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Education / Training Norica Titan breakbarrel air rifle: Part One

Norica Titan breakbarrel air rifle: Part One

Norica Titan
Norica Titan.

This report covers:

  • Breakbarrel
  • For beginners?
  • Is it easy to cock?
  • Does it shoot smooth?
  • Is the trigger two-stage and crisp without being too light?
  • Can the rifle be uncocked safely?
  • Is the safety automatic?
  • Are the sights fiberoptic?
  • Are the sights adjustable?
  • Problems
  • Summary

Today I begin reporting on the Norica Titan breakbarrel air rifle. You guys badgered me into this report, but I think you were right to do so. When you look at the Norica line you’ll see they are not all budget-priced like this one. But that is not what attracted me. It was the velocity. In .177, the only caliber it comes in from Pyramyd Air, the Titan is rated at 620 f.p.s. It does come in .22 elsewhere in the world, but not here in the States.

I do like higher-powered springers, but I also like lower-powered ones because sometimes I just want to shoot. Is the Titan a rifle we can shoot all day? We shall see.


I cocked the rifle, just to get an idea how far back the barrel goes. Some breakbarrels go past the full cock angle and then return several inches. This one doesn’t. The barrel goes about one inch past full cock and then returns to where you see here.

Titan cocked
Yogi, this is all you’re going to get. My guess is the barrel goes to 105-110 degrees when cocked. 

For beginners?

This rifle is advertised as being for beginning shooters, so I’m looking at it that way.

Is it easy to cock?

Yes, but it cocks a little heavier than a vintage breakbarrel of similar power from the 1970s or ’80s. I will test the effort in Part 2. After the rifle is cocked the barrel remains wherever you place it. That means the pivot joint is properly tensioned.

Does it shoot smooth?

Yes, it shoots smooth. I was surprised at how smooth it fires.

Hunting Guide

Is the trigger two-stage and crisp without being too light?

Yes on all accounts. For the price this trigger is very nice. It’s not adjustable, but a beginning shooter doesn’t need that.

Can the rifle be uncocked safely?

It can be done but I don’t recommend it. You have to take the safety off and fiddle a little with the trigger and barrel so the safety doesn’t re-engage. I would say if the rifle is cocked, find a way to safely discharge it with a pellet.

Is the safety automatic?

Yes. And it is easy to remove with the trigger finger. To reapply it, break the barrel again.

Titan safety
Titan safety (arrow) comes slightly back when the rifle is cocked. It’s easily released with the trigger finger.

Are the sights fiberoptic?

Sadly, they are. Red in front and green in back.

Titan front sight
Titan front sight.

Are the sights adjustable?

Yes. They adjust with crisp detents. They are nicer than they should be at this price point. There is also an 11mm dovetail with a single scope stop hole.

Titan rear sight
Titan rear sight.

Titan scope dovetails
The rifle has 11mm scope dovetails. The scope stop isn’t threaded, despite how it appears here.


When I broke the rifle open to cock it the first time I saw that the breech seal was damaged. Hopefully it is just an o-ring, because I have a metric set of them for replacements.

Titan breech
The breech seal was damaged from the factory. Hopefully it will be easy to fix. The breech lock is a ball bearing.


The Norica Titan is an interesting breakbarrel spring. It’s for shooting all day and the price is right. We will test it to determine whether it’s worth it.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

100 thoughts on “Norica Titan breakbarrel air rifle: Part One”

  1. B.B.

    The breech seal is broken. Not a good start! Maybe the piston seal is damaged to. Time to tear into the gun and fix all the niggles that keep it form being Tony the Tiger Great!
    Why is a heavier, non adjustable trigger good for beginners? More likely to pull their shots ands ruin the shooting experience. IMHO.


    PS How about changing the fiber green/red with black yellow/white? Or at least colors that you can see.

    • Yogi, a slightly heavier trigger is useful for folks who haven’t yet gotten decent at trigger control. Too light of a trigger means the gun discharging before they’re ready to shoot.
      And, let’s face it, we’re not going to see a really good trigger at this price point. Might be able to work on a trigger and improve it, but not from the factory.

      • OhioPlinker,

        Agree on that! I have seen one too many accidental discharges from people using match level triggers on non-match rifles that it isn’t funny. They think that they need trigger to be breathed upon for the rifle to fire when in reality they need a positive feed back from the trigger before they fire. Hopefully there is a sweet spot.


