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Education / Training Air Venturi Avenger repeating air rifle: Part 2

Air Venturi Avenger repeating air rifle: Part 2

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Air Venturi Avenger.

Part 1

This report covers:

  • Test strategy
  • Why was it showing higher?
  • Adjusting the regulator
  • Are you following this?
  • The test
  • Beeman Kodiak pellets
  • The regulator
  • JSB Exact Jumbo Heavy
  • Beeman Kodiaks
  • The last string
  • Trigger pull
  • Summary

Test strategy

Today I will begin the velocity test. The Air Venturi Avenger is so adjustable that it will take several reports to cover just the velocity. Not only is the hammer spring adjustable — the regulator is, as well. In fact, that presents a challenge for how I will test the rifle. The rifle came out of the box with a charge of 3,600 psi and the regulator set to 3,000 psi. That means that until the internal pressure falls below 3,000 psi, the pressure that the valve “sees” will always be 3,000 psi. That is the highest pressure to which the regulator can be set — at least accurding to the manual.

Why was it showing higher?

In Part One I showed an actual picture of the reg. gauge, and it appeared that it was reading above 3,000 psi. That wasn’t the angle of the camera, either. It really did ready that high. Reader Toddspeed asked me what was going on, and I didn’t know, so I loaded a pellet into the single-shot tray and fired it. The needle on the reg. gauge dropped back to 3,000, which I told you in the comments. I have been watching it ever since and it still reads 3,000.

Avenger reg gauge
The regulator pressure gauge has been reading 3,000 psi for the past 13 days. I believe this is the correct setting.

The hammer spring can be adjusted to give maximum power at these settings, because the regulator will always provide the maximum pressure (which means the greatest amount of compressed air).

Adjusting the regulator

Pyramyd Air’s Tyler Patner has suffered through what you are about to learn. I know that from what he said in his comments to Part 1, where he was discussing the reg pressure with reader RidgeRunner.

“The reg is adjustable up to 3000 PSI (recommended) but it can go a bit higher than that.  I found there’s plenty of room to adjust the reg down and still maintain similar power levels to where it comes set from the factory.”

To which RidgeRunner asked whether it would probably then be be more efficient with air.

“I definitely wouldn’t call it inefficient (at least for the .25 I’ve been testing) out of the box, but there are definitely downsides to having the reg set higher than it needs to be.  You see it when you chronograph the gun.  Easy way to tell, when your reservoir pressure gets down around your reg set point, if you see the velocity creep up that’s an indication of the reg being set too high.  Watch the fill pressure when the velocity falls back to where it was before it jumped and that’ll usually tell you about where you want to set the reg at.  But bear in mind, this is without making other modifications.  Adjusting the hammer spring tension would alter things.  It’s about finding a good balance for your intended use.  And the fact that you can change these settings to do so, is the big benefit to the Avenger over it’s competition for me.”

We have seen what Tyler is talking about in our very recent tests of the AirForce Edge target rifle. I had the top hat for that rifle set too high, and when the rifle fell off the reg the velocity went up and gave far too many fast shots.

Are you following this?

I am not writing this to confuse you but to enlighten you as to the flexibility of the Avenger. I said at the start that it is very adjustable. Now let’s learn what that means to us — and how I must respond to make a test that covers as much ground as possible but doesn’t take me two months to perform. The following quote is from the Pyramyd AIR product description.

“The heart of the Avenger can be found in the externally adjustable regulator.  Working in tandem with the adjustable hammer spring, the user can fine tune the performance of their rifle to best suit their needs.  Never before has this kind of tuning potential been available at such a budget friendly price!  The regulator can be adjusted as high as 3000 PSI, and you can track your adjustments via the reg pressure gauge on the right hand side of the action.  Increasing the reg pressure can be done at any time, though decreasing the pressure requires the gun to be degassed first.  This is easily done thanks to an easy access degassing screw found just behind the reg adjustment.”

Boy, was THAT ever an understatement!

“Never before has this kind of tuning potential been available at such a budget friendly price!”

