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Ammo Crosman 3622 PCP Air Rifle: Part Two

Crosman 3622 PCP Air Rifle: Part Two

Crosman 3622
Crosman 3622 PCP Air Rifle.

Part 1

This report covers:

  • Fill
  • Safety
  • Never
  • Fill the rifle
  • Air Arms Falcon 
  • Discharge sound
  • Second pellet — Benjamin Bullseye
  • Shot count
  • No chronograph
  • Am I right?
  • JTS Dead Center 18.1 grains
  • Muzzle energy
  • What have we learned?
  • Trigger pull
  • Summary

Today we look at the velocity of the new Crosman 3622, and several other things besides. I am finding  the 3622 the perfect introductory precharged pneumatic (PCP) rifle to bring a shooter into the world of PCPs, and I will use today’s report to start doing it.


We know that the 3622 is filled to 2,000 psi. We also know that it doesn’t have a pressure gauge on the rifle. This is nothing new. A good number of PCPs have been sold without onboard pressure gauges.

Let me ask you this — when you fill a tire on your car or bicycle, what pressure gauge do you use? Does your tire have a built-in gauge? Of course not! You use the gauge that’s on whatever device you use to fill the tire. Same for the 3622. It’s that simple.

3622 tank gauge
It’s as simple as this! Use the gauge on your fill device — tank, hand pump or compressor — to measure the fill. Here I have filled the 3622 to 2000 psi on my carbon fiber tank’s gauge.

I read on a forum that somebody advised someone to purchase a more accurate gauge for his fill device, since the 3622 doesn’t have one. Is that necessary? No! All small gauges will measure pressure accurately enough and I will show you in this report how to deal with the slight inaccuracy — if there is any.

Let’s not make this any harder than it is. Even on the airguns I own that do have gauges I still use the gauge on the fill device when I fill and so does everyone else. To do otherwise would be foolish because the small gauges that come on airguns are usually off by at least 100 psi.


But BB, how do I know if there is air in the gun if there is no gauge? Okay — how do you know if a firearm is loaded? You check it! Same with a PCP, even one that does have a gauge, because any gauge can be wrong.

To check the 3622, pull the bolt open until it remains open. The rifle is now cocked, so keep that muzzle pointed in the safest direction possible as you do what follows. First check to see if it’s loaded. The most positive way to check that is to insert a cleaning rod in the muzzle and run it down until you can see its tip pop out of the breech. A plus to this method is that the pellet, if there is one, will be removed.

A second way is to shine a powerful light down the bore and watch for a reflection on the nose of the bolt. This isn’t anywhere near as good as using the cleaning rod, but if the bore is empty you should be able to see some light.

But we are not checking if the rifle is loaded. We are checking to see if there is air in the reservoir. When we know the rifle is not loaded we dry-fire it in a safe direction. Listen for a pop. Even a rifle that has been filled well past its maximum fill pressure will generate a small pop if there is air in the reservoir. IF the reservoir is way over-pressurized and you try to fire a pellet, it won’t come out of the barrel. You will hear a click with no hole in the cardboard box.

Another way to tell is to cock and load the rifle and shoot it into a safe pellet trap. This is where a rubber mulch-filled box comes in handy because the box will show if a pellet passes through. However, if the rifle is way over-pressurized then what I just said holds true.

The box method should only be used if you are familiar with your air rifle. If you are you can hear when the hammer opens the valve to no stored air versus when the hammer hits the valve stem and it doesn’t open. This takes some skill plus familiarity with the airgun, so if you are new to the gun, don’t do it this way.


Never open the bolt and then look down the muzzle to see light! That is extremely dangerous because if the sear slips and the gun is loaded you get shot in the eye! Even if the barrel is unloaded the blast of air exiting the muzzle can damage your eye.

An onboard gauge is no protection against mishaps of any kind as it can always be wrong.

Fill the rifle

Once I knew the test rifle was empty I filled it from a carbon fiber tank to 2000 psi as indicated on the tank’s gauge. That is the photo shown above. Is that gauge accurate? I’m about to show you how to tell and also what to do if it isn’t.

Now let’s shoot. I selected three pellets for the rifle, a light one, a middleweight and one that is on the heavier side. Given the power I expect from the 3622 (700 f.p.s. with lighter pellets) these choices seemed right.

