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Education / Training Air Venturi Avenger repeating air rifle: Part 4

Air Venturi Avenger repeating air rifle: Part 4

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Air Venturi Avenger.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

This report covers:

  • Start testing accuracy
  • Bug Buster 3-12X32
  • The test
  • Sight in
  • JSB Exact Jumbo 
  • RWS Superdome
  • Beeman Kodiak
  • Sig Crux Pb
  • Air Arms 16-grain domes
  • Beeman Devastator
  • Sniper Magnum
  • Magazine — the final test
  • Summary

Seldom has a day like this happened in this blog — and I mean that in the best possible way! This is going to be a biggie!

Start testing accuracy

Today we start testing the accuracy of the Air Venturi Avenger that I’m testing. So far the Avenger has stood up very well and I have been hoping that it’s as accurate as everyone seems to say. Well — it is! I have a lot to tell you, so let’s get started.

Bug Buster 3-12X32

I have been thinking about this test for a long time and wondering which scope to mount. The Meopta Optika6 is the best scope I own and would do very well on this rifle, but the Avenger is a lightweight PCP. How about a scope that’s suited to the concept of light weight? I mounted the UTG Bug Buster 3-12X32 on the rifle and it seems ideal to me.

Avenger Bug Buster
BB finds the UTG Bug Buster 3-12X32 scope ideal for his Avenger! It can be mounted far enough to the rear that the eye relief is perfect.

Bug Busters are great scopes but some rifles limit where they can be mounted and that creates an eye-relief problem. Not so the Avenger! Old BB would be proud to have designed this one!

The test

I want to give the Avenger a thorough test for accuracy because it is stacking up to be one of the finest PCPs on the market at any price — and I mean that! So today I am trying to find the one or two really accurate pellets to test at greater distances.

I am testing the rifle at 10 meters and shooting 5-shot groups so I can shoot more pellets. Ten meters is nothing for an accurate air rifle, but you have to start somewhere, and knowing the best pellets will help me in the next tests at greater distances. I shot with the rifle rested on a sandbag and I used the single-shot tray until the end of the test. I did test the magazine, as well, and I will tell you when I did that.

Sight in

I sighted-in at 12 feet, which this lightweight combo makes very possible. I dialed the scope magnification down to 3X and set the parallax as close as it would go. It took me six shots to get on target, and I will say right now that I purposely did not zero the rifle perfectly, in order to preserve my aim point. Once I was sighted in I only adjusted the scope once more. I will add that this scope adjusts on the first shot and seems to have no stiction (when the point of impact changes slowly, over many shots, after a scope adjustment). Let’s go!

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo

JSB Exact Jumbo 

The first pellet tested was the JSB Exact Jumbo. After the first shot I watched the group grow slowly. I knew I had a winner right out of the bag! That’s five shots in 0.136-inches, and folks, that earns the coveted gold dollar — my smallest comparison coin.

An American dime is 17.91mm in diameter. The trime (silver three-cent piece from the mid-1800s) that you will also see today is 14mm in diameter. The type 1 gold dollar (also from the mid-1800s) that I use is 13mm in diameter.

My group comparison standard is to use a dime for groups of 0.20-inches between centers and larger. For 0.15-inches to 0.199-inches I use the trime for comparison, and for groups smaller than 0.15-inches, the gold dollar is used. 

Avenger JSB 5
At 10 meters the Avenger put 5 JSB Exact Jumbo pellets into a group measuring 0.136-inches. Yes, I was shooting too close to say much more, but this is a splendid start!

This group was just a little too far to the left, so I adjusted the scope several clicks to the right. This was the last time I touched the scope!

RWS Superdome

The second pellet I tested was the .22-caliber RWS Superdome. Five of them went into 0.212-inches at 10 meters. With most other air rifles this group would have me jumping up and down, but today I can say it’s okay but not special! Wow!

Avenger Superdome
The Avenger put 5 RWS Superdomes in 0.212-inches at 10 meters. For this rifle, it’s just okay!

