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See All Open Sight: Part 1

by Tom Gaylord, a.k.a. B.B. Pelletier

See All Open Sight
The See All Open Sight is revolutionary!

I mentioned this sight in my last SHOT Show update last week and started a firestorm of discussion! Apparently, many of our blog readers see the same potential that I do! Let’s start a long, detailed look at the See All Open Sight.

What can it do?
I see several uses for a sight like this. First, there are a number of airguns that come without open sights, and I get asked repeatedly what can be done about it. Let me take one of the more common ones, which also happens to be one that is extremely difficult to deal with — the TX200 Mark III underlever spring-piston rifle. If you’ve read this blog for any time at all, you know that I’m a huge fan of the TX200. I’ve written dozens of reports about it — the most recent batch being a 12-part series that just finished. Or I thought it was finished. Now, there’s a good reason to test that rifle once more with this new sight!

But the uses don’t stop there. If the See All really works as well as we all hope, it solves another problem because it is easier to see than other types of open sights. There’s a magnifying function built into this sight that may make it easier to use for shooters whose eyes are less than perfect. To test for that, I’ll rely on my shooting buddy, Otho, who’s been complaining about his eyes for years. He used to be a wonderful shot with open sights, but now he has to wear glasses to even use a scope! If he can use the See All successfully, then there’s hope for other shooters whose eyes are troubling them.

I bought a See All Open Sight as soon as I returned from the SHOT Show, and it’s been delivered. But the See All folks called me last week and offered to send me a second sight for testing. I reckoned I could get Otho testing one while I’m testing the other, so I can give this sight a thorough wringing out. Besides a lot of installments for this blog, I plan on writing about the sight for Shotgun News and also for the new Blue Book of Airguns that’s coming out late this spring.

Another use for the sight are those target guns whose costly and often hard-to-find sights are missing. Will the See All be a useful replacement for target sights? I don’t know, but we’re about to find out.

Still another use for it will be on certain air pistols that lend themselves to optical sights, but for which no good sights are made. I’m thinking of the Beeman P1 and the P17 pistols for starters, but it could expand to many others.

As things progress, I’m sure we’ll find even more uses for this sight. It all comes down to one thing: Does it really work? Just from looking at it, I’m intrigued. It looks like it ought to work very well. People whose opinions I trust who have seen the sight feel the same as I do. There’s a sense that it’s right and ought to work as advertised. We’ll see!

A brief look at non-electronic optical sights
What follows is not a thorough history. It’s just a few things I happen to know about these sights. Shooters have looked for many years for open sights that enhance the eye’s ability to sight the gun. Elmer Keith inlayed gold and silver lines in the front sight post of some of his revolvers so he could refer to them when shooting long distances. He killed an elk with a .44 Special at over 400 yards, so his sights must have worked! I suspect his eyesight was much better than what passes for perfect sight today, and that had a lot to do with how successful this idea was for him; but it’s still a part of our shooting history.

The King Sight Company developed a front sight that has a small reflector to shine extra light on a gold bead. I once owned a Smith & Wesson Triple Lock in .45 Colt that was customized with such a sight. It had probably been installed in the 1940s or ’50s; but when it was put on the gun, the barrel was also cut back to about 3 inches. I was never able to hit anything with that revolver.

King sight ad
This ad from the 1948 “Shooter’s Bible” shows the King revolver sights that used a reflector to brighten the bead.

But the sight that has intrigued me the most is the Nydar optical sight. It was a non-electronic dot sight that was touted as great for shotguns in the 1940s. It used a mirror to concentrate a dot in the center of a circle on what today looks like a holographic screen. This was an adaptation of anti-aircraft weapon sights from World War II. Did it work? I’m sure some shooters found that it did for them. I’ve never seen one, but I’ve had a fascination for them since reading about them as a teenager.

Nydar sight ad
The Nydar sight is an example of an optical sight that doesn’t use electronics. Also taken from the 1948 “Shooter’s Bible.”

The See All Open Sight
What is the See All Open Sight? It’s a single unit that attaches to the top of a gun and presents a sight picture to the shooter. This sight picture or reticle is placed against the target to align the gun for the shot. You can use the sight with one eye closed or with both eyes open — I don’t yet know which is the better way.

See All Open Sight sight picture
This is what you see when you look through the sight. This wasn’t as easy to photograph as it looks. The first person who suggests I retake the photo with a bullseye target on top of the triangle gets excommunicated from this blog!

