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Education / Training HW 30S : Part 10

HW 30S : Part 10

HW 30S
The HW 30S.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 — Rekord trigger
Part 5 — lube tune
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9

This report covers:

  • Cleaned the barrel
  • Mounted the Edge target sight
  • The test
  • Sight-in
  • JSB Exact 8.44-grain domes
  • JSB Exact Heavy
  • Adjusted the rear sight
  • RWS Meisterkugeln Rifle
  • Qiang Yuan Training pellets
  • RWS R10 Match Pistol 
  • Shot cycle
  • Velocity
  • Summary

Today we look at the accuracy of the HW 30S, now that it has the Vortek PG3 SHO kit installed. I still need to test the velocity of this kit, as well, but I decided to test accuracy first, to give the parts a chance to settle in.

Cleaned the barrel

The first thing I did was clean the barrel with a bronze bore brush and JB Non-Embedding Bore Cleaning Compound. That took about a half hour, but when finished I knew the barrel was as good as it was going to get.

Mounted the Edge target sight

You may recall that sporting aperture sights that I tried were all too high to work with this rifle. So the first thing I did was remove the rear sight. Then I installed the Edge target aperture sight that has a huge range of adjustability. Pyramyd AIR sells it at $142, making it without question the best bargain on today’s target sight market. Nothing made by Walther, FWB or Anschütz has such adjustability.

HW 30S with  Edge sight
Edge sight on the HW 30S.

I adjusted the sight as low as it will go. It has a gross height adjustment and a fine one. I put the gross one all the way to the bottom.

HW 30S Edge detail
The whole sight unit slides up and down on that post. The knob on top is for fine elevation adjustments.

The test

I shot 5-shot groups from 10 meters off a sandbag rest. The rifle rested directly on the bag.

I shot with the post front sight. That was a mistake, because I do have front aperture sights for this rifle. So, today we’ll see how well I do with a front post.


It took me 6 shots to get on target. The first two shots went wide because the rifle fired before I was ready. This hasn’t happened to me in over 20 years, but that trigger is set so light that I goofed twice. Then I shot the first group.

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo

JSB Exact 8.44-grain domes

At ten meters five JSB Exact 8.44-grain domes went into a cloverleaf group that measures 0.254-inches between centers. That’s a very nice group and in the same neighborhood of the best this rifle has done so far, which is 10 RWS Superdomes in 0.20-inches at 10 meters.

HW 30S JSB 8.44 group
The HW 30S put five JSB Exact 8.44-grain domes into 0.254-inches at 10 meters.

This first group was low, but I didn’t adjust the rear sight yet. I wanted to see if the impact point would shift a lot with other pellets. The next one was quite a bit heavier

JSB Exact Heavy

Next up were JSB Exact Heavys that have been very accurate in this rifle. The HW 30S put five into 0.174-inches, which is the smallest group this rifle has ever fired. Of course it is only 5 shots and I have shot other 10-shot groups, so we can’t really make comparisons between them.

HW 30S JSB Exact Heavy group
Five JSB Exact Heavys are in 0.174-inches at 10 meters. Now, that’s a group!

Adjusted the rear sight

After this group I adjusted the rear sight up several clicks. While different pellets will land in different places, I felt they all needed to go up.

RWS Meisterkugeln Rifle

Next up were five RWS Meisterkugeln Rifle pellets. The HW 30S put them into 0.271-inches at 10 meters. This rifle really wants to shoot!

HW 30S Meisterkugeln Rifle group
Five RWS Meisterkugeln wadcutters went into 0.271-inches at 10 meters.

I didn’t adjust the rear sight again. But look where the next pellet went.

Qiang Yuan Training pellets

Next to be tested were five Qiang Yuan training pellets that have proven accurate in many airguns. The HW 30S put 5 into 0.326-inches at 10 meters. That turned out to be the largest group of the day, and it’s still a good one.

HW 30S Chinese training group
Five Qiang Yuan Training pellets went into this 0.326-inch group at 10 meters.

RWS R10 Match Pistol 

The last pellet I tested was the 7-grain RWS R10 Match Pistol pellet. The HW 30S put five of them into a 0.178-inch group at 10 meters. It was so close to the best group of Heavy JSB Exacts.

HW 30S R10 Match Pistol group
The RWS R10 Match Pistol pellet wins the second trime in today’s test with a 0.178-inch 5-shot group at 10 meters.

