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Education / Training Webley Mark VI BB revolver: Part 3

Webley Mark VI BB revolver: Part 3

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Webley Mark VI revolver
Webley Mark VI BB revolver.

Part 1
Part 2

This report covers:

• Accuracy test design
• Let’s begin
• What’s the verdict?

Let’s look at the accuracy of the new Webley Mark VI BB revolver. I tested it for velocity with 5 premium BBs. Now that I’ve seen how much interest there is in this revolver, I’m going to test it with all 5 of those BBs. Since the cylinder holds 6 shots, I’m shooting 6-shot groups in this test.

Accuracy test design
I will be shooting from a rested 5-meter position. For the rest, I’ll use the new UTG Monopod that I’ve been testing since October. Tomorrow, I will begin the review of that piece of equipment that I believe is as good as the best bipods.

I’ll shoot single-action only for this test. The Mark VI has a light double-action pull; but, as it almost always is, the single-action pull is even better. So, this is a test of the best this BB revolver can do in my hands.

Let’s begin
I loaded a fresh CO2 cartridge because the 30 shots I would fire are well within the 42 good shots we know are available from a single cartridge. Daisy Premium Grade BBs were up first. Six of them went into a group that measures 1.036 inches between centers. They struck the target below the aim point and slightly to the left.

Webley Mrk VI BB revolver Daisy BBs group
Six Daisy Premium Grade BBs went into this 1.036-inch group at 5 meters.

Next up were Crosman Copperhead BBs. Six of them made a 1.538-inch group. They were also low and to the left of the aim point.

Webley Mrk VI BB revolver Crosman BBs group
Six Crosman Copperhead BBs made a 1.538-inch group at 5 meters.

The next BB was the Avanti Precision Ground Shot. These are larger than the others and so could either be better or much worse. Unlike the Avanti Champion 499 BB gun that we know has a uniform barrel sized to this BB, the Webley Mark VI is a repeater and has to have greater tolerances to keep from jamming. Six Avanti shots went into 0.862 inches and were centered on the bull, though still a little low. This was the best group of the session.

Webley Mrk VI BB revolver Avanti Precision Shot group
Six Avanti Precision Ground Shot made a 0.862-inch group at 5 meters. This is the best group, plus it’s also centered.

Then, I loaded 6 Umarex Precision Steel BBs. Six went into 1.228 inches, but 5 of them are in just 0.606 inches. This might be a BB to consider for the Mark VI.

Webley Mrk VI BB revolver Umarex BBs group
Six Umarex BBs made a 1.228-inch group at 5 meters. They hit low but well-centered. Don’t overlook that one in the black that’s below and to the right of the dime.

And the final BB I shot was the Hornady Black Diamond that we’ve just started examining. Six of them made a 1.141-inch group that’s low and left of center.

Webley Mrk VI BB revolver Hornady BBs group
Six Black Diamond BBs made a 1.141-inch group at 5 meters. They hit low and left, except for the one that’s just left of the dime.

When you see groups like these that have stray holes, they look like fliers. I assure you, though, there were no shots that were pulled in this test. I may not be the world’s best shot with a rifle, but I’m still pretty good with a handgun, plus I was shooting from a rest. It’s hard not to shoot well when you do that.

What’s the verdict?
This is an average BB pistol, as far as accuracy goes. I have shot many others that can beat it. However, the accuracy is good enough to roll a pop can around the yard, which is all you probably need.

On the other hand, this new Webley Mark VI is one of the most exciting new BB pistols to come along in a long time. That’s because of the extreme realism. I rank it alongside the P08 with blowback and the full-auto M712 Mauser. It’s more expensive; but, in this case, you do get what you pay for — which is incredible realism.

Only you can decide if this BB gun is something you want. I’ve done my part in examining it for you. If you’re a history buff, I think this one will please you.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

55 thoughts on “Webley Mark VI BB revolver: Part 3”

  1. Tom,

    I was the first to post a comment about the Webley Mark VI on the product page. I found similar results initially to the ones you got using Umarex and Daisy Premium BBs. However, I recently ordered the Hornady Black Diamond BBs and gave them a try along with the Umarex BBs. I shot the other day two targets at 15 feet from a rested position. The first group was six shots with the Umarex BBs and the group measured 3/4″ center to center. The second target was six shots with the Hornady Black Diamond BBs. That group measured 10/16″ center to center. I don’t know what improved the accuracy so much from my earlier groups, which I said were similar to your results. I intend to try to repeat this test tomorrow. I have one speculation and that is I wonder if after so many rounds (approximately 200) the mouths of the shells in which the BBs are inserted become uniformly worn so they are more similar on their grip of the BBs. I load the shells by pouring BB’s in the lid of a pellet can and then pressing each shell onto a BB ensuring they “pop” into place.

