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Education / Training Crosman 1322 American Classic .22 caliber multi-pump pneumatic pistol: Part 1

Crosman 1322 American Classic .22 caliber multi-pump pneumatic pistol: Part 1

1322 American Classic
Crosman American Classic .22 caliber multi-pump pneumatic pistol.

This report covers:

  • Iconic
  • Multi-pump pistol
  • Oil the pump head
  • Don’t have to cock to pump
  • Pumping
  • Description
  • Shoulder stock
  • Barrel
  • Sights
  • Adjusting the sights
  • Scope or dot sight?
  • What should I test?
  • Summary

Well, we start looking at a Classic today — Crosman’s 1322 American Classic .22 caliber multi-pump pneumatic pistol. What a mouthful! It used to just be called the 1322, and most people will still refer to it that way, but Crosman has recently changed the name. A classic it certainly is!


The 1322 is an iconic air pistol, having first been offered as the 1322 Medalist in 1977 and then gone through numerous iterations. In 2017 Crosman pulled it back in-house and only sold it directly for a while, but that’s changed again and the Play Pack that was a bundled gun (with stock and pellets) seems to have gone.

Wow! If a company can be said to have a mercurial or fickle marketing department, Crosman is the one. Please just call it a 1322 like the rest of the world. Remember, New Coke almost destroyed their company in the 1970s and put Pepsi into the lead that Coke has fought for and still has not won back over four decades later. CROSMAN — it’s a 1322! That said, BB will call it the American Classic because that’s what is engraved into the metal on the gas tube, alongside a wee-teeny Model P1322 engraving.

Multi-pump pistol

This is a multi-pump that, according to the instructions, can be pumped 3 to 10 times. The user is warned not to twist the plastic pump handle while pumping or the handle could break. I will report on that in Part 2 when I test velocity. I have examined the underside of the handle and it seems to be braced properly, but it isn’t a solid stick of wood.

Oil the pump head

I opened the pump handle and examined the pump head. It looked pretty dry and multi pumps seal with oil, so I oiled it. I used Crosman Pellgunoil on both the sponge wiper behind the head and also on the rubber head. I probably used 10 drops of oil and now when the handle is opened the rubber pump head is wet. That’s what we want to see.

1322 pump head
To access the pump head for oiling (arrow), put the pistol on its back and open the pump handle all the way. Just behind the pump head is a black sponge wiper that absorbs and holds oil.

Don’t have to cock to pump

This pistol can be pumped without cocking and it will hold the air. That’s old school and I like it. It makes it easier to store the pistol with a pump of air inside. Do that to keep the interior seals clean.

Hunting Guide


I have to describe the pumping of this pistol because it feels different than I remember. When you pump the pump handle comes to a soft stop about an inch before the handle closes. I feel that stop for 4 or even 5 pump strokes. After that the pumping effort becomes so great that the handle closes involuntarily.

Crosman warns you in the instructions to watch out for pinched hands while pumping. I found that I had to hold the pistol grip with my hand that wasn’t pumping. Five pumps were hard enough. I wonder what ten will feel like?


The pistol weighs 2 pounds and is 13.63-inches long, so it’s a big ‘un. It has a rifled barrel and comes only in .22 caliber. That’s why 1322 is the right name for it. Because the 1377 would be the .177 version.

It’s a bolt action single shot with no possibility for magazines. And you don’t want them or need them. This is a fundamental air pistol. Just let it be what it wants to be.

The grips, receiver and pump handle are plastic. The gas tube, frame, trigger blade, bolt, barrel and screws are metal. The frame and trigger blade are aluminum and all the other metal is steel. In short this pistol looks and feels exactly like it should for a $65 air pistol in 2022.

Shoulder stock

The model 1399 shoulder stock does fit this pistol once the grips are removed. I know many people like it with a stock, but it’s not my cup of tea.


