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How this blog changed my life: Part 1

by Tom Gaylord, The Godfather of Airguns™
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

This report covers:

• This is about you
• Found information available nowhere else
• What’s it worth?
• You want the basic
• Kids are a major theme
• The zen of shooting
• Cars, cameras & guitars…oh, my!
• You have a dream!
• Summary
• Ft. Worth airgun show

This is about you
Some months ago, I asked you to tell me how this blog changed your life. I was referring to airguns when I said that, and everyone seemed to get it. Today, I want to tell you what you told me. This is a profile of an airgunner — written by you!

Found information available nowhere else
A number of you said you were searching the internet for some obscure bit of airgun information and stumbled across this blog. You found what you were looking for — and a lot more. The blog was so interesting that you stayed, read and were fascinated by airguns you never knew existed. Some of them were vintage guns, but many of you found modern airguns you had no idea existed.

You stayed and browsed the archives and continued to find new things. Before long, this blog had become a daily reading experience. Many of you were already firearm shooters and thought of airguns as extremely short-range shooting toys. Or, you had heard of brands like Crosman and Gamo, which advertise a lot, but were unaware of many of the other brands that make up the airgun market.

Almost all of you had experienced airguns as kids but abandoned them when you started shooting firearms. Then, you read this blog and found out that there were many shooting challenges airguns had to offer that firearms could not match. Some of you noted that shooting an airgun at 50 yards is as challenging as shooting a firearm at 300 or even 500 yards. Since it takes so much time and effort to go to a firearms range, airgunning has increased your daily shooting many times.

What’s it worth?
Several of you found this blog because you had one or two airguns you were trying to value. I answered your questions, invited you to come to the current blog and you’ve been here ever since. This is the reason I often write about vintage airguns. It brings in people who have questions — even years after the report is published — and we get a continual increase of readers and new enthusiasts. Of course, I always advise you to buy a copy of the Blue Book of Airguns so you can answer your own questions in the future.

You want the basics
Many of you said you came to this blog searching for the basics of shooting. Either you were a shooter already and wanted to know more of the fundamentals that would help you improve, or you’d never shot anything and just wanted advice on how to get started.

The most important basics have to do with safety and handling guns in a responsible manner. I try to cover that as often as possible without getting boring.

After safety, most of you are concerned with how to become more accurate with your guns. Shooting techniques, pellet selection, the correct use of sights and even things as simple as cleaning the barrel (or not) are the subjects that interest you.

Many of you are interested in how to hold a handgun for accuracy. I can relate to this because I was taught by a Distinguished Marksman. Until I received his instruction, I thought the M1911A1 was inaccurate. After he taught me, I realized that the gun was accurate and it was all in the technique.

Kids are a major theme
Children are one of the biggest reasons many of you are reading this blog. You shoot with your kids and grandkids and want to find the guns, targets, pellets and accessories that they’ll find attractive. Guns like the Daisy 880, Crosman 760 and Air Venturi Bronco are of interest to you.

In a strange twist of irony, shooting airguns with your kids has lead many of you to also shoot more with firearms. In some cases you started shooting firearms because you saw that your kids could be responsible with airguns.

Here I must remember my good friend Mac, whose hobby was giving inexpensive youth airguns to children with their parents’ blessings. Mac would first talk to the parents, who he discovered knew nothing about guns of any kind. If they were open to it, he invited them to his home with their children, where he instructed both the adults and kids in safe gun handling practices. After that he taught them to shoot. By the end of the day, they were plinking at bottlecaps and plastic army men placed 25-35 yards away. Then he brought out a youth airgun like a Diana 23 or a small CZ breakbarrel and gave it to the child — with the parents’ okay. He started many families shooting under the guise of giving a gift.

The zen of shooting
None of you used the term “Zen,” but many of you described your favorite experiences in life as those times when you’re alone with nature and have a favorite gun or fishing rod in hand. Some of you are serious hunters, while many more are just glad to get away from the daily grind and have a few hours to yourself. It doesn’t seem to matter if you shoot or not — as long as you know you can.

