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A New Year’s rant: Come on, manufacturers, give us some compatibility!

by B.B. Pelletier

In my final assignment with the U.S. Army, I taught Maintenance Management at the Armor School at Ft. Knox. At the same time, I was also a member of a small team that briefed every new division commander and deputy division commander on the readiness status of their division prior to their assumption of command. In that capacity, I was the guy who revved up these generals so they went into their new jobs knowing exactly whose heads to chop.

I loved it because, for a day or two, I got to throw around the weight of a one- or two-star general and solve maintenance problems halfway around the world. Wanna know what MOST of those problems were? Incompatibility and dumba** thinking.

Yep, interfaces that didn’t actually connect, fuels that didn’t work in their intended equipment, metric wrenches issued for repair parts with inch specifications, etc. It’s SO EASY to analyze a readiness report that says over half of a division’s artillery carriers are deadlined because of broken quill shafts in the turbo-superchargers. You don’t even need to know what a turbo-supercharger is to know where the problem lies. And what to do about it. Stop checking the dipsticks, we have identified the problem.

Turned out the division had just been issued new artillery carriers and most of them had broken down on the short drive from the railhead to the motor pool. When I called the depot where the carriers had been overhauled, they said there shouldn’t be a problem,as long as the soldiers were draining the preservative oil from the turbo-supercharger gearbox and replacing it with regular motor oil, like the lubrication order called for!

Compatibility and commonsense, folks. It makes the world go ’round. Or not.

So, when some airgun manufacturer decides to develop a new PCP and DOESN’T choose to use a common fill adapter, they fly in the face of compatibility. That happens a lot, these days.

Oh, I can just imagine how the conversation went in their conference room. “We’ll own the market! Everyone will have to use our fill adapter, because it’s the only way to fill our gun!”

Nobody in the room was brave enough to say, “Or, everyone will avoid our gun because it can’t be filled with a Foster quick-disconnect, like half the PCPs now being sold.”

I was yelling about this stuff 15 years ago when I started writing about airguns and nothing has changed. You think I’m being overly dramatic?

Tell me, how many of you want to buy a PCP that only gives you half the number of shots it’s rated for? Not that attractive, is it? Then WHY do companies still bring out PCPs that need to be charged to 3,500 and 4,500 psi and think they can sell them in the United States?

After the genius who approved the decision to build such a gun has heard the logic of his failure for the 12th time he invents a line like, “You can still use it with 3,000 psi. (You just won’t get all the shots). He says what’s in the parentheses to himself.

If you like that, here are some others you’ll appreciate:

In a New Orleans real estate brochure, “Ocean views on all sides!”


“Trust me, the Tround is going to be the next big thing in handgun ammunition.” Referring to the Dardick pistol.


“Other than that, Mrs. Kennedy, how did you like Dallas?”

So, Mr. Manufacturer, it’s YOUR job to figure out what WE want. And guessing won’t do. You have to build an iron-clad case for your product, such that you could stand in court in your underwear explaining your product and not be embarrassed.

I hope I’m not offending anyone with what I say next. About 10 years ago, someone sent me a package of BBs that had each been individually wrapped in a white synthetic material. He explained that he was very concerned about lead poisoning, so he developed an airgun projectile that had no lead in it. It wasn’t very accurate, but at least it wasn’t made of lead. Would I please help him market his new product, because he didn’t know who to approach?

Neither did I.

Because, what do you say to the man who just decided to fill dirigibles with hydrogen? Or to abandon Coca-Cola in favor of New Coke? Or to introduce kudzu to help stabilize earth-bermed dikes?

There just aren’t words.

But here’s a word: compatibility.

We don’t need a 14-gram CO2 cartridge, but we could sure use more 12-gram cartridges at half the price. We’ll forego a high-velocity, aluminum BB, but a smoother steel BB would be a blessing. And you can keep your next hyper-velocity breakbarrel, but how about sending us one that’s easy to cock and accurate to boot?

Stop giving us the next new thing and start giving us things that you currently think are impossible.

Give us a PCP that can be filled with shop air. Impossible? No, it isn’t. But it will take some thought.

Give us a $100 PCP.

Give us a pellet trap that collapses for storage, yet can stop a .22 long rifle bullet.

Give us a breakbarrel that cocks with 20 lbs. of effort and outputs 30 foot-pounds of energy.

Give us a scope with external adjustments.

Give us a BB gun that’s as accurate as a Daisy 499, but sells for $50.

Give us a trap for steel BBs that never lets one get away.

In other words, start acting like you are actually in business to succeed and start thinking about things that don’t exist, but should. We’re waiting.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

177 thoughts on “A New Year’s rant: Come on, manufacturers, give us some compatibility!”

  1. I'd like to see a good, affordable, American made, spring powered pistol. I already own Russian, CZ, polish, Chinese and English examples plus a couple Daisy 188's. Want a new model.

  2. BB,your spot on on the diffrent fill connectors. My Edge was sent with the wrong adapter (quick connect). They are sending out another,later that will work. I talked to them when ordering the gun,but the company that makes the gun,also uses more than 1 size fill connector. It's pretty bad when the company (retailer) selling the gun can get confused,and send the wrong one!I don't feel so dumb now! Ron

  3. BB – Ahh…the memories that your Army stories bring back. I think that there ia a whole subset of Murphy's Laws developed for/by the Army. I was at Fort Knox twice for different courses. A lovely place, I lived in Muldraugh for a summer.

    I'm surprised that there is not more of an effort to make after-market fittings to replace other types with Foster fittings.

  4. …there IS a whole subset…

    A New Years tip for everyone – Take your checkbook right now and write "2010" on all of the checks. (Any one else still have a checkbook?)

  5. Happy New Year B.B. (and mom too!) How about ALL manafactures offering break barrel air rifles with both barrels-.177 and .22. Then we can have twice the fun and change barrels for the situation at hand! Oh I forgot marketing 101 – we would have to buy 2 rifles instead of 1.(or maybe we would become more dedicated to the manafacture of our favorite rifle!) Have a happy and healthy new year-Scott298

  6. I remember when Remington came out with their electronic ignition rifles. They were chambered in 30-06 and used a cartridge with a special primer that activated via electricity rather than impact.

    This rifle did not have any of the common issues with trigger pull that all firearms and airguns have, however it required batteries, and ammunition that was expensive and very difficult to find.

    Owners of this rifle can still special order ammo from a few suppliers and hand loaders can still buy the primers, but both are very expensive and hard to find.

    CVA has released a muzzle loading rifle with an electronic ignition system, only theirs uses common muzzle loading propellant and projectiles. It does not require a primer, and the battery charges a capacitor then shuts off to extend its life. I'm not a fan of electronic guns or CVA, but it does sound as if CVA made several good decisions when they brought this rifle to the market.

  7. BB,
    some time ago, you dropped a hint that someone was working on an airgun that would have power approaching that of centerfire ammunition. A number of comments didn't like the idea, but I would very much like to have something like that. Any word on this?