Beeman Kodiak

I next shot 5 Beeman Kodiak pellets that are the same as the H&N Baracuda. I wish I could tell you the head size, but Beeman didn’t put that on the tin. I could measure them with a Pelletgage, but that would not necessarily translate to a Baracuda head size that’s printed on the tin. 

This group took my breath away because it is as good as any 10-meter rifle I have tested! Five shots are in 0.082-inches at 10 meters. After the first shot I really could not see the group growing any larger. Robert Beeman used to tell us why .177 caliber was best for target shooting, but aside from the rules that mandate that caliber for matches, it really makes no difference.

Avenger Kodiak
Five Beeman Kodiak pellets went into 0.082-inches at 10 meters. This is the smallest group of the test. As you can see I almost shot my aim point away.

At this point in the test I could see the way things were going. I wasn’t necessarily looking for the most accurate pellets as much as I was looking for the ones that aren’t accurate. That’s a big difference and it only happens infrequently with special air rifles, so I’m enjoying it. It was time to try some pellets I seldom use in tests.

Sig Crux Pb

Next up were five Sig Crux Pb domed pellets. They went into a group that measures 0.314-inches center-to-center. On any other day that would be significant, but not today.

Avenger Crux Pb
Five Sig Crux Pb pellets made this 0.314-inch group at 10 meters.

Air Arms 16-grain domes

The Air Arms 16-grain dome is a premium pellet that I don’t often include in tests because it is so similar to the JSB Exact Jumbo that weighs 15.89-grains. But today I’m glad that I did because 5 pellets went into 0.125-inches at 10 meters. It’s the second-smallest group of the test and deserving of another gold dollar!

Avenger Air Arms
Five 16-grain Air Arms domes went into 0.125-inches at 10 meters. It’s the second-smallest group of the day.

Beeman Devastator

Beeman Devastators are no longer made. They were a hollowpoint pellet with a special head that expanded rapidly. The Avenger put five of them into a group measuring 0.185-inches between centers. It earned the only trime in today’s test.

Avenger Devastator
Five Beeman Devastators made a trimeworthy 0.185-inch group at 10 meters.

Sniper Magnum

Next to be tested were five H&N Sniper Magnum pellets. These odd-looking domes made a 0.228-inch 5-shot group at 10 meters. They also shot away my aim point on the third shot — or at least that’s what it looked like before I saw the enlarged image. It’s possible that this group might have been smaller if I had not had to guess where the center of the bull was on shots four and five. This is a pellet to try again.

Sniper Magnum
Five H&N Sniper Magnums went into 0.228-inches at 10 meters.

Magazine — the final test

Now I tested one of the two magazines supplied with the rifle. They are conventional rotary mags that we see on so many repeating PCPs today. I loaded all 10 JSB Exact Jumbo pellets into the mag, which turned out to be a very good thing when you see what happened. 

The first shot went high and to the left of the center of the bull — very close to where the pellets had gone in the first group, but a little to the right of that one. Okay! Then the next 9 shots went into a group that measures 0.126-inches between centers. This group is high and slightly right of the center of the bull. Those 9 shots would earn the fourth gold dollar if not for that first shot. That shot opens the group to 0.449-inches. What happened? It’s open for discussion. I watched shot two open the group and was heartbroken, except that the next 9 shots all went into the same little hole.

JSB mag 10
Yep — there are 9 pellets in the round hole above the dime. Only shot 1 was to the left. Ten JSB Exact Jumbos in 0.449-inches at 10 meters with 9 in 0.126-inches.


Do I even need to say it? Well, I will. This Avenger I am testing is the most accurate .22 pellet rifle I have tested this year and it’s in contention for the best of all time! And this is a PRICE-POINT-PCP — one that’s sporting a $125 scope! I tell you, guys, airguns like this don’t come along that often.

Yes today was just at 10 meters, and no, that doesn’t really constitute an accuracy test for a PCP like this. But it has my attention. This rifle may not be going back to Pyramyd AIR after this test is complete.

