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Ammo Hatsan 95 combo breakbarrel air rifle: Part 5

Hatsan 95 combo breakbarrel air rifle: Part 5

by B.B. Pelletier

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

The Hatsan 95 came through in the end!

This is part 5 of what would normally be a three-part test. If you’ve followed it, you know all I’ve gone through to let the Hatsan 95 combo breakbarrel look its best. And today’s report was no exception. I spent more time with the rifle than I usually do in part 3 of any other airgun. I guess I had a burr under my saddle blanket about this rifle from the start. It was so nice-looking, and it was also a spring rifle that most adult men can cock, which isn’t that common when it comes to Hatsan breakbarrels. So, I wanted it to succeed.

Cleaned the barrel
The first step for today’s report was a thorough cleaning of the barrel with J-B Bore Paste on a brass bore brush. From the way the friction lessened the more times I brushed the bore and the black gunk that soon filled the bristles, I knew it was the right thing to do.

Mounted a scope
After the barrel was clean, I set about mounting a scope with droop to compensate for the barrel droop the test rifle has. I had planned to mount the Hawke Sport Optics 4.5-14×42 Sidewinder Tactical rifle scope, but it has a 30mm tube and nowhere in my inventory of available scope rings could I find a droop-compensating mount with 30mm rings. I have them, but they were all doing other jobs. Fortunately, when I was working with Leapers to create their UTG droop-compensating base for RWS Diana spring rifles they sent me a couple samples without the recoil shock shoulder, so I can mount them on any conventional 11mm scope dovetails. Since the Hatsan 95 comes with a scope stop plate already installed, I just backed the base up to it and I was done.

The UTG scope base gave me all the droop compensation I needed to get the scope adjusted properly.

Because the UTG base raises the scope high above the spring tube, I used a set of the lowest Weaver rings I have. With them I was able to mount the AirForce 4-16×50 AO scope with plenty of room to spare. This AirForce scope is the brightest of my one-inch tubes. I don’t usually have it available because it’s mounted on my Talon SS, but the recent test of the Micro-Meter tank has freed it up.

Time to test!
Then it was time to test the rifle at 25 yards. I can report that the droop-compensating scope base did its job and put the scope’s adjustments down into the bottom quarter of the travel range. That means there was more than enough tension on the erector tube return spring, so that can be ruled out as an excuse for inaccuracy. After a quick sight-in at 10 feet, I went back to 25 yards and started shooting.

Beeman Kodiaks are out!
The first pellet I tried was the Beeman Kodiak. But no matter how I held the gun, they simply would not group. I fired about 30 rounds, trying all sorts of holds without success. I tried the Kodiak first because back in Part 3, they seemed to do well at 10 meters. I’d hoped that solving the scope problem would also make them group at 25 yards, but no dice.

So are JSB Exact 15.9-grain domes!
Next up was the JSB Exact Jumbo that weighs 15.9 grains. Like the Kodiaks, these had done well at 10 meters, and I just knew they would shine at 25 yards. But, once again, in hold after hold, they disappointed me. I would put three pellets into the same hole, then throw one an inch away. That could not be blamed on the scope this time.

I even tried shooting the rifle with the forearm resting directly on the bag. Though that seldom works…when it does, it works quite well, and it was worth a try. Once more, the groups were large and open. The shot count was now above 60 without success. I began mentally composing the report that was to say I had failed to get the Hatsan to shoot at all, but something inside kept me at the bench.

Perfect artillery hold is required
By shooting so many pellets, I did discover the best place to put my off hand. The heel has to touch the rear of the cocking slot. If I can feel that, I know the stock is always in the same place. Also, there can be absolutely NO tension when shooting! I have to be entirely relaxed and my shoulder cannot put any pressure against the buttpad. If there’s any tension or if I am holding the rifle in place instead of letting it just rest on target with me relaxed, the shot will always go wide in the direction the rifle wanted to go as I was holding it.

The next pellet I tried was the JSB Exact Jumbo that weighs 18.1 grains. This pellet often shines in certain PCPs, and I wondered if it might make a difference here. But when shot two landed two inches from shot one, I stopped.

Next up was the RWS Superdome that has surprised me in the past. Several readers say this is always a good pellet for them, and I thought it needed to be tried. I got 8 shots into 1.164 inches between centers, but that just wasn’t good enough to satisfy me. So, they were out, too.

Eight RWS Superdomes made this 1.164-inch group at 25 yards. Notice the shot that barely clipped the bottom edge of the target paper!

RWS Super-H-Points
While I was looking through my .22-caliber pellets I saw a fat tin of RWS Super-H-Points. This is a 14.2-grain hollowpoint pellet that also cuts a hole in the target like a wadcutter. It shouldn’t be accurate in a spring rifle of this power, but nothing else was working so I decided to give it a try. When the third shot made a cloverleaf with the first two, I felt this might be the one. And it was! Ten shots gave me a group that measures 0.792 inches between centers. Looking at this group, I see the promise of even better grouping once I become more familiar with the pellet. But even if this is the very best it can do, it’s good enough for me.

There is the 25-yard group we have been looking for! This Hatsan 95 likes RWS Super-H-Points. Ten made this 0.792-inch group. See the two holes made by the 18.1-grain JSB? No wonder I stopped shooting it!

The last word
So, what do I think? Well, the Hatsan 95 is definitely an accurate spring-piston air rifle at a great price. BUT — and this is a big “but,” — if you want it to perform you’re going to have to learn how to shoot a rifle. And I don’t mean shooting Uncle Jim’s 30-30 a couple times, either! You’re going to have to learn how to apply the artillery hold to the very best of your ability because this rifle does not forgive laxness.

Cosmetically, this rifle will give you more than any other air rifle in its price range. The trigger is disappointing, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad. It’s just not real good. But you can adapt to it and if you learn to hold the rifle right and use the right pellets, it will perform. Based on this test, I think the Hatsan 95 is one of the best buys in a spring-piston air rifle today.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

105 thoughts on “Hatsan 95 combo breakbarrel air rifle: Part 5”

  1. Once again I suspect that this would perform very well in a UK sub 12fpe format, I don’t know anyone over here with one of these, but it seems to be that Hatsan rifles suffer at the higher power levels. Perhaps I should buy and try, they are very reasonably priced.

  2. If you hop up and down on your left leg while patting the top of your head with your right hand and rubbing your belly with your left hand in a clockwise motion during a blue moon on the eighth Saturday of the month, this springer will shoot great.

    Seriously though, I have been hoping these Hatsans would start showing more promise. I guess I am just spoiled after my CFX. It required some technique, but would produce groups Roosevelt would not fall through. Who knows, maybe their Dominator line will come through. After all, it is a copy of one of the best.

    • With your right index finger, draw a triangle in the air. With your left finger, draw a square. And make sure that both fingers move from one vertex to the next at the same time…


      • Matt this is impossible since a triangle has only three sides while a square has four. Or is that your point? Better yet, is your point that you were able to get me to perform this little stunt in the first place (and then be stupid enough to tell everyone I was gullible enough to do it) 🙂

  3. Wow (laughing at RidgeRunner’s post), such a persnickity rifle! Is the gun really an accurate shooter if you have to go through just “exactly” the right hold? And, use “exactly” the right pellet?