Airguns have allowed you to do even more of this, and closer to home! Because they’re quiet and have a limited range, you’re able to turn even a walk through your backyard or the land at your vacation home into a mini-safari.

Cars, cameras & guitars…oh, my!
You tend to share similar interests besides airguns. Many of you are gearheads. I think the secondary communication threads on this blog proves that! But besides Detroit iron and motorcycles, you also like tractors, stereos, cameras, watches, machine tools, guitars — in fact, pretty much anything that’s mechanical. And that’s a fact that I think the airgun manufacturers need to recognize. You represent the vocal tip of their marketplace iceberg. What tickles your fancy will also be interesting to the hundreds of thousands of customers who speak only with their wallets.

You have a dream!
To paraphrase Dr. Martin Luther King, you airgunners all share similar dreams. You desire to be fascinated by the products you buy. You look for innovation, and you bask in the glory of an elegant design.

Many airgun marketeers think that all you want is velocity, when all the while you’re hoping to be surprised. That’s why you anticipated the Benjamin Trail NP2 so fervently and why it disappointed you so much when the first batch of guns had faults.

You want an airgun to be even better than advertised and to have features you wish you had thought of. While some of you are concerned with quality materials and others are fixed on the bottom line, the great majority of you want your airguns to be better than you have the right to expect. And, by “better,” you mean smoother-shooting, quieter and having a very nice trigger. While you’ll argue that you want wood and steel, you really want a good design…and plastic is okay if it’s used appropriately.

You want open sights on rifles — even on those you’ll probably scope. You want that just to have the option. You want breakbarrels with breeches that can be tightened and adjusted when needed. You want adjustable triggers that really adjust. You want breech locks on breakbarrels. You want breakbarrels that open easily, yet stay closed positively

In short, you want airguns that look like they were designed and built by people who care. People who are shooters, themselves.

This is a first look at what you readers said about how the blog changed your lives. There’s more, but I don’t want to push too much at you at one time. If there’s any interest, I’ll write a Part 2. It’s up to you.

2014 Ft. Worth airgun show update
Here’s an update on the 2014 Ft. Worth airgun show that will be held on Saturday, September 6.

Here are some of the dealers and manufacturers that have reserved tables:

Pyramyd Air
Umarex USA
AirForce Airguns
Dennis Quackenbush
Flying Dragon Air Rifles (Mike Melick)
Hatsan USA
Pilkguns (Scott Pilkington)
Larry Hannusch

The following dealers and manufacturers have been invited or have indicated they may attend:

Airgun Depot
Neal Stepp
Bryan and Associates (Ron Sauls)

Also attending will be:

“American Airgunner” TV
Steve Criner — TV’s “Dog Soldier”
Eric Henderson — big bore airgun hunter and guide
Jim Chapman — writer for “Predator Extreme” magazine and airgun hunter

I’m now making a big push to get the smaller private dealers. These are the guys who have vintage airguns for sale. The club has a communal table for members to display and sell their airguns. This club is where I recently purchased the BSA Airsporter Stutzen I’ve been reporting on, a BSA Scorpion pistol and a Schimel gas pistol from the 1950s.

I am going to really shake the trees, because I know there are many airgunners who will come to this one-day show. The sheer volume of people though the door will make it worth their while to attend. Who knows what unusual airguns are going to walk through the doors?

If you have some unusual airguns to sell, this show is the place to sell them! We should get a number of advanced collectors who are attracted to this brand new airgun show because of the curious guns they may find. We’re also attracting those who are new to airguning and are looking for the vintage guns they’ve read about but have never seen.

Don’t forget our door prize and the three major raffle prizes that have been donated:

Air Venturi Bronco
AirForce Condor SS
Hatsan AT44-10 Long QE
Walther LGV Master Ultra

Other drawings and freebies are also in the works. Lots of guns, lots of freebies, lots of fun!