The trigger isn’t perfect, but it’s really good. The shot count is off the charts. I’m shooting with the reg. turned all the way down and the hammer spring tension as low as it will go, but in Part 3 we learned that still gives us power in the 22-24 foot-pound region. I will take it!

Will every Avenger in all three calibers be just as good as this one? I don’t know, but I certainly hope so.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

70 thoughts on “Air Venturi Avenger repeating air rifle: Part 4”

  1. One more proof that QUALITY, in any aspect, makes the difference, not “made in…”, not brand names.
    Please don’t try to convince me that this airgun is made so good by chance or luck. It seems to be a very well thought out (and copy out a little if you like) and manufactured product with low costs.
    A very good day to you all.

  2. B.B.,

    If this doesn’t make the other air rifle manufacturers wake up I have no idea what will. This promises to take their lunch money if they don’t do something about their products.


    • Siraniko,

      I am so looking forward to just exactly that. Remember how they all scrambled when Gamo brought out the magazine fed sproinger? How about when the Gauntlet started the PPPCP race? Most have not really caught up to it yet.

      What is going to happen next? Oh yeah, I’m ready. Let’s go.

  3. Siraniko
    It would be impossible for U.S., European, or even Korean companies to compete against big Chinese manufacturers in terms of manufacturing costs.
    They have to find another approach in order to sale their products. Obviously they know and depend mostly on r&d and qc.
    Or assign making of the products to a Chinese company.

    • Bill,

      No, we cannot compete with how cheap it can be made in Asia. We can still win out though. Our company sells polymer manufacturing equipment worldwide. Our focus is on quality and service. There are many Chinese companies that buy our equipment.

      It can be done.

  4. BB,

    Looking real good. Looking forwards to the 25 yard. If it holds up good,.. then I think a 50 yard is in order. (maybe combine that at the end of the 25 yard?) Maybe with just the best pellet.


    • Chris,

      50 yards needs its own blog report with several pellets. These things will shoot. They can hang with some of the best of them. Nova Vista should be proud of themselves. Unless we go to war with China, their sales are going to be incredible. This is going to eclipse the Gauntlet.

  5. BB,

    So you think this one is going to stick around, huh? It should. This is the PCP I have been trying to save up for. Every reviewer of this air rifle has nothing but good things to say. Your scope choice for the Avenger is a good one. I have one of those upstairs right now waiting for the right PCP to go under it.

    After you try this at 25 and 50 yards you will start thinking of try it out a little further.

    Don’t forget now, whenever you get tired of shooting this gal, she will be welcome at RRHFWA. 😉

    • The only downside of the rifle is the stock. I have an Aspen and the first thing I did was fill the voids. It’s still bulky in the wrong places. That said it’s looking like a shooter.

      • Edw

        How robust is the pumping mechanism on your Aspen? I have been tempted to get my first PCP but some reviews on other sites say the pumping parts won’t last. My intent would be to copy BB’s test and top off every few shots to maintain consistent velocity shooting targets.


          • Edw

            Much obliged. I opted for the Sig ASP20 break barrel recently instead. I am quite pleased with it but your comment puts the Aspen back on the front burner.


            • If you’re in to springs and not power hungry check out the hw97. I have a couple of them and they shoot as good as the Aspen at 25 yards. 17fpe in 17 and 22. And that’s an heirloom gun, not a PCP to play with for 10 years. Should be cheaper than this and a pump from Krale.

              • Edw

                Will keep this in mind. I have two Weihrauch rifles, the 30s and 50s. Hard to beat either one at 25 yards but my FWB300S can more times than not. Some others including some with Lothar Walther barrels compete well too.

                I am fascinated with PCP’s but all the needed equipment makes no sense with my limited space, both on deck and in house. My dear wife puts up with my favorite hobby so far.

                Thanks for your help!


                • I want to add a 50 and 35 to the collection. It’ll happen soon. Both likely shipped from flying dragon.

                  The pcp stuff is cool. But I don’t see the parts available for 50-60 years like I expect from a quality Springer.