The rifle was not filled to the maximum when I took it out of the box. The maximum is 4,351 psi, which is also 300 bar, and the rifle had about 3.600 psi when I unpacked it. So I gave a lot of thought about how to test the rifle. Because I can’t decrease the reg. pressure until the rifle is degassed, I think I will fill the reservoir to the max and test the maximum power with some heavy pellets. Then, when it drops off the reg. (and I can get a shot count for that reg. setting), I will drain out all the air and adjust the reg. as low as it will go. Then pressurize to the max and hopefully do more velocity testing.

I won’t get to all of that today, because of a surprise the Avenger had for me. Read on!

Hunting Guide

The test

To test the rifle I filled it all the way to 4,351 psi/300 bar. I also adjusted the tension on the hammer spring as high as it would go. The rifle is now as powerful as it can get in this .22 caliber. Pyramyd AIR says to expect a max of 34 foot-pounds. I am shooting with the single shot tray for reasons I will explain in a bit.

Avenger regulator gauge
I filled the reservoir to the max. pressure.

Avenger hammer spring
The hammer spring adjustment is accessed through a hole in the rear of the receiver and there is an Allen key in the box to adjust it. All the way clockwise for max. tension on the spring.

Beeman Kodiak pellets

The first pellet I tested was the 21.14-grain Beeman Kodiak. This pellet is no longer available under the Beeman brand name, but the H&N Baracuda is the same pellet and weighs exactly the same. The starting reservoir pressure was 4,351 psi (give or take). The first ten Kodiaks averaged 887 f.p.s. the low was 879 and the high was 900 f.p.s. so the spread was 21 f.p.s. At the average velocity this string produced 36.94 foot-pounds of energy at the muzzle. The Avenger is already ahead of its advertised energy! The ending reservoir pressure was 4,000 psi.

Dae Sung  28.9-grain domes

Next up were some obsolete Dae Sung domes that weigh 28.9-grains. They are extremely similar to the Seneca 28.5-grain domes. They averaged 759 f.p.s. with an 18 f.p.s. spread. — from 750 to 768 f.p.s. Now, PCPs usually generate the highest power with the heaviest pellets, so I expected an increase in energy with this pellet, but at the average velocity it produced 36.98 foot-pounds at the muzzle.

By the way, these heavy pellets are the reason I used the single shot tray. I wanted to be sure I could load these pellets that are longer, due to their weight.

Avenger pellet tray
As you can see, there is plenty of room for longer heavy pellets like these Dae Sungs in the single-shot tray.

The regulator

The starting reservoir air pressure was 4,000 psi and after the string the gauge registered 3,500 psi. But when I looked at the regulator gauge after this second string I saw the needle had dropped to 2,600 psi. I don’t know what happened but I’m not stopping the test to find out.

Avenger regulator
After the second string I noticed that the regulator had settled to this setting. The camera angle is a bit off but the gauge now reads 2,600 psi as the reg. pressure.

JSB Exact Jumbo Heavy

The next pellet I tried was the 18.13-grain JSB Exact Jumbo Heavy. The starting reservoir pressure was 3,500 psi. All indications are that this will be an accurate pellet for the Avenger. Ten of these pellets averaged 954 f.p.s. in the Avenger, which produces a muzzle energy of 36.65 foot-pounds of energy at the muzzle. The velocity varied from a low of 941 to a high of 962 f.p.s. That’s a difference of 21 f.p.s.

Let me tell you why this string is astounding. It is because this JSB pellet is a medium weight pellet, yet it develops nearly the same energy as a heavyweight pellet. That is something I have not encountered before! It is a stability of the Avenger valve that I cannot explain.

By the way, I have now fired 30 pellets from the rifle and we have seen a similar power profile for each of three different pellets. The Avenger is getting a lot more shots at this power setting than I would have anticipated. And, we are not done yet!