    Michael in Georgia

  8. New RWS 34 0.22 on way. How should I lube it? A couple of guys on the yellow noted that theirs RWS rifles were dry (no lubrication) when received.

    I have some silicon oil to put a couple of drops down transfer port. Half a dozen into spring area as well?

    I don't feel competent enough to take the whole rifle apart. I don't have a spring compressor.


    PS – Was trying to decide between RWS package deal or the Crosman nitro. Based on BB's recommendation about a week back I went eh the 34 rather than the nitro since teh 34 seems to be less hold sensitive.

  9. B.B.,

    Glad you got that off your chest.

    In my opinion you'll need to re-run this article at least once a week for at least a year before many of the manufacturers get it.

    My grandmother used to say, "common sense ain't common".

    I'd like to add,

    1-Standardize dovetails. Make them all 3/8". Send the same measuring device to all manufacturers. Put 6 evenly spaced holes in all of them for a vertical scope stop.

    2-Make an affordable, fully adjustable set of scope rings in 1" and also in 30mm that will not move under a magnum springers recoil. It's been done before, do it again.

    3-Give us a scope with external adjustments THAT ARE LARGE ENOUGH FOR A MAN TO USE IN THE FIELD ON A COLD DAY. Just because that 80 pound 17 year old chinese girl can adjust them while on your warm factory floor doesn't mean they'll work in the real world.

    Allow me to summarize my observations about your terrific article today. fubar.

    Happy New Year to all airgun manufacturers. I still plan on spending alot of money on your products this year. I'd spend more if these new/improved items are introduced.


  10. Happy New Year Everyone!

    B.B. Great rant!

    I want to see lead dust collectors on every air gun. Most of us shoot indoors a lot. We want quiet and we don't want to spread fine lead dust around the house. The Manufacture that makes this commitment, will lead the way, if accuracy and quality build is still there too.

    Clone Tom and Edith so they can have more free time at the tennis courts and still keep all this great info flowing to us!

    I'd also like a turn my S&W .38 special into a carbine. I want a kit!

    I'd like to buy accurately weighed and sized pellets… really accurately weighed and sized pellets!

    Particularly, I'd like Crosman to weigh, clean and lube their pellets, so one doesn't get black fingers when using them.

    They won't add this "pro" class product, because it points out that their regular product is not up to snuff.

    I want a well designed low cost PCP field target rifle & complete package. They have the parts on the shelf, just configure them for the field target game.

    I know the market is not that large for field target, but we lead the way in field testing and marketing for manufactures, they owe it too us. It will pay off as word spreads for free through the FT groups..

    I want manufactures to enlist "newbie" and "pro" testers to shoot their products for 6 months before they hit the market.

    I want to teach the world to love, in five part harmony….

    Wacky Wayne, MD. Ashland Air Rifle Range.

  11. BB,
    This morning I was in my "reading" room where I keep a copy of American Rifleman, among others. There is an article there (Nov 09, pg 38) about lead-free shot. It's a blend of tungsten and iron powder, supposed to be non-brittle, and soft for use in all shotgun barrels and 24% denser than steel. Unfortunately they put a "mid-band" around the shot so they're not perfectly round.

    My question has to do with shot size. They say they are sold in 00, BB, and Nos. 2, 4 and 6 sizes. When they say BB is that size usable in a BB gun?

    I think I read in a past posting of yours that it is not. I did a search on the blog on BB and you can imagine the number of hits I got. The way it was described in the magazine it sounded like it could be an alternative to lead or steel BB's or even pellets due to being "soft" and dense.


  12. BB,Now thats separating the chaff from the wheat!!!With your laser precise common sense aproach,industry could stop bleeding from self inflicted wounds!!Happy New year to you and All…….To quote Admiral Thad Allen"They are stuck on Stupid"

  13. BB; If you cock a breakbarrel with 20 lbs. of force acting through 1 foot of distance you have stored only 20 foot-pounds of energy in the gun and only if the gun were ideal.

    Could we hope to get 30 foot-pounds of energy back out thanks to 10 or so bonus foot-pounds from dieseling, perhaps? Today the rule-of-thumb seems to be that foot-pounds will be about half the peak cocking effort.

  14. Edfray,

    Leverage it! and Leverage it some more!

    I want 12 fpe with 8 lbs of cocking.

    The old BSA standard under lever was about there… what a hundred years ago!

    Wacky Wayne

  15. I wish one of our chinese manufacturers get their hands on a John Whiscombe 80.

    When they do things well, they do it really well.

    Excellent Accuracy, 30+ ft/lbs, No recoil, Interchangeable Barrels and Adjustable Power. All this on a Self Sufficient Spring power plant. Throw in the Chinese pricing. What more can an Air Gunner ask for?

    Except maybe dry-fire protection for the opposing pistons.

    Thats my dream.


  16. I just checked and I can cock my old BSA standard with my left index finger tip! And it's shooting a 8.2gr pellet at 592fps!

    And it's grouping with open sights 1" 10 shots and 15 yards!

    Thanks Vince, great work as usual!
    Took me a while to fully try it out!

    Wacky Wayne, MD, Ashland Air Rifle Range

  17. Pressure is not measured in pounds, Frank. Please re-word the question. I agree though, that a longer cocking stroke can certainly mean less force is needed. It makes me think Whiscombe. Sketch us your compound lever in which the handle travels 3 feet.

  18. Wayne; Leverage doesn't change the calculation of energy in versus energy out. Even if you leverage it some more.

    I own a gun that diesels badly just like your BSA.


  19. Edfray,

    It's not dieseling to get the fps. I tested it long enough to get past that stage.
    I'm just kidding around with you, but I know that some guns give a lot more energy out per cocking pressure than others. I'm not a gunsmith or gun designer, so I can't debate that with you.

    I have shot a lot of guns, and feel very little progress has been made in the last 100 years with this issue. I doubt very many new spring air rifles have as good a ratio as the 100 year old BSA standard.

    Wacky Wayne

  20. Wayne,

    You're going to hate me for this, but you CAN have a beautiful .38 Special carbine. What you want is called a Little Sharps. It's a downsized Sharps rifle and you want one in .357 Magnum that will also shoot .38 Special (all .357s will do that).

    Please tell me about it when you get it because I have wanted one for a long time.


  21. I personally think a telescoping cocking lever is far from impossible,or even that great of a change from contemporary designs.We are not talking about building a pyramid….Oh wait,thats been done!

  22. B.B.

    I could never hate you… if being staked out on the fire ant hill in your front yard didn't do it.. your safe!

    Besides, now I know another desire for the pile of trades for your USFT!

    That does sound like a real nice niche of a gun… I'll get one, play with it a while and pass it on to you…. start packing up the USFT!

    Wacky Wayne

  23. BB,I can't even muster a look of surprise:/ I'm always a day late and a dollar short.next I'm gonna invent a box that plugs in and cooks food real Fast:) Happy new year to you and yours!

