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Education / Training Plano Pro Max Double scoped Rifle Case

Plano Pro Max Double scoped Rifle Case

by Tom Gaylord, a.k.a. B.B. Pelletier

This report covers:

• Description of the case
• Extreme equipment cases
• Back to the Plano case
• Security
• Size
• Practical considerations

Plano Pro Max Double Scoped Rifle Case
The Plano Pro Max Double Scoped rifle case holds 2 scoped rifles. It features 7 pillars that keep the guns from being crushed.

Today, I’m writing about a piece of equipment, rather than an airgun. It’s a rifle case that Edith has been watching for some time. I discovered it in a recent transaction and was so impressed that I wanted to share my thoughts with you.

If you’re like me, you don’t give a lot of thought to gun cases. I have more guns than cases, so the cases I do have are mostly for traveling to the range and occasionally to an airgun show. I buy them on the cheap — mostly. But in the past 20 years, I’ve bought a few good hard cases for those few firearms and airguns that I really want to protect. Today, you’ll see a case that dropped into my lap, so to speak. It may be the best hard case I own. It’s certainly one of the three best. It is the Plano Pro Max Double Scoped Rifle Case.

Omit the words Pro Max, and the title tells you what this is. It’s a hard rifle case designed to carry 2 scoped rifles. Plano says it will carry the 2 rifles scoped with large objective lenses. Well, that’s quite a claim, since air rifles tend to be much bigger than firearms and air rifles scopes do, as well. But we’ll keep an open mind.

This case has 7 internal pillars (one at each corner and 3 down the middle) that keep the case from crushing when it’s run over. That’s one of its claims to fame and the reason Edith bought the case. You see, when Edith bought the Shamal air rifle for me recently, the owner was reluctant to ship it. He was afraid the shipper might mistreat the box since it had that long and narrow rifle-case appearance. So, she looked around for a case that would be strong enough to withstand any foul treatment.

Extreme equipment cases
I own an extreme rifle case already. We bought it years ago when we published The Airgun Letter. It’s a Starlite Gun case that is so tough it can withstand a drop from a 5-story building and being run over by an 11-ton M113A1 armored personnel carrier with only scratches to the outside of the case and no damage to the gun inside. It is completely waterproof and can be submerged to 400 feet without leakage. It has an air-pressure relief valve that allows the case to be opened when the external air pressure changes. Nice gun case, but it costs $190. It’s big and it’s heavy. Comes with wheels as an option that I wish I had bought.

Back to the Plano
I wanted something less expensive, yet still rugged enough to protect that beautiful Shamal. As mentioned Edith was watching this Plano case on the Pyramyd AIR website, and we decided to take a chance with it. We had Pyramyd AIR ship the case to the man who sent the rifle. I told him to turn the cardboard shipping box inside-out so it wouldn’t be so obvious what was inside, though the length and shape of the box is a pretty big clue.

Bottom line, the rifle arrived in perfect condition, but the case was so impressive that I had to tell you about it. What I saw when I opened the case was the rifle held tightly in place by 2 padded straps. In other large gun cases, the guns can move around inside in spite of the foam; but in this one, the straps make movement impossible. The straps go through raised strap holders in the case lid, and the foam is pierced with several slots that allow you to vary where the straps come through.

Plano Pro Max Double Scoped Rifle Case Shamal
The Shamal looks tiny inside the big Plano double-scoped rifle case.

Plano Pro Max Double Scoped Rifle Case strap holders
Under the foam on either end of the case are two rows of raised strap holders — making four in all. You can thread the straps through as many or as few of the loops as you like, and you can use either row on either side of the gun case. Whatever it takes to secure your rifle.

Plano Pro Max Double Scoped Rifle Case strap
Each rifle is held tight by two padded straps that come up through the foam — one on either end of the rifle. With the two rows of strap slots, there are many configurations that can be made. Once strapped in, the rifle isn’t going anywhere.

If that isn’t enough, this case has 6 latches, rather than the usual 4. There is an extra one on either end of the case, at the place where other long gun cases get very flexible. You can see them in the photo at the beginning of this report.

There are 2 reinforced holes along the long axis of the case for padlocks. If you travel with guns, these are very important!

While this case isn’t waterproof, it does have tongue-and-groove mating edges to keep out water and dust. The case is also rigid enough that it comes together without a lot of twisting and pressing on your part. This may be as close as you can get to a full-blown mil-spec rifle case at this price.

This is a huge rifle case! That said, the location of the straps means you do have to give some thought to securing a rifle. Those central pillars seem to get in the way at first; but once you correctly position the straps, they can be easily accommodated.

