by B.B. Pelletier

Benjamin’s Legacy breakbarrel has stirred up a lot of interest.
There has been a lot of interest in the Benjamin Legacy 1000. Thanks to Crosman, I have a sample, and I’ll give you my report today. I have the Legacy 1000X kit that comes with a 4x scope and mounts, so I installed it on the rifle right away.
General appearance and feel
The Legacy is light and small – Gamo Shadow 1000-sized, but the proportions of the stock are just right for an adult. The stock is a laminate of what appears to be beech. The stain is very even, and the laminations hardly show. The dark recoil pad has been expertly fitted. The profiling of the cheekpiece is vague, but I must comment that the pistol grip is one of the nicest I have felt in a long time! With a slight palm swell, it feels just right to me! Benjamin’s laser-cut checkering is very flat and more for decoration than to help with holding the stock.
The metal surface on the barrel is the roughest I’ve ever seen on an airgun, but the spring tube is smoother. The front fiberoptic sight is bright, while the two red dots in the rear sight are small and dark. Since I used the scope all the time, this was not an issue.
The rifle cocks as easily as the ad says (28 lbs.), though it’s a little stiff when new. I was skeptical about the power until I shot over the Chrony Alpha and saw the numbers for myself. After some initial dieseling, Crosman Premier 7.9-grain pellets averaged 902 f.p.s., 10.6-grain Beeman Kodiaks averaged 776 f.p.s., Remington pointed pellets (7.8 grains as weighed) averaged 921 f.p.s. and JSB Exact 10.1-grain pellets (as weighed) averaged 767 f.p.s. That’s an energy range of 13.20 to 14.70 foot-pounds. One thousand f.p.s. velocities would be easily obtained with lightweight pellets, and I think the rifle will improve with a long break-in.
Trigger and safety
The trigger looks, acts and feels like a Gamo trigger. The length of the second stage pull is adjustable and the gun came out of the box with all the first stage adjusted out. The single stage letoff was heavy but even.
To its credit, the safety is manual. When the rifle is cocked, you can fire it without another action. To apply the safety, pull it back toward the trigger. It can be applied and released at any time, regardless of whether the gun is cocked. The rifle does have an anti-beartrap feature that precludes uncocking. So, if you cock it, you have to shoot it.

JSB Exact heavy pellet flies straight and true from the Legacy barrel.
The Legacy has the potential for good accuracy. I shot inch-sized 5-shot groups at 25 yards. For some reason, they opened up to 2.5″ at 40 yards. I think that was due to the low magnification of the scope, more than the rifle. With greater aiming precision, I see no reason why this rifle couldn’t shoot 1.5″ groups at 40 and even 50 yards. It certainly has the power to reach that far. The most accurate pellets were Beeman Kodiaks and JSB Exacts (heavy).
My brief test shows the Benjamin Legacy to be a surprisingly good air rifle. It’s available only in .177, which is a shame because it also has the power to be a .22. However, the .177 is just fine.
I have shot the Quest 1000 from Crosman. One question. How long can you leave springers cocked with doing any harm to them?
Great post BB
Good info on an air rifle in my price range. Do you know how the Quest 1000x and Winchester 1000x stack up. I’m lookind for a budget gun for plinking. By the way loved the high speed photo of the pellet exiting the barrel. Can we expect to see more shots like this maybe some impacts in your next pellet profile.
Ed and the other guy,
I will do a report on spring life, based on the data in the R1 book. It’s the only data I know of where a test was performed on a mainspring being cocked for a long time.
As for how the Legacy compares to the Quest and the Winchester, I don’t know. The Winchester is made in Turkey and none of the spring guns I have tyested from that country have done very well. The Quest is very inexpensive, so I don’t know how it would compare to the Legacy.
I will be looking at the Genesis next. The Quest and Winchester may have to wait until the fall.
I don’t think Crosman should be messing with the Benjamin product line and name. Benjamin has a wonderful reputation, which could be lost with one crappy product from Crosman. In my opinion they should keep their product lines very seperate. Just my opinion.
B.B. sounds like a great air rifle,this is what I was looking for.But it says on Pyramid air you can buy it in .22 without the scope!
