Walther LG400 Universal, Image 1
Walther LG400 Universal, Image 1

Walther LG400 Universal Air Rifle, Ambi Grip

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You don't have to be a competitive shooter to deserve this air rifle! If you enjoy 10-meter target shooting, then this is what you need to get the most accuracy there is. The Walther LG400 Universal air rifle is specifically designed to be highly accurate without being extravagantly priced. This highly adjustable competition air rifle fits right and left-handed shooters and is designed for young shooters and the clubs that cater to them. This version of the Walther LG400 features the 400 system (without absorber) for 300 and 200 bar, an ambidextrous loading lever, the VARIO trigger with dry firing mode for additional practice, and a T-slot rail. For competitive advantage, this gun features continuously adjustable stock length and buttplate for the best in shooting comfort and accuracy.

  • Walther LG400 Universal match air rifle
  • Precharged pneumatic
  • Bolt-action
  • Single-shot
  • Ambidextrous grip
  • Front sight globe accepts inserts
  • Adjustable diopter rear sight
  • 300 or 200 bar fill pressures
  • Removable aluminum air reservoir with integral manometer (air pressure gauge)
  • 2-stage adjustable match trigger
  • 50g to 120g trigger-pull
  • Carbon fiber barrel jacket
  • Dry-fire mechanism
  • Approximately 600 shots per fill
  • Universal ambidextrous blue laminate stock with adjustable rubber buttpad
  • Adjustable stock length
  • Highly adjustable cheekpiece
  • Highly adjustable rubber buttpad
  • Individually adjustable center of gravity and weight distribution
  • 1050 to 1080mm L x 250mm H x 50mm W
  • 650mm to 830mm sight length
  • 290mm to 370mm stock length
  • 420mm barrel length
  • 50 grams to 120 grams trigger-pull weight
  • 4400 grams
  • Meets ISSF requirements
  • Includes hard case and accessories

Universal equipment package includes:

  • Universal blue laminate stock for right or left-handed positions
  • T-slot guide for three-position competition
  • Continuous quick-action setting for stock length and cheekpiece
  • Slip-resistant rubberized buttplate
  • Steel compressed air cylinder with air pressure gauge
  • Basic match diopter and foresight holder
  • Ability to retrofit absorber
feature iconfeature iconfeature icon
universal tool, lockable plastic case,


.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
557 fps
Suggested for
Pre-charged pneumatic
8.6 lbs
Max Shots per Fill
11mm dovetail
Front Sights
Post globe
Rear Sights
Diopter/micrometer adjustable
Two-stage adjustable
Barrel Length
Overall Length
1 round(s)
Body Type
Operating Pressure
4351 PSI / 300 BAR

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3 of 4 questions about Walther LG400 Universal

Walter Andres from USA asked:

Can this rifle be adjusted to meet 12ft lbs competition as well as up 20 ft lbs? It seems to have a regulator, but am not sure what its range can be. Please advise. Thank you!

Walter Andres from USA asked:

The specs seem to contain that its regulated at 7.5 joules. Is this correct?

peter from USA asked:

The description said designed for younger shooters. It's also fully capable for adults?

Tyler Patner from USA answered:
Sure, just a shorter length of pull and slightly shorter gun overall.
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