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Education / Training Stoeger S4000E Black Synthetic Suppressed rifle combo: Part 1

Stoeger S4000E Black Synthetic Suppressed rifle combo: Part 1

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Stoeger S4000E
Stoeger S4000E breakbarrel rifle.

This report covers:

  • Power
  • Combo
  • Unusual features
  • Two fiberoptic front sights
  • Rear sight
  • The silencer
  • The rifle
  • Cocking
  • Trigger
  • Power
  • Discussion
  • Summary

Today I begin a report on the Stoeger S4000E breakbarrel spring-piston air rifle combo. This is a moderately-priced ambidextrous gas spring piston rifle that comes in both .177 and .22 calibers. It has several things I have never tested for you, including a silencer that has a large air expansion chamber beneath the barrel.


The S4000E is rated to 1,200 f.p.s. in .177 caliber with alloy pellets, and 1,000 f.p.s. with lead. In .22 caliber the ratings are 1,000 f.p.s. with alloy and 800 f.p.s. with lead. I asked for a .22 caliber to test for you. This is a reasonable power level that has a good chance to be accurate. And, with all the innovation that’s gone into it, I sure hope that it is!


The rifle comes with a 4X32 scope and mounts to augment the adjustable open sights. I will test both types of sights for you. If the rifle turns out to be real tackdriver, there is always the option of mounting a more powerful scope, as well.

Unusual features

Before I describe the rifle let me tell you about several of its unique features. I’ll start with the Multi-Grip System (MGS). There are two removable panels on either side of the pistol grip and two more on either side of the forearm, at the swell where your off hand goes. The black panels that come on the rifle are checkered with coarse diamonds, but they can be swapped with orange panels that have finer stippling or blue panels with the smoothest stippling of all.

I hoped at first that one of the panel sets would have a Wundhammer palm swell, but no such luck. They all share the same slim profile. I tried all three and definitely prefer the coarse diamonds of the original black panels that Stoeger calls their Pro Adaptive Checkering.

Stoeger S4000E MGS
The grip and forearm panels interchange, but the profiles are the same. Only the coarseness of the surface changes.

Two fiberoptic front sights

Another unique feature is the rifle gives you a choice of two different fiberoptic front sight tubes. That’s something I’ve never seen before. The front sight comes with a red tube installed and a much brighter orange/red tube as a replacement. I’m colorblind, but I asked Stoeger and was told it is an orangish-red. It looks school-bus yellow to me. The red tube seems dark to my eyes and I will probably shoot with it for greater precision with the open sights, as it will appear to be a plain black post when I sight.

Stoeger S4000E fiberoptic tubes
To switch the fiberoptic tubes (upper right in this picture taken from the box) remove the front cap from the rifle.

Rear sight

The rear sight adjusts for both windage and elevation. The manual tells you which way to turn the knobs to move the sight which is good because neither set of adjustments has any reference markings. However, in yet another first, there is an adjustment knob on each side of the rear sight for windage, making the rifle even more ambidextrous.

Stoeger S4000E rear sight
The S4000E rear sight has windage adjustments on both sides!

The silencer

The final unique feature we will look at is the silencer that Stoeger calls the S3 Suppressor. That is a good name for it because it is impossible to silence a spring-piston rifle, since 80-90 percent of its noise comes from the powerplant and not from the discharge at the muzzle. The S3 is baffled and directs the pressurized air down into a large expansion chamber located below the barrel. Look at the image on the box.

Stoeger S4000E baffles
This picture from the box explains how the S3 Suppressor comes apart, and how the pressurized air is directed down into a large expansion chamber beneath the barrel. I have not seen anything like this before.

The rifle

The S4000E is a breakbarrel rifle powered by a gas piston. It weighs 7.65 lbs. It’s 44.125-inches long with a pull of 14.5 inches. The pistol grip and trigger blade are far enough apart to favor a larger hand.

The stock is 100 percent synthetic with a Monte Carlo comb and a raised cheekpiece on both sides for more ambidexterity. The stock is nicely sculpted to fit both hands, with the forearm swell perfectly positioned for my off hand. When I raise the rifle up to my cheek it aligns quickly.