Ya just checked they actually do have it available in .22,but you IT DOSN’T come with the SCOPE if you order it in .22,it says it shoots a maximum of 800 fps in .22 cal.Oh well I may just buy a scope seperately or use the scope I have on my crosman 66 for it.B.B. I am surprised how good the gun is considering it sells for a little over $160!
So based on this site you can buy it here in .22 but not with the kit,gun only.
My Bad!
I checked the calibers on the Crosman site and there they only have it in .177. I never thought to check it here on Pyramyd’s site!
Well, in .22 this should be a very nice air rifle.
Ya I am planning on ordering it soon thanks for doing a report on it.$162 withought scope is amazing for a gun this good.If crosman didn’t own it it would probably sell for $250.
By the way B.B.,I am very impressed with Pyramid Air.They are the only ones that sell this gun in .22.It is also $20 cheaper then all the sites I have checked.I also like how you only pay one shipping fee rather than a shipping fee for each product.So I can buy this gun with 4 tins of pellets without paying shipping,plus I get 1 free.Now if that isn’t a deal I dont know what is.The only place that I have seen with cheaper prices is Wal-mart but they only sell cheaper air guns.
Very true. I know Pyramyd AIR tries to give the best deals they can. And I do find them beating Wally World on some things, like powerlets.
Add to that the fact that Pyramyd has real people who can help you with any technical problems and it’s a great place to shop. I buy here, too!
Thats the thing.I now know how good the Legacy is thanks to you,otherwise I would have been guessing on accuracy and quality.Sometimes the advertised power that the manufacturer says is wrong.Because most folks who own guns don’t have chronographs to measure velocity eather.Even then,once you buy something you buy something.So to know what I am buying really helps alot.
Do you think Beeman .22,21gr pellets would do fine in .22?Although you never tested it in .22.It seemed to do fine with heavy pellets in .177
The Legacy (action) looks very similar to the Remington Genesis. Both rifles are made by Crosman. To me they appear to be the same action in different stocks. Has anyone else noticed this?
Yes I noticed that tpp hard to say if they are the same but they look that way
Jed and Jason,
I think Benjamin pellets should work well, though JSBs will probably be the best.
I have a Genesis to test, so I’ll look at the action with that in mind.
The Mauri M 14 looks like a good combination of length and firepower for air soft (I once owned a SA M14 Supermatch) skirmishing. Any comment. Also what is your take on the AriForce micro meter tank. Would it benifit a backyard Condor user. When I talked to AirForce they said it was mainly for the Talon. I have been told that a heavier striker weight on my Condor would provide a bit more power and better consistancy ??
The striker weight won’t add velocity, but the 24-inch barrel does. You get the same power from an SS with a 24 inch barrel or a Condor when using the MM valve. I have tested it thoroughly.
Just curious,how much velocity can a pellet reach out of the muzzle in your thoughts when a detonation ocurs.I ask based on a high power spring gun.Thanks
CF-X guy
B.B. I was wondeting do you think the Crosman 0850 target trap will do fine with the Legacy?I will need it because I keep shottig through my fence sections.So the Legacy in .22 would do even more damage and keep on flying.So I definately need a trap that would suit the Legacy when I buy it.I am planning on ordering the gun soon.
I have the Crosman 850 pellet trap. I shoot at it with my 35 fpe PCP rifles so it will handle the Legacy just fine. Be sure to check the “balistic curtains” frequently to make sure that they are in good condition. Even though theese three pieces of “cloth” don’t look like much, they do a lot of the work stopping the pellet. Replace them when they’re shot up. Hope this helps.
As I am new to the pre charged rifle I do have more questions about my condor. I would like to put an 18″ barrel with Logun moderator for my in town back yard. Did I understand correctly that the MM tank wil provide the same power to Talon or Condor if barrel lenght is same?
All right thanks for the info glad to know.
You know sometimes crosman can be cheap,but sometimes they offer real nice products for a cheap price.
I agree Crosman makes some great products at very affordable prices! I own several Crosman made rifles, pistols, and other miscellaneous acessories that wonderful items. Crosman has a perceived reputation, one that I think is different than the repution of either the Benjamin or Sheridan line.Crosman recognizes this, that is why they still keep the tradenames (Benjamin Sheridan).
