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Ammo Beeman RX-2 Elite Series Combo air rifle: Part 3

Beeman RX-2 Elite Series Combo air rifle: Part 3

by B.B. Pelletier

Announcement: Around 10 or 11pm tonight (12/15/11) Eastern time, the server for all of Airgun Academy (including this blog) will be restarted. Hopefully, it’ll be unnoticed and everything will march along just fine. If something does go wrong and everything goes offline for a while, please know that people are working on it.

Part 1
Part 2

Beeman’s RX-2 is a handsome air rifle. The brown laminated stock looks perfect.

Here we go! Today is accuracy day for the .25-caliber Beeman RX-2 Elite series combo air rifle. Before I start shooting groups, though, I thought I would adjust the trigger. In Part 2, blog reader SpringGunner commented that the screw inside the trigger blade is what determines the location of stage two. It’s a very small Allen screw, and the one in the test gun is so deep inside its hole that it can’t be seen.

I started by turning this screw counter-clockwise about a turn and a half, but all that did was lose the second stage for me. What I ended up with was a single-stage pull with lots of creep and an indeterminate and extremely light release. I came back clockwise on the screw about a third of the way and voila — stage two reappeared! When it did, I made certain that it was positive and repeatable before accepting the adjustment.

The trigger now breaks cleanly at 1 lb., 9 ozs. The second-stage creep is gone, and the trigger is much crisper now. While it’s still not quite as good as a Rekord, it is much better than I reported in Part 2. It’s more than adequate for hunting and occasional target work.

I noticed at sight-in that the rifle has a lot of barrel droop. Pyramyd AIR had shimmed the rear scope mount, but I think I would want to use something like the BKL Drop Compensating mount to get the scope in the center of the adjustment range.

What’s in a name
And before I move on, I would like to say something about product naming and why it’s so difficult to find things on a website. BKL has named their mounts “drop” compensators, but the most common term among airgunners is “droop.” Some people think that spelling or naming a product doesn’t matter, but on the internet it matters a lot. When I searched for a BKL mount that compensated for droop, I entered the word droop in the search window and came up with all the drooper mounts except those made by BKL. Then, I happened to remember that BKL uses the term drop instead of droop, and I was able to find all their drooper mounts. [Note from Edith: I fixed it so a search for droop will now bring up the BKL drop-compensating mounts.]

Several years ago, I had an ongoing conversation with Crosman about the use of the term soft air for their airsoft line of guns. We went back and forth for five years about this until one day their VP of sales told me they just liked the term soft air better. So, I challenged him to do a Google search for airsoft and again for soft air. Soft air turned up just over three hundred thousand hits. Airsoft turned in over 15 million! Today they call all their current 6mm guns airsoft.

When the world is looking for something today, it uses an internet search engine. If you don’t call your product what everybody else calls it, expect to be excluded from the party. End of sermon.

Back to the RX-2
Sight-in went pretty quickly, and then I up to the 25-yard line. The first pellet to be tried was the Benjamin dome that did so well at 50 yards in the AirForce TalonP pistol test. But in the RX-2 it didn’t do as well. I tried a number of different holds, but the results were always the same — an open group. Since this rifle is difficult to cock, I decided to move on to the JSB Exact King.

Success with this new .25-caliber pellet was immediate. Among the four pellets I tested, the Kings were the best. The first group was very tight but had two pellets that went above the main group. I hesitate to call them fliers. They were due to a subtle shift in how I held the rifle, and the second time I knew the shot was going to move from the main group. I didn’t know that it would group with the other stray, but I must have repeated the same hold for those two shots.

Eight pellets made the lower group that measures 0.563 inches between centers. These .25-caliber pellets make huge holes and the groups appear larger than they are. Notice that the other two shots are also tightly grouped.

This target showed me two very important things about the RX-2. The first was that the huge .25-caliber pellets make big holes in the paper — groups that appear larger than they are.

The second thing I learned is that the RX-2 is very sensitive to hold. It doesn’t seem to want to be held as lightly as many other accurate spring rifles. But it does want to be absolutely “dead” weight in your hands. This means stretching the off hand out until the cocking slot is touching your palm. The rifle then sinks into your palm, and that pushes the buttpad back into your shoulder — you can’t avoid it. It’s a tighter artillery hold than I would normally use, but it works with this rifle.

