IZH 61 multi shot air rifle
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- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
Your gun may be marked IZH-61 or MP-61 and may have any one of these mfr names: IZH, IZH-Baikal or Baikal. They all come from the same plant and are manufactured to the same specs. The guns are identical.
Good things come in small packages, and the Russian-made IZH 61 is no exception!
This repeating air rifle is so much fun to shoot, you'll definitely have a tough time putting it down. A spring-powered gun, the IZH 61 is easy to cock and can be used by adults and youngsters (with adult supervision).
The trigger is adjustable for length of pull. The synthetic stock is adjustable for length (31" to 33"). The rear sight is a fully adjustable notch. The front sight is hooded. Load five pellets into the removable clip (2 clips included), insert it, cock the sidelever and start having fun!
You can add a red dot sight on the 11mm dovetails to get even more accuracy from this rifle. Speaking of accuracy...you probably won't outgrow the potential of this gun!
Includes owner's manual.
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10 of 135 IZH 61 multi shot air rifle Reviews
Shoots great. Fun plinker. 5rd. magazine
Things I Would Have ChangedTarget acquisition difficult with "post globe" front sight.I painted a small white V on the rear sight. Painted front blade red. Discovered front blade was bent. Plan on getting scope. Disappointed that the sign off certificate, date of manufacture and date of preservation all 04/23/2014 which makes it almost 2 years old. I would have preferred a fresher rifle. Extra spring is not included any longer. Very disappointed.
What Others Should KnowIf you do plan on purchasing a Baikal IZH/MP61 might as well get a scope and rings that fit the provided dove tail.
Pyramyd Air should confirm date of manufacture is not older than 12 months and confirm sights are not damaged.
I don't know if I will purchase the scope and rings from Pyramyd.
Jim Chema
Unique style. Easy lever that a 10 year old can use.Very accurate and fun to shoot.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe clip so the ammo doesn't dump. It seems to be a regular complaint. You do get use to it but it would be nice to see that improved
What Others Should KnowWe have a blast shooting this gun! Pellets we have found to work really well are the H&N Hammer . Buy a spare clip so you don't have to stop and reload.
Accurate, Easy Sidelever Action, 5 Shot Repeater allows for quick follow up shots without losing your shooting position.
Things I Would Have ChangedComes with an adjustable stock but would def benefit from a Longer Pull than the adjustment allows.
What Others Should KnowPick up some extra clips. They're small and easy to loose and its nice to have several sense they're only 5 shots each.
The side cocking lever and quality plastic. Very relaxing to cock and shoot while watching TV. This is the gun to have if you want to shoot reliably and quickly. All you have to do is cock handle, shoot, cock handle, shoot, etc. No need to index a pellet like the Daisy 953. I love this feature.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe grip to trigger pull is too short, I had to add thick rubber pad to make it feel longer.
What Others Should KnowMy gun was not accurate at all like others here. I stopped shooting this gun when I bought the Daisy 953, which is much more accurate but harder to pump and rack the pellet. I had this gun for 3 years and didn't know what I was missing out on.
I love the side lever action with magazine. The pull is light and it makes the gun very pleasant to shoot. the adjustable stock is very nice as well. the trigger pull is very light and has a clean break.
Things I Would Have ChangedI thought that the globe sights were awful. I couldn't even adjust the rear sight enough to get a shot that wasn't a little below the sight. I think there may be a flaw with this Particular gun . I have worked with the gun throughout the last year trying to make it more accurate; using various lines and styles of pellets, mounting a nice scope, and cleaning regularly. I shot this from a rest and the very best groups i could get with a 5 shot magazine at 10 yards was with RWS supermags field line wad-cutters (9.3g), and these were slightly larger than an inch! I can shoot better groups standing with my sons Daisy Buck with open sights. Seriously.
What Others Should KnowI don't recommend this gun for first time springer shooters because it seems to be very sensitive to hold and to have any real success with it you will have to upgrade the sights. It was my first "springer" apart from Daisy BB guns, and because i was unfamiliar with the gun i allowed myself to think that I just needed to work on my hold and position with it. after a couple thousand rounds i know better now and the gun was just a dud. If you're not 100% satisfied with it out of the box, save yourself the trouble and send it back. I gave one star overall because if you don't have accuracy, I have a cool looking prop.
quality and workmanship is first class, works and shoots flawlessly, very accurate with wadcutters of almost any weight, installed Hawke big dollar scope, and have good groupings at even 50 yards, very decent for a 10 yard gun
Things I Would Have Changednothing, quite pleased with it
What Others Should Knowmine was not lubed very well, at least for me, took it down, and re lubed spring and polished all moving parts, took bout an hour, didn't need to do this, but i am just kinda picky, great gun tho.