Shot cycle

I held off on judging the shot cycle until the end of the test. The rifle is slightly more difficult to cock, though at 23 pounds of effort (it cocked at 22 pounds with the factory mainspring), it isn’t that much.

But the shot cycle is very quick. Look at the clean holes punched by the domed pellets. You can tell that the velocity has increased, and that is the result of the Vortek kit.

The trigger is adjusted for me about as nice as a Rekord can be. As you can see, I am using it quite well.

I wish I had put an aperture in the front sight for today’s test. Maybe next time I will do only that and run the exact same test as today. That sounds like a good idea to me.


We are still waiting to see what sort of velocity this PG3 SHO kit gives, and if I run another accuracy test first, the kit will have plenty time to seat in.


This series has gone from taking a a brand new rifle out of the box and seeing mediocre accuracy and velocity with a buzzy shot cycle, to an accurate rifle that gives super groups. Instead of just borrowing a rifle from Pyramyd AIR I bought this one so I could do a lot more to it. I am now glad that I did, for we have gone through a huge learning curve, and I have an accurate little plinker at the end. Stay tuned!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

77 thoughts on “HW 30S : Part 10”

  1. BB,

    What could have caused the premature firing? Insufficient sear engagement? Tremors? You have reduced the trigger’s second stage to twelve ounces already in /blog/2021/04/hw-30s-the-rekord-trigger-part-4/ with no mention of a bump test after. One shot I could have dismissed but two back to back needs some thought regarding safety.


  2. B.B.

    Putting a proper aperture sight on the front IS a good idea.


    PS Once you get it set up properly, how about a 50 yard test. On some forums some people brag about being able to hit tin cans at 100 yards with their HW 30’s. I don’t believe them!

    • How big of a tin can are they talking about? I have seen some pretty big tin cans. On a calm day the HW30 can lob them that far. He probably walked the pellets in like artillery.

      • RR
        What always gets me is somebody gets something in thier mind and believes that’s the law.

        I guess you could call me a air gun outlaw.


        Because I’ll try my dardenst to prove someone’s belief wrong.

        If I don’t. Oh well life goes on. But if I do all brag’n rights are on.

    • Yogi,

      Can truthfully say I’ve never tried 100yds, but I regularly plink at small cat food cans at 50-60yds with my HW30s. I’m no olympic class shooter, but I really wouldn’t want to be one of those cans!

      On my 30s I run the factory globe front sight with a post insert and a Walther biathlon diopter rear.


      • Bob
        Try longer distances. You just might be surprised.

        Me and Chris USA had this conversation once upon a time. After that he was into the long distance shooting. But he needs to tell about that. Not me.

        Oh and a scope ain’t necessary. But it will definitely help at a hundred yards.

        • Gunfun1,

          You’re preaching to the choir Gunfun, some of the best days I’ve ever spent at the range were at 100 and 200yds with a 22lr! Many moons ago my uncle and I were members at a range up in southern PA. It had beautiful 12ft berms bulldozed up at 50, 100, and 200yds. We would set 20 bright orange claybirds up on each berm, 10 for him and 10 for me at each berm. Everything was shot from sitting with a tight sling. Both of us were shooting model 1922 M11 Springfields equipped with Lyman 48 receiver sights and Lyman 17a front sights.

          Much fun was had, much ammo was expended, and it left no doubt if your sight alignment, breathing or trigger control was less than perfect that day! And if anyone ever tells you that you can’t hit claybirds , at 200yds, with a 22lr with iron sights, they are full of horse hockey!

          Now, for shooting at 100yds with pellets——————that’s what the ASP20 in 22 is for.

          Have a good one!


  3. You’ve often suggested that we not clean our airgun barrels unless absolutely necessary. Why did this HW30’s need cleaning at this point? I realize that some rifles come with residue in their barrels from manufacturing, but a high level rifle like a HW? Thanks, Orv

    • Doc,

      Most especially the HW. They will apply an oil film so as to inhibit rust.

      Another thing is almost all barrels will have small rough spots that you may not even see. This is why some people will lap barrels. The bore paste and brush will help a little bit with these rough spots. It also helps to get rid of any residue of manufacturing left behind.