Mark September 6 on your calendar. You’ll want to be at the Ft. Worth airgun show in Poolville, Texas.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

80 thoughts on “How this blog changed my life: Part 1”

  1. Bb
    You did an excellent job of summarizing what was probably an enormous and overwhelming amount of response’s from a large percentage of the readers of this blog, myself included. I believe you touched on about every reason I have thought of as to why I returned to the sport/hobby of airgunning not so long ago and enjoyed every word.

    I have finally accomplished one of my other goal which was to be the first commenter on a blog and I cannot think of a better one to start out with.


  2. To the Godfather of Airguns

    How could it be said any better than that. As I was reading today’s report I was having little flash backs in time as I progressed through the report. It made me think about alot of the things that have been talked about here.

    I’m just glad you keep pumping this stuff out everyday. I definitely enjoy reading the articles and the comments and I hope it keeps going for a long time to come. Information overload here and I love every minute of it.

    And about the Texas air gun show. It sounds like its going to be a heck of a show.

  3. You put your finger right on it.
    You only forgot that you’re an excellent writer and that this place is unique.
    That’s also a part of why everyone keeps coming back. If it was only the info without the good writing or if we were allowed to fight each other without Edith bringing us back in line from time to time, this place wouldn’t be as popular and you wouldn’t have that popularity.

    Many of us have given up on forums because of the attitude that is found there.

    I don’t think I’m ever leaving this place I love it too much.


      • Amen to that. The first several forums I found could rapidly become very rude, obnoxious and aggressive. This is an educational, friendly and helpful forum where offense, if taken, is swallowed and the primary function of the blog is observed – education and camaraderie.

        Fred DPRoNJ

        • Yes Fred! That’s why I chose this blog to join. I would not feel welcome and will not hang out in a place where people are rude, derisive or condescending.I came looking for information about this sport/hobby, maintenance on the guns,new guns and older guns I never knew existed, the added entertainment value is a bonus.Thank You B.B.& Edith, for offering the good without the bad!


      • On the non-aggressive tone of the blog, it’s much appreciated. As a photographer, I’ve been known to participate in several of photo oriented ones, notably N****, C****, L**** and others. The general tone on most is not aggressive…it’s better described as Toxic! I can’t help but remember Heinlein’s comment, “An armed society is a polite society.” In this case, I think it alright to broaden the comment to include this blog, fresh-air and all.
        Thanks (especially to Edith) for being here.

  4. BB, was there anyone whose introduction to the joys of airgunning through the blog helped them deal with a disability or tragedy? Was a relationship mended while two people enjoyed shooting an airgun you recommended? You must have received some good stories, and I’d love to hear them. I’d be very surprised if you’re not just scratching the surface so far with this topic.

    Guns are fun, but people are what matter. Through great information and colorful personal anecdotes, you make this blog hit home runs on both counts. Thank you, and please–carry on!

      • Yeah, BB, i think that community in the smaller sense ofwhat we have here, the greater community in which we live, and our personal relationships within and without the blog are big factors in the blogs success. Thats abig way of saying welike hanging out with each other.

        The other thing you mentioned is the zen of shooting. I learned a long time ago to focus to the momentary exclusion of all else. I actually can feel my heart pulse and try to time my trigger pull between beats. Im sure many other shooters do as well. My family and friends always laugh at this though and say they cant even feel their heart beating. Something that i find hard to believe. Anyway,its pretty darn zen to get in that zone…

    • Although my airgunning journey started out as a kid plinking away like many others I’m sure, I now use airgunning as a sort of physical therapy after my bad back injury and subsequent failed surgery. It gets me up and moving around, outside in the fresh air and sunshine. I’m sure plenty of others who submitted stories have even better tales to tell. But like you said, the guns are fun, but the people are what truly matter. I can’t think of any exchange I’ve had on here in my time posting that hasn’t been anything but courteous, pleasant and informative.