                  • Doc

                    The HW30s is a must have for any serious airgun shooter. Light weight, extreme accuracy, very easy cocking, roller bearing lockup, quality dovetail, does well with many pellets and not very hold sensitive. Most any hold is accurate for plinking or small game hunting. I get best target accuracy direct on a single bag snuggled against trigger guard. Use premium pellets, this one deserves nothing less. Front globe sight and inserts work well with an optional rear aperture. I switch back and forth from a peep to a scope.

                    The HW50s is just as accurate at 25 yards but is much more hold sensitive. For target shooting I use the exact same hold as above. Care must be taken to use a bag that gives exact position every shot. I have tested different holds and believe POI (point of impact) varies significantly from one hold to another on this rifle. The advantage of the HW50s in .22 caliber (my rifle) is it is much better at shooting in windy conditions.

                    The HW50s is harder to extract accuracy potential than the HW30s due to hold. That may or may not be a hurdle to overcome.


                    • Deck,
                      Just what I wanted to know. Thanks for the clear answer! Sounds like I need a W30s. I do see the W30s is available in .22 cal, but might be a little too much drop for shooting at distance for me. When you talk about a peep sight (instead of the stock open sight), is the front tall enough, or would it need to be moved up? Lastly, which peep light fits it? Thanks so much for the insight.


                  • Doc Holiday

                    The Daisy Avanti aperture (peep) fits the HW30s without adaptors and works well with the globe front sight. It does not have a stop hole pin but you don’t need one if you check this aperture for tightness every time prior to a shooting session. Very easy to do. The cost is reasonable and the accuracy quality is high.

                    If you are target shooting consider the .177 since more premium pellets are available and less expensive. Gunfun 1 has a HW30s and can tell you lots if you are looking to exceed 25 yards. He uses a peep sometimes as well as a scope.


      • Edw,

        That was one of the issues I had with the plastic stocks of the Aspen and the Liberty. This one though looks much better. I had a Gamo CFX with a plastic stock. I too filled the voids with foam rubber. It helped immensely.

  6. The most impressive aspect of this test is that accuracy did not suffer much with a variety of pellets. That’s unusual for any rifle, even with the highest quality barrels. I cannot recall any similar result.

  7. Ok, that settles it. I’m going to have to stop following this blog. I’ve successfully resisted every time you have tried to make me come over to the dark side. This one looks too irresistible.
    Excuse me, I have to go shred my credit cards.

  8. Nice, VERY nice!

    Seen the Avenger referred to as an “entry level” PCP but I think it is more than that – it looks to be an ideal PCP all around! Really nice feature set, reasonable weight, affordable and accurate as well! …Should be perfect for general use plinking, pesting, hunting and even some pretty serious target shooting.

    Per the 10 meter results I wouldn’t be surprised if the Avenger is capable of dime-sized groups at 50 yards though increasing the power level for longer range may negatively affect accuracy. I would be curious to see how far the rifle could maintain a 1 inch group size with typical pellets.

    The Avenger seems to like the low level tune which is great for backyard use and small game hunting at the typical sub 30 yard ranges that most people shoot at – 24 fpe is lots of power, look at what the Brits do with half of that!

    Would be interesting to compare the accuracy at minimum and maximum power. Think that low power is most practical but many people will just crank it to the max.

    I wonder if it will be available in Canada.


    • Hank,

      I’m going WAY off-topic now. For years I have been fascinated with the town of North Pole, Alaska. Well, now that interest has expanded to Dawson City, Canada. I look at pictures of the town through Google Maps and the city streets seem to largely be unpaved! I guess that is because of the extreme cold in the winter.

      Know anything about Dawson City?


      • B.B.

        Heard of Dawson city but nor much more than that – it is way out of my stomping grounds – think that it was/is a gold mining town.

        Wouldn’t mind checking out the fishing in that part of the world though.


      • BB,

        Netflix has a rental DVD called, “Dawson City: Frozen Time”, that is an Indie Documentary about 533 once lost nitrate film prints from the early 1900s that now reveal a record of the Canadian Gold Rush that began in 1896 in that area. I haven’t seen it yet as it is way down in my queue, but it was a Critics Choice for the NY times, so I would expect that it would be worthwhile if you already have a Netflix DVD account.


