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Ammo Hakim air rifle: Part 2

Hakim air rifle: Part 2

by Tom Gaylord, a.k.a. B.B. Pelletier

Happy birthday, America! The United States is celebrating it’s 238th anniversary of independence from England.

Part 1

Hakim is a large, heavy military trainer made in the 1950s by Anschütz.

This report covers:

• Trigger adjustment
• Cocking effort
• Best pellet
• Velocity
• Performance?
• Oil
• The Arabic writing

Today, we’ll test the velocity of the Hakim underlever air rifle. You’ll remember that this rifle was made by German maker Anschütz, using a sporting air rifle they were making as their starting point. They’d copied the 1948 BSA Airsporter. I happened to obtain a more modern BSA Airsporter last week at a gun show, and a review of that will be coming up some time in the future. But, today, we’re looking at the Hakim.

Trigger adjustment
Before I get to the velocity, though, I noticed that the 2-stage trigger in my rifle was breaking at more than 10 lbs. That’s too heavy, and the Hakim trigger is adjustable for pull weight, but the action has to be removed from the stock to make the adjustment. So, the first thing I did was take the action out of the stock.

The Hakim doesn’t come out of its stock as handily as most spring rifles. A lot more than just the normal 3 stock screws have to be removed. If I decide to clean and tune this rifle, I’ll show the disassembly in a future report. For now, let me tell you that it takes about three times as long to get a Hakim action out of its stock.

Hakim trigger adjustment
This is the Hakim air rifle trigger. The gun is cocked in this photo. The one adjustment controls the amount of sear contact area (parts in contact inside the circle). The screw is turned in to reduce the contact area, and the nut locks it in place.

I adjusted the sear to about half the contact area that was there previously, then I cleaned the contact surfaces and lubed both surfaces with moly grease. After all of this, and after breaking in the adjustment and the new lube, the trigger now breaks at just under 5 lbs. While I can get it down even lower, this is a trigger that uses sear contact area, and I would rather err on the side of safety more than I would like a light pull.

Cocking effort
It’s harder to measure the cocking effort of an underlever air rifle than to measure the effort of a breakbarrel, but it’s still possible. My bathroom scale says this rifle cocks with 18 lbs. of effort, which is pretty easy. The cocking linkage is designed to maximize the force you apply. Of course, the size and weight of the rifle prevents it from being used by young people, but this light cocking does make it enjoyable to shoot.

Best pellet
There’s one pellet I like in a Hakim above all others, and that’s the RWS Superpoint because they have the thinnest skirts I can find in .22 caliber — and in a taploader, you want a thin skirt. The tap has to be large enough for all pellets to fall into its chamber; yet, when the gun fires, you want the pellet skirt to flare out and seal the air behind it. The Superpoint does this better than any pellet I’ve ever found. I won’t stop looking, but until I find something better, the RWS Superpoint is the one pellet of choice for all my Hakims.

I had no idea how this particular rifle was going to perform, so this test was a diagnostic one for me. The first pellet I tried was the 5.6mm Eley Wasp that’s now obsolete. I bought several tins of them years ago before they stopped making them, so I can use them in my Webley Senior, whose bore is quite large. They weigh 14.5 grains and resemble a Benjamin High Compression pellet from the 1960s.

Eley Wasps averaged 454 f.p.s. and ranged from 450 up to 466 f.p.s. So, a 16 f.p.s. spread in total. At the average velocity, Wasps generate 6.64 foot-pounds of muzzle energy.

Next up were the RWS Superpoints. They also weigh 14.5 grains — the same as the Wasps — but their average velocity was 498 f.p.s., which is an increase of 47 f.p.s. over the Wasps. That’s due to the thin skirt being more effective in a taploader, I believe. The velocity ranged from 489 to 509 f.p.s., which is a 20 f.p.s. spread. At the average velocity, Superpoints developed 7.99 foot-pounds of energy at the muzzle.

The last pellet I tried was the RWS Hobby, which also performs well in Hakims. This 11.9-grain .22-caliber pellet averaged 554 f.p.s. in this rifle, with a range from 543 to 566 f.p.s. So the spread was 23 f.p.s. At the average velocity, Hobbys produced 8.11 foot-pounds at the muzzle.

These velocities place this particular Hakim at the upper side of average for this model. I’ve see enough of them to know what they should do, and this one is okay — but not spectacular. I’m satisfied with it where it is.

When I disassembled the rifle to adjust the trigger, I noticed that it’s quite dirty inside. It could benefit from a thorough cleaning of all parts, inside and out. Therefore, I believe I’ll at least disassemble and clean the rifle for you, and, yes, I’ll take pictures.

I also noticed that the mainspring is very buzzy. That means there are either sloppy tolerances inside, or the mainspring may be canted. It’s probably sloppy tolerances, though, because the buzz is long and sustained. A canted spring will buzz sharply, but the buzz will also stop quick.

The buzz is disturbing, so I’ll look at ways of reducing it. If that slows down the rifle, I may need to tune it just a little to get it back to where it is now.

I oiled the rifle, to see what effect that might have. These taploaders do need more oil than conventional breakbarrels because the loading tap uses a film of oil to seal itself. To oil the rifle, I filled the tap with Crosman Pellgunoil and then cocked the rifle. The suction of air through the tap immediately sucked the oil into the compression chamber. After oiling, the velocity dropped by 100 f.p.s. for a couple shots, then climbed up to more than 50 f.p.s. above where it had been for around a dozen more shots. Then, it settled back to where it had been in the test. That tells me the tap was already oiled when I started the test. I was able to use Pellgunoil even though the Hakim does have a synthetic piston seal because the compression is so low.

The Arabic writing
I know that most of you have never see a Hakim up close, so I’m going to show you all the Arabic markings on the gun. There are no English characters anywhere. I don’t read Arabic, so I apologize if any of these characters are upside-down.

The rifle’s end cap has writing on both sides and on the top. Notice, also, that the cap has dovetail grooves. These can be used for short scopes, dot sights or peep sights.

Hakim characters left
The left side of the end cap.

Hakim characters top
The top of the end cap. If you mount anything to these dovetails, take the arch in the center into account.

Hakim characters right
The right side of the end cap.

Hakim characters by tap
Left side of the gun, just forward of the tap lever.

The rear sight is also graduated in Arabic numerals, which are unreadable — despite what they told us in school. That doesn’t really matter because you can guesstimate where to put the elevation slider from the results on the target, but it does illustrate that there isn’t a word of English anywhere on the airgun.

Evaluation so far
When I bought this rifle, I did so based on the stock. It’s well-made, beautiful and uncharacteristic of a standard Hakim stock, and free from cracks.

I tested the action at the time of purchase, which, with a Hakim, is possible without firing the rifle. I won’t bother to explain right now the how and why of that because I doubt many people will ever need to do it, but I did know from my test that this rifle was probably going to be average as far as performance goes. And it is.

Next, I think I’ll move on to accuracy testing at 10 meters with the installed sights. After that, I’ll decide where to go for the next report.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

149 thoughts on “Hakim air rifle: Part 2”

  1. This was the gun I meant to share with ya’ll yesterday.Guess my brain’s still a little scrambled.I finally found and shared it right at the end of yesterday’s blog, I also figured out something I had lost during my “vacation”at the Whiteplace Inn.Maybe things ARE getting better.Time will tell Doc cut me loose for 3 months! Even told me I could have a beer every now & then! If I could only shake these cigarettes I’d be Home Free.


    • Reb
      You will only quit smokes when you want to, if you try to quit for someone else you are doomed to fail. I smoked for 45 years and tried to quit 4 or 5 times for my wife’s or kids request and it would only last a few months. When I had to have a heart cath back in Aug of 2013 because a stress test showed a problem I laid them down the night before the heart cath, I had a 65 and 75 % blockage in my LAD ( the artery they call the widow maker). My heart doc told my wife that I would have dropped dead in less than a week if the stents had not been put in, then in Nov I had another stent in my right coronary artery. So this time I quit for ME because I am not ready leave this world yet. I did it with out any patches or gum just plain cold turkey. it was the best choice I have ever made in my life. It will only work when you want to quit.


      • Amen.
        There’s lots of really good reasons—caring for the kids, the significant other, (what will happen to my dogsa if I go?) type reasons. But you’re right, ‘Ya got to want to, and then it’s absolutely cold turkey from there.
        With future foresight of myself—wasted body with tubes here, there & everywhere, in the misery ward for the incurable—the 40th birthday was action day.
        But my secret “real” motivation was this, embarrassing perhaps to admit, true nonetheless. As my then significant other was walking out the door for the last time, she turned to me and said, “I guess I can tell you now, but a big part of why I’m leaving is that you smell bad. It’s the cigarettes.” And then gone.
        Boy, if that isn’t a wake-up call, I don’t know what is.
        So cold-turkey it was, and many interesting things transpired, not the least of which is my sense of smell came back and she was right. Smokers stink and they mostly don’t know it. Regular non-addicted people would rather not be around smokers but they’re too mostly too polite to say so. They just have a tendency to go elsewhere. Makes meeting someone new at the church social harder than it needs to be if you smell bad.
        Subsequently, I’ve also learned a number of different things can land you in the ER, and even in the Intensive Care Unit, but I’ve also learned there’s a big difference between the maybe’s of Bad Luck (random West Nile infection as an example) and the Certainty’s of cigarettes (inevitable.)
        The jury’s still out about motorcycles, but one should be aware of two things; ER docs refer to riders as “donors,” and experienced riders (like me) ALWAYS say, “I’ve never been down…YET.”
        We’re working on that one.