More pellets tested
Next, I loaded some RWS Superdomes and noted that, of all the pellets I tested, these loaded the easiest. All other pellets were hard to push into the breech, with Benjamin Domes being hardest of all. But Superdomes went in rather easily.

Downrange, however, they scattered everywhere. No matter how I held the rifle, they never went to the same place twice. I was worried that I might shoot out of the pellet trap so I stopped. I think this pellet is better-suited to precharged rifles and not spring-piston guns — at least not the RX-2.

Then, I tried the H&N Baracuda pellet. These required a different hold than the JSB Exact Kings, but they showed some promise. However, as I was attempting to shoot a 10-shot group, I inadvertently held the forearm slightly wrong and blew the group with two shots. I think I got cocky because of the early success and didn’t pay as much attention to the hold as I should have. Instead of shooting another group of these, I opted for one more round of JSB Exact Kings, which had already proven quite accurate.

Five H&N Baracudas went into a nice cluster at 25 yards, then a small change of hold sent two pellets elsewhere. I decided to stop shooting this group and move on. The five closest holes measure 0.592 inches between centers.

When the hold is applied correctly, the pellets all go to the same place. Group of 10 JSB Exact Kings measures 0.622 inches between centers.

One more pellet you should try with this rifle is the H&N Field Target Trophy. I didn’t test them, but several readers mentioned that they are very accurate with this rifle. And, at just over 20 grains, they’ll also have good velocity!

Another observation is that the rifle is starting to cock smoother, if not exactly easier. I think the RX-2 might be one of those rifles that needs a good period of break-in, which I have not provided in this test. Certainly from what I read on the internet, the owners of the gun seem to like it a lot and are very faithful to the model. It may even be that breaking it in will show a gain in velocity over the numbers you saw in Part 2.

The bottom line
The Beeman RX-2 is a big spring rifle that has good power. In .25 caliber, it performed better than any .25-caliber spring rifle I’ve tested recently. Part of that is due to the excellent JSB Exact King pellet, but part must also go to the underlying Weihrauch quality.

The trigger can be adjusted to a nice crisp let-off. Don’t just use it as it comes from the box. Read this whole report and don’t be afraid to experiment.

I don’t know if all RX-2 rifles will droop like this one did, but you’ll want to keep it in mind. If you get one that does, there are drooper mounts that will fix the situation.

Lastly, the RX-2 is primarily a hunting air rifle. Buy it in a large caliber (either .22 or .25) but don’t think that you’ll be able to plink all day. This is a rifle you can leave cocked and on safe as long as you hunt without worrying about the state of the mainspring — and that’s the biggest advantage of a gas spring.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

31 thoughts on “Beeman RX-2 Elite Series Combo air rifle: Part 3”

  1. BB,
    I can’t exactly remember where or when but I have held a .25 calibre pellet in my hand.I’m sure.
    Might have been when I was out on first field shoot many many years ago and happened upon it.
    ‘What the bloody hell sort of air gun fires these’ I thought.
    Being as the size and weight of the pellet is so large/heavy I’m guessing they wouldn’t sell many .25cal rifles which are limited to 12ftIb and maybe that calibre is reserved for FAC rated air rifles only.
    Which would then help explain why they are pretty rare to see over here.

    • DaveUK,

      Yes, the power potential is a big reason for the .25’s lack of popularity in the UK. But your current power laws have been in effect since what — 1972? And there are .25 caliber air rifles that are older than that. But the technology was so primitive that those old guns shot very slowly and were dogs when it came to performance.

      With the current horsepower wars going on, the .25 has surged in popularity again, and I think it’s here to stay this time. When a gun can produce 20 foot pounds and more, it is quite useful to hunters.

      So I guess that means that the .25 will continue to blossom here in the U.S., for legal reasons.


  2. My HW90 has a bunch of droop due to the huge breech seal. The spare seal I picked up for it from PA is the same thickness, so changing it wouldn’t help. I used one of the drooper mounts that I had to cut off the front scope-stop overhanging ledge, and it works ok. The muzzle break as shown on this RX-2 cuts down on the sound of the report. My .22 is noticeably louder without it. It also helps leverage when cocking this beast. Like the old AMEX commercial, “Don’t leave home without it!” 🙂


    • /Dave

      Since you have a spare, have you considered shaving the seal with some fine grit sandpaper? The shaved end would then be pushed into the breech block. If the large seal is indeed the droop problem, I think this would help. Otherwise, you just have a rifle with droop. Welcome to the club. Sorry it’s so crowded in here.

