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Air Guns Engraved Colt Peacemaker BB pistol: Part Three

Engraved Colt Peacemaker BB pistol: Part Three

Engraved Colt SAA
Engraved Colt Single Action Army revolver.

Part 1
Part 2

This report covers:

  • The test
  • Daisy BBs
  • H&N Smart Shot
  • RWS Hobby
  • No target pistol
  • Summary

Today we look at the accuracy of the engraved Colt Peacemaker BB pistol. I shot with both BBs and pellets.

The test

To keep things on an even keel with past BB gun tests I shot from five meters/16 feet, four inches. I was seated and the barrel of the gun rested on a UTG Monopod. I shot six shots with each type of ammo.

Daisy BBs

First up were six Daisy BBs. I loaded the cartridges while they were in the cylinder and it went quick. Six Daisy BBs made a group that measures 2.183-inches between centers. There is a shot that hit out to the left but there were no called pulls.

engraved SAA Daisy BB group
The engraved Colt SAA BB revolver put five Daisy steel BBs into 2.183-inches between centers at 5 meters.

H&N Smart Shot

I tried H&N Smart Shot next. Six lead Smart Shot made a 1.52-inch group at 5 meters. These BBs stayed together more than the steel BBs and I think their slightly larger diameter is the reason why. When I show you what pellets did I’ll explain.

engraved SAA Smart Shot group
Six H&N Smart Shot lead BBs from the engraved Colt SAA BB pistol made a 1.53-inch group at 5 meters.

RWS Hobby

Up to this point I loaded the cartridges without removing them from the cylinder. But I notice that the Smart Shot lead BB did significantly better than the steel BB and I believe its slightly larger diameter is why. If I’m right then a larger lead pellet will do best in this revolver.

The RWS Hobby is one of the larger lead pellets in my collection, and yet it weighs only 7 grains which makes it ideal for this smoothbore BB revolver. But it is so large that I had to load the cartridges outside the cylinder of the BB gun.

Six Hobbys made a 1.607-inch group at 5 meters. 

engraved SAA Hobby group
Six RWS Hobby pellets went into 1.607-inches at 5 meters.

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo

No target pistol

Well, this isn’t a target pistol—that’s for sure. But it’s probably a pretty good tin can popper.

Do you notice that almost all the shots landed left of center? Regardless of what type of ammo was fired they nearly all went left. That’s something to remember when shooting this one.

If this was a double action revolver and I shot it that way I would attribute the left leaning to pulling the gun left with the trigger finger of my right hand. But I shot it single action and from a rest. The gun shoots to the left.


This isn’t the most accurate Colt SAA BB pistol I’ve ever shot. On that front it’s about average. It is the prettiest one though. I’ve owned it for over ten years and just now tried it out!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

10 thoughts on “Engraved Colt Peacemaker BB pistol: Part Three”

  1. BB: I have a Umarex SAA Colt pellet pistol . I load the pellets directly into the cartridges without removing them from the gun. My revolver has the nickel finish with the pearl (plastic) grips. It is very difficult to fire double action. My questions revolve around the differences between these Umarex pistols, especially the differences in the pistols that shoot both pellets and bbs. What can you tell us about any differences between these revolvers? Thank you, Orv.

    • Orv,

      I don’t think there are any accuracy differences between the Umarex SAA revolvers. I think it’s just the luck of the draw whether one is accurate or not.

      I’s not just difficult to shoot them double action; it’s impossible. Hence the nickname Single Action Army.


  2. B.B.

    You have owned this for over 10 years and just now you are shooting it?
    Wow, do you not open Christmas presents until the tape turns yellow?
    Have a nice weekend everybody!


      • You just reminded FM he needs to shoot the Umarex P08 that’s been hanging around for over a year. Guess there’s been too much fun going on with the “sproingers” and the PCPs.

        This revolver reminds FM of his “Cowboys-and-Indians” days. Happy Trails to you and everyone!

  3. BB,
    I remember looking into the barrel setup on these revolvers.
    The small straw like inner barrel is practically floating in space and not exactly designed for accuracy but more to function as a replica.
    It simply slides into the back of the spring loaded ‘Forcing cone’ that slides in end out of the cylinder detents and floats through a hole in the outer barrel out front to center it. It needs to be loose enough there to slide in and out as the forcing cone pops in and out of each cylinder bore as it rotates. I actually shimmed one up with aluminum tape to tighten it up some.
    On top of that the cylinder never really locks up tight. Always a little play there taking the forcing cone with it. So that’s 4 places that introduce barrel play and then air pressure behind the BB may move it around some as well when shot.
    Replicas simply need bigger targets to solve the problem.

    It would be interesting to compare the accuracy of a longer 6 3/4″ barrels and the shorter Ace in the hole model barrels. Probably no change except for FPS.

  4. Thanks for the report BB. It’s good to know these things.

    By the way, the FX pocket chronograph did not pick up the ricochet pellets (at least not in the confines of my basement range). I may try again when I have more space available. But I did manage to get a rough idea of the velocity/energy loss by using my Crosman 362 multi-pump rifle and some duct seal material in a pellet trap. I compared the depth of the pellet penetrations in the duct seal at some known different velocities (number of pumps). And then compared the ricocheted pellet’s depth of penetration to the known velocities pellets’ penetrations. It seems that a five pumps ricocheted pellet’s depth of penetration is about equal to 4-pump non-ricocheted pellet’s pellet penetration. About a 15% loss by my calculations. But I think there are too many variables that can be different to generalize about ricochets.

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