The sight is lightweight, weighing 1.8 oz. So, recoil shouldn’t affect it that much. There’s no need for a front sight, as the See All is complete in itself. Just like a dot sight, it stands alone. But now that you see the reticle you can see that it isn’t really a dot sight.

The sight is made from aluminum with some pieces being made of synthetics. It looks like a great deal of thought went into the design and nothing looks cheap.

It mounts to a gun with an open dovetail clamp that’s as wide as both the Weaver and Picatinny dovetail bases. But there’s no crossbar locking rib on the integral base of this sight. Instead, there are two Allen screws that are adjusted to push down onto the gun, forcing the clamping jaws of the sight base up against the dovetail flanges of the gun’s mount base. So, the See All holds to the gun by clamping pressure, alone. I’ll determine if this is a problem with recoiling spring airguns.

See All Open Sight sight base
The sight base will clamp to a Weaver or Picatinny scope dovetail, but it has no crossbar to lock the sight in place. The 2 screws seen here are used to jam the sight base into the jaws of the dovetail.

Because the integral sight base is made for a Weaver dovetail, it’s too large for the 3/8-inch or 11mm dovetails that are common on rimfire guns and airguns. But there are adapters that can change 11mm bases to Weaver bases. I’ll find out how practical these are for our purposes. The people at See All have told me that if there’s enough of a demand, they’ll also make their sight with an integral 11mm base. Perhaps, they could provide an adapter with the sight so it would fit both Weaver and 11mm dovetails/bases, similar to what Tasco does with their ProPoint line.

The sight reticle (See All calls it a crosshair reticle) is engraved on a bright green plastic plate made from something they call edge glow material. I’m red-green colorblind, yet have no trouble seeing this reticle. You look at the reticle though a plastic lens they call the optic. It magnifies the reticle, and what you see is a triangle with a line above it. Put the target on the point of the triangle to sight correctly. The instructions say the sight is parallax free, which is wonderful if true! I certainly plan to test that because positioning the head is such a problem for me since I test so many different guns.

See All Open Sight reticle
This is what you see through the magnifying optic.

There are adjustments for both windage and elevation. The instructions say there are a total of 45 minutes of angle of vertical adjustment and 75 minutes of horizontal adjustment. Because we know that many spring rifles have a barrel-drooping problem (the axis of the bore is angled downward, relative to the sight base on top of the gun), I will take care to mount the sight as close to the bore axis as possible.

The makers claim that the accuracy is unsurpassed by any sighting systems without the use of magnification. That’s a claim I plan on testing with a 10-meter target rifle. It should be easy to shoot some groups at 10 meters with conventional aperture sights and then duplicate the test with the See All. I hope the claim turns out to be true because this is something many shooters have been searching for!

First test
I originally mounted the See All sight to the MK-177 multi-pump I recently tested for you because that rifle has a long Picatinny rail along its top. But then a new Leapers UTG scout scope arrived for testing, and that rifle is ideal for testing that scope, so I switched the See All to my M4-177.

A couple years ago, I tested the M4-177 and got this 10-shot group with Crosman Premier Super Match wadcutters. I shot from 25 feet with 5 pumps per shot. A 10-meter group shouldn’t be much larger. When I test the new sight, I’ll reshoot with the factory sights just to be sure.

I’ll get to this first accuracy test very soon because I know many of you are waiting to see how well this sight works. I’m pitting the See All against the peep sights that are on the M4-177 rifle from the factory. This isn’t the 10-meter test I mentioned earlier — it’s just a start at testing what could turn out to be the most exciting new open sight to come along in our lifetimes.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

65 thoughts on “See All Open Sight: Part 1”

  1. I’m totally excited about this sight. I was going to order one but I want to try it on multiple guns including my trusty old Winchester 190. And that brings two questions to my mind. And this is why I haven’t ordered yet.

    First question is about the adapter that would be needed for the 3/8″ or 11 mm guns. I kind of hope you may have some ideas about what adapters are out there and could post them already before the next part of the test. I really haven’t looked into it yet. But if you have any ideas I’m listening.