      • twotalon and SL,

        I never really looked to see if that’s the problem, just saw that it stands proud of the breech face by a lot as compared to my other break barrels. It functions fine, no leaks according to the tissue test, so I won’t fix what’s not broke (this time….;-) ).


        • /Dave…
          For your info….

          While there are a lot of reasons for droop, here is what I have for 3 of the 4 HW breakbarrels that I have.
          Note the rectangular grease mark on the little ledge just below the breech face. That is where it stops. The pic is of R9#2. The breech faces do not meet together….just a hair of space. Maybe .004-.005 gap. There is no droop at this point.
          The job was done with a sharp jewelers file. It takes very little metal removal to remove a lot of droop. If you are not good at this stuff, then leave it alone.



          • twotalon,

            Thanks for the pic! I was just looking at mine, and it seems now that I may have the same problem (if it is a problem and not a design). The seal just fills in the gap. I wonder if they did this one purpose to account for wear on the block in that area about a million shots down the road, so one wouldn’t have a gun who’s barrel pointed up instead of drooping or parallel with the cylinder. I’d think that it would be much harder to compensate for that without a full rebuild.


            • /Dave

              I undrooped R7#1 and R9 #2. R7#2 has droop, but I installed a mount for it. R9#1 had no droop, and looks like it closes on the breech face. No gap that I can see.
              The R7s lock diferently than the R9s, but they will both stop for the same reason if the breech faces do not meet first.
              At least this is easier than filing a breech face if that is the cause of droop. Hw seals seem to compress easier than many others and do not seem to cause problems if the breech faces are not quite spaced or meeting perfectly.


  3. The accuracy I got in my own .25 cal springer using the JSB Kings was as good as the H&N FTT , and is similar to the groups shown here shot with the RX-2 . I also shot several five shot groups because it was hard to measure the groups. The H&N FTT are are better wt for a springer in .25. The velocity goes up about 100fps , all else being equal. I did find that I got away with wind issues in the field with the bigger .25 , that would have messed up my shooting with my .177 cal R-10. I use the 8.2 gr JSB Exacts in that sometimes on tree squirrels. A .177 is great in perfect conditions , trajectory is better on long (out to maybe 40 yards) shots, but if wind causes a shot to stray off target the result is often a lost squirrel. I count any game or pest lost if I don’t retrieve it. I found that the .25 pellets stayed in all the squirrels I’ve shot with it so far. I think that a 12-14 ft/lb .25 springer is a great gun for shots inside of 25 yards, where you don’t want the pellet to penetrate the pest or game.

    • Correction to the last sentence my post above. That would be to over or completely penetrate the game or pest . Great for shots inside barns and pesting in backyard gardens.

    • Robert,

      Thanks for your comment. I had no way of knowing whether the accuracy I got was as good or better than the H&N FTT pellets. That puts it into perspective. Thanks also for the velocity data. I would have guessed even more of a difference, so it helps to know that you have actually shot it through the chronograph.

      You are also the first person who didn’t rag on the low power of this rifle. I’m with you on this — though I do wish this one cocked a little easier. My .22-caliber R1 with a steel spring gets the same power with ten pounds less cocking effort.

      Finally, don’t you dare stop talking about firearms! Through you I met Harvey Donaldson and because of that my exploration into what helps accuracy has really taken off. I read Frank Mann, but he writes as though we are living at the same time and many of his references are too obscure to understand. Donaldson, in contrast, wrote 60 years later and I can understand him very well. And he became my Rosetta Stone to reading Ned Roberts, who I now understand pretty well.

      I wouldn’t have any of this without your firearms comments. So please keep on doing exactly what you have been doing. You have good sense and you’ll know what’s right and what’s not.

      A grateful B.B.

  4. gentlemen, I am new to airgunning and have been researching different guns after my gamo .177 silent stalker whisper disappointed me so in the accuracy dept.(at lest when shooting greater than 25 yards.). I’ve been reading the test of this beemen and it seems like a nice rifle but what do you mean when you talk about droop.

    • Droop…
      The barrel and the power plant are not in line. Usually the barrel points downward…often to a degree that the scope must be shimmed or a special “droop mount” must be used to keep the scope within reliable adjustment limits.