  24. Wayne; I agree. Shooting a Patriot convinces me that something less than half of my energy is making it to the pellet. Maybe there is a new gun design possible that could be efficient in a 20 or 30 ft-lb gun.

  25. farhan,

    Re: adjusting power on a Walther Dominator 1250

    The power on the Walther Dominator 1250 has been adjusted, the fill pressure has been reduced from 4,500 to 3,000 for around 50 good shots and the trigger has been greatly improved.

    I've read about many fiddling with the Walther Dominator 1250 but the guy that has made the most progress it seems is Roald. His business is The 850 Store. Nice guy and very knowledgable. Tell him kevin lentz the FX Tarantula guy sent you.


  26. Kevin,

    I'd sure like to have some experience with the Airstream PCP FT rifle… why don't you order one for me….and I'll gladly pay you next Tuesday.. I guess you could send it to yourself first.. but only for a day or so.

    Wacky Wayne, MD. Ashland Air Rifle Range

  27. B.B.

    The more I read on the Sharps rifle, I think we want one in .45 long colt too, since that round fits the Judge I've got! We can trade back and forth with the .357 mag… but I keep the USFT!

    It can be a three way circle when Kevin gets the Airstream PCP.

    Wacky Wayne

  28. Edfray, in my experience modern, synthetic-sealed springers all tend to hang around 30-40% (based on spring rate, preload, and stroke). I've seen a few exceed 40%, and a couple below that. But the 30-40% range pretty much covers the vast majority I've tested.

  29. Time to bore you all with yet another mountain bike comparison.

    Shimano is a japanese manufacturing giant. Aside from making products for a number of other industries, they owned about 75% or more of the bicycle component industry in America and almost 100% in Japan.

    This wasn't enough for Shimano however, so they began to integrate some components with others. Using their gear shifters meant you had to use their brakes. Using their rear brake meant using their proprietary hub and disc brake rotor. You get the idea?

    American bike enthusiasts responded by taking their business to SRAM, an American bike component manufacturer that was relatively tiny at the time. SRAM responded by improving their product line by leaps and bounds.

    SRAM now makes just about everything you could use to build a bike except the tires and frame. They even purchased the embattled suspension fork manufacturer Rock Shox and turned them around. They also began to make high-end road bike components that compete with the venerable Campagnolo and Shimano Dura-Ace.

    Instead of a token competitor, Shimano now has a serious alternative in the marketplace. Take that, idiots.

    To Shimano's credit they responded by improving their product line and de-integrating it, rather than further their bullying.

    This is a story with a happy ending, but there are so many that aren't. Some companies deserve to go out of business for their antics and tactics.

    Thanks for the article. It gives voice to all our frustrations with corporate scum.

    Happy new year, and God Bless to Tom, Edith, and all the contributors that make this blog the place to go for an escape to my zen hobby when I can't actually be shooting.

  30. SlingingLead,Thats the kind of story I like to hear!Lots of companies need to be taken to task,and that is where I prefer to spend my dollar…Now they should branch out into fishing reels!

  31. I have a question that I believe relates ….I have two Marksman2004 single stroke pneumatic pistols.Has anyone out there compared one side by side with the P3.Since both of mine shoot well,What does the other 160$ get me??

  32. BB,

    I concur – the American manufacturers should get together and agree on a single, compatible fitting for PCP's. A showing of compassion by the manufacturers for their customers would be well received.

    Slinging Lead – I find your comments about Shimano and SRAM most interesting, especially since I just purchased and installed a new Shimano Ultegra chain for the Fuji. I was considering SRAM but just was not familiar with it. I think the next component I need, I'll give SRAM a try.

    Herb, I've read quite a few comments on the RWS34 being dry right from the factory but those comments seem more apropo to the spring vibration from this rifle. Ideally, after break in and the vibration bothers you, it's a very simple procedure to disassemble the RWS and apply a very fine coating of Jim Maccari's heavy tar on the spring. There are numerous how-to articles on the net for this and believe me, building a spring compressor and then taking this rifle apart, is not difficult, especially in light of the complex, multi-stage lab processes you routinely do.

    Original Fred from the People's Republic of NJ, now to be known as Fred ftprnj

  33. Came in late in the day, so it may be covered, but still: When are manufacturers going to put honest data on the advertised velocities? Something not attained from a super lightweight pellet fired from a dieseling rifle, but instead a general mid-weight round fired from one that's been tested for more than just "do our lawyers say it will ship?" JP

  34. I was reading the blog "What To Oil" (Sept. 26, 2008). At the end B.B. wrote one of the upcoming parts of the series would be How To Oil a SSP. Does anybody know if that was done? If it was I cant find it.

  35. BB and Kevin,

    Standards? We have standards now. About 300 of 'em and nobody follows them. If we're gonna have standardized dovetails how about we use either Weaver or Picatinny then the scope ring movement on springers becomes a thing of the past as the rings lock into the cross slots. Also gives us far, far more ring choices than we have now.

  36. Scott,

    Re: What to oil

    You read part 1 of the 3 part series. Here's a link to part 3. At the top you can click on part 2 since that's the part that I think will answer your questions:



  37. Kevin,
    Unless I am reading parts 2&3 wrong they are both about springers. You guys directed me to them to remedie my squeeky TX200. I have Daisy 717 that I got about 30yrs ago and has had nothing done to it ever. I also have a Walther LG90 on its way to me and was trying to find out what kind of maaintenance ssp's need.

  38. Kevin,

    I have tested a DynaMax and thus far found it wanting. It has to be pressurized to 3,500 psi to get all its shots (rant). Accuracy was mediocre at 50 yards, but I could test it more.

    It's really a version of the rifle that Compasseco sold as the Tech Star, which was a cheapened version of the BSA Hornet.


  39. Derrick took the words out of my mouth. The weaver/picatinny system is far superior to dovetails.

    The biggest advantage for me is that both rings are solidly anchored, not just the rear one with the stop pin.

    The slots are also much closer together than the stop-pin holes in a dovetailed rifle. This allows much better adjustability for placement of the rings on the scope, which is crucial with a scope that is picky about eye relief. Compromises in scope placement mean compromises in hold position which will affect accuracy.

    Keep in mind the cross slots must be square on the scope rings, not the ridiculous rounded off ones, which are pointless.

    Now that we are in fantasy land, ALL rings should be adjustable for elevation. As far as windage is concerned, I don't much care about and most times don't need adjustment here. But the ring manufacturers should know how this stuff works. Give me some rings (that don't cost $70) that will allow me to keep my scope centered, with the largest range of adjustment available.

    I would not have stumbled upon these revelations if it weren't for BBs ingenious solution to the scope mounting problem on the Diana rifles.

    Benjamin discovery.

    UTG Diana scope-mount base.

    I think this Bronco by Air Venturi deserves a very close look.

  40. One caveat,

    The weaver system is butt ugly. The very thought of one of these jagged, matte black things on the back of a TX-200 Mark III makes me feel a little bit nauseated.