        • 103David,

          While Tom promised me he won’t get/ride a motorcycle, I wouldn’t put too much stock in anything an ER doc says about any group. Many of them think all guns are evil and all gun users are bad. They see a small portion of the world and paint the rest of the world with that small bit of information.


          • Very true, but the ER types are the ones at what is known as the “Nexus of Failure,” where they’re the ones who get to see just how badly “things can go wrong.”
            But I can illustrate just how correct you are about world-view by relating an observation I once made while on a “bring-your-boyfriend-to-work” field-trip with the ER doc (her, not me.)
            The scene is a a big-city ER, an almost comic book rendition of things-gone-wrong ranging from agricultural misadventures (little Bobby got hisself scooped up by the combine and don’t look so good now,) to “Degloving” injuries involving big trucks and trains (Do not ask what “degloving” means, you REALLY don’t want to know,) to gang related drive-by shootings.
            While standing around not touching anything (on pain of becoming an ER customer rather than observer) I noticed someone had carefully assembled a display of cartridges (9mm, 30-06, 7.62 x 39, 45 ACP, etc) with the title “This is what you’re looking for!” Apparently for the benefit of X-ray viewing newbies to the “gang-related-drive-by-ER-crowd.”
            “Nice thought, inept execution however,” I thought.
            Note I said “cartridges.”
            Unless a patient was guilty of ingesting unfired complete rounds, bullet, casing, primer and all, it was going to be a long time before anyone saw that in an ER X-ray.
            Just goes to show how really smart people with near perfect memory/recall can be somewhat clueless when exposed to the real world.
            Gee, I got a collage degree and all, but I’m a real big advocate of the educational value of “Real Life,” which means collecting as many (often disparate) life experiences as possible.
            Overall, the one thing I’ve learned is that those that think the coin has only two sides just ain’t paying attention.

          • Keep Tom off the motorcycles. When they fail, they fail big. The military like to ride them in Hawaii as part of their vacation mind-set, often without knowing how to handle them, and the accidents are horrendous. My understanding is that there is a shattering effect on bone so that doctors have nothing to put together, just a mass of splinters.

            Never mind about motorcycles. After Amy Van Dyken’s accident, I’m staying away from ATVs as well. Odd that they are built for all terrain so that you think they would be stable, but apparently they are not with their rather chunky shape. The one time I rode one I was piggybacked with another guy, and as we rode up a hill, he mentioned offhand, that you had to watch the grade or the thing would tip over backwards.

            If anyone wants a thrill, just watch the Russian dash cams on YouTube. Nothing could equal that. 🙂


            • Sad but true. Motorcycles are great fun but the cost is too high when things go South. They aren’t called leg breakers, life takers, and widow makers without good reason.


            • Its a sad thing how fun and dangerous go together sometimes, and the complacency factor. I knew a kid freshman year in high school that was very experienced with his atvs and dirtbikes, rode everyday. He was a little guy though too, and flipped a big 4 wheeler and it just crushed him. There’s all kinds of things that can take us out, a lot more when we shun safety and feign invincibility. Just like smoking, it can cause and more so exacerbate health problems, why do it? Silly question if you already do, I know why, 18 years stuck with cigarettes because I felt “cool” and “different” and “mature”, but the probably hundreds of thousands of dollars wasted says otherwise, and can’t run past 50 yards is real “cool”. Im on my 3rd “last bag” of tobacco, been wanting to quit for over a year but it won’t happen without resolution to just do it.

              • I’m in total agreement. The spirit of self-defense is strong in me. But, I’ll admit that danger is a matter of perception to an extent. Have a look at Alex Honnold, the best free climber in the world.


                Rock climbing in my view is incredibly rash, but free climbers do it with no protection or attachment to the cliff. This guy would meet most definitions of a crazy bugger, but he seems to be in control. It could be that complacency is the key.

                I’ve heard enough about struggles to quit smoking that I can believe it’s incredibly difficult although it’s not one of my vices. I do believe that vices are largely random. In a religion class, a teacher was trying to give an example of sin and described his irresistible cravings for food. As he went into loving details of the smoked pork and various dishes, I had to keep myself from laughing. He spoke with such passion that it sounded ridiculous. But considering this was a religion class, maybe the food was a code for something else.

                Anyway, I would say that once you recognize that there is no secret, this realization, while a little depressing, puts you further ahead. It’s like a film I saw where a guy in prison is frightened by an enormous, intimidating convict. After the confrontation, one of the seasoned inmates says, “You were scared. Don’t be scared.” …

                And for a negative example of backsliding, there is Whitney Houston. Right after a singing lesson designed to reconstruct her voice that had been destroyed by smoking and drugs, her coach caught her with a cigarette. After seeing her in her prime, you can see what an abomination this was.


        • 103 David
          I never had my wife or anyone else tell me that I stunk from smoking, but I also did not smoke in the house because my wife could not handle the smoke. it was always a issue when we would travel together that’s for sure. I now am approaching my one year mark of Aug 28 for being cig free. What I have noticed the most is that I can smell things that I never could before and food tastes different and much better. At age 58 I have 5 risk factors for heart disease, Over 50, male, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoked cig, I cannot change that I am a male and over 50 but I sure can change the other three. I got my wake up call when I found out about having to have a heart cath, and being told that I was a week away from drooping over dead sealed the deal.

          I never had the first chest pain or pain in my left arm, my only symptoms were being way more fatigued than ever before and a dull muscle like pain in my left kidney area. My doc told me that the pain in my left kidney area was a classic symptom of blockage in the LAD widow maker artery that feeds the rear of the heart muscle.

          I to have been a biker for since I was 13 years old starting out with dirt bikes and then street bikes. I can say I have been down more time than I can count, especially when dirt biking. You just got to play drunk and let your body go limp to keep from braking bones or other severe injury. I have only had 2 wrecks that broke bones, 1 when I was 16 and fell off my dirt bike on the road from a wheelie and bounced along on my butt and broke my tail bone, 2 when I went off the side of the road on my KZ 1000 into wet grass and broke my left shoulder blade and top four ribs on my left side. both wrecks were my fault. I only ride on the street now because my body cannot handle getting beat up on a dirt bike anymore. You definitely have to be the one to watch out for yourself on the road now because cage drivers just don’t pay enough attention to bikes anymore. Never ride faster than your angels can fly.


          • I’ve been down from having to hit the brake during a turn to bouncing off the seat and over the handlebars.It’s a lot of fun to ride but one must remember everything has it’s risks and the harder you play the more you pay.


            • Reb
              The problem is the older we get the slower we heal and I swear it feel like we hit the ground harder to. My last wreck was 97 with the broke shoulder blade and four ribs. My angels were definitely with me that day, because in 98 I had to have another surgery done and my surgeon was getting background history from me and when I told him about breaking my shoulder blade and top four ribs on my left side. he said I did not break the number 2 rib on my left side, we argued a minute and I asked him why he did not believe I broke the number 2 rib. He stated that 90% of people that break the # 2 ribbon the left side die because the rib severs the aorta out of the heart and they die instantly, so I told him I was one of the 10% because I saw the x-rays and it was broke.

              You are right play hard and ride hard you will get hurt. There are those that have been down and those that will go down, but you ride long enough you will go down.

              Have a good fourth

              • I raced moto-cross and scramble track from about 11 years old to 16 years old. Had a Suzuki RM 125 back in 78. Had a horrendous crash the last year I raced. Was in the top 3 for points and payout at the end of the season.

                Placed second but was in the hospital for about 3 weeks. Woke up with a broken nose, wrist and the bone that is above your heart. Jaw wired together in 2 places.

                Guy that crossed the finish line first had his arm stuck in the rear sprocket by the chain wedging his bone in there. That was the last thing I remembered was him screaming when I passed out.

                And the guy that was in third place just broke his arm and shattered his knee cap. I still know him to this day and he walks with a limp.

                The only thing that bothers me is my wrist pops all the time. But I can lock my wrist on my trigger hand real nice. I think that helps me shoot now day’s.

                And I really want me a little bar hopper and most of my friends ride Harley’s. I haven’t done it yet. My oldest daughter keeps wanting me to get one. She said she will ride with me forever. I don’t know if this is the beginning or the end of the story. But I sure want a Harley.

                • Gunfun
                  Had a great fourth with plenty of fire works and loud booms and a lot of good bar-b-que, I ate enough for two days. Hope yours was good also.