    • >Per the 10 meter results I wouldn’t be surprised if the Avenger is capable of dime-sized groups at 50 yards

      I would be surprised, Hank! Bob Stern has had a 50 yard “Prove It” challenge up on airgunguild.com for a few years now. It requires 5 Shots under a dime. The catch is it must be done five times in a row on one sheet of paper with only those 25 holes on the paper. Bob says he can’t do it but he devised the challenge because he got tired of how many airgunners claim they shoot “under a dime” at 50 yards all the time–easy peesy! In all these years, only 1 (ONE) person has completed Bob’s challenge! I’m not giving up though. My .177 LGV keeps giving me hope with JSB Heavy pellets (sorted for head size and weighed). It’s my most accurate airgun.


      • Cal,

        Been using the 5-shot-5-target approach for many years (many decades actually LOL!) as a methodology for determining my Maximum Effective Range (MER) but I use a 1 inch target (the size of the kill-zone on most small game and pests). Most of my (home-made) targets feature a 1 inch outer circle with 1/2 inch inner circle with 5 targets per cluster. Attached is the one I use the most when practicing.

        I was thinking about the Avenger’s MER when I said “I would be curious to see how far the rifle could maintain a 1 inch group size with typical pellets.”

        Agree totally that the “Prove It” challenge is the way to separate a lucky group from easy-peesy any time I want claims. Still, I think that the Avenger will print dime sized groups often enough to separate it from the typical rifle.

        IMHO, all rifles are “tack drivers” WITHIN THEIR EFFECTIVE RANGE, it is just that that effective range could be a couple of feet; or 20 yards or maybe more. Still, I think that the Avenger will have a great effective range and print dime sized groups often enough to separate it from the typical rifle. I’m not saying easy-peesy at 50 yards but I think that the rifle might be suitable for trying to meet the Prove-It challenge.


        • >IMHO, all rifles are “tack drivers” WITHIN THEIR EFFECTIVE RANGE, it is just that that effective range could be a couple of feet;

          Haha–good point, Hank! Maybe when shooters claim they’ve got a “tack driver” I’ll ask, “But how far away was the tack?”

        • Hank,
          Thanks for posting this target. I downloaded it and added to my collection of targets. I have several stored so if there are any you might be interested in using, I would be happy to reciprocate. Here is just one that I like to use.

          • Thanks for the target Geo!

            Here is a great target idea from ChrisUSA that doesn’t need to be printed…

            Chris got me started on using those reinforcing labels (grommets) – those ones used to repair loose-leaf binder pages – for targets.

            Find that the white ones work well when stuck to the (unprinted) side of a cereal box. They show up pretty well against the tan/gray cardboard and the cardboard tears less than paper.

            The labels are also available in various colors and finishes.


            • Hank,
              Yup, Chris sent me some of the colored dots and reinforcement labels to try. They do work well too. He sent some green ones and some orange ones. I have no problem hitting the center at 17 yds in my basement range with the Urban. I have a target with 3/16″ black dots inside of a 1″ white circle. I am able to hit the back dot just about every time at that range too. When I want to go downstairs and shoot, I will print out a few of the targets on my printer. Someday, when the weather is right, and I have the ambition, I want to go setup outside and shoot out to 50 yds. The only time I have really stretched my shooting range out was to shoot at 30 yds., and I was able to group 28 of 30 in less than 1/2″, more than adequate for protecting my bluebirds from sparrows at 25 yds.

            • Hank,

              For the 499,…. I color them black with a marker and stick them on 1/4″ grid graph paper. Works real nice. On the colored ones,… I do the same with the yellow ones as they do not show well on white paper. Outline with a marker too on the inner and out if desired. Quick and easy and stands out well.

              Been having issues with shooting into deep, mature woods and the targets being too dark. Purchased a 1000W LED rechargeable to point at target. If you remember,… I use electric fence poles for target holders. I will just use one for holding the light.

