Beeman Silver Bear .22 Cal, 12.65 Grains, Hollowpoint, 200ct
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- .22 caliber
- 12.65 grains
- Hollowpoint
- 200 pellets
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10 of 36 Beeman Silver Bear .22 Cal Reviews
I have shot these with my FWB Sport 124 in .177 cal.and have found them to be very accurate also in 22 cal. ..
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should KnowThey shoot very well in my Marauder and as a comparison they have about 1/2 the penetration of a Predator PolyMag short so are great for pest control at shorter ranges. They double in size in an inch and a half phone book at 50 feet. versus the Poly mag that went all the way thru.
This is the best ammo I have tested for rodent control. I had been using heavy pellets, but found that they would pass through the target, inflicting damage, but allowing the target to run away. These lightweight pellets fragment well in small targets and minimize collateral damage. Not for long range shots or high wind.
Accuracy. terminal performance on sparrows.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
Great pellets,I believe these pellets would work in all 22 cal guns.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
Uniformity, weight and cleanliness.
What Others Should KnowI shoot these pellets in my Crosman 2240 and they are very accurate. This is the ONLY pellet that I will use in the 2240.
What Others Should Knowshoots well in a Benjamin 1100
Surprisingly ... my TX200 in 22 loves these things!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowI really like this pellet for a variety of uses. From target to small game. wasn't sure I would like it, but I do.
A faster pellet from my Benji Trail NP .22, but accuracy is not that great. Keeping shots within 30 feet will guarantee adequate accuracy--but it's no tack driver. Within the 30 feet, it'll drop vermin--specifically rats and starlings, but it sometimes takes me several shots to connect.
Things I Would Have ChangedInstead of 200 rounds per tin, I'd advise Beeman to increase it to 500 rounds, and charge a little less. I can't recommend these to serious hunters--stick with heavier pellets in .22, but these would be good for plinking if they were cheaper.
What Others Should KnowI'd suggest staying with a minimum of 14.5 grains in .22, and maybe an even heavier JSB Jumbo for hunting. I don't think a squirrel will know the difference between 680fps and 720fps when the pellet hits it--but the heavier pellet (especially in my Benji Trail NP .22 is very accurate out to 50 yards [which is its maximum effective hunting range]. I'd rather have a slow moving accurate pellet than a fast moving one that won't consistently group except at near point blank range). Squirrels move too quickly to risk a wild shot due to an inaccurate pellet. These Beemans may work for someone, but they don't work for me.
Good litle pellet
Things I Would Have ChangedMake them in a heavier grain so they have more knock power (Would to see them in a 18 grain range) Put more in the tin at the same price.
What Others Should KnowGood for target up to 50 to 75 feet, beyond that not much knock down power. Needs to be a heavier grain. The H&N Crow Pellet 18 + grain is a very good.
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Feb 25, 2017
By Paul
A light pellet for a low powered rifle. Very clean and consistent in shape.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowIf you need to pick up a little speed in your lower powered rifle try these.