    • murdok,

      You have the greatest resource in airgunning in this blog. Why don’t you tell us about your shooting interests. What firearms do you shoot and what is it about airguns that attracts you.

      If we know how you think we can point you toward some models of guns that will be right for you.


      • I always been a big game hunter and have several high powered rifles but they are getting terribly expensive to shoot just for fun. so i decided to give this airgunning a try. I live in south ms where squirrels and rabbits are abundunt, so what i’m looking for is a gun that i confidently shoot small game out to around 50 yrds. plus target shoot. I bought the gamo i mentioned before which don’t preform so well. I have looked at the air force talon ss, Benjamin marauder, several of the diana’s as well as the gun beeman you just tested. I’m also unsure of the caliber i need, i’m kinda leaning towards the .22.

        • murdok,

          Yes to the .22, since you want to hunt with it.

          There are two different powerplants you have to consider. A spring gun is self-contained for trips to the field, but it takes a LOT of special holding technique to get it to shoot its best. And many of the lower priced guns are not even accurate then, as you have learned.

          The good springers do cost more money, but they will do the just you expect right out of the box.

          Precharged pneumatic (PCP) rifles, on the other hand, need no special holding technique. They are extremely accurate and easy to shoot. You mentioned the Talon SS. It’s one of my favorites. With an optional 24-inch .22-caliber barrel installed the Talon SS is more accurate than any stock Ruger 10-22 except the Target, and it’s just as accurate as the Target to 50 yards on a calm day.

          The Benjamin Discovery is another nice gun, though it’s not as nice as the talon SS. With the SS you can change the barrel, which means you can have all four calibers in three different barrel lengths.

          The Benjamin Marauder is another superior PCP. It is a repeater, is very accurate, very quiet and has a superior trigger.

          Think about this and do some looking and we will talk more when you are ready.


          • Thanks for the advise i also was looking at the Beeman HW97K Elite Series Combo Air Rifle it seem to have good reviews. gonna do a lot of research before i go and spend a bunch of money and this blog seems to be the place to get it done. Thanks again, Murdok

            • murdok,


              My hats off to you since after your gamo experience you’re still willing to give airguns another shot (pun intended).

              I’ll offer you several observations based on what you’ve said so far:

              1-Droop in an airgun is difficult to detect with an untrained eye. Once you mount a scope and run out of adjustment you’ll know that you probably have a gun with droop. It’s easy to remedy through scope rings with shims or mounts that are adjustable. It’s just not a big deal.

              2-Consider weight of the gun when looking at specs of the guns you’re considering buying. This is an important considering for those guns I plan on taking into the field hunting rabbits and squirrels. pcp’s are not only lighter in general but also easier to shoot accurately as B.B. mentioned above. Think about the additional weight of adding a scope and mounts as well.

              3-If quiet is a consideration then weigh these options against one another too. The marauder out of the box is amazingly quiet. There are aftermarket add ons, like the bloop tube for the talon/condor, but these add significant cost in some cases. How far away are your neighbors?

              4-Cocking effort should also be considered if you want to enjoy long plinking sessions and target shooting sessions. Cocking effort for a gun you’re only going to hunt with and take an occassional shot or two isn’t a big factor. Sounds like you intend to do both with your gun so you may want to consider cocking effort in your comparisons.

              5-How you load pellets is also a consideration for a gun that you’re going to be shooting alot. A break barrel springer is easy to load pellets into. A magazine is also usually easy. Loading into a compression chamber (like the HW97) is more of a challenge especially with cold hands.

              6-Combo packages (scope and gun sold together) are rarely well thought out. The scope is rarely one that YOU would choose and mounts are hit or miss in quality. Many people end up trashing the scopes and mounts that came with their combo package. Do some research on the scopes and mounts in these combo packages as well since it may or may not fit your criteria.


  5. Nice shooting. In principle, I don’t like the idea of hold sensitivity, but my IZH 61 is fairly hold sensitive, I have to admit, and it doesn’t bother me at all.

    Flobert, you have the ideal place to invite a date to!