Where can you find replace these ‘balistic curtains’?.The pellet trap does say its backed by galvinized steel.
60 year old kid,
Yes the MicroMetered valve will produce the same velocity with a Talon, Talon SS or Condor action, as long as the barrel is the same length.
The back of the trap is galvenized steel. The ballistic curtains as far as I know can only be ordered directly from Crosman.
I feel like I’m am asking the most simple-minded question ever posted, but I am new to spring piston airguns. I recently purchased an underlever, and I know I must eventually lubricate the compression chamber a little, but I don’t know what the compression chamber looks like, or where to find it. The gun’s instructions give no clear diagrams, either. They refer to something called the “air cylinder”. Is this the same as the chamber? Can someone help?
Just curious,how much velocity can a pellet reach out of the muzzle in your thoughts when a detonation ocurs.I ask based on a high power spring gun.Thanks
CF-X guy
Why will useing Eun Jin pellets in my gano 1250 in .22cal do it harm?
air cylinder/compression chamber,
This is why I dislike the loose terminology of airgun manufacturers. It leads to confusion. The air cylinder (a VERY imprecise term) is the same as the compression chamber! It is the steel chamber that houses the piston.
The piston is what compresses the air for the pellet. Look at the graphic in this post:
That’s what a compression chamber looks like in cross-section.
The chamber oil goes in through the transfer port. You may have an underlever that has a hidden transfer port, so just stand the rifle on its butt and drop the oil down the muzzle. Let it stand that way for several hours and the oil will run down through the transfer port and into the compression chamber.
CF-X guy,
I answered this the first time you asked.
Using Eun Jin pellets in a Gamo 1250 will do no harm. Who said they would?
I just bought the Legacy 1000 in .22 with 1450 pellets,a pellet holder(for single shot break barrels),a crosman 850 pellet trap,and Crosman cylicone oil.I bought a tin of Kodiak extra heavy pellets,so I will tell you if they do real good with the Legacy in .22 version or not when it ships in.I will need a decent scope first though before I really test out its true potential.But it will probably take till Friday for it to arrive.
B.B. I do have 1 question,what scope would you recommend for the Legacy without spending too much?
I don’t know what “too much” is, but I think the Bug Buster 6-power is a pretty decent scope.
Too much would be over $100 for me,unless I bought a sirious big time rifle like a Condor or Talon.
about the question of a detonation.maybe something went wrong but the answer is not here in the firts and second time I asked.Maybe something happened.Please aswer it again if you can
CF-X guy
CF-X guy,
I said, the answer is too important to put here. I will include it in the post about the Weihrauch EL54 in tomorrow’s blog.
thanks BB
I am looking forward to it.Thanks
cf-x guy
I’ll second the Bug Buster II (second generation, 6x power) scope recomendation. Got one for a Chinese XS-B18 springer I’ve had for years that actually shoots rather well. For the money, I think its well made and works well. To me, it is a good compromise between the $25 scopes that aren’t worth $10 and a $150 plus scope that may be out of the beginner or average airgunner’s price range.
Right now I’m mulling over placing an order for a Umarex 850 AirMagnum with a B-square adjustible mount and a Bug Buster II.
B.B., I have to ask, how did you get that awsome picture of a pellet lying out of the end of the barrel? I’m assuming it was photoshoped, or do you have access to a high speed camera?
That’s a neat picture, isn’t it? A photostrobe (flash unit with some adjustments) can pulse as fast as one fifty-thousandth of a second. If you connect a sound-activated trigger to your strobe unit and shine from overhead with a black background in a perfectly dark room, you can get a shot like this. The pellet travels about 0.004-inch during the exposure, which at internet resolution seems like nothing.
Set the camera on the fastest ASA setting (assuming digital) and start shooting. With some experimentation, this is possible.