The rifled barrel is 10.25-inches long. That means the pistol should be good for some serious power. The specs say to expect 530 f.p.s. Pyramyd AIR suggests using it for plinking and target practice but I would add pest elimination to the list. It’s ideal for ratting and dropping pigeons from the corn crib.


It’s open sights only unless you change the receiver. The front sight is a blade without a ramp. The rear sight is adjustable but to do it you loosen screws and slide it to where you want it. One screw adjusts elevation and a different one adjusts windage.

1322 rear sight windage
To adjust the rear sight left or right loosen the screw and push. Note the index lines at the top. A single line on top of the receiver provides reference.

11322 rear sight elevation
For elevation adjustments loosen the screw and slide the notch up or down. Notice the peep sight hole for use when a shoulder stock is attached.

Adjusting the sights

This rear sight doesn’t have the channel that the Webley Senior did to keep it aligned up and down, but if you only loosen one screw at a time you won’t loose the adjustment of the other screw. It seems simple; let’s see if BB can do it.

Scope or dot sight?

You can scope the pistol or mount a dot sight by using the optional MT459 Intermount. It clamps to the barrel. I would keep any optical sight you use light to avoid shifting. I did see one owner’s comment that when this Intermount is clamped tight, the weight of a scope can cause the barrel to unscrew, so watch for that. I won’t be scoping this pistol.

What should I test?

I have a feeling there are many owners who want me to test specific things. Just tell me what you want and I’ll try to do it — short of modifying the pistol.


The Crosman 1322 American Classic is an iconic air pistol that I’m sure many readers have. I expect to hear from you.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

40 thoughts on “Crosman 1322 American Classic .22 caliber multi-pump pneumatic pistol: Part 1”

  1. BB,

    Beyond finding out what pellet it likes, can you also repeat the test to find the optimum number of pumps? Is it worth pumping more than 6 or 8?
    Agree that a magazine doesn’t make sense in this pistol.


    PS: Section Iconic 1st sentence: “The 1322 is an iconic air pistol, having first been offered as the 1322 Medcalist (Medalist) in 1977 and then gone through numerous iterations.”

  2. For anyone using the 1399 stock: It can have a bit of play because of how it attaches to the air pistol and manufacturing tolerances.

    You can fix it with a couple pieces of masking tape and a little bit of shim material. I just cut a piece of one of the 6mm wide rubber bands used by supermarkets for asparagus bunches. or other produce.

    The first piece of tape wraps around bottom edge of the metal portion of the pistol grip to keep it snug in the grooves on the bottom of the stock’s pistol grip. That stopped the rattle of pistol grip for me.

    The second piece of tape and the shim go inside the beavertail where it meets the air cylinder. As long as the shim is thick enough to provide a bit of pressure against the tube, it’ll stop the wobble where the stock rotates slightly around the screws.


  3. I doubt very seriously one of these will move into RRHFWA. Izzy is barely tolerant of the Luznick and the Webleys. She would probably have a hissy fit if a 1322 was to show up. 😉

    I would still like to read more about it though.

  4. Everyone,

    I will do something similar to my Dragonfly test with this pistol (accuracy per pump stroke). I’m still ruminating on it, so now is the time to comment.


  5. B.B. I was a little surprised when you said “Shoulder stock is not my cup of tea”. I think it was on this blog you showed the AR-15 shoulder stock adapter for the Marauder pistol.
    I purchased one the Marauder pistol/rifle is the family favorite, for grackle control:-)

    I have 2 Crosman multi pump pistols. I can hardly wait to see what I will learn from this series.


  6. Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier), personally I would love to know, and this is true for all airguns:
    on a becalmed day, how far away can one still confidently puncture a tin can (accuracy-distance-energy)?

      • Thanks Yogi, how interesting, thanks.

        I do not intend to kill any small animals but prefer/enjoy plinking, including shooting at knock down targets. The more distant the object I can hit with authority, the more satisfying/fun it is for me, which is why I would love to know an airgun’s capability/limits. 🙂

  7. BB

    I have the .177 versions in 10.25” and 24” Crosman barrels as well as the 1300KT and 2400KT with 14” Lothar Walther barrels, all 4 with steel breeches. I will be looking for any comments you or readers have on trigger adjustments that don’t modify the pistol.