    I don’t know about this, B.B. Reminds me of some women I’ve been married to in the past. If you didn’t do things exactly right…. well, we won’t go there.

    Most guns are a bit forgiving, but this gun seems like it DEMANDS how it is to be treated.

  4. Update on my Hatsan-95 17cal rifle: I’ve taken a LOT of folks advice: a) cleaned the barrel thoroughly w/JSB paste (fair amt of stuff out), VERY SLIGHTLY chamfered the breech (to remove the sharp 90o edge, c/o Cardew & Cardew), played with art’y-hold a LOT and found it good at ~6″ in front of trigger guard, and… after LOTs of tests, find that this .177 likes middle-weight Gamo T-Hawks and JSB Exacts. Now nearing 800 shots total (after the 1st rifle was returned for several reasons), have gotten a few 0.25 inch 5-groups at 10 meters. I don’t shoot it much in this 100F heat, but will do more soon, moving on to 50′ then 75′. And btw:
    a) I had to shim up the scope a LOT to compensate for more droop than I’m used to, but did not use a droop-comp mount (yet!).
    b) The rear trigger screw tends to back off readily: will Loctite it lightly.
    c) This beast is STILL one stiff rifle to cock! Feels like far more than the 35 lbs my bathroom scale clocked it at
    d) Velocities of ~950-990 fps for these mid-wt pellets yield nearly 17 FPE: I guess this partly explains the cocking Ooomph! Still, one day I’ll open it up to clean up its guts…

    • Oh: one LAST thing: I found that Rick E/ BB’s trigger settings are indeed the best for this rifle! Not surprising I guess, but still, endorsing THEIR rec’s on THIS copy of the Hatsan.

  5. I found my Diana 34 in .22 Cal. shoots both the RWS HP’s and Superpoints pellets well. I’ll be trying some Superdones the next time I order pellets from Pyramyd. It’s looking like the Hatson is way too twitchy to be worth the trouble. Great test series BB, thanks for the information!


    • This may not be worth anything to you, but then again…..
      My 48 (.22) and my R9 (.22) both make the power plants happiest with the RWS pellets. Tightest velocity spread and highest F.P.E. ……BUT….don’t shoot them very well. They both like the FTS a lot better on the target, even though the power plants say it should be otherwise.


  6. Another Hatsan that gets more than a fair chance to shine. Borderline hunting accuracy in my book not because of group sizes but because of the great effort of a perfect hold to get those group sizes.

    When B.B. reported on the new and improved Hatsans from the SHOT Show I had high hopes. Innovations like the Quatro trigger that was purportedly fully adjustable and the SAS to cancel vibration was intriguing.

    The Hatsan Torpedo got a 4 part series. The Hatsan 125TH got a 5 part series. This Hatsan 95 got a 5 part series. Personally I’m disappointed probably because I had high expectations.

    Can’t help but speculate on the reason for the average accuracy in all 3 of these Hatsan models. I don’t think it’s the barrels. Certainly not the shooter. The mounts and cheap scopes included in the package deal were eliminated. A wide variety of ammo was tested so I don’t think it’s the pellet. So I’m left wondering if the SAS system is introducing harmonics that vary from shot to shot.


    ps-Edith, on the PA site B.B.’s 4 part series he did on the Hatsan Torpedo does not appear as the LATEST BUZZ/ARTICLE. Here’s the link to his series:


    • Kevin : I just read your reply to Matt’s post yesterday on the Colorado tradgedy, especially the part where you mention that there may have been witnesses that saw someone let the shooter return to the theater thru the fire door. Together with Matt’s observation that this perp was a perfect arguement for the gun control zealots agenda, the allegation that there may have been others involved in the tradgedy is telling as well as it is shocking. I have a hard time understanding these mass shootings , and have even more trouble with the popular notion that tends to dismiss them as just some wingnut with personal issues, that goes batcrackers with a gun.

      • Let’s look at this from another angle….

        What if one of the rabid anti-gun organizations were to recruit someone who is willing to sarifice themself for the cause ? Try to force the gun control issue on the candidates right before the election ? Further their cause ?
        Did we just see that happen ?


        • TT:
          That was what I believe that Matt was getting at but he will have to explain it for himself, but I agree with you. Something like that may not be as far fetched as we think.What we have at stake here is not just the gun control issue. They are looking at multitude of reasons why this has happened and while listening to what is being said , especially from the popular media enabled, very vocal progressive, liberal anti -gun side. It has become evident to me that there will be serious curbs and impacts to our freedom in this country. Our consitution has become fair game, to be “modified ” for current times. Seriously ,if I wanted to live like they do in Europe and England ,I would have certainly lived there, not here. Sorry, to be political and off-topic, delete if you will, no hard feelings…

          • Well, may not be just a nut job who just wanted to kill people for no particular reason.
            May have wanted to have a moment of fame.
            May have wanted to be immortalized by a Hollywood movie.
            May have been someone who hated Batman movies.
            May have had some kind of Joker fetish.
            Could have been a political conspiracy.

            He ain’t gonna talk.


        • We must be careful to not let paranoia influence our better judgment. There are already plenty of conspiracy theories around on many subjects.

          The first newspaper article I read indicated that he entered the theater twice. He bought a ticket and entered the theater then left and came back later loaded. I don’t know how he left but it is plausible that he left by the side door he came back in through. It is possible he left by the side door and asked someone on his way out to let him back in. Under those circumstances anyone would have let him.

          My guess is after he proves how “manly” he is by being silent during the legal process he’ll eventually spill his guts to get more publicity and prove what a “big man” he is. His megalomania will not allow him to remain silent.


      • Robert,

        Bret Jeans is my brother. Technically my half brother but we grew up together. He’s a Lieutenant and Sector Commander with the Aurora Police Department. Bret was in charge of the Aurora Theatre crime scene after the shooting. Horrible carnage.

        No indication that the shooter had an accomplice. If someone did open the rear door to the theatre to let the shooter in it was probably just an innocent gesture.

        I have a hard time understanding these mass shootings too. It’s not a reason nor an excuse to lead to more gun control though. As you can probably tell by now this strikes a raw nerve with me.


        • Kevin : I understand the raw nerve part… and I agree with you on gun control and the classical argument of the historical implications it has had on freedom . You are preaching to the choir on that. If the emergency door was opened by another patron to let the creep in ,why wasn’t there an alarm, buzzer, light or to cause notice? The screw up fairy was in attendance big time on this one.

          • Robert,

            The rear doors in Theatres are not emergency exits they are standard exit/egress points. The design of these spaces (known as “A” for Assembly) as rated within the UBC (Uniform Building Code) or IBC (International Building Code, which most of our municipalities have adopted) and their exiting is very strict. Strict space design requirements especially for fire/emergency ingress/egress, isle/hallway width, maxium occupancy, fire alarms with pull down stations at all entrances/exits, fire sprinklers in the space, etc. “A” rated spaces have lots of bodies in small spaces. “A” rated spaces are school auditoriums, theatres, gymnasiums, church sanctuaries, chapels in funeral homes, large meeting rooms in hotels, etc. The code does not allow alarms at required exits. Auxiliary and/or supplemental exiting can be alarmed.

