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Air Guns Dan Wesson pellet revolver: Part 2

Dan Wesson pellet revolver: Part 2

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Dan Wesson pellet revolver
New Dan Wesson pellet revolver.

Part 1

This report covers:

  • The shells
  • Safety
  • CO2 piercing screw wrench
  • Velocity
  • RWS Hobby
  • Air Arms Falcon
  • Qiang Yuan Training
  • Shot count
  • Trigger

You have waited almost a full month for today’s report. The Dan Wesson pellet revolver I was testing failed and I had to wait for a replacement. Things like that happen to me, just as they do to you, so I wouldn’t be too alarmed. We will resume the test where we stopped, so today we look at the gun’s velocity.

The shells

As a reminder, this revolver has shells that accept the pellets in their bases. The pellets enter a short synthetic insert located in the base of the cartridges and when the gun fires they are blown through the insert, then they move through the body of the shell and leave the cylinder to enter the barrel breech.

Dan Wesson pellet revolver shell
Like other pellet revolvers with shells, the Dan Wesson shells are loaded through the base, where they enter a short plastic insert.

That’s a lot of movement before entering the rifling, but a reader has commented that when he seated the pellets deep into the plastic insert in his John Wayne Single Action pellet revolver shells, the accuracy improved dramatically. So I’m going to try pellets both ways — seated flush with the base and then deep seated in the shell. Since I will do that in the accuracy test, I will also test it today in the same way.


Before we get to velocity, though, I want to tell you about two other other features — starting with the safety. This revolver has a manual safety that is very unobtrusive. It’s a switch located behind the hammer at its base, and unless you know it’s there you’ll never spot it.

Dan Wesson pellet revolver safety 1
The safety is manual and, when off, sits at the rear of the hammer cocking slot in the frame (arrow).

Dan Wesson pellet revolver safety 2
To apply the safety, push the switch forward like this (arrow).

CO2 piercing screw wrench

The other feature is one I didn’t spot in the first report. The left grip panel is removed to install a CO2 cartridge and it contains a captive Allen wrench to tighten the piercing screw. The wrench normally lays flat, but when you want it simply pry up and it stands up to be used.

Dan Wesson pellet revolver wrench
An Allen wrench in the grip is to pierce the CO2 cartridge. When not needed it pivots flat.


Okay, let’s talk about velocity. We have 4 different things to test with each pellet:

Flush seated double action
Flush seated single action
Deep seated double action
Deep seated single action.


I waited a minimum if 10 seconds between shots.

RWS Hobby

The first pellet tested was the RWS Hobby. Flush seated and double action they averaged 387 f.p.s. The spread was from 379 to 394 f.p.s.

Flush seated single action Hobbys averaged 389 f.p.s. The low was 386 and the high was 390 f.p.s.

Deep seated Hobbys in double action averaged 405 f.p.s. The spread went from 389 to 418 f.p.s., so a wide variation.

Deep seated Hobbys in single action averaged 407 f.p.s. The spread went from 406 f.p.s. to 409 f.p.s.

With Hobbys single action and deep seating seemed to give the fastest speed and the most consistent velocity.

Dan Wesson pellet revolver deep seated pellet
Deep seated Hobby pellet.

Air Arms Falcon

The next pellet I tested was the Air Arms Falcon. Flush seated and double action they averaged 391 f.p.s. The spread was from 388 to 396 f.p.s.

Flush seated single action Falcons averaged 398 f.p.s. The low was 396 and the high was 401 f.p.s.

Deep seated Falcons in double action averaged 411 f.p.s. The spread went from 407 to 415 f.p.s.

Deep seated Falcons in single action averaged 418 f.p.s. The spread went from 414 f.p.s. to 424 f.p.s. , so with this pellet the trend was reversed from Hobbys. Deep seated single action varied the most, but they still gave the fastest velocity.

Qiang Yuan Training

The final pellet tested was the Qiang Yuan Training pellet. Flush seated and double action they averaged 380 f.p.s. The spread was from 373 to 384 f.p.s.

Flush seated single action Qiang Yuan Training pellets averaged 388 f.p.s. The low was 382 and the high was 391 f.p.s.

Deep seated Qiang Yuan Training pellets in double action averaged 376 f.p.s. The spread went from 369 to 383 f.p.s.

Deep seated Qiang Yuan Training pellets in single action averaged 386 f.p.s. The spread went from 378 f.p.s. to 391 f.p.s. It seemed like the gun was running out of gas, but I tested it further and it wasn’t. You can believe these numbers.

Shot count

The 46th shot on the cartridge was a Qiang Yuan pellet going 378 f.p.s. Shot 55 was the same pellet going out at 361 f.p.s. So the cartridge was nearing its end during the test and is now running down. Shot 62 went 340 f.p.s. and shot 69 went out at 310 f.p.s. So there are at least 60 good shots on a cartridge, and the advertised velocity (of 426 f.p.s. on the box) is spot-on.

Trigger pull

The double action trigger pull is very stiff and heavy, causing the revolver to rotate in the shooting hand. I would estimate it at 12 lbs. Single action, which is also single-stage, is smoother, and as this test demonstrates, provides the most stable velocities as well. The trigger breaks at 5 lbs. 3 oz.