  41. Slinging Lead,

    While I read your Shimano comparison, I thought about the similarities in airguns. Gamo redesigned their triggers & changed their manufacturing process just to prevent use of Charlie da Tuna triggers.

    On the other hand, you have Crosman. They looked at the mods Dennis Quackenbush created for their guns & adopted some of them. Aftermarket mods are not a detriment to their reputation, but rather akin to a small R&D branch they don't have to pay.

    Just on these 2 points, it's no wonder that Gamo is a smaller company with a fading star. Make guns people want to buy instead of wasting time & energy short-circuiting the people who make your guns more desirable.

    Will Gamo change their spring guns in such a way that will prevent the insertion of Crosman's Nitro Piston gas spring? I'll bet it's something they're wasting time & money researching. Time will tell.


  42. SL,
    You're right on track with the vertical adjustment ring idea, however, I believe it is still treating the symptom and not the cause!

    The cause is that the gun itself – the scope rail, actually – is the culprit. Why should I have to buy a gun that REQUIRES special rings to compensate for something designed into the gun?!

    OK, I know you're going to ask, But won't that mess up those of us who want to go scopeless? Well, I say here is your chance to be innovative and creative. Are the engineers telling us it can't be done? But, let's carry it out to another conclusion. If the engineers are saying that then why are there so few vertically adjustable rings on the market? Why aren't these engineers designing more and cheaper adj rings? I could be wrong but the only vert adj rings I can find are B-Square and Sun. What's with these other manufacturers?


  43. Scott,

    Daisy Avanti 717–did a 3 part blog on repairing mine a week ago. You know where to find it. Use the search function there and I think you'll find 5 or 6 posts in total on repair and maintenance. Hint: Nick also has a 722–same gun as a 717 but .22 cal.

  44. Yesterday I complained about a modern co2 pistol not offering power adjustment thats easy….today in 12 degree weather at the local flea mkt,I bought a Crosman Mark 1,still in it's deteriorated box,90-95% for 100$.It needs resealed,but then again every good co2 gun I've found needs resealed.this one had all the paperwork,manual,warranty,rifled barrel sticker and accessory flier

  45. Oops! I put this on an old post so I'll repeat it here.

    Good news everybody!! Well, good news for me, anyway. I just won the December eMatch drawing again for a $10 PA gift certificate. I want to thank each and everyone of you for staying out of the competition so that my drawing chances are better.

    For December I entered my Daisy 953 and my Talon SS in the benchrest, any sight match. And I got beat out again by that d**n Anschutz. At least I tied for third place. Does anyone know of an Anschutz weakness I can exploit with my 953?

    The scores (max 300) follows:

    Randy152 – Anschutz 8001 using Beretta Ultra mAtch pellets – Scored 284

    Desert fox – Air Arms EV2 using Vogel 4.50/.53g pellets – Scored 271

    Desert fox – RWS Diana mdl 75 using Vogel 4.50/.53g pellets – Scred 269

    Chuck3e – Daisy 953 using JSB Exact 8.4gr – Scored 269

    Chuck3e – Talon SS CO2 using Crosman Premiers 10.5gr – Scored 261

    I know my T-SS can out shoot my 953 but it didn't this time. I can explain that by saying I shot the 953 30 times first and then shot the T-SS right after. I blame the diff on fatugue. Next time I will shoot them on different days or at least shoot the T-SS first and see if that makes a diff. I'm not doing too good on the 10's either. Dang those are small circles!


  46. Well, I'm getting my posts mixed up today. Here's another one I put on an old blog.

    Mr B and SL,
    I agree with the aesthetic preservation of the TX200. But I think that all air rifles that have that assault look should have the Weaver/Picatinny rails. They do add to the meanness look of the rifle. And while we're at it couldn't we work on a Weavatinny or a Picaweaver rail instead of having to choose one or the other? Come on, if we're talking standardization, let's standardize.

  47. Derrick38,are you taking paid reseal jobs?I now have a Benjamin 422,a S&W 78g,a Ted williams crosman 150,a powerline 1200 or two,and now a Mark 1!you could make some good $$…let me know…

  48. Wayne,

    I almost pulled the trigger on the .45 Colt Sharps. It seemed to be about ideal to me. Then I read the reviews and saw the 4-inch groups at 100 yards, when I'm getting inch groups with my .43 Spanish rolling block. That put me off.

    Now I'm wondering if reloading the .45 Colt might be the answer. That author shot only factory ammo, which is usually not that accurate.

    I don't know.


  49. I work on 1997 to present Ford E150 and E250 vans. Sometimes there are similiar parts on older Peterbuilt trucks (lights especially).

    The Ford van bodies tend to be pretty interchangeable. We had one trouble with an older hood that may have been from a 1995 van. Well with some new bolts and a couple of heavy duty bungee chords, we've fixed it for now. The van has over a million miles on it. Not in a big hurry to repair it unless we scrap out another van.

    I have some doors to install and some decal work to do first. There is prioritised list of thing to do along with general maintenance.

    There are several things that ford vans (econolines) have trouble with: Blower motors, Blower resister blocks, Blower fan switches, weather stripping, cargo floor mats, Newer side mirrors really suck, 2001 rear ends, 15 inch wheels on half tons (premature tire wear), seats wear out quickly sometimes.

  50. BB,that sounds like human error and wrong ammo…I'll bet its a tack driver in the wrong hands.Mess with his head a little and you'll find out if it is the owners aptitude….just my .02

  51. aj,
    A million miles on a '95 van?! WOWie! I heard of a guy who donated a 1993 Harley to the museum that had a million miles on it. That would be 171 miles a day every day of the year. Talk about iron butt! I wonder if it was a rental? Your van got more mile per day than that. Sounds like a very successful delivery business.


  52. Frank,

    I asked pretty much the same thing of Hans Weihrauch, Jr. in Nuremberg in 2006. He just shrugged and told me Weihrauch was repairing the Chinese copy in Europe because everybody thought it was made by/for Weihrauch anyway. To fail to do so would have been bad karma for the company.


  53. Ok, maybe I need to rephrase my earlier question, or maybe I didnt post enough about Ford doors, blower motors and hoods. (just having fun!)

    i have this Gamo CFX that I havent shot for well over a year because i dont shoot well with it as it's too tempermental as to how it's held, as we all know most springers to be. anyway, Edith mentioned the gas piston for Gamo guns in her example and it hit me that maybe the CFX can still be converted. I checked on PA site and it appears they no longer have this piston for the CFX.
    So… knowing that most everyone here knows more than I 'bout such matters i thought I'd ask… anyone know who, what ,where one this??

    Is this something that I can convert, or is this a job for a pro? hate to see too much more time go by not shooting the lonely CFX.