              You never have such issues (lighting) with your wooded range?

              By the way,… I (love) your wind indicators. I use the electric fence poles for those too. I honestly can not imagine a better wind indicator,…. they work that well!


              • Chris,

                Yeah, I have some trouble with the targets being in deep shade at certain times of the day, haven’t thought of using a light (good idea that) but was thinking about pruning some tree branches. Using a light might be a better approach – couple of the trees are a 3 foot diameter, 100+ foot high white pines that I would rather not be climbing 🙂

                Glad that you like the wind indicators! I just finished extending me range to 128 yards and have to make a bunch more. They really make you aware how much the wind varies and swirls down range.


  9. I notice also that there are a variety of .22 slugs avaiable now, too.
    Might be interesting to see how those do when you get to 50yd line?
    I was considering a .177 version for the flat trajectory, I wonder
    if a 2nd barrel and probe is an easy change out on this rifle, now that
    hammer spring and regulator changes are done externally. This rifle will be a
    popular seller if its as accurate as it appears to be. Plus, the ATN X sight
    has never been reviewed by you. it captures screen shots of your target,
    plus a bunch of other stuff. Seems complicated, sorta like this rifle.

    • Rob,

      .177 is nice (I shoot a couple of them) but any benefits of flatter trajectory (over longer distances) are quickly lost if there is any sort of breeze blowing.

      IMHO, .22 is a much better all around caliber considering performance and cost.

      As far as swapping calibers it would probably be more practical to buy a second rifle – I suspect that the cost of the parts needed (bought separate from the gun) would amount to a good portion of the $300 for the complete new rifle. And then you have to re-set up the whole thing.

      I am liking this rifle as well.


    • !stblue,

      Just watched a YouTuber called UpNorthAirGunner shoot 22 g, .22 cal, FX Hybrid Slugs at 875 fps and got a 5 shot group under .500 ” at 50 yards. I think the outside edges of the holes formed a 1/2 ” group.

      TedsHoldover got slightly bigger than 1″ at 75 yards with .25 cal FX slugs in a fair amount of wind.


      • on pyramid website where they sell this rifle you can clic the link at the beginning of the artice here and then clic on the video where the pyramid guy with a 25 avenger shoots 1/2 at 50 yds and 1.1 inch at 100 yds. amazing and it is as good as 1000-2000 dollar air rifles

  10. Hey All!

    B.B. has ordered some .22 slugs and ran into backorder issues on some (see Part 1) does anyone have a few to send B.B. so he can try them at 50 & 100…(+)!

    I don’t think he can size down my .25 bullets…I don’t do .22 bullets (slugs) i use shallow dishes of stake beer on slugs!


  11. B.B.,

    If you want some slugs here you go. They are not showing up on the PA ammo menu. So order quick. If they have some they may go quick after this post.


    The order menu is stuck on .218, 21 grains so give them a call it does show in stock. You may be able to hack the link for .217 and other weight pellets.

    The page on the link is set up much better than having a different page for each caliber and weight but does not fill them in my cart.

    If you cant find some slugs I can ship you some but it will be at least another week. I left all mine at my cabin.


    P.S. I just checked and you have to click on the box below to put the correct pellet in your cart.

  12. So far excellent, I sure don’t need another airgun but this one with a hand pump looks like a great deal to get started.

    The bug buster looks like a perfect fit. Looks like .22 is the way to go. If all the guns are accurate in .177 this may be a good field target gun.

    So far it is looking better than the Fortitude. When is Crosman going to add a few bucks and start using a good two stage adjustable trigger in these guns, they know how obviously.


