- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
The legal, non-removable noise dampener (cuts noise by 52%) on the polymer fluted bull barrel will help keep your shooting expeditions quieter. It also has front & rear fiberoptic sights (rear is fully adjustable) if you prefer to shoot without optics. The 2-stage trigger is adjustable, and the safety is manual. The all-weather synthetic stock is durable and will hold up well in weather conditions unsuitable for wood stocks.
A 3-9x40 scope has a laser and flashlight riding on it (all are unmounted). The scope has a 1-piece scope mount, while the other two items have a dual mount that attaches to the scope tube.
The Whisper VH delivers 1200 fps with PBA ammo and 1000 fps with lead pellets.
The Crosman Nitro Piston delivers some really nice benefits, such as:
- Smoother cocking
- Smoother shooting
- No spring torque
- No spring fatigue, even if you leave it cocked for hours
- Functions perfectly in cold weather
- Lasts longer than a metal spring
- Installed by our expert gunsmiths!
- NOTE: Installation of the Crosman Nitro Piston will delay shipment by 24 hours (or one business day)
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7 of 7 Gamo Whisper VH with Nitro Piston Reviews
Light weight, quiet, accurate
Things I Would Have ChangedLaser and light mount are poorly designed. Barrel is plastic!
What Others Should KnowI bought this rifle for in city removal of rabbits. I have owned a couple of Gamo guns in the past. It like other Gamo rifles is super killer. I am happy with the silencer functionality. Actually I am only very happy with it when used with lead the PBA breaks the sound barrier and has the same clap as the hunter i bought to replace with this quieter version. When shooting lead it is silent compared to its non-silenced cousin shooting lead. I also bought a gas chambered spring (Venturi) which is a very nice addition but not required. I have some beefs.... grrrrrr I hate it when you buy a new product and stuff does not work. I have owned dozens of guns and have high familiarity with dealing with accessories. The scope goes on piece of cake! The laser and flashlight are budget at best. Shocking GAMO would package their well reviewed product with this customer upsetting BSA trash. This comes withe a BSA laser and flashlight. It is the identical mount in the picture on the site. The box and online catalogs show a different mount that is superior. It is higher and forward allowing better access to batteries and eliminates a major issue that should embarrass GAMO for not catching. The flashlight is mounted so low that it illuminates the front site and renders the scope useless. The laser i received also would not adjust horizontally. I think a guy needs to side mount the light (maybe even barrel mount and scope mount the laser (one that is adjustable of course).
EXCELLENT!!!! great accuracy WITH scope... the scope that came with this rifle maintains its zero well.... the gas ram is a miracle... compared to other rifles, this sounds like a baby (unless using PBA pellets).... But if you are like me, use the PBA to impress your friends, it reeeeeallly sounds loud... (I own .177 caliber)..... It is lightweight, easy to cock, and SEXY...
Things I Would Have ChangedThe trigger (I changed it to GRTIII).... the metal spring... and the laser (it sucks... only for good looks)
What Others Should KnowFirst of all... the flashlight wont let you see too good at night... the glare is too much... buuuuut... you only see a little if the target is close.... Second... the laser sucks... unless you tighten a third screw it has that will make it hold its zero BETTER... but not always... and third... the open sights.... GAMO did not think of them well... the silencer puts the front sight in a higher position, so the if you really want accuracy without a scope... you will have to raise the rear sight COMPLETELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... they should have created a little base for the rear sight so that it compensates for the front sight's elevation.............. ANYWAYS............... BUY IT!!!! YoU WilLLLLL love IT!!!!!
The gas spring. I don't think I will ever go back to a standard springer. Thumbhole stock is nice, and the gun has good balance. Not as hold sensitive as a standard springer. Noise reducer works well. Now that I have about 1500 rouids through the barrel, it has become quite accurate.
Things I Would Have ChangedI HAD problems with all the following and changed them all - trigger, scope, mounts, flashlight, and front and rear sight. The trigger was anticipated, but not the other problems.
