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Education / Training Sen-X AR-6 Tactical Arrow Repeating Crossbow: Part 3

Sen-X AR-6 Tactical Arrow Repeating Crossbow: Part 3

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier-

Sen-X AR-6
Sen_X AR-6 Tactical Arrow Repeating Crossbow.

Part 1
Part 2

This report covers:

  • Sights
  • Dot sight
  • Vibration
  • Safety
  • Hunting limb
  • Sight-in
  • Group
  • Damage to one arrow
  • Stopped at this point
  • Observations
  • Fletching
  • Next test
  • Summary

Wow! It has taken me a looooong time to return to the Sen-X AR-6 Tactical Arrow Repeating Crossbow. Most of the reason for the delay was the weather that never quite cooperated, but when I tried to do a test at the end of February the problem became something else altogether.


In Part 2 I showed you that the sights on the bow are primitive. There is a front post, but in the rear there is nothing to align it with except the silver spring latch on the magazine cover. There is a red laser built into the AR-6, but it cannot be seen in daylight beyond about 10 feet. With just those crude sights I managed to shoot the bow fairly well, but I wondered what better sights would do.

Dot sight

The sight I selected for the AR-6 was the UTG Reflex Micro dot. Pyramyd AIR sells the red one but I have a green one that I use because a green dot is easier for me to see. The crossbow has a Picatinny rail on the front where this sight fits easily. I picked this sight for its small size. It seems to be made for this crossbow. I thought to have it sighted in within a few shots.

The UTG Reflex Micro Dot sight is perfectly sized to fit the AR-6 crossbow.

I sighted-in the dot sight at about 12-15 feet. Once the dot was doing well there I backed up to 10 meters and shot a magazine’s worth of confirmation shots. Then I backed up to what I now know is 18 meters.

At 18 meters the crossbow hit fairly well on the point of aim. Two arrows went together pretty close. But on the third shot I missed the arrow stop/bag altogether — something I had not done in all my previous testing of three crossbows, plus an Air Venturi Wing Shot air shotgun firing Air Venturi Air Bolts. All of that put over 200 shots into that bag! I heard the AR-6 arrow hit the fence behind the bag. It did not stick in the cedar wood of the fence slat, but bounced off and landed on the lawn. When I examined the arrow I could see it had bent from the force of the impact.

The metal shaft of the arrow bent from impact.

How could I have missed a target that had seemed so easy so many times before? Was the dot sight loose? I grabbed it and shook it and it was still mounted solid. But the bow limb wasn’t! It wobbled and slid in its slot, which it’s not supposed to do. If you recall in Part 1 I told you that I had to assemble the AR-6 before I could shoot it . The bow limb (what many would call the bow) had to be secured to the bow deck with a large Allen screw.

A large Allen screw holds the bow limb tight to the bow deck.

This fault came up suddenly and unexpectedly, though I imagine there were signs beforehand, if I had been looking for them. But now the bow limb was moving around like I knew it wasn’t supposed to and I remembered there being some steel shims in front of and behind the limb where the Allen screw contacted. I found the shims on the ground where I was shooting.


The AR-6 is a completely mechanical contrivance. Every time it fires the bow limb springs forward as far as the bowstring will permit and then stops suddenly, sending vibration throughout the entire assembly. I did not appreciate that. I know that spring piston airguns vibrate, but crossbows vibrate, too. And they need the same attention to tightening their screws as do springers — especially this large one that holds the bow limb in place.

At first I was concerned that I might not get the limb back into perfect alignment. Then I remembered that I had assembled it only a few weeks before and the process is very straightforward. There are marks and guidelines on the limb and the deck to assist you.


A bigger concern for me was safety. I had never missed the arrow bag/trap before, in spite of testing numerous crossbows and arrow shooters. Two people I allowed to shoot my Sub-1 crossbow and the Wing Shot had missed the bag, but I found out afterward that neither of them understood how they should be aiming them. It’s funny how they won’t tell you beforehand that they don’t understand what you have told them to do, but after the shot goes bad they open up!

Now, I was the one who wondered whether I knew how to shoot the thing. Sure I got it together again and it seemed tight, but I had also done that before, when I assembled it out of the box the first time. Oh, woe is me! And then the hunting limb arrived from Pyramyd Air!

Build a Custom Airgun

Hunting limb

The hunting limb increases the power of the AR-6 to about 12 foot-pounds. That doesn’t sound like much until you consider that the target limb I am testing produces a little over 8 foot pounds (8.31 foot-pounds, according to the description on the website). Then you realize the hunting limb boosts the power by almost 50 percent. Here I am languishing in fear of the target bow and there is still a more powerful bow to test. Buck up, BB. Time to get with it!