  54. BB,thank you for that reply…Have you seen the review of the Sharps by Charles Daly in .45 Colt?its on Youtube,the reviewer says it performed well to 400yds. Frank B

  55. BB,
    I followed your link for lubricating the SSP and got an answer to an old question rolling around in my head. This old question has nothing to do with oiling!!! That's how diverse and entertaining your blog is.

    There was some discussion at the end of that link about 30-30 recoil and how the kick is amplified or suppressed by the construction of the stock. (on a post about a target pistol? See what I mean? You gotta love this blog!) A remark was made that a thin stock will make the recoil feel harder. If you recall, I remarked that when I shot the AK-74 at the Kentucky machine gun shoot last year (yes, 74 not 47) it was the most uncomfortable gun I have ever shot and I felt sorry for any Russian who had to carry it. Walla! it had a very thin composite butt. It was concentrating a large amount of force over a small area and into my shoulder.

    Hey, thanks for that!! Fat wood for me from now on! Wait a minute, that didn't sound right.


  56. B.B.

    I've got some 45 long colt hand loads I bought…. but 4" at 100 yards doesn't put me off. I assume that's from a bench.

    I wonder if one's movement offhand or sitting FT, "absorbs" that 4" group… or enlarges it???

    Either way, to me the rifle is like a 30/30 carbine style, for short range open sighted shooting.

    Which doesn't work for me much with my eye sight. At first, I put a scope on my Marlin 336c 30/30, then after playing around with the different open sights on the old Remington .22s and different glasses. I found a more workable fuzzy combination that's letting me shoot open sights on rifles a little more now. It might also be shooting pistols more that's got my vision better on open sights.. anyway I like it!

    So the little Sharps 1874 copy is a light weight 5.8# rifle, that looks great to me…. next spring.. which is close!

    Wacky Wayne, MD. Ashland Air Rifle Range

  57. Frank B,

    Nah, I'm still leaving the repair work to the pros. They've got all the seals and old parts on hand to do the job fast. I think you can buy the seal kits through Bryan & Associates if you want to fix them yourself, too. I just blogged a Crosman 150 tear down a few weeks ago…

  58. dsw,

    Interesting that Pyramyd AIR stopped carrying the Air Venturi Ram Air Gas Spring for the gamo cfx. I see they still have the nitro piston for some gamo guns.

    Have you contacted tech support to see if any of these fit?

    Although I saw some new gamo cfx guns available with the air venturi ram air gas spring already installed I didn't find anywhere to purchase just the gas spring.

    When these air venturi ram air gas springs were first introduced B.B. did multiple articles on these. They were designed as drop in parts for the average airgunner. So to answer one of your questions, you should be able to do this yourself.

    Anxious to see what others know about this.


  59. dsw,

    The CFX gas spring conversion was taken off the site because of velocity issues. However, if you call Stacey in Pyramyd Air's tech dept (888-262-4867, ext. 244), she'll give you a fuller explanation of things. I think she may install a gas spring for you, but I can't be 100% certain. There have been several emails from Stacey about the CFX & gas spring conversions, but I can't remember if the last one said she could or couldn't convert it.


  60. Kevin,

    yeah, weird.

    Edith, thanks. I'll call or get intouch w/ Stacey next week.

    thanks to you both. I love these blog sites for both the questions they raise AND the answers they provide!!!

  61. BB,the written review that corresponds with the video states that the gun produced "ragged one hole groups" at 50 yards…and he isn't a copy writer for gamo:)He further stated it performed well out to 400 yards….with open sights!Pretty interesting for a 5lb5oz gun with those double set triggers!

  62. Yep. I agree with you 100%.
    Why don't they do these things? We that are serious about airguns want them, but most of their consumers will go for the junk and pay high prices for it. They figure that they can make more money and sell more products NOT doing these things. Because every change in the way they make products costs money.

  63. B.B.
    The info you provide on this blog site is invaluable. I am new to airgunning and just got a Mendoza 22 cal. rm600 from pyramid air. I believe the Air Venturi Avenger 1100 you have written about previously is the same gun.

    I've put about 200 rounds thru it and it diesels on every shot filling the barrel with smoke. I don't know if it's detonating or not and don't know how to tell. I have also noticed that some shots are louder than others. The louder shots can sound like a 22 short and even have that type of crack to them. Maybe this is what a detonation sounds like? Should I be concerned with this?

    I also read somewhere in your blogs that the muzzlebrake on an air rifle has no real function other than being a handle for cocking. The bore in the muzzlebrake is larger than the pellet caliber and is surprisingly deep. I measured the larger bore portion to be a surprising 6 1/2" long. With a barrel length of 18.6" this makes the effective barrel only 12" long. Why wouldn't they use the extra 6.5" to improve accuracy.

    Thanks, Scott

  64. Flyfisher,the length of a barrel does not dictate accuracy.the muzzel brake does everything a barrel that long could…because it provides a longer sighting radius.the further the front sight is from the rear sight,the more precise you can aim the barrel.BB has said a 2" barrel is accurate at even 300 yards!!!the hard part is aiming precisely.so you see,you have the best of both worlds…that extra 6.5" would most probably slow the pellet.springers normally reach full velocity in the first 10".

  65. dsw

    When you find out the answer about the gas ram for the CFX can you post it here please? I don't have a CFX, but I am very curious about what Stacey will have to say.

  66. flyfisher/Scott

    Frank B is precisely right about the barrel length of course.

    The smoking is dieseling. The loud crack is detonation. Your gun appears to be overlubricated, I have read that this is not uncommon with these guns. Just keep on shooting it. By the time you get to the bottom of a 500 pellet tin, she will have settled down I'd wager.

    I believe Wacky Wayne owned a couple of these a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away. Perhaps he can give you the finer points.

  67. B.B.,

    It's me again with more questions about oil!
    I couldn't find any Crosman Pellgunoil at any of the local stores, nor could I find and 20- weight non-detergent oil at Sears, Lowes, or any hardware store. But i did pick up a Gamo cleanig kit, which had some air gun oil. Could the oil in the kit (same as part number GAOilgun as sold through Pyramyd Air) be used instead?

    Thanks again.


  68. Jbomb,No,I asked about Gamo oil before…I was told that Gamo oil is not safe to substitute.You really should be able to find 20weight non detergent oil…have you checked the local car parts chainstore??

  69. Frank B,

    So the Gamo oil can't be used in a Co2 gun?

    I called a couple, but the lowest weight one of them carried was 30 weight, and the other had 20 weight but it contained some sort of fuel stabilizer.


  70. J bomb,just use the 30wt if its non detergent,if it is impossible to order Crosman pellgun oil AND you realise it is a compromise that won't work quite as well.we're talking about your co2 peacemaker,right? Frank B

  71. Jbomb
    Try air compressor oil.
    It is usually non-detergent.
    A quart is expensive, but will last forever. Sold wherever air compressors are sold.
    Not for use in springers for chamber oil.