            No screw up fairy.


              • /Dave,

                No, I don’t read that liberal rag.

                I don’t get the sense that “he was trying to make a statement” but rather he was exercising his right to carry. Hopefully after the prosecuters office reviews this case the charges will be dropped.


                I don’t want to turn the blog into a political pro-gun forum. There are better places to do that. This is my last word on this matter. Thanks everyone.


            • Kevin : OK, I stand corrected as I was under the impression that this creep with all his gear entered an emergency exit only door with no way in ,just out . Perhaps an usher or doormen at the rear exit doors would have helped I don’t know . I would think that the theater owner would like to have some control over non-paying patrons who might sneak in with help from the inside.Doormen probably wouldn’t have been armed to offer resistance, but they wouldn’t have had to open the door either. It may have made it harder to get in for the attack.But ,I suppose paying a doorman would have cut into profits .

              • Ushers? Doormen?

                Considering how multiplexes tend to run around 12-20 screens, and each screen has at least three exits (lobby and one exit each side of the screen — we can probably exclude the lobby exit from consideration) you are asking for 24-40 extra employees whose only job is to stand watch over “one-way” doors. And I’ve been to first-show-of-day where there were fewer than 10 customers for the movie… Minimum wage is higher than the cost of a matinee ticket. I’m pretty sure the projection booths are only manned long enough to start the automated projectors (very sure — a few years ago I had to hit a theater for the last show of the day as it was the ONLY showing of a movie I’d missed while over christmas vacation; I’d been there earlier in the day for a more recent movie. Same screen, and they’d forgotten to change from the animated to that flop “The Spirit” — after I’d tracked down a staff member it took some 20 minutes for them to change the reels… By which time I was the only one left in the entire screen!).

                The chains I’ve been to are lucky to have two employees taking tickets (one per “wing” from the lobby — for the first shows of the day, the Cinemark in Mountain View had one person; tickets were sold outside from outside the lobby and this person only checked for a valid ticket on entry; the Celebration Cinema in Grand Rapids had been [earlier this year] so lax that the first showing could have been watched without a ticket — the ticket seller also did the “rip” to mark the ticket used, and they were on one side of the lobby [I suspect this may have tightened up recently, to ensure tickets are checked at the wings — not sure if they are now forming lines per screen vs open wandering]).

                • “Open wandering”, no one aware of what’s around them, or going on ? Shessh! I’m glad I don’t own or work at a multi-plex. That is what I meant about the screw up fairy fluttering around.

  7. I have found the same thing with my 46,48, and 34, all also .22, 11,23, and 15 fpe respectively. The Crosman premiers were the pellets for accuracy, especially beyond 25 yards for me. The JSB exact jumbo’s were the best compromise as to delivering that impact on the target (eastern grey tree squirrels) with usable accuracy for the task. The very accurate premiers have a tendency to just zip through on otherwise lethal chest shots. This Hatsan and in fact all the Hatsans that BB has reviewed now ,strike me as poor field guns despite their power and the advertising to that effect. Twitchy guns that are extremely sensitive to hold, will be impractical in the field ,unless all you hunt are watermelon sized prey. Impromptu rests and quick shots are the rule, specific holds and bench rests are generally UN-available . Tone these guns down a bit and they could be nice guns. They appear not to have the quality to be tinkered with , and made into smooth powerful field guns like the old Webley patriot or kodiak which they attempt to emulate.

  8. B.B.,
    Did you try Crosman Premiers? If so, how did they do? I’d imagine that lots of customers who buy this rifle will run off to Wally-World to buy those, as they will be the most readily available.

  9. I enjoy this blog because of the diversity in the products BB decides to test, as well as all the interesting comments. What amazes me is how many manufactures are missing out on a great opportunity to set the priority as accuracy first, then power.

    • Power at a cheap price is what sells. Throw in some gimmicks to add to the pot. Deceptive advertising helps too.
      Make it sound like a great deal and you make sales……in large quantities.


    • TC,
      At this point I’m convinced that these products are never even tested by the manufacturer. The highest priority is marketability, thus the more gimmicks the better the product from the manufacturers perspective.

      As with the audio industry, the target market are young people within some age group who are not particularly sophisticated. There are simply too many man-children who want POWER before, and possibly excluding, anything else. They are probably 90+% of the airgun market. In any case, the “specs” are drawn, and “something” is made to match those specs. If it looks good in a marketing meeting, then it IS good, period.

      Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if the only prior experience that the design engineers had was in designing furniture.

      • Victor,

        You think these products aren’t tested by the mfr? I think they are. But I also think they aren’t real concerned about lack of accuracy. Here’s what I belive they’re thinking: Americans are power-hungry and want high velocity. Let’s give it to them.

        I also wonder if they test a gun, find it to be acceptable and then make some minor changes that they don’t realize affect the accuracy. Voila! The gun they tested met their minimum standards, but the changes they made after the fact altered the performance in ways they never thought possible and couldn’t possibly anticipate. Because they don’t believe their minor changes affect performance, they don’t bother to retest the gun. Box it up & send to the U.S. They’ll buy anything that goes fast!


        • Have you seen that Crosman has a new CEO? It is reported that he has no prior shooting or gun experience, but is interested, so he says , of learning more about shooting. We will see, he at least deserves the benifit of the doubt.However, it would appear that this also is a symptom of why the air gun industry spawns stuff like the Hatsan springers. One of the penalties of buying shooting products from non shooters is that you will be forced to endure their production of inferior products.

          • Robert from Arcade,

            Yes, we saw that. I would hope he’d be interested in learning about the shooting sports since he now runs a company that makes guns.

            I’d like to add my 2 cents to the concept that you have to know how to shoot to run a gun company. Which is harder? Teaching someone about the shooting sports or teaching someone how to successfully and profitably run a business? I have to say the latter. That’s because people all over the world learn about guns and how to shoot…every day of the week. But there are few people who can be a success at running a company and make money.

            Well over a decade ago, a well-known men’s magazine that centered around health and fitness had to hire a new editor because it just wasn’t doing well with the current editor. So, they hired an out-of-shape, overweight editor-in-chief. The man never lifted anything heavier than a donut. BUT, he knew how to write. He knew how to edit. He knew the difference between good & bad copy, good & bad layout, good & bad subjects. He turned that magazine around in no time. Today, it’s still on the newsstands and it’s a thriving publication. No, I’m not going to name it.

            A very well-known doctor who was the guru of weight loss and low-carb dieting had an empire of food and supplements that was thriving quite well. Who was his advisor? A man who never saw a donut he didn’t like. He was hundreds of pounds overweight. And he accompanied the good doctor to all the industry trade shows. Why would the guru of weight loss hire such an advisor? Because it’s easier for that man to lose weight (if he wanted to) than it is to find an Adonis who also knew how to take a company from zero to a multi-million dollar international corporation.