      The air rifle barrel will then need to be “seasoned” a bit, like you would a cast iron skillet. Shooting it some with a soft lead pellet will help “fill in” and “smooth out” any rough spots that may still exist. Lead is actually a very good lubricant. A very slight coating of the bore is good. It is when you get a lot of build up that you need to clean it and start all over again.

    • Orv,

      This probably doesn’t matter one hoot to you but….I clean the barrel of every airgun I buy. New or used. It takes one more item out of the “Reason For Inaccuracy” column.

      • Kevin: Why would this not matter to me? I’ve been airguning for a little less than 2 years and am always interested in learning. At first, I was cleaning each gun before I shot it. Now, I’m at a point of waiting until I see a need. The fulcrum slides as I gain experience. In Vietnam we were taught to clean our weapons more often than our teeth. Orv.

        • Doc,

          You had better keep those Mattelomatics clean.

          With firearms, they should be cleaned after every time they are used.

          As you would probably expext, there are two camps when It comes to airgun cleaning. I think just about everybody agrees that a new airgun needs to be cleaned as there is typically residue of some sort from manufacturing. I say just about everybody as I know of at least one gentleman who believes in shooting the gunk out.

          Now, some will start cleaning with a bronze brush and an abrasive paste to help smooth the bore. Some will just use Balistol and then clean patches. Some will actually lap the barrel to insure a smooth bore.

          Up to this point everyone is milling about, then they start to diverge. You have those which will thoroughly clean their airguns after each use, including the bore and you will have those who only wipe the outside down after each use and clean the bore when they notice an accuracy issue creeping in.

          I personally am of the second camp most of the time. If I am certain I will not be shooting a specific airgun for a good bit I will pull a patch soaked with Balistol through the bore and then pull a dry patch quickly through so as to leave a light coating of Balistol on the bore to prevent any rusting.

          I know I am starting to sound like a commercial, but this is the stuff that BB has always recommended and since I tried it, I am on board. Give it a try and you will probably come on board also.


          • I’m a true believer about Ballistrol. Nothing else leaves the bluing or wood on my TX200 with a better shine. I use a Ballistrol impregnated cloth to wipe down the exterior of all my guns after shooting. I think that I may run a patch impregnated with Ballistrol through the barrels of my guns followed by a dry patch to get a reference point. I’ll follow this by very occasional barrel cleaning just to get a good reference point for rust and dirt control. Thanks for your input, Orv.

  4. Speaking of loose parts, last time fired the HW-95 – was discharging it after unsuccessfully trying to bag a pest – set up a big plastic pail at 25 yards just for fun, the equivalent of the proverbial “side of the barn,” yet the Gamo Redfire pellet came nowhere close to hitting the target. Then noticed the barrel was slightly loose so tightened it down, something FM had done not too long ago. Time for Loctite or similar product; tight is right!

  5. B.B.,

    You’ve now made this HW30S like all pellets!

    The quick cycle, the light trigger, these things make a significant improvement in accuracy, despite what some say. As the song goes, “Everything counts in large amounts.”


  6. Beautiful rifle, great shooting BB!

    Unfortunately I can’t get a HW30 here in Canada. Been watching, the (only) Canadian distributor has been “sold out” of almost all of the Weihrauch springers for close to a year. Of the 57 models they offer there’s only the .22 HW50 and the .20 & .25 HW90 available.

    Interestingly, they have lots of Weihrauch PCPs in stock, guess that people don’t know what gems they are.

    …Sorry, done whining. 🙂


    • Hank,

      Keep an eye out on Air Gun Source as well. They sometimes get shipments in of Beemans and Weihrauchs – it’s where I got my HW30s and I’ve seen them sometimes carrying the Beeman R7 instead.

      I haven’t purchased from them before, but the Canadian Airgun Forum store has HW30S available at a killer price. You’ll have to look around the community to see if they’re a retailer that can be trusted.

      They take EMT for payment, so at least there isn’t a concern with credit card details.


        • Hank,

          D&L’s consignment/used business (canadianaircollector) just posted a couple of ‘used’ (new without box) .177 Weihrauch breakbarrels if you’re looking. Look to be pretty fancy ones too.


          • Nathan,

            Thanks for thinking of me!

            I’ll have to take a pass on the HW30 for now as I have just (severely) blown the airgun budget (for the foreseeable future) by getting a FWB P8X.
            🙂 🙂 🙂

            I plan to do some (semi-serious) 10 meter target shooting to keep me busy over the long Canadian winter.