Beeman Kodiaks

With the reservoir pressure down to 3,000 psi and 30 pellets already fired, I thought I would return to the Beeman Kodiaks and see how the Avenger handles them. This 10-shot string averaged 891 f.p.s. for a muzzle energy of 37.27 foot-pounds. The low was 886 and the high was 895 f.p.s. for a spread of 9 feet per second. That’s a total of 40 shots on the fill and the rifle is getting MORE consistent! Folks — this seems like a real winner! I can’t wait for the accuracy test.

I decided to stick with Kodiaks because the reservoir’s gauge now read 2,800 psi after the last string. It’s still above the reg. pressure, so there should be more shots available. And there were. The next 10-shot string of Kodiaks averaged 884 f.p.s. for a muzzle energy of 36.69 foot-pounds! Yes, folks  — that’s 50 shots at 36+ foot-pounds with three different pellets! I am polishing my cheerleading boots and getting out my pom-poms. I have never seen performance like this and this is a price-point PCP! By the way, the low for this string was 878 and the high was 890, so a 12 f.p.s. difference.

The last string

Okay, this one I will show you because there is one more thing to learn. These are Kodiak pellets, as well.


I won’t run an average for this string because I hope it is obvious to everyone that the Avenger has finally fallen off the regulator. The pressure in the reservoir now reads 2,000 psi, which is below where the regulator was set. The regulator pressure gauge also reads 2,000 p[si now, because that’s all the opressure available. But look at how gradually the velocity is dropping. That is indicative of a balanced valve — something I never expected to find in this budget rifle. I’m not convinced that the valve is balanced — except at this setting of the highest hammer-spring tension. Guys — there is a whole lot happening with this air rifle in this velocity test!

Trigger pull

I will test the two-stage trigger now but not adjust it. The first stage is light, at 6 ounces. Stage two breaks at 2 lbs. 3 oz. I will wait for a later test to say whether it is crisp. It felt that way today, but until I shoot for accuracy I can’t really tell.


The Avenger is turning out to be one of the most intriguing PCPs I have ever tested. Over 50 shots at the highest power setting has got to be some kind of record.

There is so much to test that I advise you to hold off making any firm decisions just yet. However, if I can take it down to a reasonable level of power (less than what we see here but not low-powered) and see similar stability, then we are in for one heck of a test!

If this PCP is accurate, the Benjamin Marauder had better look out!.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

67 thoughts on “Air Venturi Avenger repeating air rifle: Part 2”

  1. So average ish…35 fpe for 40 shots is 1400fpe for the fill. That’s pretty good. I’m thinking getting the reg down to 1200 and a fill to 3000 would be a pretty sweet spot for a hand pumping user.

    Or 50 shots. That’s 1750fpe on the fill. Dang. And the hammer spring isn’t adjusted.

  2. BB,

    It is interesting to see the FPE consistency over a range of pellet weights.

    How do you explain the regulator gauge starting at 3000 and falling to 2600 during the testing?


    • Chris,

      I suspect that the regulator set-pressure is actually 2600 psi and that the initial indicated pressures were due to “regulator creep”.

      Think that the rifle might have been exposed to large changes in temperature during shipping causing some leakage in the valve resulting in higher pressure on the regulated side. That and the regulator needs to be shot a bit to allow it to lap in and seal more positively.

      2600 psi sounds to be a high set-point but that could be just the design of the system. Know that my .22 Impact is getting about 32 fpe @ about 1000 psi and my .22 HW100 about 30 fpe @ about 1500 psi so that is what I am comparing to.


      • I’m hoping that is the case. 1000-1200 seems like a good place for a .22 making power. That would give a lot of overhead for the hand pumpers out there. 2000 psi to work with would be great for an easy fill.

  3. BB
    I know your remember when you tested the Marauder rifles you mentioned that the instruction manual talks about how to adjust the striker stroke and striker spring pressure and as well as the transfer port flow for lower fill pressure and still maintain good velocity and spread.

    Well I don’t see why that can’t be done with the gun your testing today. I believe you could set the regulator at say 1200 psi and fill the gun to 2500 to 3000 psi and still get a good shot count and velocity spread. All you would have to do is adjust the guns hammer pressure. That would probably mean less pressure adjustment from the hammer spring. I think it would be very easy to do.

