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Education / Training UZI CO2 BB Submachine Gun from Cybergun: Part 2

UZI CO2 BB Submachine Gun from Cybergun: Part 2

by B.B. Pelletier

Part 1

Cybergun brings us this Mini Uzi BB submachine gun.

This gun’s last report had lots of good comments from owners and from those who have been researching it. I think the most powerful feature it has is the fact that it fires from the open bolt. When you shoot, a heavy mass reciprocates in mock recoil. It’s the difference between an M3 grease gun that jumps all over the place when it fires and an HK MP5 that barely recoils at all. This Mini UZI CO2 BB Submachine Gun by Cybergun really jumps around.

I can see why people are impressed by its performance in full-auto. It feels so realistic with that heavy steel bolt working back and forth on every shot.

With the open bolt comes an open receiver, also just like the grease gun. When the gun’s ready to fire, the receiver looks menacingly open and ready for action.

This gun is open for business!

Accuracy is another feature we have yet to test, but everyone who owns the gun praises it for its accuracy. We’ll find out.

Charge the magazine and load
The 12-gram CO2 cartridge fits into the stick magazine, small end first. Don’t forget to put some Crosman Pellgunoil on the tip of each new cartridge before you pierce it. That will be blown through the valve, where it gets on every sealing surface and keeps the gun sealed against gas loss. With it, your gun should last for years. Without it, you may have an early failure.

The BBs are loaded one at a time, with the spring-loaded follower held down with the other hand. It isn’t the easiest thing to do, but it works. I found I could load 26 BBs, despite the manual stating that it holds 25.

Gas consumption
Most owners understand that a CO2 gun at this power level will get about 50 shots per cartridge. I tested for this and found that it does get 50 shots, but the last ones are not as fast as the average shots from the first magazine.

They advertise this gun at 344 f.p.s. I tested it with Daisy zinc-plated BBs, which I have found in the past to be the largest and most uniform BB Pyramyd AIR carries. In other words, they’re always the fastest. In the test gun, they averaged 350 f.p.s. for 10 shots. The velocity range went from 345 to 357 f.p.s. I was pausing about 10 seconds between each shot for this test, and the temperature was 71 degrees F.

I tested how much velocity is lost by firing very fast. We know that cooling a CO2 gun causes it to shoot slower, and the CO2 is what cools the gun. The faster you shoot each shot, the faster the gun cools down and slows down. To test this, I fired 12 quick shots as fast as I could pull the trigger, then chronographed the next shot. It went 313 f.p.s. That should tell you guys who modify the gun to shoot full-auto what’s going to happen. As you hold down the trigger, you’re going to lose velocity to the tune of about 40 f.p.s. That’s not such a great loss and I think you won’t really notice it.

Gas consumption
Another thing I wanted to test was the overall gas consumption. Other owners said they’re getting about two magazines per CO2 cartridge, which would be 50 shots. That sounds about right, given that the gas also has to operate that heavy bolt. I chronographed shot No. 49 at 283 f.p.s. Shot 50 went 269 f.p.s. Because I was able to get 26 BBs in the magazine, I also got shots 51 and 52. Shot 51 was lost, but shot 52 went 231 f.p.s. The gun is definitely out of gas at that point, though the bolt still comes all the way back. To load more BBs and attempt to get a few extra shots is just asking for a jammed BB in the barrel.

I’d forgotten that the gun has a grip safety but was reminded when I started shooting it. Also, it didn’t register that I had to cock the bolt for the first shot. Since we had a question about how you can see the sights with that fat knob in the way (the cocking knob), I’m showing it here, so you can see the wide slot cut through the center.

Here is how you sight through the cocking knob.

Rating so far
It’s difficult to remember the other BB submachine guns at this point in time, but I think I can safely say this one has the most realistic feeling recoil. That heavy bolt really rocks the gun when it moves. I do like the grip safety, and even the trigger seems pretty crisp and positive for this type of BB gun. Although there are a few plastic parts on the outside of the gun, this is a very heavy airgun that gives a solid sense when you shoot it. If it’s as accurate as the owners say, it’ll be a winner in my book.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

40 thoughts on “UZI CO2 BB Submachine Gun from Cybergun: Part 2”

    • Volvo,

      Hopefully unmolested. Hope it’s just hardened grease gumming up the trigger and not some overly agressive stoning on the sears by the previous owner. The screws in your photos don’t look like they’ve ever been touched. Glad you finally found a nice one. That was a long hunt. Hope you enjoy yours as much as I enjoy mine. I think B.B. has or had one of these that he liked.


      • It was gunk-ed up so I’ve got the trigger in pieces parts but it still doesn’t seem to want to work right.
        Since it is older it has a regular second adjustment screw that is confusing the heck out of me, too many possibilities.
        Need to get my grass cut but I may post pictures on the yellow later of the trigger. Don’t think B.B. ever had one like this, but I do recall a piece on tuning the Rekord I will try and find.