    • Joe,

      I have loaded shells like these that way in the past. It does go very quick. But when I only want to shoot a small number before switching to a different BB, I like my idea about the magnet.

      Keep us informed on your gun’s progress.


  2. B.B.,

    I agree that this is the most realistic replica BB handgun out right now. I love the way it shoots and handles. As far as accuracy is concerned it’s true that there are more accurate handguns but I think there are more that are not as accurate. Although I have not done a rested shooting test at 5 meters I have done a fair amount of shooting with it offhand at 20′ to 25′. Like this I have typically been shooting 2 or 3 cylinders into groups of roughly 3″ to 4″. I like to use prescription bottles as reactive targets (unfortunately I usually have plenty of those on hand). At the same distance I will hit 9 out of 10 of these. That is better than I can do with half of my BB handguns.

    I say all of this simply to state that I believe the Webley Mark VI is better than average. As you said, there are plenty that are better but this one isn’t bad at all.

    In any event, if you are any kind of collector of replica handguns (as I am). You need to include this one in your collection.


  3. B.B.,
    Please excuse an unrelated question. What model Leaper scope has the internal bubble level feature? I did not find that feature highlighted in any Leaper scope descriptions that I read on Pyramyd Air’s site.

      • BB and Tabrown
        I did a random search a while back looking for scopes that were available with the 1/2 mildot reticle.

        I don’t remember what website came up. It could of been the Leapers sight or it could of been a different brand. It had the half mildot reticle and I’m pretty sure it was a 30mm tube and bubble level inside. They had a price of 349.00 dollars on it if I remember right. It was kind of expensive so I didn’t look no farther to see if it was actually available.

        I haven’t tryed searching it lately.

      • Please do. I am on fire with Leapers scopes! Lauren just got her BugBuster to go with her IZH 61. I’m making a clone of myself! But her BugBuster is a variable scope from 3-9X unlike my 6X which makes me jealous. And I’m continuing to enjoy my 4X32 replacement for my B30. It is a much improved and upgraded model from what I sent in. I also sent the Leapers multi-function flashlight to another friend. This company is first-rate.


      • That sounds interesting as scopes are my latest “study”. Still a lot to learn. Lots of great articles and videos! Heads up,…questions will be forthcoming! 🙂

        The TX200mk3 is likely to be my choice for a rifle. Now a scope. Leapers is looking good in the 200-300 range for target and ground hogs in mature woods.

        I was surprised at the lack of left stocks! Other than the few ambi’s out there, most were right or none at all. Unless I’m mistaken, the TX200 was the only one with a dedicated left.

        Suggestions on scopes welcome. Clarity, brightness in shaded areas, locking open access turrets are just a few items on the wish list. Illuminated reticles looks like a good option as well.

        Tips on (range, max. yds), for head/chest shots on ground hogs is also welcome with the TX200 in mind.

        Open to all, and thank you, Chris

        • Chris
          I got one of the 3-9 power Bug Busters on a FWB 300 I got from RidgeRunner. Cool little scopes.

          And I’m a big fan of the Hawke scopes. I think I got 6 of them now. Mine are the 1/2 mildot side parallax varmint scopes. I like the 2.5-10 power and 3-12 power versions. And also if you go to the Hawke website they have a air gun specific ballistic caculater that you can down load free and also a app for smart phones. You can put all kind of info in and it also has a bunch of different pellets and weights available. To much to explain. Check it out and let me know what you think.

          • Thank you for the reply. Bugbusters and the Hawkes are of interest as well.

            The Bugbusters are -100$ so that leaves me a bit cautious. In an article, B.B. mentioned a Hawke 4.5-14×42. At 499.00, I’ll bet that it is a good scope!

            B.B. also mentioned that price is no guaranty of quality. Cheap quality can be evident in all brands at all price levels, ( rifles, pistols, scopes). Recommendations, advice, and research, (based on real life experience), will tip the scales.