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Air Arms Falcon 

There is some learning to do so I will show you all the velocities before summarizing them. The 13.43-grain Air Arms Falcon pellet is first.


The average for this string is 690 f.p.s., but as you can see, the velocity increased linearly from shot one to shot eight. Shot nine was slightly slower and shot ten was fastest of all. This tells us a lot of things. First it either tells us that the 3622 I’m testing wants to be filled to something less than 2000 psi, or the gauge on my tank is off a bit. Either way, if I continue to use this gauge and tank to fill the gun I will fill until the gauge’s needle is just below 2000 psi.

But you know what? Test a second 3622 this way, if the same tank is used to fill it and if it is filled to exactly 2,000 psi according to the tank’s gauge and we might get a different result. In fact we probably would. Know why? Because the valve in the second gun will probably respond differently to the same fill. That teaches us something important. We need a chronograph to test an air rifle the way I am doing. That said, you don’t need a chronograph to shoot and enjoy the 3622. Look at my results and plan what you do accordingly. I’ll explain what I mean as we go.

Discharge sound

The rifle discharges with 98.6 decibels of sound.

3622 discharge

Second pellet — Benjamin Bullseye

For the middleweight pellet I selected the new .22-caliber Benjamin Single Die pellet that I call the Bullseye weighs 14.3 grains. Take a look at the first ten shots. I will number them sequentially with the first string so we also get a shot count on the first fill.


This pellet is heavier than the Falcon but it went faster. The average for these ten shots is 706 f.p.s. And notice the variation in velocities. In the first string the total spread is 35 f.p.s. In this string the spread is 12 f.p.s. In the first string velocity increases almost linearly. This string is a bit linear but not nearly as much. This tells us the rifle’s valve has settled down. We are probably on the power curve for this string and the curve probably started in the first string around shot seven, though you can argue that it started earlier. We still need to discover the rifle’s best fill pressure.

Shot count

Since I believed the rifle was now on its power curve (the optimum range of performance), I felt the best thing to do was to shoot this same pellet until we see the power fall off again. So that’s what I did.


Now that you see the total performance from the first fill, you can select the shot count you desire. Because both pellets performed so similarly, I will use all the shots as though they were shot with the same pellet.

If I start from shot one and go until the velocity drops below that speed, I stop at shot 29 as the last good shot. That means there are 29 good shots per fill with a spread of 41 f.p.s. If I want a tighter spread I start with shot number 7 and stop with shot 24. In that string there are 18 good shots with a total spread of 13 f.p.s. Don’t overlook shot 9 that went out at 699 f.p.s. See how this works?

No chronograph

But what if you don’t own a chronograph? Then look at these results and decide how many times you will shoot your 3622 after a fill to 2000 psi. I would go with 30 shots and only change it if I noticed accuracy issues on the first or last shots. Fancy equipment isn’t required.

Am I right?

What about what I said before about the fill pressure being too high for that first string of shots? Well, since I do have a chronograph, we can test that. For the next string I’ll fill the rifle a second time, but this time I’ll end the fill just before the needle on the gauge reaches 2000 psi. I’m guessing that is about 1,900 psi. If I am right about the fill level, this next string should be fairly consistent. I will shoot a heavier pellet this time.

JTS Dead Center 18.1 grains

I chose the 18.1-grain JTS Dead Center pellet for this test. Let’s see what it does.


Can you agree I nailed it? This string of ten shots varies by just 8 f.p.s. The average is 637 f.p.s.

Muzzle energy

The Falcon pellet generated 14.87 foot pounds of energy, on average. The Benjamin Bullseye generated 15.53 foot pounds at an average 706 f.p.s. The JTS Dead Center generated 16.31 foot pounds at its average velocity. That puts the 3622 into the light hunting (squirrels and rabbits) category.

What have we learned?

1. How to safely test if there is air in a PCP that has no gauge.
2. How to fill a PCP that has no pressure gauge.
3. That the Crosman 3622 has a lot of shots per fill.
4. That gauges on tanks may be off but it doesn’t matter.
5. That different PCPs of the same model will perform differently.
6. That if you have a chronograph you can set up your fill pressure precisely.
7. That you don’t need a chronograph to enjoy the 3622.

I hope you can now see why I believe the Crosman 3622 may be the ideal PCP on which to learn. I say “may” because we haven’t tested the accuracy yet. If it’s accurate, then I think this the one to get!