          • J-F

            As BB says, these things are only ours for a while. Then they pass to others. Whether this is through a good trade, a sell-off to pay the mortgage, or the gentle ending to a well-lived life of the person that owned them, they leave us. They won’t do anybody any good in the ground. Besides, heaven wouldn’t be heaven if they didn’t have air rifles right?

            Cool avatar. Good to know what side you’re on.

            • Ok then, I won’t take any with me… hope the kids are into airguns when I die.
              Plus we’ll have enough to keep us busy with the zombies, no need for zombies with guns 😉

              The avatars are pretty easy to set up. Easier then I thought, you should try it.


              • Ok then, I won’t take any with me… hope the kids are into airguns when I die.
                Plus we’ll have enough to keep us busy with the zombies, no need for zombies with guns 😉

                Especially if you become one of the zombies, no?

        • B.B.,

          I know most of your guns are just there for a short visit. That R8 would make good trade fodder. Appears to be boring to shoot. Just hope I can last long enough until the ballard gets the boot.


          • Kevin,

            I once (or maybe more than once) wrote a report about the guns I kept and why. There are some guns I really can’t let go of, and the R8 is among them. As is the Ballard.

            However, as Edith will tell you, I’m not aging gracefully. So who know but tomorrow I get a wild hair and sell all my guns to finance a Harley I want that has 12,000 lights and is controlled by a computer.


              • Edith,

                1) Update his life insurance policy.
                2) Let him sell all his guns and buy that Harley, or the ’49 Indian or whatever.
                3) Cash in.
                4) Buy back all the guns.
                5) Have some $$$ left over.
                6) Buy your own Harley.

                PS: Kevin, Slinging Lead, Wacky Wayne all waiting in the wings…

                • Alan, Alan, Alan. You, my dear sir, are a troublemaker!

                  Here’s my justification for NOT getting a motorcycle:

                  1. Before we got married, I asked him not to.

                  2. He agreed to the above stipulations.

                  About 30-40 years ago, I read a story in the Reader’s Digest about a woman whose husband was a rider. He was careful, but the other nitwits who drive 6,000-lb. cars and don’t have a clue were not careful. He got hit. Yup, they had a discussion long before that, and he told his wife that he understood he might get into a deadly accident while riding. Well, he had that accident. He didn’t die. He was severely injured, could no longer work, could no longer care for himself, although he was able to live at home with lots of care of from his wife…who had to feed & dress him and take care of his personal needs. He was ambulatory, but that was about it.

                  I can’t stop B.B. from getting hurt, but I’d appreciate it very much if he wouldn’t go out of his way to live more dangerously than necessary. Some people might say that he shouldn’t have guns, as they’re dangerous. Ah…but they ARE necessary. So are cars.

                  Besides, he’s got it pretty darned good. Not only does he get to buy just about every airgun and firearm his heart desires, but I actually feed that desire.


                  • Edith: I agree. I was a interior volunter fireman for 15 years, until I got tired of the politics and resigned. I have been to quite a few motorcycle car, deer ,truck, whatever accidents. I’ve seen some stuff I’d wish I hadn’t. When we barbecue, I always think of that guy I pulled a bike off of who hit the back of a semi doing about 70. I will always remember what burnt to the bone human thigh and leather pants smells like, or the woman who had her heel worn off almost to her ankle when some idot hit the brakes right in front of them. I like bikes, but like my old boss said who was a professional racer, I’d never ride one except on a track with other riders. The highways just aren’t safe.

                  • Can’t fault you’re reasoning Edith.
                    About 9 years ago my brother-in-law won a Harley FatBoy in a lottery. He became an enthusiastic, SAFE rider. He took safety courses, always rode with a helmet and leathers…safety was his primary concern.
                    It wasn’t so much the concern of the driver he met one day who had fallen asleep at the wheel and crossed the centerline.
                    Luckily, my brother-in-law only lost his left leg just above the knee.

                  • My brother-in-law lost his entire face. There was no bone left to put together, so now he wears a metal mask. I was in the ER with him and saw things I’d rather not have seen. He managed to ride his bike for over 30 years. Now he can’t manage anything. We are his legal guardians now.

                  • I’ll admit it : I’m a speed freak, there I said it.
                    No motorcycle for me EVER. I know I couldn’t restrain myself. So I know I can’t have that, I stopped racing a few years after meeting my current girlfriend of 12 years and mother of our two kids, so no more fast cars for me either. Sold the car to buy myself a nice pick-up that’s the only thing keeping me from speeding too much.
                    Whenever I take my wife car a nice VW Passat with a turbo and chipped engine with manual trans I have to use the cruise control or I’m over the speed limit faster than you can say “me officer? I don’t know what your talking about”.


            • B.B. & Edith,

              I’ve met some interesting folks in my travels. You’re really something special. Thanks for the memories. When we connect I can’t help but be thankful that we’re doing things we enjoy even though deadlines and pressures make me momentarily sour. I have to mentally step back sometimes to realize how blessed I really am. Perspective. I’m off to our place in the mountains for the holiday.