      • Mitchell in Dayton,
        I’ll second that part about the use of airgunning as a tool for rehabilitation. I got out of the hospital after suffering a series of strokes 1 day prior to my 46th birthday. My main objective while in the hospital was to get out to be able to shoot again, as well as finish a couple projects I had going when I went in and being active here on the blog.I had to start with my RedRyder and work my way back up.I don’t get outside as much as I’d like,due to the heat here(93 F right now) but I still get some time on the trigger through the window if necessary.I’m now able to cock and shoot my QB-36(the holding on target’s gonna take some work) as well as pump all my pumpers. I call it a success!


  5. B.B.

    Thank you for EVERYTHING Sir. You summarized it so well. I will never leave this Great Blog ever. Also, I wish to say Amen to Buldawg, GF 1, RR & JF. Couldn’t have put it better!


  6. I have said it once I’ll say it again. The time effort you and Edith put in, not only this blog, is humbling to me. I so appreciate the attention and kindness you two put forth.

    As was said, you writing and Edith attention to details and love for the sport really make this blog what it is.

    Thank you for ALL of your efforts. This air show is just one example of your love for the sport. I would have loved to make it to the show, but I have too save my time for visiting my wife’s family in Texas. She is from the McAllen area. With three children, it makes for a long drive to visit. So all my time has to be saved for that.

    Once again thank you.


  7. Reading this blog every day it is printed is a big part of my life. I am retired and it is the first thing I do each morning after getting my first cup of coffee. Initially, I only read about subjects that interested me. Now I read just about every word, even if it is a topic that I may not be very interested in. I have gotten to know the regular contributors and I have formed my image of each one of you by your writings.

    It is from the knowledge I have gained from the blog, that I have chosen the airguns that I have purchased over the past couple of years. If not for this vast information, I would have most likely been one to buy the 1450 fps magnum .177.

    I sincerely hope you do write a “part two”


  8. B.B.,

    Good topic.

    The many paths people took to find their way here is interesting. The unbiased quality reporting along with the spirit and temperament of this blog is what keeps me coming back. Can’t leave without saying that the quality of your photography is a critical dimension for the success of your blog IMHO.

    You’ve been a busy boy with organizing the Ft. Worth show. Impressive lineup. 31 days from today. I would really like to attend but it’s unlikely that I can make. Things could change.


    • Kevin,

      I’m sorry you won’t be able to attend. I was hoping you would have a table with some of those beautiful vintage target rifles you have. Surely there are duplicates?

      Anyway, we will miss you if you can’t come.


  9. BB your profile is spot on. I was looking for airgun ammo when I found this blog. I have used airguns since I was young. But, when I started shooting firearms I still stayed with airguns. Today I’m heavy into firearms but airguns fill a niche that firearms don’t. I have said that when you need a gun, it’s often a airgun that you want. I would be into hot cars too if it weren’t so expensive. I do have a near mint 2008 tricked out Tundra thought :).


  10. B.B.,
    You said “You desire to be fascinated by the products you buy. You look for innovation”
    If innovation is a selling point, why is the Benjamin’s Rogue ePCP air rifle is discontinued?

    I look forward to your Part 2 also.

        • Joe,

          It’s got electronics. At the selling price of the Rogue, your target market is likely to be somewhat older — people who haven’t grown up in the digital age. Therefore, the electronics would be stumbling block to ease of use. PCPs are already more complex than other powerplants. Adding electronics to the mix just ups the complexity.


        • Joe,

          The Rogue used a solenoid to open and close the valve. It had a pressure sensor inside the reservoir to monitor the air pressure. And it had a computer that was programmable by the user. The ability to program the gun was apparently not that attractive to airgunners, because very few bought one.

          I was in the hospital when the Rogue was being designed, but if I had any input it wouldn’t have looked like it did. It looked like a cross between a black rifle and a boom box. I would have downplayed the electronics with more classic styling if I had my way.

          The sad thing is — the idea is still a world-beater. Crosman views it as a failure, but they could put some of that technology into smallbore air rifles and even air shotguns and still revolutionize the world of airguns.