        • Well then they should be taught the FIRST FUNDAMENTAL of SHOOTING, Always point the muzzle in a safe direction. FULL STOP!
          Second fundamental: Keep your finger away from the trigger guard until you are on target.

          • Yogi,

            Fully agree! However, it’s the blind leading the blind in most cases. Just like in life the test arrives before the lesson. Fortunately no fatalities. Lots of new holes in the walls and ceilings though.


          • Amen to these two most important safety points. If these two are not ingrained into the subconscious first, a bullet or pellet is going to get unintentionally shot sooner or later.


        • Siraniko-

          While generally agreeing with your thoughts, there are NO ‘accidental discharges’.
          There are only Negligent Discharges.

          There is a three part recipe to prevent these-
          M- Muzzle pointed in a safe (or safest possible) direction
          A- Action is unloaded and open
          T- Trigger- finger is off the trigger until sights are aligned on target and shooter is ready to shoot.
          Additional shooting safety requirements:
          T- Target- know what you are shooting and what lies beyond
          E- Eye protection (always) and Ear protection when warranted
          R- Responsibility- you are Responsible. Pellets, bullets, arrows can’t be called back

          SAFETY M.A.T.T.E.R.s- an easy mnemonic to remember and live by.

      • OP,

        When I was 12 at summer camp, I had to shoot a “target” rifle with a 6 lbs trigger pull weight.
        I did not pick-up another gun for 30 years. Heavy trigger RUINS the shooting experience. Rather have a bad barrel than a bad trigger!


    • Yogi,

      Thanks for asking about the adjustable trigger. Just as I believe new shooters should not use optical sights before they master open sights, I believe they should not fiddle with triggers before learning how to use them. The trigger on the Titan is a good one for that purpose.

      Adjustability is great, once a person understands the basics of how a gun functions. But before that time it permits people to bypass fundamentals that are needed to make them good shooters. That is my opinion and I do realize it is not shared by many others.


  2. Tom,

    If you ever decide to open this up, please take note if they are using star washers under the screws securing the front. Those things chewed up the plastic stock of my Webley. Fortunately I caught it in time and replaced them with stainless washers.


    • Siraniko,

      I think I can report right now that star washers are used — in some places at least. I will try to post a photo that shows that, but it won’t be easy because the points of the stars are under the fasteners.


  3. BB,
    The specs on the PA page for this rifle claim a velocity of 620 fps.
    If you check the “?” after that, it says: “Measured with 7 ammo.”
    Assuming that means 7-grain ammo, that put the output of this rifle at 6 fpe.
    That’s just a bit over the 7.5-joule (5.53 fpe) limit of the “F” air rifles.
    And it’s a power point I like; if accurate, this could make a nice youth rifle. 🙂
    Blessings to you,

  4. “Happy Birthday!…to my air rifle”

    My Haenel model 1 just turned 85-years-old today.
    It has even less power than this Norica Titan, but it’s still in excellent shape and is a nice shooter.
    And it makes me wonder about the big box store ultra-velocity springers…
    …how many of them will still be around, and working, 85 years from now?
    I predict, not many.
    Like RidgeRunner, I am really starting to appreciate the old-world craftsmanship of old sproingers. 🙂

  5. BB,

    I for one can truly appreciate what Norica has done with the Titan. It is a rare thing these days to see an airgun built to this low of a power level. It is amazing that PA or others would even offer such these days. I do hope that this sproinger will perform well in your capable hands.

    • “It is a rare thing these days to see an airgun built to this low of a power level.”
      Amen…yet I hope she shoots well, and perhaps starts a new trend of lower-power just-plain-fun guns. 🙂

      • thedavemyster,

        Hopefully PA can create a marketing campaign on low powered airguns. Backyard Blasters anyone? Environmental friendly reusing waste as targets before disposal. Safe to use without hearing protection. Eye protection should be bundled into the box instead of scopes. The bottom of the box might have printed targets for them to shoot at initially.


        • I like all your ideas. How about a self inking 1″ dot stamp for putting a bullseye on your waste cardboard targets?

          I cut a bullseye out of a 10 meter target and use it as a template to make extra bulls on the 5 bull target sheets with a sharpie.

          • RG,

            On cardboard, I use black Sharpie colored price dots for open sights. They are 3/4 inch in diameter. I just stick them on and go.

