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Remington Genesis: Part 3 The final report

Remington Genesis: Part 1
Remington Genesis: Part 2

by B.B. Pelletier

A lot of time has passed since Part 2 of the Remington Genesis report. I used that time to further break in the gun and to learn the techniques needed to make it perform.

The Genesis IS a good shooter!
I’ll cut to the finish, because so many readers have been waiting to hear my results. I was able to get the Genesis to shoot 1″ five-shot groups at 30 yards, so the Genesis IS a good shooter! But, you need the right technique and the right pellet to make it perform.

The search for pellets
I tried many good pellets before I found the right one. With JSB Exact 10.2-grain pellets I got groups measuring 3″ at 30 yards. That is no good. Crosman Premier 10.5-grain pellets gave 2.5″ groups – also not good. Lighter pellets were all over the place and actually difficult to keep on paper at 30 yards. While this was unfolding, I was also experimenting with different types of holds, so some of those results might have been better if the rifle had been held correctly. I did go back to JSBs after learning how the rifle needed to be held, but the groups didn’t get better.

Other pellets I tried
Crosman Premier 7.9-grain pellets
Crosman Premier Super Point
Remington pointed pellets
Gamo Match
H&N Finale Match pistol
RWS Supermag
RWS Hobby

Finding the right hold
I tried every trick in the book and was frustrated by all of them. Then, I had a flash of insight. The shape of the Genesis stock invites – no…it almost demands a tight hold! The straight line of the butt coupled with the thumbhole and vertical pistol grip make you instinctively pull the rifle tight into your shoulder. I mentioned in part two of this report that the right hold was probably going to turn out to be a feather-light hold and that turned out to be right, but even on the last day of testing I had to consciously remind myself to do that! The grippy-ness of the rubber inserts on the forearm, pistol grip and cheekpiece are also subtle cues to hold her tight, but this rifle doesn’t want that at all! I found that it must be held as loosely as possibe. Under no circumstances should the forearm touch anything but the flesh of your flattened palm.

The best (AND ONLY) pellet for me
Others may have different results, but when I tried the Beeman Kodiak the first time, I knew it was the best pellet for this rifle. In fact, the Kodiak was such a good performer that it is the ONLY pellet I will now shoot in the rifle I have. By no means have I tried every available pellet, but I did run through a pretty good list, and this is the one that triumphed.

So, the Genesis turns out to be a fine spring air rifle for the price. Hold it loosely and start with Beeman Kodiak pellets, and you should be shooting well right away.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

29 thoughts on “Remington Genesis: Part 3 The final report”

  1. Ehrich (if he reads this)

    yes every shot is accompanied by a great deal of smoke. some shoots out of gun, the screw holes on the front sight (when the sights are removed it looks mean), and when you break the barrel again you can’t see any light passing through the barrel.
    i would compare the noise to a pretty powerful nail gun sound. it does seem to have started quieting down. i culdn’t hear the spring at all and now i am hearing it release. of course i mgiht just have shot it enough to hear it and am desensitized to the overall noise. still seems just as poewrful so i don’t believe to think that the spring is gone out in it. it will make a dog bark a half a block away.
    another interesting thing is that it seems louder outside than inside. in the basement shooting at a phone book to just run a bunch of rounds through it the noise really didn’t bother me or seem as loud as originally thought. however outside murdering soem soup cans it caught me off guard with the noise.


    even though the gun may not be detonating anymore (if at all) but does dieseling contribute to the noise its making? if its possible, how loud should a amgnum spring gun be. (i’ve never owned or heard one before) mine is rated on pyramydair at 850 fps and the manual says 900-950 (marketing probably). how may rounds approximately have you shot through that genesis to get it the way it is.

  2. the marketing text says “up to 1000 fps” … prob with the lightest pellets, w/o regard to the accuracy of those pellets … like u said be 4, numbers sell guns … any chrony data from those various pellet accuracy comparison sessions ? I’ll bet the Kodiaks were the slowest cuz they’re the heaviest.

  3. B.B.
    I have often heard that When you cock a gun with a metal spring, you’re supposed to shoot it right away because if you leave it cocked too long the spring loses strength and becomes less powerfull.
    i use my airgun almost solely for hunting and will often leave the gun cocked for an hour or more while stalking game. i wanted to know if i am damaging my gun by doing this and How long is “too Long” before the spring begins to deteriorate?

    greatly appreciate the advice, Michael

  4. Michael,

    Tom Gaylord did a mainspring failure test in his Beeman R1 book in which he left four mainsprings cocked for one month (735 hours) each in a Beeman R1. The factory spring lost a total of 6 percent of its initial power in that time and the best mainspring lost 3 percent. He tested the springs at varios numbers of hours throughout the test and the decline in power was very slow.

    Shooting also deteriorates steel springs. Many believe that they have a life of 5,000 to just over 10,000 shots before needing replacement.


  5. Brain:

    You have one exciting airgun. If it is smoking with every shot it is still dieseling. I have not had a gun diesel after more than ten shots so I don’t know why yours keeps doing so.

    Spring air guns are about 90dB or a little more standing next to them. (I have measured a few having the equipment to do so.) A vacuum cleaner at 1 meter is 80dB, a heavy truck at 1 meter is 90dB, a jackhammer at 2 meters is 100dB. So they are a bit loud, but they really don’t “bark”. Your description makes me believe that you are hearing dieseling.