            So, just because the new CEO of Crosman doesn’t know anything about guns doesn’t mean he’s a write-off. Let’s see what he can do. Maybe, things might even get better 🙂


        • Edith,
          This is my first response to one of your posts. Am I permitted to ask who is the better shot? BB gets all the attention in these reviews!!! 🙂

          I feel into the marketing trap. Never again. Tried out a 1300 fps, smooth trigger, 70% less recoil, smoother firing action with gas piston, 50% less noise rifle. This rifle felt like a prototype. All those funny numbers did not yield any better accuracy than a low cost springer. It really hurts the sport.

          • TC,

            I am a lousy shot, but I qualified for my concealed carry license anyway. Those shots are at a much closer range, so that’s why I did okay. I have a laser on my gun but am not allowed to use it when I qualify.

            B.B. used to be a pretty darned good shot, but shooting so many different guns takes away from his ability to learn to shoot guns with a high level of proficiency. I know it sounds bad…poor B.B., having to shoot so many different guns…but it’s true. Hence the saying, “Beware of the man with one gun. He knows how to use it.”


            • Must be related to the:

              The man with one watch knows what time it is; the man with two watches is never sure.

              {Though out of two watches, and five clocks [I’m not counting the microwave, oven, or TV], I only have two that are not auto-synched to WWV-B… Actually, my wristwatch will sync to Japan, or Europe time standards based on signal strength besides WWV-B.}

              • Having only one gun and knowing how to use it sounds great and is even true at times. But, I help with our club’s sight in days prior to the deer season opener. I see lots of people that own only their one “deer rifle”. It’s a wonder they ever get a deer, the shots must be very close.


                • Not much of a problem. Just walk right into the middle of the herd and shoot one. Only decision to make is which kind you want…brown, black, or the black and white spotted ones. Better have a doe permit though. Most of them don’t have antlers. Pretty hard to drag away and load up too. Better have your buddies along to help.


            • Mrs. Gaylord,

              With all due and utmost respect I call BS on B.B.’s shooting proficiency. Some people have to work at being a good shot. Some folks have the instinct and ability. This is not to say that practice can make them better but the difference is the starting point.

              Here’s my proof. Two years ago, shortly after B.B. got off the IV he shot incredible groups with the R8. Groups that would be tough for healthy, active shooters to replicate. Natural ability.


              ps-This is a historic post for two reasons for me. First time posting to this blog from my cabin and first time disagreeing with Mrs. Gaylord. Won’t be doing this much but since it’s raining cats and dogs outside and the windchill is 42 degrees it feels good to be on the computer next to the fireplace. I can see my breath outside! Feels great compared to our recent 100 + degree weather in the city.

                • Edith,

                  Mi, Mi, Mi, do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, doe.

                  I’m practicing for your bday song. Get a deep seat and have your ear protection handy. You’ve been duly warned.

                  We’re up at our cabin early this week because we’re in a wedding party in Vail tomorrow morning. Top of Vail mountain accessible only by the Lionshead Gondola. It will be late tomorrow night before I can read the blog but I’m intrigued.

                  Hope all is well.


                    • You don’t realize that more people know your birth date and are waiting for it.
                      You’re such a great part of our little “community” how could we not wish you happy birthday? That would be rude! 😉


                    • “which is telling B.B. what to do”
                      Which is VERY important.
                      You also keep us in check which is also VERY important, you give this blog the always friendly and open tone it has and I think it’s why it is so popular and people keep coming back here everyday.
                      I for example can’t own over half the guns that are talked about because they either shoot too fast or have shrouds or both or are just not available in Canada yet I’m here every single day and if for some reason I can’t get the blog and comments I feel empty and like I’m missing something. I skipped the 2 airgun forum I usually visit daily for over a week but kept coming here everyday. Because of you and the awesome bunch of people we have here.


                    • J-F,

                      I’m glad you like coming here. I occasionally visit other chat forums…and they’re not always that nice. Here, we can agree to disagree and move on because we all like airguns, and that’s the common thread that binds us.


      • Is it any wonder that so many people have such a low opinion of air rifles, referring to them as toys and bb guns? Regardless of how good this rifle looks, not many people will tolerate for long the dirty barrel (assuming they can even figure it out), persnickety hold (assuming they can even figure it out), barrel droop (assuming they can even figure it out), the cheap scope (assuming they can even figure it out), the dearth of usable pellets (assuming they can even figure it out)… Very few will have the knowledge or skills to work all this out like BB can, and their opinion of all air rifles will be tainted and spread to all they know.


        • Chuck,
          Good capturing of the details involved in realizing why people view airguns as they do. Awhile back my son wanted to borrow an airgun to practice his fundamentals. I gave him a rifle and a tin of pellets. Turned out to be the tin from Hell. He simply gave up on the gun, probably wondering why I had such a high opinion of the gun. Later when I tried that tin I found that there was no way that decent accuracy was possible from that tin. I’d never had such an experience before. First impressions matter.

  10. Wow, I’m losing track of my Hatsans here. Sounds like you can’t count them out.

    Desertdweller, Kevin, and Robert from Arcade. When I said that the Colorado shooter was an “interesting” case for gun control, I didn’t mean that the incident should encourage gun control but that it is so bizarre that it puts a different spin on the usual issues. The first point is very much against the assumptions of the gun control movement. The theory is that more background checks and regulations will keep guns out of the hands of criminals, but this shooter had no criminal record of any kind so none of that would have worked. The only gun control that would have had any effect (in theory) would be to ban guns altogether. That is a political impossibility and certainly not something that I favor I can tell you! So, despite how destructive this person was, he is a powerful argument AGAINST gun control in the form of additional regulations. On the other hand, he does pose a challenge to some assumptions about concealed carry. I would feel equal to most threats if I were to carry around my 1911. But what does this do against a heavily armored person? Aim for his gas mask I suppose although head shots in combat are tricky and pulling them off in a dark theater full of smoke and screaming people even harder. The fact that his throat protection was paintball gear is interesting and something I hadn’t thought of. And I hadn’t thought either of Kevin’s comment that a high-powered handgun at close range could cause extreme pain and knock the shooter over allowing you to gain some advantage. That would be the thing to do.

    Getting back to gun control, another point often made is that someone who is really out to do damage is going to find a way to do it (as did the teenager in China this morning who killed a lot of people with a knife). That same principle is borne out by the Colorado shooter, who had acquired a large number of totally illegal explosives, and is further evidence against regulating weapons. I guess my point is that the Colorado incident was so crazy that it transcends the usual debate and all one can do is try to find lessons learned.

    Victor, I had noticed too that the Colorado shooter’s AR-15 had (thankfully) jammed. Was this a coincidence or an AR-15 at work? I had a flashback to my Green Beret friend I mentioned awhile ago who described how he was working with police in a shooter scenario. My friend was playing the shooter armed with the AR-15 of the police chief loaded with blanks. He fired off rounds at the first officer assaulting his position, but the gun jammed for the second officer! My friend said that may have been due to the blanks which are notorious for jamming. In the Colorado incident, the problem may have been the 100 round drum magazine. I understand that the design has a tendency to jam which is why the drum was largely replaced with a stick magazine for the Tommy gun and the Soviet ppsh41 submachine gun. So, perhaps the shooter’s greed for destruction did him in. B.B., as you pursue your AR-15, you should take care with your magazines. There seems to be some feeding problem with the AR-15 mechanism and many different brands will not work reliably across all guns. But I understand that some high quality versions (Magpul?) are pretty good.