    • GF1,

      Being regulated there is no reason not to fill to maximum pressure as it wouldn’t affect the valve. As long as the reservoir is above set-pressure, all the reservoir pressure affects is the shot count.


      • Hank
        Yep that’s exactly what I’m talking about.

        My Maximus with the 1200 psi regulated bottle gets filled to 3000psi and shoots very, very consistent actually down to about 1000 psi.

        That means my Maximus is still efficient below the regulated pressure. That makes for a very accurate gun that doesn’t waste air every shot.

        What that means is my hammer (striker) spring pressure is set correct for around a 900 psi to 1200 psi working pressure.

        I said it before and I’ll say it again. There is more to just throwing a regulator in a gun and thinking you have it set. It might tighten your spread up but you still might not be as efficient as you can be. In other words you get it set up right you can get even better shot counts.

    • Yogi
      I guess you missed it. It has a universal shot counter. Who ever picks up the gun to shoot it. I hear that some of the shot counters are good and some are not though.

  4. BB,

    Oh man, you are making it rough on me. This bugga is showing all the characteristics of a very expensive air rifle in an affordable package. I do believe you are correct that the Marauder is about to have some serious competition. One issue I have had with the Marauder is its size. It always seemed so massive to me. The Fortitude is in my choice of size and weight, but is lacking in power and adjustability. I know it would be difficult if not impossible to beat this price over here, but if something similar could be gotten here, it would do well. the Marauder did.

    Why was it showing higher? – It really did ready (read) that high.

    Photo caption – The hammer spring adjustment is accessed through a hole ion (in) the rear of the receiver…

    Oh pooky. There are a couple more, but I lost them. 😉

  5. It keeps putting check marks in all the right boxes. I know its imported but I don’t know if I’ll be able to pass up on one of these. One magazine full equals 10 shots….two mags.twenty…three’ thirty… you get the idea. pooky that’s a new one. Sounds like a pet name for your better half or a spoiled rotten ankle biting dog.

    • Rk,

      It does sound like both of your examples, but I think you understand it to be a form of mild expletive. Besides, I would not have any tolerance of an ankle biter and I do not think my loving wife would care for that nickname. 😉

      It is indeed going to be hard to resist one of these. TCFKAC is really going to have to work some miracles with a Gen 3 Fortitude to even match this. This one is a big leap forward. Not even the Gauntlet is close. Some of the Chinese have been listening.

      • RR
        Why is Crosman going to have to work miracles with a gen 3 Fortitude to match the gun BB is testing today.

        First off we haven’t seen any accuracy reports about today’s gun yet. The workable range the gun is tuned at is a part of the factor and the Foetitude is tuned that way. So now what needs to be figured out with the gun BB is testing is how to tune it. And I’ll give you a hint. The high pressure regulator setting is not the trick.

        As the saying goes. “Time Will Tell”

        • GF1,

          I do understand. This was developed from the Nova Liberty, which is a real nice air rifle from all accounts I have seen, heard or read. It is also a cousin of the Aspen.

          Now if TCFKAC was to change the Fortitude regulator to an adjustable one, add a shot counter and keep the price around $300, we might talk Yogi into one though I doubt it.

  6. Now I’m wondering if I ought to have held off on the Fortitude… but then I’d be waiting for the semiautomatic Marauder… and rifle weight is important to me because I’m shooting off hand/unsupported.

    On the other hand, I’ve had the Fortitude for a few weeks, put a few hundred pellets through it, and thoroughly enjoyed myself!!!

    Looks like I can keep having a good time while waiting fir both the Avenger and the semiautomatic Marauder to prove themselves. I do wonder if there will be a semiautomatic Avenger though …

    • MisterAP,

      I would hang on to the Fortitude for a good bit. The Avenger and the SAM are not here yet and the SAM is going to have some heft compared to the Fortitude. Also, there are some mods and upgrades that can be done to the Fortitude. Not likely turn it into an Avenger, but…

      A semi airgun is not a simple thing. Having it operate properly, have some power and not be an HPA hog takes a little bit of engineering to pull off. They usually charge a premium for that option also.