          • Mike,

            Yeah – major investment! A surprise for me! Been drooling over the P8X ever since I became aware of them back in 2016 when BB got his FWB P44.

            My wife suggested I get a new 10 meter pistol after she heard me discussing repairs to my old FWB 100 with the local FWB dealer.

            The P8X is a birthday (and anniversary and Christmas) gift. 🙂


  7. Guess I need to reconsider that rear target sight made by AirForce. Never owned one but my prejudice always placed this sight in the plastic, fantastic category of the Daisy Avanti or chinese Gamo rear target sights that I have owned and wasn’t impressed by.

    I didn’t realize that you could add an adjustable iris to the AirForce sight, they had modified the design from one large, side clamping screw to 4 screws for tightening to your dovetail and didn’t realize that this sight can be removed from it’s base and installed in a 1″ scope ring (with a stop pin) if necessary.

    Tough for me to overcome long standing prejudices but todays blog did it.

    • Kevin,

      No, no, no! This sight is not plastic fantastic. Now I think their front sights are (the fiberoptic ones, not the target sights), and I would never use them, but this target sight is all aluminum and world class. Yes, it was made to be manufactured so it looks unlike the other top name sights, but it’s just as precise, just as adjustable and, as you saw in this report, it’s far more adaptable to different guns.


      • B.B.,

        Read the reviews of this sight on the Pyramyd AIR site. Either the reviewers were on drugs or these older reviews of the Airforce sight was when it was mostly plastic?

        The fact that it’s made of aluminum is another big plus. I need to put this sight into my airgun bag of tricks. Thank you


        • Kevin,

          Just for you I did the tongue test. Not many people know that metal like aluminum will always be cold to the touch and plastic will always be warm. The ONLY part on my sight that is plastic is the eye disc. Everything else — the body, the adjustment knobs, the mount parts and all the attaching hardware, is aluminum.


          • B.B.,

            Wow! Really? The body and adjustment knobs are aluminum and the attaching hardware is steel! I don’t care about the eye disc. I’d put an adjustable iris on it instead.

            You got my attention with this one.

            ps-quit licking your guns. It promotes rust.


  8. BB

    First please know I think this series is mighty fine. Hoping you will also get the HW50S and test it as you said early on.

    I will say I am undecided that accuracy has improved after Vortek kit was installed. Look back at 10 shot groups with the UTG scope. There is no way to know what the rifle would have done with scope at 25 yards before Vortek but we do have the 10 meter results. I hope you will do a scoped 10 meter test now that Vortek kit is in.

    As much as I love my Weihrauch rifles the absence of a peep sight to go with their globe front is a negative. As mentioned by RR above peep walk off is an issue with some other peeps. The Daisy Avanti adjusts okay for elevation but must be extremely tightened to prevent walking off the rails. I also sometimes have sight picture elongation problems with the Avanti. Last week I remounted my Bug Buster scope (same as yours) and cut my groups sizes in half. The Edge has my attention but only if equipped with an adjustable iris. I know I’m wandering so I’ll stop.

    My HW30S is so smooth I have left it as is. Not even TIAT. Guess some rifles just come that way.


  9. Hello everyone. If I remember correctly, my Beeman R7 is the HW30S with a different stock. I have an Airforce peep sight on back order at PA and I have been seriously considering an adjustable iris as well, so this blog series is of particular interest. So far, I have not tinkered with my R7 other than to tighten the large screw behind the trigger by a quarter turn, as the prior owner had it set so light that I had a few pellets ruin my groups before I was really set. See pic, attached. My best group with my rifle was in my basement range at 10 yards, stock open sights, with JSB Exact RS 7.33 gr. So far, it was the best group of my life. I was shocked when I walked up to the target. My goal is now to repeat that result. I am super happy with the R7/HW30S, and now I am looking for something similar but a bit more powerful for popping squirrels raiding the bird feeders. I have one squirrel who learned to chew up pears to get at the seeds and leaves the fruit–destroyed nearly every pear. Do you think lead injections delivered by the R7 are sufficient squirrel medicine and out to what range? Thoughts?

    • Roamin Greco,

      “Do you think lead injections delivered by the R7 are sufficient squirrel medicine and out to what range?”

      Not much beyond 15 yards.
      How close will your squirrels let you get?
      That is always the best maximum range for pests or game.