    • Edw,

      An interesting theory that you obviously believe to be true. Do you have evidence? Share as much as you can or want to. I have wondered about the same on my Marauder (the only auto advancing magazine capable airgun i own) and have one of the first single shot loading trays ever produced for the very earliest Marauders. I stopped worrying about damaged pellets after the great groups and also giving it considerable thought. What i envisioned that comforted me is that the spring load and resulting shear on most rotary magazines is really quite low. Also the rotation stops and the bolt appears to lock that pellet port from moving until the bolt is retracted. Does it have the same degree of precision fit on every brand or even magazine to magazine from the same manufacture? That I don’t know. About the only way to know would be to have a see through receiver machined out of a Lucite block to exact dimensions mate a barrel (perhaps also Lucite) install a bolt and magazine and see how it works. Any attempt to load and pull the magazine to check pellet deformation is a non-player because the bolt must be retracted on all the designs I’m familiar with.
      How long have you held to this? I know it was discussed at length way back when and no one ever resolved the issue but we all mostly learned to just live with the accuracy given an otherwise functioning rotary magazine.


      • Shootski,
        My Gamo Urban has a similar designed magazine as many other repeaters. My very first experience with the Urban was that occasionally the bolt did not push the pellet into the chamber smoothly, and I would wiggle the mag just a little and then it loaded fine. Upon further research, I discovered that the pellets appeared slightly out of alignment in the mag (see attached photo). I disassembled the magazine and found that the stop was molded into the cover, so no adjustment possible to correct alignment. Also, the misalignment was only at the skirt side, the dome side was aligned fine. So the pellet was slightly canted in the magazine. The first pellet in the magazine (#1) was in perfect alignment because at that point the pellet was not pressing against the stop yet.
        This slight misalignment on pellet #2 thru #10 did not appear to affect the accuracy, or grouping. Still, I would get that occasional instance of the bolt not loading a pellet smoothly into the chamber. After thinking about it for a time, I thought that putting just a small dab of super glue on the stop could correct the alignment. So, being very careful to not put too much on, I use an eye piece and put just a little dab of super glue on the stop. This corrected the misalignment issue totally, and I have not had any more pellets that did not load smoothly. The magazine has performed flawlessly since then.

      • I’ve always thought pellets we’re getting mangled a bit. But I just had a great idea on how to test that. Rather than machining lucite what about sucking the pellet out the muzzle with a vacuum? That would eliminate the trouble of catching it in water. If there are parts of the skirt that have no rifling marks then there you go.

        • Ed,

          You must have one of them real fancy vacs. I do not think that would work. I would be very surprised if it did. In theory yes,… but I do not think that there is enough suction to pull it off (or out,… in this case).


          • It all depends on the skirt seal. I can boil water at room temperature. It’s all about if the skirt leaks. That might be telling enough compared to a tray loaded one.

        • Edw,

          That might work. I would be concerned that the pellet would get swaged differently from how being blown through the barrel would form the skirt. It all depends on how well a rifle shoots with the tray and then a comparison of each of the pellet ports compared to the others in that magazine. That very subject has come up with a number of repeaters with straightline magazines, on a number of B.B.’s test Blogs, as well as rotary magazines with some or all of the pellet ports giving different accuracy results on targets.
          The use of anything different from the actual loading and shooting processes resulted in people crying foul in all the discussion i have been a part of ever since the topic surfaced.

          I wonder if the Girardoni Riflemen had similar debates about their repeaters!


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    During busy holidays, we step our efforts to ship all orders as fast as possible, but you may experience an additional 1-2 day delay before your order ships. This may also happen if you change your order during processing.

    View Shipping Times

  • Shipping Restrictions

    It's important to know that due to state and local laws, there are certain restrictions for various products. It's up to you to research and comply with the laws in your state, county, and city. If you live in a state or city where air guns are treated as firearms you may be able to take advantage of our FFL special program.

    U.S. federal law requires that all airsoft guns are sold with a 1/4-inch blaze orange muzzle or an orange flash hider to avoid the guns being mistaken for firearms.

    View Shipping Restrictions

  • Expert Service and Repair

    Get the most out of your equipment when you work with the expert technicians at Pyramyd AIR. With over 25 years of combined experience, we offer a range of comprehensive in-house services tailored to kickstart your next adventure.

    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

    View Service Info

  • Warranty Info

    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our products (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

    View Warranty Details

  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

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