Trigger pull

One last thing to test — the trigger pull. The non-adjustable two-stage trigger on the test Crosman 3622 has a stage one pull of 1 pound 6 ounces and a stage two let-off of 3 pounds 12 ounces. Stage two is relatively crisp, but I’ll know more after the first accuracy test.


What can I say? The Crosman 3622 is stacking up to be everything I hoped for.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

70 thoughts on “Crosman 3622 PCP Air Rifle: Part Two”

  1. Since it’s an air pump friendly gun it would be interesting to know how many pumps it takes to fill up to the 1900 psi limit after those 20 something consistent shots.
    I don’t expect BB to answer this (for obvious reasons) but I do hope one of the users from the readership will.

      • Thank you for that Ohioplinker.

        So 60 pumps to refill 30 shots.

        Two pumps per shot.
        At about 16ftlbs energy.

        No .22 caliber multipump that I know of will give you that efficiency.

        Much less one in this price range.


  2. Honestly seriously thinking about buying a second one! It is just loud enough I am thinking about a suppressor though. Firing indoors it gets annoying, and just loud enough to warn the woods a hunter is about.

  3. I don’t think the gun NEEDS a gauge, but I do wish that it had one or at least a port to install one. I always run a series of tests on a new gun that is a PCP. I like to fill it to its limit and fire it over a chronograph for its entire shot string while recording the velocity of each shot AND the pressure in the gun just before each shot. I do this with pellets of various weights. By graphing the velocity against the pressure, I can tell where to stop filling for a pellet of a certain weight to be at the beginning of the sweet part of its shot curve. With an onboard gauge I can also tell when to refill, although once you have the data you can get by with just counting the shots and then refill.

    I can do this without the gun having a gauge, but it’s just really convenient when it does have one. Without a gauge you have to leave the pump connected and deal with that while you do the shooting (sometimes I even do some accuracy testing while I do the other tests and dangling a pump from the gun makes that tougher) and the extra air in the pump’s whip throws off the shot count. Once I have my data, I couldn’t care less about the gauge.


  4. I can’t help thinking that a newbie will get tired of filling after so few shots.
    I think a lower power output for a higher shot count is the way to go with a starter pcp

  5. “Slim and reasonably powerful”
    BB, I would ask you if adjusting the hammer spring would eliminate the word “Reasonably” but I know the trigger spring needs to be held back to remove the safety so the stock can be removed. The 362 multi-pump can be more powerful.

    If you happen to do it. I’m sure some would like to know the shot count and velocity change, in and out, and how it may affect the air valves operation. Drilling a hole to access the adjustment doesn’t seem like a big deal but I expect it would void the warrantee?
    Was it a cost cutting situation or a don’t mess with it item?

    • Bob,

      Putting a 4-cylinder engine in a Ferrari would give it better gas mileage, but I don’t think it’s what Ferrari wants from their car. I think the 3622 has all the power Crosman wants it to have. It has all the power I need it to have.


  6. Thanks for another well done report. Based on the accuracy of my 362, I expect the accuracy of the 3622 will be good. And the power being enough for squirrels, and especially wabbits 😉 , should help this gun sell well. Particularly since only a relatively inexpensive hand pump is adequate for filling it. Maybe some information on the various hand pumps that are available would be helpful. How does a 3-stage pump work? Are the more expensive hand pumps worth the difference in price? Do the more expensive hand pumps reduce the pumping effort required for higher pressures? What is required to operate and maintain a hand pump properly?

    • Elmer Fudd,

      Great questions!
      “How does a 3-stage pump work? Are the more expensive hand pumps worth the difference in price? Do the more expensive hand pumps reduce the pumping effort required for higher pressures? What is required to operate and maintain a hand pump properly?”

      Short answers: Three stage pumps work just like 2 and 4 stage pumps to the operator when pumping to 2,000PSI.
      Typically the more expensive pumps reduce pumping effort at higher fill pressures.
      Do not wipe off the lubricant or add some of your own secret stuff.




      It will fail promptly.


    • Elmer, over my PCP life I have owned a Benjamin pump, a Hill pump, an AirForce pump, and a $39.95 eBay special.

      In that order.

      I bought the Benjamin and the Hill used, and rebuilt them with a seal kit.

      I bought the hill as an “upgrade” from the Benjamin pump and gifted the Benjamin to a friend just starting out in PCP’s. .

      I never had any trouble with any of them.

