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Hatsan BullMaster Semi-Auto, Image 1
Hatsan BullMaster Semi-Auto, Image 1

Hatsan BullMaster Semi-Auto PCP Air Rifle

3.522 reviews
18 answered questions



$300 Off

Caliber:.177 (4.5mm)

.177 (4.5mm)
.22 (5.5mm)


Only 3 Left in Stock

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The Bullmaster is Hatsan's answer to airgunners who want semi-automatic PCP airguns that combine fast shots, with high maneuverability and penetrating power.

This bullpup's claim to fame is its unique gas operated action (as opposed to electrical) which adds greater reliability and longevity than other semi-auto PCPs on the market. Loaded with features, the Bullmaster includes an 11mm Dovetail/Weaver scope rail and a Weaver accessory rail to mount a laser sight or flashlight. Built for accuracy, the Bullmaster features a rifled and choked barrel which is fully shrouded. These features add up to a gun that’s accurate, naturally quiet, and ideal for backyard target shooting or small game hunting.

Each Bullmaster includes 3 rotary magazines (14-shot .177 and 12-shot .22 caliber) so shooters spend more time shooting instead of reloading. The rubberized stock has 2 magazine carrying slots so the extra mags can be carried on the gun. The stock also features an adjustable comb, and grooved pistol grip and foregrip which houses the built-in pressure gauge. The removable 500cc tank fills to 250 BAR (3,625 psi) via the standard Hatsan fill probe. Power hasn't been sacrificed for size as the Bullmaster can launch .177 pellets at 1,100 fps, .22 calibers at 1,000 fps, and .25 at 900 fps. Each rifle includes a hard case for keeping your gun safe and sound when not in use.

If you want a Bullpup that can deliver fast semi-automatic shots, with ergonomic design and maneuverability, choose the Bullmaster by Hatsan.

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Hatsan BullMaster PCP

  • Precharged pneumatic
  • Semi-Automatic
  • Bullpup design
  • 500cc air cylinder
  • 250 BAR (3,625 psi) max fill pressure
  • Synthetic stock with ergonomic design
  • 11mm Dovetail and Weaver* rail
  • Additional Weaver accessory rail beneath forearm
  • Texturing on grip and forearm for better control and feel
  • Elevation-adjustable Cheek Comb - Stock equipped with integrated elevation adjustment button
  • Ventilated rubber butt pad
  • Precision rifled and choked barrel for accuracy
  • Fully-shrouded barrel for quiet shooting
  • Rotary magazine: .177 14-rd, .22 12-rd, 10rd in .25
  • Includes 3 magazines
  • Built-in pressure gauge monitors cylinder pressure
  • Includes 1/8" BSPP threaded fill probe
  • Overall blued finish, black anodized receiver
  • Manual Safety
  • Patented anti-knock system to prevent gas wastage
  • Metal trigger & synthetic trigger guard
  • Fitted sling swivels
  • Overall length: 30.9"
  • Barrel length: 19.7"
  • Weight: 10.3 lbs
  • Includes Hard Case
  • Shots at optimal velocity .177=100, .22=120, .25=120

It is not recommended that the BullMaster be operated from the left-handed shooting position. The bolt located on the right-hand side of the rifle cycles with each shot fired and may cause injury if operated left handed.

*We do not recommend using Weaver mounts. Some weaver/Picatinny mounts may not fit the weaver sections on the rail.

Please Note: All Hatsan semi-automatic airguns are designed specifically for skirted pellets only. Slugs or other non-skirted rounds will not cycle properly.

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.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
1100 fps
Muzzle Energy
21 ft/lbs
Suggested for
Small game hunting/target practice
Pre-charged pneumatic
10.3 lbs
Max Shots per Fill
Cylinder Size
500 cc
Fixed/adj. power
Weaver & 11mm dovetails
Front Sights
Rear Sights
Barrel Length
Overall Length
14 round(s)
Body Type
Operating Pressure
3625 PSI / 250 BAR

Ballistic & Conversion Calcs

PCP Fill Options

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10 of 22 Hatsan Bullmaster Reviews

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Tight groups, semi-auto action, appearance.

It is heavy- shave a couple pounds and it would have a perfect weight. If it were semi-auto/full auto like the Hatsan Blitz it would be almost perfect.

Adding the DonnyFL moderator adapter changes the spring rate- if you go that route you may need to adjust the spring tension for continuous semi-auto shooting.

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Gun is accurate and quiet

Customer service is horrible

I own a large wildlife removal company in California. Bought this gun and used it professionally at large commercial customers. No problems for 2 years then the gun quit cycling.

I called customer service twice and left voicemails both times over the past 3 months. I sent 2 emails on the customer service contact form on the website—-no response. ABSOLUTELY ZERO COMMUNICATION. No call backs. No emails. They simply don’t care.

