps me from taking that approach. Life has taught me that forgiveness generally costs many times the list price of whatever you are being forgiven for. Permission is not nearly as expensive.

  5. Off Subject (again), but looking at the pics of the New Crosman NP2 with SBD technology (Silencing Barrel Device), I have to get excited cause it looks like I can see a front sight? I don’t however see a rear sight. I’m really hoping for open sights like RWS does! Couple of links to the pics

        • Doc,

          No apology required on my end. However,…. there (may be) a few readers of the female persuasion that might take issue. I’ll take option B any day. Ladies of the air gun persuasion can call me at AIR-GUN-MAMA 24/7. 😉 😉 😉

  6. Regulators are a mixed blessing, my unregulated AA S400 holds a 6fps variance over 30 shots though it will take 70 shots on a fill, you can often get greater stability (for a period) with an unregulated gun, the shots each side of its stable sequence vary much more than they would with a regulator but for FT a regulator definitely isn’t needed….just a very good working knowledge of your rifles power curve.

  7. Hm, sounds like a genuine challenge for the Marauder. To quote the original Arnold Schwarzeneggar Conan film, “the gods are pleased and will be watching this epic match-up.” Or at least I will be.

    ChrisUSA, thanks for your kind comments and hope you had a Merry Christmas. I was doing great on my vacation right until the end when I got as sick as a dog. For those who can’t go to a tropical paradise, I highly recommend the Disney film Moana. It seems like a kid’s film but with all the special effects, it is highly evocative of the island experience at its best. Glad you went ahead with the Maximus purchase.

    Gunfun1, thanks for the link to the pellet convertor story, but I believe you are badly overestimating me. I exert myself only within very well-known technological channels, like reloading. And I wouldn’t think of modifying a cartridge by loading it with a pellet. Without rifling to hold the pellet, how would it shoot accurately and avoid hitting the bore which I don’t think would be good for the gun? Anyway, I’ll be glad to spectate while others do this. For myself, I’ll stick with regular cartridges for firearms and have just fired up the Arsenal of Democracy for more reloading.


    • Matt61
      No way am I overestimating you. You always have some cool info about things you encountered with your firearms.

      And that’s just it. I really think if the size of the neck of that cartridge BB has that someone is selling, was exspanded open a little more to where it would still load in the chamber of his gun but bigger than normal size for that centerfire cartridge. Then roll the skirt of the pellet like he did to size it to get a precise fit for the exspanded neck. Then I believe when the shot gun primer fires that cartridge uses now after the selling company modified it will flare the skirt to engage the rifling.

      I did a test while you were gone too about exspanding the skirt of some .22 caliber JSB 15.89 pellets in a spring gun I got and my Maximus pcp.

      The Maximus did not change in acurracy but the TechForce 99 spring gun that is lowered power did see a benefit in accuracy. The pcp had the initial abrupt hit of the higher shot pressure than the spring gun. So it didn’t matter. But the spring gun it helped size the skirt to the rifling as to where the pellet head didn’t fit the barrel rifling good.

      So I believe the soft skirt of a pellet could exspand to the size of his .223 barrel I believe he said his gun is. It’s just been lingering in my mind to see how that test goes. I think that the cartridge could be used for practice with a firearm and still get accurate results with some testing and trying instead of the cartridge ending up as a gimmick.

      • GF1,

        The biggest thing I saw was that they made special false cartridges that mimicked the bullet protruding from the case. The pellet sat all the way out front and at the barrel ( barrel insert ). With the rifle shell, it is just that. All of that chamber space that was occupied by a long bullet is now empty.

        Now, you could say that the same thing could be done with a rifle shell. Make a fake one. To work though. it would have to be a bigger caliber and also use a barrel insert. With a .22 pellet going into a .223 barrel, there is no way to make a fake shell that would hold that pellet all the way out front.

        In other words, I do not think that on this .22/.223 combo, that you could extend the case neck into an area that was previously occupied by a lead bullet. I do not think that the chamber dimensions would permit it. Diameter issues.

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