      All of the others eventually found a home once I got my first electric compressor and a small tank. .

      Except the eBay pump, its in the box in the closet just in case…


  7. I agree that an onboard pressure gauge is unnecessary for pumping air into the reservoir. But it would be handy for someone like me, who quickly loses count while shooting, to know when it’s time to top up again.
    Of course, I can do the counting beforehand: by counting the maximum number of pellets I want to shoot into a separate container before I start. 🙂

    • hi3,

      Or just listen to your rifle’s report. In a few days of shooting you will know when it’s time to fill by the different sound the rifle makes when it fires.


      • Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier),

        oh, of course you can’t know. Whether it’s air or carbon dioxyde, my hearing can just about tell me when it’s time for a new clip, ie a dry fire… 🙂

        However, I believe it perfectly possible for an airgun connaisseur with average or above average hearing to note the change in propelling gas pressure.

        Personally, I will continue to precount pellets, including preloading the right amount of clips… 🙂

        • As another hearing challenged person, the ability to tell by listening is gone. No, I don’t shoot air with either aids in or amped muffs. I think a big market for the 3622 will be folks who want something accurate for pesting. That means something that holds air and can be grabbed without worrying how much pressure is left. A gauge would be nice.

          I have been influenced by reports here and picked an Avenger plus RovAir. They work great and the gauge says air is held for weeks. My only complaint is droop. A fixed barrel should not droop. I had to get a base to compensate and cheek weld is now iffy. The combo will fill the 3622 need for only 5x the price. I shoulda waited.

            • I know some folks change barrels. I assume having the ability to do that allows droop to happen. At 81, I opt more than ever for KISS. I would get another rifle vs barrel…but think I am covered from mice to…

              The Avenger is as accurate as I can be now. Guess I need to try a folded towel first and then maybe get a pad to set cheek position. I used one on an 1100 for trap at one time, but switched to skeet where it wasn’t needed. I don’t blame pad for my bad trap shooting.

              Looking forward to pump talk. I need to rebuild one to give it away.
              Yes, overheated!

          • Gene43,

            had you waited, there’s every chance you would have always wondered about the Avenger, eh? 🙂

            I am not just with you about the disappointing barrel droop, I personally find it outrageous that any airguns are offered with, what I can only describe as, a defect, yes, breakbarrel airguns included!

            There, I said it and, though I still think the same, I feel a little better… 🙂

    • hihihi,

      You also could do what i advised Halfstep to try:

      “You could make (purchase) a gauge and fitting to accomplish the same for when you are testing eliminating the dangling pump and hose.”

      …just make certain the fitting has a pressure release so you can remove it as needed without depressurizing completely.


      • shootski,

        hmm, I was just generalising about the value of an onboard gauge for people like me.

        As it so happens, my cheap-as-Crosman’s little precharged pneumatic air rifle came with a built in gauge. Then I fitted a regulator inside the main reservoir and, while I had the end cap off, I replaced it with a pressure gauge end cap.

        For your interest, here…

        • Agreed, although for some reason it does not seem to be a popular opinion here, the Stormrider 2 is a better gun and better value once all things are considered, especially when it was $199 vs $219 today.

    • HRidgeRunner,

      Repeat after me:

      COPY to CLIPBOARD is my friend!
      COPY to CLIPBOARD is my friend!
      COPY to CLIPBOARD is my friend!

      Do Not forget…finger snap!
      You will REMEMBER…always.


  8. B.B. and Readership,

    This is one of the few Blogs by Tom or a Guest Blogger that has no direct technical value for me; of course it provides information on the Crosman 3622. That is to be expected (hoped for) since i have over four decades of PCP experience. I for one am selfishly hoping this PCP is at least as wildly successful as the Benjamin Discovery and the Marauders were. Why?
    It guarantees that prices for all PCP related things will probably remain stable or perhaps even decrease slightly. I see the price of small high pressure compressors holding/dropping and most certainly becoming more reliable. I see small 13/22 cubic inch cylinders with GAUGES and possibly regulators becoming very popular for Hunter’s in-the-field top ups/ refills.

    Am i dreaming…?
    …don’t think so!


    • shootski,

      You have been shooting PCPs too long. The best thing you could do right now it go around your house and gather up all of your PCPs and send them to live at RRHFWA. If you should do that, I will send you a brand new 3622 so you can start all over again.