            Thank you, once again, Chris

            • Chris
              Don’t let the price fool you. The Bug Busters are very good scopes for their price. That is its unique feature that it can focus good at closer distances and still be clear and sharp at the higher power settings. Most scopes will not focus good at closer distances. So it is a good scope. And I have a couple of the fixed 4 power Golden Image scopes that are good. They are only 50 bucks.

              Here is the Golden image scope.


              And then on the Hawke scope I use one is $149 and the other is $189. They both work equally well the same. here is both of the models I use.



              Also here is the Hawke website page about the ballistic calculator is called Chairgun Pro.


            • Chris,

              I didn’t look it up but I think you have that scope price too high. I have several Hawke 8-32X56 Sidewinder scopes. Much more power with a larger objective bell. These cost $499. Hawkes are great scopes by the way. Probably the best that Pyramyd sells.


              • Thanks for the reply. I could be wrong. I’ll recheck.

                A firearms shooter whom I respect very well said that Leaper, BSA, and Barsa?,..are not very well respected in the firearm circle. Of course that’s one opinion.

                It’s hard to believe that a well respected maker would intermix cheap and good quality scopes, but then again, maybe not. Price level, yes. More features = more cost, yes. But a 200$ cheap vs a 200$ good, no.

                But then again, I suppose you got to get rid of those 200$ ooops’s somehow. But, then again, I’m still learning.

  4. BB-
    Would it be possible to use lead BBs in this revolver? I noticed that Pyramid sells more than one size of these, Which would be the best fit for the Webley? Do lead balls shoot higher or lower than steel in BB guns in general? I have noticed on my Webley specimen that focusing on follow through is a bit more important than on the Makarov replica. I speculate that this is the result of the longer lock time on the Webley (caused by the longer hammer arc combined with the higher boreline).

    • Rich,

      It might be possible to use lead balls in the Mark VI. They would be slower because they are heavier. I suppose if one was found that fit the bore closely it might seal the gas behind it and get better velocity.

      As for accuracy, a test would have to be conducted. I see a lot of curiosity about shooting lead balls on this blog, so maybe I will do a test.


  5. Tom,

    Thanks an awful lot for this report. This air gun really is something special, a throwback to the 1960s and 1970s when there were quite a number of superb CO2 handgun replicas. The price is high, but one gets what he or she pays for.

    And I disagree with those who call the Webley unattractive. I think it is great looking. It has a kinda bulldog-Mack truck type look.


  6. Thanks BB. Since the Webley seems to group slightly low to point of aim, a small increase in velocity may raise it up a bit to be spot on (provided it is enough extra velocity to overcome the increased weigh). Since the barrel is spring loaded to give a good gas seal, it may be that the lead balls are the way to go with this revolver (I would think it would be a bit less likely to jam, but this is just a guess). It would be interesting to see the results of such a test.

  7. The very thing to pretend you’re going over the top with. But I must say I would want more than that in this situation. There was some statistic about how the junior officers who led these charges had a life-expectancy of four seconds or something ridiculous like that.

    I expect that we’re done with the Christmas present blogs (or I’ll miss them since I’m flying out tomorrow). But I have my own Christmas present story to report. I have been agonizing in my mind about the ideal 9mm handgun that I WOULD buy if I could. The CZ 75 is a little pricey and large with an exceptionally stiff slide spring. The Glock I’m still reserved about because of the spongy trigger of my rental model although I expect that has been cured by the Gen 4 models. Mike, as a Glock champion, what can you tell me about the problems with Glocks blowing up with reloads? I’ve heard it is because the case is not entirely supported in the chamber and is subject to extra pressures although I can’t quite visualize that. Vulnerability to reloading would definitely make inroads into its fabled reliability. The SW M&P doesn’t do particularly well on the lists of top 9mm which surprises me and SW no longer sells to California anyway. I was settling on the Beretta 92, but it’s not part of the exciting new polymer developments, and I have my doubts about that aluminum slide–although the gun is supposed to be exceptionally accurate. The Makarov is a great possibility although the unusual cartridge puts me off.

    But it finally came to me. The Walther PPQ! One of the best triggers on the market. That special German pointability that may go all the way back to the Luger. The German workmanship. The special heritage of the PPK series that goes back to the James Bond mystique. And I believe that the Makarov was just a scaled up PPK, so I would be getting that too. That’s the fantasy gun. And the Christmas part is that I’ve already got it in the form of my Walther Nighthawk which I believe is the Walther CP Sport which I broke out for the first time in awhile last night. My appreciation is renewed. It is really fine except for that annoying ski slope which chafes my trigger finger when I drop it down for extra leverage on the rather hard trigger. I wonder if it’s possible to file down that ski slope without the plastic disintegrating. Walther has clearly seen the wisdom of this by eliminating the ski slope from the PPQ.

