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Education / Training Crosman 1077 CO2 rifle: Part 2

Crosman 1077 CO2 rifle: Part 2

by Tom Gaylord, The Godfather of Airguns™
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

The blog theme/look/feel is going to be updated today at 9:00 AM Eastern.

The new theme is mobile-friendly and should look/function much better on smart phones and tablets. It will also provide an enhanced download for computer viewing.

The current day’s blog will be the only one on the home page, but you’ll have links to the previous blogs in the upper left corner directly above the blog headline (in addition to the usual links in the right-hand column).

When you do a search on the blog, the search results page will list the blog headlines and snippets from the first few lines of each blog. To read more, you’d click on the headline link. Let me know if you have any issues or problems.

The video site’s theme on Airgun Academy was updated yesterday afternoon.

Part 1

1077 rifle
Crosman’s 1077 RepeatAir is a classic.

This report covers:

• 12-gram cartridge didn’t work!
• Switched to 88-gram cartridge
• Crosman Premier lite pellets
• RWS Hobby pellets
• Air Arms Falcon pellets
• Trigger-pull
• Overall evaluation thus far

Boy, was there a lot of interest in Crosman’s 1077 CO2 rifle! I showed you my rifle, which has an AirSource adapter for an 88-gram CO2 cartridge, but I neglected to tell you that it’s obsolete. Crosman no longer makes this adapter. They only make the rifle for one 12-gram CO2 cartridge.

Someone asked me how to convert the rifle back to shoot 12-gram cartridges because he has only the 88-gram assembly (lucky him!) so I’m showing it here.

1077 rifle adapters
The conventional CO2 setup is at the top. A rod connected to the cap pushes the single CO2 cartridge against the face seal. The 88-gram adapter, seen below, replaces that.

12-gram cartridge didn’t work!
I set the rifle up to operate on a 12-gram cartridge so I could get a shot count for you, but it didn’t seem to work right. The velocity dropped from the first shot to the last, and I know I wasn’t getting good averages for the pellets I tested. You should get about 45-50 good shots per cartridge from this rifle when it works right.

Switched to 88-gram cartridge
I installed the 88-gram cartridge that’s several years old and shot this test with it. The ability to turn the adapter off after every use gives indefinite life to the cartridges.

Crosman Premier lite pellets
Crosman Premier lite domed pellets weigh 7.9 grains — the same as many other Crosman lead pellets. They’re analogous to other Crosman pellets as far as velocity goes. They averaged 611 f.p.s. in my 1077, but the spread was large — from a low of 575 f.p.s. to a high of 631 f.p.s. That’s a total spread of 56 f.p.s. I think a lot of the variation is due to uneven seating in the 12-shot circular clip, because there’s a lot of resistance until the pellets are pushed past the lip of the chamber. Premiers are made from hard lead alloy. If they’re going to resist, it will be noticeable.

At the average velocity, this pellet generates 6.55 foot-pounds of muzzle energy. Remember, with a gas gun, the heavier the pellet, the more energy the gun develops, as a rule.

RWS Hobby pellets
RWS Hobby pellets weigh 7 grains and are made from pure lead, so you would expect them to go faster than the heavier Premiers. But they didn’t. The averaged 606 f.p.s. in the test 1077 with a low of 592 f.p.s and a high of 629 f.p.s. The spread was a little tighter with this pure lead pellet — at 37 f.p.s. That’s still a lot for a CO2 gun.

At the average velocity, Hobbys generated 5.71 foot-pounds of energy at the muzzle. They’re lighter and develop less energy than the Premiers.

Air Arms Falcon pellets
The final pellet I tried was the Air Arms Falcon dome. At 7.33 grains, it’s light enough to get good velocity and usually accurate in lower-powered airguns.

These averaged 585 f.p.s. in the 1077. The low was 568 f.p.s and the high was 608 f.p.s., with a spread of 40 f.p.s. That means they generated an average 5.57 foot-pounds at the muzzle.

The 1077 trigger is a double-action-only trigger that has a pull of 8 lbs. on the test rifle. The pull weight is governed in part by the magazine that contains part of the revolving pellet-feed mechanism the trigger must operate with each pull. As the magazine breaks in, the trigger-pull becomes smoother and lighter — but only to a point. Mine is pretty light right now, but an older 1077 I own has a pull that’s about a pound lighter. And that’s about as good as it gets.