    As for the Olympics, I had conceded the airgun categories to China and other countries, but that does raise an interesting point. When we say that airguns are harder to shoot than firearms, isn’t that true just of spring guns? For gas guns and especially pcps, aren’t airguns actually easier than firearms because of their lack of recoil? If so, you would think that the expertise with firearms would translate pretty easily. Or is it that the shooting standards are higher for air rifle shooting with the tiny dot as the X-ring? I’ve never made a strict comparison with targets, but my impression is that the accuracy of the best FWB competition airguns rated at .06 inches at 10 meters is not better than your best firearms. Anyway, I was more curious about how we’re doing in smallbore shooting. (There is no high-power at the Olympics right?) I believe that the Chinese are supposed to win there as well. 🙁

    Mike, yes, I saw the American woman clinch her gold in skeet shooting. Most impressive. I wish I could have seen more than the short clip that I did.

    Also on the Olympics and the general subject of fitness, you can have a look at the experience of elite rowers.


    This could be the MOST grueling of all sports! I never pushed it this far, but the article rings true. I’ll take shooting any day. 🙂


    • Matt,

      Recoil, or the lack of it has very little to do with accuracy. The air pistol is harder to shoot because the target is slightly smaller in proportion to the other disciplines.

      And don’t think for an instant that a recoilless air rifle or air pistol is easy to shoot. Try shooting one before you make that judgement. The first 525 points are easy. After that the slope of difficulty goes vertical fast.


    • Matt61,
      Air-gun competition is of a higher standard than most other types of shooting sports. Consider that you’re shooting a .177 cal pellet to try to hit a dot (the 10 ring, not an X-ring) less than 0.02″ in diameter, from 33 feet away in the offhand position. But the high standard is mostly because of the level of the competitors. Top shooters are going to hit that 0.02″ dot at least 99% of the time.

      I, and other shooters believe that the absolute toughest shooting sport is 3 position at 50 meters. Offhand here is even tougher than in air-rifle. No one will ever shoot a perfect 1200, unless something changes regarding the shooting clothes and/or equipment. The rules have changed since I last competed, which is why the air-rifle scores are so high, so I’m much less impressed with “modern” scores. It’s like allowing corked baseballs, or bats, so that the home-run numbers are higher. I’ve been told that some in ISSF would like the rules to go back to what they were.

      I can personally appreciate and relate to this desire to toughen the rules again. I couple years ago I bought a new ISSF jacket. I couldn’t believe how stiff and supportive it was. My last year shooting I was shooting mid 380’s with my FWB 300. I can easily see how a 400 can be achieved with the new jackets and rifles, with all the extra adjustability. Back in the 70’s, air-rifle was followed the same rules as “Standard Rifle”, in that the stocks were restricted in terms of dimensions and adjustability. Moder air-rifles are more like “Free Rifles”, which makes all the difference in the world. That’s why you would NEVER see a 3 position shooter use his or her Standard Rifle in a 3 position match. You always go with the Free Rifle. So comparing modern scores to those of previous decades is like comparing apples and oranges.

      OK, so I bought a new jacket and could not believe that it is legal, but it is. My first year competing at the US team tryouts (i.e., The US Internationals), my jacket was torn apart because the canvas at the back was just a hair too thick. That jacket was still VERY loose and NOT stiff at all. Back then, while wearing your jacket, including any other clothing to be worn during a match (like a sweatshirt), they take a kneeling roll and drop it at the neck and it would have to fall through and exit without any problem. Then your clothes were compressed with a gauge to measure for thickness and stiffness. There’s no way that a modern jacket can even come close to passing those tests. Again, there are coaches on the world scene who want the rules changed to be the way that they use to be.

      So is air-gun shooting harder? Not necessarily so, but the requirements to actually place or win sure are tougher than most can imagine. One last thing. My impression is that American air-gun shooters aren’t any better or worse than what they were 30 years ago. They seem to be dropping about the same amount of points.


    • Heretical comment: the Olympics have diverged extremely from the original… Come on — prime time BEACH VOLLEYBALL!

      Weren’t the original (not the 1890s revival) Olympics sort of a diversion from war? Most of the “sports” were of combative nature: javelin, shot put, hammer throw, discus, and archery could all be skills used in battle… Wrestling… Running as an endurance test… Even gymnastics has some applicability in close quarters rough field battle…

      Let’s add more modern skills… hand grenades… obstacle course… and dump the fluff sports.

  11. As another point on fighting bulletproof attackers, it was mentioned that a laser sight could blind a shooter. That could be, but doesn’t a smoky environment break up the laser and make it ineffective? I was reading a novel where Delta Force was assaulting an enemy with laser mounted pistols in an underground bunker. But when the sprinkler system came on, the lasers were rendered ineffective.


    • Instinctual blinking and turning away from a bright light would have more effect… Especially as the common RED LASER is in the part of the spectrum least sensitive to the eye. Green LASERs may be more effective — but catching the subject in both eyes is still going to be difficult.

      OTOH: being in a dark theater, a calibrated LASER would at least permit a pistol shot in a situation where obtaining a real sight picture is futile (besides trying to align black sights [unless you have tritium inserts] on a dark silhouette, it means “you” are behind the pistol in alignment with the subject). While the recoil may be at an in-advantageous angle, “you” could hide behind a cushion with the pistol on the side, relying on the LASER dot for aim. If the subject reacts by shooting at the source of the dot, he’d be aiming at one’s hand off to the side…

      {Ain’t hindsight grand — but would I have thought of that arrangement in real-time?}

  12. If my memory has not completely gone, I seem to recall that drum magazines for the Thompson sub-machine gun were dropped (no pun intended) in favor of the stick magazines because of the weight of the drum loaded with .45 ACP rounds. Our soldiers didn’t want to lug that weight around on marches and switched to the lighter, less capacity, stick mags. I don’t recall that jamming was a factor.

    Fred DPRoNJ

  13. Fred is correct. A Thomson with a loaded 50 round mag weighs in at about 15 pounds. With the 100 round drum, it hits 18 pounds.

    Shot an AR match a couple weeks ago and the 10 or so competitors each fired in excess of 100 rounds each. Not a single stoppage or malfunction–and this is the norm rather than the exception when shooting with halfway decent magazines and factory ammo. It is a good idea though to always download the mags by 2 or 3 rounds for top reliability.

    Blank rounds are notoriously problematic when feeding an autoloader of any sort as are extremely low powered rounds.

    • An AR needs a blank adapter in order for the action to work. The blanks are very, very dirty. If they had been using that rifle for training (Perhaps all year? It can happen, I have seen it.) without cleaning I’m sure it would jam.