    Then the second question is basically about the Winchester 190 but also applies to some of the airguns that are out there like the Discovery. The 190 does have the original front and back open iron sights as well as the Discovery’s.
    But can the See All sight be placed on a gun that has the original front and rear sights without those sights blocking the sight picture of the See All sight? I can’t remove the original sights on the 190 or do I want to remove them because of how good of shape the gun is in.

    And I bet these sights are really going to help me shoot open sight again. Use to love open sight shooting till my eye’s started going bad. Its been a little over 10 years now since I still felt comfortable about shooting open sights.

    I definitely will be watching how this report goes and I can already see one sitting on top of a Tanfoglio Gold airsoft pistol if I could ever get some extra cash saved up for all these Wants I got going on right now.

    • PA has a large collection of adapters. You should be able to find at least one that suits you. As to the existing sights, this sight should be tall enough to clear these with no issues and when you add the adapter, the sight point will likely be almost as high as a scope reticle.

  2. This is off topic but related to guns.

    I left a reply about airguns and firearms on yesterdays report about the Legends C96 CO2 BB pistol: Part 3. I thought maybe somebody would have a comment when they read what I wrote.

    • As to my being into firearms and then airguns, my Father forbade me to have such. He had a BB gun when he was a kid and knew what kind of trouble one could get into with one. For my third birthday he gave me an Iver Johnson Mark X. When I was six, my father and grandfather began teaching me to handle firearms. I entered the world of reloading when I was a tweenie. Back in the 80s, economic circumstances forced to sell off pretty much everything I owned. Then I met my wife and settled down and raised a family. I did not have the excess money for such things.

      In 2005, I discovered the world of modern airguns and attended my first airgun show.

    • Gunfun1,

      Firearms came first. I grew up in safe, but boring suburbs, and only got to shoot during hunting and fishing trips. I discovered shelves of shooting, reloading, hunting and adventure books at the library and read them all as a child. I don’t remember seeing literature about airguns, and that’s still a problem. I’ve hunted, shot sporting and military weapons, but only recently discovered airguns. I like them because they’re quiet, accurate, fun and inexpensive to shoot, and have reduced downrange danger area. I’m interested in the science and operation of airguns. While pumping up my Discovery yesterday I realized with a grin that it was just another form of “handloading” (air instead of powder). I especially enjoy B.B.’s descriptions of vintage and antique airguns.

      B.B., I recently shot a Glock with tall suppressor sights co-witnessed to a Trijicon RMR. It was fast and precise. The SeeAll looks like a quality sporting sight, is US made and sells for a fraction of the cost. I look forward to your review.


  3. I have been having seller’s regret since I got rid of my Weaver Quick Point. When I saw this in your Show blog, I went to their site and started to drool.

    If it is half as good as their marketeers claim, this should be perfect for my desires. I see this mounted on top of a scope for the close in quick shots that happen all the time when your scope is focused out at 100 yards. I have killed quite a few groundhogs in my time by looking down the barrel because of this issue.

    I have been thinking of using clamp on AR sights or a small dot sight, but this is more compact than a dot sight and you do not have to line up a front post through a peep that will likely not be at the ideal distance from your eye.

  4. They have that giant billboard (“SeeAll”) on the side of the optic yet they still insist on distracting the shooter by including their trade name in the reticle too? Yuck!

        • How ’bout a piece of black masking tape. Quick, easy, inexpensive, instantly renewable, easily user maintained, and also optionally available in many pretty colors. Camo, too. 😉

          • Black tape would become part of the “reticle” image too, and would merely replace the image of the trademark. If the lettering could be machined off of the plastic without affecting the image, that would be an acceptable fix. But really–why must I have to deal with it in the first place? The only thing I want to see in a reticle are features that assist me in hitting a target!

            The sight frame lettering might be best covered with paint, but that lettering doesn’t really bother me.

            • But do you actually see the name when in use.

              Note how the view-picture only shows the triangle, and even the upper black line is practically gone (a bit of a distortion at the very peak of the triangle reveals where the line fell).

  5. As far as weaver adapters, I’ve used these with very good success:


    Easy to install and don’t add much height to the sighting device.

    • These are great for the mounts that clamp from the side, but will not likely work for these because of the way this sight secures to the rail. You will need an adapter that clamps securely to the 11mm rail and then mount the sight.

      • Well, that’s a little bit spendy for a sight to put on a 40 dollar P17.

        If your review says good things about it, I might get it for the 10/22, but at that price point, it better be awfully good to compete with the other sight I’m considering for the gun.

        Here’s hoping for good news.

      • From the Amazon product description….

        “We ran over it with a car and it still held zero and full Function!!”

        You know we expect you to test that, now. On the test unit, of course, not your own.


        • Ah, but what type of car? Or more important, what mass/area ratio?

          If an R/C car, the car probably flipped over on impact.

          If a 2-3 ton SUV with skinny tires (what used to be normal on SUVs and trucks, as the skinny tire would sink through mud/snow to find firm footing) it might not survive. Same SUV with modern extremely wide low profile tires — might survive as the tire isn’t putting much pressure on any single point.

  6. This looks very exciting, and I am anxious to see how it works on a pistol being aimed by “mature” farsighted eyes. And I’m specifically thinking about the Marauder pistol which has that big circular magazine sticking up into the line of sight. A little adapter base for the See-All would be just the trick to see over top of the mag. I can’t wait!

    • Whereas I was thinking it might be usable on a Crosman Silhouette model — since that comes with front sight, but needs one to buy a rear sight.

      If the magnifier acts as a collimator, so the outlet side is essentially focused at infinite, then target and indicator should be both close to being in focus. Parallax free? maybe not at air-gun distances but I could see it for 50+yards.

      At least no one has tried to mount a Telrad finder on a gun (I’m pretty sure the Telrad wouldn’t survive — consider that you access the battery compartment by sliding the top off the base).

  7. It sure looks like this sight would be great for quick acquisition, possibly not so much for precision target work. But I suppose we’ll find out about that soon enough!

    It doesn’t look like it would work well in a low light situation though.

    Oh, and that pic? Could you retake that with the target on…….nevermind!

    • Mike,

      I see your point, but man, 1.8 ounces? Also, I have had red dots eventually break down after a while on springers. And, as I understand it, this provides a small amount of magnification, which would be a plus for me and my old eyes.


    • Red dot sights require a battery and you need to turn it on unless you just leave it on when you are out. As far as the price goes, I agree it should be a little lower, but then it would have to be made by Wang Po Industries and then the quality would be diddley.

      • I think the price is fair for the sight. Especially if I can shoot open sight again. Not trying to brag but I use to be very good at open sight shooting.

        And I’m still not crazy about looking through the round circle of a dot sight. I shoot mostly with both eyes open and I think the See All sight could maybe be a little quicker on sight acquisition.

        Like for example close range pesting. Like if you see a mouse as small as they are. If you have a dot sight you still have to find the mouse in the sight. With the See All you just basically point and shoot.

        It would also work nice for plinking with a semi auto gun like if you have a can your shooting at and its moving around all over the place every time you hit it. Its kind of hard to find it in the dot sight and keep the can moving around fast. You know can dancing. With the See All sight you still have the full sight picture of your surroundings like open sights but with out the worries of the front sight being involved in the sighting process.

        So I think the See All sight is going to make a big difference for me. I’m thinking I will be having a few dot sights for sale in the future.

  8. Hi (first post, reader for a long time!)

    I’m totally into trying that on my P1/HW45, as the truglo sight isn’t that great IMO. I just wonder how to attach that properly on this weird 12/13mm dovetail and hardly enough to cope with the kick back…

    That, and some strength, could do it i guess :

    Anyway, the seeall is less bulky than a red dot which is a real plus for me.

    Can’t wait to read the following parts…

    And thanks for all your great work B.B. !

  9. Off topic – ‘back in December, China landed a probe on the moon which deposited a small lunar rover – Jade Rabbit. After operating for 5 weeks, It seems the rabbit was caught by Wiley Coyote as it appears to be dead. Another shining expample of Chinese Quality. No truth to the rumor that it was built by Wang Po Industries. 🙂

    (Couldn’t resist – apologies to any I have offended).

    Fred DPRoNJ

  10. On the Nydar sight . It was for shotguns, and I once saw one on a shotgun intended for shooting slugs, used for deer hunting in my part of the world. Problem was, the circle of light and the bead disappeared when it got cloudy, plus it was a brush, rain , snow catcher. These are things that are standard operating conditions during deer season around here. Elmer Keith mentions the Nydar sight in his book on shotguns, and he wasn’t too charitable in his opinion of this gun sight idea. Personally, I hated the Weaver Quik Point for much of the same reasons. A regular low powered scope is alot better in my opinion.