Overall evaluation thus far
My 1077 seems to be operating about the same as it always has. I don’t know where it falls in terms of velocity compared to a brand-new gun, but if I had to guess I would say it’s on the slow side.

The one thing that these rifles have is accuracy. I hope to show that to you in the next several reports. The bottom line is that the 1077 is an all-time classic air rifle. It’s the perfect short-range plinker. Once optics are mounted, the accuracy may surprise you.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

142 thoughts on “Crosman 1077 CO2 rifle: Part 2”

  1. Its your Birthday? I thought you just had one. How time fly’s when your have’n fun. Happy Birthday BB. 🙂

    And I was going to get one of those 88 gram cartridge adapters back when they still sold them. Went to order one. Said they were out of stock and never saw one for sale again.

    That’s a nice feature to be able to turn that 88 gram cartridge off it kind of makes it into a pcp or bulk fill in a sense. That’s one that makes me wonder why. I wish they still sold them as a option for the 1077.

      • BB
        Oh I didnt even think about that. I was thinking it was to help keep the bottle warm in colder weather like we have up here in the Midwest.

        And I do like the way the page is layed out now. And I like that arrow up buuton on the bottom right of the page. I will have to check it out on my cell phone later.

        And I will be in trouble now. I dont see the spell check anymore.

  2. First things first… Hopefully you enjoy your birthday thoroughly Tom.

    Now that that social obligation has been fulfilled, do you have any thoughts as to why converting your 1077 back to the 12 gram co2 cartridge didn’t work?

  3. Happy birthday young man.

    Does this mean you get to be right all day? One day out of 365 ain’t bad.

    Where are you going out to eat? I choose Longhorn every time. A porterhouse, a baked sweet potato, and a beer. It doesn’t get any better than that.

  4. Tom,

    Thanks very much for the review! The third part is the charm!

    I received my assortment of H&N Finale Match Pistol pellets in 4.5, 4.49. and 4.48 head sizes from Pyramyd AIR on Wednesday. My groups with the 4.49 heads were best, just barely tighter groups than the 4.50 and much better than my old 4.51s. With the 4.49s, I even had results only slightly larger than yours!

    I own an 8″ Umarex S&W, and my “Danno” is just as accurate. The 586-8 is still at the top simply because of its outrageously good build quality, but the Wesson, with its fulll-size cylinder, is the best looking pellet revolver in my collection.

    The most accurate of all my pellet revolvers, however, are still my Daisy Powerline Model 144 (8 inch, chrome) in SA. and my Poweline 44 (black )with the optional 8 inch barrel. Those are pretty rare, though, but they are probably the best co2 guns Daisy has ever made.

    So, the Danno is a winner after all! (But do use the H&N Match Pistol pellets in 4.5 or 4.49.)


      • I second that. Guest Blog on the Daisy Pellet Revolver! I’ve kept my eyes out for a used one (that isn’t priced silly) but haven’t found one yet.

        also, Happy Birthday BB!

      • Tom,

        I am flattered!

        I have thought about doing a guest turn at the keyboard for quite some time now, and I think I’ll eventually do it if you approve of the topic. It would not be an assessment of a new product but on something older and a bit obscure, but very cool, like the 144/44 Daisy revolvers or an even more obscure classic, such as the Kimar-made, Crosman Beretta 92FS replica, the CK92.

        It would have to wait for next summer, however, as my school year just started and my wife and I are in the difficult process of helping my elderly mother move, something she has not done in 47 years!

        Thanks for the compliment — again, I am flattered.


  5. B.B.,

    Seems that those of us that are dense need a health scare, a great wife, lots of toys to enjoy and a relationship with God to REALLY appreciate life.

    Best wishes on this fine day.


  6. Like the blogs new look.

    The comments aren’t “crammed” together. Really like the search feature since it abbreviates the previous posts that you must scroll through to find what you’re looking for. Makes searching quicker. Well done.


    • Kevin,

      The blog layout was just updated, and some things need to be tweaked. Glad you like it so far.