What Others Should KnowWith all the problems, I still think the Whisper is a great gun. However, I would get the standard version, unless you have to have the thumbhole stock, as the scope and accesories do not work well together with this rifle. First the scope does not have A/O. So if most of your shooting is under 50 yds, you are limited to 3-4X if you want a clear image. In addition, the front sight & silencer obscure the scopes vision. You can't even use the flashlight, as the flashback into the scope blinds you. Even after removing the front sight, you still get a small amount of flashback from the silencer. The Standard and Deluxe Whisper come with a mounting rail for the scope, and this should be include here as well. I had to go to high rings before I could get a clear sight picture and use the flashlight. The flashlight was good to probably 20 -25 yds.
I also had problems with vertical stringing while shooting the open sights. I never could figure it out until the rear sight came apart for a second time. The rear sight had to be raised quite high in order to sight in. This is because the front sight is mounted high on top of the silencer. So their was no tension in the tension spring in the rear sight, and it worked loose after about 50 shots. If you want to use these sights, then you will need to loc-tite the rear to hold your settings. I just removed them completely when I mounted a new scope and light.
I Love the style of the gun, accessories and the way it shoots. An awesome gun for the money. The gas spring makes it very smooth to shoot and is worth the extra money.
Things I Would Have ChangedNew GRT-III trigger from CharlieDaTuna
What Others Should KnowDesign of the gun coupled with the gas spring make this an awesome air rifle.
Gamo Scope works great just make sure you lock tight all the screws and it will never move. I'm still trying to figure out witch pellets I like the best.
Love the style of the gun, accessories and the way it shoots. An awesome gun for the money. The gas spring makes it very smooth to shoot.
Things I Would Have ChangedThings I would & did. Changed to a GRT-III trigger & orderd a CenterPoint scope. The "cheap" Gamo scope needed adjusted every time I went shooting, I very pain in the REAR!
What Others Should KnowDesign of the gun coupled w/ the gas spring make this an awesome air rifle. Once I install the new scope, I am sure I will be very satisfied with this gun. Wish Gamo would supply this gun without the "Gamo Scope" and I wish they would "just" fix their trigger problem" Remember to see CharlieDaTuna.
Woooooowww!! Excellent RIFLE!!! I have never used anything like this... This is my fourth Gamo in my collection (two Hunters and a Viper).... But this is by far the best ever!!! The Gas Ram conversion is an excellent upgrade... It is so quite that I can even hear the pellets WHISTLE through the air...!!! It is not 100% silent (Of course... LOL) but if you shoot in the open the sound is extremely minimized... The style and its appearance is loved by everyone... Trust me... It will make an impression... It looks "bad ass" with the scope and flashlight... It is a great investment
Things I Would Have ChangedTriggerrrrrrrrrr... GRT-III is the perfect upgrade... I didn't even touched the stock trigger that Gamo offers....
What Others Should KnowACCURACY--> Very good... It took less than 20 pellets to zero-in the scope at 50 yards... Shots were very well aggregated...
PELLETS--> JSB Predators... Crosman Ultra Magnum... RWS Superdome... (The PBA pellets SUCK!!!... use them indoors only because the wind will affect its trajectory easily PLUS they sound louder than the others!!!)
STOCK--> the synthetic stock makes the rifle ULTRA LIGHT... you can even aim with one hand only!!!... (LOL)
PENETRATION--> ask the mice and birds that have fallen victim to this rilfe...
GAS RAM--> this is my very first Ram Air Gas Spring... but judging from my experience... It is WORTH IT.... I can leave the rifle cocked for a long time and still have great power in every shot... The cocking effort is the same (for me)... The recoil and the sound it makes when firing is noticeably less than metal spring rifles... etc.
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Sep 26, 2011
By Dan
Overall fit and finish is excellent.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe trigger pull is outragious. Takes way too much effort to pull. This greatly reduces accuracy in the rounds I have fired. The flash light it worthless. All you see is glare at night.
What Others Should KnowThis gun will need a tuna charlie trigger and you may as well throw the light and laser away. The gun itself is excellent and will get lots of use with some refining.