                  Yea I started riding at 13 on a mini bike and then got a 72 Yamaha 175 enduro, rode it till I was 16 and then got a 360 MX and raced a few times but did not have ant real success. I did enter a pro/am race in Tampa Florida is 76 and finished sixth against some big name pros back then, out of the first turn I was in third because there was a big pile up in the turn and I managed to see it coming and swung wide in the turn and avoided the pile up. I just was not in as good of shape as I thought I was, I could ride all day in the woods without getting tired but a 45 minute moto was a whole different story in terms of endurance. I pulled in to my pit at the end of the race and fell off my bike.

                  I still own my last dirt bike I owned since 78 which is a 74 Yamaha SC 500 MX single cylinder two stroke that has four gears and does 105 mph with stock sprockets. It was built by Yamaha to run the Baja 1000 but was to fast for the pro riders to handle. it will do 80 mph wheelies with nothing more than a twist of the throttle, no clutching or bouncing the front end necessary. I am no longer in any condition to be able to ride it for more than five minute and then can no longer hold on to the handlebars due to forearm pump. They only made it from the middle of 73 thru 74 model years and there was probably only less than 5000 imported here, my best friend growing up that I have told you about being an actor both had one when we trail rode together. His got stolen in NY city years ago but I will never sell mine even if I cannot ride it anymore.

                  I also now own and ride a 77 KZ 100 that has been built to a 1075 cc drag motor that with the slick and wheelie bar will run 9.50 second quarters all day long/ I have converted back to street legal to play with the newer crotch rockets from stoplight to stoplight, they will out run me in top speed but unless they have a lengthened swing arm while they fight keeping it from wheeling I just light it up and leave them sitting there. my KZ does not wheelie it just sits out a little sideways ,burns the rear tire and lifts the front wheel about a inch and goes.

                  I also have a 76 shovel head FXE that has been built to 88 Ci and makes Evos and twin cammers pissed off when I leave them at 100 plus when they run out of steam and my shovel is just starting to pull hard. it will peg the speedo at 120 at 5300 rpm with a red line of 6000. I have yet to get it to red line in top gear, I am going to change out the front sprocket to 2 less teeth so it will get to 6 grand in fifth gear and it will also help my accel from lower speeds. I have 20 grand in the old shovel but it makes me smile every time a leave a new Harley behind when out riding, they just cannot believe that a old shovel can outrun them that easily.

                  You only have this lifetime to enjoy so if you like the freedom of the open road on a bike you need to get one. I like old bikes because I can buy them cheap and build them myself to be real fun bar hoppers and surprise people on newer scoots when I leave in my tire smoke. I definitely have way to many toys to keep me happy. The only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys.

                  keep the rubber side down and NEVER ride faster than your angels can fly.


                  • buldawg
                    My RM was one of the first ones at the track that year. The crash waisted the bike. I sold it for parts. I was 16 years old that year. I did go buy me a used Suzuki TM 400 after that and road it on the farm. My mom had a fit she figured I would of walked away from them back then.

                    But I got my license and then the muscle car bug bit me hard. That was 79 and a couple of my buddy’s got a Honda 750-4 and the other buddy got a 900 Kow. I road those bikes off and on. And my brother got later on and if I’m remember the name of it right one of the Yamaha 1200YZR’s. They were suppose to be the fastest street bikes at that time. I road it and I will have to say you had to hang on that’s for sure.

                    And I remember back in the day at the dragstrip when I saw the first stretched swing arm on a 1000 Kow that I had to go up and watch that bike run. It ran about a second faster then all the other bikes out there. It pulled away from the other bikes like a bike does when you race a car. It would just leave them setting.

                    Oh and yes it was a good 4th.

                    • Gunfun
                      That’s what my kawi does, like I said it is a 9.50 second 1/4 mile bike all day long with the slick and wheelie bars. It is a blast to ride on the street, you can pull away from a light in first and at 10 mph wack it wide open and light the tire up and keep it lit hitting second. There is 5 grand in the motor alone to make it bullet proof with balanced and welded crank ported and polished head race cut trans lock up clutch and so on.

                      My Harley has about 7 grand in the motor and makes 100 horsepower and 110 ft.lb of torque at 5500 rpm from the dvno we had at Harley.

                      Had a great fourth also,. ate to much and shot off a lot of fireworks. Going to make some home made m80s from the heavy cardboard tube from the used fireworks for new years and so on.


                  • And, as anyone who’s hit a cow in Oaklahoma after midnight (me, as an example) can tell you,
                    “Don’t overun your headlights, either.”
                    Fortunately, a glancing blow and while I and the 650 Triumph did end up in what was probably the only creek with water in Oaklahoma in the summer of that particular year, it was definately a learning experience.
                    Learn what you say? I learned that cows, under the duress of glancing blows from motorcycles, actually do speak english.
                    They say, “MOO-OOF!”
                    I swear, I’m not making that up.

                    • 103David
                      Speaking of cows, when I was a research and development mechanic for Harley at the Talladega Test Facility here in Alabama. We did a lot of our testing out on local roads and ran three shifts, so there were riders riding from 10pm till 6;30 am five to seven days a week depending on how fast and amount of test data was required from the engineers. Wed had a rider that hit a cow exactly for the reason you stated ” don’t over run your headlight” which is very easy to do on a Harley because their headlights suck. He was running 70mph per the duty cycle of the course required when he hit the cow and this is the Gods honest truth, he luckily was wearing a full face helmet because he got to see what the inside of a butt hole of a cow looks like. and I think the caw hollered out something other than moo,oof. I was not there when he wrecked, but was working third shift as a mechanic and when we got the call to go pickup the bike we made the rider ride back on the trailer with the bike because he was covered in poop and was not getting inside the truck with us, luckily it was only 3 miles from the shop. He earned the road name of Cowpoop from that day on as we would never let him forget it. when he did his sign off from the bike at the end of his shift then the whole facility and Milwaukee new about it and it was a big joke and prank subject for quite awhile. He actually did very well taking it all in stride and laughed with all of us about his intimate experience with that cow that night.
                      Keep the rubber side down and NEVER ride faster than your angels can fly.


                  • Right on Buldawg, I’ve got a collection of bikes old and late model and every one runs and every one will eat a black and orange any day of the week. These days I ride dirt almost exclusively for two reasons, the first being it’s safer(yeah I get banged up, but I don’t get run over), the second being on the street, I’m braking the law before my clutch is fully engaged. Rid hard, live free, choose your own destiny.

                    • Ben
                      I am old Skool all the way, my 77 KZ 1000 street legal drag bile is the newest bike I own, also have the 76 shovel head, 74 Yamaha SC 500 MX. I grew up on dirt bikes and would still ride them if my body would let me, but I beat it up to much in my teens and early twenties on the dirt bikes and I now pay for it every day. My SC 500 did most of the damage because just when you thought you could ride it wide open every where it would let you know that it was still the boss and with four gears and a top speed of 105 mph with factory sprockets falling off while doing 80 mph wheelies took its toll on this old body. I still ride it around the block every month or so just to keep it working, but I have noticed that the older you get the lower your fear level gets and you don’t heal near as fast as when you are young. The street is a whole different story you just have to pick the right time and places to get wild and crazy. I live 2 miles from interstate 20 in Alabama and that is where I let my street bikes stretch there legs and get my need for speed satisfied.

                      I would rather die doing something I love than rot away without ever feeling the rush you get on a bike at a buck fifty plus or jumping 100 feet in the air at 70 plus mph. you only live once so go for all the gusto you can.


      • Buldawg,
        You’re right,I have quit many times ,for various reasons; Can’t smoke in basic training, can’t smoke in the hospital(almost got kicked outta rehab), can’t smoke while sitting out fines( Graybar hotel), lack of sufficient funds, new hottie, out camping. Always wanted that initial buzz. I quit drinking so I could see well enough to shoot. I’m thinking this time I’ll quit to save up for a new pistol-$6 a day X 30 days=$180. that’s a pretty nice pistol! Just gotta figure out a way to stay quit.I bought one of those E-cigs when I got outta the hospital and stayed off cigarettes for almost a month, until I couldn’t get it refilled in a timely manner. gonna give it another shot starting tomorrow, when I get the E-cig goin’ again.Guess I’ll try to Just say NO!



        • Reb
          I found that the first two0 months are the hardest for sure, I understand you trying to substitute something to replace the smokes like the e-cigs. But to be perfectly honest with you the only real way to quit is to go cold turkey and stay as occupied in life and projects/chores or anything that keeps your mind off of cigs and every day gets easier. As long as you substitute one habit for another you will never truly be quit and free from cigs, it is as much a habit as it is an addiction. The only way to quit is to break the chain of events that make it habit, once you can break the habit you will have success. We only have a short time on this earth so try to make the most of it.


        • Reb
          I found that the first two months are the hardest for sure, I understand you trying to substitute something to replace the smokes like the e-cigs. But to be perfectly honest with you the only real way to quit is to go cold turkey and stay as occupied in life and projects/chores or anything that keeps your mind off of cigs and every day gets easier. As long as you substitute one habit for another you will never truly be quit and free from cigs, it is as much a habit as it is an addiction. The only way to quit is to break the chain of events that make it habit, once you can break the habit you will have success. We only have a short time on this earth so try to make the most of it.