            For scopes I use an X drawn on the cardboard, etcetera with the black Sharpie. That give me a very precise aiming point.

            • The inside walls of cereal boxes are good for stenciling whatever makes sense for open sights, peeps, dot sights or scopes. I use various size templates for drawing round targets and a ruler for drawing 1 inch crosses. Black permanent ink felt markers make this easy. I have tried many different thicknesses of cardboard boxes and found cereal boxes are best all around. I think they are better than the official targets for BB competition. Try them if you have a Daisy 499.


          • RidgeRunner,

            I sure do hope somebody is listening and runs with it. How else can they make sales for a relatively “anemic” air rifle? They have to drum up a reason for it to be bought. This would have made better sense during the pandemic when people were limited to their homes for the most part.


        • “Hopefully PA can create a marketing campaign on low powered airguns.”
          Yes, yes, yes! I like your ideas; the big box store ultra-velocity-and-hard-to-shoot-well springers will turn more people OFF to airguns (in my opinion, and I have shot some). If PA followed your ideas, that would bring many new shooters into our sport! 🙂
          May God’s blessings reign in your life,

      • Dave,

        They show up every once in a while, more so it seems these days. If it will shoot, it will be up to people like us to insure it is successful. We are the ones who will have to buy it and put it in the hands of the newbies.

        The price tag will most definitely help. No bundled scope is another big plus. Glowy thingy sights…well, I guess you cannot have everything. Supposedly they help for quick shots at close range, which many newbies will be doing with feral soda cans.

  6. For target practice in the basement, this could be a reasonable choice of guns if it is accurate. Would you measure the length of pull please? I couldn’t find it in the product specs. Thanks.
    Oh, and I agree with you about learning to use the open sights first before trying optics. I feel like it forces the shooter to properly position his eye (cheek weld, etc) to line up with the rear and front sights. And this would hopefully become a good habit.

  7. BB
    Count me on the ‘light cocking, decent fixed trigger, medium to low power” beginner air rifle camp.

    In my book, low vibration is important to a beginner as it affects accuracy, particularly for the inexperienced shooter. I am also of the idea that fixed iron sights should be used first. I understand I may be in the minority here, but I think that learning with aperture – or reflex sights – will make it more difficult to master basic sights later.

    This rifle seems to be ticking several boxes for a first air gun. Let’s hope that grouping and not being pellet picky are there too.

    That said, I have an issue with fiberoptic sights. Why are they so prevalent? They cannot be cheaper to make than a flat steel (or even plastic) blade.


      • BB,

        A couple of the guys I used to deer hunt with bought airguns with fiberoptic sights.

        At our last shooting session they shot a number of my airguns (scopes, peeps, iron and fiberoptic sights) and I asked them what they liked/disliked. So here’s some feedback from them…

        Scopes are nice but expensive, heavy, slow to use and not really a benefit at the ranges they shoot at (15 to 30 yards).

        Peeps were generally disliked for hunting as being too slow and too small (dark).

        Regular iron sights were preferred as they were simple and quick to use.

        Iron sights with fiberoptics were liked for fast shooting in hunting situations. They were easy to line up (3 dots in a row) and showed up well against a deer in low light/thick bush.

        Seem that simplicity, speed and ease of use more than made up for any reduced accuracy.

        Keep in mind that theses guys are off-hand shooters who only use a “target” (a large X on a piece of cardboard) to sight in their rifle (once). Minute of a tin can accuracy is fine.

        I suspect that a large portion of the casual airgunners (plinkers) would never notice the difference between sights with or without fiberoptics.

        With so readers here disliking fiberoptic sights I thought to ask my friends about them, for what it’s worth, that’s their take on the subject.


        • “Seem that simplicity, speed and ease of use more than made up for any reduced accuracy”. So, fiberoptic sights might be useful , even favored, for competition where time is a significant factor?

        • Very good point Hank. I totally agree that for fast, instinctive shooting – as in dense cover hunting – the three dot arrangement could be a plus, particularly against dark targets. For me the same applies to defensive handguns. In both situations the goal is to quickly aim and hit a zone of the target, being the center-mass or the “X” as you said.

          My comments were intended with the beginner shooter in mind. The targets are usually static, covering the range from paper with circles to dangerous species such as as feral cans, empty shotgun shells, plastic toys and similar. The goal of the learning process is to refine the holding, aiming, trigger-pulling and follow-through techniques. My feeling is that coarse sights are detrimental for this.

