Colt Government 1911 Airsoft GBB Pistol
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Colt 1911 .45 Airsoft Blowback Replica
- Full metal slide and frame
- 340+fps with 0.20g BBs
- Semi-auto blowback action
- Adjustable hop-up
- Functional slide and slide lock
- Thumb and beavertail safeties
- Fully licensed Colt trademarks
- Stainless finish
- Synthetic wood grip with texturing
- 20mm underside rail is ideal for mounting tactical accessories The Colt 1911 Rail is a 1:1 replica of the Colt 1911. This CO2 blowback, 6mm airsoft pistol bears fully licensed Colt trademarks for added authenticity. The frame and slide are full metal, giving the pistol a realistic heavy weight and feel. The pistol features blowback function that causes the slide to shoot back as each shot is fired, just like the real firearm. The slide locks back after the last round of the magazine is fired, and lets you know it's time to reload. Thumb and beavertail safeties are built into the gun. An adjustable hop-up allows you to make precise changes and to get the most accuracy out of your gun. With the integrated 20mm rail, you can add your favorite laser or flashlight.
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7 of 7 Colt Government 1911 Airsoft GBB Pistol Reviews
Just an awesome replica of a 1911. Feels good in the hand, points well, and while I haven't shot it at a target or over a chrono, seems to put rounds where I want them
Things I Would Have ChangedI can't really think of anything...
What Others Should KnowNope...
99% This is my first Airsoft pistol. There are three very similar ones and several more on the same 1911 concept, making selection difficult. For sometime I had researched about Airsoft and what and why I should get one. I have a number of pellet and steel BB guns, but never an airsoft. All the study lead me to three airsoft pistols. I went with this one because of its realism. They all do the same job, all the "pellet/BB's" are within a few FPS of each other. Prices are all over the place. I thought this was the best value for the money. Non Lethal, but stings. What I wanted it for.
Things I Would Have Changed1. Rifled barrel. This "hop up" concept is strange and doesn't work all that well. They are not shooting that fast anyway. 2. Safety that engages even when not cocked. I have had 3 accidental discharges, so I leave the magazine out. The grip safety is not fool proof, I am testament to that.
What Others Should KnowWorth the money.
Looks, weight
Things I Would Have ChangedCannot engage the safety unless the hammer is cocked. Mine has gone off 3 times in spite of the grip safety which was not engaged. Kwc has known abbout this tfor over 10 years I seeandhas done nothing about it. I now remove the CO2 magazine when not using it. Very unsafe.
Love the weight, The look is very impressive. Function is exactly what I expected. So far everyone I have shown it to say they are going to get one also! I feel it is worth the money. I see prices on line for the same gun equal to and up to twice as much! I tell everyone, Pyramyd Air is the best place to do business with.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot a thing.
I have 5 1911s and this is the nicest of all of them. The attention to detail is incredible of this gun. The brushed slide with the groved colt logo and text make it very pleasant to look at. Matched with the gun metal lower and simulated wood grips, this gun is the real deal. The gun has a very solid feel to it and good weight. Chrome barrel is a nice touch!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowWhile the grips are made out of plastic, they do look as real as your going to get to wood while still being plastic. I'm sure you could attach some real wood grips to finish the gun off.
The brushed metal on the slide does scratch relatively easily, however I am sure on the real gun this is also the case. To me this adds some character to the gun.
Well made
Things I Would Have ChangedMake the magazine easier to load in the BB's
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Jan 06, 2019
By Ronald
Like the way it handles, the balance. I carried one for many years, this feels like it is real.
Things I Would Have ChangedInwould change the way the bb's are loaded, it is a bit difficult for an old geezer to load without spilling some.