      The comments aren’t crammed together, but it’s hard to see if a comment is a new one or a reply to a previous one. Also, there’s some odd indentation for the comment text. I’ve alerted the IT department about these.


  7. Happy Birthday wishes Mr. BB.

    Appreciate your knowledge, humility, and willingness to share. I had one question.
    Do you think the 1077 would be suitable for 9 year old lady to shoot? Would like to teach mine but feel maybe the trigger pull is a bit much.

  8. Happy birthday B.B. Not sure about the new look to the blog. I guess that I enjoy the blog enough that I naturally resist any change like the last revision. But as long as the content is there, that’s the main thing.

    The 1077 is a great gun, and I’ll confirm the comments about accuracy. Even with the trigger and the open sights, it is quite impressive. Interesting about the results of the CO2 trials. I heard the 88 gram cartridge was faulty, but apparently it works while the original 12 gram has problems.

    Happy birthday, Titus Groan.


    • Matt61.
      I just came inside after a long overdue session of garden weeding. For A lot of the summer, we had temp. approaching 40c (104F) thanks to a high pressure zone originating in Texas. Well it has finally been pushed aside by cool, moist Pacific air. It sure feels nice to be able to work in the garden when the temp is 20c (70F). It makes for more comfortable shooting as well. My poor 2 yr. old long hair German Shepard has found a new lease on life as well. We shouldn’t complain too loudly though, as freezing temps are only 2-3 months away.
      Anyway, thanks for the birthday reminder, and let me pass on my wishes of Happy Birthday to BB, aka Tom. Evan at our age it’s nice to have at least one days recognition out of 365. And now its back to the weed bed.

  9. BB, When I load hobby pellets in my 1077 cylinders ( all 8 of them), finger pressure does not seat them all the way. Enough of the skirt protrudes from the cylinder to cause jams. I use my pellet seater to finish seating them. The pellets seat with a click that can be felt. Do you have this problem? Ed

  10. I’d like to add my best wishes on your birthday to all the others. And to congratulate you on your longevity AND your impeccable taste in women. I’d like to see you both hang around for a long time.

    As for the new look,,,, I guess I’ll get used to it.

  11. Just a drive-buy here on sqquirrel hunting so far.14 in the freezer,2 misses no escapes.The last five squirrel’s received there Baracuda Extream Hunters via airmail while I was the post man.They had no comment.These Extreams are going to be every bit as devastating as Polymags and dead on acurate out of my Airforce Escape 25 cal.If they contenue to preform I’ll order more because ya get 50 more per tin.I plan on doing a mushroom test with these at 60 thru 100 feet soon as I get some one gallon water or milk jugs.

    • Steve, where do you live? I have a dozen fat bird feeder thieves I need to teach a one time lesson to. I wish I new someone around who eats them so I could harvest them with no regrets of wasted meat. I have not tried them because I can’t cook and game animals are something I could really mess up cooking more than my normal bad cooking.

      • Kentucky,cook um in the crock pot with one can of cream of mushroom soup even the old ones will be tender.Cook about six hours on low or when the meat starts to fall of.They are colestrol bombs! If ya have high colestrol you might want to consider just leaving them alone. Were is the spell check? I can’t expose how bad at spelling I really am!

  12. B.B.(Tom), Happy Birthday Sir !!!! I need to pickup a 1077 for target shooting at a new indoor range in my area probably soon before fall sets in.
    I liked the old messy closet but I can get used to the new look and functions considering all I have is a smarter than the user phone. What’s the website thing and all the HTML tags for? I am not very tech savy but low tech i ‘m a genius.

  13. Hi BB,Happy Birthday to you.They say that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.So that proves that even tbough you have added a year ,you aren’t that old yet.Just think of all the things you have learned this year about new airguns,new things about old airguns,and how better to reload and use your powder burners.Just from the things you have covered on the blog;you have learned a whole lot this year,and we more than you.So I’m thankful for another of your good years.

    The new blog look doesn’t feel quite as warm but the comment section seems nicer,especially when there are pictures of people.