          Have a great weekend!


        • “Peeps were generally disliked for hunting as being too slow and too small (dark).”

          Hank, I found that one really interesting; in Florida, my old hog rifle was a beat up Winchester 94 in .30-30 with a ghost ring peep sight on the rear and an Ashley Outdoor Express (I believe they are now XS Sight Systems) ramp front sight. The ghost ring aperture was quite large to let in plenty of light, yet still accurate enough for the conditions: cypress swamps with wild boar in the 50-yard range. The front sight was a ramped steel blade with a white line in the center of it; even at the end of legal shooting hours (15 minutes after sunset), it was really easy to see that white line against a boar’s hide. However, those sights were pretty specialized, and cost me as much as I paid for the (used) rifle. Hence, I could see many people might prefer iron sights with fiber optics in a similar situation, especially if they are not used to LARGE apertures for a rear sight; I was using .187″, but I think I could have done just fine with .250″…people used to target shooting are used to small apertures; but for close-range in-near-darkness hunting, a large aperture can give you all the accuracy you need. The young LEO to whom I gifted my rifle is finding it plenty good for his deer hunting needs. 😉
          Blessings to you,

          • Dave, got one of the XS Scout Mount with Ghost Ring set-ups on my Marlin 1894. I don’t bother with a scope, the ghost ring is plenty accurate. Most people really need to try ghost rings before hating aperture sights.
            Now, just get Velocity to use at least bigger apertures on their guns….

        • If peep sights are “Too Dark” it means the person is using too small a aperture for fast shooting. Done correctly, the aperture sight can be both very fast and accurate. Many casual shooters are not well informed and haven’t been trained.


          • Mike I agree. I have a Beeman R7 from a set of 3 airguns at an online auction. It came with a Williams peep, but without the aperture; effectively a ghost ring. Still provides respectable groups, by which I mean dime sized at my 20 yard basement range, simply by focusing on consistent cheek weld and focusing on the front sight. But it still makes me want to buy different size apertures to experiment with it. Or an adjustable Merit aperture.

          • *** Done correctly, the aperture sight can be both very fast and accurate. ***

            Absolutely Mike!

            Learned to hunt with a Crosman 101 equipped with a peep sight and love the one on my FWB 603 10 meter rifle.

            My first centerfire (a sportized .303 army rifle) had a large peep that was great for deer hunting. Ended up mounting Williams peeps on my Remmington. 308 and my FWB 124 before scopes became more available and affordable.

            As you rightly point out, “Many casual shooters are not well informed and haven’t been trained”. The guys I mentioned in my post are definitely casual shooters.


  8. Remarq,

    Accuracy is consistency. People who compete tend to be very fussy on how well their equipment fits and do a lot of practice. Don’t know how they would like fiberoptic sights but they can be an advantage in certain situations.

    As a kid, I learned to shoot a slingshot and bow instinctively before I graduated to airguns. In many instances (when snap-shooting or shooting moving/ flying targets) I shoot instinctively and those rifles are setup accordingly. There are situations when you don’t have time to take a finely aimed shot.

    When shooting instinctively, I use the sights for reference that I’m holding the rifle correctly rather than for aiming, I “see” them but my focus is on the desired point of impact.

    My brother-in-law took the sights off of his .22 rimfire and rarely missed a rabbit – sitting or running. BUT, we had spent time to modify his stock to fit him exactly.

    No such thing as one setup for all applications. I try to optimize as best I can.


    • “When shooting instinctively, I use the sights for reference that I’m holding the rifle correctly rather than for aiming, I ‘see’ them but my focus is on the desired point of impact.”
      Although sadly, my friend, I fear there are not many like you left. 😉

  9. Tom,

    Thanks very much for testing the Norica Titan.

    It occurred to me that its name is ironic. The rifle is a lower-power youth model, but it is named for a race of gods in Greek mythology characterized by their immense size and strength. (It is also the name of a moon of Saturn, the second largest moon in the solar system.)

    It is interesting that is cocks with a bit more effort than one would expect for its power level. I am curious what figure you come up with. Is the first stage of the trigger long and light enough that the shooter can “stage” it right at the second stage?

    I hope the Titan is accurate. If so, it should show us all that an affordable, Asian-made air gun with a plastic stock can be an excellent shooter. And this one is an all-day shooter at that!