  14. Good afternoon. I was going to comment on the Hatsan 95 last night after reading the 5th blog about 1:00 a.m. However, I most always lament at some thing I say , or something I wanted to say but missed the next morning. So I saved it for today. I have always wanted Hatsan to ‘do it right’, in the end. Last night it looked as though they, Hatasn, had finally pulled it off. B.B., you did an outstanding job of giving this gun every chance to shine. As you have for the two others tested. I for one, would have quit after pellet 50. You soldiered on and found the right combination. I went to bed a happier man. This one works. However, after reading some replies, it struck me that this gun really fits in no particular category. Not a great target gun. Too few options for accurate pellets. Not a good hunter either. Too hold sensitive. Needs to send a pellet into the vitals of your prey under extreme circumstance. You may have only a tree to hold the gun. Add the pressure of relaxing long enough to aim properly to get that one good head-heart shot, and the Hatsan 95 falls far short. Maybe my Weihrauchs have spoiled me for any other springer? Well, this 95 is one good looker, and inexpensive. However, to me, it would forever be an expensive safe queen. I could purchase a lot of pellets and co2 for the amount it would cost. By the way, this sad event in Aurora and three shootings in Toronto in quick succession, has fueled debate here in Canada. We just threw out the ‘long gun registry’ a couple of months ago. A lot of ” I told you so” people seeing a chance to further their agenda in Canada too. Who said “May you live in interesting times” ?
    Caio Titus

    • Titus,

      I think you took this report like I meant you to.

      The worst thing I can do is recommend a gun to someone who will buy it only because I recommended it, and then it doesn’t deliver like I said it would. Many guys just have enough money to buy just one gun, and I don’t want it to be one that doesn’t live up to their expectations.

      On the other hand, when I get up on my soapbox, you know I really mean it!


      • B.B. Your exhaustive testing and honest evaluation, not to mention tongue in cheek humour, is one of the reasons this blog is the first thing I read after I check the mail. Combine this with the years of experience of the regular blog contributors from around the world, and we get an extremely well balanced view of our sport. I would love to hear from you newer shooters and your take on the guns and equipment we are exposed to. Once you get that first reply under your belt, you realize it’s not as bad as you thought. Everyone has something to offer. A lot of times, the debate takes a right or left turn on some other subject. Have a question? I guarantee you will receive an answer. I would love to read someone experiencing how I felt 4 years ago. So please give us your two cents. Although we have gotten rid of our pennies here in Canada.
        Caio— Titus

  15. This is way off-topic but I know there are a bunch of radio control pilots here and probably several private pilots. This is a link of a 3d computer generated animation from the black box on Capt. Sullenberger’s doomed craft as he lands it in the Hudson. Radio transmissions included as well as cockpit conversation in print.


    Fred DPRoNJ

  16. One serious question on my Hatsan 95: the detent ball is VERY hard to engage, to lock the barrel back up! ANY ideas on what I can do to decrease this a bit? Too much is better than too little, bt this rifle is very hard to swing the barrel back up & LOCK up. I’ve already tried lubing the heck out of it, including some moly oil & grease…

    • Barrika,

      I’ve run into some detent balls that were rusted in place. Break the barrel open (cock the gun) and rap on the detent several times with a plastic-headed hammer to push it back and break the rust seal. If that’s what is wrong, this should fix it. If it isn’t bad, this won’t hurt it.


      • I believe that if the detent was rusted in place he wouldn’t be able to close it at all…

        If the gun is relatively easy to break open but hard to close I’d suspect one of two issues:

        1) Something’s up with the shape of the chisel that depressed the ball as the barrel is closed. The bottom of it may be rough or angled wrong, or something…

        2) The TOP of the channel (or hole) in which the ball resides may have some roughness or burs. When the barrel is opened the detent is pushed against the bottom of the channel, when it is closed it is pushed against the top… so this could account for differences in opening/closing effort.

  17. B.B. Pelletier

    Sorry to bug you again. Do you still recommend the Hatsan 95 to a relatively new shooter? Looking at your conclusion and reading how important the artillery hold is, do you think a relatively new shooter’s abilities will be able to get results?


    • Ryan,

      Why do you ask if I STILL recommend the Hatsan 95 to a relatively new shooter? I never recommended it for new shooters at any time.

      What I said, and I know you read, was that the 95 will take perfect artillery holds to achieve accuracy. If a GOOD shooter wants to do that, and if they will use the pellets that the 95 likes, then it is a good buy.

      But don’t buy the gun unless you are willing to work! Get an RWS Diana 34 if you want a breakbarrel that is more forgiving.


      • B.B. Pelletier
        Hi, I took what you said about the Diana 34 and I have been looking at the Diana 34 Panther as I like the synthetic stock and also the 31 Panther. Do you know of the 31 and what the main differences are between the two air rifles, please?
        Thanks for all the help.

        • Ryan,

          As I understand it, the 31 is a 34 by another name. The power will probably be adjusted to the laws of the countries the 31 sells in, but the other characteristics should be similar to the 34.

          The Diana website shows the power specs to be identical to the 34, so maybe there isn’t as much difference as I thought.


          • B.B.
            That makes a lot of sense since I am looking at gun stores in South Africa and that’s why I can only find the 31. I think I have found the gun for me. Thank you so much for your expertise, I really appreciate it and will definitely keep my eye on this site.
            Thanks again

  18. I coulda/wish I woulda read this review before I bought one of these…
    It sure is a pretty rifle (other the the two headlights on highbeam at the butt and the waiting to be broken fiber optic sight at the front of the barrel).
    It sure took a LONG time to figure out how to shoot it accurately.
    And now it’s gone to Heck… (I can’t hit the broad side of a barn with it anymore and am worried that I’m going to hurt someone/something with the WASs (wild … shots).
    Seriously, it’s not me!

    I’ve cleaned the barrel…
    I don’t see any obvious screws that could have worked loose…
    The manual is worthless…
    I haven’t been able to locate an exploded diagram…

    I need advice as to how I can get this thing shooting decently again.
    I’ve Goggled…I’ve searched YouTube…nothing useful has been found.
    I’d hate to just throw it in the closet to rot. As far as it is from Perfection, it deserves better.

    • Richard,

      First please tell me that you are not the same Richard who is also having problems understanding the fill pressure level for his Marauder?

      Now tell me what caliber you gun is, and what pellet you are shooting. Are you using the artillery hold?

      What size are your best groups now and at what distance?


      • Yes, I bought the Marauder because I knew I’d never turn this break barrel into a tack driver. I also don’t like misses that aren’t my fault.

        (Trying hard to keep from getting defensive.) And I’m not having problems understanding fill pressure. There are about a thousand (exaggerating) so-called experts out there and each one gives differing advice. Even Crosman gives conflicting advice. You are acknowledged as the Godfather of Air Gunning, so I figure I will focus on trying to get to an answer I can understand (and use) through your site.

        I got the Hatsan to the point where on rare occasions the groups would be ~3/8″ at 10m. (And that took way too much work to achieve.) Average was a little worse than-half an-inch and some slightly more than that. Occasional flyers. Lately, I’m seeing (not)groups that are rarely under an inch and some as bad as more than 2 inches. A 2″ miss at 10m is pathetic. (My latest targets look more like a shotgun hit ’em.)