  11. Looks great so far! Could this by my answer for my Benjamin EB 22 that I just love/hate? I love the gun, love the feel, hate hate hate those awful sights. Maybe one of these with a barrel clamp or something? I’ve searched the web and read many blogs trying to find an open sight answer. That said, as stated by Tim, it will be hard for me to justify a sight that costs as much as the gun. At $100, I could be that sweet new Legends C 96…hmmm choices choices

  12. Some pretty tall claims for this sight, and I must say that I am mystified about how they could happen with that design. Lacking a front sight, it looks like the sight radius between the elements in the unit is about 1 inch. Also it looks like the rear lens is cut down so that you need to look up through it from behind to see the front part. And not really understanding parallax, I don’t understand how something could be parallax free. Put your head far enough to the side and surely the sight is not going to work the way it is supposed to. What mechanism could compensate for that?

    dangerdongle, glad you enjoy your 1911. I’m plenty happy with my SW1911, but I suspect that the sr1911 is in the same class with custom features at an affordable price, and it probably costs less. Ruger turns out very good products, and I continue to love my Single Six (which I highly recommend). Some online poster called Ruger guns, “hammered doodoo,” and I think he must have been out of his mind. And wrong too since aren’t Ruger guns cast and not forged which is where you would hammer?

    gunfun1, missed your comment about firearms. I got into shooting late in life but am making up for lost time. I came to firearms by working my way very carefully up through archery to airsoft, to pellet guns and then firearms. Now firearms are fun for me for the history and culture, but I enjoy most and do best at shooting with airguns which accounts for almost all the shooting that I do.

    The trade in gunpowder is a nice idea, but aren’t there restrictions on mailing hazardous materials like that? My current expectations are low. If I can only get my four pounds of powder past my building manager, I will be completely happy.


    • Matt61
      My oldest daughter has a youth compound bow. And she can shoot a bow and arrow better than me.

      So you shoot the airguns more than the firearms too. Airguns are a bit more relaxing than firearms for me anyway.

    • If the (half)lens acts as a collimator, then the projected image of the triangle is coming out as straight (parallel) light rays. The target, at distance, is also effectively parallel light rays. Therefore, any movement of the eye to the side should be seeing the same movement of the aiming point and the target.

      A well made red-dot should also be parallax free since, being 1X, should not be affecting the light rays from the target, and the dot should have been collimated to show up as infinity (the rays reflected off the front optic should be parallel).

      Scopes, however, have the problem that the magnification shortens depth of field — the target is no longer essentially infinity (parallel light rays). One has to adjust the eyepiece to focus on the reticle — this should result in the reticle appearing at infinity (the light rays leaving the eyepiece from the reticle are parallel — this is also why one is supposed to glance away and back when adjusting the eyepiece; to ensure one’s eyes have relaxed to “distance” focus). But the objective now needs to be adjusted to put the target image into the same plane as the reticle — if it isn’t, then the rays from the target are NOT going to be parallel coming out the eyepiece, and head shifts will move the target relative to the reticle.

      {One way to cancel out most of the eye’s effect when focusing an eyepiece is to use a second scope [monocular/spyglass] that has been focused on a distant star. The star is at infinity so the spyglass is set for parallel rays coming in. You then look through the spyglass into the eyepiece in question, and adjust it for a sharp image through the monocular — at that point the eyepiece output is parallel to match the monocular input}

  13. B.B.,
    Good article, the sight appears to have a very short sight radius. Will this be a problem?
    Also when are you going to do a review of the Leapers T8 scope that you mentioned from the Shot show?

  14. I remember a game arcade on Broadway, n.y.c. They had automatic air guns in there shooting booth. They looked like Thompson smg,s. Some of them had Nydar sights. I tried them, but always did better with regular open sights (18 year old eyes, this was around 1954-8).I was not impressed with the Nydars Ed.

  15. I know I’m a bit late to the party, sorry.
    I also think the sight is a little expensive for a 2 small pieces of plastic in an aluminium casing.
    If they were less expensive I could easily see people buying 5 of them (me for example).

    I’m eager to see the results on rifles and pistol. If they can be used on both it would also be perfect for guns like the P-Rod and other take down rifles like the Crosman 2289. Fitting it to older rifles that have lost the front sights and that have very short rails like target rifles.