    Speaking of the original PPK, I can’t imagine the value of a .32 given the shortcomings of the .380 auto. The .32 must be for real short-range cloak and dagger stuff.

    Happy holidays to all.


    • Matt61
      I would not consider anything less than a .380 for self defense and then that is still on the marginal side depending on what the person on the receiving side is wearing. I can tell you for certain that a .32 or .25 are not up to the job of self defense for any reason and you would be better off with a .22lr than either of the .32 or .25 calibers. I worked with a ex police officer when at Harley and he recounted numerous times of him being shot at by criminals while he was wearing his heavy leather Harley style jacket and the .32 and .25 rounds would bounce off his jacket like BBs on a tire. He did have bruises where the bullets hit him but they did not sufficient energy to penetrate the leather of his jacket and this was before the advent of bullet proof vests and that is why he wore his bikers jacket at work for the protection it afforded him against most small caliber rounds that the criminals carried.

      Take into account this was 20 to 30 years ago but if you plan to use the pistol as self defense then most definitely go with at the very least a 9mm or larger. I know it changed my mind about what my conceal carry weapon is as I use to carry a Colt mustang .380 because it fits in the back pocket of jeans very nicely and magazines fit in your pockets nicely as well. But know my CCP is a Ruger P89 as I like the weight and feel of that particular gun very well as well as the 15 + 1 in the chamber capacity. Put some Hogue grips on it and it just feel like a part of my hand and arm and it is not ammo picky at all as I have owned for 15 years and in those years with several thousands of rounds put thru it of just about any ammo that was on sale or cheap it only has failed to feed twice and never jammed once.

      It may be old tech but I know I can count on it when I will need it the most.


      • Buldawg76, you have the most amazing motorcycle stories. I used to wonder how heavy leather jackets used to function as armor in the Middle Ages. I guess they did all right if biker jackets can turn aside .32 caliber bullets. I suppose the jackets can be very heavy. You may recall the scene in the Mad Max film where the psychotic head of the biker gang tells one of his men to “light him” which means striking a match right off his enormous jacket.

        I guess I never took the James Bond films too seriously, but come to think of it, I can’t remember him dispatching anyone with his Walther PPK, unless you count the iconic opening where he spins 90 degrees and fires right at the audience which causes a tide of red to flow down the screen.

        But perhaps the most humiliating scene of the .32 is in Unforgiven when Richard Harris is turning away from Gene Hackman, and Hackman says, “I’ll have that .32, Bob.” He goes on to say, “Am I kicking you Bob? Ugh, grunt.” Granted the gun never gets into play, but I doubt it would have done much good.


        • Matt61
          The leather jackets that I am talking about are 1/4 inch thick leather and weigh 40 plus pounds and are designed to keep you from getting road rash in a crash as well as acting to some extent as a bullet proof vest. Just think of the road racers you see take falls on their race bikes at 100 to close to 200 mph and get up and walk away without a scratch on them, but what you don’t see is the worn spots on the leathers that they have on when they crash.

          I did not have leather jackets when I started riding my dirt bikes in the early 70s so Levi jeans and jean jackets did fairly good but not near as well as leather as I had road rash on my elbows most all the time since I grew up in Florida and in the summer time it was just to hot for any jackets at all so my elbows were my skid pads so to speak and it was not until my mid twenties that the scars fully faded away to the point that they could not be seen.

          I was either lucky or fortunate that I never broke any bones or got seriously hurt in all the wrecks I had on my bikes but I can tell you one fact that helped greatly is that I learned very early that when you eat it as we would say you needed to play drunk and let your body go limp like you are drunk so nothing gets broke. Think about how many drunks that walk away from accidents that the car was totaled in and have only minor scratches or injuries as it is because they were limp when the impact occurred and their bodies just flopped around at will instead of trying to break their fall or impact and that is how you keep from getting broke bones and severe injuries.

          I have eaten it at up to 80 mph on my dirt bikes and the only bone ever broken was my tailbone from falling off my bike doing a wheelie on the asphalt and bouncing down the road on my butt. I rode standing up on my bike for 6 months after that and it was funny the looks I got from people but it was my only form of transportation so I did what I had to do to go where I wanted to go.