    I also would like to know how the 1322 compares to the 2240 other than aesthetics.


  8. “The model 1399 shoulder stock does fit this pistol once the grips are removed. I know many people like it with a stock, but it’s not my cup of tea.”
    I hear you on that, but I added a shoulder stock to my second 1322 in an attempt to make a very small and light carbine for teaching youngsters to shoot…and it worked out great!…although I did have to cut 2″ off the stock.
    I love the 1322s; they are fun, fun, fun!
    My first one got customized into a nice target pistol; I have it sighted in with 10 pumps (in case I need it for impromptu pesting) at 15 yards; and at the level, it puts out 470 fps with Crosman Premier 14.3-grain pellets for 7 fpe.
    The carbine is sighted in at 15 yards with just 4 pumps, as 4 pumps were doable by most kids; at that level, it shoots the Premiers at 330 fps for 3.45 fpe. Fully pumped at 10 pumps, it achieves 450 fps for 6.42 fpe; the slight increase in power the pistol has over the carbine is likely due to the 12″ barrel on the pistol.
    All-in-all, I think Crosman has a great product in these 1322s; they get a lot of use on the farm. 🙂
    Blessings to you,

      • Roamin Greco, this was not a high-class stock job like Hank (Vana2) would have done; this was a quick and dirty “make an inexpensive kid’s plinker” type of job.
        I used a hacksaw to cut through the stock in the two areas centered in the two yellow ovals. Then I cut 2″ off both the top and the bottom of the stock. Next, I drilled two holes in the back of the butt of the stock and re-attached it with a couple of 2″ wood screws. I set the top of the butt even with the top of the stock; due to the taper, the bottom of the butt stuck out below the rest of the stock, so I trimmed it off with a file. Then I used some JB Weld to fill in the gaps. While not a work of art, this little stock is quite functional, and I love this little carbine to pieces. It gets a shot a lot. 😉

        • thedavemyster,

          Nicely done stock mod!
          You can also shorten the “arm/neck” off the back of the pistol grip in a similar fashion. If you cut a notch (or dovetail it) will make for a stronger glue up or you can pin it or both for supper strong neck. Cutting in that location has the added benefit of raising the cheek weld height especially if you are going to scope it.


        • Thanks, Dave for the details.

          Shouting out to our resident stockmakers, what is a good way to shorten a wooden stock if all you have is simple tools? I hope the answer isn’t “find a friend with better tools.” I’m curious how does one cut the end of the stock perpendicular to the centerline of the stock (looking down from above) when the whole stock is curves and tapers? I would love to know how to cut 1/2 to 3/4″ slices from a stock for my kid and then add them back as he grows. If this has been covered in the past, please let me know.

          • Roamin Greco,

            Simple tools. How simple?
            If you are talking hand tools and such the use of flexible tape to allow adjusting and measuring thrice before pencil/scribing the cutting line comes to mind. A vice or some other solid holding fixture (Workmate and clamps) is a great place to start. Sharpest saw you own perhaps a Backsaw. Sanding block to keep it square.
            The biggest problem will come when you try to add length back and can’t find those pieces of stock you cut off!

            That’s when you buy the adjustable butt.


          • One of the easiest ways I’ve found to mark a butt stock for shortening is to use a wide- 1/4” to 3/8” width- rubber band. Slide it onto the stock while measuring your 1/2”-3/4” slice. Eyeball it nice and straight. Then use a sharp knife to scribe your cut line, carefully following the edge of the rubber band. I follow the scribe line with a sharp chisel to deepen the line for my handsaw to follow. I use either a fine tooth backsaw or a Japanese (pull) saw.