      • RR,

        Yep, the weight is what kept me from the Marauder and drew me to the Fortitude. It is very likely going to keep me from the semiautomatic Marauder 🙁 I do want a semiautomatic though and not one of those $1000+ ones either 😉
        I am really enjoying my Fortitude 😀

        • MisterAP,

          That SAM is not going to be cheap.

          I tell you, some of these PPPCPs are really shaking up the market. Some of these with just a little tinkering and tuning can shoot with the best of them. A Gauntlet got everybody’s attention at EBR this past year.

          I’d take the Fortitude, even if my preference is the Maximus.

          • Yeah list price is $800. Kinda steep but maybe the Friday free shipping and an eventual code will knock off a couple hundred 🙂

            Until then, will keep enjoying the Fortitude!!

            There aren’t any other semiautomatics to consider, are there?

  7. Michael,

    Those groove strips are much better suited for the designed for sights rather than scope mounts. They are a little “narrower” and quite smooth on the sides. That is why many of the scope mounts for the “old” Dianas have a lip on the front to catch the front of the sight mount.

    I have a scope stop that may work. I do want to try it some with a scope, but it will not stay that way. I like peeps.

  8. BB
    I’m waiting for the accuracy test.

    And why don’t you save yourself a little time while your still recovering from the fall. Skip the ten yard test and go to 25 yards. It should shoot good at 10 yards. 25 yards is where you start seeing what the gun is made of. And maybe walking will help work your muscles and such to help get you moving better.

      • BB
        I don’t see why it still won’t be a good accuracy report. Pretty much people ask you to stretch the distance on guns a bit anyway. And especially so with the type of guns this gun is your reporting on today and the Fortitude. They can shoot 10 m good I’m thinking. But a wide range of distances is what I think they are really made for.

        Maybe I’m wrong but that’s what Gunfun1 is seeing.

        And I would like to see a low pressure regulator tune on the gun your testing today. I think it will be a winner if you tune it that way. Then what’s nice with the gun is then the shooter can take advantage of the high fill pressure the gun can be filled to. I think if the gun is tuned to a low fill pressure you have a broader range of fill pressure the gun will be still capable of and still shoot good consistent groups. That’s a real good thing if you can show that happens. But the target paper has to show it too.

  9. B.B.

    I’m not familiar with the Avenger but if the reservoir has a valve built into it, you could just remove the reservoir and de-pressure the rifle so that you can make the regulator adjustments.

    Suggest lowering the reg to minimum, and with the hammer-spring at max, graphing the velocity (with the 18.3 pellet) as you increase the reg pressure in 100 psi increments.

    Once you have that mapped you can shoot for groups at different velocities to get an idea of where things are. Considering the typical power (30ish fpe), velocity and accuracy for the .22 18.3 grain pellet, I would chose around 900 fps for the 18.3 and reduce the hammer-spring tension to see how the groups responded.

    Fun stuff eh?


      • B.B.

        Understand that you don’t want to make this a huge project.

        These “adjustable” PCPs are great in that you can (easily) tweak the rifle to a particular pellet rather than searching for a golden pellet that suits the present tune.

        With that in mind, it might be an idea to select a typical, middle of the road, good quality pellet and tune the rifle to that rather than “testing” a bunch of pellets for accuracy.

        Just saying that with the Avenger, it might be of general interest to visit the tuning aspects of the rifle.


    • Hank
      Yep since we can’t easily go into the guns valve and change its spring for the top hat in the valve we have to lighten the striker spring so we don’t use excess air every shot.

      When the caliber starts going up and you need more air to flow to make a given velocity is when the regulated pressure and strike spring pressure needs to be higher.

      That’s exactly why the .25 caliber Gauntlet regulated bottle is set at 1900 psi verses the 1200 psi the .22 and .177 caliber Gauntlet regulated bottle is set at.

      But now that brings up another point. The gun BB is testing today could be setup to shoot a heavier pellet with the regulator and striker spring pressure. By increasing the regulator pressure and striker spring pressure. And as it goes. But that’s if that heavier pellet shoots good at the velocity you tune the gun to shoot that heavier pellet at.