        I went back and looked at my targets and noticed that I have a note on 09/24: “WHAT HAPPENED?” There were 2 groups of 5 that might measure under half-an-inch and then 2 sets (not groups) of 5 that measure over an inch, with a flyer out well over an inch. Nothing has looked good since. For a minute I thought scope, but I’ve broken a scope before and there is nothing fishy about the look of the reticle. None of the screws worked loose. (It’s a Barska Air Gun scope in case you’re wondering.)

        This is the .177 version. I haven’t changed pellets and have been shooting Crosman Competition Wadcutters, Crosman Premiere Hollow Points, Crosman Destroyer EX and Daisy Premium Flat Heads. I got similar results from these pellets with minor adjustments to POA. (Hundreds of them.)

        Yes, I use the artillery hold, mostly with my arm rested on a sandbag. No butt pressure to the shoulder. No cheek weld on the stock. Very light pull on the trigger. (It’s worked. Why isn’t it anymore would be the question?)

        I’m hoping I can get some suggestions as to what I should look for on/in the gun and then if that proves futile, maybe I’ll break out a camera to analyze video of of me…

        • BTW: I did have a previous problem with wild shots when the “pivot screw” at the break barrel joint worked loose. I tightened it up and the gun started shooting straight again for a while. It’s not loose now.

        • Richard,

          Okay, you have cleaned the barrel with JB Bore Paste — right? Because it’s acting like it is dirty.

          Those pellets will never be that accurate, but you have experienced a big change, and the change means that something is different.

          Is the elevation on your scope adjusted up past the 3/4 point? That will cause this problem, and it could come on suddenly. The check for that is to dismount the scope and shoot some groups with the open sights.

          In extreme cases, I try to see how bad I can make the gun shoot. Rest it directly on the bag for instance.

          Give these suggestions a try and tell me what happens. I think using the open sights will give you the best results. Assuming you have cleaned the barrel with JB paste.


  19. Tom, thanks for the advice. It will probably take me a few days to get through all of it because a bunch of other things have priority right now.

    I do have some of the JB cleaning and polishing compounds. I only ran dry patches through the barrel when I started having problems. I’ll try the JB…

    RE: My Cheap Pellets. That’s another thing I hear a lot of, but I’ve figured these pellets out (I have notes on how I have to adjust aim for the different ones.), Granted, 1/2″ accuracy is nothing to sing about at 10m, but the targets I shoot at with this gun have a 1/2″ bull, and if I blow the black bull out in a 10 shot session, I consider it a really good round of shooting. I doubt even a real marksman could make this thing into a target rifle.

    Scope is good. I do know about shimming mounts and using MOA adjustable mounts. Surprisingly the Barska didn’t take much adjustment to hit the bull. (I have a Leapers one-piece mount holding the scope.) I also know there’s a fairly large group of people who say you’ll never get a scope to stay accurate on a break barrel because of the break barrel (might not lock into the same exact place every time you load).

    If the real cleaning doesn’t make a difference, I’ll pull the scope and shoot iron sights…

    BTW, I found an ad for the EyePal just before I found a couple of your Blog Entries about it. Do you still use it? I’ve had it sitting in my Cart at PyramydAir for a couple of days now. Just haven’t pulled the trigger because I wanted to get some additional opinions. (20+ years ago I created a pair of pinhole glasses that worked wonders for my eyesight. I was unwilling at the time to admit that I needed to go see an Optometrist. So I know the concept is very much a valid one.)

    • Richard,

      I have the EyePal and have tried it. It certainly does work, I can vouch for that. I have other eyesight problems that made wearing the EyePal inconvenient. However, it’s a very inexpensive alternative to a diopter sight that target shooters clamp onto their glasses or have special diopter sights built for them.

      Fred DPRoNJ

    • Richard,

      I haven’t used the Eye Pal since those reports. I would probably use it more for pistols than for rifles, but that’s just me. It does work.

      If you want to test how well it works, make a small hole in a piece of electrical tape with a ballpoint pen and put that on your glasses. It’s messier, but it will show you how the cleaner Eye Pal functions.


  20. Thanks Fred. I did order it (BB is going to cringe…) along with some Beeman Wadcutters and Winchester Domed.

    The search for something to aid my eyesight was brought on by a gift of a Remington Model 510 Target Master from a gun collector friend (which I noticed another Blog Reader had proudly on display (maybe a slightly different model(?)) next to their Air Condor (?) ) My friend told me to drill and tap it for a scope, but I won’t do that. I’m shooting it Open Sights, so I need some help with the eyesight and don’t want to go the custom glasses route. It sent him a note the other day stating that it’s accurate to the point that I would probably not miss if I could see. Squinting to the point of giving myself a headache is not fun and I can’t seem to make that work beyond 50 yards.

    The fact that Tom recommended trying the Mod 95 with open sights just moved me forward toward a solution a little faster.

  21. Curiosity killed the cat…

    Thanks Tom, the cleaning seems to have straightened things out.
    !5 shots, 10 of which grouped nicely at about 1/2″, with 3 outliers low and 2 just a little left.
    Now, if I can just remember that I need to concentrate on Break Barrel Fundamentals, I should be happy with this rifle again.

    One last question though
    before I go…
    Is there a recommended shot count for doing a vigorous cleaning, or just let wild shooting dictate when it should happen?

    • Richard,

      I advise waiting until accuracy falls off before you clean. You have been shooting Crosman pellets, which are made from lead hardened with antimony. Antimony causes lead to accumulate in the barrel much faster than pure lead will. So Crosman pellets will drive a more frequent cleaning schedule.


  22. I just received the base mount for my scope and of course it doesn’t fit. I just want to know why would you have a link that has a product that wouldn’t work with this gun. What a waste of time and money. Well I guess I need too buy another mount 🙁 hopefully I’ll find one that fits this rifle. Next time make the links go to products that can be used with the rifle you’re reviewing.

    • Anon,

      The Hatsan 95 comes with 11mm dovetail grooves. The UTG droop-compensating mount attaches to those 11mm grooves, and the resulting scope base becomes a Weaver rail. You will need Weaver rings for whatever scope you’re going to mount on the UTG Weaver base.


    • Anon,

      Well, I didn’t Photoshop that picture. Did you order the base that has the recoil shock shoulder, or did you get the base that doesn’t have it?

      As the text states, you need the base without the shoulder, like the one in the picture.

      That would be this base:



      • You know these scope mounts all look alike and i have no idea what a shock shoulder is. the link that you have at the top of this page is /product/utg-scope-mount-base-fits-rws-diana-34-36-38-45-with-to5-trigger?a=2298. why is it in this page as a link instead of the one you suggested in the reply i dont know but it would have helped out a lot if you replaced the link or put it below the other one. the mount that you replied back with is out of stock so i just bought these /product/leapers-accushot-1-pc-mount-w-1-rings-high-11mm-dovetail?a=636. i hope it fixes the problem with the scope leaning to one side and keep it high enough so i dont see the front sight post. thanks for the fast response and have a nice day

        • Anon,

          I’m sorry you had this bad experience. But you need to know that these mounts and bases do not all look alike.