  9. The 1322 was my first airgun, and my only one for a very long time. I got it around 1985, and back then the name on it was the “Medalist.” Around 2000 it needed a new valve, and I upgraded it to a steel breech with an improved rear sight probably about ten years ago. The sight helped a bit with accuracy, and the steel breech sure feels better but I don’t think it really did much as an improvement (especially since it adds some weight too).

    It’s a solid plinking gun, is fairly accurate, and puts out about 6 fpe. It is one that I will keep for a long time. It does not get shot much anymore, but it is nice to have – it and my HW-30S are my “just in case” guns, just in case I loose the ability to pump up my PCPs. The PCPs get almost all the use anymore, and since I have a PP700 in .22 (with a moderator) that is a bit more powerful as tuned, and a good bit more accurate than my 1322, that is the case here too. But it is a fine gun for a lot less money than the PP700.


  10. B.B. and Readership,

    The 13XX airguns are fun out of the box/blister pack but they are a beginner Moder’s dream!
    One caution: have a firm budget or it can get VERY expensive. The Steel Breech and a barrel upgrade are the biggest bang for the money.
    Regardless of if your pistol remains Stock or becomes a US $500+ Project here is a fun game:
    At your backyard range take about fifty feet of stout line, tie a weight on the end of it and stretched it out downrange (COLD RANGE) from the firing point. Next tie a helium filled balloon on the far end of the line at the grounding weight using some light string/ribbon so it will float about waist level. When the shooter says GO have someone take off running away from the firing point (NOT downrange) so the balloon is coming toward the shooter and the job is to hit the balloon. Have a few squares of tape ready to patch any pellet holes that the balloon has on arrival at the Firing Line.
    TRUST me you won’t need all that many patches!
    Keep it SAFE by doing some trial runs and EVERYONE needs to have a clear understanding of the CEASE FIRE command and that ANYONE can call for it if they see something unsafe is about to happen.
    Having one of your trustworthy and experienced people be the RSO (Range Safety Officer) is a very good idea.


      • Roamin Greco,

        Think Mylar and not Latex!
        For single hit Latex there is a product called Hi-Float that helps keep the Helium inside the Latex balloon for more than a few hours.


    • Shootski, my youngest son and I bought a pair of these and began our venture into modding. He was 12 at the time. He’s 22 now. He spent hours reviewing videos on line about the mods available. And we ordered…dang near everything! Lol stocks and barrels and pistons and seals and recievers and…! We were having so much fun, his oldest brothe5r bought one and would come over to mod and shoot. All three of us still have our 1322 mini carbines. And we still take them on every shooting outing and camping trip. Those 60 dollar guns warped into 350 dollar guns, but so many memories have been made and so much fun has been had.
      Hearty thumbs up on this family fun gun! I will say that most of our fun has been open sights at 10 to 25 yards. We totally turned a Pigs ear into a silk purse, and found that we left most of the fun when it was still a Pigs ear!. Scopes, red dots, etc added to cost and not fun. So mini-carbine plinkers they are and will stay!
      We have feral peafowl in our rural area. Feral turkeys as well. Neither are native to our area, and the feral wild turkeys have mixed with domestic turkeys, and are quite pretty. Pretty but vicious. Our Great Dane Dolly is adept at catching them, but if she is sleeping and one is destroying my garden, this is often the gun I grab! (If you’ve never seen a Dane clear a 5 foot fence while simultaneously snatching a peacock out of the air, it is an amazing sight) And yes, peacock tastes good!

  11. B.B.,

    Do you have any word from PA on the SUBMOA Challenge Lottery?
    It has been a month and a day since entries closed; are they having supply chain problems with the Patches and Challenge Coins?


  12. I have commented many, many times on these Crosman MPP pistols over the years, and they truly are classics.

    To my tender little paws the newer smooth black furniture is much more comfortable than the sharp checkering on the older imitation wood grain grips.

    I understand why you are not modifying this pistol, as it is not yours to modify. However, I personally think a few choice modifications are necessary to release the full potential of these gems.

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