I will never buy more HATSANs for my employees. I will buy the Crossman Bulldog from now on. With the hatsan bullmaster, You will eventually need customer service and unfortunately you’ll be left high and dry like us.

If you look at other websites, it’s common for other customers to have zero luck with customer service at HATSAN. BEWARE! DONT BUY! You’ll eventually regret it.

I plan on posting this review on every online platform possible. I’m extremely disgusted with Hatsan.

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It's very accurate shooting gun but after serval shoots the trigger stop working.

Fixing the trigger problem.

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This is a nice looking gun. Great concept, terrible execution. Out of the box, one of the mags was busted. I bought three more from Pyramid. Two of the new ones had hairline cracks in the plastic top cover. Accuracy was great when it worked, but the gun quit cycling after about 300 rounds.

The rail is wonking and standard picatinny attachments don't fit well. Sling swivels are too small for a standard sling. Still, if it functioned it would be a decent gun. For $1,000 a pop, these issues should be worked out. This feels more like something that should be in the R&D phase. Not quite ready for beta and certainly not ready for market. This is my first and last Hatsan.

I called Pyramyd yesterday. I was on hold for 20 minutes when the robot told me that no one was available to take my call and hung up on me. That is the epitome of terrible customer service. I sent them an email and still have not heard back.

Alan Jan 22, 2021

Same here...I shot about 300 pellets and then it stopped cycling semi auto and was just a bolt action. Then it just got worse after that. My neighbor got one also...same thing...About 300 shots then his is only bolt action only. It was very very accurate though. This is what I loved about it, as well as being a nice comfortable BullPup rifle. I now have a useless air rifle. I got it from Air Venturi and they won't answer their damn phones either. Grrrrrr....Me and my neighbor are so pissed off!

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I like the BullMaster which is why I upgraded my order to one of these.

I would like it if the BullMaster carton that shipped to my house contained a BullMaster... unfortunately it was replaced with BullBoss. And I was charged for the BullMaster. Dont buy from these crooks.

Yes, buy your Airguns from an honest reputable dealer. These guys have been screwing me around since May. Sent me a gun with a cracked stock. Ok, a mistake that is forgivable. RMA and replacement wasnt available so I upgraded to BullMaster. Gun was in stock. Several weeks no package. Follow up ok they are backed up. Ok I get that. Package comes finally in September. Box says BullMaster. This week I open it up to start testing... gun says BullBoss on the side. Box had obviously been opened before. Very disappointed with PyramydAir.

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Just got my Bullmaster and went to the range to shoot 200 rounds. Not one jam. The accuracy is outstanding. Chrony shows 944 fps with .22 cal Diablo 13.4 grain pellets. Weight is no problem for me because all my shooting is from a bench rest.

My only complaint is the air gage is hidden inside the handle. Hard to see.

Need to get extra magazines because they empty fast.

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Feel, weight, handling.

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very happy with the gun. Accurate and no problem cycling the magazines.

Could be a little quieter and trigger pull should be a little lighter.

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The look. Shoulders well. Accuracy.

Magazines are hard to remove from stock.

Had to send first one back. Semi auto would cycle bolt but would not cycle next pellet from magizine. Pyramyd air was great to deal with sent replacement back and received new gun in less than a week.

Brandon Dec 22, 2018

Update: I shot 7 mags using JSB 18.13 first shot 875 fps shot 84 was 830 fps. Shot 85 to 96 was 830 fps to 815 fps.

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the look

the WEIGHT !! The one shipped to me was even too heavy for the shipping packaging used. Weighing this much, it certainly should be offered in big bore caliber, all the way up to .50 cal. I believe that would be the only change that would justify the weight.

I did not have a chance to give this gun a full and fair review, as it was damaged in shipment and I returned it unused. Had it not been damaged in shipment I still would have returned it for the simple fact IT WEIGHS WAY TOO MUCH FOR THE CALIBER, SHOT COUNT, AIR CAPACITY, AND LACK OF ACCESSORIES. I had planned on adding a large scope (and other things) to this gun, but it is too heavy to start with, out-of-the-box, to add ANYTHING! I never loaded or fired it, so its performance is unknown to me .....

Andrew Jan 05, 2020


Andrew Sep 28, 2019

how do you give it a 1 for accuracy when you never shot it???????? Its people like you that skew the reviews on products,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Don't post anything, its clear you like to see yourself in print........

4253229618 Jul 30, 2019

I guess your one of those guys that need a handle for your purse...oooh, I mean your gun? like an AR Handle? so you can carry it like a purse? You know,,, like a purse!!! keep lipstick, condoms, tampons, stuff like that...

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