Webley Patriot Air Rifle Combo
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The Patriot does take some effort to cock, but the satisfaction you get downrange makes it worthwhile. Accuracy is the most important aspect of shooting, and the Webley Patriot will serve you proud in that respect. Add to that the beautiful walnut stock and the high-quality bluing on all metal parts, and you'll wonder why you waited so long to buy it.
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
- Webley Patriot air rifle
- Spring-piston
- Breakbarrel
- Single-shot
- 2-stage adjustable Quattro trigger
- Automatic safety
- Walnut Monte Carlo stock
- Right-hand raised cheekpiece
- TruGlo fiber optic sights (fully adjustable rear)
- 11mm dovetail grooves
- Tuned Vibration Absorber (lessens the felt recoil)
- Ventilated recoil pad
- Power-Lok mainspring
- Includes Nikko Stirling MountMaster 4-12x50 AO air rifle scope* and rings with scope stop
*Scope specs:
- 4-12x magnification
- 50mm objective lens (adjustable objective)
- 1" tube
- 1/4 MOA (1/4" click value @ 100 yds)
- Mil-dot reticle
- 10 yds to infinity parallax adjustment
- 30.6 ft to 10.2 ft field of view
- 3.25" eye relief
- 14.20 oz.
- 14.8" long
- Nitrogen-filled
- Shockproof
- Fogproof
- Waterproof
- Fast-focus ocular lens
- Braced for the harsh 2-way recoil of magnum springers
- Matte black finish

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5 of 5 Webley Patriot Air Rifle Combo Reviews
Overall craftsmanship is good.(Too bad I received mine with several scratches on the stock.)This is a serious riffle certainly not a toy.Shipping was good but Pyramyd has not responded to my Email about the scratches. Scope is OK but I'm still in the process of breaking it in. This is a .25 cal.and definitely has take down power at 50 yards.It's a beast and yes it takes a serious effort to cock but I expected this and appreciate it. I do like the safety.
Things I Would Have ChangedA better inspection process before shipping. Better packaging for this level of expense,everything was loose in the box-makes you wonder.The pellets were protected better than the riffle.
What Others Should KnowAs I stated I'm still breaking it in but I'm seeing good groups so far with only 100 or so cheaper pellets thru it. So far I have not seen the scope creep but I used Locktite on all the screws. I intend to follow up this review in the spring.
The wood, the power and overall craftsmanship. Power is awesome for a break barrel . Trigger is def good.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe dovetail! The scope constantly moves back even when the scope set screws are in place. The kick on the spring is soooo aggressive it just loosens up and moves back the scope slowly. Also if it's going to be heavy, try to distribute the weight more evenly.
What Others Should KnowThis gun is heavy!!!! And it's all in the front. Def invest in a sling, but good luck mounting it! Unless you want to drill into stock. The stock is nice so it's a tough decision. Also the spring kick is tremendous so invest in some locktite! It will move and the set screw will scrape whatever is in it's way. I'm not a hunter but it def has the power to be a great hunting rifle. I prefer the feel of my gamo extreme over this by far. Also it's very long so invest in a looooooong case. Overall it's a great gun but for me personally I'm not ecstatic about this rifle.
The accuracy, the trigger, the scope, hard hitting. Great looking rifle.
Things I Would Have ChangedWebley might consider changing the name of the rifle from "Patriot" to "Varmint Nailer"! Other then that don't change anything.
What Others Should KnowTook the rifle out of the box, mounted the scope, sighted it in and it shot 3/4" groups at 25 yards with Benjamin 14.3 gr. 22 pellets. I also tried the Baracuda Hunter Extreme 19.09 gr. pellets, but did not get the grouping and had some flyers.
I also mounted a LED kill light on the scope for night varmint shooting. On skunks around the house I had six one shot kills from 15 to 35 yards in the first week. All of them dropped in their tracks. My next test for the rifle will be a wild pig.
This ia a great rifle if you want to hunt or target shoot. I am still breaking it in but my groups are getting tighter with each use.
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should KnowThis is a rifle all serious pellet users should have in their inventory
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Jan 01, 2016
By Brian
The accuracy and power in the .22 are very high. Very versatile gun. I had it chronoed with 12 grain rws and it was shooting an average of 1010.91 fps over a span of 10 shots. I have been shooting everything from crossman hollow points at 14.3 grains to Eun Jin 28.4 grain domes with amazing patterns at 40 yards. This gun can provide hard hitting head shots for small to medium game.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe mounting rings sold with the combo DO NOT WORK with this rifle! The rings that came with it have a scope stop that will not and can not work with this guns scope stop design. This guns scope stop is a 5 groove design that is very uncommon. The rings that it came with are made for a verticle hole design. This gun has way too much recoil for a scope not to be mounted properly. I called and let them know they are trying to put things together that cant work and they refered me to the manufacturer. Instead of dealing with all the bs I did some research and found the Bkl 1-pc mount with 1" rings for the 11 mm dovetail. The 6 screws lock this mount on the dovetail and it hasn't moved a mm since I put it on.
What Others Should KnowThe iron sights are great on this gun. While I waited for my bkl mount to come I was shooting 2" groups at 30 yards. The Nikko Stirling scope for this gun is great. But the mounts they send are trash. After market mount is necessary and be prepared to spend $70 for it. Once you get this monster scoped in with proper mounts it is incredible