      • The motivation must come from within, but it’s not necessarily just about yourself. I’ve read that secondary smoke can be as damaging as the habit itself, so it is affecting everyone around you. That’s especially true given what are probably very different tolerances for smoking. For every guy who has smoked to 100 without harm there are many others who couldn’t handle it nearly as well. I know of a woman who never smoked in her life but died from lung cancer from being around military personnel who smoked all the time.

        As for how to quit, I suppose it’s like anything else. You just make the decision to go from A to B, and if the problem is serious then cold turkey is the only way. The essence of discipline is consistency… But if you fall off the horse, don’t despair. Just get back on as soon as you can.


    • Reb,Buldawg76 is advising the truth! 40 yrs. at (3) packs a day took me out at age 55. After coding 3 times,and 7 ele.shocks not even that brought me back.It took the needle in the ticker to get it going again.Now with about 10% now dead and 2 1/2 years later I wish I’d never smoke that first first one! Not preaching here but I hope this is more effective then the warning on the side label.Oh yes almost forgot,everyday many times my heart misses beats and and sometimes after a few seconds of it ya think your getting ready to have another one.So you can say its almost like the grim reaper following you on your heels every moment of the day and night.Then when you go to bed you get to Liston to it skip beats in your pillow.Again don’t mean to stand on my soap box,but if you get any from my experience that could aid to you putting them down that would be great.I ain’t had one seance it was almost to late 2 1/2 years ago.

      • Steve,
        I’d been working to get my blood pressure down for about 10 years before having two series of strokes and going on Amlodipine for it and Pravastatin for cholesterol. My blood pressure is running a fairly steady mid 120’s/upper 70’s.If I can stop smoking I could pretty much go back to not having prescriptions and regulate with diet. My doctor concurs with my findings and if it wasn’t for this clot in my brain I’d be home free. It’s time to enjoy life to it’s fullest and hope for the best, and remember to make your own luck!


    • I work in cardiac rehab and in a noninvasive cardiac testing facility. I can confirm the importance of quitting smoking, based on what I measure/see every day. I also know that it can be the biggest challenge you’ve ever faced! The bigger the challenge, the greater the reward; you can be healthier than you’ve EVER been in your adult life, even with a heart attack under your belt. Also, being sedentary is just as much of a cardiac risk as smoking, and it makes it more likely that you will light up, so get out and walk! You only have to walk on days that you eat…(Just be sure that your doctor has cleared you for this).

      • Diaboloslinger,
        Walking is a challenge,I’m OK for about 100 yards but anything over that is excruciating. I do ride my bicycles about 2-10 miles per day and cigarettes are the last thing on my mind while doing so but it hurts my butt(no pain no gain).Someone stole the bike I relearned on,I told the officer that If I see someone grabbing something outta my yard they’be taking a pellet also, he looked at the full gun rack I have next to the door and giggled.


  2. I still think these military air guns are cool stuff.

    BB do you have any more pictures of other military issue air guns. I would be happy to see others that are out there that have been found.

    It kind of reminds me of the old days when I was a kid and we were out muscle car hunting. Man when we found one sitting beside a barn or something we were all over it like kids and candy. We had to see what it was all about even if the owner didn’t want to sell it. And every time we knocked on the door to ask about it they were more then happy to show us the car and then proceeded to tell us a story about it. And it was are lucky day if they started it up for us and we got to hear that cam loping and smell the fumes of the gas and oil burning off and always loud mufflers or even no mufflers and open headers.

    Well that’s the kind of thing that happens when I see these type of guns. It makes me want to know. Even if I won’t probably ever get the chance to own one I will at least get to know about it.

    • I’m with you. Although I would like to play with a bunch of these things for a little bit, I do not see me with a closet full of airguns. I enjoy seeing and hearing about them. Take me inside and show me how it works. My wife commented last night that it was amazing how much patience I have when I am rebuilding an air rifle. I have two FWB300S’s torn down right now. I will play with them a bit and move them on to someone else. Hopefully I will make enough to get something else to play with for a bit.

        • Okay. 🙂 Actually, I can begin to see it. I will be spending the weekend of the Fourth in true American fashion by reloading more special Matt61 ammo for my M1.


        • Gunfun
          I agree with you if I cannot take it apart to know how it works then I am not content until I do. I am always looking for that something little extra that can be done to improve it that the manufacture did not do because of cost restrictions in manufacturing the item for mass production. Anything can always be made to work better with some TLC. The challenge is half the fun of discovery.


          • buldawg
            I’m actually kind of proud of myself right now. I want to see if my HW50s has that anti gal insert or whatever it is that they call it. But I said to myself that I wasn’t going to take it apart or do anything to it unless it seem that something may be going wrong. So yep haven’t even took the action out of the stock yet.

            But I really want to see whats inside. And yep I always had to be taking things apart as I was growing up to see how it works. But I learned through out time that somethings are best left untouched. 🙂

            • Gunfun
              Yea I kind of wish I had not taken my 60 apart to check the valve seal leak because it was not that bad and only leaked when refilling after shooting. now it will not hold air for more than an hour and the shot count is way down. I am at the point of putting the old valve back in it and live with the leak at fill up, should have left it alone.

              Yea I read thru the powermax site more last night and saw that also about not changing the seal unless going above 2000 psi. I have made special little picks or hooks to get seals or bushing out with out disassembly of parts on cars and bikes before to. I would definitely try to see if you could get it out without disassembly. I want to get the one for an 18 inch barrel in 2240 tube for my 2289, I guess that would be powermax tube with 2 extensions for it to be just short of the end of the barrel.


              • buldawg
                Yep I can’t wait to get mine but I didn’t get any tracking info. I just got something from Pay Pal showing the order was confirmed. I think I will email them and make sure it shipped. It said something like 3 days on the screen before I hit the buy button. But like I said I haven’t got any more info. Hmm that makes me wonder now.

                • Gunfun
                  Yea I hate not getting a tracking number because you don’t know when it will arrive and there’s always a chance that it gets left at your front door and someone else want that package more than you as I have had it happen to me, luckily it had insurance on it and I was sent another one at the carriers expense. I just much prefer to know when it will arrive.

                  I am looking for a cheap 2240 to scavenge the tube and guts from to make my 2289 into a PCP, but I want the tube as long as the barrel.


                  • buldawg
                    I’m kind of thinking after BB”s report the other day about the PowerMax hi-pac that the 2240 just might get more popular then they already are.

                    And I looked more on the PowerMax site and they say that the hi-pac can be used with the 1077 and 2260 also. I would like one for the 1077 I got. And if you put one on the 2260 it would be just like a Disco in a way. And I wonder how that works on the 1077 because that Co2 cartridge fits deep inside the tube. I need to find out about that. Sounds like I should of put that in the email when I just asked about my order. Oh well I guess I will send them another email.

      • RidgeRunner,

        I am exactly the opposite. I love shooting them. Can do it all day. But I could care less how they work although I know a whole lot more than I need to now. Same with cars. This is by example only, I am not bragging, but I drive a BMW Z4. It is one sweet ride and incredible to drive but I just don’t care how it works. Just my character I guess.


        • Nice ride and I do understand and do not fault you for such.

          I myself however am in engineering by profession. The reason is I have an insatiable appetite to learn how something works. I need to know.

          • RidgeRunner,

            My degree was in architecture which I did for a couple of years. Out of high school I worked as a carpenter for 4 years before college. I left architecture primarily for money reasons(plus architecture in the trenches was boring). I switched to construction management for the remainder of my career. Smallest project I was directly responsible for was maybe $10K but I also ended up heading projects for as much as $65mm. Built everything from office interiors to hospitals to university bldgs. to main libraries, etc. But when it came to fun I didn’t want to know anymore than it took for me to be good at it. Still play guitar in a band(surf music) and love to shoot. Am working on getting very good at that. I devour everything that will improve my shooting but how the gun works, only what I need to know to improve my shooting skills. What you might call a pure shooter. Thanks for your understanding.


    • GF1,

      Military airgun trainers are a popular collectible. They do show up at airgun shows, so maybe you will get lucky at the Ft. Worth show in September?

      An easy one to find is the Crosman 160 that was made for the Air Force. Another neat one is the Czech VZ 35. I have seen several of these at recent airgun shows.


      • BB
        I will have to search those guns and check them out. That’s the whole thing about it. If I came to the Texas show I wouldn’t even know what to look for. I would only be going on by what the gun looked like and if I liked it. I would have no clue what it was unless somebody had it labeled.

        That’s what always gets me about going to the gun shows. Show me muscle car parts, RC plane parts and new airgun stuff and I could tell you exactly what it is. So to me I would have a problem knowing if it was a worth while gun to get. That’s why I would like to know more about these guns and what they look like. That way maybe I will know a little bit about them by the time of the show.