      I for one do hope that the world of PCPs comes to its senses. We have been witness to the skyrocketing cost of airguns, most especially PCPs in recent times. What I think is happening is many manufacturers are finding that there are people out there willing to pay outrageous prices for what they perceive as top of the line.

      Wang Po Industries is showing the world that the same, if not better, results can be obtained at a much lower cost. Of course Wang Po Industries is using slave labor and government subsidies, but who’s counting?

      This air rifle shows those other manufacturers that good results can be achieved at a much lower price tag. I for one look forward to where this may lead.

  9. BB

    “Never open the bolt and then look down the muzzle to see light! That is extremely dangerous because if the sear slips and the gun is loaded you get shot in the eye! Even if the barrel is unloaded the blast of air exiting the muzzle can damage your eye.”

    This safety warning is one I don’t recall ever being mentioned until now. There are lots of experienced firearms folks who are new to air guns. They are used to looking down the muzzle of rifles, pistols and shotguns when the breech is open, cylinder is open, bolt is open, etc for safety and to allow light to enter from the breech end of the barrel. This is routinely done to examine the bore to see if it needs cleaning or just to check the quality of lands and grooves. A bore light placed in the chamber allows sharp focus of the entire bore condition when looking down the barrel from the muzzle.

    Air guns are a different animal. Air under pressure stored in a reservoir behind the breech seal may be accidentally released anytime and some of it through the barrel even when the bolt is open.


      • shootski,

        Okay Smartypants — stop narrating my life!

        Actually Dennis told me that this is the reason nobody should make a muzzleloading air rifle. Because a slow leak can build up pressure and fire the pellet or, more probably, bullet unexpectedly.


  10. Let us try this again.

    What a jewel of an air rifle this is turning out to be! One of these will most definitely be coming to live at RidgeRunner’s Home For Wayward Airguns. There will always be naysayers. You cannot make everyone happy. Yes, you can add this feature and that, but very soon the price tag of those added features will cause a horse to choke.

    This air rifle brings up the subject of fill pressures. Who needs a PCP that fills to 10,000 PSI? Yes, that number is higher than what is presently use, but that seems to be where it is headed. The Girandoni only filled to around 800 PSI and would put out over twenty .46 caliber shots. I personally think the manufacturers need to do a little more engineering.

    My first Talon SS had a twenty-four-inch .177 barrel. I ran it through the same fill pressure versus velocity test that BB uses here. It liked a 1900 PSI fill. At that pressure I would get over twenty shots at over 1000 FPS. That was shooting H&N Silver Streaks. Just so you know, at 3000 PSI it would clock these same pellets at around 400 FPS.

    A .25 Benji Armada has taken up residence here at RRHFWA. This summer I intend to see just how low I can go.

    • RidgeRunner,

      There are small indications that even the Marketing/bean counter types are realizing that much over 3,600PSI (250 BAR) will not provide all that many more shots per fill due to the Gas Laws.
      The cost of manufacturing/sourcing higher pressure cylinders is a big reason for the end of the pressure wars.

      More reasons to hope this PCP is wildly successful.


      • shootski,

        You may be right but, I don’t see an end to the high pressure wars in pcp’s.

        We now have pcp’s that fill to over 344 bar (5,000 psi) and many, many guns that have dual regulators to help step down this high pressure and dial in consistent spreads in velocity. When combined with quality barrels we’re seeing three things:

        1-Incredible accuracy at very long distances
        2-The ability to shoot slugs that allow consistent accuracy at long distance with less affect by wind vs. pellets
        3-Dramatic increase in shot count

        The biggest issue I see in the continued progression of high pressure in pcp’s is the evolution of regulators. Once the design of regulators improve so that they can handle this high pressure/stress and have a longevity I think high pressure and dual regulators will become even more commonplace.

        • kevin,

          I kept wondering who would cover that point as i wrote my reply.
          You of course are totally corect in your observations on the benefit, better still, the need for Ultra High Pressure sources for the small (currently) niche of record breaking and Big Bore PCP airguns.
          Precision regulators exist but are VERY expensive and for now mostly not on board the airgun.
          Personally i think much faster valve(s) or flow system metering is the area that is the area of greatest potential in the near term.
          I wrote a little about my idea on multiple valve (stolen directly from multi valve per cylinder gas engines) efficiency; wish i had the time and money to do some testing to prove my concept in an airgun.