  10. B.B.,

    In your reply to Yogi above you wrote: “…once a person understands the basics of how a gun functions. But before that time it permits people to bypass fundamentals that are needed to make them good shooters. That is my opinion and I do realize it is not shared by many others.”

    Seems you just made the case exceptionally well for a first airgun being a very simple and robust PCP or Multi/Single Pump Pneumatic!


    • shootski,

      ROTFWL! You and your Quakenbushes! I may go along with the MP / SSP, but PCP? Very few are going to jump in that deep to start.

      I remember when I bought my first air rifle, I debated long and hard between a Benji 397 and a Gamo CFX. Because of a blurb by BB, I went with the CFX. Then I went SSP (Izzy 46M and FWB 601) and then PCP (Talon SS and Edge).

      You have only recently discovered sproingers and some pretty expensive ones at that. You need one of these to learn what you have been missing.

      • RidgeRunner,

        Glad to provide your morning shot of humor!

        While you were having your second mug of coffee i was out paddling (25.5 km/13.8 NM/15.9 Statute Miles) on the Occoquan so can only now reply after finishing my Second Breakfast.

        Yup. A Quackenbush (DAQ) 2240/2550 with an LPA rear sight and the Crosman Stock make a great carbine in PCP or even CO2. All you need for the PCP is a hand pump and for CO2 you could get by with Powerlet cartridges.
        You will get a chuckle out of this: I had a guy stop me when i landed at the marina and ask me if i really needed all the gear to paddle on a reservoir…he really took exception to my knife on my vest. So i asked him if he was ready to gnaw his way out of an entanglement. I then told him i also had a spare paddle, a signal mirror, EPIRB, in my PFD as well as a Marine VHF Radio just because that is what i always carry even when i paddle in the ocean or big lakes.

        Sometimes you just need gear…i don’t think a hand pump is all that much to run a PCP…EVEN a DAQ!



        PS: nope.
        i think my two SIG SSG ASP20s are all the sproingers i will ever own.

        • Shootski

          You really should have a Daisy 499B (Avanti). Pick up the steel BB’s that get away from the trap with an extendable pen magnet for Red Rider plinking. The peep that comes with it certainly works but a Williams adjusts more precisely if shooting at different distances. At 5 meters you can shoot it just about any place inside when weather is harsh. The shooting cycle on this muzzle loading smooth bore is pleasing and unlike anything in my inventory.


          • Decksniper,

            I probably should. But since i have a heck of a time with scheduling all the firearms and airguns i currently am blessed to have in my care i will pass on the 499B for now. I get what your point is Deck and probably IF i got to the point that shooting in the house is all that is left me i would entertain getting one. But then my 10 meter Olympic airguns might still be a better bet…i have never been enamored with steel bb.

            Happy Labor Day!


        • shootski,

          I have been asked why I carry a knife on my life vest.

          It is most unfortunate that Dennis seems to have quit making these rugged air rifles anymore. As for the “new” models, a hand pump will not likely work as they want 4500 PSI any more to get the shot count up. Only AirForce seems to make anything that will stand up to a newbie. Even TCFKAC seems to be going away from such. Fortunately, I still have PCPs that like 2000 and 3000 PSI and a couple of hand pumps also.

          • RidgeRunner,

            Just like carrying a knife on a Life Vest is common sense i suspect Dennis sees the airgun market and looks for the areas/things he can still prevail in. Also probably what are his current personal interests. He sure is clear in his beliefs and not shy in the least to share them with folks who will listen.
            You don’t need a repeater BIG BORE to hunt and 3,000-3,600 psi is more than enough pressure to do through-and-through with 400-500 grain bullets on all but Elephants, Hippo and Rino.

            But we are seeing shot count, pressure, and gadget wars among the manufacturers with marketeers running the show. Some of that is good most of it is DREK!


            • shootski,

              I concur. This is why I own a Texan LSS. It is about the closest thing to Dennis’ original idea available these days. Since I am not hunting elephants, hippo or rhino, I am in no need of more. What fancy dodads the marketeers come up with, I could care less.

              • RidgeRunner,

                If i didn’t have the brace of DAQs i would probably join you in a Texan…might have to anyway if i get an unexpected infusion of Coin of the Realm or Bullion.

                Enjoy every shot cycle you have yet to do!