        Hmm. That sounds like a lot home work is on the way for me. But that’s ok just another interesting thing to learn. 🙂

          • I look forward to 2015 when the next pacific airgun expo in Fresno, can is tentatively scheduled. Do any of these still appear at firearm shows? I used to see them back in the day, but I haven’t been in a while.

          • BB
            Here is whats going to happen. I will set myself up for a failure. There will be a specific gun that I will have in mind. All good so far. Then I will try to work and plan for the event and have money to get there and some to spend. But something will shoot the plan down.

            So I’m not going to make a promise to be there. But if all the stars do fall in place and I get there I will be most grateful if you point me in the right direction. Kind of feels like what I was like with the muscle cars and engine building.

            Hard to find people with that knowledge now days. So you know what will happen if I can make the show. You will have to point me in the right direction; Please. 🙂

              • BB
                I’m thinking it will be a show that you don’t want to miss with all the things you have been telling about it. And I’m going to do my best to be there.

                Hey maybe as the time gets closer to to show time somebody could donate one of those military issue air rifles. Even if it was one that needed rebuilt. That would be a heck of a door prize. Not that the others ain’t cool. But that would even make it more of a special gun if it was won.

                Will there be any raffles for anything or can that happen at a air gun event?

    • Gunfun
      I got my 10×40/50mm scope yesterday and it is very nice but way longer than I expected it to be. It reminds me of the scope on the BSA scorpion SE review where the scope looked almost bigger than the gun. it will look good on my AR and I should have no trouble sighting it at 100 yards with 40 magnification.

      My PA shipment of scope and pellets will be here Saturday. I can art least get it mounted on the Hatsan and be ready to sight in when my fill adapter gets Here Wednesday. I will not order from air depot over the phone again because if I had done it online it would be by now, I called to see if I could get it shipped free because I just bought the gun from them but no luck.

      Got anything finalized in your head on the 60 yet, I took mine apart last night and the crosman valve with the battery cover seat has a visible ring in the seat of where it is sealing to the body. I put a heavier spring in the valve hoping it would stop that slow leak down but it still leaks down in a few hours. I am going to take it back apart and put in an even heavier spring because my shot count is down to about 12 to 14 from 2000 psi to 800 psi, before I took it apart for the original seal leaking it was getting 24 shots with 20 on the curve.

      Have a good fourth and have some fun.


      • buldawg
        I posted the pictures over on the blog that BB did on the 2240 conversion with the PowerMax reservoir.

        And nothing with the 60 yet. Got all kinds of stuff going on right now. Don’t know where to start. Well actually I do. I’m going to get my new Hawke scope mounted on my HW50S today no matter what.

        And I’m mad at myself right now. I did the worst thing I could do yesterday. I was in a hurry because I was running late for work. I was opening the box that the scope and pellets shipped in and got the scope out. All good. Then I was getting the last 2 tins of pellets out of their packaging the PA uses and I set them on the table. Here it goes. I hit one of the tin of pellets with the box and knocked them on the floor. The lid was still sealed. And I hated even opening them up to see what they looked like. Yep bent pellets inside. So I guess I will have to sort through them now and decide which ones I want to use or not use. But I’m not even going to think about that no more today. I got to get that Hawke scope mounted and sighted before everybody starts showing up today for the 4th of July stuff.

        Talk to you later.

        And everybody have a good 4th of July.

  3. Ballistol Mini Report

    By RidgeRunner

    We have heard BB expounding upon the wondrous properties of Ballistol for some time now so when I picked up these two FWB300S’s that were in need of a lot of TLC, I decided to give it a try.

    I coated the rusty steel with it and then took 0000 steel wool and rubbed it down. It did indeed take most of the rust out and left what bluing that was still there alone.

    No, it did not work miracles and restore it to new, but it did a pretty good job. I will keep a can of it around, especially since I like fixing up old airguns.

  4. The writing in the photos of the Hakim reads as follows:
    Top photo: Egyptian Air Rifle for Training
    Second from top: Caliber 5.5mm Model 1954 (I could not make out the last 4 characters on the far left)
    Third photo from top: Anschutz, Germany 1955
    Bottom photo: 02968

  5. B.B.

    How do you take such superb pics Sir? Its like you are using an Electron microscope. Even the machining marks & flaws can be seen. Incredible stuff.


      • Rob,

        I’m just no good with a camera. Don’t remember when I last handled one. Never had much use for them funnily enough. Couldn’t come within a mile of B.B. anyhow!
        please take care of your health all you guys cos as Buldawg says life is too short & there is so much shooting, tinkering & learning and living to do!


    • Errol,

      Thanks for the compliment.

      When I started writing “The Airgun Letter” in 1994 I was a lousy picture-taker. Nobody could help me with the problem, either. I bought books that I still have and none of them told me how to do what I do now.

      Those were the days of film cameras, so I had to learn how light works. That’s the thing most people do not understand, although today’s cameras figure out most of it for them.

      Then I met my late friend, Earl “Mac” McDonald. Mac was the lead photographer at the National Archives and he taught me about light and focus.

      About that same time digital cameras were getting good enough and affordable enough for people like me to use. With a digital camera you get to see the results instantly instead of waiting three days for the film to be developed by someone else. That allows you to experiment with different exposure settings and lighting at the time you are taking the picture. I used to take 12 pictures to get 2 or 3 that were good enough to use. That was expensive. Now I don’t even think about it, because additional pictures cost nothing.

      The camera I use today is considered a good point and shoot camera. It certainly isn’t professional grade, nor was it when it was brand new. Yet many professional photographers use one similar to it as a backup for their best cameras.

      Finally there is Photoshop — the software that takes the images and makes them better. Photoshop has made a big difference in my success as a picture-taker.


      • B.B.

        Thanks for the explanation Sir. What you say adds a lot of weight to the fact that books just cannot fully replace hands on experience & genuine friends who are willing to share their knowledge. You must really miss a friend like Mac.


  6. BB, great review and it’s very interesting that this rifle has made a journey from the Egyptian Military all the way to you. From a day dreamer perspective it’s a great story, an air rifle from a far away desert land… Very cool. Since it is the 4th and my weekend has started and the weather in the Northeast is bad, i have an off topic question for the readers, i’m ready to buy a Chronograph and have 2 in mind but would like everybody’s unbiased opinions on some quality models. I would like to order one by Sunday and use the Pyramid coupon but would rather hear opinions first. Thanks everyone and Happy 4th of July !!!

    • Ricka
      Here is the one I have. Absolutely no problems with it. I love it. Its simple and gets the job done.


      But there are others out there and they have more features so check out the others before you buy.

        • Rika
          Post what kind you end up with.

          And it opens up a whole new ball game when you start using it an collecting data. Some times the results still surprise me when I chrony a gun.

      • The Chrony I have looks just like the one in the link that Gunfun1 posted, except is says Master on the front. It came with a little printer that let’s you save the data from your test sessions for future reference. It was simple to understand right out of the box, and that says a lot for someone as new to the hobby (obsession) as me. I would never had known I needed one if it were not for this blog. Shame on all of you!

    • Ricka,
      The first thing I noticed about my AlphaMaster Chrony was rhat there is no screen on the front of it .At first I was a little disappointed because I thought they all had a LCD readout on the front.Then I set my remote screen in a safe spot & had 0 worries about shooting it. 🙂


      • Reb, thank you, I have looked at that model as well and it has varying reviews but the remote screen is a handy feature. Funny how there are so many reviews and chat room conversations about shooting your chrony, it seems to be an epidemic, lol.

      • All the “Master” models replace the front panel screen with the remote box and phone patch cord. And I’m glad my Beta is a Master version… My first attempt with a .22 Condor left a nice dent right where the control panel would have been.

        • Wulfraed, how do you like your Master Beta?,lol. Seriously, this model is also one I have considered but the reviews have made me sceptical since there all over the place and either good or very bad but no spectacular reviews. True that most of the bad reviews are for the more common non-Master Beta, but I respect your opinions as an owner, how is it?

          • I haven’t really used it enough to make a review — other than interpreting the manual to set it up and maneuver through the memory… That is confusing.

            I do have the LED illuminator screens (one reason the Condor dented the front — I was positioning low enough to see under the LED emitters).

    • Ricka,

      You may want to consider this one.


      Although it is a few dollars more and does not store away as compactly, it has a casing that is more protective of the internal components. I personally have been thankful of such.

      Whichever you should decide upon, you should seriously consider mounting a thick piece of lexan on the front in some manner. More than one chronograph has met it’s demise due to a low shot.

      • Ridge runner, thank you, I have read excellent reviews on this model. I have read only 1 bad review/chat about the CE and that guy says he had problems with error readings on 4 units in a row that he kept returning, i don’t know if that’s even probable, i would think i was doing something wrong if i couldn’t get the second one to work, lol. The portability is no problem really as I will be using it at home only, but I agree with you on a shield as it seems everyone shoots their chrony, lol.

    • You got it about the weather, U thought we were getting a tornado the other night! Have you heard anything more about any airgun clubs around here? There’s the airgun range in Hudson, which is foolishly lead free, they didn’t want to pay for the ventilation system.