Well, weather and equipment issues slowed me down again until last Friday. Then I got a perfect day to shoot and took full advantage of it.


I sighted-in the dot sight again, since I had to remount the bow limb. Again I shot from 12-15 feet, then 10 meters and finally from the same 18 meters as before. When I was finished the bow was shooting to the point of aim at 18 meters.

I had used the same arrows for all earlier shooting, as well as sighting-in this time. The fletching on those arrows was pretty much gone.

The same arrows, shot perhaps 15-20 times each, had lost much of their fletching.

So, I decided to use 4 new arrows to shoot at 18 meters. Would they shoot to the same place as the arrows I used for sight-in? Only one way to find out! Watch the video.


Three arrows went into 2.552-inches at 18 meters. The fourth arrow opened the group to 3.827-inches. All of this was shot offhand, as you saw in the video.

Damage to one arrow

The arrows sank deep into the target bag. The first shot went in beyond the beginning of the fletching and peeled back both synthetic “feathers” of either side of the arrow. I think there are now so many holes in the target bag that the smaller AR-6 arrows have an easier time sinking in.

AR-6-fletching damaged
This new arrow sank into the target bag deep enough to peel back the synthetic fletching on the first shot.

Stopped at this point

I ended the test at this point. Though the film shows only the final 4 shots, I shot about 15 other times to get the crossbow sighted in. At this point in this series I have made several observations.


The new arrows shot to a lower point than the ones with damaged fletching. I need to correct the dot sight to account for that.

The fletching on the arrows is subject to damage from penetrating the target bag too deeply. I now have many straight arrow shafts that are in need of repair. I will also look for ways to mitigate the damage, if possible.

The new arrows hit lower on target than the old arrows with damaged fletching. This is possibly because the full fletching creates higher drag on each arrow. I should shoot this bow again and adjust for the new arrows.

After 19 shots the Allen screw is still tight and the bow limb is still locked in place. I need to continue to check that from now on.


The word fletching means feathers, which were used on arrows in times past to create high drag and spin. The synthetic fletchings found on the AR-6 are called vanes and are sold by many places, along with the glue to hold them to the arrow shaft. This is something I need to research so I can repair my damaged arrows. I will tell you about it as I go.

Next test

I plan to shoot the bow again with fresh new arrows and adjust the dot sight to hit with them. I believe I can shoot 5 arrows offhand into a group smaller than three inches from 18 meters. That will be the completion of my sight-in with the dot sight.

After that I plan to switch the bow limb to the hunting limb that also came with a new bowstring. Then I will run the same tests that I have with this bow limb, except I will start with the dot sight mounted.


I did discover that my AR-6  works fine with 5 arrows or less in the magazine, but if I load a 6th arrow that it is supposed to work with, it malfunctions. That was probably my fault, because I accidentally bent the magazine spring that holds the arrows down and feeds them, when I closed the mag cover with the spring not inside. I could probably fix it but I don’t mind using it as is, and it does work just fine with 5 arrows.

The AR-6 crossbow pistol is a blast to shoot. It is to crossbows what the Diana 27 is the pellet rifles. There are many that are more powerful, but none that are more fun. I don’t think it has to justify itself by being a hunting arm. Can’t something exist just for the fun of shooting?

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

26 thoughts on “Sen-X AR-6 Tactical Arrow Repeating Crossbow: Part 3”

  1. B.B.,

    The fletching appears to be attached using double sided tape. Are they? If the 8 fpe limb can cause the shaft to bend I can just imagine what kind of damage the 12 fpe limbs can do on the receiving end. Looks like a fun product aligned also with the AJ.


  2. BB,

    This thing definitely falls into the “fun” category, but I like that it also has a “hunting” bow. I would have a hard time shooting any critter with it. I had bought a compound bow to hunt with, but could not bring myself to do such. If I was to get one of these I would have to see just how far I could shoot with a modicum of accuracy. I would also have to get me a bunch of bolts, vanes, etc.

    I reckon I am just going to have to get my Barnett out.

  3. BB,

    Looks like a fun little piece.

    So,… do you have the “stuff” to put new fletching/vanes on? From what I remember, there is special glues and jigs,.. not to mention the multitude of vane types and styles.

    Seeing as how they load in the magazine/holder,… I would imagine that you will need to stay with the rubber type material and similar smaller size?