  72. Good idea TwoTalon!you should do well with it,from Lowes or Sears…But if it leaks bad when you pierce the cylinder,point the UNLOADED gun in a safe direction and fire it several times to distribute the oil…and dislodge any dirt particles on the valve seals.be very careful,and work somewhere oil can't ruin furniture!!Let us know how you do.

  73. Jbomb,

    Do yourself a favor and order some Crosman Pellgunoil from Pyramyd AIR. It's $2.99 and it will come right to your door. It will more than likely last you for years.

    If you want to experiment with other oils and products you risk harming your gun and yourself.

    If you want a substitute for Crosman Pellgunoil the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for Crosman Pellgunoil is Monolec GFS SAE 30 Engine Oil. It's proprietary and patented by LE Inc. (based in FT. Worth oddly enough).

    I'm beginning to think that someone close to Ft. Worth should buy a 50 gallon drum of this from LE, put it in 2 ounce packages and sell 'em for $2.00 each and retire.


  74. Frank B,

    I really like these articles that encourage a rant. Guess I needed to get some stuff off my chest.

    Apologies everyone.

    Everyone should own an FWB 124 and shoot it for awhile. You happened to get a rare "time capsule" of an FWB 124 plus a tune by PW. Best of both worlds.

    How's your stock finishing project coming along?


  75. Kevin,
    This page seems to indicate that oil is simply diesel rated engine oil with "wear-reducing additive" (ZDDP?):


    If this is really the oil Crosman packages, I think the worry about finding ND and avoiding possibly harmful additives may be exaggerated — the product flyer claims "exceptional detergency".

    Nevertheless, ND 20 (and other weights) are at Walmart and Tractor Supply for roughly $2/quart.

  76. Kevin,I've reached a point where the stock pores are mostly filled,surfaces are at about 2/0.nice silky glow and feel.real dramatic grain contrast.For now I'm done…except bedding the action.I Have tons of left over Kevlar matrix cloth.I'm considering bedding with that.Once its a shootable stock,then I'll revisit cosmetics.Thanks for all your help!

  77. BG_Farmer,

    "The Emperor has no clothes."

    I'm not the right one to speculate on a proper alternative for crosman pellgunoil for whatever reason. I just wanted to point out what pellgunoil was using their MSDS.

    It's interesting to note while looking at all the LE Technical Data sheets on various proprietary lubricants, LE adds red color to many of these lubricants. Identifier for LE products?

    Seems that this could be a common reason that people think that crosman pellgunoil is transmission fluid. IT'S RED so it must be transmission fluid.

    I'm a simple guy. Crosman Pellgunoil has worked for many years for airgunners that have been around much longer than me and own many more guns than I do. Crosman Pellgunoil costs $2.99. I'll use Crosman Pellgunoil.


  78. Flyfisher,

    great starter gun, I had three of the Avenger 1100s in .177 cal.

    Try lubing your pellets with coconut oil. It actually cleans them and your barrel in a short time. I haven't found it causing detonations at all.

    I think you should shoot 3,000 shots through your gun asap. Two out of three of them developed a loose barrel at the hinge point just after 3,000 shots. It was well after the 30 days, but PA still made right by it eventually.

    We got some great groups with those Avenger 1100s, and they started me down a very, very expensive air gun journey! I wish you well!

    Wacky Wayne, MD. Ashland Air Rifle Range

  79. Derrick,

    I just might still, I'll check..

    I know I had two Mark I pistols at one time. I traded one and I can't remember on the other.

    I did pick up another .22 cal Crosman 600 the other day. And a Mark II in .177… I don't know why, I should be in a selling mode, but I see a deal and I'm on auto pilot!

    Are you going to bail me out??

    Wacky Wayne

  80. Hey airgun shoppers!!!

    USFT #92 just went on the yellow for $1,800. As new. this is a great deal, Tim is getting $2,300 for new ones me thinks..

    See, I do want just the select few that touched certain fingers and won events and such..

    Wacky Wayne, MD. Ashland Air Rifle Range

  81. Wayne B.
    Thank-you for the input. I had a crosman 760 as a kid and a couple other guns I can't recall. I got the rm600 primarily for discreet squirrel control in my yard. I figured I'd sight it in out of the box and take care of the problem. Then take it out of the closet on rare occasion after that. I should know myself better than that. Now I'm obsessed with getting it to shoot to the best of it's ability.

    Exactly how do you identify detonations in a gun?


  82. Flyfisher,

    A detonation is a loud explosion. If your rifle sounds like a .22 rimfire when you shoot, it's detonating. All spring guns diesel, which means they burn some of the lubricant in their compression chambers at every firing.

    The airgunning community has taken to calling a detonation a diesel–hence they say if a gun makes a loud sound at firing it is "dieseling," Therefore they have no term to describe the event that produces the smoke you are seeing with every shot–which is actually dieseling.

    The Mendoza rifles are over-lubricated from the factory, plus they have a hole on the left side of the spring tube that has an oil-can graphic. DO NOT oil your gun. Just keep shooting it to burn off the excess put there by the factory. You should be okay for at least the next 10 years, if not a lot more.

    As for the barrel getting loose, its not a simple fix because of how the rifle is designed. However, it is not a given that the barrel will loosen. It's simply been the experience of some owners that the barrels loosen over time.

    Many breakbarrels are designed to be adjusted when this happens, but the Mendozas have simple hinge pins that cannot be adjusted. The pins would have to be replaced or enlarged through knurling to tighten them when the barrel gets loose.

    Most shooters will not shoot 3,000 shots in one gun in a lifetime. Wayne has a club and his guns are in constant use my many shooters. I have an Avenger 1100 that probably has 300 shots on it and I seldom add more.


  83. Flyfisher,

    The loud crack you said you hear sometimes is the detonation. You identify it by hearing the crack that is sometimes not there. Also if you shoot the gun in the dark you can sometimes see the burning gasses exit the muzzle. An air rifle that is not detonating will not have flames shooting from the muzzle.

    As I mentioned before, it is caused by overlubrication. Wayne's tip of using coconut oil on the pellets should raise the flash-point of the environment and calm the gun down.

    It sounds like you might be starting to get the itch. I think you'll be surprised how fast you go through 3000 pellets.

  84. B.B.
    I just started looking through the blog archives yesterday and I can't believe how much info there is from everybody. I've got a lot more to read yet.

    Anyway in one of your gun reviews you were testing different pellets in a gun that was detonating a lot. You were also cutting your # of shots short because of the detonating. Can this cause damage to my gun?

    Thanks to everyone for the replies. I have a handful of other questions but I don't want to be a nuisance.


  85. Flyfisher,

    Yes, prolonged detonation can damage a gun. If you feel uneasy about it, return the rifle to Pyramyd AIR for repairs or exchange.

    Wayne lives in Oregon, so he's probably not up yet. The MD he puts in his signature block stands for managing director, I believe,

    You are located in the nation's hotbed of airgunning. The closest active airgun club to you is probably the Delran club in New Jersey.


    You are also at ground zero for airgun shows. There is one in Baldwinsville, New York in July and the one in Roanoke, VA in October is the largest in the world.