    Maybe B.B. will have some ideas as to how to resolve this. It appears that you have lots of oil in the chamber and it isn’t going away by simply shooting it.


  6. B.B.

    I’m having a problem like Brian’s. My cf-x has had close to 1000 rounds through it, but 1 in 3 shots has smoke coming out of the end of the barrel. Is there anything I should be worried about with my gun doing this? There haven’t been any accuracy problems or any decrease in velocity. (as far as I can tell without a chrony) And I don’t think it is any louder than it should be, no louder than my genesis, if not quieter.


  7. lama,

    ALL powerful spring guns diesel with every shot. Cardew proved that in testing in the ’70s. The smoke is a result of that and I still see some from an R1 that has over 10K shots.

    Detonation is the loud crack heard at discharge, and it is the thing you DON’T want.


  8. B. B.,
    “ALL powerful spring guns diesel with every shot.”

    Are you sure about this? Cardew’s test in the 70’s was with leather-sealed guns.

    The reason I question this is that I ran a test in my Xisico B19 (.22 cal). First I measured the velocity. I then stripped the gun down, completely degreased it, and lubed it with some dry moly dust only. When I put it back together, it showed a loss of less than 20fps, which might have been due to higher friction.

    Also, my Powerline 1000 was spitting Gamo Match pellets at over 1000fps when new… when I stripped the gun down, it was almost completely dry inside.

  9. hi all. i know its alittle late to post a comment (in this case, a question), but does anyone have a problem with their scope stop and the pin? im using the default one, and just recently found out that there is even such thing as a scope stop. but the hole and pin is about 1cm apart and cant mount it. does anyone have any suggestions as to what i should do?

  10. After 750 shots,

    You have to restate your entire question. Because most comments are anonymous, I have no idea what you are referring to.

    Also, the weight is GRAINS, not GRAMS. Grams are much heavier than grains, and lead pellets are seldom listed by gram weight.


  11. Scope stop pin,

    I don’t understand your problem. Can you restate your question? The stop pin hole is vertical, so all you do is slide the mount backward until the pin aligns with the hole.

    Are you using a mount other than the one supplied with the rifle?


  12. Im sorry B.B., let me start over. I have a problem and a question. Here is my problem: I try to set up my scope mount onto the rail and align the pin with the hole, but the mount hits the plastic piece at the end of the rail before the pin and hole align. I compared my rail and mount to the pictures you posted, and the rail looks about right, but the pin is closer to the middle of the mount in comparison to yours. I don’t know what you mean by they align perfectly, because for me they don’t. Unless I remove the plastic piece, I don’t think I can ever align the pin and scope stop hole. My one year warranty is up and I think I lost the receipt from the store I bought it from. Is there anything I can do? Would it damage my gun if I remove the plastic piece at the end of the rail in order to be able to align the pin and scope stop hole?
    Now here is my question: I have been using very light pellets, and aiming with the sights im shooting a group of like 2 inches at 30 feet (I by no means am a good shot). When I sighted in and mounted my scope (not aligning the scope stop pin and the hole) im getting a larger group. Would switching to a heavier pellet (like the one you recommended) produce a tighter group? When should I (if ever) consider using lighter pellets again?


  13. Ramey,

    The plastic piece coveres the pins that hold the gun together. They are under tension and shouldn’t move, but the plastic piece keeps them from moving anyhow.

    Instead of working on the gun, why not drill a new hole in the mount where you need it to be, then run a pin through that?


  14. uh oh. uh, B.B., the plastic piece broke off (completely). should i be worried. well now my gun looks alot uglier but performance wont be affected, right? oh man how did i manage to pull this off. My one year warrenty is up so i cant send it to crosman for free. if it doesnt affect rifle performance then i can live with it, but if it does, what do you suggest i do? is there a way i can fix it myself (if nessesary)?

    Oh and thanks for the reply.


  15. Umm, i know this is probably a real noobish question, but what do you mean by “leave the action in the stock”?? oh and yea now i can fit my scope (thankgod).

    OH and by the way, i have been reading this wonderful blog, you have answered sooo many of my questions and a few good ones i didnt even think of!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR DOING!! I dont think people appreciate your efforts enough, i hope i speak for all of us by saying thanks!! oh and i also thank other commentors for their part in this blog.


  16. Ramey,

    Thank you for your kind remarks.

    What I mean by leave the action in the stock is do not remove the stock from the rifle. The crosspins that hold the gun together cannot move as long as the stock prevents them from doing so. The plastic cap was decorative, but it also covered and retained those pins.

    Don’t worry, the pins are under a lot of tension and don’t tend to move anyhow, but I have seen some rifles in which one pin was not under tension and would fall out if it could.


  17. I just purchased the Genesis. I got a $40 Daisy a while back and had so much fun with it I thought I’d get a more powerful air rifle.

    I have to say, this gun is shooting just plain awful. I spent all day with it, and never had any consistency. It shot high, then low, then to either side. I got out my Daisy, with only a 3x scope I had found in the garage, and got 1/2 inch groups at about 15 yards.

    This Genesis is off by inches, sometimes even 3 inches. It isn’t the scope, becuase I put it on my daisy and within 15 mins I had it zeroed in.

    All day with the Genesis: No accuracy.

    15 Mins with my $40 Daisy: Perfection.

    I am returning it.

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