The synthetic material of the stock is smooth in most places, with the coarse checkering I mentioned earlier where the hands touch. The synthetic material is hard at all places except at the buttpad, where it is a soft grippy rubber. The feeling of all these parts together makes this an easy rifle to hold offhand.

The piston stroke is quite long, as can be seen when the barrel is broken open. But the actual rifled barrel is only 14 inches long. A long piston stroke is where the power comes from, so the cocking effort doesn’t need to be that hard.

Stoeger S4000E cocked
The long piston stroke means the barrel has to come way back to cock the rifle.


To cock the rifle the muzzle has to be slapped to open the deep chisel detent. Once open the rifle cocks like any breakbarrel, though the stroke is long so the barrel comes back quite far.


The trigger is two-stage and the engagement point of stage two is adjustable. I will report more on that in Part 2.

The safety is a button at the top of the comb that comes straight back when the rifle is cocked. Yes, it comes on automatically every time you cock the rifle. You can also put it on manually at any time — even when the rifle is uncocked.

There is also an anti-beartrap that is separate from the safety. Once cocked the rifle must be fired, so bear that in mind. And never let go of the barrel while loading, because any manmade safety device can fail.


I selected the .22 to test, and I’m glad I did. With light lead pellets it should get around 800 f.p.s., which is just about where I want to be with a spring piston rifle — especially one with a gas spring. I’m counting on that long stroke to make the cocking lighter.


So, what’s my take so far? Well, there is a lot of innovation in this budget air rifle, which is a good thing. I need to know just three things at this point. What is the power with a range of premium pellets? How nice is the trigger? And, most importantly, is the Stoeger S4000E accurate? If it is, we have a winner on our hands. If the trigger is also nice and the power is decent with good pellets, we will have a world class air rifle at an affordable price point!


I’m putting this test on the fast track because of the potential importance of the rifle. With Christmas coming this could be a very good find!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

48 thoughts on “Stoeger S4000E Black Synthetic Suppressed rifle combo: Part 1”

  1. I have to say the moderators on break barrels really do work. There are a couple issues though. They really don’t make a difference on any cheap Springer, like a gamo whisper. But they do make a huge difference on a quality Springer like a hw97k.

    My guess is that it just has to do with some being over spring. A gamo trying to push a 177 at Max will just bang stuff into each other and be a punishing experience.

    A 97k at 17 or so fpe in 177 is pretty smooth, and a moderator works charms.

  2. B.B.,

    Although I know you will report it in Part 2 I’m thinking that the cocking effort required will be light considering the mechanical advantage given by the added length from the suppressor. I just hope this rifle doesn’t slap you silly every time you pull the trigger.


  3. BB,

    Does the design of this suppressor really do anything differently than the SBD that they put on the Benjamin NP Trail now? I think that I remember you reporting on, still, another gun at the 2018 SHOT show that had an under-slung suppressor. I believe the big ” advantage ” was that it wouldn’t be seen in the scope if you mounted one, although I don’t recall ever seeing regular shaped suppressors in any of my scopes. I assume this suppressor is on the .177 version as well. If it is and the gun shoots super-sonic(1200 fps will do that, I think), what’s the point.

    I also have to wonder what good changing out those panels on the grip and forend would do. I have come to expect, from your many other reviews, that an inexpensive, HIGH POWERED break barrel is not going to behave very well and will require the artillery hold to shoot worth a dang. With your palm UNDER the stock and a loosey goosey grip with the trigger hand when firing, why 3 degrees of interchangeable stippling? Just for comfort carrying it into the field?

    At first gloss, the gun seems gimicky to me, but that’s why I follow this blog. Your tests will either validate my skepticism or put it to rest. ( or a bit of each)

    Good morning, Half

    • Half,

      I haven’t tested the Benjamin yet, so I really can’t say. Yes the suppressor is on the .177 as well.