    Volvo, I meant M1 Garand not carbine, and I will stand by that. I’ve never been too crazy about the carbine because of its caliber. I read of one case of an American soldier in Korea berating another one for using a carbine during a Chinese human wave attack. “Don’t use that g—–d tinkertoy!” he said. But I’ve heard good reports too, especially at close quarters and thick jungle, and maybe if I shot one my mind would change. Fill me in on the new model Ruger Mini 14s. I read one review where the writer was flooded out from his range and had to shoot from over 100 yards away while being attacked by mosquitoes, and his data was compromised although the new Ranch model did not do badly. The old Mini-14s were rated at about 6 MOA. Can the new ones approach 1 MOA as advertised?

    I agree about Ruger from my experience with the Single Six. Victor, I have great respect for your wife’s judgment after reading more about the Ruger LCR. Apparently, it is one compact revolver in its caliber that does not have a painful recoil. This is due to the polymer frame and grip shape apparently. Sounds like a fine choice and so does the LC9 which I thought was your wife’s gun at first. I’ll be interested to hear how she takes to her revolver.

    I finally got around to cleaning my Lee Enfield and Mosin last night with my new cleaning rods and that was eye-opening. The Enfield was fairly clean, but I have never seen such a dirty gun as the Mosin turned out to be. It actually looked okay before while looking down the barrel, and I had flooded the bore several times with Ballistol and run patches through with a cable. But when I ran wet patches through, they came out solid brown. Then after scrubbing with the brush, the patches came out solid black for awhile although they finally got clean. It is said that medieval doctors would diagnose patients by looking at bowls full of their bodily discharges and consulting ancient theories about humors. (They studied hard but most of the time they were dead wrong.) So, what could one diagnose about the history of my rifle with this method? Was the brown stuff rust? The other stuff was obviously caked in there. I don’t think it was due to any test-firing but looks like a long accumulation. I was told that my rifle was part of the post-war Soviet rebuild program after WWII and was then locked away in storage. The ammo from that era was corrosive, so does that mean that corrosive salts were sitting in the barrel for half a century? The rifling likes extremely strong and prominent to my eye, so I hope that all is well.

    It is a little ironic since I have never been accused of excessive tidiness in my man-cave, but I absolutely will not tolerate a speck of dirt on my guns (or dirty dishes for that matter). While cleaning the gun, I for some reason began flashing back to an old LP record of the Herbie: The Love Bug movie that was made by the original actors that I used to play over and over as a little kid. There is one scene where the mechanic, Tennessee is restoring Herbie who arrives in terrible shape. But Tennessee lovingly goes to work and cleans him up, finishing by giving him a long drink of “high octane.” Glug-glug-glug went the sound effects in the background. Somewhere in the midst of this, the villain of the piece, Richard Thorndyke–a rival race car driver with an aristocratic accent, shows up. The visit starts well: “Gude evennning Tennnnesseeeeee.” But it goes bad. “Do you have a comPACT CAH?!” and goes to pieces. “Maybe I’ll buy it (Herbie) to use as a DOORmat and wipe my FEET on it EVERRRRRYDAYYYY! Yah-hah-hah-hah-hah.” (Villainous evil laughter recedes in the distance.) Well someone was using my Mosin as a doormat. I wonder if what I cleaned out was history.

    While scrubbing away, I thought of another cleaning anecdote. One veteran of the recent wars overseas writes that he came home to find that his buddy had broken the lock on his gun case to fire the gun, and then left it without cleaning. By way of explanation, the buddy–who seems to have turned into a stoner in the interim–says, “Dude, stop freakin’ out. Let’s go play some video games.”(!)

    Anyway, the cleaning provided some satisfaction, but it also enhanced my appreciation of the convenience of airguns.


    • Matt,

      The brown gunk is probably just more of that Russian cosmoline equivalent that they use when they re-arsenal them. It took me forever and a day to get that $%!# off of my Mosins and Czech and Turkish Mausers. One of my Mosins had that stuff packed almost solid in the bore, the other had just plugs of it in each end. Just when you think you have it all, you’ll find another patch….


  6. Hank McCrae, here’s an IZH 61 guest blog just for you. (Our long-time readers have heard all of this before.) Received the rifle with agonized and exquisite appreciation. One of my first moves was to experiment with the spring-loaded clip which shot across the room when I wasn’t expecting it to. Rifle performed great with open sights and even better with the Leapers 6X scope that can focus at 3 feet which providentially arrived on the scene at the same time. The scope never moves. I also thought it made the rifle look extremely cool. Had a terrible moment when I accidentally loaded 4 pellets in the barrel and shot them off. I was sure that I had destroyed the rifle, but steadied by B.B. from a distance, I persevered and found that it was unaffected. Vowing never ever to make that mistake again, I ended up double loading pellets a few times and dry-firing the gun by accident until I got the hang of it. But there was no harm done.