    The DIFTA field target club in Damascus, Maryland is one of the most active for that sport.

    Lucky you!


  86. B.B.

    I'm using the RSW super h points that I bought with the gun. Quite a few rm-600 reviewers seemed to think this was the most accurate pellet they tried and also good for hunting. I think it fits very snug in the barrel. Should I try something else?

    I would estimate 1 or 2 shots out of 10 detonate. The barrel does seem to stay oily. Maybe I should send a dry patch thru periodically to help get some of the excess.


  87. Flyfisher,

    The oily barrel isn't the cause of the detonations. It's coming from the compression chamber that has too much oil. It should stop after a couple hundred shots have been fired.

    You can try other pellets, but what you really should do is learn the artillery hold, because a breakbarrel is very sensitive to how it's held.


  88. Flyfisher,

    I too, started out buying air guns for the guys to shoot rats that hang out under the lumber units…
    two years later, we have an air gun field target course.

    I think the Kodiak .177 10.6gr. shot best in our Avenger 1100s, but that was the days before I found out how good JSB pellets are.

    3,000 shots are a lot on a large breakbarrel like that. Randy and I went crazy shooting every night in the pool room, and at first got sore shoulders cocking so much.

    I still have a board that we had a contest on. The game was to remove all the orange paper on a 1" dot without going outside the circle. It took me 45 shots with the kodiak 10.6gr. The Mendozas can shoot! Set up a bench rest and practice, practice, practice!

    Then don't use the bench rest anymore and get into shape for the sitting field target position.

    Your done… plan on spending all extra cash on air guns and related stuff…. then plan on spending all unavailable cash too!

    PCPs are in your future.. your next gun will be a Discovery or Marauder. Get over the "extras" needed for Pre-charged high pressure air guns. The bennies are way better than the troubles… you'll never look back.

    I like to think of myself as "Match Director" of our air rifle club.

    I use to fly fish with the same gusto as I got the air gun bug…. funny how one moves through different experiences.. These guys got me doing firearms too! .. it never ends.. just go for the ride and enjoy every minute!

    Wacky Wayne, Match Director, Ashland Air Rifle Range

  89. Frank,

    Sorry for the confusion, I don't have that USFT #92, I was passing it on as available on the yellow… and making the point that I want Tom and Edith's USFT, not just any of them..

    also.. making the point that Tom and Edith need to sell that older scuzzy one for less than that unused one that is newer:)

    sure, I'll sell the Crosman 600 and or mark I.. they both seem to be in great shape.. email me..

    Wacky Wayne, MD. Ashland Air Rifle Range

  90. Frank,

    I'm going to leave a very positive review on the BOI (board of Inquiry) for you on the yellow.. and if necessary, I'll help you buy it with my rep on the yellow. Go for it dude!

    Wacky Wayne

  91. Wayne

    Going from buying a few pellet guns to keep the rats from destroying the inventory, to Oregon State Field Target Champion, and in the space of two years, is very impressive.

    You must have been one hell of a fly fisherman.

    WV: dings!

  92. Slinging Lead,

    Well…. not really, my other brother-in-law, Craig, would disagree with that one…

    One time while drifting down the McKenzie river in one of the river boats I made back then, Craig hooks a nice trout. I drop the anchor and start to get the net… but see other nice trout rising and so grab my rod instead. A couple set up casts, and I push out a perfect cast to that riser…

    but it doesn't land… I'm looking behind me for a hang up in a tree or something… and see the fly hanging in Craigs' head!

    He never has let me forget that one…

    Wacky Wayne, MD Ashland Air Rifle Range.

  93. Well Wayne I could tell lots of fishing stories but I'm not sure any of them would top that one.

    I'll bet Craig tells it better than you though since he felt the hook.

    You must have been pretty avid if you built your own drift boats. I guess we'd be better off to have that conversation in another blog though.

  94. Hey! Got the Crosman 44 Peacemaker working!
    Thanks for all your help trying to find the right lubricant. I tried Home Depot again, this time looking for air compressor oil, and i found some. An hour later, and the gun is ready to shoot.
    I haven't shot it yet, seeing as right now in New England it really isn't Co2 season, (its currently 20 degrees out) so I'm going to be trying it indoors a bit later today. I'll report back then.

    Thanks again for all of your help.


  95. There was a lively discussion here awhile back about the chances of CO2 becoming more regulated and even of being banned. Global warming became a heated debate that emerged from this discussion.

    Many feelings were hurt and some (one? two?) left the blog rather than continue the dialogue and offer more insight and proof for their beliefs.

    I was reluctant to continue my contribution to that exchange since it seemed to me that it had become personal and therefore the discussion deteriorated into emotional name calling rather than a healthy exhange of information.

    This topic is not only relevant to airguns (CO2, regulation, etc.) but to our future not only guiding our political representatives but leading our lives in an informed and responsible way.

    This will take 8 minutes and 12 seconds to watch:


    Mrs Gaylord & B.B.,

    If you feel this is to far from the realm of airguns and unwarranted or feel this will rekindle the firestorm please delete this in its entirety. I will understand.


  96. Hey, Wayne,

    Could you elaborate on the down-stream cost(s) for your Avenger 1100s? I have one, as well as an RM-600. I can’t distinguish any difference between them except that the RM-600 was more expensive and has a plain stock. I have had no trouble with either one, and I can shoot them more accurately than I can with my far more expensive R7, HW 95, and TX200 MKIII, so I am fond of them.


    Please don't get me wound up regarding bikes. I have 5 road bikes and a folder. I tend to get a little fanatical about cycling.


  97. Here's my rant item, after having to load up for a little shooting with my son: round up everyone involved with the re-design of the Red Ryder loading port and punish them severely.

  98. Chuck,

    Thank you. Work in progress.

    The photo's were actually taken in my garage on top of a cardtable. The cardtable has been my refinishing table.

    My "stage" is a sheet that is draped over a large cardboard box with two empty pillowcases on top of the sheet. Our linens (with many dog prints stained in numerous places) that were used on the bed in our long gone cuddy cabin.

    Now you know the rest of the story.


  99. Kevin,
    Many multi-billion dollar business started out in a garage.

    What'd I do? What'd I do? I don't remember. It couldn't have been me, I was home all the time!


  100. Kevin,I don't know if you'll find this helpful,but here goes…When I wanted to share pics with you guys,I ended up buying a new camera!I just went to wallyworld{not it's real name]and browsed the current offerings.I ended up purchasing a Kodak EZshare Z915.It has 10 megapixel,and most important to me,10x OPTICAL zoom with an aspheric glass lens.The camera is feature laden,image stabilized,heck it shoots HD video!!!All this plus full manual settings,Takes two AA batteries,about the size of a pack of smokes……..$179 Frank B

  101. Frank B,

    It's not the camera it's me.