      • RDNA, well the wind is still with us a bit but wow what a nice day!. I haven’t had much time to look around since we last emailed about it. Work and other work plus summer time activities have taken up most of my time and I just want to shoot all day! Hudson airgun range! I just drove by it the other day thanks for reminding me! But it’s lead free?…. Funny this place never showed up in my googling, maybe I should check my settings out, lol.

        • Yeah it is beautiful today. Need something to go shoot with! The nps dead, brother has the co2 pistol, I got nothin’! Smashing! Lol. The place is called New England air gun and I guess they have an airgun shop too with high end stuff! Need to go check it out, lead free stinks but better then nothing.

    • * Amedment : Not that I am rich but for the money were talking about for the chrony’s on Pyramyd’s site plus the coupon and free shipping, money is not an issue. I could go either way with a low end basic throw away so to speak or buy a long time adaptable unit. I have looked at many and read tons of reviews/chats, but as always value your opinions more. Why do you like yours? Have you tried different models? Any problems? Customer service? Etc. I really want to known what my rifles are shooting and keep track of their health and tuning, especially since I’m looking at 2 adjustable pcp’s besides the one I have, it could really come in handy…

      • I can’t comment on the Shooting Chrony’s but I’m on my second ProChrono (first one met it’s demise last year while I was testing velocity at the target 100yds away) and see no reason to switch brands. It’s simple to use, no manual reading required, it’s reliable, accurate, and not picky about lighting. I rarely bother using the diffusers, although they come in handy as mounting points for cheap l.e.d.s when shooting indoors. I’ve yet to get an error reading or a failure to record a shot. The absolute BESTthing about it is with the pc hookup and software your laptop acts as a remote screen, and all shot data can be recorded directly to disc without having to write everything down by hand or maintain files full of dim print outs.
        If it’s good enough for the pro’s at the Bianchi Cup it’s good enough for me!

  7. I’ll be anxious to see what this Anschutz manufactured gun can produce in the way of accuracy.

    On the subject of compromises in gun design, I think I’ve found another counterexample, the Makarov. The semiauto with the reliability of a revolver but with good accuracy. How can this be since accuracy is supposed to depend on tight-fitting parts which are death for reliability?

    And it turns out that Makarovs are actually legal in California(!) unlike the Saiga rifles. 🙁

    On another note, B.B., when you mount the Scout scope on your Mosin, don’t forget to compare it with groups from the open sights. And if you want to improve the overall experience with either sight, you might try the Huber Concepts Anti-Friction Ball trigger which does not permanently alter the rifle in any way. I had to have a gunsmith install it, but I’m sure it would be easy for you. It makes a big difference. With that and a Scout scope, you’ll have a sniper rifle that can be clip-fed which the original could not be.


    • Funny you should mention that…Its 100 degrees where I am, so I’ve been shootin my legends makarov all day. This is because I’m drivin’ tomorrow to do some powder burning plinkin with my pa63 (for those who don’t know, it’s a makarov analog chambered in 9×18 makarov). Excellent practice airgun! Thanks for the recommendation B.B.!

      • That’s good to know that the bb gun is a good and realistic copy of the original. One reason I got it for my friend, Lauren, was because of the cool blowback action. 🙂 She’s very interested in firearms practice, so I’ll pass this on. She’s also looking into getting a carry permit, and I’m trying to advise her. There’s a whole industry devoted to this. I’ve come up with the Ruger LCR, but it wouldn’t surprise me if she ended up getting a Makarov after all this. 🙂


        • I can attest to Baikal’s build quality of their version of this firearm, although a little rough around the edges it functions flawlessly and can be very accurate for a gun of it’s power capabilities.It’s no Walther but a nice firearm of it’s own accord nonetheless.


          • I understand that the Makarov was a copy and upscaling of the Walther PPK. Are you saying that the original Walther is still better? That .32 caliber chambering for the Walther puts me off. That seems to be one of the most ineffective calibers out there right along with the .25.


            • My all-time favorite carry gun was my dad’s PPK in .380, I have only shot a few 7.62 pistols and really had n o problem with their function,Knockdown power is in the numbers but you gotta hit before that matters,after all a well placed shot will not be denied.


    • Matt61
      You know what I keep hearing you talk about your gun. And it sounds like you got one heck of one. And accuracy is the pursuit. But if I got to shoot just one group with your gun to see how it is now I would be most happy.

      You should post some pictures. I would like to see it.

      And I was going to comment the other day when your friend Lauren said she was happy about the guns you chose. That was nice what she said. But if you can; have her post some things about what she thinks about airguns so far and the guns you got her.

      And that’s when I continue to learn and I know she is learning about airguns and I didn’t want to hit you or her with a bunch of questions about what she thought the other day with her first reply here. But let her know that she is more than welcome to make a comment; positive or negative about airguns. And maybe it sounds like I’m being direct. But that’s another way I learn.

      Hope she has more things to tell about. And yes I would really like to see a picture of your gun.

      • Which gun would this be? 🙂 I’m guessing you mean my Mosin sniper rifle with the trigger conversion. Don’t ask for too much in wanting to shoot a group from my rifle. Can you imagine how cool it would be if we could teleport so as to actually experience the guns we read about? 🙂 This is the stuff of fantasies. But you would be more than welcome to try out my Mosin or any of the other guns if that could be arranged.

        In the meantime, unfortunately, I don’t have much to tell. I’ve only gone out with it once. It shot astoundingly well at 50 yards. But then I got derailed at 100 yards trying to figure out the scope and suffering something of a lapse in technique. I haven’t made it back out because my range time is limited in the extreme. And at the moment, I’m furiously working to figure out the right load for my M1. But I will be getting back to it. For now, rest assured that I’m having great fun playing with it in the house.

        Thanks for your comment about Lauren’s post. She wasn’t sure if it got through. I forwarded your message along as the best encouragement to get her to post more. But I have to be careful. With a family and an infant and a new business to run, she has her hands full. I don’t want to lead her to neglect the important things, especially since she seems to love the guns. She was stymied a little bit by the mosquitoes in North Carolina but has since got back out to her backyard to practice. She’s having so much fun at the moment that she’s not thinking too much about marksmanship, but I’m trying to introduce her to the fundamentals as Victor advised.


        • Matt61
          The Mosin and the M1 have always been interesting to me. So both of the 2 guns I guess is what I’m talking about. I think the M1 is the one you talk about having a lot of work done to though right.

          I was just thinking it would be cool to see what the guns look like. You know you can have two of the same guns sitting side by side but they can both look different because of the wood and add on’s.You know the guns character. That’s one of the reasons I like a gun that has a wood stock.

          And you will have to post a reply of how Lauren is doing with her air gunning as time goes on.

          • You’re in luck with both guns. The M1 has a black walnut stock that was not stained but oiled and covered in coats of urethane. It looks really sharp. The Mosin had its stock refinished before being put into storage in Ukraine after WWII. The finish looks kind of lacquered and brings out the grain. It looks quite good for a military rifle in spite of a few dings. Unfortunately, I’ve fallen behind with photobucket. I’ll have to work on it. But B.B. has seen both and can vouch for their looks, especially the M1.

            The word has gone out to Lauren. (And here I’m referencing again the cult classic film The Warriors which has gained a mysterious hold on me. It’s very entertaining.) Lauren is currently in the capital celebrating the holiday but longing to get back to her airguns. I’m already planning for another surprise not too far in the future that will really blow her mind. All keep quiet in the meantime.

            My own holiday weekend is awash in patriotism and guns. I’ve been listening to Jim Nabors’ rendition of Back Home Again in Indiana and reading about cool Russian guns. The Saiga is within my grasp, in theory. And I’m reading many good things about the Vepr which is a kind of more robust version of the AK action for larger calibers. Why spend thousands for high powered ARs or even M1As when you get comparable performance and improved reliability from a Vepr at a lower price?

            Hm, we need a fact check here. In a novel I’m reading, the hero is chasing a sort of hybrid man and reptile through underground caverns. The thing is supposed to be comparable to a grizzly bear in stature. The hero fires a shot and hits it squarely in the skull with a .45 Long Colt from a Colt Anaconda, but the round ricochets off “like a spitball.” First of all, I don’t believe there is any living animal that could ward off a direct hit to the skull with a .45. The question is whether there is ANY angle where the round would deflect off rather than smashing its way through whatever is in its path. Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

            Any ideas about the best weapon for hunting this creature described as having the intelligence of a human, the strength of a grizzly bear and the speed of a greyhound? You are limited to a hand-portable weapon which makes sense if you want to be mobile. So, as Duskwight reminded me, no miniguns. I guess I would choose a 12 gauge Mossberg loaded with Brennecke slugs or double 00 shot. I’m also considering a South Korean automatic shotgun loaded with slugs, but I wonder if that would be uncontrollable. We did a similar exercise before with the titanaboa, the prehistoric boa constrictor that was as long as a school bus with a diameter that reached up to waist or chest level. PeteZ won the award for diabolical ingenuity by attaching a hand grenade to some kind of bait. Second place went to a flamethrower.