To give you an idea of how large this case is on the inside, I secured an M1 Garand and my Remington model 37 Rangemaster target rifle with its huge Redfield scope. As you can see, the case dwarfs both rifles, though they’re larger than 90 percent of rifles available today. The internal dimensions are 52-1/2 inches by 17-1/4 inches, but there are many spots where the dimensions cut in (the case sides are not straight lines), so those are just the maximum sizes.

Plano Pro Max Double Scoped Rifle Case 2 rifles
Two of the largest rifles I own. The Garand (bottom) isn’t that long, but it is fat and weighs 10.5 lbs. The Remington model 37 Rangemaster and scope dwarfs a Remington 700. Yet, this Plano case swallows them both with room to spare!

Practical considerations
This isn’t a rifle case for your Diana 27 or your Crosman 1077. At $70 plus shipping, it’s a large purchase — even for serious shooters. But if you own really special firearms and airguns that have to be protected, this is a good way to do it. It takes some time to adjust the straps for each different rifle, so I think I’ll keep right on using my $20 hard cases. But rifles like the Shamal and my Ballard now have a secure place to ride when we go to the range.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

56 thoughts on “Plano Pro Max Double scoped Rifle Case”

  1. I like the case alot.

    And the price of the case isnt that bad considering what I paid for some of my guns.

    And didnt you say that this case breaths if you want to call it that. Im talking about moisture protection.

  2. Does it open from the inside? I was thinking of safely shipping myself here and there and saving on air fare. Looks to be bit more roomy than economy class seating anyway. More comfy, too:)
    More seriously,…nice stuff in there:

  3. G’day BB,
    Who is going to carry this case with 20lb plus rifles around? I pass ! Your turn Edith!
    It is going to be big, heavy and bulky the same as my double Americase.
    However, Americase supplies wheels and a handle that are velcroed on as a retro fit for old cases. It has 2 large Velcro areas and it makes removal of handle and wheels fairly difficult…very secure.
    It also makes it a breeze to wheel the case around. You maybe able to adapt or copy one for your heavy cases?
    Nice piece of wood on that Shamal. It appears to have 3D “fiddle back”, most expensive!
    Cheers Bob

      • Bob,

        I would think of this particular case as a case one would purchase for two very special, valuable rifles to be carried in, not, as B.B. pointed out, a Diana 27 or Crosman 1077.

        I have made Plano cases “moisture resistant” that are not watertight by placing thin one-sided foam tape into the mating channels along the grooved half’s channels. The very first time you close and latch the case, the tongued side pushes the foam into the groove, and presto! It’s not something you could use as a life raft, but it’ll keep your rifles dry in the rain.

        And keep in mind the affordable price! I say Bravo to Plano!


  4. Like GF1 said, as much as I pay for some of these toys, why should I squeak when it comes time to protect them. You are going to have to get a bigger shopping cart though. Maybe you can strap one of those collapsible suitcase caddies to it, or invest in a small appliance dolly.

  5. I never would have guessed that BB wouldn’t be well acquainted with these cases. I have had three of them for several years now, I keep my six most valuable airguns in them.

    Very early on I discovered that hard shell single scoped rifle cases were most often too small to accommodate a single rifle with a scope. These cases are the real deal. In one of them, I store my coveted TX200 MkIII with 50mm objective bell scope, and a slightly less coveted HW97 with 50mm objective bell scope. Granted, they are a tight squeeze, but if orientated just right, they fit. I must admit, if not for my supernatural strength I would never be able to lift that case.

    If there is any fault in this case, it is the latches. While plentiful, they have popped off during transit. Once, while carrying a case to a neighbor’s house for a shooting session, a latch came off. Luckily I found the latch several months later in another neighbor’s yard. I have no idea how it came off.

    I have not yet run over the case with an 11-ton M113A1 armored personnel carrier or submerged it under 400 feet of water, but it has been on my ‘to do’ list.

    When I first purchased the cases I was very nervous of storing rifles in them long term. I had read many stories of quality guns rusting in a few months while in cases with “open cell foam”. I must admit that types of foam are one of the topics on which I am not an expert. So what I do is to use gun socks. I spray them with Ballistol, or silicone spray oil, then turn them inside out. Rifles are then inserted to the socks, and put in the cases. The gun socks are also used to rub down the guns after use to prevent corrosion due to fingerprint oils. In lieu of gun socks, I have used wool socks from the army surplus store. They work just as well, they just aren’t as long as gun socks. I have had no corrosion whatsoever on any of the rifles stored in these cases.