    • Roamin
      Glad your 30 is doing that at 10 yards. But almost every gun I have owned does that at 10 yards. Even the 3 different hw 30’s I have owned with peep sights and scopes.

      I’m guessing longer distances might not be obtainable for you. But that is what will tell the truth about your gun and your shooting.

      You better exsperiance that before you start trying to inject any lead.

      Well of course if your only going to shoot at 10 yards then ok. But I myself would know my gun better than that before you try to start eliminating pests.

      • Thanks Gunfun1. I will definitely practice on targets before trying to hunt or pest at ranges beyond 10 yards. I recall B.B.’s rule of thumb: the distance you can keep all your shots in an inch, and others’ have a smaller threshold. The other question is whether the best pellet has sufficient energy at that range to humanely dispatch the targeted critter. And Dave gives some insight into that. Thanks, again for your comment.

    • Roamin Greco,
      Many years ago, I had a wonderful little .177 caliber Beeman R7.
      AND, my wife was having a ton of problems with squirrels raiding her bird feeders, even the supposedly “squirrel-proof” ones.
      There was an old article (searched and can’t find it) in one of the (very old) airgun publications called something like, “Squirrels, the sporting way: hunting with the R7.” Anyway, it was about a gun who was willing to forgo the long shots, and take the time to sneak in close, and he did very well on squirrels with his R7.
      Hence, I gave it a try, and at 15 to 20 yards, my R7 did very well on squirrels, taking them down with one shot…head shots, that is; it cleared them out from all of her bird feeders.
      Hoping this is of some use to you,

  10. In yesterday’s Blog comments Rob (1stBlue) asked about which pellet would be better-Ballistics being the question. For new to the Blog folks check them out! For those that haven’t read them in a while they are Solid Gold to read over again and again.

    The Godfather of Airguns gets lots of Range Creds in my book every time I read them.

    Our own BB Pelletier’s two Part Blog 5 years or so ago is one of the best non heavy Math writings on the topic:



    • Shootski, A bullet is 100 times more slippery than a pellet, or ten times?
      So, this is a way to calculate TOF, and then the amount of effect wind will have at range.
      Maybe I have it wrong, but the BC number needs to come with a velocity number on the can. Or the energy required to get the projectile to that velocity. The wind has more effect on the projectile at the muzzle because of the energy squared rule? In a bike race,
      the effort required to go 1mph faster at 33mph, is something like ten times.

      • 1stblue,

        I don’t know if they are 100 times more slippery Rob. I suspect if you take a horrible pellet and the slickest bullet you could see that. BC isn’t the ONLY factor with how far or fast a bullet or pellet can fly.
        Yes the Ballistics Calculators will give you the TOF to target as one of the outputs. But as B.B. pointed out the information you enter (Input) needs to be good or the results will be garbage.
        As far as putting the BC on the pellet can/bullet box along with the required Muzzle Velocity would be better than nothing. It still doesn’t cover all the factors but does get the big ones. Remember that the BC starts getting worse the split second the Projectile leaves the barrel at typical airgun muzzle velocities.
        The wind (same speed) effects the Projectile path at the muzzle the most because it makes the path change (geometry) early in the travel to the target. As the Projectile gets closer to the target the same wind INPUT will cause a smaller shift of the Point Of Impact (POI) again because of the angular geometry. Once again that is the biggest angular quantity change caused by the wind but there are other more subtle changes to the lateral flight path as well as the vertical path of the Projectile caused by the wind.
        My answers just scratched the surface of your questions; we could be at this for weeks to talk about all the Ballistic effects on our little Lead Pills.

        Reread B.B.s Blogs and you will get a little more out of them after each careful reading.


  11. BB, A flip up aperture, like on an old buffalo gun would get the sale, even if I had to mortise it in.
    But I love this series too. I dont have any boxs full of old parts for sights like this, but maybe thats a later tale!

    • Rob
      I like them sights too.

      Maybe then people might believe a hw30 can shoot out to 100 yards and hit a tin can.

      My modded by me FWB 300 will do cans at 100 yards with a scope. Just got to see how the Kentucky windage needs to be for that day.

  12. ” Instead of just borrowing a rifle from Pyramyd AIR I bought this one so I could do a lot more to it.”
    That’s great, and I’m so happy (as we can all see by the excellent results here) that is working out so well for you. This l’il gal is a great addition to your collection. =>
    Take care & God bless,

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