      It’s not as simple as it seems but is also on the other hand somewhat forgiving to tune a pcp. So the average shooter can tune a pcp fairly easy. But the above average tuner that wants more out of their gun has those adjustments to accomplish that tune with the adjustable regulator and striker and such.

      So simple but effective might not hold true for these type of guns unless you get in a little deeper to learn the how the system works. I like the options but sometimes it just complicates things.

      • Edw,

        It has to do with the mechanical design of the regulator, you can strip the threads on the adjuster if you try to decrease the regulator pressure (by turning it clockwise) and further compressing the already high pressure in the unit.

        Here is a clip from my FX Impact manual…

        Increase regulator pressure. Turn the regulator screw counter-clockwise a
        quarter of a turn and check the gauge. Repeat until the wanted pressure has
        been reached..

        Decrease regulator pressure. Turn the regulator screw clockwise a quarter
        of a turn, fire off one empty shot in a safe direction Repeat until the wanted
        pressure has been reached.

        Rather than inching the regulator down I just de-pressurize the whole system, decrease the set-point to below the range I am working at then increase until I hit my target pressure. That is just my preference. Find that when testing, it is best to work from low to high pressure.

        Hope this helps.


  10. Here is a table on the Avenger compared to some of the guns we have discussed.
    The weights are for synthetic stocks except the RAW is laminate. The weights are without a scope.

    Overall Barrel
    Weight Length Length
    Pounds Inches Inches

    Fortitude 5.3 42.6 23.31
    Avenger 6.0 42.75 22.75
    Marauder 7.3 42.8 20.0
    RAW 8.85 45.37 24.0

    I have all but the Avenger. The difference in size is significant. By far the Fortitude is my grab and go gun it is easy to tote and I don’t worry about scuffing it up. The RAW is big; it is made to shoot from a bench. I shoot ground squirrels from a rest so the RAW should be good for that. I haven’t had a chance to try it yet though.

    The weight of the scopes on my guns happens to also go up with the weight of the gun so that makes the differences even more.


  11. I recall B.B. functioning as the Aspen’s regulator by adding 2 or 3 pumps between shots. For sure a low-tech, low cost piece of technology.

    Any word on the long-term viability of the Aspen? I have a definite budget ceiling but would like to venture into the PCP world with our spending as much or more than the rifle to get there.


  12. I see the Crosman/Benjamin Wildfire bit the dust. Mine took some extra effort to get tuned up but was a good plinker and even a good rat gun. With the mix and match stuff Crosman has they could develop a decent semiautomatic pcp. I think a gen III Wildfire still has a market if it is accurate. Too bad it came out with too many issues. Leaks and bad barrel killed it.

    An update on my Yong Heng hpa compressor. Gunfun1 was correct it does not do well filling a large tank. I watch the temp and don’t run more than 5 minutes. So it is working great. It fills a gun in a snap. It fills my guns so fast I need to keep a close eye on it. For the cost I think it is great. I am looking for a car AC condenser instead of a bucket to keep it cool. I have been using 50/50 antifreeze in a bucket to keep it cooled down. I recycled my last air conditioner radiator dagnapit. I would not recommend the Yong Heng compressor for heavy duty work but it is great for filling pcp guns. I don’t start it under pressure, that should help the longevity of the pump. If the pump was geared down it would be great fo filling large tanks. It just heats up with the speed it runs at.


    • Don
      You mentioned a large tank. And I do agree with you there about filling a large tank won’t work that good.

      But i do think it will fill a small buddy bottle like a 90 cubic inch Benjamin buddy bottle. I believe they will fill them about like how the Shoebox compressor will. And even a bit better I’m thinking. The Shoebox won’t fill a big tank good either.

      Do you have a small 90 cubic inch bottl you can try to fill with the China compressor. I have been thinking about get a 90 cubic inch bottle but have been hesitant to if my compressor won’t fill it. Let me know if you have tried.