            • Matt61
              I bet that M1 looks real nice with the black walnut stock. And it sounds like somebody did a nice job with the wood on the Mosin.

              And about the hybred man in your novel. You know me and my one saying. Simple but effective.

              I will have to say a good old blow gun with a poison dart. But I think I would still run like heck while I was waiting for the poison to do its job.

              • Gunfun1, interesting you should mention the hybrid man. He’s getting completely out of hand shrugging off 12 gauge shotguns and .45 slugs to the head. The poison idea is a good one, but his speed would get you. He’s supposed to be as fast as a greyhound, so you would never outrun him and living to tell the tale is part of the goal. He has even defeated PeteZ’s idea. A trap was laid with the animal’s favorite food, but he figured it out and charged the ambush and was only barely fended off with a tactical light shined in his eyes (he’s nocturnal). Now, he’s really mad and going on the offense. So our best team has already been beaten.

                It doesn’t look good, but I think I have come up with a workable method. I’m donning full body armor with kevlar plates and maybe some medieval plate armor as well. I’m also wearing a helmet since the thing likes to go for the back of the head to consume the hypothalamus which contains hormones that it needs. I’ve also changed out my weaponry. With reluctance, I’ve passed up the semiauto M82 Barrett in .50BMG and a BAR. The thing haunts the forgotten passages of the New York Museum, so I would not get a clear shot and the two weapons are unwieldy. Instead, I’m going with a tommy gun with a 100 round drum, and I’m loosening up the restrictions to allow myself a brace of hand grenades. These will help me deal with angles using the close quarters battle techniques of Stalingrad. The Russian way was to heave grenades into a room and then spray it with a submachine gun. Nothing like using a bit of human ingenuity. And in the upper reaches of close quarters battle, I’ve heard of techniques of banking grenades off of walls like basketball which should take care of corners and doorways.

                I will also be packing a SW .500 magnum for when I’m changing out drums on the tommy gun. I had wondered about the recoil, but I think adrenalin would take care of that. Marine Sergeant Mitchell Paige led a countercharge against the Japanese on Guadalcanal cradling a Browning heavy machine gun! The water had run out, so he was resting the barrel against his forearm, but he didn’t even realize that he was burned until after the battle when he began smoking a cigarette. He was completely freaked out; that’s why he won a Medal of Honor.

                Lest this all sound fantastic, I understand that the feral pigs which have been shot in great numbers to cull them are starting to develop two inch thick bony plates on parts of their body. It’s like seeing evolution in action. And they were already plenty tough before, sometimes absorbing hits from elephant guns without going down right away. We could very well see a breed of mini-tank running around in future. I’m off to Hawaii tomorrow, so I’ll tell you how it all works out with the museum monster. If you don’t want to wait you can order the book, Relic, by Preston and Child. It’s hysterical.


            • Some 30+ years ago a gun magazine had an article about an elephant cull. Much larger round than any of the .45 cal (and a rifle cartridge, to boot).

              Author had been topping off the magazine after each elephant… Until a situation where a second elephant charged before he could top off the magazine.

              Recoil was unusual, and the elephant didn’t seem to be affected (think the guide got in the killing shot before the elephant stomped the author).

              When they studied the kill, there was a clean entry on the forehead, but it didn’t penetrate the skull. They found the bullet at the back of the head, without going through it.

              The bullet bounced off the skull, and carved a channel between skull and skin from forehead to back of the hend.

              Author then did some testing, and discovered that the recoil of the prior shots had pushed the bullet deeper into the cartridge in the magazine. That resulted in an over-pressure (hence the odd recoil feel) — and apparently also changed the terminal behavior.

              • That is strange, and it shows some basis to my novel. Still, I can’t believe anything would brush off a shot to the skull with a .45. Unfortunately, the blog keeps swallowing my comment with updates on the monster, so I’ll have to fill you all in when I get back from Hawaii in a couple weeks.


              • I forgot to add that the business of bullet-proof heads reminds me of a blog comment. Someone claimed to be hitting crows directly in the head with .22 pellets with no effect. He concluded that the crows had some mighty tough heads. I think there was a simpler explanation. 🙂


                • Matt61
                  Bring it up again when you get back from your trip. That way I will have more time to think something up. I think I got a idea. I will wait. But how high can it jump? You can answer when you get back. 🙂

  8. The Huber trigger reminds me of the Viggo-Miller trigger some 50 years ago. They both remove the first stage in military 2 stage triggers. They can easily result in an unsafe rifle. In 1960 I removed my vm, and threw it away . I bought a copy of Crosmans book of the Springfield, and learned how to get a match trigger in the 1903 rifle (I still have that 03-A3. ) I tried to use the Huber last year, and got the same results . Be sure to use a bump test before loading any rifle with either gadget. If you need a better trigger in a Mosin, get the Finish version. In the 59 years that I have been shooting firearms, I have been amazed at the number of people who shoot unsafe firearms. Ed

    • Thanks for the tip. I take safety to heart. That’s why I had the trigger installed by a gunsmith who specializes in military surplus rifles. He was able to fix my Enfield when a regular gunsmith screwed it up. Anyway, he went through the whole bump test with a rubber mat for the Huber trigger until he found a setting that was safe.

      Interesting about the two stages. The trigger advertises for two stages, but my gunsmith couldn’t make it safe at the light weight necessary for the two stages. It just feels like a very smooth light trigger. I wouldn’t even call it a one stage trigger exactly because the blade doesn’t really stop. But I am able to sense when the trigger is about to break and stop just short to set up the shot, so in practice it is like a two-stage. Nothing has been lost from the original which did not have two stages anyway. The Huber trigger is a big improvement for me.


    • Speaking of Finnish guns, I have an even better idea for B.B.’s scout scope. My only reservation about the Finnish Mosins is that they did not have a scope like the Russian rifles. I presume that is because of their straight bolt handles. Well, now with the scout scope they do. With that extra Finnish quality and the scope, you would really have something.


  9. B.B.

    Regarding thin skirts, I find JSB Match Diabolo Exact Jumbo Express are about as flimsy as they come.

    (who apologizes for JSB’s wordy brand names)

  10. Drive by here.Today I shot a 1/2″” 5 shots groups with the Talon P at 135 feet. best yet for me,all one ragged elongated hole. Only did it once the rest was 1″” patterns.Believe if I just would get a sandbag I could do better then off this solid rest. And this is with the 24″” barrel.

    • steve,

      Wow, I’ve never gotten a group that small at that distance with my Talon P. However, I just bought a wood stock for it from Steve Corcoran. I think that should improve accuracy. I bet your 24″ barrel makes a difference as well although barrel length is not supposed to improve accuracy unless your using hard sights. I’ve never personally tested that but I’ve read it enough times.


      • G&G,left you a reply yesterday but did not go threw,I’ll try again.The TalonP is a much better performer with the 24″ barrel because it has so much more distance at a zero then the 12″. It only needs 1500 Thur 1950 psi. and ya only get about 6 full power shots but man do they hit hard! Kinda the difference between Mike Tyson punching ya and Barney Fife.On the 12” barrel I had my best luck with JSB Exact Kings,and the 24” does best with H&N sport Baracudas 31.02 gr. The 24” will shoot 1” all day at 130′ to 150 after that they will fall 3” at 200 feet and start to open up somewhat.Again I believe could do better with sandbags.

        • steve
          I agree with you on the Barracuda’s in a longer barrel. My .25 cal. Marauder loves them. And when I had the 18” barrel in my Talon SS they worked good.

          I forgot what barrel you had in your Talon P before you put the 24” .25 cal. barrel in it. And I’m guessing you like the 25 barrel better?

          • Gunfun1,Yes it’s the 25 cal. I’m kinda waiting for BB to do a report on the 22 cal. 24” barrel on the talonp to see his results.Then maybe I would consider a 22 ca. in the 24”? don’t know cause I got the 22 cal. in the Mrod and it don’t get much better then that for the money.Got to keep it simple and not to many airguns.I know some are saying “WHAT”. But in my 20s and 30s at one time I had 24 powderburners and when it come time to hunt I felt I had to weigh out the pros and cons on witch gun to take plus cleaning them and on and on.Sold most of them.But if I’d keep them think how much mark up today they would be worth.But hey those days are behind me now and got only a few airguns and one beautiful 17 hmr.That’s all I need these days to keep me happy.But I would really like to get a Cricket maybe someday in the wood stock.Anymore to me guns are like fishing tackle. You only need a few proving lures, and if they don’t bite on one of a few just go home and come back next day and try again.To many guns to many choices to make and to much to maintain.I can’t believe I said that but I try to live by that plus keep the money thing in control.I have learned to curve the I gotta have thing because like a dog chasing its tail its gotta be kept in control to some degree.Sorry here I go rambling again just thoughts as I type so I’ll quit.Good day!

            • steve
              I’m kind of on a air gun kick. I like useful air guns. And I kind of got different ones that I use for different types of shooting. But I kind of go through and get rid of ones that I don’t use much at times.