  11. Of the three airgun manufacturers from Spain (Cometa Norica Gamo), for some reason Gamo became very popular in the US, while the others are barely active in the US market. Which, from my German point of view is a shame. The better Cometa airguns (400 and its derivatives) are good alternatives to Weihrauch, and Noricas new zero recoil system looks very promising as well…

  12. Anyone notice that the price of .22 ammo is coming down? I saw a promotion for name brand ammo for $0.06 per round free shipping. I’ve seen premium pellets selling for more than that.

  13. All,
    A good friend of mine uses black liquid shoe polish for making targets. The foam applicator is about 1 inch in diameter, and you can use it on about anything that you want to make a target out of, just press the applicator to paper, cardboard, etc. and there is your automatic 1 inch bull.
    He said he hasn’t figured out how many targets he can make with one bottle, but that it is way cheaper than magic markers.
    It was a real good idea for me, and I thought that I would pass it along.
    Enjoy the weekend.

  14. As I see that Pyramydair has started to sell Norica airguns, and Americans are not used to them, here is some advice:
    1) Norica produces in Spain and has been making airguns since many decades. The airguns are really made by Norica, nor re branded import stuff
    2) Norica has two types of triggers. The simple model is a trigger pinned on a sear, in Mauser 98 fashion. It works ok for the low powered guns, but not so for the high power models. The second trigger functions essentially like a Rekord trigger, but with different geometry of the levers. Norica calls the trigger “NATS” and it is really good. Before you buy a Norica, check which trigger is installed.
    3) Norica has a new “zrs” system that puts the barrel and piston chamber in a sleeve to recoil back. This system is vertnew and I cannot tell how well it works.

  15. Two weeks ago, my neighbor called me up about noon and said my home was on fire. What are you talking about? I’m in it watching TV.
    Well, there is smoke all over the place and flames over the treetops. Sure enough about one acre was totally engulfed in flames and my other neighbor’s vacant property was as well, and it was heading my way.
    Fortunately, there was not much brush to burn near the home and I managed to stop it from reaching anything critical, lost a big shed, with a garden hose. Except for one thing, my utility pole. Long story short, the electric company sheared the powerline to it. “Call us when you get a new pole”.

    Still in work with that. Planners, inspectors, electricians, lumber yard in LA sells the poles, perhaps another week for it, and a few more to completion. No power, No water! Tropical storm overhead and 90 to 100 degrees outside with 480 acres of scorched smelly burned wood and earth. Replaced one generator already. Have three working in shifts. Borrowed my neighbors 240 gen to get my well working and had my first shower in two weeks. Mine broke down early on. Been hell and spending near $50. a day for gas and propane. Have two nice quiet 120 generators a Honda 2000i and Craftsman 3300 good at night. New Duro Star DS10000EH Dual Fuel w Electric Start ( a must for a big gen ) in the mail.

    This is my relaxing time. Not to airgunny these days. Six waiting for the good weather to be sighted in, Right! The least of my problems now. Some lost all, especially in Hawaii, so I feel blessed and fortunate in a way.
    I can’t imagine BB shooting for fun in his spare time 😉

  16. Thanks for the kind words and encouragement. I ordered the utility pole already from Dixieline Lumber. Getting into an off-grid routine. I alternate two smaller quiet 120 generators for the home and the bigger 240 is for the well / storage tank and water pressure pumps as needed.

    BB, when I had short legs, my grandmother gave me and my sister new bicycles. A way too big 26″ Roadmaster. I had to install blocks on the pedals and could not reach the ground. 🙁
    My analytical ability kicked in early. I would use a park bench to put my foot on to stop and climb on and off and ride it home standing on one pedal and pushing it like a scooter. Then it hit me, ride my sister’s bike till I grew up. No horn tank to deal with. Just couldn’t sit and pedal at the same time. Had to stand on them to ride.
    Get a good quality custom seat that’s about 2 inches thick and sits directly on the frame. Kind of like a King and Queen seat or a solo. You have shocks. I won’t mention platform motorcycle boots. They would obviously interfere with shifting and the brake. Other bikers would probably look at you sideways too 😉

    Keep the shiny side up. By the way, a belated “Happy Birthday!” Forgot mine too for some reason?
    At 76 the word rest is being replaced with recuperate. No big Tropical storm damage. Just rain to help put out the fire as it went down the road.

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    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

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  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

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