          A most interesting airgun future is barreling our way.,


          • Just an FYI, one of the airgun manufacturers just recently released a 7000 psi compressor.

            The pressure wars sell, just like velocity sells.

            At this point in time, the only advantage I see to a compressor that has that capability is that it doesn’t have to work hard to get to the fill pressures we DO use.

            No I don’t own one of the new ones, I am still running a compressor that was made in 2015.


            • 45Bravo,

              If i had the spare change i would already own a Bauer, Nuvair, or other available compressor that go that high. I saw the 7,500 psi compressor in the airgun realm.
              From my dive background all i can say is i hope they know what they are doing and the dangers they are dealing with. I don’t see much more than 10,000 psi until you deal with inert or Noble gases.
              The math is KILLER to figure out what happens in those systems.


        • kevin,

          You are forgetting this one.

          4-All of this adds up to an increase in price which makes these particular airguns the realm of the rich.

          All of these things were accomplished in the 1700s. Then the manufacturers forgot. Now, like software, they just add on and add on cost.

          • RR,

            You are overlooking this one:

            5-The majority of these high pressure, dual regulated airguns are also designed to be able to quickly change barrels, not only in caliber but in spin rate, i.e., .177, .22, .25, 30, etc. for pellets or for slugs. Yes, this results in a higher cost but with adjustability to maximize efficiency and velocity for all calibers with the cost of a different barrel, perhaps a liner, maybe a heavier hammer (minor costs relatively speaking), you can have 4-5 guns in one platform that perform spectacularly with the right tune.

            If you factor this into your equation (4-5 guns in one platform) the cost becomes justifiable for those airgunners that need/desire multiple airguns for multiple applications.

            Have no idea what you are referring to about “these things were accomplished in the 1700’s” so I can’t address that portion of your comment.

            • Kevin,

              Big bore, multiple shots.

              Once you adjust/tune that expensive airgun to one particular caliber/pellet/cast bullet/projectile, the owner will typically leave it alone and buy another to set up for a different caliber/pellet/cast bullet/projectile. With the exception of that stuff from Wang Po Industries, it is too rich for my blood. The barrels/barrel liners coming out of Northern Europe are almost as expensive as a Wang Po Industries airgun.

    • RR
      I don’t recall if I have ever mentioned what a light hammer spring does to the AR6K. 10 to 12 fpe for many shots by filling it up to 1400 psi and around 800 psi as a low limit. As a side benefit you can fire 6 shots double action at semi auto speed for fun…
      So much for the low pressure pcp use.

      • Bill,

        I have given serious consideration to the AR6K for myself, but I have air rifles I have not shot yet as it is.

        A Discovery/Maximus only fills to 2000 PSI and gets about twenty-five good shots at around 20 FPE. The Marauder/Armada can be adjusted to a fill pressure of around 2000 PSI and get about the same. The Girandoni from the late 1700’s shot around 20 killing .46 caliber shots at about 800 PSI.

  11. RG,

    The 3622 is more like the 362 than anything else. Now the valve will likely be closer to the Discovery than the 362 as you have multiple shots with the 3622 but only one shot with the 362.

    • MMCM13,

      thank you for the news. Shame they don’t ship abroad…

      I wonder what’s dampened your temptation to add this Sig ASP20 to your collection of .22″ calibre airguns?

        • Just an FYI, one of the airgun manufacturers just recently released a 7000 psi compressor.

          The pressure wars sell, just like velocity sells.

          At this point in time, the only advantage I see to a compressor that has that capability is that it doesn’t have to work hard to get to the fill pressures we DO use.

          No I don’t own one of the new ones, I am still running a compressor that was made in 2015.


      • Always bothered FM SIG did not make repair parts available or provide repair/maintenance support; would hate for the ASP to quit working and be relegated to the role of Wall Hanger or parts gun. Still, if it sits there unsold for a while – doubting that will happen – the temptation to pick it up may become overwhelming.

  12. I SAY want to limit the incoming orphans, but I just can’t say no…

    Three new ones followed me home from the Eclipse weekend.

    And one the owner wants me to check out. Its not breathing like it should….


    P.S. The wife says if I keep this up, I will have to upgrade from a “gun closet” to a dedicated “gun room”.

    I am good with that….

    I graduated from a gun safe to a walk in gun closet years ago.


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    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our air guns (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

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  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

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