      • 380 has come a long way. I prefer a 2 inch 38 loaded with Buffalo Bore 158 lhp/ the standard pressure load clocks at 825-850 fps ,the plus p version clocks at over 1000 fps , on my chrony. 380s today can go from 850 to 1150 depending on load and barrel length. I sometimes carry a Mustang or PPk. Federals ,Cor Bons hit 900 -1000 from these, Buffalo Bore plus p 1075-1100. More than enough. Your friend is lucky he never got hit in the face. anything ,including a 22 ,25 or 32 can be lethal. ATF undercover agents at one time carried Walther TPH 22s, and never had a problem. Israeli Air Security as well as the Mossad used 22 lr Berettas. They left a lot of dead bodies.

        • Michaelr
          I know 380 has come a long way and the officer I was referring to was shot 20 to 30 years ago when 32s and 25s were considered Saturday night special’s and most criminals are not smart enough to shoot at the face because they generally arte not that good of shots and the body is a much larger target.

          I agree that a 38 in most any pistol and barrel length will do the job and a plus p will most certainly get it done. 22lr is the choice weapon for most all professional assassins as it makes jelly out your brain.

          But my guess is you have never seen a truly custom designed leather biker jacket either as I am not talking about the ones you buy at your local bike repair shop or Harley dealer these are custom made for your body and are made with 1/4 to 3/8 inch thick leather that is of the highest quality and weigh at a minimum of 40 pounds and up as mine cost 1000 dollars to be custom made to fit me and tips the scales at 51 pounds without me in it so yes a quality leather jacket will stop smaller caliber non specialty rounds from penetrating but they will break bones and leave nasty bruises.

          Your common criminal is not going to waste money on black talons or cor bons or any other specialty ammo as they will get the cheapest bullets than can get hold of and you are talking a whole different scenario with the FBI and Israeli mossad agent in the type of situation they get involved in.

          I was merely stating that for personal defense the very minimum of pistol caliber would be 9mm and if you are willing to spend the extra cash for specialty bullets the a 380 will do also, but you will not ever catch me with a 32 or 25 for self defense as I would use a 22lr first as it is far more powerful than either a 32 or 25.


          • I don’t have much use for the 32, except as a collectible in the form of a Colt 1903. For nostalgic reasons I will sometimes drop a Colt 25 in my pocket, the later Junior version. . It functions reliably with Gold dot or Hornady 35 gr lhp that actually outperform 22 lr out of a short barrel. They move out at around 900 fps. Not my first choice ,but ask yourself this. if this were the only firearm you could carry on an airplane ,and you had to defend yourself against a boxcutter armed hijacker, would you rather be armed with a can of diet coke? in the hands of a resolute shot , it will work. Not my first choice, but a choice. All said my self defense preferences are the 2 inch 38 ,Colt or S&W , a 3 inch S&W model 10 or 65, a Colt Lawmnan 2 inch 357 loaded with 38 plus p 158 lhp plus p that actually outperforms heavy 357 from the short barrel. in semiautos a Colt 1911 Commander 45, A Browning High Power 9mm or either a S&W 3913 or 439 9mm. In the real world it is usually the 2 inch 38 ,and in real light dress , A liitle Colt 380 Mustang Pocketlite, and yes I can make headshots and neck shots all day with that little Colt, no brag , just fact

            • Michaelr
              I agree with you on the 32 as I have an Iver Johnson five shot 32 revolver that is the break open style that was used in a robbery of a bank in Grafton, West Virginia that my grandfather was the president of at the time and after the trial he requested the gun from the sheriff and has been passed down thru our family since.

              I understand your choices for hand guns and personal protection and on a plane a can of coke with a very resolute thrower can do plenty of damage and that reminds me of the movie with Sean Penn where he was in prison and was being picked on by a larger inmate and got beat up badly and he went to the soda machine and got 4 or 5 cans of soda in a pillow case and waited till the guy went to sleep and beat the crap out of him with those cans in the pillow case.

              I agree with you on your carry preferences other than I prefer more rounds than revolvers can carry so I prefer my Colt mustang with a extra 7 round clip that give your pinky a place to sit and helps stabilize the gun when shooting plus give you 8 rounds instead of 7 with the stock magazine, but my most carried pistol is my Ruger P89 with Hogue grips as it is a 15 +1 round pistol and I have 10 extra mag so there is no less than two on my person along with the one in the gun. I two can make head shot and neck shots with either one, but the Ruger is more forgiving in the recoil area due to it extra weight and grip area for your hand to hold on to and I choose it because I know it will fire every time with out fail as it is not ammo picky at all.