    Aside from the anti crush pillars, the straps are the clincher. If positioned and cinched properly, the guns will be more snug than a bug in a rug. I cannot recommend them enough.

    • SL,

      I can pick up this case with guns in it. I can walk with it and load it or unload it into Tom’s truck.

      I admit to being fanatical when it comes to lifting heavy things myself so I’m not dependent on others in my old age — which will be here in about another 20 years (I’ll be 66 soon).

      When helping Tom unload his truck after a morning at the range, it’s not unusual for me to pick up his carbon fiber tank in one hand, pick up a hard case with the other hand, and sling 2 or 3 soft rifle cases over one of my shoulders. He tells me not to lift such heavy things, but why shouldn’t I do it if I can?

      This Plano case is definitely not lightweight, but I don’t find it too heavy to use. Pyramyd AIR does sell a Plano case with wheels and a sturdy drag handle (shorter case & no PillarLock system), but how will we stay in shape if we allow wheels and drag handles to do our work? 🙂


  6. I have one of these too. It’s a big heavy sucker empty. Much worse with a couple HWs stuck inside.

    I use it when I am going out for a long shooting session. I put it in my van, then put two rifles in it. Then I toss in two smaller cases with one rifle in each.


    • I’ll be adopting this as my routine the next time I go somewhere with my double from now on. It’s gotta weigh 40-50lbs when loaded, even with plastic guns!


  7. Excellent case and review. I consider this Plano case an absolute bargain because of being able to secure long arms. My rifle cases must be loaded very carefully so that the rifles do not slide on the padding. That said, loaded it is far too heavy for a senior ctiizen to handle but not too heavy to slide under a bed for storage. My air rifles, such as my delightful Xizico XS-B21 (.22 ) , would be most happy in residence of the Plano. The Plano Case should have wheels on one end, perhaps.
    Pete Hallock
    Old Town Orcutt, California

  8. This message was sent to the wrong address, so I am posting it here and will answer it below.

    Hello Tom,

    I read an article by you last year on the Pyramid Air website. I do not remember the title but in it you described all of the scope terminology and had about six scopes that you recommended. I have been unsuccessful in finding that article on the Pyramid website as I want to reread it. I am looking at purchasing a new rifle and want one of your recommended scopes. Could you point me in the right direction for that article? Thanks.


  9. Nice Garand, BB. I’m still in the market for one and visited the Civilian Marksmanship website but saw that all they now have to offer is Garands made by H & R. Any opinion on these? Would you recommend waiting to see if another supply from Springfield Armory turns up at CMP?

    Fred DPRoNJ

    • Fred,

      This Garand in an International Harvester (I had to look). I got rid of an H&R when I got it, because both of them were equally accurate, but this one has more finish.

      I also owned a Springfield and a Winchester that were both mediocre as far as accuracy goes.

      When it comes to Mil Spec weapons, the maker often doesn’t matter. There are exceptions, such as Irwin Pederson, whose carbines were the only ones to never pass government inspection.

      I would take an H&R any day.


  10. In another life I was a wildlife photographer and sometimes had to carry my expensive cameras on planes, in boats and rough off-road vehicles. The best cases at the time were Halliburton aluminum cases with foam inserts. They were crush proof, had an O-ring seal (they would float) and a combination lock. Problem was, they looked expensive (they were) and were often targets for theft.

    I met a photographer who was a world traveler and he had it figured out. He was flying into the Corpus Christi airport and I met him at the luggage return area. He had the ugliest, beat-up suitcase that I had ever seen. It had a rope tied around it to hold it together. Inside the suitcase was this bright aluminum Halliburton camera case with his camera equipment.

    • That is so cool, that has always been a type of job Id love to have. What kind of wildlife did you photograph and were there ever any really crazy situations?

      • I freelanced for Sports Afield, Out Door Life, Field and Stream and others. I mostly worked in my home state, Texas and specialized in game animals and birds…..mostly whitetail deer.

        Crazy situations? I was charged by a bull moose in Wyoming. Most serious was the time I was videotaping a huge whitetail and it charged my assistant, hitting him in the chest and knocking him down. It continue to try to gore him as I looked for a weapon. I found a piece of PVC pipe and hit the buck repeatedly on the head until it ran off far enough for me to drag my assistant to safety. He was bleeding and had bruises to his chest. He recovered, but did not remember any of the incident.

  11. Plano makes good single and double hard sided rifle cases for the money. Great for taking guns to the range or a friends house.