              But I do have my favorites that’s for sure and its usually the gun that will be good at shooting what ever way I need. And I only got a few guns that are like that right now. But that’s the kind I’m trying to end up with.

              But yep I would like to see what the 24” .22 cal. barrel would be like in the Talon P also.

    • steve
      At 45 yards that is a respectable group for a AirForce gun. And from what you have talked about in the past I’m sure you would get some good results from a sand bag. And you have been happy with your AirForce gun. So I’m sure you will know what it takes to shrink those groups. But if it was me I would be happy.

      I know you talked about waiting for that barrel to arrive in the past and it sounds like its doing you good. Have you got any critters with it yet?

  11. Had an enjoyable 4th, browsing among Russian guns and learned all sorts of things. It turns out that the Saiga is legal in California! That makes it that much easier to fantasize about one! I also came across a couple of firearms by IZH. One is a .22 rimfire rifle with a toggle bolt handle just like the biathlon rifles. How cool is that?! Although at about $1000 it is a bit pricey for a Russian gun.

    There was a .308 version of what looked to be a similar rifle design except it had a more conventional bolt-action. Perhaps the toggle style does not work with the higher calibers. But then I read the promotional copy which says that the rifle is guaranteed to put four shots into 3″ at 330 feet. That sucks and seems pretty far below the Russian standard.


    • The Saiga’s are Jersey legal, too… the closest we can get to an AK.

      I’ve got 2, a 5.45 and a 7.62. The only real difference is the sporter stock and that the trigger is located further back. Some claim that the added trigger linkage really degrades the Saiga’s trigger, but that isn’t really the case.

      I put a modded Tapco in one, which gives it a longer, lighter single-stage pull as opposed to a heavier, but distinctly 2-stage operation. Frankly, I can’t decide which I like better….

      • Vince, you’re the man, with not one but two Saigas. Interesting point about the trigger linkage that I had not thought of. Messing with this linkage as is done in bullpup models is not a good thing. But I imagine the distance moved in the Saiga is not great, and it’s good to hear that there are no ill effects. I actually am pretty satisfied to get a Saiga. California allows other AK types including the very interesting M10 Romanian rifle as long as you have a magazine lock, but I would go with the Saiga anyway. In part, I would get it for historical value as one of the rifles of genius. I wish I knew more about the internal mechanism, but it seems that one of the achievements of Mikhail Kalashnikov was to take the mechanism of the M1 Garand which many considered too complicated for the tooling of the period and make it simple enough to produce out of caves almost. How he did that, I cannot imagine.

        Otherwise, I don’t know that I’m missing so much with the evil features. The main accessory you want above all others is optics and you can mount those easily enough on the Saiga. The flashlight and the laser are nice but not necessary and they add bulk. If they are really desired, it can’t be that hard to glue or affix some kind of rail to the fore-end. Otherwise, I don’t believe that you can use the iconic banana magazine for 30 rounds on the Saiga. But unless I’m on a battlefield, that probably doesn’t make much of a difference. While 10 rounds in the issue magazine is not 30, it is a goodly number. And off the battlefield, a 30 round mag has money written all over it. 🙂

        And then there is the pistol grip. I certainly appreciate it for my Anschutz, but for a tactical weapon, it seems to be double-edged. It is good for stabilizing rapid fire, but I have seen people shoot with great stability with a standard stock. Otherwise, it improves the ergonomics in terms of pointability of the weapon but seems to lose on ergonomics in terms of “handiness” or being able to whip the rifle around in different positions.

        Anyway, the heart of the rifle and what makes the AK what it is is the action and that is perfectly preserved from the Izmash factory. Getting one of these in a sporting guise makes me feel like I’ve put one over on somebody.

        That leaves a final critical question that you are well-equipped to answer. So what is the accuracy of these rifles? I’m mostly interested in the 7.62X39mm for historical reasons. Putting together everything that I’ve heard and what I hope for, I’m guessing about 3MOA for the 7.62 version. Yes? 🙂

        Speaking of accuracy, I understand that the Aimpoint compM2 sight is one of the most popular in the world and its aiming dot is 4MOA. That makes a compelling case that anything inside that radius is basically irrelevant to a battlefield weapon.


        • Unfortunately, accuracy is one question I cannot really answer. The only place I really have to shoot is an indoor 25-yard range, and I am using standard opens with both guns.

          Over that sort of range they shoot a little worse than my AR, but I’m willing to write that off to the better sights on the American. Peeps are superior to notch to start with… and the difference only increases as the eyes get older!

          You’re better off doing web research to verify that.

  12. Had my nephews over yesterday.They started fighting about who messed who up on the computer so I said “time to go outside wanna shoot BB guns” Adyn’s eyes lit up! Turns out my Redryder is a little too big for him so after a safety briefing I got him set up with it I went to get the 953. Pulling the bolt back was the biggest obstacle but he shot about 10 rounds through it.As I was going for a few fresh targets,so I could see how his accuracy was,Daddy called for him to go home.They came over again this morning with a broken kitchen faucet and 2012 Jeep Unlimited.While Daddy and I were discussing possible solutions for the Jeep he gravitated to the shooting bench where I’d left the Redryder. As I came out the back dorr to search for a faucet he asked if he could shoot .I told him to wait until I got outta the shed that I use as my backstop.As I reached the behind the shooting line(my garden fence) he once again asked ,this time permission was granted and 10 minutes later as I’m talking to his dad in the front yard,Daddy smiled as he’d been watching him shoot and asked if he’d asked permission. 🙂


  13. Dear Matt61, you can use a Russian bent bolt body on a Finnish MN. The bolt head (the part with the locking lugs controls head space)from the original bolt can be used in the bent bolt body. BB , I just came home from the Stormville N.Y. giant flea market with a Beeman C1, (. safety, curved trigger, San Rafael marked ). I would like to know if the trigger can be adjusted (and how to do it). Thanks, Ed

    • Ed,

      As far as I know, the C1 trigger is not adjustable. But I do remember that it breaks in with use to become a fine trigger. Mine took 3,000-4,000 rounds to get as good as it got. At that point, you can feel the trigger move through stage 2, but therte is no creep or hesitation.


    • Thanks, Ed. Unfortunately, I am pressed for time, and even if I weren’t I doubt I could understand B.B.’s explanation of the trigger. I have a very basic grasp of what a sear does and that’s about it. Otherwise, I placed my trust in the Huber on the fact that it is supposed to be a slight modification on the issue trigger which is why you don’t have to permanently alter the rifle. Does adding the “ball” degrade safety that much? Otherwise, I’m hoping that my gunsmith adjusted into the safe zone. So far with many dry fires, it has functioned perfectly, so I hope I’m okay.

  14. You know what’s great about this site? Somewhere in Texas, Edith is showing Tom about these guys hitting cows with their motorcycles and they’re laughing so hard their noses are running.
    A vision I treasure.
    And now that more than a few decades have passed and the rank embarrassment has also passed, do too.
    (Damn, I wish they’d have invented Go-Pros then, ’cause I’d love to have a video of that one.)

  15. B.B.,

    Happy Independence Day!

    Congratulations on the airsporter!

    Have you considered trying the thin skirted air arms falcon or jsb rs pellets in the hakim?


  16. Just got back from Gunbroker,about a half dozen Crosman 600’s all outta reach.I also found an El Gamo 68xs that started bidding @$199.I’d love to have a new gun but I’m still holding out for that 2400.


  17. Matt 61, one short 10-15 second look at BB,s picture of the Pell gun says it all. Military bolt action rifles usually have a large sear to sear contact for safety reasons. The first stage of the trigger pull removes most of this contact, and leaves just enough for the second stage. When the first stage is removed in Mauser type rifles, the following problem may surface- if the rifle is loaded from the mag., 4 rounds in the mag and 1 in the chamber, the rifle is usually safe. If a rifle is loaded with 5 in the mag, and 1 in the chamber, the upward pressure on the bolt (from the 5 rounds in the mag) can raise the bolt and bolt sleeve ( military tolerences, to allow a dirty rifle to function) and reduce the sear to sear contact to the point where the rifle may become unsafe. The mag in the MN rifle does not have this problem, but the tolerences in the fit of the bolt are still there. Try pressing up on the cocking piece or bolt of any cocked ( unloaded please) bolt action rifle and you may be surprised at how much upwards movement is there. In Crosmans book of the Springfield,a special dummy cartridge is used when adjusting the 03 rifle for a match trigger. There is enough bolt end play to make a difference in the trigger pull between an unloaded rifle, and one with a round in the chamber, removing the end play. Reducing sear to sear contact to get a better trigger pull CAN create a dangerous condition in firearms. Better safe than sorry is my policy. Ed

  18. Arabic writing translation, picture wise starting from pic # 1.
    Pic # 1 says “Egyptian Air Rifle for training”

    Pic # 2 says “Caliber 5.5, model 1954 (gregorian)” – I am guessing the gregorian part as it is not clear, they use a lunar calender so this explanation is needed.

    Pic # 3 says “Anshutz, Germany 1955”

    Pic # 4 says “02968”

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