      I don’t know about the innovations yet myself. I do know that the shooter of a moderated spring rifle can’t hear the sound reduction because the noise of the powerplant goes through the bones in his head that contacts the stock. I need to give that some thought, because a TX200 Mark III sounds loud when I shoot it but quiet when someone else shoots it.


  4. BB,

    I have to admit that I am very curious. Though as Half states it seems to be gimmicky, at least some of the gimmicks can be gotten rid of. I like the feature of being able to remove those glowy thingy sights. I also like the slimness. I do wish the power was adjustable, but those days are long gone I guess.

    I know the scope is probably really not worth having, but I do like the low power level. I have been reducing the power and the size of the scopes on my airguns. What type of reticle does it have?

    I do not like that the safety is automatic, but it is nice that you can engage it manually without recocking.

    OK. Is the trigger crisp? Does it slap you side the head every time you pull the trigger? Will it hit what you are shooting at where you are aiming? We shall see, I guess.

    • RR,

      If the 4×32 scope is the same one that Stoeger packaged with their other break barrels it is not bad. The one I have is lightweight, clear/crisp and has a duplex reticle – have it on my Maximus.

      • Hank,

        I personally do not care for the duplex, but when you realistically look at this as a sub 50 yard air rifle, the duplex is workable. At least it sounds like something you are not just going to toss in the trashcan.

        • RR,

          I always liked the duplex reticle for deer hunting in the heavy alder bush swamps. Found it easier to pick up the duplex against all the branches in low light conditions. Most guys were walking the hardwoods at first light and would drive the deer to where I was waiting in the swamp, usually had my tag filled the first hour or two of opening morning.

          Agreed, for other uses, the mil-dot scopes are better for finer work.

          Realistically, I think that most casual shooters do the major part of their shooting at 30 yards and less. Bet that most small game hunting (varmint specialists aside) is done at under 20 yards so if the S4000E is a sub 50 yard rifle I doubt that the people who buy one will even notice. Anyone who does a lot of shooting beyond 30 yards is going to have a scope that costs more than this rifle.

          The S4000E looks interesting as a general use casual shooter and is priced that way. If it is pleasant to cock/shoot and has decent accuracy then I think it will be popular.


          • Hank,

            I have heard good things about Stoeger in all departments except the trigger. If Berretta decides to be a major player in the airgun world, that is where they need to focus.

          • Hank,

            Have to concur most wholeheartedly with your observations on the duplex reticle! I think probably 90% of my smoke pole crittergetters carry a duplex reticle. I will admit since I’m now on the far side of 60 the addition of an illuminated fire dot has helped immensely when shooting game in the morning and evening hours. One other observation, probably 75% of the game I’ve taken over the years has been shot with the scope set at 2X or 3X. Higher magnification is great, but not really a necessity to be successful.

            I’ve been playing with my SIG ASP20 “22” for about a month now. All I’ll say is the S4000E has some big boots to fill! That SIG is just a flat out shooting machine!!!!!! Now, if I could just make the trigger break when I want it to instead of when the rifle wants it to.

            Have a good one!

            Bob F

            • Bob
              I’m a 4 magnification shooter and have no problem seeing what I want to hit at that magnification.

              And I’m close to 60 years old and have been wearing glasses since my early 30’s.

              A lot of people say they can’t see at the lower magnifications. But yep with you on the low magnification shooting.

  5. I have a X20S2 in 22 cal. I look forward to seeing how this new one compares. Mine is good for shooting liter bottles out to ~50 yards (more sometime with luck) and the kids like to shoot it. Cocking effort is high so maybe this new one will have an advantage.

  6. Lots of bells and whistles there to catch the eye of big box store customers. The profile of the barrel reminds me of a blunderbuss, let’s hope it doesn’t shoot like one.

      • BB,

        Good. They are finally starting to pay attention to the US market. they also have an underlever that looks kind of interesting.


        My biggest hope is they pay attention to their trigger and try to bring it up to top shelf. That will sell their sproingers.

        As far as their PCPs, they are not on this side of the pond yet.


        Just in case anybody is curious, Stoeger is owned by Berretta.