    There was another bad moment when I was fiddling with the stock and the whole thing dropped off. I thought I would have to send it back to PA. But then I discovered that not only could I replace it, but I could even extend the stock much further so that I would no longer have to shoot the rifle while wearing a sweatshirt stuffed with old clothes. I count this event as an epoch in showing me that technical problems could be solved. There is a criticism about pellets falling out of the clip. But I found that by pointing the rifle down while loading and covering the clip with your thumb as you slide it in, there is no problem at all.

    After that, it would be boring to tell although plenty of fun for me–tens of thousands of rounds shot off. Then a day came when the rifle began shooting all over the place. Mike Melick whom I consulted thought that the barrel might be shot out. But when I sent it to him, he said that the spring was not even broken. He just lubed and tuned it (for free!), and it was shooting better than ever. The spring did finally give out after something like 60,000 rounds, but Mike just replaced it with the spare that was provided, and the gun is just like new again.

    I have had to admit over time that the IZH 61 cannot equal the accuracy of my B30 which began as a troubled child due to poor quality control by the Chinese, but after tuning by Rich Imhoff, has shot like a champ. The IZH 61 is hampered by its lighter weight and, perhaps, its plastic receiver. However, I’ve found that when the technique is right, the gun never fails to deliver. So, I interpret this as a benefit which helps me shoot better, making this rifle the ultimate training rifle as advertised. In that same vein, because of its magazine and its lightweight cocking lever, there is no way I could have racked up the same number of shots with any other spring gun that I am aware of. Only the Crosman 1077 could surpass it ( in my collection) and that is at great expense in CO2 cartridges. If the heart of training is extensive practice, then the IZH 61 will help you get there better than any gun I can think of as well as being a heck of a lot of fun.


    • The new Ruger Mini-14’s are way more accurate on the whole than the old ones. But 1 MOA, probably not. At least most won’t be that good. Also, for what Rugers cost today, I would buy a AR-15 style rifle instead. My DPMS Sportical in 5.56 will shoot 1 MOA with my handloads. There are lots and lots of parts and accessories for these.

      BTW, I’m a gun guy that shoots air rifles too. They are springers and old pumpers. There is nothing more fun than these for squirrels in the bird feeder! Also, I can step out on the deck and shoot all I want.


  7. A while back I asked a question about my point of impact changing, RWS 36, and there was concern about either the barrel being bent or possibly the spring being broke. Velocity didn’t indicate, at least to me, that there was anything wrong with the spring BUT

    Today I went to shoot and I can’t cock the gun all the way. I get maybe 3/4 of a cock stroke and everything grinds to a halt – in a mushy type way. It seemed to be shooting OK yesterday.

    Does this sound like a possible spring break? I took the action out of the stock and can’t see anything wrong but the action screw in front of the trigger guard did have some iron filings on it.

    Time for a new gun or possibly a tuning kit??

    Thanks in advance.

    • Bill,

      You don’t need a new gun, but something is wrong and has to be put right. I would guess that the spring guide has broken. When the spring breaks the gun usually just becomes smoother shooting.

      Pyramyd AIR can fix it for you, or they can sell you the parts to fix it yourself.


      • Just to let you know, I pulled the gun apart improvising a spring press with a workmate, wood pieces and clamps. Broke spring! Now I have to decide if I just want to replace the spring or do a complete tuneup on it. I’m not unhappy with the way it was shooting.

  8. I mean, Oscillofun.

    Basically it’s a piece of electronic music that, you put the left and right channels into X and Y on your scope and get amazing graphics. It’s by a Swedish electronic-music band called Atom Delta. I’ve found their site and if you’re into electronic music they appear to be quite a find.

    I’m still amazed they came up with music that sounds cool *and* can do such amazing graphics. I need to butcher a set of earbuds and run this into my various scopes. If my digital scope – a Tek TDS220 – can keep up I’ll be impressed but I’m sure the 465’s will have no problem at all. The 466 could be interesting since it’s a storage scope.

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    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

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  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

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