    You need to know I’ve shipped lots of guns. There are better ways to ship a gun than in a plano type case but I’ve used them. To minimize chance of damage to the gun during shipping you need to reinforce both ends of the gun with something like accordion folded heavy cardboard so when, not if, the box is dropped on its end the gun isn’t being slammed. Reinforcing the sides is also necessary. After you shut the lid to your hard case shake the case violently. If the gun moves inside the case you have more work to do.

    The plano cases I’ve used have holes on the exterior, near the latches, that permit you to run zip ties through them. This is additional insurance that the case won’t come open during shipping.


  12. I have had similar experiences of losing the latches from plano cases. I was missing three in all, from two cases. I went to the plano website,, and thru it was able to contact them about buying replacements. A week or so later,, I received six in the mail. Obviously,, I was surprised and pleased. I suggested to them,, that they should make the latches available , for sale, either on their site or at their distributors,, but I haven’t seen that happening. Perhaps if more owners requested replacements,, they might reconsider.

    I, also, found a way to prevent the latch from popping off of the case. Using two small stainless ( I happened to have them) screws per latch, insert them thru the latch,, just below the hinge point with out touching the hinge “pin”. They will no longer pop off without breaking something,,,,, which,, come to think of it,, may be the reason they made that way in the first place. Forget I said anything.

  13. B.B.,

    I happen to live 20 miles from the Plano factory, which is located in Plano, Illinois (yes, an American manufacturer employing Americans in the country’s heartland).

    My wife and I have shopped at the factory outlet store, and over the years I have met many Plano employees. The folks at Plano are the most wonderful people you could hope to meet. Plano pioneered the lightweight but strong, durable, rust-proof tackle box. Gone was the rusty, heavy, noisy tackle box at the bottom of your jon boat, alerting the fish to you with every clank against the hull.

    I have two Plano rifle cases, both from one of their cheaper lines, and both are much better in utility to the two mid-priced aluminum rifle cases I have. All of my tool boxes are Plano, and a few of them were bought by my dad back in the 1960s. Today they are dirty, scuffed, and in absolutely perfect functional condition.

    Thanks to this report, I will probable end up buying one (or perhaps two, to get me close to the magic $150 number) in the next few weeks.


    • Michael,

      I grew up near Plano and have a brother that lives just down the road in Sandwich. These days I’m way out west in Colorado. Always liked the Plano products. Great stuff.

      For those not familiar with the area, there is a joke about a bedroom community springing up between Plano and Sandwich called Bologna. Yep, as you drive the highway, you pass through Plano, Bologna, Sandwich.


      • Tom,

        Given your history, here is a joke just for you.

        WCC built a satellite campus in Plano a few years ago (true). It’s quite nice (true), although it does look remarkably like a huge tackle box (also true).

        Oh, here’s one from the Normal Gazette’s Weddings and Engagements section: “Normal Man Marries Oblong Woman.” Mapquest “Oblong, IL” if necessary.


  14. I saw one of these strapped to a guy’s motorcycle the other morning on the way to work. Looked like a big wing behind his back! Nice car and a great value. I’ve always liked Plano’s stuff!


  15. I’m seeing this fits 2 rifles, but my preferred guns are tactical style. Socialists call them assault rifles and try to ban them. Will this case fit something like my Condor and my AR15? Those would be what I’d most likely put in it. Or my condor pump, ammo and other accessories.

  16. Thanks for the good report B.B., I was just asking you about good cases and here’s a report on one. Does this Pro Max line have other models, ie a single scoped case with these features?

  17. B.B.

    I’ve got one Plano Pro Max double pistol case, but I’m not very impressed by it. It just seems a little flimsy. I actually prefer the Red Head vinyl pistol and rifle cases.

    • I head a red head soft rifle case that fit the monstrous walther talon magnum, must’ve been for a shotgun, came with the gun. It was better than the allens I’ve had but it went with gun.

  18. B.B.
    All my stuff is GUN GUARD I have one 2 gun case with 4 latches and 2 slide in single cases, both the single gun cases are missing their end caps which I’ve had no luck finding so far. Can you help? The double closes very tight,I have to use most of my body weight to close each latch one at a time but I’d like to treat the pads. What are your thoughts on that?


      • I still can’t find anything like the slip in models that I have. When I moved here from Abilene I used one of these to transport my 392. After pulling it out from behind the seat it had a big “V” shaped gouge in the stock. I use these all the time as they are much less cumbersome than my double and don’t leave dust on them but have to be very careful due to no end caps to slip over the butt end.
        I really would like to find some!

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