    Keep up the excellant work.-Tin Can Man-

      • BB
        Happy belated birthday to you sir. Hope it was an enjoyable one
        I like the new look to the blog especially the way you answer a post having it right above your post so you can see what the comments were without having to scroll up and down. Looks good.
        Not sure about the greek below the post field


        • Buldawg,
          Thanks for pointing that out! I remember requesting having the post you’re responding to visible back when reading was such a challenge to me right after I had my first stroke. It’s becoming a challenge once again along with equilibrium. I’ve been spending most of my time on the couch lately with no strength or real desire to do much else other than watch the same stuff on TV over and over. I think depression has set in. If I can just hold on til my evaluation on the 10th maybe it will work itself out.

          • Reb
            Yea I hated having to scroll up and down when replying to a post. it is much easier this way and the look is better also with the white background instead of gray.
            I know about the depression as I fight it every day myself and I am not as bad as you are in terms of failing health. But don’t give up and try to stay positive because it will get better. Heck with as much as you have been doing with building your 36 and finishing the stock I think you are doing pretty good myself. Stay positive and hope everything go’s good on the 10th.
            I am still waiting on my hearing and just trying to make the best of every day I get some are better than others that’s for sure.


  14. “What’s the website thing and all the HTML tags for? I am not very tech savy but low tech i ‘m a genius.”

    OK this is the third time I’ve tried to post this. If it doesn’t take this time… Hell with it. I give up…

    The website bit is probably so we can put our personal website/facebook/whatever on. The HTML is so we can add all sorts of spiffy tweaks to our posts.

    The only problem I’m noticing is that some of them, like the blockquote tag don’t seem to want to work or are incorrect. Blockquote is supposed to be [blockquote]blahblahblah[/blockquote] where [ ] = .


    Why not? We only have one Birthday a year, but we have 364 Unbirthdays every year! Leap years we have 365!

    I know there are a couple of “replicas” out there that use the 88g cartridge, but are there any “normal” CO2 rifles or pistols that use it?

        • GF1,

          I tested it and saw that it turned the commenter’s name into a hyperlink. It was deleted a few years ago, as people were using it to take people from this site to another web page. I’ve sent an urgent message to IT that this field needs to be deleted asap.

          Thanks for bringing my attention to it!


          • Edith
            No problem and I was just asking because I knew it wasn’t on the old page design and didn’t know what it was.

            And something else I noticed today. I’m not getting a email notification on my cell phone any more when there is a reply to me. I have got other email notifications today. But not the one from the blog. I was just checking back and saw you replied.

  16. BB
    Happy Birthday one day late or 364 days early!

    Not all change is for the better! I have lost my home pc with no plans to buy another before next year. I have taken to reading this blog on my tablet for the past 7 months and was very very happy until this ‘mobile friendly’ appeared! I can no longer enlarge the text and reading is no longer comfortble! Help!

    • Ton,

      Oh, my! The whole point of this update was because so many people read the blog on smart phones & tablets. If you’ll send me your email address (edith@pyramydair.com), our IT department would like to discuss your problems so they can make the new blog format work for you. Sorry this happened.


    • Ton,

      Look in your tablet’s browser settings. I recently had the same problem with another sitewith my phone. I reset the “let website control page magnification” to no and now I see them fine on my droid dna, including this site. Hopefully you have the same option in your tablet.

    • If your tablet browser permits, see if you can lock it into asking for the “desktop” version of the site (or, if you already had that mode set, try turning it off to see the actual “mobile” version).

      I will concede that, on my desktop, the new message layout takes a lot more space, and is using what appears to be a much larger font relative to the old one. Fortunately, I read the messages from Sage, and only see the new message layout when opening a tab to reply to a message.

  17. Edith
    Another thing that is happening to me anyway is I have to enter my user name and email when I open the page on my lap top or cell phone to make a reply. After I make that first reply then it stays unless I exit the website. With the old page my user name and email always showed up.

  18. I finally got rid of my 1077 but I’m thinking of getting one again and converting it to run bulk co2 which is just as easy as using your 88 gram adapter and less bulky. I hear that will give it roughly the same shot count as the 88 gram deal without the added bulk of having the tank under the stock. That might be another thing to test out. They have these adapters at http://www.powermaxhipac.com/

    • John
      I saw that on thier site. And I bet you know whats been running through my mind.