          Look at the first base you bought and at the front of that base a metal flange hangs down below the jaws. That part is called the recoil shock shoulder, and on a Diana air rifle (the old style) it was to bear against the front of the rifle’s scope base mount to prevent the scope rings from moving backwards under recoil. Those Diana rifles are sensitive because people mount their bases against a large-headed screw at the rear of the scope base, and the force of recoil moves the mount hard enough to shear off the head of the screw.

          This is a special mount base I developed with Leapers just to fix that problem. But on other air rifles, the recoil shock shoulder hangs down so low that the jaws won’t grab the dovetails on the rifle. So Leapers put out the base that I linked you to. When I wrote my report two years ago, they hadn’t made that base yet and the standard base was all I could link to.

          The second scope mount you bought will work on your gun, but it doesn’t have any droop compensation. Maybe you don’t need any compensation, but that was the whole purpose of the special base we have been talking about. If you don’t have a gun that droops, any 11mm scope ring set will work — as long as the objective bell clears the gun.


  23. Hi BB,

    Thank you very much for the great reviews. I have been reading your reviews/posts almost on a daily basis ever since I found this website.

    I have a question for you. Have you tried the Hatsan 135 Vortex Piston yet? Do you plan on doing a review for it?

    Thank you.

  24. This comment was posted by a reader who calls himself Utah. It went to the spam filter and was lost, so I have posted it for him.

    I’m terribly sorry if I stray from the current subject but I have hit a wall. I ordered the model 95 a little while ago thinking I’d done my research, but having read every post on this particular page (including the conspiracy theories and whatnot) I now realize I have very likely made a big mistake. Could I be so lazy as to ask for suggestions for a relatively inexpensive rifle that will actually shoot decent groups and kill a bunny?

    • Utah,

      Welcome to the blog. Your comment was caught by the spam filter so I have posted it for you.

      Your question sound simple but it’s really complex.

      Where do you live?

      When you say kill a bunny, is that what you really mean? What are you hunting? At what maximum distance?

      If you answer these questions, I wil try to help you.

      You don’t need to post your questions back here. You can post them on the current blog, where they will be read by over 55,000 readers who might be able to help.



  25. I have a Hatsan 95 and am also a little frustrated. There engineering and Q.C. is missing. I’d pay $50 more if they could get it to shoot accurately. Great looking gun but any gun that can’t shoot isn’t worth the money. Tossed the scope out of the box. I wish air rifles would come in without these $10 scopes. I found barrel droop to be substantial. The rifle had enough oil in it to use it for an oil change in my car. It looked good but It’s heavy and cocking is a chore. I have gone through everything on this gun. I found H&N field and target and Crosman premier hollow points shot the best but could not get better than 2″ groups at 25 yards. Hatsan has some good possibilities as an airgun company but needs some engineering to get their rifles where they need to be. Time to steel some designs from RWS and Beeman. My 34p and my R9 are flawless for accuracy. Both have better than dime size groups. I so wanted it to preform but I couldn’t make it do it.

  26. I read this blog review before purchasing a .25 caliber Mod 95, springer version. It arrived yesterday and I shot around 70+ pellets and I’m very disappointed in the accuracy. I thought I knew what I was getting into but I’m ready to return the rifle. The trigger is awful. I’m not a trigger connoisseur by any means but I’ve adjusted the trigger to as light as it will go and it is still unacceptable. It trigger itself is quite floppy and resets harshly after shooting which jolts my finger. It’s annoying and the stiff pull makes it even more difficult to shoot the rifle. I agree with your review regarding the scope. It won’t focus beyond 3-4 power so I removed it. I also had the adjustment maxing out to raise the point of impact. I already had another scope mounted in the UTG drop compensating mount so I thought I’d aldehyde be set up for this gun. I now have the elevation issue taken care of but the gun is awful. Sometimes I get flyers 2-3″ away for no appearent reason. I’m shooting Crow Magnums and H&N barracudas and neither pellet seems to make a difference.

    Aside from the terrible accuracy I’m not impressed with the fit, finish or build quality of the gun, particularly after reading reviews saying how nice it looked. Milling marks are visible on the dovetail, the breech looks like that in a Chinese Tech-Force gun, and the break barrel action is not at all smooth to open or close. I’ve got a 10 yr old Crosman Quest 1000 that looks more nicely made and it came from China. My RWS 34P is so much nicer looking, shooting and accurate than this 95 that I’m having serious regrets about having wasted my money. I’ve shot about 10 cleaning pellets through it, sprayed brake cleaner down the barrel and shot more cleaning pellets through it and it didn’t seem to make a difference.

    I’ve been shooting break barrel springers since ’85 and this is the worst one I’ve ever had. It’s pretty bad when an under $40 tech force .22 break barrel is more accurate and has a better trigger than this $150 gun. In all fairness to this gun I’ve been trying to sight it in with the fore grip resting on a folded up blanket and me keeping a light hold on the grip. I’ve been resting the butt against my shoulder. Basically I’ve shot all my other springer guns in this manner and had no issues. Before I return it, do you have any suggestions on my hold?
    Thanks, I enjoy reading your articles.

    • Scotty,

      First, I’m sorry about your bad experience.

      Next, I think Crow Magnums will always be inaccurate. I have never seen them shoot well in anything. Baracudas are often the best, BUT NOT IN THIS RIFLE!.

      Have you tried the RWS Super H-Points yet? This is a springer and very particular about which pellets it likes.

      Yes, your RWS 34P will be nicer. That’s why I tout that one every chance I get.

      For suggestions, look at what I said in this report:

      Perfect artillery hold is required
      By shooting so many pellets, I did discover the best place to put my off hand. The heel has to touch the rear of the cocking slot. If I can feel that, I know the stock is always in the same place. Also, there can be absolutely NO tension when shooting! I have to be entirely relaxed and my shoulder cannot put any pressure against the buttpad. If there’s any tension or if I am holding the rifle in place instead of letting it just rest on target with me relaxed, the shot will always go wide in the direction the rifle wanted to go as I was holding it.


  27. Thank you for the very quick reply to my negative post. I was frustrated when I wrote it this morning. I shot the rifle again this afternoon using the barracudas. I paid a lot more attention to my hold following your advice and had a some improved success. I was able to finally get some good three shot groups but I’d often have two flyers with the 5 shot strings I was shooting. I have to order all my pellets so I’ll try some RWS super h-points in the near future.

    I agree with you about the gun being crazy sensitive to hold. I don’t know if it is going to be a practical squirrel rifle or not? I could only hit cans with it about 50% of the time shooting off hand. I did experiment with installing longer screws into the trigger and that helped to lighten it up but it is still a bad trigger compared to pretty much everything else I own which is a pretty large collection of air guns.

    I’m happy to report the cocking has gotten smoother since yesterday, maybe the trigger will smooth out as well with time? Hopefully I can get comfortable enough with the rifle to shoot it accurately all the time. It hits pretty hard when it actually manages to impact a can full of water so the additional power will be nice for squirrels. I’m not familiar with JB bore paste. Is it something special or is there some kind of readily available automotive or kitchen cabinet product most everyone would have around the house that would do the same thing?

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