    I’m just not sure I’m willing to spend 500$ on iron sights but at the same time I could use at least 5 of them if not more right now…

    If they could also incorporate a small led and battery in the design they would have a sturdy and compact night sight for the tactical crowd.

    Do you think if they sell more (this is a new product isn’t it?) that a price drop could be in the product future?


    • J-F
      I was thinking exactly the same that you said about the small LED and battery.

      I was going to bring it up when BB did the low light test on the sight. It would be a simple thing to do if a person wanted to add that themselves to the See All sight I would think.

      • I used a couple of small strips of the Glow-On super phosphorescent tape on the inside of the frame with the glow material facing the sides of the edge glow material, works great for hours when you charge it with a flashlight for a few minutes.

        • REmanG
          I’m planning on getting one of the sights and I will definitely give that a try. Sounds simple enough to do also.

          So thanks for the posting the idea. And I think I will really like the sight when I get it.

  16. BB,It was hard to understand how this sight works.It seems to me that it is a form of a peep sight because you intuitively center the triangle in the semicircle for the sight picture and that puts you on target as far as windage is concerned.When the point of the triangle touches the line and sets under the expected point of impact for a six o’clock hold over you are fully on target.This should be more accurate than the straight peep sight because the magnifying glass makes the smaller finer triangle look larger, and any misalignment look greater.Small or distant targets will get covered by the sight so you’ll want to keep both eyes open to facilitate setting up the six o’clock hold over.This sight design seems to alleviate the problem of lining up back sight to front sight to try to get that all to line up with the target.Now when this looks right at all you just stick it under your target and fire.
    That is all assumption on my part-lets see how it all turns out.-Tin Can Man-

  17. After B.B.’s mention of seeing the sight at the Shot Show, I immediately ordered the See All to try on my accurate P 17, which I usually shoot with a red-dot. On a good day, I manage .43″ five-shot groups at 6 meters with Crosman Ultra Magnums.

    It took several preliminary shots to get used to the unique sight picture (unlike anything I’ve ever seen before), but within minutes I was able to shoot a .45″ group with the See All.

    It is terrific, and I plan to use it on my target pistols for my club rimfire and centerfire Bullseye competitions this summer.

    You have to discard all your ideas of how a sight works, since it is not the same as a red-dot or open sights. The See All puts the black triangle sight on the same plane as the target, and it really does have no appreciable parallax. And it works without a battery in ordinary light. It might best be described as a cross between fiber optics and iron sights, but much clearer and more precise.

    I’m nearly 70 years old and have cataracts but the See All–expensive as it is–a marvel.

    • Leon,

      I don’t know if you have commented before, but welcome to the blog.

      You are exactly right when you say that the shooter must forget all previous ideas of how sights work. Thanks for reporting this. I will try the sight on a rifle first, so we will begin to get a good picture of how well it works there, too.


  18. I air gunned a lot several years ago, but I got away from it. I’m just now returning to basement shooting over the winter as a way to practice rimfire rifle benchrest (Daisy 953 and Crosman M4 177) and pistol Bullseye. Thus, I’m back to reading your blog. I think you were very ill when I last checked in, and I’m glad to see you have apparently recovered. It sounded pretty nasty.

    Thanks for your recommendations on the M4 177. It’s a lot of fun, and I think the See All will work well on it. The Picatinny rail will mount the sight just above the bore, and getting the sight closer to the eye than the arm’s length on a pistol should help also. The triangle and cross bar are more vivid to my eye when I hold them close to my face (I’m not going try that with my S&W Targetmaster .38 Special, however!).

    I was very happy to find out the See All is just as precise as a good red dot.

    One of the disconcerting things about the sight is that you do not look through it to see the target, which is counter intuitive. The target appears just as it does with the naked eye, and the sight imposes a green field with black triangle over the target. If you raise the sight over the full target, the target disappears. For me, this means using a six o’clock hold so none of the target is obliterated

  19. One more comment: Pyramyd AIR doesn’t offer the See All yet, but you can order through Amazon.com and get free shipping from an Amazon partner. I bet Pyramid would sell a bunch to air gunners, despite the price.

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    Get the most out of your equipment when you work with the expert technicians at Pyramyd AIR. With over 25 years of combined experience, we offer a range of comprehensive in-house services tailored to kickstart your next adventure.

    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

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  • Warranty Info

    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our products (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

    View Warranty Details

  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

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