      Use their bulk fill kit on a 1077 and if it has the male Foster fitting like their other ones do try using a low preasure HPA fill of like maybe 1500 psi. Usualy the bulk fill Co2 guns go to 1000 psi. if I’m remembering right.

      I havent looked at their kit for the 1077 close enough though to see what they did with it.

      But as far as bulk fill Co2 I bet your right that it would compare to the shot count that the 88 gram cartridge would give.

  19. I did ask about this. It turns out the owner of this site that sells the kit attempted to modify a 1077 to use HPA. It didn’t work since the hammer simply couldn’t be modified to hit the valve hard enough to open it under air pressure. He destroyed a gun trying to make it work. So best you can actually hope for is bulk fill co2 in a 1077. I was hoping to turn it into a dirt cheap repeating semi-auto pcp gun with half way decent power seeing how it is filled but it just won’t work with the gun design.

  20. Grips are finally ready!

    4 layers or plywood, glued together, then some chiseling, then some aggressive, then some non-aggressive dremeling and hand finishing with sandpaper. 3 coats of very liquid nitro laсquer (a lot of acetone, a little of lacquer) to make it soak into the plywood and polymerize there, then 3 coats of the same lacquer slightly thinned, with deep drying and intermediate polishing between coats.

    http://i60.tinypic.com/r2s0u1.jpg sorry for the quality, used mobile, as my camera is in repair.


      • Thank you.

        Now I’ve got to finish the rest of the revolver. It’ll be a real “buntline special” with 12 inch barrel, well, at least a mockery of it :). I’ll put there some target-style sights with or without light fibers (I’ve found the easy way to make them but haven’t decided yet if I need them for pistol) and use it as a cheap trainer for 25 m free pistol or just a cool-looking long-range plinker.


      • Thank you 🙂

        The background is actually an ancient piece of plywood (I believe older than me) that used to be a part of a bus seat. And the old bus itself was converted into a house, we used to live there for some years in the summer, before the actual house was built. I used this piece as a working table to lacquer grips.

        I like plywood ’cause it’s cheap, hard and very predictable material – that I put as the best quality of all. It’s easy to work with using mechanical tools, I’d call it “fast-wood” – it forgives a lot of mistakes and lack of skill and it allows to work really fast, without that meticulous control you need when working with real wood. And, after all, if I ruin the work somehow – I’d say “Ok, let’s cut another blank and Z-Poxy it to desired thickness”. 1-inch aircraft-grade bakelite plywood costs me 10 bucks for 2×0.5 m piece. “Fold” it and you’ve got yourself a nice rifle stock blank (Ok, I always put a piece of 10 mm of the same plywood inside to get extra thickness to work with and some interesting pattern, so it’s +$3). To compare, a 1×0.5 m 60 mm blank of well-dried beech costs 40, and walnut – simple one – 60-70. Of course, plywood is a bit heavier than real wood – but it is also stronger and allows to make a very delicate sculpture, nearly compensating for weight.


        • duskwight
          I here my dad talking in the words you just spoke about the wood when he talked about making his guitars. My dad made wonderful guitars. The grips are beautiful. I just don’t have the patients for that kind of work.

  21. Edith, Dave and Wulfraed,
    I use Firefox but there is no option to increase font size as needed that I could find. However when I switched to Google’s android browser I was able to! Settings-Accessability-Force Zoom
    -Overide browser request to co trol zoom

  22. Gosh! Did not realise it was such an auspicious day! Make it a good one BB.

    The new Blog layout was a bit of a surprise (probably because I’ve not been paying attention!). Hope it works out.

      • If it means anything — I had to hit the browser refresh button to get to the Sept 2nd installment… Seems the site isn’t sending enough information to trigger a reload by itself, letting the browser pull up a cached version

        Seems to have also forgotten my name/email entries — or the field names have been changed enough that Firefox can’t figure out what should be put there from prior visits.

  23. I too have nothing after the 29th.
    At the top of the post (above the title) on the left hand side it says ‘Previous Posts’ which takes me to the 28th. On the right hand side is a link that says ‘buy the book’.
    There is no way I can see the recent posts. (this on a PC with the latest Internet Explorer).

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