              Then if we want to get real serious I will put my S&W model 29 44 mag on my side with the holster and ask them to make my day.

              I don’t know about the laws in the state you live but here in Alabama we have open carry as well as CCP carry so it is all determined by what I am going to be doing as to which pistol I have on me at any given time and how it is carried.

              I do like my mustang very much and only wish it was a pocketlite but I got it before colt made the pocketlites mustangs and I could also use my colt 1911 military issue but it is more of a collector gun than a shooter as it is an 1911 made in 1914 by the Springfield armory in a quantity of 5000 production run and is not an 1911A1 but just a 1911 so it is worth more as it is than it would be for self defense.

              It is also possible to take out would be attackers with leg shots as well although dead men don’t sue and we are also a stand your ground state so it don’t matter if you are in my house or just on my property when you do so with intent to due harm to me or my family you will not leave of your own accord that I can tell you for sure as I have a loaded shotgun and two revolvers by my bedside as well as two 5 inch fixed bladed knives also. I firmly believe you can never be to prepared.


              • Unfortunately , I live ,and use that term loosely. In the lost land of NY where we cannot be trusted with firearms holding more than 10 rounds ,and if or dictator Cuomo had gotten all of what he wanted , 7 rounds. Asof now no “assault weapons. including 22 rimfire lookalikes” Challenge headed for Supreme Court , but moving really slooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww

                • Michaelr
                  My best friend and childhood cohort in mischief lives in the land of the incompetent and so called purveyors of are best interests and safety at hand. He is an actor in the city and lives in upstate but is in the process of removing himself from the land of the doomed to be persecuted for what is a GOD given right. But lest we forget GOD is a bad word in this new age of freedom from Life , Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

                  My advice to you is run and don’t look back as fast as you can as we southerners are always welcoming to a true red blooded American that is willing to stand up and fight for what is an inalienable right given to us by our creator.

                  All I can say is buy out of state and keep as low a profile as possible and maybe by the grace of GOD things will change in that state as I regard it just as I do California as they are not a part of this United States of America and Connecticut is not far behind.

                  If they even got close to his place it would be a war zone as he is so far past even being the least bit compliant with the laws there that it would take a semi just to take away the weapons and ammo he has stockpiled.

                  My true sympathy goes out to you for having to deal with the BS that they regulate in that other country as I call it.


  8. Tom and all,
    Can lead pellets be interpreted the same way as lead balls using Splatology? I’ve been reading the article twice and since I have no chronograph as yet, I was wondering how far away are my interpretations going to be by looking at the remains of a lead pellet instead of a lead ball. My current methodology is shooting the pellet a foot away from a steel plate. This produces depending on the airgun used either a very flat lead disc with feathered edges or a small amount of lead sticking on the plate.

    I found someone who had previously measured the inside diameters of our .22 caliber local barrels and according to him most of the brass barrels made here turn out to have a caliber of 5.54 – 5.58mm depending upon the maker and age of tooling.

  9. I am just wondering if the air pistol has the same leaf spring on the side that the revolver has? I thought it might be prone to breakage, and if so, how easy it might be to get a replacement.

    I plan to grab one of these as soon as extra shells come in! I’d like to get 50 of them and put them in a period cartridge box I happen to have.

      • Thank you. My Crosman 357 recently bit the dust (the latch finally gave out to the point that it pops open when fired, and then small parts came out) so I’m looking for a replacement ‘fun revolver’. This one looks to be a bit more heavily built. I’ll look forwards to longevity estimates when the first adopters start testing heavily. A gun like this breaks open every six shots, so that’s a LOT of opening and closing over the course of it’s life!

        Thank you again for writing these columns!

  10. B.B.
    In this review, you stated (with regard to accuracy) that, “I have shot many others that can beat it.”
    What were those others? Or, more specifically, what is the most accurate bb pistol you have shot to date?
    The Makarov?
    Thank you, and have a blessed Christmas,

  11. Just got the Webly VI revolver. There is one thing they missed. The BB holder cartridge is .38 not .455. The cylinder holes are also not the correct diameter. Other than that it is a good replica.

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    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

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  • Warranty Info

    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our products (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

    View Warranty Details

  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

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