  4. Siraniko,

    This is in reference to the MAR 177.

    The lower assembly as you described sounds good initially, but would still be a firearm as you could mount a standard top end and shoot it singly. Remember, this thing is designed to fit the lower receiver.

    Then you have those like us that think it can be improved. Let’s make it 12 FPE. Why stop there, 500 FPE. Let’s make it semi, no selective fire. Let’s be able to change calibers. Yada yada yada.

    RidgeRunner of the Democratik Peoples Republik of Virginia

      • Siraniko,

        Mysterious, no. Onerous, yes.

        The Constitution of the United States Of America guarantees the civilian population the right to own any weapon that is now or has been in existence. That scares even me.

        What many forget or choose to is that we fought a war against the rightful government of this country. Without the ability to keep the government in check, how do they expect to maintain our rights? Without the 2nd Amendment there is no 1st Amendment, or any of the others for that matter.

        RidgeRunner DPRoVA

        • RidgeRunner,

          When I said mysterious I meant it worldwide. Politicians have an amazing way of thinking that truly baffles me. In Germany the AJ is legal because of those two tabs on the barrel we were obsessing about. Remove those and it becomes illegal. In Canada there is a limit to how fast an air rifle can shoot a projectile before being considered requiring a license, so a .50 cal air rifle shooting a projectile at 490fps is ready to own but a .177 at 750 requires a license.

          Having read about the changes in your laws I do really wish it could go back the way it was before 1968.


  5. Desert Rat Caver,

    Is yours gravity fed or spring tube fed? I suspect it to be spring tube fed as I do not see the “auger” fins on yours and the end piece with the “filler hole” cap.

    I would contact this dude, of course he is probably one of the closest to me.


    He also hosts the North Carolina show in October.

    Just saw Photo 2. Definitely spring fed. BB may be able to help you some as he is a 25 collector.

    RidgeRunner DPRoVA

  6. B.B.

    Looks like a fun item! Sure looks easy to cock in your video, picture is worth a thousand words or more…
    Since your fletchings/vanes are damaged anyway, how about removing them all together and just shoot a straight shaft?
    How about reviewing a boomerang next?


    • Yogi,

      It’s strange you would mention a boomerang. I have been thinking about them for months. I have owned them but never got good at throwing them if the wind wasn’t just right.

      Now, I never gave a thought ton shooting unfletched arrows. I might give that a go, as well.



      • BB,

        Not an archer or arrow builder,… but from my arrow/dart research,.. you will have to weigh the vanes on there now and replace that weight somewhere in the rear. Of course, that is assuming that they were correctly balanced to begin with??? I posted a link to Siraniko a short while back when he asked about arrow building that dealt with arrow balancing.

        Shrink tubing is good for quick balancing. For example,…. if I wanted to add 10 grains to the rear,… I would cut some shrink tube to say,.. 2″. Weigh that. If that is 20 grains,… then I know I want 1″ of my shrink tube (as a complete random number example). Likewise, 5 grains = 1/2″.

        I bet it would work. Weigh the vanes, replace that weight with same weight of shrink tube and fire away. Quick and easy and since you are fixing the arrows anyways,………


      • BB,

        Also, there is vanes that you shrink on. Oddly,… as I recall,… you put the sleeve/vane assy. on and dipped it in boiling water for a bit. Picked them up at Walmart. It don’t get much easier than that and no special stuff/tools/jigs/glues required.


        • Chris USA,

          Since the bolts stack I don’t think there are three vanes. In fact in reviewing Part 2 it clearly shows there are only two vanes per bolt. B.B. just might have to do this the usual way which means building a jig and gluing those vanes manually. Relatively easy since they are 180′ apart instead of being three and requiring 120′ for separation.


      • BB and Yogi,

        Funny you should mention boomerangs. I have several and enjoy them occasionally on a calm or low wind day. I have different models for different winds and distances. I also have some indoor boomerangs. It is so gratifying to have them float back down to you.

        I also have dual and quad line sport kites and fighter kites for when the wind gets up.

  7. B.B.
    This is what you get when a wrist rocket isn’t good enough anymore.
    Bolts that bend, fletchs that need to be replaced, limbs that fall off.
    It is quieter than a c02 system that I would want for a ‘pistol’ airjavelin.
    Frangible ball ammo for the wrist rocket would be cool too.
    What about mini arrows for the wrist rocket?
    Have a nice day,

    • Rob,

      There are arrows for sling shots. The Pocket Shot can be accessorized to use arrows.


      Frangible ball ammo would be real cool.


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