      • GF1

        All I have is the air Venturi Regulated bottle like you have. It fills it about as fast as I fill it from my large tank. I have to watch as it fills, it is quick.

        I let mine run about 5 minutes filling one of my big bottles, I shut it off when the temperature reached 65 degrees centigrade. I still want to put a small radiator and fan on mine. For now the bucket is fine. I did add some antifreeze to help with cooling and corrosion. I think filling guns it will last a long time. Filling a gun it doesn’t have time to get hot.

        Not sure about the buddy bottle. Maybe let it run for 3 minutes and then let it cool off. If it could be geared down maybe 10 or 20 to one and had an automatic shutoff it would fill a big tank ok. It seems to be set up for guns or small tanks that is what I’m sticking to.

        Do you put any silicon oil in the pump intake? Seems like that my help the seals, especially if it is only run for short time periods. I am using royal purple synthetic compressor oil in mine.

        The air here is dry now but by winter I want to install a desiccant dryer maybe intake and pressure side.


        • Don
          I don’t know if I would lube the pump with silicone oil through where the filter screws in. The pump uses 3 or 4 I believe split nylon type cylindrical split seals about a 1/4″ long. They are grey colored and will flex open pretty easy to put on the piston. They are not rubber like o-rings. I think the silicone oil could deteriorate those seals.

          And I used a synthetic oil made for the compressor. Oh and I also use antifreeze in the water too.

  13. B.B.,

    I think what you are seeing with the regulator is: “The term is often used when discussing the accuracy of pressure reducing valves, or PRVs. Also known as Proportional Band or Offset, droop is defined as the deviation from setpoint as flow increases through a regulator. … As an example, if a regulator has 20% droop, that regulator has 80% accuracy.”

    The fact that regulators used in airguns are the same design as typical continuous flow regulators is a flawed approach in my opinion. The Valve has way more impact on the regulator Outflow side than most folks are aware off…apparently that includes the manufacturers in their rush to adopt regulators.


  14. 2600 psi seems like an overly hot regulator pressure; that’s about 175 bar. I think it’s more typical for regulated 22 cal pcps to have their regulators set at 110-125 bar ( roughly 1600-1800 psi), or lower for those who want slower target shooting velocities and highest shot counts.

  15. Off topic I know but I thought I’d just share a picture of my newest arrival, a Baikal MP-60.

    Now I’ve no interest in 12 ft.lb rifles for either hunting or FT, being mainly interested in pistols, but have always read so much about how pleasant these are to shoot thought I’d finally take the plunge – especially when I spotted the single shot 60 available rather than the repeating 61. There may be a slight benefit in accuracy and reliability, but in any case I’m quite happy with the sedate pace of the single shot.

    Although newly bought, it is a 2015 production gun (the serial number and individually numbered instruction leaflet show that) so a synthetic receiver and various other plastic parts on the gun as well, the cylinder end cap, trigger and sights. There’s no mainspring guide or actual sidelever catch, instead it just relies on its tension to clip over a post protruding from the receiver. As a package from Baikal you get the gun and instruction manual, with no spare parts; perhaps there should have been a spare o-ring for the bolt probe but it’s either gone missing or has since been abandoned (the manual relates to the sidelever-catch version).

    While this has been stripped (it’s an interesting little design, isn’t it), lubed and test-fired on reassembly unfortunately that’s all I can do at the moment until I get word that my club has re-opened.

    Having been bought from Germany, the barrel has the F-in-Pentagon and HWG laser-etched on it (I’ve also seen just ‘HW’ as well) – nothing to do with Weihrauch, this would appear to be the German importer, Hans Wrage. Perhaps they had to change and add the ‘G’ to avoid any confusion.



      • Oh certainly, this is basically pistol-level power in a shoulder stocked package.

        Once it’s zeroed I imagine it will see most use at one of those pellet traps with 4 knockdown ducks in a row, with a central disc to reset. The existing sights do look just a little bit clunky, and I know from shooting at one of those with plain open sights on a pistol it can be difficult to get a good sight picture, so I’m not quite sure yet whether to upgrade the sights.


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