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Education / Training Crosman Fortify single action BB revolver: Part Four

Crosman Fortify single action BB revolver: Part Four

Crosman Fortify
The Crosman Fortify BB pistol.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

This report covers:

  • The test
  • Accuracy  
  • Wow!
  • Summary

Today we look at the accuracy of the Crosman Fortify BB revolver on soda cans at ten yards. I don’t normally test BB guns at this distance, but some readers (Ohio Plinker, RidgeRunner, and thedavemeister) asked for it, so this time I am. I’ll tell you right now this is a short one, but it’s unusual enough that I had to write it.

The test

I said at the end of Part 3 that I was going to test this BB gun on soda cans at 10 meters but ten yards or 30 feet is a more realistic distance. So I took an image of the soda can and sized it correctly then printed it on paper. I then covered the front of the target with wide shipping tape to give it some strength. Then I taped it to the front of a box filled with rubber mulch and set it on my nightstand.

Fortify target
The target is a life-sized soda can taped to a cardboard box of rubber mulch.

I shot the Crosman Black Widow BB that was the most accurate in the Part 3 accuracy test. I shot a total of 17 shots which is one less than a full magazine.

The pistol hadn’t been shot since last November, but it was still holding gas. I drained off the CO2 cartridge and replaced it with a new one.


I didn’t know what to expect but I thought I could do this without sighting the pistol in.  I looked at the target I shot from 5 meters and saw that this BB was impacting about one inch below and 1-1/2-inches to the left of the aim point. So for the first shot at 10 yards I held about one inch above and one inch to the right of the can. That BB hit the center of the can about 1/2-inch below the top. That told me that if I aimed at the upper right corner of the can all my shots would probably connect. And that’s what I did.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 I then proceeded to shoot the remaining 16 BBs at the same aim point. When I finished 17 BBs had gone into 2.131-inches at 10 yards with 16 in 1.453 inches. That’s 16 BBs at 10 yards in a slightly larger group than 10 BBs made at 5 meters! I am impressed!

Fortify group target
The Fortify kept all 17 BBs on the soda can from 10 yards. The highest shot was the first one where I aimed off the soda can. All the rest were taken with the same sight picture, which was the top right edge of the can.


This was an impressive test. I had no idea it would turn out this nice. Based on this I may try more of these in the future with other BB guns that seem to excel.


I have been saying all along that the Crosman Fortify is a nice BB gun. The safety is strange, but besides that there is a lot to like.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

18 thoughts on “Crosman Fortify single action BB revolver: Part Four”

  1. “That’s 16 BBs at 10 yards in a slightly larger group than 10 BBs made at 5 meters! I am impressed!”

    Yep, that’s pretty impressive alright, BB!
    Thank you for doing this test; I believe it was worth your while. 😉
    Blessings to you,

  2. When an airgun is accurate at 10, you take it 25. When it proves accurate at 25, you take it to 50, and so on. When a BB gun proves accurate on 12 oz soda cans…you take it down to the 7 oz. mini cans?

    Just kidding. Or maybe not. Looks like this gun is a mini can killer at 10 yards. Nice shootin’!

  3. This is most definitely a feral soda can killer. Teamed up with my Daisy model 99 I could keep them at bay all day.

    Yes, that is a most strange safety, but at least it is not intrusive like so many others they put on airgun “revolvers” these days. To my way of thinking, it should be opposite to what it is, pull out to safe, push in to fire. Of course, I am not a lawyer.

    Your testing accurate bb guns at longer ranges is more “real world” as shooters will extend their shooting ranges to match their accuracy distance.

  4. BB,

    nice, but how does it do with Diet Coke and Pepsi cans? I think more research is in order.

    Seriously, pretty decent result for a cheap gun that shoots BBs.


    • CptKlotz,

      your sense of humour made me not just smile but wonder what effect the bbs might have on cans made of tougher material than paper.
      Yes, I’m interested in the amount of projectile energy remaining at various distances that, together with precision potential, limit an effective plinking range, ie what happens to those aluminium drinking cans or soup tins.

      In short: soda can killer or denter? 🙂

  5. Sorry for the off-topic comment BB!

    I’ve worked with computers for 40 years and can (strongly) relate to how far technology has come since I used a Vax 11-780.

    I stumbled onto this short video comparing the Cray-1 Super Computer from 1978 to a iPhone13 from 2022. The difference is mind blowing!


    I mention it here because in my lifetime airgun capabilities have gone from minute-of-a-tin-can at 20 yards to minute-of-a-tin-can 200 (plus) yards.

    Rimfires wooed me away from airguns because of their range and performance, the current precision of airguns is what brought me back.

    Though not as dramatic as the computer comparison I think it’s pretty amazing that sub-MOA groups (1 inch at 100 yards) with a reasonably priced airgun like the Avenge-X is considered to be “good”. Not too long ago that would have been considered impossible.


    • Vana2,

      Thank you for a walk down memory lane for sure!
      My squadron replaced our IBM 360 with a DEC PDP-11/70 in the mid ’70’s. We got way more Deck (floor) space and lowered our HVAC electricity consumption.

      The airgun analogy is a good one…but just think if we had spent the same amount of money on airgun R&D!


  6. B.B.,

    It looks like Pyramyd will soon have to order a whole bunch of this cool air gun to, ahem, fortify their current stock. A lot of your readers will likely desire one, Oh Great Enabler. :^)


  7. B.B. and Readership,

    I found some really heavy Airsoft ammo.
    I vaguely recall someone was looking for a weighty 6mm bb.
    I wanted to try some 6mm to use or reloading the shot shells for my DAQ .410 Camp & Garden Air Shot Pistol.
    Found these:
    Novritsch FULL THRUST BIO BBs are 6.44mm in diameter and come in 0.58 and 0.62 gram versions.
    I had never seen any Airsoft ammo this heavy (8.95 and 9.56 grains respectively) for FULL THRUST Airsoft Sniper Rifles.


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