H&K KWA HK45 Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol
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The HK45 now comes with a threaded barrel for attaching fake silencers.
- Semiautomatic
- Official H&K trademarks
- NS2 gas delivery system
- Adjustable hop-up
- 3-dot combat sights
- Functional decocking safety
- Accessory rail
- Modular back strap
- Ambidextrous slide & magazine releases
- Lockout device
- Aluminum alloy (full-metal) slide with polymer frame
- Realistic construction & field stripping
- 60-day product warranty [US only]
- Lifetime tech support
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2 of 2 H&K KWA HK45 Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol Reviews
The looks and feel...trades...thats about it
Things I Would Have ChangedQuality overall...not impressed at all.
What Others Should KnowSoft cheap metal slide, slide catch stops working quickly due to cheap metal slide rounding off where it catches...constantly jams causing loading nozzle to break...bbfeeding ramp cracked in half about 40 shots after I got it...slide sticks bad Iunledd you over lube...kwa made a ton of excuses when I complained...doing research concludes lots of people having the same problems...kwa totally dropped the ball on this one! I now have a $165 paper weight. Needless to say kjw all the way from here on out for me! This is no fault of pyramid neither...they are a great company! This gun was purchased elsewhere...will only be buying from pyramid from now on as they have awesome service and care about their customer
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Dec 13, 2012
By jason
The overall look is appealing...nice trades...full metal durable magazine
Things I Would Have ChangedReinforced bb loading ramp and loading nozzle...better quality metal material for the slide...should definitly perform as great as it looks...
What Others Should KnowThis thing has been a nightmare since I bought it! First the feeding ramp cracked in half about 40 shots after unboxing...was cheap to fix but still a bummer. The new ramp was to tight on the bbs causing jams which in turn caused the loading nozzle to deform and eventually break...then to top it off, the slide catch rounded off the cheap metal used on the slide causing the slide to no longer lock back correctly when last shot is fired...and no replacement part support or upgrade parts availability... needless to say this is definitely not on par or even close to the reliability and quality I've loved from kwa in the past...I've given up on this as a primary sidearm and went back to my m226 ptp...it now sits as an expensive paperweight on my bench...I totally would not recommend buying this gun if your looking for dependability and quality...research via forums and google shows that these are pretty common issues with this particular gun though kwa claimes they haven't had many complaints or returns...hmmfff.