          • B.B.,
            Thank you for your tutelage. I got into PCP airguns late and thus missed the Rogue ePCP. It sounded very high tech. When you said “the Rogue used a solenoid to open and close the valve”, is it just like the Daystate Mk4 and Air wolf that uses a solenoid firing mechanism to open and close the valve?

          • The caliber wasn’t the problem. As you pointed out, they tried to make it look like a Mattelomatic. The big bore guys would have preferred a more robust build with a much longer barrel. They were marketeering for two separate groups and it did not work for either one.

            I have often thought that if I could afford it, I would like to buy a Rogue and turn it into what Crosman should have done with it. A more classic style laminated stock and a 32″ shrouded barrel with a matching reservoir would be awesome!

      • You are indeed a very observant woman to be able to deduce why men collect certain things. That is the exact reason I purchased my 1906 BSA and am so very pleased with it. I understand the urge as I have experienced it throughout my life, however I have worked real hard not to have large collections. I salve that urge by trying to have the cream.

    • With 0 transactions within the past 6 months it doesn’t look promising finding reviews on this product.I’d like to know whether it uses piston rings or synthetic seals. Parts availability could prove difficult, dealing with an overseas merchant which may or may not be necessary, as sometimes there are ways around these channels.After the Chinese motorcycle invasion a lot of parts substitutions have been proven effective and durable but not many have been ordered(by myself or anyone in my circles or research).The savings on shipping is attractive and it appears to be a bargain@$700TYD. Good Luck with your research and let us know anything you can dig up.

    • Kevin,

      I don’t remember seeing this. I’d be careful about ordering something directly from China. That’s what you’re doing on that site. What happens if something goes wrong? It doesn’t look like there’s a U.S. distributor that will help or even give you a refund if it breaks or doesn’t work at all.


    • kevin
      Here’s the ShoeBox that I have. Its the base model. Yep you still have to buy a small shop compressor that costs about 120 bucks. That is if you don’t already have a shop compressor. But I have had good luck with mine and they offer rebuild parts too.


      And one other thing is it doesn’t tell anywhere how long it takes to pump up a bottle or a gun. It might be good. But that system might also produce a lot of moisture in the system which is not good. I’m not sure how that stage 1 and 3 of that system works. Maybe it is a good system?

    • I would be real cautious if I was you. Like Edith said, you are buying direct from China. That leaves you with no recourse. You could send in your money and get nothing, not even an empty box. Also, when I look at some of the pictures closely, things like welds, etc. make me a bit nervous concerning quality control.

  11. B.B., I’ve learned about the artillery hold by finding this blog. I was using it, but didn’t know what is was called or that it worked on more than just the gun I had. I had been given a Daisy break barrel because it was “junk” and couldn’t hit a barn up close. I worked with the gun several different times and would get mad at it. One day I try a very “loose” hold. This is just opposite of what I was doing. I was clutching tighter and tighter, trying to subdue the recoil. Well by golly that loose hold worked. I was reading your blogs and found out it was called a artillery hold. I then tying putting my hands in different places on the stock until I perfected it. Now I’ve tried to teach several people shot their spring gun the “right” way. It’s a hard sell, because most of these guys are firearm shooters and just will not do it. I had a guy drop his Benjamin NP gas piston because it was bad. He heard I liked air guns and wanted me to keep it a few days to see if I could figure it out before he sent it back (he already sent one gun in). I was able to shoot it very good at 35 yards. A couple days later I took it to his house and told him the gun is fine, he just needed to learn how to shoot it. I tried to teach him, but he kept holding it tight. He didn’t believe I could do better so he put a can out at 40 yards. I nailed it. That got his attention, finally.

  12. Also, just thought I would add that I’m jealous of all those attending the Ft. Worth show. After attending the Findlay show earlier this year I’d love to go to another, but alas Ohio is a bit far away for someone of limited means such as myself. I’m really looking forward to seeing what kind of treasures you folks who are attending manage to pick up though however.

  13. Just about all the categories for airgunners apply to me in one way or another, all except owning airguns as a kid. At that age, I remember looking at what I didn’t realize was a Crosman 1377 and feeling full of condescension that it was not a real gun. It’s amazing how ignorant you can be when young. I can’t even remember what drew me to the blog. I found it while surfing and kept coming back. For a considerable time, I just read the blog posts before learning to appreciate the comments. But the number of commenters was far smaller back then. Yes, bring on Part 2.

    And I will add that one thing that the blog has done for me is that is has enabled shooting which makes up one of the high points of my day. It’s one of the last things I do, and I like to reflect on it as I turn in. Then in the morning, my first move is to check the target from the previous night. For some reason it always looks a little better in the morning.


  14. My main passion is Instinctive Traditional Archery and for me there is a lot of Zen involved with it. A few years ago I had a very disabling back injury and became more involved with air guns once again. As stated above by many, this blog and it’s approach has been very helpful, educational and entertaining for me also. I have heeled so that I once again I can set my arrows free for the moment they fly to meet their mark but now I also use air to propel my assortment of pellets to their mark. My AA TX 200 MK III propels them and I really like that wood carving. Once I get that Diana Stutzen it will be like a matched set. Thank you BB, Edith and to all of you who so generously contribute. P.S. I also like reading about the firearm experiences. Bear

    • Its funny you mention the instinctive archery, I friend and I were just discussing guys that shoot with no sights and amazing archery shots like the girl doing a handstand and shooting balloons with her feet drawing the bow on a tv show.

  15. This blog is my airgunning homebase, my team in a lone wolf sport. I’ve found there are serious and mature airgunners outside of the Olympics, and not just kids being foolish otherwise. For a long time I imagined I was the only one in between those two points. There is an honest love for each other here in our common interest and supporting others accomplishments. I hope this blog runs exactly as it does a hundred years from now, that my great grandchildren can find this community when the airguns are running on moon gas, lol. If all areas of human interest had an outlet such as this, humanity would triumph over isolationism and negativity. Tom, you should run for president!

    • RifledDNA, I stopped by the Hudson airgun range and it’s pretty cool and a nice setup so far. I’m considering getting a more indoor target friendly rifle or pistol and shooting there especially this winter. Hopefully it takes off and he can make a outdoor range that allows lead but I would still go. I just have to get used to shooting around people,lol. Also check out Kittery trading post they have a used gun section with some pretty nice airguns if I haven’t told you already. I might get up there before summer ends while I still have a week of vacation left Labor day week. Cheers. Ricka

      • That’s awesome, I’ve been wanting to go see what kittery has all spring and summer, got to find a day and just do it, but if I go all the way up there it will be hopefully to buy something which is the other half of not going yet. Hudson’s not far, need to go check em out, gotta get some pba for the 1377 anyway which I I chopped n flopped an old rifle stock onto the grip and is actually working great. The 1377 is a great house gun.

        • RifledDNA, I have to call Kittery first but from the website it looks like legally purchasing and transporting in a case would be ok. They have some nice airguns on the site and give the prices and description and conditions of the airguns. If you go into the used guns section you can get a full list of fire arms and AG’s. Some prices aren’t worth the travel but some are priced nicely for the brand, model, and condition. For the Hudson range I was thinking a 1077 or a AA s200ft .177 cal but have to research how they shoot non-leads. I forgot to ask if he had a caliber or fpe/fps limit?, but he told me I could sight in my hunting AG’s and that’s after I said I had a Marauder, and hw97k, and my Chinese gasram .22!.

  16. BB, Edith and the rest of the flock, I didn’t put in a submission for this only because I felt there are so many others who should be first in line. I have been reading the blog and comments for 2 years now but didn’t chime in until the “Invisible air gunner” blog which drew me out and made me feel more comfortable commenting. This blog has helped me so much I read it everyday even though i may not comment all the time and the knowledge of the “flock” is tremendous. I feel like I have friends who get it instead of friends who think I’m going to be on a bell tower soon. The help and attitude of everyone is refreshing and I can’t wait to see what’s next for a report or what everyone is talking about. I would love a multi part series of others stories it would be reality TV even though I don’t watch TV,lol. So keep up the good work and thank you for giving me a voice!.

    • Ricka,
      I know what ya mean about the belfry advisors. I have a number of friends who think my airgunning obsession is a side effect of dementia due to my stroke and want nothing to do with it,we’ve lost touch many times as I moved about the country but I’ve had my 392 for almost 10 years. All I have to say is “More pellets for me”!

  17. Tom, Edith:

    I read this blog as my ‘consumers guide’ for airguns. I know it’s not totally unbiased because it’s sponsored by Pyramyd AIR, still I look to it for guidance for every airgun purchase I make. Because of it I’ve probably bought twice as many airguns as I might, but been happy with the results.

    Thanks for the good advice and many more years of success.


  18. Reb, I’m sorry about your health problems but glad your on the mend and shooting! My best friend had a stroke a little over a year ago and is doing great, we finally got him golfing again, he was having trouble using his hand after the stroke and went through physical therapy. He kids me in a good way, calling me sniper and shooter and stuff, now he wants me to free his garden of bunnies! Other friends just think it’s a waste of time/money or why would I play with guns? To be fair they didn’t grow up around guns or hunting/fishing or archery etc. so I take it with a grain of salt ya know. Some times it’s hard to explain to friends why we like it and why they should try it but I still try.

    • It might be easier for them to understand if you couch it in terms they are familiar with. For example,, mention to them that golf is, in fact, a target game. Propelling a projectile ( ball, pellet, bullet) at a given target. If they play the game,, they can certainly relate to the concentration needed, plus using the proper mechanics of hold and follow through to execute each shot. The zone one can find oneself in, when everything, mind and body, is in accord.

      If nothing else,, it may get them thinking about guns in general as something besides a tool to kill. That is a message that needs to be heard.

      • Ed, I agree, all my friends are far more athletic than me and many play in beer leagues of different sports or are runners. I can’t play many sports anymore other than golf, my body won’t take the abuse, so i explain all those things you mentioned. I think it is more the stigma of guns in general that puts them off.

  19. I just came home from our local Trap League. After we were done shooting a friend asked about getting an air rifle. He was looking at a bottom of the line Gamo. I said that if he was going to spend the money, a little more would buy him a much nicer one. Next the “Expert” jumps in to the conversation. “Those break barrel air guns aren’t accurate” He says. “Really I say…Why?” “Because the barrel moves, it can’t come back to the same place each time” . He says. I say, “They work fine if you know the technique”. “How many air guns do you have?” I say. He says, “Well, none” I say, “I have eight and I shoot them most days, they work”. At this point the expert takes off.

    There are a lot of these guys out there.


      • B.B.,

        That’s exactly right. Thanks for doing that by the way. It’s much easier to type. It’s difficult to assess exactly how this blog has changed my life. A few things I know for sure. This blog has been one of my primary motivators for developing such a deep interest and love of airguns. I have learned at least 75% of what I know about airguns from this blog. I very much look forward to reading and participating in this blog everyday. Honestly, I can’t thank you enough for your contributions to my love and knowledge of airguns. It has been wonderful to develop such a love for something new this late in my life. Very invigorating. Thank you B.B.!


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    During busy holidays, we step our efforts to ship all orders as fast as possible, but you may experience an additional 1-2 day delay before your order ships. This may also happen if you change your order during processing.

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    It's important to know that due to state and local laws, there are certain restrictions for various products. It's up to you to research and comply with the laws in your state, county, and city. If you live in a state or city where air guns are treated as firearms you may be able to take advantage of our FFL special program.

    U.S. federal law requires that all airsoft guns are sold with a 1/4-inch blaze orange muzzle or an orange flash hider to avoid the guns being mistaken for firearms.

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    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

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    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our air guns (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

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