When I shoot for accuracy I will seat the pellet both flush and deep for comparison.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

39 thoughts on “Dan Wesson pellet revolver: Part 2”

  1. BB,

    I really like this one, mainly because it’s a pellet shooter and rear shell load. I spent at least an hour looking over all of PA’s pistols and the 3 I ended up with were all the Dan Wesson revolver series. The 8″ black with optics mounting options, because it has rails, would be my first choice hands down. I even like the grips better than the 715. I just do not think I can live with the frontload cartridges that must be disassembled to re-load the pellets.

    I guess if there is one big question, it would be, can the rear load shells be used in the front load versions? If not, then I would be interested to hear your insight and observations as to why not. Also, what broke on the first one?

    Thank You, Chris

  2. Tom,

    It’s quite this morning on the blog. Everyone must still be recovering from Christmas.

    I’m impressed with the constancy of the shots. I hope that the accuracy matches the constancy.

    Are you using a pellet pen to seat the pellets tot he same depth each time?



  3. BB
    I’m quite taken with the through methodology of your testing procedures! Yesterday the temperature finally got above freezing for about an hour and I slipped out (with appropriate clothing!) into the back yard and set up my new Chrony and went to work gathering info on my new Disco.(Santa was a little early and very good to me!) The day was sunny and warmer- 34 deg.- and things were going well. The sun decided to go behind the clouds and the temp dropped to 30 again. About 5 min. later my chrony quit working! I, of course, panicked and started to try to figure out what was going on. Finally I broke down and looked at the directions and found that it is not recommended to use it below 32 deg. ! Aha! Problem solved.
    BB,I’m starting to understand all that you put into all these great tests that you do for us. Thanks, again!


      • REB
        I had sky screens on in the sun and it was working well and when clouds came in I took them off and still was working fine. In the manual they speak of temperature and battery type (has to be alkaline only) as having effect an performance. Cold battery and contracting parts from cold and wouldn’t even register Error. I restarted and still locked up . I took it inside and let it warm up and its working just fine ???

        • Bruce

          Bad solder joint , or cracked PC board trace maybe ? Chip with cracked internal structure ?
          Saw much of this stuff in aircraft electronics .
          Doubt that it has a deliberate temperature shutdown built in .


        • BBB,

          Like some have commented, sun, clouds, shadows from trees, branches blowing, etc. etc. can all affect it. I test indoors with a 500W Halogen aimed at the ceiling. Just got to make sure you have a good back stop/trap. Much more controlled. I test at 5′ from trap. Chris

        • Also, I keep it on a tri-pod and keep the “lenses” covered with electrical tape to prevent dust from entering and keep it covered with a kitchen size towel. Just remember to remove the electrical tape,…..been there, done that,….. ;(

          • Chris
            I use a tripod all the time and when I’m done it goes back into the box for storage. I don’t have a good enough indoor backstop for the .22 .It blows thru 5/8 ths. plywood at 15 yds.

    • Reb,

      My in door target is a computer monitor box filled with rubber mulch, about $3 worth. I just tape on a new cardborad face on when it gets too shot up. I do use a 4’X4’X1/2″ plywood sheet as a backer to keep Mrs. Qwerty happy. So for I have not needed the backer. (I just jinxed myself, I bet.)


  4. B.B.,

    Like Chris USA above, I am curious if the rear-loading shells for this Dan Wesson will fit in the other Dan Wessons, in particular the earlier pellet revolver with the screw-on shell tips and the BB shooting ones with the rear-loading BB shells. I have one of each of those, but these shells look like they warrant a try (as does the revolver, if it ends up being accurate).



      • B.B.,

        Thanks for answering that. I did my home work and looked at reviews and your articles, etc. etc.. That point must have escaped my reading. Your too busy to keep answering the same question. I will re-check.

        Was that in an article or was that an answer to a comment/question? Either way, looks like the 8″ black with rear load spares. Oh, and a laser. This one came close, but as you said, they were going for an exact copy.

          • B.B.,

            Well, I just read all of 8″ parts 1 and 2, including comments. Mmmmm…..Unless I am mistaken, you never did get to the accuracy part. From the spreads, I can see why, if that was the case. At any rate, you may have just saved me a couple hundred $. What a shame. Keep the looks, upgrade the power plant, upgrade the rail/go under, not top, drop the shells, go circular clip/hidden, fixed barrel. Yea,….right…..

            Umerex got their ears on? Oh well….. Thanks, Chris

              • B.B.,

                Most odd, when I did a previous search, 1+2 8″ showed and 1+2 current review showed. The 8″ part 3 did not. I was talking the pellet version, not the bb version,…which by the way, did not show the first time either. Now you got me thinking again of the 8″ with rear load shells.

                Big question,…..what would you think of added grips with the laser built in? I have never used one like that, but it would keep the 100% copy looks and require no flimsy rail or obvious add on laser sight. Firearms have this,…correct?

  5. The revolver looks great and appears to be well made. It would be great if somewhere in the great air gun data base there would be a comparison of the air gun’s accuracy compared to the actual firearm it copies. Boy, what a selling tool if it could be proved the air gun was more accurate at ten meters then it’s powder burning sibling . I spend too much time thinking and not enough time shooting ! Have a great week !

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