What I like that's easy to cock the arm to load a pellets and fire light weigh! I got a great plinker shot a ton of cans and targets I got a good group at 60 feet I thpink it's a good bang for the buck! Also I purchases the daisy laser (red dot) but I haven't used it yet I like iron sights but I'll probably put on one of one of my other guns maybe my vigilante
Things I Would Have ChangedThe pellet clip tricky but I watched the video from AGR and Paul suggested tip the gun forward and place the clip and presto your in the game. The rear sight is cool but you need a small screw driver to adjust not hard it took a min.to adjust but for the money and shooting cans no complaints!
What Others Should KnowI takes a little getting use to but when you dial it in have a lot of pellets my IZH likes crosman wadcutter and I shoot it as much as I can practice makes perfect ADDICTED hope to see you guys at competion this up coming weekend just as spectator still learning!!!!!!!!! I also read about people
Worried about dry firing when clip has 3 holes showing you have one shot left or if in doubt just pull the clip and reload also purchase extra pellet clips
What a neat little gun! I haven't had this much fun shooting in quite a while. I made one mistake when I purchased this, however. I didn't buy enough spare clips. I only ordered 3 extra clips to go with the two supplied with the gun. I don't want to stop shooting long enough to reload the clips.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing, I love it's quirkiness
What Others Should KnowSeveral different versions were made of the gun, so don't be surprised if the operating instructions don't quite match the gun. For example. The instructions say to push a button on the end of the side lever to cock the piece. My gun didn't have a button. After trial and error I discovered that you "unlock" the lever by moving it upward and then you can pull the lever and cock the weapon.
Comfortable to shoot. The adjustable stock is great if you have shooters of multiple ages in the family. I have about 250 rounds through it and getting 1" groups at 30 feet with RWS wadcutters. I am anxious to try other pellets to try and tighten the groups.
Things I Would Have ChangedI put a red dot on it and the plastic receiver is kind of weak and the scope can slide around unless you really crank the screws down.
What Others Should KnowThe instructions with the rifle state that there is a release button on the cocking arm, but on mine there is just a friction button under the arm that is hard to see to hold the arm closed. I sent my first rifle back thinking that it was defective. It was just by accident that when I received my second one that I discovered the design change. They need to update the owners manual. Maybe Pyramyd could list this in the product description.
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Apr 08, 2016
By Stephen
This is an excellent, easy to use, no hassle, fun plinking rifle that also happens to be very accurate, and I mean way more accurate than what you would expect at this price range. It has a rugged and simplistic form to it that is very typical of Russian utilitarian design. It is both ugly and elegant at the same time. Very easy to cock and extremely simple to aim and shoot and also whisper quiet, the targets make more noise being hit than the rifle itself, no louder than a staple gun. Light weight and even more deadly accurate after I put the exact scope and mount used on the Pyramyd Air video of this rifle. Seems to work well with a wide variety of mid priced pellets, all in the wadcutter category. Crossman competition & RWS hobby worked very well in mine. Great 10 meter rifle, half inch groups achievable at this range. Kept wondering where my pellets were going until I realized they were going in the same target holes...This gun is a little quirky but well worth every penny.
Things I Would Have ChangedThis rifle has a small composite 11mm dovetail that is only 2.5 inches long, you must use the exact adaptor mount shown in the video to get a solid foundation for a scope or red dot. The iron sights were fine after adjusting, but my vision is not what it used to be, so I wanted to put that bug buster scope on mine, and once I used the right adaptor mount, it worked great. There is no problem with the clips at all, they are easy to load and work great if you simply tilt the rifle forward when loading. My only slight issue with this gun is that you have to be able to pay attention to your 5 shots as it is easy to accidentally dry fire the gun if you loose your count or get distracted, and that dry firing is very bad for this gun (Could lead to ruining the seals/spring etc).
What Others Should KnowThe adaptor for a scope or red dot is this one: BKL-568MB [BKL 3/8" or 11mm Dovetail...] * 3/8" or 11 mm dovetail to Weaver adapter (rail accepts Weaver mounts) * 4" long *...The spot where you mount this adaptor on the Baikal is only 2.5 inches long, so this adaptor overhangs a little, but you will need overhang & the 6 screws to tighten this down enough & keep your scope in place on this plastic Russian 11 mm dovetail. Shoots great indoors in the cold & is super quiet. You end up loving the simple design and rugged accuracy of this gun, especially when your targets are easily dispatched by this gun's great barrel. I found a light hold while standing & almost no hold bag rested produced very accurate shots. The accuracy can change based on holding in different spots, best to choose your hold & technique & then dial it in from there...The side cocking was at first a concern of mine, since I had no other guns like that, but it turns out I like that feature the most, very easy load & shoot, a great gun!