    I'm trying to understand lighting (used your flashlight in several of the photo's. thank you), manual focusing, auto setting on macro, boosting images using photoshop, trying to line up the shot using a proper angle so the reflection doesn't blow out these close ups, etc. etc.

    Think in terms of all the planets lining up for me to take a decent shot. Don't think anyone will go out on a limb and predict this to happen in my lifetime.


  102. Kevin,

    They have cameras like that available right now. Ask CowBoyStar Dad. The camera comes with a handler who is usually called a photographer.:) Great looking stock!

    Tried to go to the link about "CO2", but it wouldn't load. Any suggestions?? I'd like to watch it.

    Mr B.

  103. Nice rant BB!

    I could use some of that less cocking force on my HW90 (Theoben gas ram) that I bought used from PA. Cocking it is a bear, but it's got some power and shoots really smooth! I just wish it would have been a .22 instead of a .177 to take full adjvantage of all that power.

    Got the HW90 about 2 years ago and didn't shoot it much because it quit catching when cocking it. I readjusted the trigger and got it to cock as long as I push the safety in while cocking. Then it'll catch and I can continue to load and shoot as normal. If I don't hold the safety in with my finger while cocking it, it won't catch and hold the piston back when I release the barrel. It still sets the safety upon completion of the cocking stroke, so I end up with the safety on. I kind of got used to it working that way, but is it supposed to be that way? I don't remember the first few shots requiring this procedure when I first got the gun. Any ideas as to what's causing this quirk?

    It's a nice, accurate, smooth shooting, and powerful gun that's been relegated to the back of the gun safe because I didn't have the time to take apart the trigger. I looked at your blog on adjuting the Rekord trigger, but this one doesn't look like the Rekord in your blog, or like the diagrams of Rekord triggers that I've found on line.


  104. Not sure on the record on the 1999 ford E250 with over a million mile van. I suspect it's on it's second motor and tranny. No records were sent to us on it.

    Most vans will last 300,000 to 500,000 miles before neede a new motor or tranny. The longest lasting motor I'e seen was a 1995 Ford e250 300 (4.9L)straight 6 that had about 750,000 before it was pulled and a 1999 Ford E250 van with a tanny that had 982,000 miles on it.

    Enjoying life is the key to happiness……money will only take so far…………….

    Just rememeber the one thing…


  105. Mr B,

    Just copied and pasted the CO2 link from the blog and it worked for me.

    Just guessing, but you may have to upgrade your media player? The link is to a fairly recent clip. Maybe empty your cache and try again?


  106. Kevin,
    Stock is almost looking as good as poly:). Just kidding — looks nice and the photography is coming along also. Funny someone asked about the bedsheets — I was thinking pajama's and that you must be a really big guy:)!

  107. BG_Farmer,

    Poly??!! Now that's funny. You're too much.

    Photography feels like baby steps but you're kind.

    Not enough material on that table to make a set of pajama's for me especially after the holidays. Seems that everyone I know is a good cook and/or a good baker.


  108. Kevin,
    Thank you so much for the co2 link.
    I've been looking for something that
    could sum up the info that I've been
    seeing for years from diff.sources.
    I've put this in an e-mail and sent it to a lot of people so I can get a good

    Amen,I wish more Mfg.would take note of this, not just AG producers.

    What ever happened to the old twist the
    top cap and poor bb's in from there?
    It was simple and effective.Guess that
    was the problem.Sometimes this so called progress and "improvements"are
    a pain in the (well yall know what I mean).


  109. Kevin,

    You have nothing to be ashamed of with those pictures! And the stock they show gives cause for much-deserved praise!

    Back when I started The Airgun Letter, there were no books I could find about how to take photos of products. Everything was about portraits, and it still is. So I consulted professional photographers and discovered pretty much the same thing. Faces, not products, were the big deal.

    I do have a book about product photography, but it's all about art, which is the discipline of not showing anything and making the viewer guess what's in the picture. In other words, for good advice of taking clear photographs of inanimate objects, you are on your own.

    I suppose people will respond to this with comments about architectural photography and tell me there are many books on that subject, but you know, taking a photo of a 12-inch handgun is a little different from getting a whole building into focus. Besides, the camera manufacturers make special lenses for photographing the perspective of tall buildings, but which of them ever made a special lens for photographing the whole inside of a rifled barrel?

    I think your photos are great. They are in focus and they show detail.

    Here is one tip I've learned. Take the picture from farther away and take it as slowly as the camera permits. That helps with the depth of field. If it's a good camera, there won't be too many digital artifacts in the image, and you can enlarge it to perfection in software.


  110. B.B.

    I read your post on shimming a scope last night. I'm wondering if it is feasable to shim the rings on the sides to help align the scope windage with the barrel. Might not work with the clamp pressure coming from the top though i guess.

    After reading more posts. I think I may try the 18.1 Gr.JWB exact jumbo heavys in my rm-600. Maybe even the Kodiak 21.14 Gr. extra heavy. Right now I'm using the 14.3 Gr. RSW super h points. I think the detonating is infrequent enough that a heavier pellet just might take care of it. I've also read a few reviews that say the gun favors heavy pellets.

    Thanks, Flyfisher

  111. B.B.,

    Thanks for the kind critique.

    Greatly appreciate your input on photography. You must know that not only do I listen but take notes of your comments. Your comment, "I use the aperture-biased setting at 80 ISO and I have the white balance set to auto" was the foundation used for the latest stock photo's.

    You're right about limited information on macro shots. Spent an inordinate amount of time on the internet. Almost all the info isn't basic (that I was looking for) but promoting a new camera or new lens that helps taking macro photo's.

    I'm intent on learning how to make what I have work not buying a new whizbang thing.

    Now that I've had a chance to put this in perspective I know that I've put too many variables into the mix. I need to work on photoshop by itself when I have some more time.

    The photographer I've used for years to take photo's of my clients buildings is not a macro guy. However, he does have a lens that can straighten the sides of tall buildings and make them appear parallel. Interesting to me that a camera sees the same optical illusion that the naked eye does.


  112. Mrs Gaylord,

    Thank you so much for the links. I need all the help I can get.

    I've bookmarked those and will read them/watch them soon. This photography thing is an immense and steep learning curve.


  113. Make the Nightstalker the way you should have in the first place. That means make it a true semi-auto, not just a self-cocking carbine. Make one in .22 with velocity similar to the 2250. In other words, make a bulk fill Crosman 600 Carbine.

    Make CO2 guns and pump guns with hammer debounce devices to greatly increase the economy of gas usage.

    Build a pumper gun from the factory with add-ons like the Steroid tuned Ben/Sher, but right from the factory.

    Think about adding shrouds or silencers to pretty much every airgun out there that put out more than 6~ish FPE.

    Factory produced big-old FT style scope knobs for dial in elevation adjustment and rangefinding.

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    U.S. federal law requires that all airsoft guns are sold with a 1/4-inch blaze orange muzzle or an orange flash hider to avoid the guns being mistaken for firearms.

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    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

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    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our air guns (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

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