              I’m going to rebuild our berms at our firearm range with my tractor and going to replace our target stands that have been in place for the last 20 years.

              Let’s not forget to remember our fallen heroes that allowed us to enjoy our freedoms in this great Country at 3:00PM. Please also renewing a pledge to aid the widows, widowers, and orphans of our falled dead, and to aid the disabled veterans and remember our POW’s. God Bless.


  1. My thanks to all you Merry Sunshine motorcycle lovers on this blog who are feeding Edith’s worst fears.

    I made a promise and I’ll stick to it, but it doesn’t change things one bit. I love to ride motorcycles and I always will.

    Still, Edith is right that I have it very good. I know that and I am thankful for it.


  2. BB,

    my sentiments exactly. When I started riding in 1968, most of my buddies started in with “do you park your bike in your girl friend’s garage” and that deteriorated to “how big is your motorcycle and do you know what you’re trying to make up for in size” to finally all the gory stories we have heard today. It’s terrible to hear now especially after having some buddies over the years lose legs or a life (including on the track, Robert from Arcade). I still love riding, have three bikes and hope to ride for at least another 10 years or until eyesight, reflexes or strength prevent me from doing so.

    Fred PRoNJ

    • Over 50,000 people are killed every year and many, many more are maimed beyond belief in car accidents. So let’s hear some of those stories and see if you stay out of your cars. I told my kids, if anything happens to me on my motorcycle, I want you to know I went doing something I really loved doing. I would much rather check out riding a bike than a by a heart attack or stroke sitting in an easychair watching TV.

      • Over 50,000 people are killed every year and many, many more are maimed beyond belief in car accidents. So let’s hear some of those stories and see if you stay out of your cars.

        Which ones? Like both of my previous cars getting tail-ended by people pulling out of parking lots looking for traffic coming from one direction but not noticing the traffic that just went past them has stopped?

        The Jeep was victim to a two-bumper event when the idiot in the big van behind me (red-light, all vehicles had been stopped) decided he needed the cigarettes that had fallen in the passenger footwell, and had his foot slip off the brake, and maybe even brush the throttle… Pushed me into the trailer hitch of the vehicle in front.

        So far, the dung-beetle has only been laid down while at relative rest (try holding up 500lbs of bike that in in the middle of a tight u-turn because one had to stop due to idiot backing straight across a parking lot into the mailbox driveway rather than turning while backing to align with the exit… Second time was… same post office entrance… when some idiot riding a bicycle — at night, no lights — on the sidewalk against the flow of traffic, cut me off on the same u-turn… If I’d thought of it, I’d have let the idiot hit me — since that was the spacing, he’d have broadsided me… I’m fairly certain their are statutes against adult bicycles being on the sidewalk — especially as the street had bike lanes… Would have been at least three moving violations! (sidewalk not bike lane, against flow of traffic, no lighting at night).)

        And at the rate things are going, the dung-beetle will catch up to the mileage of the Jeep (1999 Jeep is at 38000, 2006 Aprilia Scarabeo 500 is at 20000)

        • Once you get past your first 50,000 miles or so on motorcycles you’re actually pretty safe. And you get to invent your own traffic rules! Just wear a white helmet (Snell certified, please) and have a windshield on your bike and you’re golden, cop-stache optional but it can’t hurt. People will think you’re a cop until they at least see you, and often it will take forever to figure it out – I’ve been fooled by a white VW Rabbit with red/blue surfboard racks. So look coppish!

          The lucky winner looks like National Team member Harry Scott in his “shoulder up” period which may have only lasted weeks but he is/was a great guy with a heart of gold.

          • flobert,
            I have had moments of “delusions of grandeur” with my previous bike. The cop bikes around here are Ultra Classic baggers, the kind with the tour packs on back, usually white. They wear brown uniforms and the white helmets you mentioned. However, my bike was a Heritage Classic with the black and silver 100th anniversary colors. Yet, I have been mistaken for a cop. I think the black and silver looks coppish. My helmet is open face, mirrored silver, with the Harley bar and shield medallion on the front and reflective strips on the back. I suppose it looks coppish, also. None of this was by design, but even my fellow riders say I look like a cop.

            I do have a GPS and a two way radio mounted on my handlebars with pigtail cords going to my helmet, so I suppose that adds to the illusion. On one occasion I pulled into a scenic overlook on Bear Tooth Pass in Montana behind two kids on sport bikes and I overheard one of say, “Uh Oh, It’s a cop!”. I figured they must have been finger poppin their bikes and thought they got caught.

            My new bike is still a Heritage Classic but it’s Merlot and black and doesn’t look at all coppish. I have a new helmet, too. So, now, the pressure is off and I don’t have to worry about acting respectable to keep up the facade. I can speed, weave in and out of traffic, pop wheelies, ride down the center stripe, pass on the right…the list is endless. I’m freeeeeeeeee! (well the wheelie popping thing is a bit of a stretch for a Heritage)


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