        • RR,

          Interesting. I checked out both links. The biggest thing I like is that they are innovating. Maybe fluff? or maybe substance?,….. but I do like to see the makers changing things up. Their R & D,.. and (results),.. will be the final proof in the pudding,… but at least they are trying. My biggest takeaway is that “they” are paying attention and making in what would appear to be an earnest effort.

          The flip side?,….. New “bells and whistles” to reel in a stinger full of new suckers. That,…. I have total distain for.

          Thanks,………. Chris

              • GF1,

                LOL! I have no choice. Many of my airguns are single stage. Fortunately they are very smooth and crisp. My two stagers have very short first stages. I could probably stand to increase the second stage pull on those, although there is something real nice about a trigger that goes of when you think it.

                  • GF1,

                    No. My HM1000X is set up so that when I think shoot, it does. I was thinking of making it more purposeful like the old gals around here. I have to watch myself for a bit when I break it out as I am more used to a heavier pull.

                    • RR
                      I still like a longer first stage pull even with a light second stage.

                      Matter of fact that’s how I had one of the FWB 300’s set up I got from you. Me and only one other person could shoot that gun with the trigger as light as it was. That is my oldest daughter. Everyone else that tryed it was letting the shot go off to soon or as they would say unexpectedly.

  7. B.B.

    Interesting rifle – glad you are testing the .22 caliber. Nice to see a company stepping up to the engineering plate to offer an ambidextrous hunter/plinker at a reasonable price.

    Curious to see the rest of the reports – hoping that the accuracy is adequate for most hunting/pesting/plinking (1/2 to 3/4 inch groups) out to 25-30 yards.

    The automatic safeties are probably a good feature considering the rifle appears to be designed for new shooters. I find them to be a minimal bother, the TX200 and the FWB 124 both have automatic safeties and once you are familiar with the rifle thumbing them off is quick,easy and is done without conscious effort.

    I’m of a mixed opinion about “glow-thingy” sights (like the term RR!), agreed that they are too coarse to draw a fine bead but on the other hand they are good for quick confirmation that the rifle is properly/consistently held. I do admit that that for most of my (quick) plinking out to 20ish yards I shoot instinctively (like shooting a bare bow or a slingshot) by focusing totally on the target and am only barely aware of the sights.

    …Just my 2 cents.

    Happy Monday all!

  8. I like Stoegers styling most of the time, especially the X20, compared to say a Hatsan.
    I like the hand hold under at the butt of the stock, the interchangable panels should be
    wood, but really, a nice shooting breakbarrel is a good thing, especially if it doesn’t cost too much.
    Fingers crossed, Rob

  9. B.B.,

    The Stoeger S4000E sure is handsome, both in its profile and the finish of the synthetic stock. I will be interested in the cocking effort-for-the-power ratio. It seems to me that easier cocking for a given power level is one area crying out for innovation and improvement in springers, especially magnums. Keeping the barrel short while extending a sturdy shroud quite a distance beyond it is a surefire method for reducing cocking effort, but so many shooters prefer shorter air rifles over longer ones. Any new design measures to address cocking effort could be quite the advancement.


  10. I have been waiting to see this one tested as past Stoeger rifles have been reviewed as accurate and if the trigger unit is the same can take a GRT. Also i am making an illogical leap and in this new generation of guns Stoeger has S6000a an underlever using the same level power if not the same powerplant.

    What can i say a trigger i can fix and i like side & under lever plus its a coil spring & comes in .22 and this kind of comes from me wanting a Gamo Accu .22 but they quit making them.

    As far as moderators on spring pistons go i don’t have as much experience as many people here, but my Hatsan 125 sniper vortex .25 the old style when shooting with head near rifle sounds loud being right on top, but watching someone else shoot it is quiet and i have found hunting animals do not seem spooked as much as with other air rifles including a moderate Gamo which to my ear is about the same volume level. Any how it does make me think the sound down range must be quieter. Personally i don’t care as much about sound as long as it hits the target.

    That being said i wanted to see this gun tested because what if it does perform and i like open sights even if my old eyes kinda suck.

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