I’ve been looking seriously at getting a new airgun. I remember my dad having several different airguns when I was a kid. He was a horse trader, and constantly bringing home different items. One was a .177 spring airgun of unknown origin, and another, I believe, was a .22 cal Benjamin 342. There was actually a local hardware store that had 2 of those sitting on a shelf over the cash register for years, but when I finally decided to go and buy them both, they were sold! [SNIFF] I presently have a Daisy pneumatic that still works great after almost 30 years of use. I’ve even thought about carving new wood foregrips and stock to replace the plastic ones. I think I’m going to spring for a Benjamin 392 when I get paid next week. My mom gave me some NOS tins of Crosman .22 Superpels after dad died. I missed out on the 342, and I don’t want the same thing to happen with the 392.
Tony Turley
Well, if anybody else was wondering if you could remove the fiber optic sights from these guns (assuming it’s the same as the Quest 1000x and Legacy 1000), the answer is yes!
Removal of the rear sight is easy. Unscrew the height adjustment knob and then use a small phillips bit to remove the base from the gun.
The front sight is a bit more tricky. I’ve been looking at it since I pulled off the rear sight for my scope. It’s ugly, not useful, and did I mention it’s ugly? It is pressed on the knurled end of the barrel. I used some slip lock pliers, held the stock between my legs and turned till the sight broke free. There might be better ways to do it, but I had no idea how it was attached, so I was just being the guinea pig so to speak. I think there was a little epoxy involved too, FWIW.
According to my trusty calipers, the very end is 0.475″, the knurled diameter is 0.482″, the crown to barrel neck length is 0.625″, and the barrel outside diameter is 0.578″. Does anybody have any thoughts on if a beeman muzzle break would fit this rifle?
I still have my Benjamin 342 that I got as a kid in 1972. I have re-blued it and re did the wood and it looke great. 34 years and it still shoots great. My advice would be to get the 392 and hold on to it, they are great airguns!
I bought a benjamin legacy approx. 30 days ago. Very erratic from day one. Shot about 750 times before it broke. Will not make full stroke to cock. Has this been a problem with these rifles?
Will be calling crosman tomorrow.
The Legacy has not had problems that I am aware of. Why call Crosman? Your dealer should take care of this for you.
I think legacy is a very good airgun,
anybody can enjoy the acurracy and the power of this gun, further i want to say lowest cocking for his class than others
if you compare this to say the quest or phantom by crosman, is the extra $70 worth it or not? If so in what way, accuracy, recoil? what is the point in this large price varient?
The reason for a large price difference betweeen two similar items is often merchandising. Crosman may feel that the Benjamin name commands a higher price than a similar Crosman-branded rifle.
I just saw a Winchester 1000x at Outdoor world and noticed that it says it was maid in Turkey. Do you know anything about the manufacturer of this rifle?
Your Friend Rick from SC.
I haven’t tested the Winchester, but I would assume that it’s in the same quality class as the Remington and Benjamin rifles that are made in China, In other words, okay, but not a barn-burner.
Thanks BB,
I was not sure if they were coming out of the new W & S factory seeing as they were stamped from Turkey.
Turkey has many gun-makers, just as China does. Not all airguns come from the same place.
Just thought folks might want to know that you can order a .22 barrel from Crosman. I converted my Legacy .177 last summer and it’s pretty accurate and consistent, at least out to 25-30 yds. It shoots at about 14-15 ft./lbs.. I also put it into a Genesis synthetic stock and find it much more easy to carry and use in the woods. I just sent it out to Bob at CharlieDaTuna for a Turbotune, which will make it even more accurate and fun to shoot. Thanks!
I get only 1 to 2 shots off with great accuracy at about 25 yards or so but after that it drifts off way to the left . How do I reset the rear sights cause im at the limit on the adjustment…
Shots don’t usually “drift”. Probably what is happening is you are changing your facial contact with the stock and therefore changing the parallax. Even scope with parallax adjustment still have some parallax in them and the spot-weld is very important to accuracy.
I assume you have run the scope adjustments all the way to the right and still cannot stay on target? If this is the case, you have relaxed the erector tube spring and the tube is bouncing around inside the scope tube.
To solve the problem, try switching the scope rings – front and back. If you had two-piece rings you could turn them around individually for more adjustment.
If that doesn’t solve the problem, you may need to switch to an adjustable scope mount: