Magnum Research Baby Desert Eagle BB gun kit
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- Baby Desert Eagle
- 15-shot semi-auto BB pistol
- Uses 12-gram CO2 cartridges
- Double-action only
- Integrated Weaver/Picatinny rail under barrel
- Removable Weaver/Picatinny rail on top of gun
- Front & rear sights are covered by removable top rail
- Extremely realistic
- Steel BBs are loaded through a port at the top of the gun
- Never shoot steel BBs at hard objects!
- Incl. gun, two 12-gram CO2 cartridges, 5 paper targets, safety glasses & 250 steel BBs
Pick up more steel BBs by clicking on the AMMO link & lasers, dot sights, targets & more through the ACCESSORIES link.
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10 of 11 Magnum Research Baby Desert Eagle BB gun kit Reviews
The size makes it perfect for teaching a young person the proper way hold, shoot and the use of the safety. It is light and easy to hold, and has plenty of power.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe trigger pull is way to stiff for a young person to pull. It also is to strong for people with arthritis, so I would lighten up the hard trigger pull. I have other bb guns that have a trigger pull similar to a competitive gun to shoot.
What Others Should KnowFor the money it is a good gun, it would be better with a lighter trigger pull. It will take a red dot scope on the top.
This pistol has good power and is pretty accurate. The built in magazine is easy to load and works well. A lot of fun to shoot! A very inexpensive way to get to shoot more. This pistol has surprising power for under $30... Punches holes in tuna cans at 10 paces (approx. 10 yds).
Things I Would Have ChangedIt would be nice to have a bit more heft with this pistol, but you probably wouldn't get it for under $30!
What Others Should KnowThis is an mostly plastic gun, but so far seems to be a great value!
Simple operation. Loading. safety, sights are good. Additional rail is nice if I choose to add a scope. Plenty of power. Well balanced.
Things I Would Have ChangedFront site is black. I painted with glow in dark green. Trigger pull is long. Some sort of sound baffle would be nice
What Others Should KnowGood well spent dollars over all. Especially for the kit.
It's very accurate. CO2 lasts a long time, at least 80-90 shots. Easy loading, fast shooting little pistol.
Things I Would Have ChangedFor the price, I'm very happy and don't have any suggestions. I didn't expect blowback, hair trigger, working hammer and slide, etc. Less than $30!
What Others Should KnowI wanted a plinker and got one. Everybody should have a simple pistol handy to have some fun with. That's what this is for.
Top rail, easy load, accurate, light as a feather, CO2 lasts forever, well, almost forever. Price, don't forget the low price.
Things I Would Have ChangedFor $27, you have to realize there are a few things that are expected. See below.
What Others Should KnowGoing in, let's say a $27 pistol can't be much, right? Wrong. But there are things... all plastic, and flimsy plastic to boot. Handle is loose and creaky. CO2 knob hanging out the bottom. Non functional hammer, DA only. Not quiet. Firm trigger, not bad, but firm. But then again.... accurate! Fun to shoot! CO2 just lasts at least 100 rapid fire shots, maybe a lot more, I wasn't counting! Very light to hold. I like this one a lot. My gosh, $27. Thanks PA, thanks, Magnum Research. Recommended, you bet.
This little gun is really easy to load fun to shoot although the trigger pull is a little tight it still lays down a pretty good target pattern in rapid firing. If you like to shoot rapid fire for cheap put this one in your collection of guns.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would lighten up the stiff trigger
What Others Should KnowVery fun and affordable.
Great product and price . Very accurate and powerful right out of the box .
Things I Would Have ChangedCO2 SCREW ON MAGAZINE .
What Others Should Knowgreat kit overall
Excellent gun overall. Fits nicely in big and small hands. Great accuracy. Nice Replica. Oiled up right out of the box. Great fps. Awesome value.
Things I Would Have ChangedCover the screw for the CO2. Fix the spring in the magazine as it can get jammed once in a while. Trigger is a little hard to pull and can mess up your aim.
What Others Should KnowUse premium grade bbs for best accuracy. Really keep the gun oiled for the best performance. Great for beginners.
I liked the fact that it shoots over 400f.p.s and looks real enough for the price.
Things I Would Have ChangedFor the price of the gun , I'd leave it as it is. I wished it were more metal than plastic though .
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Jun 17, 2017
I like that this is a good functioning BB pistol that has been engineered to sell for $30. It works good, the trigger is not light, but it's easy to get use to as the release is all the way to the rear, so it's easy to draw down when aiming. The magazine is easy to load with a groove leading to the BB hole is a plus. the CO2 well is easy to access without any special tools, that's good.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe sights are crude, but they work too, it would be a vast improvement if Magnum Research would white dot these. So painting the front sight is recommended. Also, the fake hammer, slide lock lever and safety are just dumb. A cleaner gun like the 415 PowerLine is my preference, but to each his own.
What Others Should KnowThe top weaver rail comes separate from the gun, you gotta mount it with a Phillips screw driver.
Also has an under rail.
I personally don't use optics on BB guns as the most effective way to compensate for smooth bore variations is to see the BB fly past the target.
So open sights is best on BB guns. trying to adjust a laser dot to a BB path is futile. So I save the red dots and scopes for pellet guns.